12/- Executive Level Examination SPECIAL NOTICE Executive Level Examination - SEPTEMBER 2015 TO ALL EXECUTIVE LEVEL CANDIDATES Please draw the special attention for following requirements which have to be fulfilled before submitting the application for the above examination. Activity Purchase the relevant study pack - at the 1st attempt for each subject Obtain the exemption if you have necessary qualifications Renewal of student registration (for 2015) Contact No. 011-2352000/ EX.1051 011-2352000/ EX.1100 011-2352000/ EX.1100 Closing date Before submitting the application Communication and People Skills If you have passed Business English II ( BE II) or Business Communication (BC II) under Previous syllabuses, you are exempted from Executive Level English Course (SE 1). If you wish to apply Business Level examination, you should complete Executive Level English Course first. Information Technology and Systems You have to complete the Executive Level IT training course first before you apply the Business Level IT training course (SE 2). If you wish to apply Business Level examination, you should complete Executive Level IT course (SE 2) first. If you have completed CAB level IT training course and Strategic Level IT training course (SE 2) under previous syllabus, you are exempted from Executive Level IT training course and Business Level IT training course respectively. Please note that your application will be rejected if you have failed to fulfill the above requirements before submitting the application. MANAGER EXAMINATIONS 16th April 2015 KE 1 √ √ √ KE 1 √ √ √ √ √ √ KE 2 √ √ √ √ √ KE 3 √ √ √ √ √ KE 4 √ √ √ Executive Level KE 2 KE 3 KE 4 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ KE 5 √ √ KE 5 √ KB 1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ KB 1 √ √ √ √ √ √ KB 2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ KB 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ KB 4 √ √ √ Business Level KB 2 KB 3 KB 4 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Subjects to be passed in the New syllabus 2015 You are eligible to sit the Business Level subject if you have passed Executive Level subject in the same pillar. EX: You should pass the KE 1 first to be eligible to sit the KB 1. CAB Level II FMA&BF AA&T IM A&A FMABF & AA&T FMAB&F & IM FMAB&F & A&A AA&T & A&A AA&T & IM FMA&BF, AA&T & A&A FMA&BF, AA&T & IM FMA&BF, A&A & IM AA&T, IM & A&A FA MBE BMS FA & MBE FA & BMS MBE & BMS Subjects Passed in the 2010 -‐2014 syllabus CAB Level I Transitional Arrangements Matrix -‐ Syllabus Change 2015 -‐2020 KB 5 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ KB 5 √ √ √ √ √ √ YS% ,xld jr,;a .KldêldÍ wdh;kh 30 ta" u,,fialr udj;" fld<U 07' úOdhl wÈhr 2015 iema;eïn¾ úNd.h úOdhl wÈhr úNd.fha ish¨u whÿïlrejka fj;" fï iu. we;s úNd. whÿïm;%h iïmQ¾K lsÍug m%:u my; oelafjk Wmfoia lreKdlr lshjkak' 1' úNd. meje;afjk osk ( iema;eïn¾ ui 26 iy Tlaf;daïn¾ ui 3 iy 4 hk Èkj, § 2' úNd. uOHia:dk ( fld<U" uykqjr" l=reKE.," .d,a," wkqrdOmqr" r;akmqr" l,auqfKa iy hdmkh 3' úNd.hg ms<s;=re ,sùfï udOHh isxy," bx.S%is fyda fou< hk leu;s udOHhlska fuu úNd.hg fmkS isàug wjir fokq ,efí' whÿïlrejka ;ukaf.a f;dard .ekSu whÿï m;%fha meyeÈ,sj ,l=Kq l< hq;=h' 4' úNd. whÿïm;a Ndr .ekSu whÿïm;a le|jkq ,nk Èkh whÿïm;a ndr .kakd wjidk Èkh ( mud jQ whÿïm;a i|yd wjidk Èkh mud jQ whÿïm;a i|yd .dia;=j idudkH 2015 wfm%a,a 16 2015 cQ,s 09 2015 cQ,s 16 .dia;=jg w;sf¾lj tu .dia;=fjka 50% la 2015 cQ,s 10 isg 16 ld,h ;=< ,efnk whÿïm;a i|yd 50% l w;sf¾l .dia;=j f.úh hq;=h' iEu whÿïm;lau wdh;kfha l<uKdlre úNd. fj; ,shdmÈxÑ ;emEf,ka túh hq;=h' w;ska ndr fokq ,nk whÿïm;a wdh;kfha wdrlaIl wxYh wi< fï i|ydu ;nd we;s fmÜáhg oeñh hq;=h' 2015 cQ,s 16 jk Èfkka miqj ,efnk lsisu whÿïm;la Ndr.kq fkd,efí' 5' úNd. whÿïm;%h msrùfï § my; Wmfoiao ms<smÈkak' whÿïm;%h msrùu i|yd ks,a mdg mEkla Ndú;d lrkak' wid we;s f;dr;=re - meoeÈ,s w;a wl=frka ,shkak' whÿïm; úNd. wxYhg ndr§fuka miq úIhhka" udOHh" úNd. uOHia:dk wdÈh fjkia lsÍug whÿïlrejkag bv fokq fkd,efí' 6' úNd. .dia;= f.ùï lrk wdldrh( úNd. .dia;= f.jq Èkh" nexl= YdLdj" f.ùï ixfla;h iy f.jk ,o uqo, wd§ úia;r whÿïmf;a Wv fl<jf¾ we;s fldgqj, lreKdlr i|yka lrkak' úNd.h f.ùï ixfÄ;h úNd. .dia;=j úOdhl wÈhr ^tla úIhla i|yd& Ex011700.00 .dia;= f.úh yels nexl=j ( ,xld nexl=j ´kEu YdLdjla / Institute’s Cashier .sKqï wxlh ( 2323142 ^,xld nexl=fõ fgdßxgka YdLdfõ mj;ajdf.k hkq ,nk wdh;kfha /ia lsÍfï .sKqu& igyk ( Tn b,a¨ï lrk úNd.hg wod, f.ùï ixfla;h Tfí ;ekam;a m;s%ldfõ meyeÈ,sj igyka lrkak tfia fkdjqjfyd;a Tfí f.ùï m%;slafIam jkq we;' ;ekam;a m;s%ldfõ we;=,;aj we;s wdh;kfha msgm; Tfí whÿï m;%h iu. túh hq;=h' 07' whÿïm; msrùu i|yd Wmfoia 1' Tfí ku bx.S%is lemsg,a wl=frka meyeÈ,sj ,shkak' 2' wxl 1'i, ii yd 2'i o lemsg,a wl=ßka mqrjkak' Tn ,nd § we;s ikaksfõok f;dr;=re Ndú;d lrkq we;af;a fuu úNd.h i|yd f;dr;=re ieliSug muKs' Tfí ikaksfõok f;dr;=re j, fjkia ùula we;akï ta nj wdh;kfha ,shdmÈxÑ wxYhg oekqï Èh hq;=h' 3' Tfí cd;sl ye÷kqïm;a wxlh yd ksl=;a lrk ,o Èkh i|yka lrkak' 4' Tfí YsIH ,shdmÈxÑ wxlh meyeÈ,sj i|yka lrkak' w¨;a lsÍu ( ish¨u whÿïlrejka 2015 j¾Ih i|yd ;u YsIH ,shdmÈxÑ w¨;a fldg ;sìh hq;=h' 5' Tn úNd.hg fmkS isàug n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk uOHia:dkh ksjerÈj ,l=Kq lrkak' 6' Tn úNd.hg fmkS isák udOHh ksjerÈj ,l=Kq lrkak' 7' úNd.hg fmkS isàu i|yd imqrd,sh hq;= iqÿiqlï ms<sn| my; i|yka ks¾kdhl wkqj Tng wod, iqÿiqlu ,l=Kq lrkak' ^whÿïm;%fha i, ii yd iii) l,ska mej;s mokï úNd.fha tla úIhhlska W!K idud¾:h ,nd isák whÿïlrejkag Bg wkqrEm úIh iu;aùfuka úOdhl wÈhr iïmQ¾K l< yelsh' fmr mej;s wdjißl I úNd.h iu;aj isák whÿïlrejkag KE 2" KE 3" KE 4" KE 5 úIhhka iu;a ùfuka úOdhl wÈhr iïmQ¾K l< yelsh' whÿïlrejkag úOdhl wÈhr úNd.fha tla úIhhla jQj;a b,a¨ï l< yels w;r tfia iu;a jk úIhhka bÈßhg f.k hkq ,efí' l,ska meje;s wdjißl úNd.h iu;a whÿïlrejka úOdhl wÈhr iïmQ¾K lsÍu i|yd KE 3 iy KE 4 úIhhka iu;a úh hq;=h' iy;sl m;% wÈhr I iu;a fyda Financial Accounting & Management and Business Economics iu;a jQ whÿïlrejka úOdhl wÈhf¾ fmks isáh hq;af;a KE 2, KE 3, KE 4 hk úIhhka i|yd muKs' l,ska meje;s wka;¾ uOH úNd.fha § iuyr úIhhka i|yd ia:djr iïudk ,nd isák whÿïlrejka úOdhl wÈhr úNd.fha Bg wkqrEms úIhhkaf.ka ksoyia lrkq ,efí' AAT wdh;kfha ish¨u úNd. iu¾:ù we;s ^AAT iqÿiqlï iïmQ¾K lr we;s& isiqka úOdhl wÈhf¾ KE 2 yd KE 4 hk úIhhka i|yd mukla fmkS isáh yel' ksoyia ùï ( wfkl=;a .KldêlrK iqÿiqlï j,g ysñjk ksoyia ùï u; fuu úNd.h whÿïlrk YsIHhska úNd. whÿï m;%h tùug m%:u ,shdmÈxÑ wxYfhka tlS ksoyiaùï ,nd.; hq;=h' ^fï ms<sn| jeä úia;r ,shdmÈxÑ wxYfhka ,nd .; yelsh' ÿrl:k wxl 011-2352000 È.= wxl 1100" 1101" 1102& 08 úOdhl wÈhr úNd.fha hï úIhhka i|yd fmkS isákafka kï Tn tu úIhhg wod, iaj wOHhk lÜg,h ñ,§ f.k wOHhkh l, hq;=h' Tn fmkSisàug n,dfmdfrd;a;=jk úIh i|yd merKs úIh ks¾foaYh hgf;a iaj wOHhk lÜg,h ñ,§f.k we;af;akï" kej; úOdhl wÈhf¾ tu úIhhg wod, iaj wOHhk lÜg,h ñ,§ .ekSu úNd.hg fmkSisàu i|yd wksjd¾hh fkdfõ' lreKdlr wod, fldgqfjys √ ,l=K fhdokak' wOHhk mdGud,dj jeä úia;r i|yd lreKdlr mdGud,d úl=Kqï tallh ^011-2352000$1051& wOHhk wxYh ^011-235200 $ 1427& wu;kak' 9' fujr Tn whÿï lrk úIhhka meyeÈ,sj ,l=Kq lrkak' 10'whÿïlre ;u fiajd kshqla;sh ms<sn| úia;r meyeÈ,sj igyka l< hq;=h' 11' Tn wOHdmk lghq;= i|yd iyNd.s jQ Wmldrl wOHdmk wdh;kfha ku meyeÈ,sj i|yka lrkak' whÿï m;%fha Tn imhd we;s f;dr;=re ksjerÈoehs mÍlaId lr n,d w;aik yd Èkh fhdokak' fjk;a jeo.;a Wmfoia' whÿïlrejka úiska f.jk ,o úNd. .dia;= wdh;kh úiska wdmiq f.ùu fyda bÈßhg f.khdu fyda lrkq fkd,efí' úNd. .dia;= wdmiq ,nd .ekSfï n,dfmdfrd;a;=fjka whÿïlrejka úNd. wxYhg ffjoH iy;sl bÈßm;a fkdl< hq;=h' whÿïm; iu. Tfí ,smskh ,o" uqoaor iys; ,shqï ljr fkdtúh hq;= nj lreKdfjka i,lkak' flfia fj;;a whÿïm; iu. we;s ;eme,a m; re' 12$- l uqoaorhla w,jd Tfí ,smskh ,shd whÿïm; iu. túh hq;=h' úNd. m%fõY m;%h yd m%;sM, tùu i|yd wm úiska Ndú;d lrkq we;af;a wdh;kfha ,shdmÈxÑ wxYfha we;s Tfí ,smskhhs' tneúka Tfí ksjerÈ iy w¨;au ,smskh ,shdmÈxÑ wxYhg ,nd§u w;HjYH nj i,lkak' Tfí whÿïm; wiïmQ¾K kï $ jerÈhg iïmQ¾K lr we;akï fyda kshñ; wjYH;djka ksis mßÈ ms<smeo ke;akï th m%;slafIam lsÍfï whs;sh úNd. l<ukdlre i;= nj lreKdfjka i,lkak' l<ukdlre-úNd. 2014 wfm%a,a 16 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka 30 A, Malalasekera Mawatha, Colombo 7. Executive Level Examination September 2015 To All Executive Level Students Please read the following instructions carefully before filling the application A. Dates of conducting the Examination 26th September and 3rd & 4th October 2015 B. Examination Centres Colombo, Kandy, Kurunegala, Galle, Anuradhapura, Rathnapura, Kalmunai & Jaffna C.Medium of answering the examination Candidates are permitted to answer in Sinhala, English or Tamil. They should mark their preference on the application clearly. D. Acceptance of the Application Date of calling applications 16th April 2015 Application Closing Date 09th July 2015 Late Application Closing Date 16th July 2015 Penalty Payment 50% of the Examination Fee+Normal Examination Fee Applications should be addressed to the Manager Examinations and sent either by registered post or dropped into the box kept especially for this purpose, at the Security Point of the Institute. Penalty should be paid for the applications received between 10th July to 16th July 2015. E. Please use the following instructions to fill the attached Examination Application ● Please use a blue colour pen to fill the information ● Please write the information in clear letters ● Please note that, after submitting the examination application, you are not permitted to change any subject/s, medium, centre F. Examination Fee and Payment Code Please indicate the date, bank/branch, income code and the amount clearly in the given cages on top of the application. Examination Fee & Payment Code Examination Income Code Examination Fee Executive Level one subject Ex 01 Rs. 1700.00 Bank Details: Payments can be done at the any branch of Bank of Ceylon and Institute’s Cashier. Account No. : 2323142 (CASL collection account at the Torrington Square branch) Note : Income code relevant to your examination should be clearly indicated in your deposit slip. If not, your payment will be rejected. Payment can be done at any branch of Bank of Ceylon. The CASL copy should be attached together with your application. G. Instructions for filling the application:1. Write your name clearly in block capital letters. 2. Please fill, 1.i, ii & 2.i, in block capital letters. Please note that contact details given here are used in processing the applications only. You have to inform the Registration Division of any changes of your contact details. 3. Write your national identity card no. and the date of issue. 4. Write your Registration Number clearly. Renewal: All candidates should have renewed their student registration for 2015. 5. Please clearly mention the examination centre selected, tick in the relevant cage 6. Please clearly mention the medium applied, tick in the relevant cage. 7. As per the eligibility criterion given below, please fill the relevant cages and put a tick in the cage. (7.1,7.2,7.3) ● Eligibility Criteria & Rules for Executive Level Examination Candidates referred in one subject of the former foundation examination can sit for the corresponding subject and the rest of the subjects to complete the Executive level examination. ● Candidates who have passed the former Licentiate I examination are required to pass KE 2, KE 3, KE 4, & KE 5 Subjects to complete the Executive Level Examination. ● Students are permitted to apply one subject in Executive level at a time, and the subject/s they pass will be carried forward. ● Students who have completed the former Licentiate Examination are required to pass KE3, KE4 to complete the Executive Level. ● Students who have obtained permanent credit at the former intermediate examination will be exempted from the corresponding subjects of the Executive Level examination. ● Students who have completed CABI examination or passed Financial According and Management & Business Economics are required to sit KE 2, KE 3 & KE 4 subjects only in the executive level. ● Students who have completed all the AAT institutes examinations (obtained AAT qualification) are required to sit KE 2 & KE 4 subjects only in the Executive level. ● Exemptions: Those who apply the examination on exemptions on account of other professional qualifications are advised to obtain confirmation of their exemptions from the Registration Division before applying the examination. (For further information please contact Registration Division 011235200 Ext. 1101, 1104 1105, 1102) 8. Study Packs Please tick on the relevant cage. If you are sitting any subject in the Executive Level examination, it is necessary to purchase and study the relevant new study materials of the executive level before the examination. However it is not mandatory requirement to purchase the Executive Level Study Pack if you have already purchased the study pack under the old syllabus. 9. Please clearly mention the subjects applied, tick in the relevant cage 10. Employment details should be filled by the student clearly. 11. Name of the tuition provider Please check the information given above form no 1 to 11 whether you have filled clearly and place your signature and the date. Other Important Instructions: ● Examination fees paid by candidates will not be refunded or carried forward by the Institute therefore Candidates should not submit Medical Certificates to the Examination Division to claim the examination fees. ● Please Note that you do not have to send two self addressed stamped Envelopes together with the application. However you should send self-addressed stamped (Rs. 12/=) acknowledgment post card together with your application. We will be using the addresses in our database to send the Admission Cards and the Results to you. Therefore please ensure that you have given your correct and latest address to the Registration Division. ● Manager Examinations reserves the rights to reject your application, if it is incomplete/incorrectly filled or you have not adhered for the requirements mentioned in the application. Manager Examinations 16 April 2015 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka 30A, Malalasekera Mawatha, Colombo 7. Tel: 2352000 Fax: 0112352060 APPLICATION FOR THE EXECUTIVE LEVEL EXAMINATION MARCH / SeptemBer 2015 Exam Fees Payment details Date Bank / Branch Income Code Ex 01 Date Amount Amount Carried Forward 1. i. Full Name (in block letters) ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ii. Name with initials (Mr. / Ms.) ........................................................................................................................ 2. i. Permanent Address :....................................................................................................................... ii. E-mail Address :....................................................................................................................... iii. Contact telephone number (if available)............................................................................................................. Date of Issue 3. National Identity Card No. Note : Candidate should have renewed their student registration for the current year 4. ICASL ID Number 5. Examination Centre Colombo Kalmunai Kandy Galle Ratnapura Kurunegala Anuradhapura Jaffna 6. Medium in which you wish to sit for the Examination Sinhala English Tamil 7. Eligibility to sit for the Executive Level Examination (Please tick the relevant cage) i. Obtained exemptions on account of ............. qualification. ii. Passed ....................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... at the earlier sittings iii. Obtained permanent credits for ......................................... subjects at the ......................... Examinations. 8. Please indicate whether you have purchased the Executive level Self Study Pack 9. Subjects now applied for: Executive Level KE 1 Financial Accounting & Reporting Fundamentals KE 2 Management Accounting Information KE 3 Fundamentals of Taxation & Law KE 4 Processes, Assurance & Ethics KE 5 Commercial Insight for Management 10. Name and Address of the present employer / Training Institution ......................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 11. Name of the Tuition provider ................................................................................................................................. I certify that the particulars I have disclosed above are correct. ................................... Date ................................... Signature of Candidate THE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF SRI LANKA STATISTICAL INFORMATION OF CANDIDATES SITTING FOR INSTITUTE EXAMINATIONS MONTHYEAR 1. EXAMINATION : Executive Level ............. 2. NAME WITH INITIALS ................................................................................................... 3. STUDENT ICASL ID NUMBER ( ) 4. SEX................................... MALE, FEMALE (M.F.) ( ) 5. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: ARTS COMMERCE SCIENCE ............................... ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ii. UNDERGRADUATE: ARTS COMMERCE SCIENCE ............................... ( ) ( ( ) ) iii. ADVANCED LEVEL: ARTS COMMERCE SCIENCE ( ) ( ) iv. AAT HNDA .................... ( ( ( ) ) ) IN TRAINING IN EMPLOYMENT NOT IN TRAINING OR EMPLOYMENT (STUDIES ONLY) ( ( ( ) ) ) i. GRADUATE: OTHER : 6. CURRENT STATUS : i. ii. iii. 7. IN TRAINING THE TRAINING ORGANIZATION: ............. A. AUDIT SECTOR ( ) B. NON AUDIT SECTOR ( ) ........................................................... SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE
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