Pop-Up Kitchen Table Conversation

Pop-Up Kitchen Table Conversation
During the, “Spring into Action” week of action May 10 – 17th 2015 communities across Canada
will be working to make child care visible and to raise it as an important issue in the federal
election. We want to expand our base of support and get supporters involved and energized to
Vote Child Care in the 2015 federal election!
Description: A roving kitchen table conversation can be set up at places where people, kids and
families are likely to be. These impromptu discussions could start during the week of action
May 10 – 17th and continue on through the summer, particularly during festival season!
1 or 2 volunteers would invite passer-by to sit and have a conversation about their child care
situation. Signage would include some kind of hook – “how would your life be different if
Canada had universal child care”
People willing to take part would be encouraged to share their child care story or their idea of
how life would be different if we had a national child care program, either by drawing or
writings something or by sharing a video. Campaign volunteers would take a picture or video
which could then be collected and used later for a “collaborative art” display.
Visitors would also be encouraged to sign a campaign pledge or to visit the Vote Child Care
2015 website, and repeat their conversation with their own friends, co-workers and family
Goal: Raise awareness, create a buzz, identify people who are interested in the issue,
contribute to the collaborative art project/display.
Tools Needed: Folding table, 2- 4 chairs, Sandwich board (signage) checkered table cloth,
pitcher and glasses or teapot and mugs, art/craft supplies, vase with flowers.
Canada needs quality child care that all families can afford
Child care is good for the economy, good for families, and good for Canada