SLCA Trustees Meeting Jan. 14, 2015

Scenic Lakes Community Association, Inc.
Board of Trustees Meeting
Crossroads Assembly of God
12 Edsall St., Hamburg
Wednesday January 14, 2015
Board Members Present: Doug Mather, President
Tony Radzicki, Vice President & Roads
Don Kirchenbauer, Treasurer
Liz Saunders, Secretary
Kevin Berberich, Grounds
Board Members absent: Ellen Hamler, Web Administrator & Communications
Minutes prepared by: Liz Saunders
Meeting called to order by Chairman Don Kirchenbauer at 7:30 PM.
Don: We have a quorum present. Do I have a motion to approve the minutes of
the December 10,2014 Board of Trustees Meeting as previously submitted?
Is there any discussion or questions?
Kevin: Makes motion to approve.
Tony: Seconds motion to approve.
Don: All in favor?
Vote: 5 - Yes, Zero - No. Motion carries.
Treasurers Report
Don: The total income for 2014 is $200,426.24, total expenses were $184,648.33.
The payroll expenses for the year were $10,524.25, the payroll expense for
December was higher due to an $80.00 data storage fee that was charged.
Any Member who received letter from our Collection Attorney for past due
2014 dues should contact the Collection attorney.
We are working on the 2015 dues invoices and they should be ready to go
out in early February.
Are there any questions on the Treasurers report?
Do I have a motion to accept?
Doug: Makes motion to accept.
Kevin: Seconds motion to accept.
Don: All in favor?
Vote: 5 - Yes, Zero - No. Motion carries.
Liz: Ed O'Connor has resigned from the Scenic Lakes Board of Trustees, his
resignation was effective December 31,2014. He stated that it had been an honor
and privilege to serve our community for the past five years plus and wished the
Board much success in our future endeavors.
Our next step is to find a new Trustee.
Don: The Board has accepted his resignation and we thank him for his service.
Liz: I thank him for his guidance the past five years and for giving me the
confidence to do what I do. He helped me a lot.
Don: He helped me as well and got me off to a good start.
He helped us all.
Liz: I would like to submit my 2015 budget for Office & Administration. Based on
the expenditures of 2014 for office supplies and the yearly rental fee of $911.64
for the Lake storage area, I came in at $2995.00 for the year. I am again
requesting budget of $5000.00 due to not being able to guarantee the saving
received from Staples rewards and rebates of over $1000.00 in addition to
multiple sales savings. I am also anticipating added expenses due to additional
mailings concerning updates on our Dam repair, changes to our By-Laws and
possible Newsletters to our Members which will increase our costs to office
Don: We saved a lot on purchase of the new computer for the Association as well.
Liz: I would like to make a motion for $5000.00 budget for Office and
Administration for 2015.
Doug: Seconds the motion.
Don: All in favor?
Vote: 5 - Yes, Zero - No. Motion carries.
Doug: The other budgets Roads and Grounds should be as needed until the Dam
is repaired.
Kevin: I am requesting $15,000.00 budget for Landscaping. I make a motion for
$15,000.00 budget for Landscaping.
Doug: Seconds motion.
Don: All in favor?
Vote: 5 - Yes, Zero - No. Motion carries.
Kevin: The Grounds budget will be as needed.
Tony: The snowplowing and salting is going well. Not fixing potholes due to cold
weather. My road budget will be as needed.
We have had complaints concerning cars parked on Lake roads. I would like
letter sent to people who park on the roads along with a copy of our Policy &
Procedure that states that parking on roads is not permitted. If parties continue
to park on the roads we will take further action.
Doug: Do we have any suggestions concerning the parking on roads?
Kevin: I suggest posting a notice on the board at the entrance.
Doug: I think sending a letter is first step.
Tony: I will draft letter.
Doug: We are waiting for final permits from the state for Dam repair.
Don: That concludes Board business. Do I have a motion to adjourn with the
option to reconvene if necessary?
Kevin: Makes motion to adjourn.
Tony: Seconds motion to adjourn.
Don: All in favor?
Vote: 5 - Yes, Zero - No. Motion carries.
Meeting adjourned at 7:52 PM.
Floor opened to Member discussion.