Cairns State High School 2015 Annual Implementation Plan Priority 1. Reading Strategy: Employment of staff: Teachers 0.9, Teacher aides 32.5hrs/week, a Junior Mentor and current Learning Support Staff to improve NAPLAN and diagnostic testing results in Literacy using Direct Teaching Programs to provide focused and intense teaching for students requiring additional support. Actions Responsible Officer(s) Collect and monitor data Direct Teaching programs: "STARS & CARS", Alison Davies, Wider Reading Reading Groups for Intervention/ Prevention/ Extension Kerryn Hill, Karen Spannagle Use two Teacher aides to run Student Academic Support Group in Room R26 between 8 and 8:45am every morning. Inform parents and students about this support program. Kerryn Hill, Karen Spannagle Strategy: Restructure the school timetable in years 7 and 8 to allow for ability grouping and staffing arrangements to support such programs Actions Responsible Officer(s) Meeting with Midman to discuss the benefits of restucturing the timetable. Deputy to restructure the timetable. Anthony Easton, Wayne Hay, Karen Spannagle Wednesday, June 03, 2015 1:58:22 PM Ref - 1S1P_AnnualImpPlan-2005-5683 User: tcamp153 Page 1 of 4 Priority 2. Implementation of Junior Secondary Strategy: Provide staff teaching in Junior Secondary with Professional Development to support the transition into Junior Secondary setting. Actions Responsible Officer(s) Collect and monitor data Have regular meeting to discuss strategies Martin Fehlberg, Wayne Hay, Carol Hoult, Karen Spannagle Year 7 teachers attend review meetings with administration in term 1 – more scheduled for terms 2-4 Martin Fehlberg, Wayne Hay, Carol Hoult, Karen Spannagle Year 7 teachers are accommodated in one staffroom; HOD – Teaching and Learning (7-9) Wayne Hay, mentor for these teachers; other HODs and teachers provide support; can approach DP any Karen Spannagle time via email or in person 3 TRS days available for each teacher for planning. Wayne Hay Strategy: Support students during their transition into Junior Secondary: Year level coordinators, HOD of Teaching and Learning JS, Deputy Teaching and Learning, HOD student services JS, Deputy Studnet Services JS, Guidance officers, student councillor, CEC and Chaplain Actions Responsible Officer(s) Establish processes for referrals and feedback for student services personnel to best support students Regular network meetings to monitor student transition and gather feedback Martin Fehlberg, Carol Hoult Strategy: Provide time for teachers to communicate their experiences, questions and concerns during the transition: common staffroom, a support person ( HOD T&L JS) term meeting with administration. Actions Responsible Officer(s) Meet with teachers formally and informally to discuss issues, concerns and successes Martin Fehlberg, Carol Hoult Strategy: Sharing student attendance data by posting results throughout the school. Students using Data Suite when setting goals to improve behaviour and attendance. Actions Responsible Officer(s) Acknowledgement of and celebration of attainment of targets Martin Fehlberg, Carol Hoult Priority 3. Writing Strategy: Creation of year 7 and 8 spelling groups, direct teaching programs, study groups Restructure the school timetable to allow for intervention/ prevention/ extension programs and staffing Actions Responsible Officer(s) Collect and monitor data. PD teachers on the use of Spelling Mastery. Kerryn Hill, Karen Spannagle Strategy: Introduce "7 Steps to Writing" progam to year 7 students. Classes 7G 7H 7I Actions Responsible Officer(s) Collect and monitor data. PD teachers on the use of 7 Steps to Writing. Kerryn Hill, Karen Spannagle Wednesday, June 03, 2015 1:58:22 PM Ref - 1S1P_AnnualImpPlan-2005-5683 User: tcamp153 Page 2 of 4 Priority 11. ASoT Consolidation Strategy: Introduce and Embed Design Question 1 and Elements 1, 2 and 3. Observations of teachers using I Observe Actions Responsible Officer(s) Teachers using ASoT as the pedagogoy in their classrooms. Teachers involved in classroom observations and feedback sessions. Amanda Black, Wayne Hay, Lesa Pershouse, Karen Spannagle Strategy: Providing PD during observation feedback, staff meetings, faculty meetings and Twilight sessions. Actions Responsible Officer(s) The ASoT team meets weekly to plan strategies and track progress towards the implementation of ASoT elements across the school; provided PD at a number of staff meetings and faculties. Amanda Black, Wayne Hay, Lesa Pershouse, Karen Spannagle Sharing best practice between staff members Amanda Black, Wayne Hay, Lesa Pershouse, Karen Spannagle The ASoT coach has provided information at Administration, Middle Management, Staff, P& Amanda Black C, and School Council meetings; attended several PD sessions, working in partnership with William Ross SHS Priority 12. Continuation of IA self-study process Strategy: Timetable IA meetings each month for all staff. Professional development provided to HODs and administration during Midman meetings. Actions Responsible Officer(s) Progressing staff reviews in all areas of the school through regular monitoring. David Marsden, Laura Mazzolini Strategy: School is reviewing all areas and programs in preparation for CIS International Accreditation Visit early 2016 Actions Responsible Officer(s) Program area reports are to be completed in preparation for International Accreditation review. David Marsden, Laura Mazzolini, Angela Toppin Wednesday, June 03, 2015 1:58:22 PM Ref - 1S1P_AnnualImpPlan-2005-5683 User: tcamp153 Page 3 of 4 Priority 13. DATA Refinement and Adaptation Strategy: Provide Professional Development on the use of Data Suite Actions Responsible Officer(s) Use "PD cafe" held on Tuesday afternoons to assist new staff with entering data. Wayne Hay, Karen Spannagle Strategy: Timetable sessions for staff and students to complete goal setting, once a term. Actions Responsible Officer(s) Access Data Suite to gain progress data. Monitor access to "Data Suite" to ensure all staff are setting goals and assist those having difficulties. Wayne Hay Review data suite to ensure all students are competent at goal setting. Wayne Hay Strategy: Case Management of students to achieve Qld Certificate of Education Actions Responsible Officer(s) To ensure all team members meet to discuss progress towards target (QCE/QCIA) Lesley De Faveri, Anthony Easton, Rhonda Scorey, Angela Toppin Endorsement This plan was developed in consultation with the school community and meets school needs and systemic requirements. Principal P and C / School Council Wednesday, June 03, 2015 1:58:22 PM Ref - 1S1P_AnnualImpPlan-2005-5683 Assistant Regional Director User: tcamp153 Page 4 of 4
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