3rd Chinese Bridge Competition for High School Students

The 8th “Chinese Bridge” Chinese
Proficiency Competition
for Secondary School Students
To be held at the Confucius Institute at the University of Adelaide
June 18-19, 2015
The Hanyu Qiao Chinese Proficiency Competition provides an opportunity for students learning Chinese
to demonstrate their Chinese proficiency, have a fun and rewarding experience, meet other students
interested in Chinese, and motivate them to continue pursuing their language studies. The winners of
the competition will be invited to compete in the international finals in China in 2015.
This year’s theme: LEARN CHINESE, DOUBLE YOUR WORLD “学会中国话,朋友遍天下”,并结合
今年反法西斯战争胜利 70 周年,突出“世界和平”主题,在比赛试题中适当体现。
Contestants must:
 Be between 15-20 years old
 Not be Chinese nationals
 Not have been born and raised in a Chinese speaking country
 Not be a native speaker of Chinese*
 Be enrolled as high school students
 Not be in the finals of Hanyu Qiao Chinese Proficiency Competition in China
Eligibility to compete must be certified by the Chinese teacher of the contestant on the application form.
*Contact the Confucius Institute in case of any uncertainty with regards to the definition of ‘native
Nomination/registration of Contestants
Contestant registration forms need to be received by the Confucius Institute at the University of
Adelaide no later than Monday, May 11, 2015. Please email registration forms to the address at the
end of this information sheet.
Subsidies and quotas
Travel and accommodation subsidies will be provided to four students and one accompanying teacher
from each of the following: Western Australia, Northern Territory and ACT. Subsidies will be up to a total
value of $500 per student/teacher from ACT and $600 for WA and NT. The subsidies will only be paid
after presentation of receipts.
Responsibility for selection of subsidised students from WA, NT and ACT will be delegated to the
respective Chinese language teachers’ associations in the first instance. If states do not fill their quota of
students these subsidies may be distributed to other states.
Eligible non-subsidised interstate competitors are also welcome to register.
8 SA candidates will be assigned for SA. One entry per one school. First in first served.
Competition Structure
1. Prepare a speech up to 5 minutes in length in Chinese ( there will be an additional 2 minutes for
questions from the judges ) – 50%
2. Chinese cultural performance (5 minutes) – 25%
3. Knowledge of China written test (40 minutes) – 25% General knowledge questions in English and
Competition (cont.)
For the prepared speech, students can talk about any topic using Chinese, in particular stories related to
China or Chinese. Powerpoint slides shows are welcome, but language ability is the most important
element considered by the judges in determining the final score.
For the cultural performances, students may choose any performance to indicate their Chinese language
skills and understanding of Chinese culture. (eg Chinese comedy, role play, dubbing a film clip, songs,
dance, folk arts, acrobatics, instrumental performance, calligraphy, painting, kungfu, etc.)
Useful links to help with preparing culture performances:
Other ideas for culture performances: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wL6J3XBmF8
For the written test, a collection of sample questions will be circulated prior to the competition for
For the purposes of this competition each student acts as an individual competitor and not in
representative teams.
The competition will start on Thursday afternoon (June 18) and end around lunchtime the next day (June
19). A detailed program will be available prior to the competition.
Prizes and Awards
Prizes will be awarded to the first, second and third placed contestants overall. Prizes will also be
awarded to the winners of each category.
The winners (number to be confirmed) will be invited to compete in the international finals in China in
2015.The first place winner (overall winner) will be offered a scholarship supporting them to study in
The competition will be held at the North Terrace campus of the University of Adelaide. The University is
centrally located and within walking distance of shopping and restaurant districts.
Accommodation in Adelaide
There are many options available close to the North Terrace campus.
For further information about accommodation in Adelaide, visit:
Ms Emily Lee
[email protected]
08 8313 4798
Mrs Flavia Watkins
[email protected]
08 8313 4799
The Confucius Institute at the University of Adelaide
Level 4 Wills Building
The University of Adelaide SA 5005
The 8th “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for Secondary School
Students (WA, NT, ACT, SA)
June 18-19, 2015
Contestant Details
Given name ___________________________ Family name __________________________________
Date of birth ______________ Postal address __________________________________
State ____________ Postcode __________
Contact number (Home) _________________ (Mobile) _________________
Email Address __________________________________
Experience studying Chinese ___________________________________________________________
Emergency contact person ___________________ Relationship to student _______________________
Emergency contact number (Home) _________________ (Mobile) _________________
School Details
Name of School _____________________________________________________________________
Name of Chinese Language Teacher _____________________________________________________
Chinese Language Teacher’s Contact Number______________________________________________
Chinese Language Teacher’s Email Address_______________________________________________
Special Needs
Are there any special dietary or medical needs (e.g. vegetarian meals, wheelchair access required)?
(Attach a separate page for more details if required)
Is this application supported by the state Chinese Language Teachers’ Association for a travel subsidy?
ACT students only)
Yes / No
If ‘Yes’:
(WA, NT,
Name of Association representative _________________________________________________
Signature __________________________________________________
Confirmation of Eligibility
I confirm that the above named student is eligible to participate in the competition according to the criteria;
especially she/he is not in any way a native speaker of Chinese or a Chinese dialect or has any advantage in
speaking Chinese due to their family/social background.
Signature of Chinese Teacher __________________________________
Name _______________________________