seats in the third, and so on. How many seats are

Chapter 9 Story Problems
Your school’s auditorium has 20 rows of seats. There are 20 seats in the first row, 22 seats in the second row, 24
seats in the third, and so on.
Name ______________________________________
How many seats are there in all 20 rows?
You go to work for a company that pays $0.01 the first day, $0.02 the second day, $0.04 the third day, and so
on. If the daily wages keeps doubling, what will your total income be after working 15 days?
3. Stock from a troubled company loses 1/8 of its market price each day. The value of the stock after day 1 is $144,
after day 2 is $126, after day 3 is $110.25, and so on.
What is the value of the stock after the 7th
4. Jen wants to get in shape for a marathon by gradually increasing the amount that she runs each day. She runs ¼
mile the first day, ½ mile the second day, ¾ mile the third day, and so on.
a. Write a rule that can be used to find the number of miles Jen runs on day n.
b. On what day will Jen run 7 miles?