May 3, 2015 D. Konikowska Curriculum Vitae Dominika Konikowska Centre for Axion and Precision Physics Research of the Institute for Basic Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea email: [email protected] phone: +82 10 4389 2250 Education and research experience • Centre for Axion and Precision Physics Research (CAPP) of the Institute for Basic Science Research Fellow & Research Manager • Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Visiting Scientist in the High Energy Physics Group • Bielefeld University Postdoctoral Position in the group of Prof. Dominik Schwarz since 2015 2014 2011-2013 • University of W¨ urzburg 2010-2011 Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute for Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics • University of Warsaw Ph.D. studies and thesis at the Institute of Theoretical Physics: “Higher order dilaton gravity theories in higher dimensional spacetime” degree: Ph.D., with honors Supervisor: Prof. Marek Olechowski 2004-2009 • University of Warsaw M.Sc. studies and thesis at the Institute of Theoretical Physics: “Inflation in Gauge Theories with Extra Dimensions” degree: M.Sc., with honors Supervisor: Dr. Adam Falkowski 1999-2004 Scholarships and participation in research grants • Travel grant “Bielefelder Nachwuchsfonds” awarded by Bielefeld University 2012-2013 • Research fellowship “Women in Science” awarded by the University of W¨ urzburg 2010-2011 • Research grant awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland 2008-2009 • Mazovian scholarship for Ph.D. students 2008-2009 • Scientific scholarship of the Faculty of Physics (University of Warsaw) 2008-2009 • Postgraduate scholarship of the University of Warsaw 2004-2009 • Scholarship for scientific achievements awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland 2003-2004 page 1/5 D. Konikowska Curriculum Vitae • Scientific scholarship of the University of Warsaw May 3, 2015 2000-2003 • MRTN-CT-2004-503369 (6th Framework Program, 10/2004-9/2008) ”The Quest for Unification: Theory Confronts Experiment” • MTKD-CT-2005-029466 (6th Framework Program, 4/2006-3/2010) ”Particle Physics and Cosmology: the Interface” • 1P03B 099 29: Ministry of Science and Higher Education research grant (2005-2007) List of publications [1] Dominika Konikowska, Dominik J. Schwarz, Patrick Zok Opportunities for Higgs inflation - in preparation [2] Dominika Konikowska Large-Scale Structure Challenges Dilaton Gravity in a 5D Brane scenario with AdS Bulk Class. Quant. Grav. 31 (2014) 045011 [arXiv:1112.4783 [hep-th]] [3] Dominika Konikowska Cosmology challenges brane scenarios in AdS5 Proceedings of the 13th Marcel Grossman Meeting on General Relativity [4] Dominika Konikowska, Marek Olechowski Higher order dilaton gravity: brane equations of motion in the covariant formulation Class. Quant. Grav. 27 (2010) 145015 [arXiv:0908.1052[hep-th]] [5] Dominika Konikowska Higher Order Dilaton Gravity: Effective Equations at the Brane Proceedings of Science (2009), PoS(Cosmology2009)027 [6] Dominika Konikowska Higher order dilaton gravity theories in higher dimensional spacetime Ph.D. thesis (2009), Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw [7] D. Konikowska, M. Olechowski Generalization of Einstein-Lovelock theory to higher order dilaton gravity Phys. Rev. D76 (2007) 124020 [arXiv:0704.1234[hep-th]] [8] Dominika Konikowska Gauss-Bonnet interactions influence on the radion stabilization in inflating backgrounds Proceedings of Science (2007), PoS(cargese)015 [9] D. Konikowska, M. Olechowski, M. G. Schmidt Radion stabilization with(out) Gauss-Bonnet interactions and inflation Phys. Rev. D73 (2006) 105018 [arXiv:hep-th/0603014] [10] Dominika Konikowska Inflation in Gauge Theories with Extra Dimensions M.Sc. thesis (2004), Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw [11] D. Konikowska, P. Sp¨adtke Design Studies for the High Current Injector at the GSI GSI International Summer Student Program Reports (2002) 1 page 2/5 D. Konikowska Curriculum Vitae May 3, 2015 Research visits, participation in conferences and workshops (selection) • Korean Physical Society Spring Meeting 4/2015 Daejeon Convention Center • seminar speaker at Chung-Ang University, Seoul; 6/2014 seminar: Gravity and extra dimensions • COSMO 2013 - 17th International Conference on Particle Physics 9/2013 and Cosmology, Centre for Theoretical Cosmology, Cambridge; talk: Dilaton gravity in brane scenarios and the large-scale structure challenge • GR 20 - 20th International Conference on General Relativity 7/2013 and Gravitation, University of Warsaw; poster: Dilaton gravity in brane scenarios and the large-scale structure challenge • Research Training Group “Models of Gravity” colloquium speaker 5/2013 at Jacobs University, Bremen; colloquium: Extending gravity and extra dimensions • theoretical physics colloquium speaker at the University of Oldenburg; 5/2013 colloquium: Extra dimensions and gravity • seminar speaker at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 3/2013 (KAIST); seminar: Dilaton gravity in brane scenarios and the large-scale structure challenge • seminar speaker at the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics 11/2012 (APCTP); seminar: Gravity in brane scenarios and the challenge of the large-scale structure • PPC 2012 - VIth International Workshop on the Interconnection 11/2012 between Particle Physics and Cosmology, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS); talk: Cosmology challenges brane scenarios in AdS5 • DESY Theory Workshop “Lessons from the first phase of the LHC”; 9/2012 talk: Cosmology challenges brane scenarios in AdS5 • 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Stockholm University; 7/2012 talk: Cosmology challenges brane scenarios in AdS5 • Planck 2012 “From the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale”, 5/2012 University of Warsaw; talk: Cosmology challenges brane scenarios in AdS5 • Research Training Group “Models of Gravity”: Inaugural Meeting, Bremen; 3/2012 talk: Cosmology challenges brane scenarios in AdS5 • 50. Internationale Universit¨atswochen f¨ ur Theoretische Physik 2/2012 “Prospects of Particle Physics”, University of Graz; talk: Large-scale structure challenges dilaton gravity in a 5D brane scenario with AdS bulk • 497. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Seminar “Strong Interactions 2/2012 Beyond the Standard Model”, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef; talk & poster: Large-scale structure challenges dilaton gravity in a 5D brane scenario with AdS bulk • DESY Theory Workshop 9/2011 “Cosmology meets Particle Physics: Ideas & Measurements”; talk: Dilaton gravity at the brane with general matter-dilaton coupling page 3/5 D. Konikowska Curriculum Vitae May 3, 2015 • 6. Kosmologietag, Bielefeld University; 5/2011 talk: Dilaton gravity at the brane with general matter-dilaton coupling • Workshop “Foundational Aspects of Cosmology”, University of Hamburg; 2/2011 poster: Dilaton gravity at the brane with general matter-dilaton coupling • visitor at Bielefeld University 6-7/2011 & 10-12/2010 • seminar speaker at the University of Wroclaw; 10/2009 seminar: Higher order dilaton gravity theories in higher dimensional spacetime • International Workshop on Cosmic Structure and Evolution, Bielefeld University; 9/2009 talk: Higher order dilaton gravity: effective equations at the brane • visitor at the University of W¨ urzburg 7-9/2009 • PASCOS - 15th International Symposium on Particles, Strings 7/2009 and Cosmology, DESY; talk: Effective equations of motion on the brane in higher order dilaton gravity • seminar speaker at Bielefeld University; seminar: 3/2009 Effective gravitational equations on the brane in higher order dilaton gravity • La Thuile 2009: Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vall´ee d’Aoste, 3/2009 “Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics” • visitor at the Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics, University of Michigan 6-9/2008 • Planck - 11th European Meeting “From the Planck Scale 5/2008 to the Electroweak Scale”, Barcelona, Spain; talk: Higher order dilaton gravity • 1st Annual School of EU Network “UniverseNet” “The Origin of The Universe”; 9/2007 talk: Radion stabilization with(out) Gauss-Bonnet interactions and inflation • Cargese Summer School “Cosmology and Particles Beyond the Standard Models”, 7/2007 CNRS/IN2P3/Universit´e Blaise Pascal; talk: Gauss-Bonnet interactions influence on the radion stabilization in inflating backgrounds • Summer School in Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, ICTP, 7/2006 The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy • International School of Subnuclear Physics, 43rd Course: “Towards 8/2005 New Milestones in Our Quest to Go Beyond the Standard Model”, EMCSC, Erice, Italy; talk: Inflation in gauge theories with extra dimensions • International Summer Student Program 2002, GSI, Darmstadt 8-9/2002 Teaching, supervision and public outreach • Co-organizer of Bielefeld Colloquium of Research Training Group 2013 “Models of Gravity” (University of Bremen, Jacobs University, Bielefeld University, University of Copenhagen, University of Hannover, University of Oldenburg) • Lecturer of a M.Sc. seminar at Bielefeld University: Black Holes 2013 • Supervision of M.Sc. thesis of Mr P. Zok (Bielefeld University) 2012-2013 Higgs inflation: A study of the phase diagrams in the Einstein and the Jordan frames • Co-organizer of the 7. and 8. Kosmologietag workshops 2012 & 2013 at Bielefeld University page 4/5 D. Konikowska Curriculum Vitae May 3, 2015 • Lecturer of a M.Sc. course at Bielefeld University: 2012 Higher-dimensional models in Gravity and Particle Physics (in cooperation with Dr Thomas Flacke (University of W¨ urzburg)) • 2nd referee of the B.Sc. theses 2012 of Mr N. Diederich and Mr R. Wegner (Bielefeld University) • Participation in a study (with Prof. D. Schwarz and Prof. A. G¨olzh¨auser) since 2011 on experimental searches for modifications to gravity within this project: M.Sc. thesis of Mr J. Pehe, further work in progress • Co-organizer of the High Energy Physics Seminar 2011–2013 at Bielefeld University • University courses, problem and discussion classes (University of Warsaw): 2004-2008 Special Relativity, Mathematics and Electrodynamics for Graduate Students; responsibilities: teaching regular classes, preparation and grading of tests and exams • Participation in the organization of the Exposition on LHC 2008 at Warsaw University of Technology • Participation in the organization of the Researchers Night 2004 & 2008 and the Physics Toys Exposition at the Science Festivals at the University of Warsaw • Physics lectures for scientifically gifted children 2005-2006 in cooperation with the Polish Children’s Fund Organizational activities • organization and participation in various scientific career development workshops • women representative in the RTG “Models of Gravity” • Ph.D. students representative in the Scientific Council of the Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw • member of the Ph.D. Students Council at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw • Faculty of Physics representative in the Ph.D. Students Council, University of Warsaw • Ph.D. students representative in the Faculty of Physics Council, University of Warsaw 2013 2012-2013 2008-2009 2008-2009 2006-2008 2005-2008 Other professional skills • Computing skills – Microsoft Office package, Apple iWork package, Latex – C++, SQL, Maple, Mathematica, numerical methods • Languages – English: main language (in both professional and private life) – German: fluent – French: fluent – Korean: lower intermediate – Polish: mother tongue page 5/5
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