SMART LUNCH: 2.0 Teaching Students to Maximize Academics, Relationships, Resources and Time Dickinson High School SMART LUNCH 2.0 Students Maximizing Academics Relationships & Time What does that mean? What does that look like? SMART LUNCH 2.0 The purpose of SMART Lunch is to engage students by providing opportunities for ALL students to: advance and/or improve academic performance encourage personal responsibility and accountability nurture positive and productive school relationships practice making real-world, time-management choices. REPORT CARDS SMART Lunch 2.0 REPORT CARDS: NOW WHAT? Each of you are receiving your Report Cards today for the 1st Nine Weeks. As you look at them, please consider the following: How did you do? What grades do you need to improve (<80)? How is my attendance? (>4) How should I focus my efforts in the next nine weeks? REPORT CARDS: NOW WHAT? Setting goals for yourself is a great way to encourage improvement and success. Consider your report card and set a goal for the next nine weeks: I will raise my grade in _______________ class to at least a _______ in my the next nine weeks. STAY PUT SMART Lunch 2.0 STAY PUT: OCT 23 – NOV 7 If you FAILED a course at the nine weeks (Report Card) you are now in STAY PUT until November 7: Receive a MANDATORY tutoring schedule Report to assigned tutorials EACH DAY Non-attendance will be reported to AP Teacher may RELEASE a student from Stay Put at any time. SMART LUNCH SCHEDULES SMART Lunch 2.0 SMART LUNCH STUDENT SCHEDULES Each of you will receive a SMART Lunch Schedule to complete for the week. It looks like this: SMART LUNCH STUDENT SCHEDULES If you are in STAY PUT right now, your schedule looks like this: SMART LUNCH STUDENT SCHEDULES Using the Tutorial Schedule, figure out where you need to be this week, and set a date for tutorials: October 23 – November 7 Science English SMART Lunch 2.0: TUTORIAL SCHEDULE SMART LUNCH STUDENT SCHEDULES Then, figure out what Activities you want to attend when you have openings in your schedule: October 23 – November 7 English Science Wii Games Card Games SMART LUNCH STUDENT SCHEDULES Then, fill in your LUNCH where you have time. In some cases you may decide to eat WHILE you play (Friday): October 23 – November 7 Science LUNCH English Card Games LUNCH Wii Games LUNCH Card Games SMART LUNCH STUDENT SCHEDULES If you are in STAY PUT right now, you can still fill in your openings with Activities: Ping Pong Karaoke! SMART LUNCH PROCEDURES SMART Lunch 2.0 SMART LUNCH 2.0: WHAT’S NEW? zones Go Zones are where you can eat, sit, talk, mingle. These are social areas like the dining hall, Gator Mall, N/H Area, Patios/Atrium, S-Wing Foyer, and halls with benches. SMART LUNCH 2.0: WHAT’S NEW? zones NO Zones are generally OFF LIMITS for eating, sitting, talking, mingling, or roaming. These are areas where there are tutorials or places where students need not be. Classroom hallways, the Band Foyer, many stairwells, G Hall, among other areas are now NO Zones. SMART LUNCH 2.0: WHAT’S NEW? Good traffic flow is ESSENTIAL to keeping our gathering areas moving. Always travel on the RIGHT and navigate around others to the RIGHT. SMART LUNCH 2.0 SMART LUNCH: 2.0 Teaching Students to Maximize Academics, Relationships, Resources and Time Dickinson High School
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