Florida Two-Year College Mathematics Association Math in the Sun XIII: What is 21st Century, College Level Mathematics? October 9–10, 2015 Florida SouthWestern State College, Thomas Edison (Lee) Campus (Formerly Known as Edison State College) Fort Myers, Florida DISCUSSION STRANDS I: What is the Future of Intermediate Algebra? II: What is General Education Mathematics? III: What are STEM and Non-STEM Meta Majors and Mathematics Courses? Schedule of Activities Friday, October 9th 12:00 – 1:00 PM Registration and Check-In Classroom Building (Building U) Atrium 1:00 – 1:15 PM Welcome Dr. Jeffery Allbritten, President, Florida SouthWestern State College Ryan Kasha, President, Florida Two Year College Mathematics Association Classroom Building U-102 1:15– 2:15 PM Session 1 Update from the Florida Department of Education TBD Classroom Building U-102 2:15– 2:30 PM 2:30– 4:15 PM 4:15 –4:30 PM 4:30 –5:30 PM Break Session 2 Break-Out Discussion Session 1 I: What is the Future of Intermediate Algebra? – Classroom Building UII: What is General Education Mathematics? – Classroom Building UIII: What are STEM and Non-STEM Meta Majors and Mathematics Courses? – Classroom Building UBreak Session 3 Day One Summary and Discussion Classroom Building U-102 5:30 – 7:00 PM FTYCMA 50th Anniversary Celebration Reception Classroom Building U-102 Schedule of Activities Saturday, October 10th 8:30 – 9:00 AM Registration Classroom Building (Building U) Atrium ( Coffee, tea and snacks available in U-102 ) 9:00 – 9:15 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks Dr. Martin McCleod, Dean, School of Pure & Applied Sciences, Florida SouthWestern State College Nancy Rivers, Southeast Vice President, AMATYC Classroom Building U-102 9:15 – 11:00 AM 11:00 AM –12:00 PM 12:00 –1:45PM 1:45– 2:00 PM 2:00–3:00 PM Session 4 Break-Out Discussion Session 2 I: What is the Future of Intermediate Algebra? – Classroom Building UII: What is General Education Mathematics? – Classroom Building UIII: What are STEM and Non-STEM Meta Majors and Mathematics Courses? – Classroom Building ULearner-Centered Lunch Session 5 Break-Out Discussion Session 3 I: What is the Future of Intermediate Algebra? – Classroom Building UII: What is General Education Mathematics? – Classroom Building UIII: What are STEM and Non-STEM Meta Majors and Mathematics Courses? – Classroom Building UBreak Session 6 Day Two Summary and Discussion Classroom Building U-102 3:15 – 4:15 PM FTYCMA Officers’ Meeting Classroom Building U-202B The format of this year’s Fall Retreat is returning to one that has been utilized at several of our past Retreats. After the opening session with our update from the Florida Department of Education, we will break into three discussion strands. Each discussion session will be led by a facilitator, but the intent is for all attendees to share ideas that contribute to the overarching topic. The general concept is for all Retreat attendees to be able to participate in each of the discussion strands by the end of the Retreat. Then at the end of the Retreat, the facilitators will bring synopses of the activities from their sessions to the final summary and discussion for one last open forum with the purpose of developing an outline for a document to be distributed to all mathematics faculty in the state of Florida and posted on the FTYCMA website for public review.
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