Sponsorship Opportunities

Dear Friend of Schoenbaum:
Opened in 2002, the Schoenbaum Family Enrichment Center is West Virginia’s premier multi-tenant
nonprofit complex located in the West Side neighborhood of Charleston, WV. It provides affordable,
inviting and accessible space for social service agencies that deliver critical services including full-day child
care, adult education and workforce training, child advocacy, mentoring programs and emergency
The Schoenbaum Center is pleased to host the 2nd annual SCHOENBAUM SHOWCASE on June 9-10, 2015.
This year’s Showcase will highlight the Five Promises set forth by America’s Promise – caring adults, a safe
place, a healthy start, an effective education and opportunities to serve. America’s Promise is devoted to
helping create the conditions for success for all young people – a belief shared by the Schoenbaum Center
and our tenants.
The Schoenbaum Showcase will feature three unique events:
Job and Resource Fair - June 9
Kids and Family Expo - June 9
Promise of Hope Awards Reception – June 10
As a business leader in our community, I respectfully request that you consider showing your support of the
Schoenbaum Center and our community by sponsoring the Schoenbaum Showcase. In order to provide this
valuable community event to our West Side neighbors, we need the financial support of our local business
Sponsorships range from $250 to $2,500. The enclosed Sponsorship Opportunities document describes the
sponsorship opportunities and associated benefits.
For additional information on the Schoenbaum Center, our nonprofit tenants and their programs and
services, visit our website at: www.schoenbaumcenter.org. The Schoenbaum Center is a 501(c)(3)
nonprofit organization.
I will follow-up with you in a couple of days to discuss this exciting opportunity to support the Schoenbaum
Center and our community. You also may call me at the Schoenbaum Center at 304.414.4400. A
sponsorship commitment form is enclosed.
Thank you for your consideration.
Loretta Jett-Haddad
Sponsorship Opportunity
Schoenbaum Showcase Title Sponsor
Job and Resource Fair Sponsor
Kids and Family Expo
Promise of Hope Award - VOLUNTEER
Promise of Hope Award - BUSINESS
Showcase Patron
Sponsorship Benefits
Recognition as Schoenbaum Showcase title sponsor (exclusive)
Logo on promotional materials, signage, e-marketing, social media and website
Recognition in all media releases
Opportunity to deliver brief (2-3 minutes) welcome at the Promise of Hope Awards
Ability to have an information table at the Job and Resources Fair and Kids and Family Expo
10 comp tickets to the Promise of Hope Awards Reception
Recognition as Job and Resource Fair Sponsor (exclusive)
Logo on promotional materials, signage, e-marketing, social media and website
Recognition in all media releases
Ability to have an information table at the Job and Resource Fair
4 comp tickets to the Promise of Hope Awards Reception
Recognition as Job and Resource Fair Sponsor (exclusive)
Logo on promotional materials, signage, e-marketing, social media and website
Recognition in all media releases
Ability to have an information table at the Job and Resource Fair
4 comp tickets to the Promise of Hope Awards Reception
Recognition as Promise of Hope Award- Volunteer Sponsor (exclusive)
Recognition on signage, website, social media, and in all media releases
Opportunity to co-present the award to the award recipient
4 comp tickets to the Promise of Hope Awards Reception
Recognition as Promise of Hope Award- Volunteer Sponsor (exclusive)
Recognition on signage, website, social media, and in all media releases
Opportunity to co-present the award to the award recipient
4 comp tickets to the Promise of Hope Awards Reception
Recognition on signage (text only, no logo)
Recognition on website
2 comp tickets to the Promise of Hope Awards Reception
Sponsorship Commitment Form
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Company: ____________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _________________________ Email: _______________________________________________
I would like to sponsor the following:
Schoenbaum Showcase Title Sponsor ($2,500)
Job and Resource Fair Sponsor ($1,000)
Kids and Family Expo ($1,000)
Promise of Hope Award – Volunteer ($750)
Promise of Hope Award – Business ($750)
Showcase Patron ($250)
Total Sponsorship Commitment: _____________________________________________
Authorized Signature: ______________________________________________________
Recognition should be listed as:
Sponsorships are available on a first come, first served basis.
Please make checks payable to:
Schoenbaum Center
1701 5th Avenue, Ste. 1,
Charleston, WV 24387
Thank you for your support!