Health and Nutrition Hygeia.J.D.Med.vol.4 (2), October.2012 Page: 1-2 Hygeia:: journal for drugs and medicines October2012-March 2013 OPEN ACCESS A half yearly scientific, international, open access journal for drugs and medicines Article section: Health and Nutrition Hemorrhoids Naeem Karnalkar Homeopathic Consultant, Muscat, Oman st people who get hemorrhoids do not know how to handle them. They have not been properly Most informed. There is just no way to have a good day when you are having a hemorrhoid flare up. This disease is related to anus or lower rectum. The term Hemorrhoids or Piles, refers to a condition in which the veins around the anus are abnormally swollen and inflamed. These can be internal (inside the anus) or external (outside and around the anus). These can also be bleeding or non-bleeding bleeding (blind). Piles are usually very painful and troublesome but are not life-threatening. life In some cases, chronic blind piles do not remain painful but do give a feeling of uneasiness. The size of piles varies from individual to individual and can be from the size of a small grape to a bunch of grapes. No one description of hemorrhoids symptoms fits all cases, since each case may vary from one patient to another. Usually, a variety of conditions present themselves on a case-bycase case basis. Also, hemorrhoid symptoms depend on the type of ppiles iles you have, and the degree of their severity. There may be other conditions that present themselves, such as anal fissures, abscesses, itching, sensitivity, burning, and irritation of the entire anal or rectal areas. Symptoms Bleeding is the first principal rincipal and earliest symptom. At first the bleeding is slight, it is bright red and occurs during defecation and it may continue thus for months and years. Piles that bleed but do not prolapse outside the anal canal are called first degree piles. piles.Prolapse is a much later symptom. In the beginning the protrusion is slight and occurs only at stool and reduction is spontaneous. As time goes on the piles do not reduce themselves, but have to be replaced digitally by the patient. Piles that prolapse on defecation on but return or need to be replaced manually and then stay reduced are called second degree piles. Still later, prolapse occurs during the day apart from defecation, when the patient is tired or exerts himself. _______________________________________________________________________________________ For Correspondence: [email protected] Hygeia.J.D.Med. Vol.4 (2), Oct. 2012 © 2012, Hygeia journal for drugs and medicines, all rights reserved. 2229 3590, 0975 6221 1 Hygeia.J.D.Med. Vol.4 (2), Oct. 2012, 1-2 1 Naeem Karnalkar Piles that are permanently prolapsed are called third degree piles. By now, the piles have become a source of great discomfort and cause a feeling of heaviness in the rectum. It is not a life-threatening disease but can cause acute pain. A mucoid discharge is a frequent accompaniment of prolapsed piles. It is composed of mucus from the engorged mucous membrane. Pruritis with pain maybe the associated symptom. Also anaemia may be caused by persistent profuse bleeding from piles. Causes Piles can be caused from factors varying from patient to patient. Sedentary lifestyle, irregular diets, spicy foods, constipation, inadequate exercise may contribute to the problem. 1) Increasing pressure on the tiny veins of the anus and rectum. 2) Pressure in the abdomen which transmits pressure to the ano rectal veins. 3) Many different things can bring out or aggravate piles, including sitting or standing for long periods of time, which can cause piles to be swell or be pushed out. 4) Coughing and Diarrhoea 5) Overweight and pregnancy 6) Food items like red meat, red chillies. Treatment Piles shrink with homeopathic internal medicines. Fresh piles can be cured in a few weeks whereas chronic piles may take a few months, for complete and permanent cure. Homeopathic remedies can offer gentle, safe relief. It has been my experience with patients for over 25 years, I have observed, Homeopathy is an excellent choice for getting rid of hemorrhoids. It is formulated of all natural ingredients which have been researched and proven to eliminate hemorrhoids and their symptoms. It works by traveling through the bloodstream to shrink the blood vessels that cause hemorrhoids while effectively shrinking both internal and external hemorrhoids. Patients have the highest satisfaction after taking the treatment. Its effectiveness is due to its powerful ingredients. Homeopathy has been found safe for use by both men and women of any age. You can get rid of your hemorrhoids once and for all. Dr. Naeem Karnalkar Web Site: E-mail: [email protected] 2 Hygeia.J.D.Med. Vol.4 (2), Oct. 2012, 1-2
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