“Texas, Our Texas” Ecoregion Project
Our amazing state is full of interesting, diverse ecological regions! You will become the expert on
one of these special regions. Over the next six weeks, we will be covering a variety of ecological concepts
in class, while you will discover the unique aspects of our great state through this project. This is an inclass project, and your final product will be presented to your classmates on the due date. You may choose
to work individually or with one partner, but your choice is permanent. This is a MAJOR grade!
Here are the major ecoregions of Texas. Once you decide if you are working with someone or not, the
ecoregions will be drawn at random for each person/group. There may be multiple people/groups in a class
period researching the same ecoregion.
Ecoregion 1- East Texas Pineywoods
Ecoregion 2- Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes
Ecoregion 3- Post Oak Savannah
Ecoregion 4- Blackland Prairies
Ecoregion 5- Cross Timbers and Prairies
Ecoregion 6- South Texas Plains
Ecoregion 7- Edwards Plateau
Ecoregion 8- Rolling Plains
Ecoregion 9- High Plains
Ecoregion 10- West of the Pecos
Visual Media Options: You have a choice between any of the following media outlets to use as a vehicle
for your presentation. If you would like to do something other than one of the choices listed below, you
must have teacher approval first. Please be aware that some options will require time spent at home
working on the project.
Picture book
Video (documentary, newscast)
Project Requirements: Your project must cover all of the aspects listed below for your ecoregion. How
you present the information and the order in which you present it is left up to you!
1. Geography: show the typical land of your ecoregion, along with any major landforms and/or aquatic
o Watershed: find a diagram/map showing a watershed in your ecoregion and explain how
humans activity affects the surface water and ground water in that area
2. Climate: discuss typical weather patterns throughout the year (include wind, rainfall, and sunlight
3. Inhabitants: showcase a variety of organisms with adaptations unique to your ecoregion (must have
at least 10 organisms).
4. Relationships Among Inhabitants: create a food web showing the relationships between specific
organisms in your ecoregion (must have at least 10 organisms in food web; must include scientific
5. Sustainability: give at least two examples or factors that contribute to the sustainability of your
6. Catastrophic Events: disasters occur everywhere, but some occur naturally and some are caused by
humans. Either way, these disasters can greatly affect the ecosystems within your region. You will
be exploring both types.
a. Historical Event- find at least one catastrophic event in history that affected your ecoregion.
This could include, but is not limited to: hurricanes, oil spills, earthquakes, wildfires, etc.
Describe the effect that the disaster had on your ecoregion, and accompany it with actual
photos (if possible).
b. Potential Disasters- describe at least two possible catastrophic events that could happen in
your ecoregion. One must be a natural disaster, and one must be caused by humans (in some
way). Explain the factors that are present in your ecoregion that make these disasters a
potential threat.
c. Succession- show and describe how a succession event (primary or secondary) has taken
place in your ecoregion after your “historical event” occurred.
7. Natural Environmental Changes:
a. Weathering: show at least one example each of mechanical and chemical weathering in your
b. Erosion: show at least one example of erosion in your ecoregion
c. Deposition: show at least one example of deposition in your ecoregion
8. Conservation: discuss why conservation of the resources in your ecoregion is so critical. Which
species are endangered? Which resources are being depleted? What actions can be taken to protect
your ecoregion?
Vocabulary List: it is recommended that you include all vocabulary words listed below to ensure that you
are covering all aspects of this project.
Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, Watershed, Surface Water, Ground Water, Sustainability, Primary
Succession, Secondary Succession, Biodiversity, Predator , Prey, Producer , Consumer, Community, Competition,
Limiting Factor, Carrying Capacity, Population, Conservation, Community, Symbiosis ( Mutualism, Commensalism,
Parasitism), Niche
Recommended Websites: start your research here, but use any reputable sources you can find! Reference
books are also available in the classroom and library.
Project Checkpoints: to help you progress on your project in a timely manner, there will be several project
checkpoints between now and the due date. They will be announced several days in advance, and you will
be required to submit a written explanation of the progress you have made. If your teacher determines that
you are not making sufficient progress, a conference may be needed.
Work Time: you will be given at least four full class periods to work on this project at school. Any extra
time will have to be scheduled on your own. Your teacher will be available after school (most daysalways check in advance) for you to work in their room. Do not wait until the last minute! You will also
be graded on your use of class time during the work days.
Class Handout: you must create a “fill in the blank” style handout for your audience to use while you
present. You must include a map that highlights your specific ecoregion and the labeled food web that you
created. Please use Microsoft Word to create your handout. All handouts will be due to your teacher two
days before presentations begin. You may submit a paper copy (1), or an e-copy sent to your teacher’s
email address.
Bibliography: to ensure that credit is given to appropriate resources, you must include some type of
citations page. This could be a “slide” at the end of your presentation or video with all of the source
information that you used listed, or a physical piece of paper that you submit to your teacher when you
DUE DATE: _________________________
Texas, Our Texas Project Rubric
The maximum points for each category will be awarded only if student meets and exceeds all
requirements for that specific category. Do not lose this sheet- you must give to your teacher before
you present!
Content: This category includes the actual information
presented as project requirements (Geography, Climate,
Inhabitants, Relationships among Inhabitants, Sustainability,
Catastrophic Events, Natural Environmental Changes, and
Conservation). You will also be assessed on your use of the
vocabulary terms provided and the depth of expertise on your
specific ecoregion.
Points Earned
Points Possible
Presentation Skills: As you present, you will be graded on your
familiarity with the content as well as how well you engage your
audience. If you want full points, you SHOULD NOT simply read your
presentation. Be sure to project your voice and pronounce the
vocabulary correctly.
Class Hand Out: Your class hand should have a map highlighting your
specific ecoregion, a food web, and other vital information about
your region. It also must be turned in on time. It must also be “fill in
the blank” style.
Bibliography: Not only do you need to have a place where your
sources are all cited, but your project must be presented in your own
Use of Class Time: You will receive full credit for this category unless
your teacher has to redirect you during class work days. You will lose
one point for each redirection.
Percentage GRADE: