12 Camp info - Cairns School of Distance Education

Cairns School of Distance Education
Year 10, 11 & 12
Monday, 25th May Thursday, 28th May 2015
The 2015 camp will be held at the Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre on the Atherton
Tablelands. Set in an outdoor environment, students will be engaging in a variety of activities designed
to promote teamwork, leadership and personal growth. Under the supervision of trained instructors,
students will have the opportunity to participate in canoeing, bushwalking, navigating, raft building, high
ropes course and group challenges. As well as this, there will be a number of CSDE-led tasks in which
students can further develop and demonstrate their leadership qualities and teamwork skills.
The camp will commence on Monday, 25th May at 8.30am where students will be briefed at the
undercover area of L Block (at the rear of CSDE – Clarke Street entrance). From here they will board a
bus at 9.00am to make a 10.30am arrival at Tinaroo. Students will be departing from Lake Tinaroo on
Wednesday, 27th May at 4.00pm, arriving back at Cairns SDE at approximately 5.30 pm.
The Annual Sports Day will take place at Johnson Park, Gordonvale at 8.30am on Thursday, 28th May.
Please join us for this whole school carnival. On Friday, 29th May, students will be attending a Cultural
& Wellbeing Workshop and participating in sessions on QCE and well-being (morning tea and lunch
The purpose of the camp is to provide opportunities for the students to:
enhance their leadership and problem solving skills
enhance their overall communication, collaboration and group skills
participate in a number of outdoor activities
improve fitness
further strengthen inter-personal relationships with peers and teachers
The cost of the camp is $120.00 all inclusive.
Students wishing to attend camp must notify any of the staff members listed below before Friday,
8th May. All money must be paid before Friday, 8th May.
Jeremy Flynn
Camp Coordinator
07 4080 9164
[email protected]
Chris Rigden
Deputy Principal
07 4080 9111
[email protected]
Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre:
What to Bring!
Tick off before and after camp
Before Camp
After Camp
Shorts and shirt for each day of camp
Tracksuit or long pants and jumper (extra in winter)
Change of underwear and socks for each day
Pair of pyjamas
2 pairs of shoes (one wet and one dry: wet shoes must be able to
stay on feet in mud & water ie: not thongs)
Togs and towel
Plastic Bag for dirty or wet clothes
Water Bottle
Additional Items
Soap, toothbrush, tooth paste, comb or brush (in plastic bag)
Insect repellent
Sunscreen and hat
Tea towel
Small backpack (between two or three students)
3 Heavy Duty Garbage bags and a drawstring bag or pillow case(if
camping away from centre)
Sleeping Gear
Sleeping Bag (or blankets), sheet and pillow
Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre will supply
Plates and Eating Utensils
Remember to bring your oldest clothes and to have everything marked
with your name.
NB: No iPods, DVD players, mobile phones, pocket knives, aerosol cans,
money, chips or lollies.
Sleeveless shirts are not appropriate for this environment.
Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre, Activities
Pupils will have a defined area where they will swim.
Pupils may have the opportunity to swim if and when the program permits.
Pupils will be paired with a 'buddy' and will be instructed on the expectations of behaviour and activities.
An adult will supervise swimming at all times.
Various locations within the Tinaroo Dam environs are used - depending on the focus of the activity.
Rainforest, Planted Pine and Dry Forest walks. Group cooperation and leadership application.
Pupils are given detailed explanation for safe hiking.
At least two adults to supervise each group. A mobile phone and first aid kit are taken on each hike.
Pupils will paddle to various locations around Tinaroo.
Pupils utilise Canadian Canoes for transportation to activity sites. Some expeditions involve students paddling
across wide expanses of open water. Students paddle in groups of 2, 3 or 4 persons in a canoe. At times the
instructor will take the decision to link the canoes together and tow them single file.
A qualified canoeing instructor gives pupils instruction in basic strokes and safety and emergency procedures.
Students are given clear instructions about what is expected of them whilst canoeing. Students will wear a
Personal Flotation Device (Life Jacket) at all times.
As required by Education Queensland's School Health and Wellbeing Initiatives the leader has an instructor's
certificate. Two adult supervisors one of whom is a teacher will accompany each group. A motorised Safety
Boat always accompanies the group.
At approved sites around Tinaroo.
Students lower themselves down a cliff face with the aid of ropes and specialised abseiling equipment. Cliffs
available vary in size to suit the ability and maturity of students. Pupils from Year 8 upwards are occasionally
given the opportunity to descend face first if they display a desire and the skill level necessary.
Students are given detailed instruction in the skills and safety requirements- as specified in Education
Queensland guidelines. Our instructors employ a "Challenge by Choice" philosophy in which pupils are
encouraged to challenge themselves by progressing from a very basic slope up to a more challenging
experience. Students are not forced to attempt anything with which they are not comfortable.
Instructors have the appropriate qualifications as required by Education Queensland's School Health and
Wellbeing Initiatives. At least two adults will supervise this activity. Students have a safety line attached at all
times, which is controlled by an adult.
Group Challenge Adventure Course
Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre
Series of group cooperation activities.
Personal safety considerations, briefing and de-briefing by the supervising teacher.
Adult supervision with each group
The Giant Swing
Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre.
This activity is an element of our high ropes course. Students are harnessed into an enormous swing. Their
classmates work together to haul the participant to their chosen height where they are released to swing free.
Our instructors employ a ‘Challenge by Choice’ philosophy. The participant chooses what height their
companions will pull them to before they swing. Safety and Emergency procedures - as specified in Education
Queensland's School Health and Wellbeing.
Instructors have the appropriate qualifications as required by Education Queensland's School
Health and Wellbeing.
Initiatives. At least two adults will supervise this activity. Students have a safety line attached at all times.
Camping Away from the Centre
In carefully selected locations in the State Forests around Tinaroo Dam.
This activity may or may not include an expedition involving a hike. It will involve students and teachers in:
building their own shelters
sleeping under these shelters - a sheet of plastic (bivouac / bivvy ) - no walls or floor
packing and waterproofing a backpack
hiking up to 5 kilometres a day carrying a full backpack
no showers
using portable toilets
preparing and cooking own meals on an open fire and or on a trangia (metho) stove
Students complete all the above with a minimum impact on the natural environment. The group will use map
and compass to navigate when necessary. Pupils are involved in making all decisions - adult supervisors have
minimum input into decision making. In a number of sections pupils may have to navigate through open forest
country or through rainforested areas with no defined tracks. When on water in canoes, pupils are accompanied
by a Safety Boat.
Pupils are given detailed instruction in packing and waterproofing their backpacks, constructing a shelter and
cooking using the trangia stoves. Additional detailed instruction is provided if map and compass work is
Two adults (at least one teacher) with each group.
Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre,
Student Code of Conduct
As a visitor to TEEC you have the following rights:
to have fun
to feel safe
to learn and be challenged
to be respected
to enjoy a safe, clean and friendly environment.
As a visitor to the TEEC you have the following
to show respect for other students, their ideas, opinions and their property
to listen to and follow directions by teachers and other supervising adults
to demonstrate self-control when required
to encourage and support others
to cooperate with and show respect for, your teacher, accompanying adults, centre staff, and your
fellow students
to consider the safety of yourself and others
to show respect for the Centre's property
to show respect for the local environment
to take responsibility for your actions
to work equally hard for yourself and your group to ensure a happy and successful camp
to respect the decision of the majority of the group
to create situations that help make the camp a pleasant one.
to listen to and follow the rules and procedures of the Centre
to act responsibly about eating and caring for your health - eg. sun protection, cleanliness, appropriate
clothing and footwear.
to be responsible - you are representing your family and school.
Serious breach of this code of conduct will result in the
following procedure:
First offence: warning and time out (cooling off period).
Second offence: excluded from activity.
Third offence: after consultation with teacher, centre staff and school principal if in their opinion the child's
behaviour is no longer acceptable, they will be sent home, i.e.: either returned to school or parents asked to
collect their child.
* Any additional expenses incurred will be the responsibility of the parents