THE ANSWERS THEY NEED FROM A SOURCE YOU CAN TRUST Teen Health Series How Do Teens Find Health Information? Teens need a reliable source of no-nonsense health information—whether they are wondering about their own health, concerned about a friend or family member, or writing a report for school. mnigraphics’ Teen Health Series is a leading resource for librarians, teachers, and students, O who will find the books suitable for reference, research, and personal information. Each volume deals comprehensively with a high-interest topic and includes useful sidebars, definitions, and illustrations. Standard Features • Accessible organization— generous use of headings • Callout boxes that highlight important information, define terms, or summarize content • Charts, tables, and illustrations • Resource directories with contact information • Comprehensive index • Convenient trim size— 7 ¼ x 9 ¼ • Updated cover and interior page design List price: School and library price: per volume. per volume. $69 $62 Outstanding information on various teen health issues, presented in an easy to read manner. … An excellent source for any health curriculum. This series is well done and truly high school level reference. Pennsylvania School Library Association, Apr ’11, YA Top 40 (Nonfiction) Excellent—and stridently non-patronizing. Omnigraphics’ Teen Health Series … typically spends around 400 pages on a given topic. These weighty tomes allow teens who may be looking for, say, pregnancy information to go away fully informed. Booklist, Oct ’10 Teen Health Series: NEW AND FORTHCOMING VOLUMES Alcohol Information for Teens, 3rd Ed. Health Tips about Alcohol and Alcoholism Including Facts about Alcohol’s Effects on the Body, Brain, and Behavior, the Consequences of Underage Drinking, Alcohol Abuse Prevention and Treatment, and Coping with Alcoholic Parents Just Published! Edited by Karen Bellenir. 371 pages. 2013. 978-0-7808-1313-7. “This handbook, written for a teenage audience, provides information on the causes, effects, and preventive measures related to alcohol abuse among teens. … The chapters are quick to make a connection to their teenage reading audience. The prose is straightforward and the book lends itself to spot reading. It should be useful both for practical information and for research, and it is suitable for public and school libraries.” —ARBAonline, 2013 New and Forthcoming Volumes Allergy Information for Teens, 2nd Ed. TEEN HEALTH SERIES Omnigraphics • Quality Reference Works 2 Health Tips about Allergic Reactions to Food, Pollen, Mold, and Other Substances Including Facts about Diagnosing, Treating, and Preventing Allergic Responses and Complications Just Published! Edited by Karen Bellenir. 388 pages. 2013. 978-0-7808-1288-8. “Includes teen-centered information regarding the management of allergic conditions/ symptoms in daily life. … An impressive collection of documents and articles from reputable individuals and organizations…. The information this book presents is of very good quality.” —Doody’s Review Service, 2013 Cancer Information for Teens, 3rd Ed. Health Tips about Cancer Awareness, Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment Including Facts about Cancers of Most Concern to Teens and Young Adults, Cancer Risk Factors, and Coping Strategies for Teens Fighting Cancer or Dealing with Cancer in Friends or Family Members Just Published! Edited by Lisa Esposito. 400 pages. 2014. 978-0-7808-1319-9. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Information for Teens, 2nd Ed. Health Tips about Non-Traditional and Non-Western Medical Practices Including Information about Acupuncture, Chiropractic Medicine, Dietary and Herbal Supplements, Hypnosis, Massage Therapy, Prayer and Spirituality, Reflexology, Yoga, and More Just Published! Edited by Lisa Bakewell. 389 pages. 2013. 978-0-7808-1311-3. “Recommended for middle school, high school, and public libraries.” —ARBAonline, 2013 Diabetes Information for Teens, 2nd Ed. Health Tips about Managing Diabetes and Preventing Related Complications Including Facts about Insulin, Glucose Control, Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, and Learning to Live with Diabetes Just Published! Edited by Karen Bellenir. 397 pages. 2012. 978-0-7808-1218-5. “An outstanding resource that provides comprehensive and in-depth information, as well as ‘positive steps that can be taken.’ The book’s content is well organized, allowing information on just about any aspect of the disease to be located easily. … Whether your patron needs general descriptions about the disease itself or specialized information about prevention, diet, and complications, this book offers it all in an accessible layout with meticulous attention to detail. This is a must-have title for any library serving middle school and high school students.” —VOYA: Voice of Youth Advocates, Aug ’12 “This is a solid overview of the condition that will be helpful to report writers and to those looking for personal health tips. A plus is the website information for diabetes-friendly recipes and cookbooks.” —School Library Journal, Oct ’12 Eating Disorders Information for Teens, 3rd Ed. Health Tips about Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating, and Body Image Disorders Including Information about Risk Factors, Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment, Health Consequences, and Other Related Issues Just Published! Edited by Karen Bellenir. 380 pages. 2013. 978-0-7808-1269-7. “A very informative tool for teens and parents looking to learn more about eating disorders, with practical tips to improve eating habits and achieve a healthy life style. …Thorough and organized.” —Doody’s Review Service, 2013 “Discusses the important and at times deadly topic of eating disorders, which affect more than eight million Americans, many of which are teenagers. … Written in a straightforward style that will appeal to its teenage audience. The author does not play down the danger of living with an eating disorder and urges those struggling with this problem to seek professional help. This work, as well as others in this series, will be a welcome addition to high school and undergraduate libraries.” —ARBAonline, 2013 Fitness Information for Teens, 3rd Ed. Health Tips about Exercise and Active Lifestyles Including Facts about Healthy Muscles and Bones, Starting and Maintaining Fitness Plans, Aerobic Fitness, Stretching and Strength Training, Sports Safety, and Suggestions for Team Athletes and Individuals Just Published! Edited by Elizabeth Bellenir. 387 pages. 2013. 978-0-7808-1267-3. “Sources are without question the most reliable available. … Will be a great addition to any public, junior high, senior high, or secondary school library.” —American Reference Books Annual, 2013 “Newcomers to exercise and sports will find suggestions on how to get started, and youth who are already active can read how to take it to the next level. There are other numerous resources identified, as well as a good index. This is an excellent volume. … will benefit teen readers and youth groups.” —Congregational Libraries Today, 2013 “Comprehensive guidebook covers all aspects of fitness, from understanding nutrition to strength training. … Offers exercise suggestions and motivation tips for every person, regardless of fitness level and athletic ability.” —Skipping Stones, Mar-Apr ’13 Mental Health Information for Teens, 4th Ed. Health Tips about Mental Wellness and Mental Illness Sports Injuries Information for Teens, 3rd Ed. Health Tips about Acute, Traumatic, and Chronic Injuries in Adolescent Athletes Including Facts about Sprains, Fractures, and “Sensitive issues are handled in a matter-ofOveruse Injuries, Treatment, Rehabilitation, fact manner, allowing readers to absorb Sport-Specific Safety Guidelines, Fitness information without feeling implied judgment. Suggestions, and More Reluctant readers will not be intimidated by Just Published! Edited by Zachary Klimecki endless amounts of straight text; all readers and Elizabeth Bellenir. 401 pages. 2012. January 2014. Edited by Karen Bellenir. will appreciate the audience-appropriate 978-0-7808-1265-9. 400 pages. 978-0-7808-1321-2. words and phrasing. … As easy to browse as it is to use for completing student reports, “Worthwhile for this age group. Public Pregnancy Information for Teens, with plenty of facts and figures provided, this libraries and high school libraries will find this 2nd Ed. book will serve many functions. If there is a book useful for its nontechnical language and question any teen or adult could conceivably Health Tips about Teen Pregnancy and popular subject matter.” think to ask on the topic of pregnancy, … the Teen Parenting —American Reference Books Annual, 2013 answer just might be in these pages.” Including Facts about Prenatal Care, “A comprehensive, factual guide to being —VOYA: Voice of Youth Advocates, Oct ’12 Pregnancy Complications, Labor and Delivery, a healthy athlete and is directed to teens Postpartum Care, Pregnancy-Related participating in sports, and to coaches and Skin Health Information for Lifestyle Concerns, the Emotional and Legal parents working with them. … A powerful Issues of Teen Parenting, and More Teens, 3rd Ed. guide.” Just Published! Edited by Elizabeth Magill. Health Tips about Dermatological —California Bookwatch, Nov ’12 “Gives updated information on unplanned pregnancies. While part one features aspects of the phenomenon as a social issue, the rest of the book provides health tips and options for teens who are pregnant. The chapters are accessible and succinct.” —School Library Journal, Dec ’12 Disorders and Activities that Affect the Skin, Hair, and Nails Including Facts about Acne, Infectious Skin Conditions, Skin Cancer, Skin Injuries, and Other Conditions and Lifestyle Choices Such as Tanning, Tattooing, and Piercing Just Published! Edited by Lisa Esposito. 400 pages. 2013. 978-0-7808-1317-5. Stress Information for Teens, 2nd Ed. Health Tips about the Mental and Physical Consequences of Stress Including Information about the Causes of Stress, Types of Stressors, Effects of Stress, Strategies for Managing Stress, and More Just Published! Edited by Lisa Bakewell. 400 pages. 2013. 978-0-7808-1315-1. 10% Disco unt Serie s St Order anding Enter a Sta for the Tee nding Order n Series and Health receive a 10% disco unt just $55.80 per volum e. New and Forthcoming Volumes 396 pages. 2012. 978-0-7808-1220-8. 3 TEEN HEALTH SERIES Omnigraphics • Quality Reference Works Including Facts about Mental and Emotional Health, Depression and Other Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Behavior Disorders, Self-Injury, Psychosis, Schizophrenia, and More “Will be of interest to students and teenagers and should be in the libraries of those providing health information for these patrons.” —American Reference Books Annual, 2013 Teen Health Series: SAMPLE PAGES Fitness Information for Teens, 3rd Ed. Chapter 1 What Is Fitness? Defining Fitness Physical fitness is to the human body what fine tuning is to an engine. It enables us to perform up to our potential. Fitness can be described as a condition that helps us look, feel and do our best. More specifically, it can be defined like this: “The ability to perform daily tasks vigorously and alertly, with energy left over for enjoying leisure-time activities and meeting emergency demands. It is the ability to endure, to bear up, to withstand stress, to carry on in circumstances where an unfit person could not continue, and is a major basis for good health and well-being.” Physical fitness involves the performance of the heart and lungs, and the muscles of the body. And, since what we do with our bodies also affects what we can do with our minds, fitness influences to some degree qualities such as mental alertness and emotional stability. As you undertake your fitness program, it’s important to remember that fitness is an individual quality that varies from person to person. It is influenced by age, sex, heredity, personal habits, exercise and eating practices. You can’t do anything about the first three factors. However, it is within your power to change and improve the others where needed. Knowing The Basics Physical fitness is most easily understood by examining its components, or parts. There is widespread agreement that these four components are basic: About This Chapter: Information in this chapter is excerpted from “Fitness Fundamentals: Guidelines for Personal Exercise Programs,” President’s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition (, February 8, 2012. Fitness Information For Teens, Third Edition 3 • Cardiorespiratory Endurance: The ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues, and to remove wastes, over sustained periods of time. Long runs and swims are among the methods employed in measuring this component. ▲ • Muscular Strength: The ability of a muscle to exert force for a brief period of time. Upper-body strength, for example, can be measured by various weight-lifting exercises. Headings and subheadings break up descriptive text. • Muscular Endurance: The ability of a muscle, or a group of muscles, to sustain repeated contractions or to continue applying force against a fixed object. Pushups are often used to test endurance of arm and shoulder muscles. • Flexibility: The ability to move joints and use muscles through their full range of motion. The sit-and-reach test is a good measure of flexibility of the lower back and backs of the upper legs. • Body Composition is often considered a component of fitness. It refers to the makeup of the body in terms of lean mass (muscle, bone, vital tissue and organs) and fat mass. An optimal ratio of fat to lean mass is an indication of fitness, and the right types of exercises will help you decrease body fat and increase or maintain muscle mass. A Workout Schedule How often, how long and how hard you exercise, and what kinds of exercises you do should be determined by what you are trying to accomplish. Your goals, your present fitness level, age, health, skills, interest and convenience are among the factors you should consider. For example, an athlete training for high-level competition would follow a different program than a person whose goals are good health and the ability to meet work and recreational needs. Fitness Information For Teens, Third Edition The size of your heart can vary depending on your age, size, and the condition of your heart. A normal, healthy, adult heart usually is the size of an average clenched adult fist. Some diseases can cause the heart to enlarge. Your exercise program should include something from each of the four basic fitness components described previously. Each workout should begin with a warm-up and end with a cool-down. As a general rule, space your workouts throughout the week and avoid consecutive days of hard exercise. Here are the amounts of activity necessary for the average healthy person to maintain a minimum level of overall fitness. Included are some of the popular exercises for each category. Sample Pages • Warm-Up: 5–10 minutes of exercise such as walking, slow jogging, knee lifts, arm circles, or trunk rotations. Low intensity movements that simulate movements to be used in the activity can also be included in the warm-up. TEEN HEALTH SERIES Omnigraphics • Quality Reference Works 4 4 Figure 5.1. A normal, healthy heart. The arrows show the direction of blood flow. (Source: © 2008 Leonard Dank) Charts, tables, and drawings provide visual aids. Figure 5.1 illustrates a normal, healthy, human heart and the pathway of blood through the heart. The heart is the muscle. It has four chambers. The heart’s upper chambers are the right and left atria. The heart’s lower chambers are the right and left ventricles. Some of the main blood vessels (arteries and veins) that make up your circulatory system are directly connected to the heart. The superior vena cava and inferior vena cava (the plural form of the word cava is cavae) are on to the left of the heart muscle as you look at the picture. These veins are the largest veins in your body. After your body’s organs and tissues have used the oxygen in your blood,Fitness the vena Information For Teens, Third Edition cavae carry the oxygen-poor blood back to the right atrium of your heart. The superior vena cava carries oxygen-poor blood from the upper parts of your body, including your head, chest, arms, Fact: Who says helmets can’t be cool? If you’re shopping for a helmet, there are lots of and neck. The inferior vena cava carries oxygen-poor blood from the lower parts of your body. options, so you can pick out your favorite color. Or decorate your helmet with stickers and reflectors to show your personal style. Helmets are designed to help prevent injuries to your 28 head, because a serious fall or crash can cause permanent brain damage or death. And that’s definitely not cool. Fitness Information For Teens, Third Edition Table 19.1. Guidelines For Different Exercises Exercise Type How often? What is it? Why do it? Aerobic exercise Most of your 60 minutes of daily exercise, at least 3 days a week. Aerobic activities are those in which young people regularly move their muscles. Running, hopping, skipping, jumping rope, swimming, dancing, and biking are all examples of aerobic activity. It makes your heart and lungs strong. Muscle-strengthening exercise (3 or more days each week) As part of your 60 minutes of exercise each day, at least 3 days a week. Muscle-strengthening activities make muscles do more work than usual. This is called “overload” and it makes your muscles stronger. Climbing trees, yoga, rock climbing, lifting weights, or working with resistance bands are all muscle-strengthening exercises It increases your strength and builds muscle. Bone-strengthening exercise (3 or more days each week) As part of your 60 minutes of exercise each day, at least 3 days a week. Bone-strengthening activities push on your bones and help them grow and be strong. This push usually comes from impact with the ground. Running, jumping rope, basketball, tennis, and hopscotch are all bone-strengthening exercises. (These exercises can also be aerobic and muscle-strengthening.) It will make your bones stronger. Your bones get strongest in the years just before and during puberty. Fiction: Helmets just aren’t comfortable. Fact: Today’s helmets are lightweight, well ventilated, and have lots of padding. Try on your helmet to make sure it fits properly and comfortably on your head before you buy it. Fiction: Really good riders don’t need to wear helmets. Fact: Crashes or collisions can happen at any time. Even professional bike racers get in serious wrecks. In three out of four bike crashes, bikers usually get some sort of injury to their head. Levels Of Exercise There are three levels of physical activity. • Light: Not sweating; not breathing hard (slow walking, dancing) • Moderate: Breaking a sweat; can talk but can’t sing (walking fast, dancing) • Vigorous: Sweating, breathing hard, can’t talk or sing (running, swimming laps) No matter what level at which you are exercising, the activity can be one of three types: aerobic exercise, muscle-strengthening exercise, or bone-strengthening exercise. It’s important to remember that as you exercise more and more, activities that were once vigorousmaybecomemoderate.Don’tbeafraidtochallengeyourself !Afterseveralweeksor months of training, try jogging for longer distances or at a faster rate. 126 Figure 45.1. The right way and the wrong way to wear a bicycle helmet. 268 Chapter 61 Resources For More Information About Fitness Directories of related organizations provides resources for more information. Teen Nutrition Action for Healthy Kids 600WestVanBurenStreet,Suite720 Chicago,IL60607 Toll-Free:800-416-5136 Fax:312-212-0098 Website: • Meltedlow-fatorfat-freecheeseonasliceofwholegraintoast • Peanutbutterandjellyonasliceofwholewheatbread Be cautious about breakfast foods high in fat, sugar, and/or sodium (salt), including bacon, ham, sausage, croissants, biscuits, donuts, cinnamon buns, hash browns, and most fast-food breakfast sandwiches. Aerobics and Fitness Association of America Lunch Lift 15250VenturaBoulevard,Suite200 ShermanOaks,CA91403 Toll-Free:877-YOUR-BODY (877-968-7263) Website: Eatinglunchatschoolposesnutritionalchallengesforstudentsofallages.Typicalschool cafeteria menus feature high-fat, high-calorie foods such as burgers, chicken nuggets, french fries, cookies, and cakes. Lunch lines are often long, and some students have as little as 20 minutes to eat before their next class. So many adolescents grab chips and a soda from the vending machine instead of enjoying a healthy meal. Agrowingteenagerneedsalunchthatprovidesone-thirdoftheday’snutritionalneeds.Teens can learn make healthy choices (if their cafeteria offers a wide variety of foods) or pack a lunch that Amateur Athletic Union National Headquarters P.O.Box22409 LakeBuenaVista,FL32830 Toll-Free:800-AAU-4USA (800-228-4872) Phone:407-934-7200 Fax:407-934-7242 Website: Chapter 62 Amateur Endurance Resources For More Information About Specific Sports And Activities EnduranceMedia,Inc. P.O.Box9799 SanDiego,CA92169 Website: E-mail:[email protected] provides them with protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free milk. About This Chapter: Information in this chapter was compiled from many sources deemed reliable. Inclusion does not constitute endorsement and there is no implication associated with omission. All contact information was verified in 2012. Brown Bag Makeover Easy suggestions for a nutritional makeover of your brown bag lunch: 361 1. Choose 1% or fat-free milk. 2. Use cheese on sandwiches that is low-fat or fat-free. 3. Switch from bologna, ham, salami, pastrami and other high-fat luncheon meats to low-fat alternatives like turkey. 4. Include at least one serving of fruit in every lunch. 5. Add vegetables to your diet by using ones, like lettuce or slices of cucumber, tomato, and green pepper on sandwiches. 6. Use whole grain bread instead of white bread for sandwiches. 7. Limit cookies, snacks cakes, donuts, brownies, and other baked goods. 8. Pack baked chips, pretzels, bread sticks, or low-fat crackers instead of potato chips or corn chips that are fried. 9. Don’t pack prepared lunch kits that are high in fat and sugar. 10. Pack water or a low-calorie flavored water, rather than fruit drinks that contain only 10 percent juice. Amateur Athletic Union Basketball P.O.Box22409 LakeBuenaVista,FL32830 Toll-Free:800-AAU-4USA (800-228-4872) Phone:407-934-7200 Fax:407-934-7242 Boyswebsite: Girlswebsite: Amateur Softball Association of America Callout boxes highlight important information. 2801NE50thStreet OklahomaCity,OK73111 Phone:405-424-5266 Website: American Hiking Society 1422FenwickLane SilverSpring,MD20910 Toll-Free:800-972-8608 Phone:301-565-6704 Fax:301-565-6714 Website: E-mail:[email protected] American Running Association 4405East-WestHighway,Suite405 Bethesda,MD20814 Phone:800-776-2732(ext.13or12) Fax:301-913-9520 Website: 49 About This Chapter: Information in this chapter was compiled from many sources deemed reliable. Inclusion does not constitute endorsement and there is no implication associated with omission. All contact information was verified in 2012. Index Page numbers that appear in Italics refer to tables or illustrations. Page numbers that have a small ‘n’ after the page number refer to information shown as Notes at the beginning of each chapter. Page numbers that appear in Bold refer to information contained in boxes on that page (except Notes information at the beginning of each chapter). A “About” (President’s Challenge) 357n, publications adverse weather exercise 281n cardiovascular exercise 129n disabilities, exercise 333n Action for Health Kids, contact information 361 “Active at Any Size” (NIDDK) 303n A.D.A.M., Inc., exercise-induced asthma publication 325n Adaptive Adventures, website address 335 aerobic activity described 10 fitness guidelines 82 guidelines 118 intensity levels 84, 114–15, 132 overview 114–15 aerobic exercise diabetes mellitus 329 fitness guidelines 126, 127 weight management 8 Aerobics and Fitness Association of America, contact information 361 age factor, physical activity 83–84, 127 AH-89-Xtreme 351 alcohol use, physical activity guidelines 121 Altena, Thomas 269n alternating toe touches, described 140–41 Amateur Athlete Union, contact information 361 Amateur Athletic Union Basketball, contact information 369 Amateur Endurance, contact information 361 Amateur Softball Association of America, contact information 369 American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, contact information 362 American Athletic Institute, website address 362 American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) contact information 362 publications clothing 269n fitness facilities 103n hydration 289n American Council on Exercise contact information 362 375 Omnigraphics has published the third edition of a book earmarked to provide the tools and information needed for teens to engage in a healthier lifestyle before entering adulthood. In this thorough, easy-to-follow single volume, seven main sections cover information on the human body, personal fitness plans, exercise fundamentals, team activities, sports safety, obstacles to finding fitness, and resources. … [A] comprehensive reference. Highly recommended for those who coach or who work with teens in schools and in academic and public libraries. Booklist, Mar ’13 5 TEEN HEALTH SERIES Omnigraphics • Quality Reference Works Index includes comprehensive listings for terms related to symptoms, diagnoses, treatments, coping issues, resources, and more. Sample Pages 369 Teen Health Series: RECENTLY PUBLISHED VOLUMES Asthma Information for Teens, 2nd Ed. Drug Information for Teens, 3rd Ed. Suicide Information for Teens, 2nd Ed. Including Facts about Asthma Causes, Triggers and Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Including information about Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs, Club Drugs, Hallucinogens, Stimulants, Opiates, Steroids, and More Including Facts about Depression, Risk Factors, Getting Help, Survivor Support, and More Health Tips about Managing Asthma and Related Concerns Edited by Kim Wohlenhaus. 427 pages. 2010. 978-0-7808-1086-0. “As part of a series to help adolescents understand, manage, and avoid serious illness, this volume is a valuable resource for educating the increasing number of youth with asthma in the U.S., as well as parents, teachers, and the public.” —SciTech Book News, June ’10 “Clear, concise, and very readable and would be a good source of asthma information for anyone—not just teenagers. … Highly recommended.” —American Reference Books Annual, 2011 Diet Information for Teens, 3rd Ed. Recently Published Volumes Health Tips about Nutrition Fundamentals and Eating Plans TEEN HEALTH SERIES Omnigraphics • Quality Reference Works 6 Including Facts about Vitamins, Minerals, Food Additives, and Weight-Related Concerns Just Published! Edited by Karen Bellenir. 427 pages. 2011. 978-0-7808-1156-0. A Core Collections Star Title “Provides teens with a realistic approach to diet and nutrition by presenting the latest and most factual information in clear language and a user-friendly format. … This reference lays a solid foundation for good health choices.” —Booklist, Mar ’12 “The third edition has updated information on healthy eating and how to make smart food choices and references the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the MyPlate food guidance system. … I would highly recommend this book to any teenager interested in learning what it takes to live a healthy lifestyle. … This book has a lot of great information that would be helpful to teens and their parents. Score: 98—5 Stars (out of 5)!” —Doody’s Review Service, Jan ’12 Health Tips about the Physical and Mental Effects of Substance Abuse Edited by Elizabeth Magill. 490 pages. 2011. 978-0-7808-1154-6. “Issues surrounding the abuse of alcohol, drugs, and other legal and illegal substances are thoroughly covered.… Readers will have no trouble zeroing in on the information that they need.” —School Library Journal, Aug ’11 “Packed with up-to-date facts, figures and issues related to drug use and abuse for students and teachers seeking information for personal use or research.” —Pennsylvania School Library Association, Apr ’11, YA Top 10 (Nonfiction) Sexual Health Information for Teens, 3rd Ed. Health Tips about Sexual Development, Reproduction, Contraception, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Including Facts about Puberty, Sexuality, Birth Control, HIV/AIDS, Human Papillomavirus, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes, and More Edited by Elizabeth Magill. 429 pages. 2011. 978-0-7808-1155-3. “The text is easy to read and understand for young readers, with satisfactory definitions within the text to explain new terms. … Information provided here is from reputable sources and up to date.” —American Reference Books Annual, 2012 “The straightforward, clinical language of the various publications excerpted anticipates the myriad questions teens may have.” —School Library Journal, Dec ’11 Looking fo r eBooks? Visit www .o for titles a nd vendors . Health Tips about Suicide Causes and Prevention Edited by Kim Wohlenhaus. 380 pages. 2010. 978-0-7808-1088-4. “Easy to read, it combines text with sidebars containing facts and related research findings. … In this compilation, students will find many articles on suicide in one place without having to search for and evaluate Internet sites. It is a convenient reference book to be consulted for facts or to explore the topic.” —American Reference Books Annual, 2011 “Easy to read and understand. … In addition to providing updated information about suicidal risk in teenagers as well as causes and prevention, this book also gives teenagers detailed guidelines for coping with stresses in their lives and tips for family members for providing support for loved ones during the crisis.” —Doody’s Review Service, 2010 Tobacco Information for Teens, 2nd Ed. Health Tips about the Hazards of Using Cigarettes, Smokeless Tobacco, and Other Nicotine Products Including Facts about Nicotine Addiction, Nicotine Delivery Systems, Secondhand Smoke, Health Consequences of Tobacco Use, Related Cancers, Smoking Cessation, and Tobacco Use Statistics Edited by Karen Bellenir. 440 pages. 2010. 978-0-7808-1153-9. “A comprehensive overview of tobacco use for this age group….This reasonably priced reference title should be considered to be a necessary purchase for all public libraries and school media centers, along with those academic libraries supporting teacher education.” —American Reference Books Annual, 2011 Order Form OMNIGRAPHICS 60-DAY ON-APPROVAL ORDER FORM Copies List Price S&L SO Price ___Teen Health Series 5-Volume Set Buyer’s choice, you pick the volumes.................................................... $272 ___Teen Health Series 10-Volume Set Buyer’s choice, you pick the volumes.......................................................527 ___Alcohol Information for Teens, 3rd Ed. 978-0-7808-1313-7.........................................................................69 62 ___Allergy Information for Teens, 2nd Ed. 978-0-7808-1288-8.........................................................................69 62 ___Asthma Information for Teens, 2nd Ed. 978-0-7808-1086-0.........................................................................69 62 ___Cancer Information for Teens, 3rd Ed. 978-0-7808-1319-9.........................................................................69 62 ___Complementary & Alternative Medicine Information for Teens, 2nd Ed. 978-0-7808-1311-3.........................................................................69 62 ___Diabetes Information for Teens, 2nd Ed. 978-0-7808-1218-5 ........................................................................69 62 A Standing Order is an automatic renewal. 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