www.burlheadss.eq.edu.au [email protected] NEWSLETTER Phone 07 5568 6666 Fax 07 5568 6600 6 May 2015 Principal’s News Deputy Principal’s News Events P&C News SAKG News Finance Tuckshop Advertising PRINCIPAL’S NEWS CROSS COUNTRY Yesterday we completed this year's 2015 Cross Country with all students from Prep to Year 6 participating. The event was hectic at times but was successfully run and eventually won by the Kyeema House. It was terrific to see so many students giving it their very best despite finishing well back from the leaders and highlights the quality of persistence when things get tough and/or hard. Our elite athletes will go on to represent the school at a higher level with Mr Duffy organising our school squad. I would like to acknowledge Mr Duffy's organisation and hard work of yesterday's event particularly as this was his first cross country that he has been responsible for. Congratulations to Kyeema! First Second Third Fourth STICKER BADGE PROGRAM This week has been a catch-up week for our Sticker Badge Program as it has been a whirlwind start to this program. However, next week we return to another quality that is essential for the smooth running of any school which is "Punctuality". This quality can be greatly improved by your assistance in ensuring that your child/ren are on time each and every day for school. While the students will primarily be responsible for being on time after morning tea and lunch breaks. Today and tomorrow Miss Browne and I will attend as many classes as possible to acknowledge those students who have earned new sticker badges. NAPLAN Next week on Tuesday (12th), Wednesday (13th) and Thursday (14th) our Year 3 and Year 5 students will participate in the annual Naplan testing. These tests are simply a part of a student's educational journey and should not be considered as a high stakes test. As a parent myself with two sons that have participated in these tests over many years the best advice I can give is to simply urge your child to simply do their best they can on the day. I would encourage parents to ensure that their child/ren have had a good sleep ensuring their bodies have rejuvenated and well rested for the testing and also ensuring that they have had an appropriate breakfast each day. The teachers have worked hard in preparation for this testing and I would like to thank them for their efforts. Below is a snippet from the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority about Naplan and also the Naplan Test 2015 Timetable. The National Assessment Program — Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is used by governments, education authorities and schools to determine whether young Australians are meeting important goals in literacy and numeracy. All students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are expected to sit the NAPLAN tests which are held over three days in May each year. NAPLAN gives a snapshot of how children are performing in reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy. It complements other effective classroom assessment and reporting practices. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) develops the tests and marking standards. The development of the tests is guided by the National Statements of Learning in English and Mathematics. NAPLAN tests will be aligned to the Australian Curriculum once it has been substantially implemented in schools across the country. TERM 2 DISCO This Term’s disco is in week 6 of the term on Wednesday 27 May 2015. The theme has been set as 'PJ’s/Onesies' and as in the past we will have 2 separate discos one each for Junior and Senior students. Peter Tong DEPUTY PRINCIPAL TOP ATTENDANCE FOR Term 2 WEEK 1 (20—24 April) PREP—YEAR 2 — Prep H with 98.52% YEAR 3—YEAR 4 — 3CL with 99.13% YEAR 5—YEAR 6— 6S with 97.50% MOST IMPROVED ATTENDANCE FOR WEEK 1 PREP—YEAR 2— 2HC with 9.46% YEAR 3 - YEAR 4—4H with 13.07% YEAR 5—YEAR 6— 6S with 7.32% CLASSES WITH ATTENDANCE AT/ABOVE SCHOOL TARGET OF 93% FOR WEEK 1 Prep C, Prep H, Pre S, 1/2B, 1F, 1K, 1T, 2HC, 2WN, 3CL, 4H, 4K, 5W, 6S, 6T No class achieved 100% attendance. A reminder for students to get their sticker badge at the end of the semester they must be at school for 95 of the 100 days. Happy Mother’s Day Sunday 10 May 2015 THANK YOU A special thanks to Justine and her merry band of volunteer mums who manned the Mothers’ Day Stall on Tuesday. Our students purchased some wonderful gifts for mums . LOST PROPERTY With the cooler weather approaching, many students are starting to wear jumpers to school. Can you please ensure they are named? It is a good time to check that all of your student’s belongings are labelled in particular their hats. A reminder all lost property is taken to the tuckshop. Back The sticker badge for this week is Persistence (continued from last week) VALUE FOCUS FOR THIS WEEK—PERSISTENCE You may like to discuss some of these points with your children. Teachers have been focussing on this important value this week. When something starts to bother you, wait as long as you can before you express frustration. When something doesn't work right, try again and again. Don't lose your temper when something upsets you. Always finish what you start. Keep working at something that is difficult until you complete it. Don't give up on difficult jobs or situations. Focus on someone or something that ordinarily makes you lose your patience and try to understand it (and don't "lose it"). Work a little harder or a few minutes longer on a task that you do not like. We were thrilled to see that our students showed this trait in the cross-country events this week. Well done to all students who took part. READING Learning to read is the most important academic skill children master at school. Improvement in reading ability is the major focus for every child, every day. Evidence gathered over the past decade, from over 30 000 schools, highlights the following worthwhile findings: A minimum of 15-30 minutes a day of independent reading is essential. The 'sweet spot' for independent, engaged reading is maximised at 30 minutes. Reading gain is still made after this point but to maximise reading growth aim for 30 minutes every day. Girls outpace boys in reading. From Year 4 onwards, girls on average read over 100 000 words more per year than boys. Cumulatively, girls read close to a million words more than boys by the end of high school. In your family you can support your child in achieving their full potential by both encouraging boys to read and making set times for daily reading in your home. NAPLAN Next week the Years 3 and 5 children will participate in the NAPLAN tests. The children will complete the Language Conventions plus Writing test on Tuesday morning. Reading takes place on Wednesday and Numeracy on Thursday. Parents will find further information regarding the NAPLAN tests on the following link:- NAPLAN parent brochure (PDF) (national NAPLAN website). These tests alone do not represent a complete picture of your child’s ability. Instead they represent a point in time picture of the school’s performance in comparison to like schools and state wide comparisons. Teachers formative and summative testing throughout the year capture a true representation of students’ abilities. Children are encouraged to attend school throughout the testing period. It is particularly important for our Year 3 and 5 students to be at school on time for these tests. Some tips for parents to keep everything calm for their child: The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to reassure your child that NAPLAN tests are just one part of their school program urge them to simply do the best they can on the day make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep make sure your child has a good breakfast if your child wears glasses, make sure they are clean and packed each day you might like to pack a lunchbox treat to have at morning tea on those days or special ‘Well Done’ note. The 2015 NAPLAN Writing Task As per last year, teachers and students will not know the genre (type) of writing required until the moment of the test. We do know that students will be required to write either a narrative or persuasive piece. In the past, students in Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 have all worked from exactly the same writing stimulus material. This year, for the first time, the Year 3 and 5 students will have a separate stimulus to that of the Year 7 and 9 students. They will all write the same genre. PREP ENROLMENTS FOR 2016 ARE NOW OPEN Due to the high number of inquiries about enrolment for prep 2016 we have opened the books earlier this year. If you have a child born July 2010 to June 2011 then they will be eligible to attend school. Please make contact with the office. If you are a new family to the school then evidence of residency in the school catchment will be necessary. Siblings will not require proof of residency. Students who wish to enrol from outside our catchment can be placed on a waiting list. (Many of those on the waiting list will be able to attend as we have places for 100 students in prep.) INTERHOUSE CROSS COUNTRY Congratulations to Kyeema House on winning the Annual Inter-house Cross Country Trophy this year. All students are to be congratulated for the effort they put into the day and the manner in which they competed. Thank you also to House Captains who assisted with the running of the carnival, to Mr Duffy and all members of staff for making this such an enjoyable event for our students. Thank you to those members of staff and students who helped set up and put away. Well Done!!! Carol Browne EVENTS Fri 8 May Interschool Sport Round 5 Tues 12—14 May NAPLAN Fri 15 May Interschool Sport Round 6 Tue 19 May P&C Meeting 6pm Resource LIRARY NEWS OUR NEW MAG HAS ARRIVED! The library has subscribed to HISTORICOOL MAGAZINE for all our history lovers. This is a quality publication suitable for ages 8-14. We have 5 copies available now. Marlene Evans (Teacher-Librarian) A VOLUNTEER/HELPER/SUPPORT person is required ASAP to assist our lovely banking lady. Please leave your details at the school office. Phone 5568 6620 for further information. Why Volunteering Can Turn Into a Job Seven reasons why volunteering can ultimately result in a paying job: * You acquire new skills. * Volunteering can show you're staying engaged in the work world and learning new skills. * You improve your resume. Adding your volunteer work on your resume can impress a hiring manager enough to want to meet you in person for an interview. * You make new contacts. * You’ll get a feel for today’s work environment. * You gain an in-depth knowledge about a specific cause. This can be a big plus if you want a paying job relating to that mission. * Your self-confidence will grow. Back P&C NEWS Awesome response to “Pay it Forward” for Mother’s Day! Thanks to all the families and teachers who contributed to the sense of the schools’ community as an extended family. Because of you, some 40 students took a voucher to the Mother’s day stall and will have the gift of giving that something secret and special they picked for the person who is “Mum” in their life. A reminder that the 2015/16 Entertainment Book is being sold to raise much needed funds. Thanks to all those who have purchased it so far. It’s certainly got a lot of options of things to do at discounted prices. It’s also available on an app which makes it so much easier and more convenient. A flyer with information in it went home last week. The next event on the schedule at the moment is the disco towards the end of the month. As always, it can’t happen if there aren’t some willing family members to help out on the night. So shine up your dancing shoes! Burleigh Heads State School P&C are excited to be offering families the Entertainment Books and Memberships this year as a fundraiser. Entertainment Books are filled with many buy one get one free offers, or 25% off discounts. There is over $20,000 of value in each book! This year families have the opportunity to purchase the traditional book – or the brand new digital membership. Which is the whole book downloaded to your smart phone instantly. To purchase your copy or digital version downloaded straight to your smart phone then please go online at: www.entbook.com.au/1m45734 Books can be collected from our school tuckshop and 20% of each membership sold contributes to our P&C fundraising so thank you for your support! Have a happy Mother’s Day. Marcia Dwonczyk P&C President SAKG NEWS This week in the kitchen 1/2B came to visit and made pizza. They have been learning about procedural texts in class and came to the kitchen to link what they have been learning with a hands on lesson. It was lovely to have the junior school students come and visit us. The older students have been making Potato and Rosemary Pizza, Eggplant patties, Babaghnoush with Crudités' and ANZAC biscuits. We have been also making a Mother’s Day gift. Those students who have cooked with us in the last fortnight will be bringing theirs home as a present. In the garden we have had 2WN and 2HC come in to the garden to plant seeds for their science lessons. We are going to keep track of Snow peas growth during Term 2. The last of the Gold Coast City Council garden workshops has been postponed to this Saturday morning. Please come along if you’re at the markets to say hi. Colette Edwards Kitchen and Garden Teacher SAKG Recipes Back SCHOOL INFO New Phone System - Thank you for complying and utilising our new automated phone system. Below are the options for your information Press 1 - Student Absences Press 2 - Tuckshop and Uniform Shop Press 3 - Information and Events Calls for PCYC call 0408 653 524 Press 4 - School Reception We appreciate your support * THE BURLEIGH BITE OPENING HOURS Mon—Fri 8:30 – 9:30am * BREAKFAST CLUB Open from 8.30—8.45am (in the old hall) Donations of jam, honey, vegemite & margarine would be greatly appreciated * SECOND HAND STORE OPENING HOURS To be Advised * STUDENT BANKING every Tuesday 4-7’s please leave banking at the School Office. P-3’s banking will be collected from class rooms * UNIFORM SHOP OPENING HOURS Monday 9:00am—9:30am Friday 8.30—9.30am www.flexischools.com.au UPDATE YOUR CONTACT DETAILS ARE YOUR CONTACT DETAILS UP TO DATE – INCLUDING EMERGENCY CONTACTS ????? We have been experiencing a number of students presenting to sick bay with serious illnesses/injuries to warrant the school needing to urgently contact a parent/guardian or an emergency contact but with no success. Could you please make sure that your contact details are up to date and ensure your emergency contacts are available if you’re not able to be contacted. This is especially important for when parents are travelling away during the school term and leaving students with guardians. Please contact the school by email [email protected] to update your details. FINANCE BHSS realise the difficulties some parents face with not being able to access the payment window during operating hours, so the following alternatives are available to give complete 24 hour service, to suit your needs. Paying by Internet Banking— preferred method of payment Account Name: BHSS General Account Bank: Commonwealth Bank BSB: 064-404 Account Number: 00090135 Reference: (use Students EQ ID & specific Excursion Reference) Paying by Telephone Visa and MasterCard payments can be processed by calling the school from 9.30 am – 2.30 pm, weekdays on (07) 5568 6666. Paying in Person Visa, MasterCard, EFTPOS, Cash or Cheques can be processed at the school payment window from 8.30 am – 11.30 am Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Fortnightly Centrepay Deductions If you currently receive Centrelink payments, you can arrange for student fees to be automatically deducted via Centrepay. Please contact the office to organise the fortnightly auto deduction amount and complete the form or download from the following link Centrepay QSchools app Download app Subscribe to the BHSS newsletter Follow us on Facebook Burleigh Heads SS Facebook page Back COMMUNITY NEWS — Please support our sponsors Back COMMUNITY NEWS — Please support our sponsors Back COMMUNITY NEWS — Please support our sponsors http://www.mothersdayclassic.com.au/ Burleigh Heads State School Oval *** EVERY SATURDAY *** (rain, hail or shine) 7 am — 12 noon *Farm fresh Fruit & Veg *Gourmet Foods *Global Foods *Meat, Seafood, Deli *Arts & Crafts *Antiques & Collectables www.goldcoastfarmersmarkets.com.au ADVERTISING Burleigh Heads State School & Education Queensland accepts no responsibility or liability for products and services offered in this section. Back
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