CIO Flash Market volatility: fever is part of the cure June 9, 2015 +++ CIO FLASH +++ CIO FLASH +++ CIO FLASH +++ CIO FLASH +++ CIO FLASH +++ CIO FLASH +++ CIO FLASH +++ CIO FLASH +++ CIO FLASH Rising volatility largely reflects improving inflation expectations — Market volatility has picked up again over the last week. Bund yields are up by around 85bps at 0.87% and the DAX is now roughly 10% off its April high (as of June 9). — Increased levels of market volatility have met with a relaxed response from the European Central Bank (ECB), with its president, Mario Draghi, suggesting that markets should simply “get used to it”. If higher yields are in part the result of markets sweating out deflation concerns (particularly in Europe), this fits well with ECB quantitative easing (QE) objectives. — Higher volatility may also be – to a lesser extent – the result of market positioning in anticipation of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board’s (Fed’s) first rate hike – which we still think is most likely to happen in September. It may also reflect market concerns about reduced liquidity in some sectors. Still positive on the investment environment Broadly, we concur with Mr. Draghi’s assessment that volatility is here to stay and that it is part of the return to a more normal market environment – the fever is part of the cure. We remain broadly positive on the investment environment, believing that the Greek situation is containable and that markets have had a long time to digest the implications of the first Fed rate hike. We would note, however, that while Eurozone inflation expectations have stabilized, they could still remain vulnerable to a fall back in oil prices. Fed chair Janet Yellen also needs soon to start setting out the path to the next Fed rate hike: she could start doing this at the Fed meeting next week (June 17). Asset class views – consider Eurozone and German equities We believe that while we are not about to experience bullish markets, volatility will create some opportunities. — Equities: Back in April, we highlighted that Eurozone and German equities were trading at or above our 12-month price targets and that equity investors might have become too complacent on the Greek situation. As a consequence we moved Eurozone and German equities from overweight to neutral. Since then, both markets have corrected. This has been highly correlated to currency changes: the decline in the euro towards the 1.05 U.S. dollar level in April had become a strong tailwind for Eurozone equities; the subsequent euro recovery, however, has had the opposite effect. — Given the solid European first-quarter reporting season, we are looking to identify a point to upgrade European (including German) equities again. Our March 2016 price targets of 12,100 for the DAX and 3,800 for the EURO STOXX 50 Index give attractive total-return potentials of 9% and 13% from here (June 8 closing levels). Around 5 percentage points of these forecasts is however accounted for by our euro forecast (see below). — We would consider rebuilding positions in Eurozone equities on any further market weakness, perhaps caused by either the situation in Greece or concerns over the first Fed rate hike. — Fixed Income: We stay neutral for now on Bunds, but see a short-term bias towards a further increase in yields as the result of a less dovish ECB. We are still positive on Eurozone periphery, but this is a close call, given the threat posed to this segment by Greece. Elsewhere, we are short-term neutral on U.S. Treasuries and also on U.S. and euro investment grade as well as on U.S., emerging-market and euro high yield. — Currencies: As noted above, we expect the euro to start weakening again versus the U.S. dollar, reaching parity by March 2016. One question, however, is to what extent the euro’s increasing role as a funding currency could affect future exchangerate movements. Investments are subject to various risks, including market fluctuations, regulatory change, counterparty risk, possible delays in repayment and loss of income and principal invested. The value of investments can fall as well as rise and you may not recover the amount originally invested at any point in time. Deutsche AWM expectations 2015/2016. Forecasts are based on assumptions, estimates, opinions and hypothetical models or analysis which may prove to be incorrect. No assurance can be given that any forecast or target will be achieved; Deutsche AWM Investment GmbH, CIO Office; Deutsche Bank AG; As of June 9, 2015 CIO Flash – Market volatility: fever is part of the cure June 9, 2015 Glossary Explanation of terms Bunds – Bunds is a commonly used term for bonds issued by the German federal government with a maturity of 10 years. DAX – The DAX tracks the performance of the 30 major German companies trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Deflation – Deflation describes a sustained decline in an economy’s overall price level. Euro – The euro (EUR) is the official currency of the Eurozone. EURO STOXX 50 Index – The EURO STOXX 50 Index tracks the performance of 50 blue-chip stocks in the Eurozone. European Central Bank (ECB) – The European Central Bank (ECB) is the central bank for the euro. It administers the monetary policy of the Eurozone, which consists of 19 European Union member states. Eurozone – The Eurozone is formed of 19 European Union member states that have adopted the euro as their common currency and sole legal tender. Funding currency – The funding currency is the currency being exchanged in a currency carry trade. High yield (HY) – High yield (HY) describes bonds which are sub-investment grade. QE – Quantitative easing (QE) refers to broad-based asset-purchase programs conducted by central banks; these assets can be government bonds, but also other assets like asset-backed securities. U.S. Dollar – The United States dollar is the official currency of the United States and its overseas territories U.S. Federal Reserve Board (Fed) – The U.S. Federal Reserve Board (Fed) is the board of governors of the Federal Reserve; it implements U.S. monetary policy. U.S. Treasuries – Treasuries are fixed-interest U.S. government debt securities with different maturities. Treasury bills, also T-bills, mature in one year or less. Treasury notes, also T-notes, mature in two to ten years. Treasury Bonds, also T-Bonds, mature in twenty to thirty years. Yield – Yield describes the income return on an investment. This refers to the interest or dividends received from a security and is usually expressed annually as a percentage based on the investment's cost. CIO Flash – Market volatility: fever is part of the cure June 9, 2015 Important Information Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management represents the asset management and wealth management activities conducted by Deutsche Bank AG or any of its subsidiaries. Clients will be provided Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management products or services by one or more legal entities that will be identified to clients pursuant to the contracts, agreements, offering materials or other documentation relevant to such products or services. Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management offers wealth management solutions for wealthy individuals, their families and select institutions worldwide. Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management, through Deutsche Bank AG, its affiliated companies and its officers and employees (collectively “Deutsche Bank”) are communicating this document in good faith and on the following basis. 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