Dear Eldorado K-8 Families, Volume 15 / Issue 8 April 2015 Eldorado K-8 3351 S. Indiana St. Superior, CO 80027 A John Irwin School of Excellence Table of Contents: Pages 1-2 Principal’s Letter Page 3 Calendar of Events Pages 4-5 K-8 News Pages 5-6 Elementary News Pages 7-8 Middle Level News Pages 9-10 District News Principal Robyn R. Hamasaki Assistant Principals: Jennifer Korb Nick Vanderpol Counselor: Megan McDonald Jeanne Cooper Main Office: 720-561-4400 Registrar: 720-561-4405 Counseling: 720-561-4405 School FAX: 720-561-4401 Attendance: 720-561-4402 Tip Line: 720-561-5518 Web Address: Welcome back from Spring Break! As we gear up for the last eight weeks of school, I want to commend our 987 students for showing up to school everyday and bringing their best effort forward. For some, school is easy; and for others, it’s a chore. The common ground is that school should be the playground for all children to learn in, grow in, and to excel in. Educating children is what we do. And at Eldorado, we believe in educating the whole child … to us, that means not only motivating your children to be curious, lifelong learners academically, but to be confident, respectful individuals who want to contribute to our global society. In order to nurture the “whole child”, our school has embraced the acronym S.O.A.R., which stands for Safety, Ownership, Acceptance and Respect. In everything we do, we practice being safe, taking ownership, being accepting of others and showing respect to all people; adults, peers, and young children alike. I am quite pleased to share with you the ways that our children are demonstrating S.O.A.R.-ing behavior across our K-8: S—SAFETY ELEM: Our 5th Grade “Hug-n-Go” Ambassadors wake up every morning to meet and greet our students and parents in their cars as students are dropped off at school in the mornings. ML: As part of our Bring Your Own Technology or BYOT Program, all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders were instructed at the start of the year in Science Classes to create a safe and responsible classroom environment for using our non-cellphone personal digital devices. Each ML student then received their Digital Driver’s License that allows them to use devices in school safely. K-8: Everyday, our students walk the halls of the building. Elementary students and Middle Level students sharing the hallway space as students go to PE, Music, and Art or during the ML passing period. As the Middle Level students descend the stairwell into the 4-way stop intersection as we like to call it, the Middle Level student will “pause” and yield the way to the younger, smaller Elementary student. Safety first! O—OWNERSHIP ELEM: There is a sign in the cafeteria that states, “Leave this place better than you found it.” This motto represents the good behavior that our children showcase everyday as they clean their respective areas at lunch before they go out to recess to play. Continued on page 2 ML: Our E-360 Program teaches and empowers our 8th graders to be leaders and mentors of the school for all incoming 6th graders. This 6th and 8th grade “buddy system” allows our 8th graders to be models to our newest Middle Level students as they transition to 6th grade. K-8: All 987 Eldorado students proudly sing our “We Are Eldorado” school song at assemblies and music events. Our Eldorado school song was written by Mr. Mark Call, Music Teacher. A—ACCEPTANCE ELEM: We have students from 27 different countries speaking 27 different languages. We also have students with a range of disabilities. Our students learn from the start that it is important to accept each individual for who they are and that every one is special in their own unique way. ML: Our newly established A.C.E. Curriculum teaches the social/emotional components of Acceptance, Compassion, and Equity to our students in an authentic part of the learning day. This A.C.E. Curriculum was rolled out to the students in the February-March timeframe. K-8: Flags hung on the walls of our cafetorium represent the many countries of the world that our students come from. R—RESPECT ELEM: Our K-5 student behavior on field trips are exceptional! We always receive laudatory comments from the various organizations and an open invitation to return! ML: Intramural and Interscholastic events such as volleyball, basketball and football can be challenging sports for our Eagle athletes. I commend the respectful attitude and the good sportsmanlike conduct of our athletes on and off the field. K-8: Elementary and Middle Level student buddies work together, learn together, and grow together in various settings of the learning day. The Middle Level students are heroes to our younger learners while our younger learners have the opportunity to observe the positive role models of our more senior students. What a magical match! As you can see, we are quite proud of the work that our students are doing on a daily basis, both academically and social-emotionally. “S.O.A.R.-ing” at Eldorado is “the thing to do” and represents the strong thread that weaves throughout our daily interactions and themes as part of the natural learning day. Our school song states that “We Are Eldorado”… and yes, that is who we truly are. Dare to S.O.A.R. Eldorado! Best, Robyn R. Hamasaki Principal 2 4/6 4/7 4/8 4/9 4/10 4/10-12 4/13 4/14 4/16 4/17 4/20 4/21 4/22 4/23 4/24 4/27 4/28 4/29 4/30 5/1 5/1-5/3 ML Student Council Meeting 2nd Grade Field Trip 1st Grade Field Trip Boys Soccer Game IM Girls Basketball SEA Sponsored Spirit Night Kindergarten Parent CAP Training Eco Club Meeting “The Music Man Jr.” Performance Kindergarten Preview (AM Session) Kindergarten Preview (PM Session) “The Music Man Jr.” Performance 3rd Grade Field Trip 7th Grade Field Trip Kindergarten Preview (AM Session) Kindergarten Preview (PM Session) “The Music Man Jr.” Performance SEA Sponsored Spirit Weekend Spring Class Photos ML Student Council Meeting SAC Meeting SEA/PTO Meeting Coffee Chat with the Principal ML Jazz Ensemble Concert No School-Conference Exchange Date No School-Conference Exchange Date ML Orchestra Field Trip Departs ML Orchestra Field Trip Returns Volunteer Tea Singin’ Eagles Concert Jump Rope Club 4th Grade Field Trip ML Student Council Meeting 5th Grade Concert Eco Club Meeting E360 Preliminary Meeting SEA Invest Picnic SEA Sponsored Spirit Weekend Room 560 Arvada Center Arvada Center Manhattan Middle School Eldorado K8 Chipotle Library Room 220 Café Library Library Café Boulder Dinner Theater Denver Zoo Library Library Café California Pizza Kitchen Gym Room 560 Library Library Café Café 3:30pm-4:15pm 9:00am-1:45pm 10:30am-1:45pm 4:00pm-5:30pm 4:00pm-5:30pm 4:00pm-8:00pm 6:00pm-8:00pm 3:40pm-4:30pm 7:00pm-8:30pm 9:00am-10:40am 1:00pm-2:40pm 7:00pm-8:30pm 9:00am-12:00pm 9:00am-1:30pm 9:00am-10:40am 1:00pm-2:40pm 7:00pm-8:30pm YMCA YMCA Library Café Small Gym Mackey Auditorium Room 560 Café Room 220 Small Gym Field Tutti Fruitti 9:00am 2:00pm 2:30pm-4:00pm 6:30pm-7:30pm 7:45am-8:30am 9:00am-11:30am 3:30pm-4:15pm 6:00pm-7:00pm 3:40pm-4:30pm 3:40pm-4:45pm 11:00am-1:00pm 9:30am-3:00pm 3:30pm-4:15pm 4:00pm-5:30pm 6:30pm-8:00pm 9:00am-10:00am 7:00pm-8:00pm 3 APRIL ’15- CMAS S M T W Th F S 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13(CMAS) 4th SS#1 14 4th SS#2 8th Sc #1 21 5th Sc #1 15 17 18 28 (PARCC) 6th Math 1 7th Math 1 8th Math 1 29 16 4th SS#3 8th SC #3 23 5th Sc #2 7th SS#1 30 (PARCC) 6th Math 2 7th Math 2 8th Math 2 20 19 NO SCHOOL 27 7th SS #3 26 Make up 8th Sc #2 22 Make Up NO SCHOOL 24 5th Sc #3 7th SS#2 PARCC End of Year (EOY): ML: Math=2 25 6TH GRADE: Math-April 28,30 7TH GRADE: Math-April 28,30 8TH GRADE: Math-April 28,30 MAY ’15- PARCC S M T W Th F 1 S 2 Make Up 4 3rd Math 1 4th Math 1 5th Math 1 6th ELA 1 7th ELA 1 8th ELA 1 5 3rd Math 2 4th Math 2 5th Math 2 6th ELA 2 7th ELA 2 8th ELA 2 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 7 3rd ELA 1 5th ELA 1 8 4th ELA 1 CMAS: 4TH GRADE: Social Studies (SS) April 13,14,16 5TH GRADE: Science (Sc) April 23,24,27 7TH GRADE during Social Studies (SS): April 23,24,27 8TH GRADE during Science (Sc): April 14,15,16 9 PARCC End of Year (EOY): EL: English Language Arts (ELA)=1; Math=2 3RD GRADE: Math-May 4, 5 ELA-May 7 4TH GRADE: Math-May 4, 5 ELA-May 8 5TH GRADE: Math-May 4,5 ELA- May 7 ML: English Language Arts (ELA)=2 6TH GRADE: ELA- May 4,5 7TH GRADE: ELA- May 4,5 8TH GRADE: ELA- May 4,5 31 EVERY MORNING IN THE CAFETERIA 8:10am-8:35am M,T,TH,F and 9:10am-9:45am W Cost - $1.75 Breakfast at Eldorado K-8 We offer breakfast at Eldorado in the morning from 8:10am to 8:35am on M,T Th, F and 9:10am to 9:45am on W. The cost is $1.75. If you are interested in having your child enjoy breakfast at school, this is an option for you. This breakfast program is similar to the lunch program. Students will key in their student code to charge the cost of their breakfast. Please refer to the BVSD Website (under the BVSD A to Z tab) in the Food Service Section for the menu. Enjoy breakfast at school! Lunch at Eldorado K-8 Do your kiddos love the salad bar at lunchtime? In case you were not aware, the salad bar is unlimited for those hungry lunchtime eaters!!!!! Mark your calendar for the Seventh Annual BVSD Bike to School Day, the School District’s largest single-day event. It’s Earth Day too! Registration began April 1. Parents are invited to participate but only students and staff may register. The school with the greatest participation, based on registration, will be rewarded with a fruit smoothie party courtesy of the BVSD School Food Project. To learn more, please visit Sponsored by the BVSD TO School Program, a unit of the BVSD Transportation Department, providing transportation options for students and staff. 4 Spirit Night at Chipotle Topsicle Tuesday’s are Back! Starting Tuesday, April 7, bring 5 box tops or 50 cents to the Topsicle Tuesday Table after school for an otter pop. Eldorado K-8 School Beautification Project – Saturday, April 4 beginning at 12:00pm Bring your shovels, rakes, and wheelbarrows to help clean out the beds at the front entrance of the school in preparation for our new ground cover! Join Principal Robyn Hamasaki and other Eldorado Families in helping to spruce up our school for spring! Come join us for Spirit Night on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 from 5:00pm – 8:00pm at Chipotle. Elementary Class Photos And 8th Grade Panoramic Monday, April 13, Van Gogh Photography will be taking Elementary Class Photos and the 8th Grade Panoramic Photo. Look for order envelopes to come home in Elementary Friday Folders and from Language Arts Teachers for 8th Graders. Volunteer Tea Come join us on Thursday, April 23, 2015 from 2:30pm – 4:00pm in the Library for our Volunteer Tea Open House. Look for an invitation to come home soon in Friday Folders. This is a time we come together as a staff to thank you for all of the amazing volunteer work that happens at Eldorado K8. Eldorado K8 Musical Performance "The Music Man Jr." is a family-friendly story to be shared with every generation. Featuring favorite songs such as “76 Trombones”, “Goodnight My Someone”, and “Till There Was You” this show is sure to be a treat for the entire family. The story follows fast-talking traveling salesman Harold Hill as he cons the people of River City, Iowa into buying instruments and uniforms for a boys' band he vows to organize. The catch? He doesn't know a trombone from a treble clef. His plans to skip town with the cash are foiled when he falls for Marian, whose belief in Harold’s powers just might help him succeed in the end in spite of himself. Funny, warm and touching, “The Music Man Jr.” is family entertainment at its best– a bold, brassy show! Our fabulous Production Team (Mrs. McDonald, Mr. Call, Ms. Carson and Mrs. Grant) have worked tirelessly with their cast of Middle Level Students to put on a fantastic show! Come join the fun next week! Tickets on sale starting Monday, April 6 and will be for sale every day through Friday April 10, as follows: 1/2 hour before school (8:15am - 8:45am) during lunch (11:15am - 1:00pm) end of the school day (3:15pm - 3:45pm) before the performance @ 6:30pm, April 8, 9 & 10 Tickets cost: $7 per adult $5 per student / child (cash or check only please) 5 Students spent most of March practicing volleyball skills during PE Class. All grades had several opportunities to improve their ability to perform the volleyball skills of bumping, setting and serving. Students in grades K, 1 and 2 started off by working on these skills in isolation, then challenged themselves to apply their refined skills with a partner and in small groups. Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 participated in 2v2 and 4v4 games and also had the choice to play in a 2v2 elimination tournament. A big focus with the older students was to utilize footwork and communication in game play. During the last week of March, all students participated in basketball activities in order to get ready for our school-wide event, March Madness. Field Days: Mark your calendars. Field Day is scheduled for May 11 and 12. Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 will participate in their Field Day from 9:00am-11:30am on Monday, May 11. Students in grades 1 and 2 will participate in their Field Day from 9:00am-11:30am on Tuesday, May 12. More information about Field Day will be communicated to parents at the end of April. Kindergarten The Kindergarten classes have mastered quarter notes, paired eighth notes and quarter rests. They have been reading these symbols, singing them, moving to them, and playing them. Ask your child about “Grizzly Bear” or “Ten in Bed” and ask them where the rest, or silence, is in each song. As students prepare for their performance in May, they will be learning about musical phrases (similar to sentences) that are similar and different. 1st Grade The first graders are composers! They all wrote their very own piece of original music using the pitches sol, la and mi. They also learned about Johann Sebastian Bach, a famous composer who lived 300 years ago. In April, students will learn songs and games from Mexico to complement their classroom study. 2nd Grade In March, the second grade classes learned about form, or structure, in music. Through movement, active listening, singing, playing instruments, and reading a variety of songs students are learning about ABA form (same-different-same), verse/refrain form, and two-part rounds. In April, they will learn songs using mi-re-do in preparation for a music composition. 3rd Grade Students in third grade have been composing an original song organized in question and answer phrases. In April, they will perform these songs for one another. Also in April, students will focus on sixteenth note rhythms. 4th Grade The fourth graders have also been composing songs organized in question and answer phrases. At the end of March they had a special visit from Maestro Michael Butterman of the Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra. In April, students will take a field trip to hear the Philharmonic and will learn about instruments of the band and orchestra in preparation for fifth grade. 5th Grade The fifth graders have been learning how to count rhythms like “real” musicians. They know how to count quarter notes, half notes, eighth notes, sixteenth notes, and eighth-sixteenth combinations. They also learned songs that contained these rhythms. They used these rhythms to create their own original compositions to perform for their classes. In April, students will be preparing for their upcoming April 28 concert. 6 Attention Kindergarten Parents Beginning in April, our Kindergarten Students will participate in the Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Program here at Eldorado. CAP seeks to prevent child assault by training children to recognize and deal with potentially dangerous situations. CAP also prepares the adults in a child's life to help in this journey. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 7 from 6:00pm-8:00pm to attend a parent information night regarding the CAP Program. Also, please reference the March 30 Principal’s Message for more information. Reminder-No school for Kindergarten Students Due to Kindergarten Preview for incoming 2015-2016 Kindergarten Students, there will be no school for current Kindergarten Students on Thursday, April 9 and Friday, April 10. 2015/2016 E360 Student’s currently in grade 7 who are interested in being part of E360 should fill out the form online, using the link that is provided in the 7th Grade Weekly Notes. This is a great opportunity to be part of a team helping the new 6thgraders become familiar with Eldorado K-8. Hope to see you there! MathCounts Congratulations to Leo Lee. At the recent MathCounts State Competition he placed 15th out of 170 students, placing in the top 8% of the state. Way to go Leo! Elementary Running Club The Running Club started practice this past Tuesday, March 31 after school. If you have a student/student’s participating in the running club please make sure they wear athletic shoes and bring a water bottle to all practices. Please contact Georgia Magnera with any questions at [email protected]. PEN (Parent Engagement Network) Monarch PEN is hosting NATURAL HIGHS with Avani Dilger and a panel of Natural Highs Youth on Thursday, April 9, from 6:30pm -9:30pm for Parents & Teens at Monarch High School. You can register NOW for this informative (and free) event at . Brain Bowl Congratulations to both 6th Grade Brain Bowl Teams! You competed really well. The 6A Team placed 2nd and the 6B Team placed 9th in the International Competition. Way to go! ML Track Parent Meeting Parents are encouraged to attend an informational meeting about track on Wednesday, April 8 at 3:40 in the big gym. The meeting will last approximately half an hour. Please direct any questions to Coach Gale at [email protected]. 7 8 By Dr. Jan Hittelman The transition from Elementary to Middle School represents a significant developmental shift from childhood to adolescence. In addition to increased expectations regarding independent student responsibilities, there are also neurological, hormonal, emotional and social changes that occur. Increased concerns regarding at-risk behaviors also become an issue. Not surprisingly, this can be a time of heightened anxiety for parents and students alike. To maximize the chances for a successful transition, it is helpful to have a proactive approach and not simply react to challenges as they occur. To help with this task, consider the following suggestions: Create an opportunity to have a special family event to acknowledge this important transition in your child’s life. A special meal, trip, or activity to commemorate this event and honor your child’s accomplishment, will help make this important time more meaningful and significant. At a positive moment, start with a conversation with your child. Try to elicit their feelings and concerns regarding this transition. In a supportive way, share your concerns as well. Based upon you conversation, identify areas of concern and try to develop an action plan to address them. Empower your child with ownership of this process, while letting them know that you are eager to support them in any way that you can. Write down your action plan and review it together to ensure that it accurately reflects both your child’s and your thoughts. As your child begins their transition to their new learning environment, check in often regarding how things are going. Reassess your action plan and make modifications as needed. Identify unanticipated challenges or concerns and brainstorm strategies to address these issues as well. To learn more about making the transition to middle school a success, join me for the upcoming free webinar: Navigating the Transition to Middle School When: Wednesday, April 15, Noon-1:00pm Where: From the comfort of your own home or office! To Register: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UPCOMING PEN EVENT: Natural Highs With Avani Diliger and a Panel of Natural High Youth Participants Thursday, April 9, 6:30-8:30pm Monarch High School (329 Campus Drive, Louisville) To Register: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Learn more about PEN by visiting their website: or by contacting Paula Nelson ([email protected], 303-880-6030) Dr. Jan Hittelman, a licensed psychologist, is Director of Boulder Psychological Services and the Founder of the Boulder Counseling Cooperative. Questions or comments for this monthly column can be sent via email to: [email protected], or by phone: 720-217-3270 9 By Dr. Jan Hittelman Making the transition into high school and college can be both exciting and stressful for both parents and students. Here are some suggestions to help make these transitions successful: Create an opportunity to have a special family event to acknowledge this important transition in your child’s life. A special meal, trip, or activity to commemorate this event and honor your child’s accomplishment, will help make this important time more meaningful and significant. At a positive moment, start with a conversation with your adolescent. Try to elicit their feelings and concerns regarding this transition. In a supportive way, share your concerns as well. Based upon you conversation, identify areas of concern and try to develop an action plan to address them. Empower your child with ownership of this process, while letting them know that you are eager to support them in any way that you can. Write down your action plan and review it together to ensure that it accurately reflects both your child’s and your thoughts. As your child begins their transition to their new learning environment, check in often regarding how things are going. Reassess your action plan and make modifications as needed. Identify unanticipated challenges or concerns and brainstorm strategies to address these issues as well. Unfortunately as a culture, we have lost a lot of the rituals that mark these significant life transitions. By creating your own ritual around these events you will provide your child with well-deserved feedback regarding their growth and accomplishments, as well as ensuring a more successful beginning at their next stage of development. To learn more attend the upcoming free event: Successfully Transitioning to High School When: Monday, April 13, 6:30-8:00pm Where: Mamie Doud Eisenhower Library (3 Community Park Road, Broomfield) Who: Jenny Key, LCSW & Sunda Friedman TeBockhorst, PhD More Info: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPCOMING PEN EVENT: Natural Highs With Avani Diliger and a Panel of Natural High Youth Participants Thursday, April 9, 6:30-8:30pm Monarch High School (329 Campus Drive, Louisville) To Register: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Learn more about PEN by visiting their website: or by contacting Paula Nelson ([email protected], 303-880-6030) Dr. Jan Hittelman, a licensed psychologist, is Director of Boulder Psychological Services and the Founder of the Boulder Counseling Cooperative. Questions or comments for this monthly column can be sent via email to: [email protected], or by phone: 720-217-3270 10
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