Outline Frank Verbunt White dwarfs, black holes and dark matter Quantum mechanics and General Relativity Wageningen 26 March 2015 discovery white dwarfs quantum-mechanics: pressure gravity and pressure: maximum mass discovery neutron stars general relativity theory general relativity tests black holes the Universe dark matter & energy Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 1 / 37 The discovery of white dwarfs: Sirius B Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel 1844 Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) The motion of Sirius White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter 1844 Sirius A and B March 26, 2015 2 / 37 Why are white dwarfs different? From light to density the amount of light emitted by a star increases with the area of its surface and with its surface temperature Sirius B has (almost) the same temperature as Sirius A but emits only 0.0001 as much light hence: its I I I surface area is 0.0001, radius 0.01, density 106 More accurately Sirius A: a normal star massa 2 × that of Sun radius 1,7 × that of Sun density 0,4 × that of Sun (density Sun: 1.4 × water) Sirius B: white dwarf mass 1,0 × that of Sun radius is 0,0084 × that of Sun density 1.7 × 106 that of Sun times that of Sirius A Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 3 / 37 The simile of the Swiss village Mayor Heisenberg Policeman Pauli Average price Low-season: free choice of rooms. High-season: many rooms full; average price high hotel rooms have maximum 2 persons in minimum size each room Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 4 / 37 Quantum-mechanics: ‘rooms for velocity’ Chandrasekhar application to white dwarfs Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) Heisenberg uncertainty relation, Pauli exclusion principle p is momentum = mass × velocity h is side of cube ( Planck constant) electron: 0,00072 m/s proton: 0,000 000 4 m/s White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 5 / 37 Velocity and pressure; stellar structure Pressure Equilibrium in star a particle collides: force: mass × velocity = momentum gravity pulls star in many particles: pressure ideal gas: higher pressure when star settles at equilibrium I I temperature higher: higher velocities density higher: more particles at very high density presseure depends only on density pressure-difference pushes out ordinary star: pressure of ideal gas without source of energy star cools and constracts white dwarf: degenerate pressure size unaffected by cooling ‘degenerate pressure’ Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 6 / 37 Maximum mass of white dwarf White dwarfs of increasing mass a low-mass white dwarf is fully non-relativistically degenerate (v c) a heavier white dwarf I I is smaller has a relativistically degenerate center (v ' c) the heavier the white dwarf, the (fractionally) larger the relativistic center Maximum mass of white dwarf when a white dwarf mass exceeds Mch I I central pressure increases gravity increases faster no equilibrium between pressure difference and gravity possible gravity wins: the white dwarf collapses hence Mch is maximum mass until at Mch the whole dwarf is relativistically degenerate Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 7 / 37 From neutron to the prediction of neutron stars 1932 Chadwick discovers neutron 1934 Baade & Zwicky predict neutron star radius compared to that of white dwarf scales as mass of electron to that of neutron: me 1 Rns = × 25/3 ' Rwd mn 580 14 mile diameter too small to detect . . . formation = supernova LA Times 19 jan 1934 ⇒ Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 8 / 37 Crab pulsar in visible light: 30 rotations/s Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 9 / 37 Philosopher George Berkeley criticises Newton Berkeley 1685-1753 in an empty universe rotation and distance are not defined: hence they do not exist. ‘no absolute space’ example: bucket of water I I I in space with stars: water rises along edge in rotating bucket in empty space: water does not rise (Newton: water rises in both cases: ‘absolute space’) picture of merry-go-round: ‘Mach principle’ inspiration for Einstein Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 10 / 37 SRT: Special Relativity - Theory: velocity of light low velocities high velocities velocity ball w.r.t. cyclist: 20 + 30 = 50 km/h velocity light w.r.t. cyclist: 200 000 + 300 000 , 500 000 km/s but 300 000 km/s! how can this be? velocity = distance / time: something wrong with distance and/or time Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 11 / 37 General Relativity - Theory: heavy and inert mass a heavy mass is strongly attracted by gravity, e.g. from Earth; a low mass less so it takes more effort to bring a heavy mass into motion than a light mass: the inert mass of a heavy object is bigger as a result a low-mass object falls equally fast as a heavy one: heavy mass = inert mass. Accidentally? Newton: yes. Einstein: no! Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 12 / 37 GRT-: simple axioms, complicated mathematics Axioms General relativity SRT: velocity of light the same for all observers at constant velocities Complicated mathematical equation can only be solved in two very simple cases ART: velocity of light the same for all observers at accelerating velocities 1. spherical mass in otherwise empty universe (classical tests of GRT) acceleration = gravity Schwarzschild solved this case analytically! Consequence: black hole Einstein 1915 re-writes physics horrendously complicated mathematics needs help from Hilbert. . . Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) 2. homogeneous and isotropic universe Nowadays: fastest computers solve other problems numerically (e.g. two masses) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 13 / 37 GRT: the field equations of Einstein 1915 distribution of mass = curvature of space-time Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 14 / 37 GRT-: differences with Newton’s gravity Distances in GRT Consequences: 1 in empty space the circumference of a circle is O = 2πr long axis of ellipse advances (Einstein 1915: Mercury) near a massa the circumference of a circle is O < 2πr to draw this we must draw a hollow Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 15 / 37 GRT: the classical tests Consequences: 2 Consequences: 3 light follows curved orbit near mass (Eddington 1919: solar eclipse) distances in direction of mass are longer (Shapiro 1964: Venus 0.0002 s) this made Einstein famous Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 16 / 37 GRT: binary neutron stars and stronger tests neutron-star binary: orbital period 8 hr rotation long axis ellipse: as much in one day as Mercury in a century! orbit shrinks due to emission of gravitational radiation Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 17 / 37 GRT: binary neutron stars and stronger tests 2 effects determine masses of neutron stars; 3rd effect tests GRT PSR1913+16 Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) PSR J0737−3039 White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 18 / 37 GRT: binary neutron stars and stronger tests The accurracy of the pulsar as a clock allows unprecented accurracy in determining the orbit (period, eccentricity, masses of the neutron stars). valid on pulse-period derivative 2nd derivative orbital period derivative eccentricity periastron-motion mass pulsar mass companion P P˙ ¨| |P Pb P˙ b e ω˙ M1 M2 Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) PSR1913+16 6 July 1984 0.059030002593481(7)s 8.62713(8) × 10−18 ss−1 < 2 × 10−29 s s−1 0.322997448930(4)d −2.4184(9) × 10−12 0.6171338(4) 4.226595(5)◦ yr−1 1.4414(2)M 1.3867(2)M PSR J0737−3039, 30 May 2004 0.022699378599624(1)s 1.75993(5) × 10−18 ss−1 0.10225156248(5)d −1.252(17) × 10−12 0.0877775(9) 16.89947(68)◦ /yr 1.3381(7)M 1.2489(7)M White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 19 / 37 GRT: strong effects and the black hole deeper depression for larger mass when the ratio radous / mass becomes too small, the bottom drops out: the distance to the edge (the ‘horizon’) is infinite we call this a black hole to understand this we consider first the Newtonian dark star Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 20 / 37 Gravitation according to Newton: the dark stsr Michel 1784, Laplace 1795 the escape velocity vesc depends on ratio mass/radius r vesc = Properties a particle of light that moves up is decelerated and falls back: light cannot reach us the star for us is dark: astre occlu 2GM R a dark star is stable vesc for Sun: 440 km/s when we compress the Sun to radius 3 km vesc is equal to the velocity of light Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) one can travel there . . . and return in a finite time clocks near the surface tick at the same rate as clocks far away White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 21 / 37 Gravity according to Einstein: the black hole classical tests light is bent already outside the horizon nothing can pass the horizon from inside, not even light a dark star inescapably collapses one can travel there . . . but then cannot return the radius Rs of the horizon equals the radius of the dark star Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) the traveller sees his clock tick normally but for a faraway observer the clocks slow down near the horizon and the traveller hovers just outside it White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 22 / 37 Gravity according to Einstein: the black hole classical tests light is bent already outside the horizon nothing can pass the horizon from inside, not even light a dark star inescapably collapses one can travel there . . . but then cannot return the traveller sees his clock tick normally but for a faraway observer the clocks slow down near the horizon and the traveller hovers just outside it Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 22 / 37 GRT: the universe The Universe ‘Copernican principle’: the Sun has no special position in the Universe ‘extended Copernican principle’: there are no special positions in the Universe homogeneous: mass-density the same everywhere isotropic: the same in all directions complicated equations becomes very simple Einstein 1915 Solution for homogeneous Universe expands or shrinks but stars do not move from us the Universe is static mathematical trick: ‘cosmological constant’ 1921: Friedman: static, but not stable Einstein ignores this 2nd-order differential equation: 2 constants Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 23 / 37 Nebulae beyond the stars: M81 en M82 Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 24 / 37 Spiral galaxies en els Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 25 / 37 Vesto Slipher discovers that galaxies move away from us first measurement 1912: Andromeda nebula moves towards us: vr = −300 km/s. Most other galaxies move away: V.M. Slipher , 1917, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 56, p.403-409 Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 26 / 37 The expanding Universe Einstein & Lemaître ±1933 Lemaître 1925 Einstein static but not stable I I I I the Universe expands according to GRT and measured by Slipher velocity proportional to distance Einstein not impressed. . . discovery later claimed by Hubble Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 27 / 37 The expanding Universe: the Big Bang Lemaître George Gamow 1904-1968 the Universe expands was smaller in the past its temperature was higher its density was higher The Universe started as an exploding primordial atom the inital Universe was hot and dense therefore: nuclear fusion; all elements made in first 3 minutes Alpher, Bethe, Gamow 1948 as the Universe expands it becomes transparent radiation and matter cool independently radiation now 5 á 50 K (in fact: 3 K) Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 28 / 37 Cluster Abell 1185 Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 29 / 37 Dark matter in clusters of galaxies Zwicky 1933/37: Coma cluster velocities v ' 700 km/s size R = 0.8 Mpc Coma cluster of galaxies mass in galaxies too small to confine cluster: most mass invisible Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 30 / 37 Dark matter in clusters of galaxies Confirmation 1 Cluster of galaxies curved stripes in galaxy clusters gravity lense: mass in cluster deforms and amplifies image of faraway galaxy from this derive mass in cluster agrees with kinematic mass Confirmation 2 hot X-ray emitting gas confinement requires large mass agrees with kinematic mass Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 31 / 37 3 K background radiation Discovery COBE / WMAP from all directions 3 K + dipole=direction own motion Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 32 / 37 3 K background radiation: fluctuations: 9 yr WMAP 5 variation across sky < ∼ 1 : 10 : how does one side know about the other? Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 33 / 37 3 K background radiation: fluctuations: 4 yr Planck Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 34 / 37 Dark matter and dark energy Het standaard-model Dark matter fraction solar system: negligible 10 pc (globular cluster): negligible 103 pc (solar environment): 30 % 104 pc (galaxy): 64-84 % 107 pc (cluster of galaxies): 70 % Dark matter nature not baryonic primordial black holes (?) new type of particles (?) Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) voor elk deeltje een supersymmetrisch deeltje White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 35 / 37 Dark energy Discovery of dark energy white dwarf collapse starts fusion supernova 1994D leading to explosion = supernova Ia all equally bright brightness known: distance known faraway supernovae indicate push: dark energy also indicated by details of cosmic background radiation Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 36 / 37 Ordinary matter, dark matter and dark energy WMAP and Planck at largest scales: 109 pc dark energy 72.1±2.5% dark matter 23.3±2.3% baryons 4.6±0.2% Frank Verbunt ( Dept. Astronomy Nijmegen) White dwarfs, black holes, dark matter March 26, 2015 37 / 37
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