Check the Workshop You Will Attend: Attend Both Days and Save! Receipts Sent Via Email - Please Print Clearly! ATTENTION: Copy as needed for each attendee or print additional forms at EMAIL OR PHONE # REQUIRED! Name*____________________________________________________ Email*___________________________________________________________ Profession/Job Title* ______________________________________________ Organization_____________________________________________________ Billing Address*___________________________________________________ Address2 _______________________________________________________ City*_____________________________State*_______ Zip*_______________ EMAIL OR PHONE # REQUIRED! Phone*_____________________________________Ext._________________ (MM) (YY) (YRS) CE Renewal Date _________ / _________ License Cycle Length ____________ Comprehensive Shoulder Rehabilitation: Exercises, Mobilizations, Core and Taping Comprehensive Elbow, Wrist and Hand Rehabilitation: Taping, Exercises and Manual Techniques St. Paul, MN - June 06, 2015 Minnetonka, MN - June 13, 2015 St. Paul, MN - June 07, 2015 Minnetonka, MN - June 14, 2015 Pricing* All prices are per person EARLY 1 DAY Easy Registration! REGULAR BOTH DAYS 1 DAY $199 | $358 Individual $189 | $338/ea 2-4 People $169 | $308/ea 5+ People BOTH DAYS $219 | $398 Individual $209 | $378/ea 2-4 People $189 | $348/ea 5+ People *Early registration must be received 14 days prior to workshop. GROUPS: Registrations and payment must be received together via fax or mail. You may register online if payment is with a single credit card. 1. Online: 2. Phone: (800) 433-9570 3. Fax: (615) 376-8233 4. Mail: Summit Professional Education PO Box 908 | Franklin, TN 37065 Summit Professional Education PO Box 908 Franklin, TN 37065 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID NASHVILLE, TN PERMIT NO. 989 Payment Required For Registration High Impact, Live Workshops for Continuing Education Comprehensive Shoulder Rehabilitation Exercises, Mobilizations, Core and Taping • Video and live demonstrations of taping and exercise techniques • Manual techniques to improve functional shoulder girdle motion • Practice graded motor imagery concepts that will improve your assessment skills • Improve your manual therapy skills and combine with other effective techniques to efficiently improve functional shoulder use. Check, credit card or company purchase order (PO#) MUST accompany this registration form. PRIORITY CODE: • Create exercise programs that integrate the core with upper extremity rehabilitation concepts for quicker results Price ____________ X Quantity ___________ = Total __________________ • Learn to effectively assess posture to identify faulty movement patterns in patients with upper extremity pain Check enclosed, payable to Summit Professional Education PO#: __________________ VISA MC Amex Discover REGISTER or call 800-433-9570 Workshop Dates St. Paul, MN June 06, 2015 Minnetonka, MN June 13, 2015 Cardholder’s Name: ______________________________________________ Card #:__________________________________________________________ Interested in Both Workshop Topics? Sign Up for Both and Save! Exp. Date: _______________________ 3 Digit CSC/CVC: _________________ PROTTM.0615.1 PLEASE RETURN ENTIRE PANEL High Impact, Live Workshops for Continuing Education Workshop Dates St. Paul, MN June 06, 2015 Minnetonka, MN June 13, 2015 High Impact, Live Workshops for Continuing Education Comprehensive Shoulder Rehabilitation Exercises, Mobilizations, Core and Taping • Video and live demonstrations of taping and exercise techniques • Improve your manual therapy skills and combine with other effective techniques to efficiently improve functional shoulder use. REGISTER or call 800-433-9570 High Impact, Live Workshops for Continuing Education Taping, Exercises and Manual Techniques Workshop Dates St. Paul, MN June 07, 2015 Minnetonka, MN June 14, 2015 Comprehensive Elbow, Wrist and Hand Rehabilitation • Mobilization techniques and exercise concepts for hand, wrist, and elbow • Therapeutic taping techniques for the upper extremity you can immediately apply in your practice REGISTER or call 800-433-9570 Comprehensive Elbow, Wrist and Hand Rehabilitation Taping, Exercises and Manual Techniques • Functional anatomy and biomechanics of the hand, wrist, and elbow • Evidence basis and theoretical constructs of therapeutic taping • Therapeutic taping techniques for the upper extremity you can immediately apply in your practice • Graded motor imagery treatment plans using left/right discrimination, imagined movements, and mirror therapy • Mobilization techniques and exercise concepts for hand, wrist, and elbow REGISTER or call 800-433-9570 Workshop Dates St. Paul, MN June 07, 2015 Minnetonka, MN June 14, 2015 June 07, 2015 / June 14, 2015 June 06, 2015 / June 13, 2015 Comprehensive Shoulder Rehabilitation: Exercises, Mobilizations, Core and Taping This lab-based shoulder workshop will take participants from basic rehabilitation protocol to comfortably using more advanced treatment methods that produce optimal results. Proven evidence based techniques will be provided for the most effective assessments and interventions. Participants will gain expertise for next day clinical application in skills incorporating therapeutic taping techniques, exercises, mobilization methods, proprioceptive & graded motor imagery concepts while learning to address the whole kinetic chain. These proficiencies will come together as you design customized treatment programs that will effectively optimize patient outcomes for both conservative and post-operative conditions. I. Stabilizing the Shoulder Complex »» Anatomy and biomechanics: Dynamic and static stabilizers II. Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy (Lab and Demonstration) »» Perform clinical tests for shoulder primary, secondary, posterior, and anterior/internal shoulder impingement »» Review intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms related to tendinopathy »» Review key principles for post-surgical rotator cuff repair progressions III. Efficiently Correcting Postural Malalignments to Improve Outcomes and Progress: »» Examine glenohumeral and scapula malalignments »» Posture assessment »» Posture taping »» Posture exercises R HANDS-ON LAB Core-Based Exercise & Mobilization Techniques to Improve Upper IV. Extremity Rehabilitation »» Exercise for the upper extremity »» Exercises to improve core strength »» The best Exercises to improve ADLs R HANDS-ON LAB Comprehensive Elbow, Wrist and Hand Rehabilitation: Taping, Exercises and Manual Techniques The upper extremity is the most common region involved in musculoskeletal injuries and when not treated skillfully, can result in major, chronic conditions. When it comes to the hand, wrist and elbow, quicker improvement and more favorable outcomes are dependent on evidence-based rehabilitation techniques and individualized interventions that have the most impact on your patient’s progress. This workshop will teach participants a treatment approach which includes proven taping methods, manual techniques and exercises that integrate the kinetic chain and other modern treatment protocols to advance your patient’s progress. Participants will learn to integrate the best techniques modern therapy has to offer to improve, function, range of motion, and activities of daily living. I. Become Acquainted with Therapeutic Taping »» Evidence and theoretical constructs »» Types of tape »» Objectives for taping »» Tape application II. Taping, and Exercise Techniques to Stabilize the Hand, Wrist, and Elbow »» Etiology and pathomechanics of wrist injuries: Triangular fibrocartilage complex lesions, carpal instability, distal radio-ulnar joint instability, thumb CMC arthritis, tendinopathy and neuropathy »» Palpation review and clinical diagnostic testing »» Scientific concepts for wrist conservative and post-op rehabilitation: Exercises, proprioceptive and graded motor imagery training »» Taping Lab: »» Carpal instability, TFCC, thumb CMC OA, De Quervains, carpal tunnel, hand & digit edema »» Taping for common hand disorders »» Play Time Lab: »» Exercise, proprioception V. Applying the Evidence for Therapeutic Elastic and Rigid Taping of the Shoulder »» Evidence and theoretical constructs for shoulder taping »» Exercise lab integrated with lecture for taping applications for impingement, long head of biceps, thoracic outlet syndrome »» Lab: Taping for scapular dyskinesia, varying shoulder tendinopathies, propriocetion taping & hemiplegia taping »» Lab: From acute to late phase stabilization exercises with the core connection »» Lab: From acute to late phase acromioclavicular, scapulathoracic and glenohumeral manual techniques III. Practical Application of Graded Motor Imagery »» Mirror Therapy »» Motor Imagery Exercises »» Left/right discrimination training VI. Shoulder Instabilities (Lab combined with lecture) »» Etiology, pathomechanic, and scientific concepts for rehabilitation »» Conservative and post-op progressions: Instabilities (Bankart, SLAP lesions, multi-directional) »» Review capsular restraints and scapula alignment for optimal positions »» Lab: Perform clinical tests for shoulder instabilities »» Lab: Fundamental exercises and proprioception training V. Elbow Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics: Dynamic and Static Stabilizers »» Etiology and pathology of elbow: Instabilities and tendinopathy »» Elbow and forearm mobilizations with review of exercise concepts, posture considerations, and sports/activity specific training »» Elbow instability, lateral and medial epicondylosis »» Etiology and pathology of elbow nerve compressions »» The upper quadrant kinetic chain connection »» Taping for elbow nerve pathology Workshop Schedule - Both Days 7:30am – Registration & Coffee 8:00am – Workshop Begins 11:30am - 12:30pm – Lunch On Your Own 3:30pm – Workshop Adjourns Your instructor will break for 15 minutes in the morning and afternoon at appropriate times. Some facilities may charge for parking, which is at your own expense. THE SUMMIT GUARANTEE Summit Professional Education is a national leader in high-quality educational products and services for today’s professional. Our seminars and training programs are designed to help professionals achieve improved performance and results in all areas. Our faculty is the “best of the best” in their fields of expertise, providing programs that really make a difference to participants. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the program, simply notify the registrar of your intent to withdraw from the program prior to the first morning break, turn in your workshop materials and receive a 100% refund or credit on a future program. REGISTRATION, CONFIRMATION & CERTIFICATES Confirmations of registration will be sent via email. A copy of your registration confirmation will serve as R HANDS-ON LAB IV. Theoretical Concepts of Mobilization Techniques »» Wrist, forearm and digit mobilizations R HANDS-ON LAB R HANDS-ON LABS Join Our Faculty Summit Professional Education is currently seeking qualified professionals to develop and teach workshops nationally. Visit for more information. Dates & Locations Continuing Education Credit St. Paul, MN June 06 & 07, 2015 Minnetonka, MN June 13 & 14, 2015 Embassy Suites St. Paul Downtown 175 East 10th Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 (651) 224-5400 Sheraton Minneapolis West Hotel 12201 Ridgedale Dr Minnetonka, MN 55305 (952) 593-0000 Learning Objectives Comprehensive Shoulder Rehabilitation: Exercises, Mobilizations, Core and Taping 1. Describe proper upper quadrant biomechanics for functional movement patterns versus faulty movement patterns. 2. Detect postural mal-alignments and individualize exercise prescription based on posture restraints. 3. Perform upper extremity clinical tests with supported diagnostic values. 4. Implement functional exercise and neuromuscular re-education programs for patients with upper extremity pathologies. 5. Recognize and apply specific taping techniques for upper extremity pathology, joint support, muscle inhibition and facilitation, and posture awareness. Comprehensive Elbow, Wrist and Hand Rehabilitation: Taping, Exercises and Manual Techniques 1. Differentiate between varying types of therapeutic taping and their appropriate application principles. 2. Identify the evidence and theoretical concepts for therapeutic taping. 3. Describe proper upper quadrant biomechanics for functional movement patterns versus faulty movement patterns. 4. Perform upper extremity clinical tests with supported diagnostic values. 5. Implement a functional exercise and neuromuscular re-education programs for patients with upper extremity pathology. 6. Recognize and apply specific taping techniques for upper extremity pathology, joint support, muscle inhibition and facilitation, and posture awareness. Occupational Therapists - Summit Professional Education is an AOTA Approved Provider of continuing education - provider #5873. These programs are offered for 0.6 AOTA CEUs (6.0 contact hours) each. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA. Physical Therapists – IA: These courses meet the requirements of the Iowa Department of Public Health Bureau of Professional Licensure for continuing education for physical therapists as outlined in administrative rule 645—203.3(148A,272C), 6.0 hours each. MN: These programs have been submitted to the MN Board of Physical Therapy for approval for Minnesota Category 1 continuing Education credits, 6.0 hours each. WI: These courses meet the requirements of an acceptable continuing education activity as per chapter PT 9.04.1 and PT 9.04.2 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code and the Physical Therapists Affiliated Credentialing Board and are offered for 6.0 contact hours each. Athletic Trainers - Summit Professional Education is recognized by the Board of Certification, Inc. to offer continuing education for Certified Athletic Trainers. These programs have been approved for a maximum of 6.0 hours each of category A continuing education. Certified Athletic trainers are responsible for claiming only those hours actually spent participating in the continuing education activity. BOC Approved Provider Number: P3785. Hand Therapists - These courses offer 6.0 contact hours each of Category A, Formal Courses in Upper Quarter Therapy, hand therapy education. Kinesiotherapists - These courses have been approved by the Continuing Competency Board for Kinesiotherapy as meeting the professional development requirements of the Council on Professional Standards for Kinesiotherapy (COPS-KT), 6.0 contact hours each (0.6 CEUs each). Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Other Professionals - These courses qualify for 6.0 continuing education hours each as required by many national, state and local licensing boards and professional organizations. Save your course outline and certificate of completion, and contact your own board or organization for specific filing requirements. These event contains intermediate level content. SATISFACTORY COMPLETION Participants must pay tuition fee, sign in, attend the entire seminar, complete an evaluation and sign out in order to receive a certificate of completion. Participants not fulfilling these requirements will not receive a certificate. Failure to sign in or out will result in forfeiture of credit for the entire workshop. No exceptions will be made. Partial credit is not available. WORKSHOP HANDBOOK Included with your registration you will receive a comprehensive manual compiled by the instructor. DISCLOSURES: Guidelines exist whereby all speakers must disclose any relevant relationships. Tambra Marik is compensated by Summit as an instructor. She has no non-financial relationships to disclose. SCOPE OF PRACTICE: Workshop content is not intended for use by participants outside of the regulatory scope of practice of their license(s). You are responsible for knowing what lies within and without your professional scope of practice. About Your Program Instructor Tambra Marik, OTR/L, OTD, CHT, is a licensed Occupational Therapist, Certified Hand Therapist, and Doctor of Occupational Therapy. Dr. Marik has over 16 years of experience with specialization in assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of the upper extremity emphasizing evidence based interventions combined with practical clinical application. Her clinical training includes manual techniques combined with exercise, modalities, myofascial release, Stott Pilates (certified) with an emphasis in rehabilitation, and various taping techniques with proven clinical results. Dr. Marik authored, A Systematic Review of Therapeutic Taping Techniques in 2012, has written or co-authored several book chapters relating to shoulder and elbow rehabilitation and has published in the Journal of Hand Therapy. Currently, she is serving on the Education Division of a national therapy association and is a Elective Track Director in the Hand Therapy Track at Rocky Mountain University. Her teaching style is relaxed and fun with immediate clinical application for all levels of therapists. your receipt for fees paid at the time of registration. Walk-ins are welcome but must register onsite. Please notify us at least thirty (30) days in advance if you have special needs or require assistance. Certificates are mailed to the seminar location 5 business days in advance. If your certificate is not available the day of the seminar, please complete a certificate request onsite and a copy will be sent to you. Hotel locations must occasionally be adjusted. Please provide an email address and phone number to receive any important updates. attendee. If the cancellation is made within ten days or less, refunds will not be granted for any reason. A credit voucher will be issued that may be used toward a future seminar. Credit vouchers are transferable and do not expire. In cases of inclement weather where the seminar is conducted as scheduled, you may request a credit voucher toward a future seminar. If we must cancel or change the seminar for any reason, our liability is limited to the cost of tuition. If you register and do not attend, you are still responsible for payment. SUBSTITUTION & CANCELLATION POLICY Substitutions may be made at any time. Requests for cancellation must be received in writing by fax or mail ten (10) days prior to the seminar in order to receive a refund less a $20.00 administrative charge per canceled W-9: To download a copy, logon to FEID Number: 47-1189590 Have continuing education credit questions? Please email our CE Department at [email protected] for the latest approval status. Please bring a yoga mat or large towel, wear loosefitting, comfortable clothing and flat/athletic shoes if you would like to fully participate in practice sessions. 800-433-9570 |
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