IMPACT-menu-round-2 - Brisbane School of Distance Education

IMPACT Projects Menu
Primary School - Round 2 2015
1. Booster Projects – boosting students towards the Upper 2 Bands
• Just Write – writing
• Solve IT – numeracy
2. UNIFY Projects – extension in higher order thinking for high performers
• Critical Thinking – thinking and reasoning
• Green Zone – scientific inquiry
• Design IT – design challenges
• Shape Up – numeracy and design
• Write On – creative writing
Just Write!
Writing Booster Project - Year 4-5-6
Just Write boosts writing knowledge, skills and confidence via a targeted and engaging writing program. Students
develop an understanding of audience, ideas and other writing criteria. They apply their new knowledge and skills to
narrative and persuasive genres.
Just Write is a Booster Project for students in Year 4-5-6. It is anticipated that most schools will include Year 4 or Year 6
students in Round 2 and Round 3. Schools can include students from one year level or form a composite group.
The target group for Just Write is students who reached the second and third top band in NAPLAN writing (Band 4-5 in
Year 3 or Band 6-7 in Year 5). Participating students should be aspiring to reach the Upper 2 Bands in writing.
Content & Assessment Guide
Lesson No.
Lesson Focus
Project Introduction, Technology Introduction
Introduction to the project content and web conferencing technology.
IMPACT and Text Structure
Introduction to IMPACT workflow via focus on Text Structure. eLearn tour
and practice quiz.
Knowledge quiz followed by student annotations of writing tasks.
Orient, engage and persuade/effect the reader.
The creation, selection, relevance and elaboration of ideas for a narrative
and persuasive argument.
Sentence Structure and Punctuation
Production of grammatically correct, structurally sound and meaningful
sentences. Correct and appropriate punctuation to aid reader understanding.
ACT One – Characters, Settings and Narrative Writing
Development of character and a sense of place, time, atmosphere. Write a
narrative piece on demand. Provide peer feedback.
Vocabulary and Spelling
The range and precision of contextually appropriate language choices.
Spelling accuracy and word difficulty.
Paragraphing & Cohesion
The segmenting of texts. The control of multiple threads & relationships over
the whole text.
ACT Two – Persuasive Devices and Persuasive Writing
Devices to enhance the writer’s position and persuade the reader. Write a
persuasive piece on demand. Provide peer feedback.
Knowledge quiz followed by student annotations of writing tasks.
Where to From Here
Review, consolidate and extend on project learning. Celebrate success.
“I think Just Write is an awesome
learning program. It is teaching
me to become a better writer and
my computer skills have gone to
the max!!!. I also like my online
teacher. I'm pretty damn lucky to
have someone like you.”
Primary Student – Metro Region
Just Write – Round 1 2015
“Just Write is really good
because it is a great active way
to learn and is helping me
improve A LOT . It has helped
me improve my skills in
persuading. It will be helpful
because I want to be a lawyer.”
Primary Student – NQ Region
Just Write – Round 1 2015
“I am enjoying these sessions
thoroughly, as are the students.
The students are encouraged to
participate, even if they are
unsure. This is a wonderful way
to get important content across
to the group! Thank you!”
Supervisor Feedback
Just Write – Round 1 2015
NB: This is a guide only – there may be minor changes.
Key Points
The content includes an in-depth look at the mechanics of writing and how language features, patterns, text
structure and organisation can influence an audience.
Students participate in 1 x 60-70 min web conference per week and access online extension activities any time.
Students also connect with university and industry representatives via a special online event each round,
including representatives from the School of English, Media Studies and Art History - University of Queensland.
Solve IT!
Numeracy Booster Project - Year 4-5-6
Solve IT boosts numeracy knowledge, skills and confidence via a targeted and engaging numeracy program. Students
develop specific problem-solving skills and strategies via the See, Plan, Do, Check approach.
Solve IT is a Booster Project for students in Year 4-5-6. It is anticipated that most schools will include Year 4 or Year 6
students in Round 2 and Round 3. Schools can include students from one year level or form a composite group.
The target group for Solve IT is students who reached the second and third top band in NAPLAN numeracy (Band 4-5
in Year 3 or Band 6-7 in Year 5). Participating students should be aspiring to reach the Upper 2 Bands in numeracy.
Content & Assessment Guide
Lesson No.
Lesson Focus
Project Introduction, Technology Introduction
Introduction to the project content and web conferencing technology.
IMPACT and See/Plan/Do/Check
Introduction to IMPACT workflow via focus on See/Plan/Do/Check. eLearn
tour and practice quiz.
Practice quiz then pre-assessment quiz in eLearn. Brief review of IMPACT
workflow via focus on See/Plan/Do/Check.
Addition and Subtraction Problems - Part-Part-Whole
Identify addition and subtraction operations and represent the situation
using appropriate numbers/symbols.
See the Parts and Visualise Objects
Geometric and proportional reasoning, nets of 3D objects, angles and
perspectives (view points).
Spaced Learning – Lesson 4-5 topics
Reinforcement and re-exposure to consolidate and extend prior learning.
Find the Pattern or Rule
Identify number patterns in ‘real life’ scenarios and apply rules to solve more
complex patterns.
Multiplication and Division Problems – MAD Triangle (2 lessons)
Identify multiplication/division operations and represent the situation using
appropriate numbers/symbols. Relate skills to rates, ratio, scale, decimals,
fractions and percentages.
Spaced Learning – All topics
Reinforcement and re-exposure to consolidate and extend prior learning.
Practice quiz then post-assessment quiz in eLearn. Design challenge – create
and share problems for peers to solve.
Where to From Here
Review, consolidate and extend on project learning. Celebrate success.
NB: This is a guide only – there may be minor changes.
Key Points
“Solve IT is helping me get much
better at problem solving. I have
also had a chance in class to use
my strategies. Thanks so much for
teaching us all of this new exciting
stuff. Keep doing what you are
doing it is AWESOME!!!!”
Primary Student – DDSW Region
Solve IT – Round 1 2015
“IMPACT inspires me to try my
hardest. Before Solve IT I was good
at maths now Solve IT is helping
me to go from good to great.”
Primary Student – FNQ Region
Solve IT – Round 1 2015
“Apart from the awesome maths
PD I'm getting each week, the
main strength would be the way
students' THINKING AND
REASONING is coaxed out and
communicated via the chat
window as the lessons progress.
It's the hardest thing to capture in
a classroom setting and so each
session I've taken to copying and
pasting the chat window into word
to show admin/other teachers
what the students have been
THINKING as they adopt new skills
as problem solvers.”
Supervisor Feedback
Solve IT – Round 1 2015
The content focuses on developing problem-solving strategies and is influenced by data from the QCAA’s 20102014 item analysis which enables identification of trends for students aspiring to the Upper 2 Bands.
Students participate in 1 x 60-70 min web conference per week and access online extension activities any time.
Students also connect with university and industry representatives via a special online event each round,
including representatives from the School of Mathematics and Physics - University of Queensland.
Critical Thinking
UNIFY Project - Year 4-5-6
Critical Thinking develops thinking and reasoning knowledge, skills and confidence. Students learn to construct
arguments, rebut counter-arguments and critically appraise alternative solutions.
Critical Thinking is a UNIFY Project for students in Year 4-5-6. It is available in Round 2 and Round 3. Schools can include
students from one year level or form a composite group across Year 4-5-6.
The target group for Critical Thinking is students who would benefit from extension in higher order thinking. Many
schools use this project as part of their extension program for high achieving or gifted students. It can also be used as a
tool to engage students who are coasting and may respond to a challenging learning program.
NB: Students must be mature thinkers. If they still believe in the tooth fairy, then this project may not be for them.
Content & Assessment Guide
Lesson No.
Lesson Focus
Project Introduction, Technology Introduction
Introduction to the project content and web conferencing technology.
IMPACT and Introduction to Argument
Introduction to IMPACT workflow via guidelines for discussions, reasons and
ideas. eLearn tour and practice quiz.
Knowledge quiz in eLearn followed by student construction of an argument.
Brief review of IMPACT workflow via argument guidelines.
What is an argument?
Why should we argue? Argument or fight? Premises and conclusions.
Fact or Opinion?
Sorting out the facts from opinions, making moral decisions.
What is a Reason?
Introduction to metacognition. When justification goes beyond facts.
What is Fairness?
Identifying the three types of fairness and making moral choices about when
to apply them.
Is Lying OK?
The moral dilemmas of lying - perspective from Kant and Mill - and
philosophical debate.
Why Do People Believe Strange Things?
Identifying common fallacies and what to do if you spot one.
Structuring a Good Argument.
Analysis and evaluation of enhanced arguments.
Knowledge quiz in eLearn followed by student construction of an argument.
Where to From Here
Review, consolidate and extend on project learning. Celebrate success.
“I have recently been trying to
persuade my parents to get me a
horse and this is going to increase
my chances of getting one.”
Primary Student – NC Region
Critical Thinking – Round 1 2015
“Critical Thinking teaches me
things to help me through
everyday life e.g. argument will
help me argue and hopefully
emerge victorious. I am learning
about justifying my explanations
and also a rebuttal. Thank you. I
love it.”
Primary Student – CQ Region
Critical Thinking – Round 1 2015
“The course content is rigorous,
which we had hoped for given it
is a G&T opportunity. The
students are being asked to think
deeply and use specific
vocabulary. They are very
motivated and are enjoying their
Supervisor Feedback
Critical Thinking – Round 1 2015
NB: This is a guide only – there may be minor changes.
Key Points
The content introduces students to a few of the great philosophers in history, with an analysis of their ideas – it
also gives students the opportunity to reflect on their perspectives and other’s perspectives.
Students participate in 1 x 60-70 min web conference per week and access online extension activities any time.
Students connect with university and industry representatives via a special online event each round, including
representatives from the School of History, Philosophy and Classics from the University of Queensland.
Green Zone
UNIFY Science Project - Year 4-5-6
Green Zone develops scientific inquiry knowledge, skills and confidence. Students learn to work scientifically and
contribute to a longitudinal marine science study on the effectiveness of green zones in Moreton Bay east of Brisbane.
Green Zone is a UNIFY Project for students in Year 4-5-6. It is available in Round 2 and Round 3. Schools can include
students from one year level or form a composite group across Year 4-5-6.
The target group is students who would enjoy and benefit from extension in an environmentally-themed scientific
inquiry project. Many schools use this project as part of their extension program for high achieving or gifted students.
It can also be used as a tool to engage students who are coasting and may respond to a challenging science program.
NB: This project is available to schools in all regions.
• Option 1 - includes a research voyage on board Inspiration with the team at Moreton Bay Environmental
Education Centre. A staff member from your school accompanies your students. The cost is $30 per student
plus any transport costs for minibus, train etc to travel to and from Manly Boat Harbour. Places are limited!
• Option 2 – includes a virtual experience for students who cannot travel to Manly Boat Harbour in Moreton Bay
east of Brisbane – no extra cost.
Content & Assessment Guide
Lesson Focus
Project Introduction, Technology Introduction
Introduction to the project content and web conferencing technology.
IMPACT and Introduction to Scientific Inquiry Skills
Introduction to IMPACT workflow via an introduction to scientific inquiry
skills. eLearn tour.
To be advised.
Primary Data & Interpreting Maps
Primary vs Secondary Data. Why do we need Primary Data?
Historical and current uses of the bay, Green Zone verses General Use Zones,
Moreton Bay ecosystems. Types of islands in Moreton Bay.
Collecting Primary Data
Tides, wind – knots and direction, collecting data and predicting skills.
Organising & Presenting Data
Primary data manipulation – tabulating, graphing, classification.
Research Skills and Research Voyage Briefing
Understanding GPS data, Secchi disk, research whiteboard, measurements.
Overview, expectations, practise data collection, learn measurement skills.
Research Voyage
Collect Scientific Data - field trip on board Inspiration – MBEEC. Alternative
activity for virtual tour.
Data Analysis
Determining patterns & trends in scientific data. Inferring skills.
Concluding & Evaluating
Drawing conclusions using data sources. Evaluating the research.
To be advised.
Where to From Here
Review, consolidate and extend on project learning. Celebrate success.
“I love this project! Every time I
come I always learn something new
about all sorts of different things,
like what is under Moreton Bay,
how different equipment is used
and even cool websites.”
Primary Student – Metro Region
UNIFY – Green Zone 2014
“The project is enjoyable because it
helps me learn about marine life
and could help me if I am interested
in this kind of job later in life.”
Primary Student – NC Region
UNIFY – Green Zone 2014
“I enjoyed how we got to actually
go to sea and research what’s
happening in the bay.”
Primary Student – SE Region
UNIFY – Green Zone 2014
NB: This is a guide only – there may be minor changes.
Key Points
Students participate in 1 x 60-70 min web conference per week and access online extension activities any time.
Students connect with university and industry representatives via a special online event each round, including
representatives from the School of Biological Sciences from the University of Queensland.
Design IT!
UNIFY Technology Project - Year 4-5-6
Design IT develops design and technology knowledge, skills and confidence. Students learn the design process and
apply new knowledge and skills to a series of online and physical design challenges.
Design IT is a UNIFY Project for students in Year 4-5-6. It is available in Round 2 and Round 3. Schools can include
students from one year level or form a composite group across Year 4-5-6.
The target group is students who would enjoy and benefit from extension in design and technology. Many schools
use this project as part of their extension program for high achieving or gifted students. It can also be used as a tool
to engage students who are coasting and may respond to involvement in creative activities including design
Content & Assessment Guide
Lesson Focus
Project Introduction, Technology Introduction
Introduction to the project content and web conferencing technology.
IMPACT and Introduction to the Design Process
Introduction to IMPACT workflow via a “life-like” design challenge. EmpathiseInvestigate-Ideate-Produce-Evaluate. eLearn tour.
To be advised.
Following a design process
What is empathy? Design a Rube Goldberg Machine.
What does it mean to investigate?
Investigating materials. Design a SCRATCH animation.
What does it mean to ideate?
Design a SCRATCH animation.
What does it mean to produce?
Prototypes. Design a device with a functioning light circuit.
What does it mean to evaluate?
Feedback and self-evaluation. Design a digital device APP.
Putting it together
Design process survey. Design the next generation smart phone.
Design challenge selection
Own choice - SCRATCH animation, extend design of previous task or a problem
in the home, school or community.
To be advised.
Where to From Here
Review, consolidate and extend on project learning. Celebrate success.
“I love doing this project! It's fun
and exciting and you never know
what's going to be next! I am
learning to think and getting to
know how to use computers
better than ever!!”
Primary Student – CQ Region
UNIFY – Design IT 2014
“I liked designing the room
because I have Minecraft and my
mum let me have extra time on
my iPod to do it and my room was
Primary Student – Metro Region
UNIFY – Design IT 2014
“I am enjoying how we can all
communicate together and share
ideas. I also like the way
everybody solves problems
Primary Student – DDSW Region
UNIFY – Design IT 2014
NB: This is a guide only – there may be minor changes.
Key Points
The content gives students the opportunity to design across disciplines including interior/exterior design, design
animation, graphic design, design for a digital world and purpose-designed artefacts.
Students develop a range of Australian Curriculum General Capabilities including Critical and Creative Thinking,
Personal and Social Capability and Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
Students participate in 1 x 60-70 min web conference per week and access online extension activities any time.
Students connect with university and industry representatives via a special online event each round, including
design representatives from Griffith University’s Queensland College of Art.
Shape Up!
UNIFY Numeracy Project - Year 4-5-6
Shape Up develops numeracy knowledge, skills and confidence. It provides students with the opportunity to develop
a sophisticated understanding of the mathematical concepts of shape and measurement in the context of a housing
Shape Up is a UNIFY Project for students in Year 4-5-6. It is available in Round 2 and Round 3. Schools can include
students from one year level or form a composite group across Year 4-5-6.
The target group is students who would enjoy and benefit from extension in numeracy and “life-like” design
activities. Many schools use this project as part of their extension program for high achieving or gifted students. It
can also be used as a tool to engage students who are coasting and may respond to numeracy activities including
design challenges.
Content & Assessment Guide
Lesson Focus
Project Introduction, Technology Introduction
Introduction to the project content and web conferencing technology.
IMPACT and Introduction to Shape and Measurement
Introduction to IMPACT workflow via an introduction to shape and
measurement. eLearn tour.
Pre-assessment and the Housing Estate
Pre-assessment to be advised.
Choose a block of land in a virtual estate which will form the basis for
The Lot – Perimeter
Identify and calculate boundary distances. Fence design. Calculating shared
costing of fencing.
The House Plan – Area
Compare area and perimeter. House plan design. Calculate the house
footprint area for costing.
Landscaping – Volume and Surface Area
Calculate surface area and volume. Landscape design. Amount and cost of soil
and mulch for garden beds.
Irrigation – Circumference and Area of a Circle
Properties of a circle, circumference and area calculations. Devise a sprinkler
system. Calculate coverage and costs.
Water Storage – Volume of a Cylinder
3 dimensions and volume of cylinder calculations. Design the installation of a
water tank. Calculate tank volumes, slab volumes and costs.
The Car Port – Area of Triangles
Properties of a triangle and triangle area calculations. Design a car port area
with shade sails. Calculating car port coverage and costs.
The Communal Space - Review of Shape & Measurement Skills
Design an outdoor communal space with tables, play equipment, sandpit and
shade sails. Calculating component perimeter/area/volume and costs.
To be advised.
Where to From Here
Review, consolidate and extend on project learning. Celebrate success.
“I loved Shape Up especially doing
the planning portfolio. I learned
more about shapes and how to
calculate pi and volume. I am
better at designing now.”
Primary Student – NC Region
UNIFY – Shape Up 2014
“I really enjoyed shape up
especially all the funny things, and
I’m better at maths for example
triangles I know the area, base,
width and length of a triangle. It
makes me proud because I was
chosen for it.”
Primary Student – DDSW Region
UNIFY – Shape Up 2014
“I believe this project is a great
way for young children to express
their ideas of how to work out
challenging maths equations. I
had a great time working with
other kids and listening to the way
they worked around things.”
Primary Student – CQ Region
UNIFY – Shape Up 2014
NB: This is a guide only – there may be minor changes.
Key Points
Students participate in 1 x 60-70 min web conference per week and access online extension activities any time.
Students connect with university and industry representatives via a special online event each round, including
design representatives from the School of Mathematics and Physics - University of Queensland.
Write On!
UNIFY Creative Writing Project - Year 4-5-6
Write On develops creative writing knowledge, skills and confidence. Students learn a specific range of creative
writing techniques. They progressively develop original pieces of fiction that express the writer’s unique voice and
focus on drawing ideas from life, children’s literature and students’ imaginations.
Write On is a UNIFY Project for students in Year 4-5-6. It is available in Round 2 and Round 3. Schools can include
students from one year level or form a composite group across Year 4-5-6.
The target group is students who would enjoy and benefit from extension in creative writing. Many schools use this
project as part of their extension program for high achieving or gifted students. It can also be used as a tool to
engage students who are coasting and may respond to the challenge of writing creatively.
Content & Assessment Guide
Lesson Focus
Project Introduction, Technology Introduction
Introduction to the project content and web conferencing technology.
IMPACT and Introduction to Shape and Measurement
Introduction to IMPACT workflow via an introduction to creative writing
techniques. eLearn tour.
To be advised.
Climax and Orientation
Re-write climax for maximum impact and then orientation.
Plot structure
Evaluate impact of different stages of story and revise for maximum impact.
Rising action
Draft stages to build tension to climax.
Review concept of characters and their voice, dialogue and behaviours.
Evaluating descriptive language and sentences.
Editing & publishing process
Editing role and practices; allocate peer tutor for detailed support and
Editing: structural
Evaluating draft as a whole: ideas, plot structure, characterisation and
stylistic choices.
To be advised.
Where to From Here
Review, consolidate and extend on project learning. Celebrate success.
I love the write on project
because it helps me improve my
writing and also my writing
structure. It helps me with using
and improving the way I use
figurative language.
Primary Student – Metro Region
UNIFY – Write On 2014
I enjoy how everyone can connect
and how we learn to become
better writers. I also enjoy how
we get to write our own stories.
Primary Student – SE Region
UNIFY – Write On 2014
I strongly believe that it is helping
me to learn to write longer
sentences and make them a lot
more interesting. It is helping me
to use bigger words and making
them a lot more fun.
Primary Student – CQ Region
UNIFY – Write On 2014
NB: This is a guide only – there may be minor changes.
Key Points
Students analyse contemporary texts and engage in a range of writing activities to develop plot, theme and
character details whilst exploring language elements that can increase reader engagement and enjoyment.
Students participate in 1 x 60-70 min web conference per week and access online extension activities any time.
Students connect with university and industry representatives via a special online event each round, including
representatives from the School of English, Media Studies and Art History - University of Queensland.