LOTT Enterprises of Maryland Scholarship Foundation Incorporated 2015 College Scholarship Application Eligibility: U.S. Citizen Residing in St. Mary's County Minority Student 2015 graduating high school senior Instructions: please complete Parts 1 through 3 of this application and submit completed application and all requested zupplemental information by Application Checklist April30' 2015. : Part 1 Personal and Financial Data (Page 2) Financial information is to be completed by Parent or Guardian. The Parent or Guardian who completes this section must provide their signature. PartZ School, Community Involvement, andEssay @age 3) On a separate sheet of paper, compose and submit a short essay on the significance of a college d"gre" for a minority student and how yow degree assist you in pursuing your career goals. will part 3 College Acceptance, Profile, Transcript, and Lettcr of Recommendation Grg* A) Submit one (1) letter of recommendation from an individual in your ichool or community who can best describe your character, accomplishments and need for a scholarship. The letter of recommendation must include the name, phone number(s) and title of the person writing it Youmay include the letter of i"ro**.ndation with your application or it may be mailed directly to the address below. Disclaimer: By signing below, I certify that my answets are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I have readthe instructions carefully. I am providing ALL informationrequested and I have completed this application in accordance with the checklist above. I understand that representatives of LOTT Enterprises of Maryland Scholarship Foundation Incorporated notiff me if infonnation is missing and my application will be disqualified. Applicant's Signature Seholarship Deadline: Submit completed application by April30' 2015. Mail to: LOTT Enterprises of Maryland Scholarship Foundation IncorPorated ATTN: Sylvia ThomPson Brown P.O. Box 1591 Lexington Park, Maryland 20653 will not LOTT Enterprises of Maryland Seholarship Foundation Incorporated 201 5 College Scholarship Application College Acceptancq Profile, Transcrip! and LJttrof Recommendation. part 3 Name of applicant TO BE COMPLETED BYA SCIIOOL REPRESEMATIYE Name of Applicant's Sclrool Counselor: Prnase ENcLosE.dN oFFICIAL HIGE scgool TRANscRrpr FoR TrrrsAppLIcANT Has the applicant submitted an application for admission to an accredited IIas the applicant been accepted? Yes_ institution? yes No No Ifyes, please list nam{s) of institution(s Please rate the following based on your personal knowledge of the applicant: Need for financial assistance Interest in post secondary education Aptitude for post secondary education Probability of completing college Unknown Unknown Unlnown Unknown Low Moderate H€h Low Moderate High Low Moderate Hish Low Moderce High Additional comments (optional) Signdure of School Representative completing .lis section Title of School Representative completing this section Date signed RETT'RN TEIS FORM AND AN OFFICIAL SCHOOL TRANSCRIPT TO TTIE APPLICANT IN A SEALED Er\wELOpE BEFORE TnE ApRIL 30, 2015 DEAIILINE. APPLICAIYT: REMEMBER To SITBMIT oNE LETTER oF RECOMMENDATION. The letter ofrecommenddion it. vou mav ioroa" tir rgtter ofrecommendation must include the name, phone number(s) and title ofthe person writing with your application or it may be mailed directly to: IOTT Enterprisas of Maryland Scholarship Foundation Incorporated ATTN: SyMa Thompson Brown P.O. Box 1591 Lexington Parlg Maryland 20653 LOTT Enterprises of Maryland Scholarship Foundation Incorporated College Scholarship Application School, Community Involvement and Essay Part2 201 5 Name of applicant Complete the following to the best of your ability. Please do not send original documents- SAT 1 AP Tests (optional) ttttltl ttlrl' Verbel Mtth Dste ACT (if applicable) Verbal Math Date Subject II Subjects Writins Math SAT Subject Score Tests (optionaf) ScorelDatc Score/Date Composite Score/Date Score Score/Date High School Activities Dates Leadership Roles Community Service/Employment Dates Leadership Roles List all awards, scholarships, publications, or special recognitions you have received. For scholarshipsr list the amount and frequency of award. If necessary, please continue on another sheet of paper. On a separate sheet of paper, compose and submit a short essay on the significance of a college degree for a minority student and how your degree will assist you in pursuing your career goals. LOTT Enterprises of Maryland Scholarship Foundation Incorporated Application Personal and Financial Data Part 1 201 5 College Scholarship Congratulations on your irnpending high school diploma and your pursuit of post secondary education. LOTT Enterprises of Maryland Scholarship f,'oundation Incorporated is a minority investment goup which encourages higher education for today's minority youth. LOTT Enterprises of Maryland Scholarship Foundation Incorporated will award college scholarships to students enrolled in a public or private high school located in St. Mary's County. Eligible students are minorityU.S. citizens who have applied and been accepted to a post secondary institution for the Fall of 2015. They must also demonshate a financial need for a scholarship and have established leadership responsibilities in their schools and community. Pnnsoxer, Dara (Tvrn oR pRrNT rN BLAcK oR BLUE nvx oNr,v.) Full Legal Name: First Male/Female Middle Phone Number Mailing Address: City zip State Physical Address: zip City High School: State City ** * * *2t f.2t * * ?k:t* rt * tr:t tr*:l:b:t * *frrr *fr * *t * * * *?t*** ls f.* Cr *:klcts:b To gu coMPLETED BY PARENT OR GU.I.NNU.U rsts * rs*:tt Ltr* Zip fr * fs:t rr * Signature of ParenVGuardian completing this section F TTmn/MILE MoTHER/FEMALE GUARDIAN GUARDIAN Name Relationship to Applicant Ages ofApplicant's Siblings Relationship to Occupation Ages of Applicant's Siblings Tohlfncome Adjusted Gross lncome (1{X0 or 1M0A) (104O 1040A, or Tarable Incom e (I(MIOEZ) Applicant Occupation Other Income (See Note Below) Taxable Income Occupation Adjusted Grosg Income (1040, 10404, or 1040E2) Total Income (1040 or1040A) 1040E2) Occupation (1040E2) Other Incone (See Note Below) Note: For *Other Income", total any other sources ofincome you may receive not already included as Total Income (e.g. Soeial Seeurity, Military Allotment, etc.). 2
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