Stirling and Clackmannanshire SWT Group’s Annual Newsletter April 2014 - April 2015 1. Membership Local membership has increased from 648 in 2014 to 665 households in 2015. 2. Winter Meetings and Outings A series of talks were arranged to celebrate th the 50 anniversary of the involvement of SWT in Scottish wildlife conservation. Rory Sandison talked about our 19 reserves in West Central Scotland, Gill Smart those in Ayrshire and Mark Foxwell, Coigach Assynt and other Northern Reserves. Not only were members impressed with wildlife found at these sites but also with the extraordinary commitment of the staff each managing 15-20 reserves. Other topics were Scottish Spiders by Chris Cathrine, Native Plant Conservation at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh by Heather McHaffie, Sea Bird Conservation by Paul Walton ( RSPB) and the Origin of our Native Plant Names, a stand-in talk by the chairman. Watching nesting peregrines at SWT Falls of Clyde Reserve Our main outing in summer 2014 was to the SWT’s Falls of Clyde reserve to watch the nesting peregrines. Both the Falls themselves and the associated wildlife were th majestic. The event was generously sponsored by the People’s Postcode Lottery Fund to celebrate the Trusts 50 Anniversary. 3. Conservation and Wildlife Monitoring Sticky Catchfly is a beautiful rare plant the biggest UK populations of which grow on the cliff faces and screes along the Hillfoots. They are threatened by sheep grazing and gorse fires. The colony on Yellow Craigs above Logie Kirk has been monitored since 1976 when there were only 25 plants. This year we were delighted to find that there were too many plants to count accurately (circa 360). This was thought to be the result of reduced sheep grazing. The colony on Abbey Craig is probably extinct. Frog orchids are in national decline and our last local colony is found on Balgair Muir near Kippen. The quarry where they grow was surrounded by a conifer plantation in 1985 and sheep were excluded. Since then the grass has had to be cut annually, latterly by our group. This year there were 44 flowering plants a decline from a peak of 70. In 1908 an account was published of all the plants that were found in Kings Park, Stirling. Two years ago our group undertook a survey to discover how the flora of the Park had changed over the intervening century. The results have been published in the current Forth Naturalist and Historian Journal. Little change had occurred in the number of plant species but while there was only Sticky catchfly one non-native plant in 1908 there were 53 today. Wild pansies which carpeted the Park a century ago and became a visitor attraction became extinct in 2007 together with Field Gentians, Meadow Saxifrage, Early Purple Orchid and Yellow Star of Bethlehem.. Throughout the summer our moth trap has been put to good use by Tony Rogers. The group’s long term study of the moth pollinators of Plean Country Park’s greater butterfly orchids was published in both the Journal of the Hardy Orchid Society and in Butterfly Conservation’s magazine: By collecting and germinating seed from the two remaining petty whin plants at Cocksburn Reservoir Local Nature Conservation Site we have managed to increase the size of the colony to 16 plants Lesser Butterfly Orchids are declining and along with wild cats, red squirrels, capercaillie, pearl mussels and golden eagles they have been subject to a national research programme to try and understand why. Our contribution has been to study the success of seed production by marking flowering spikes and then returning to find out if they had successfully set seed. Only half of the flowers produced seed; the entire flower shoots of many having been grazed off by slugs, deer and field voles. Lack of moths that are thought to pollinate these plants might also provide an explanation for the decline since we have been unable to find any in the colonies we monitor. Counting orchids at Plean Country Park 2 The last UK site for the Schleicher’s Thread Moss is on the Touch Hills. The colony which is found in a 2m spring is extremely vulnerable to grazing cattle and sheep. During the last year the colony suffered a set back when the area was trampled. The moss experts are confident it can tolerate these traumas but we would like to see the spring fenced. 4. Protecting the Wildlife Interests Associated with Local Authority and Forestry Planning A network of members is in place to screen local Council and Forestry planning applications for their impact on wildlife. This involves a lot of work looking weekly at all the applications to both Clacks and Stirling Councils and Forestry Commission Scotland. We objected to the planning applications for housing, a hotel and tennis and golf centre on the Park of Keir between Bridge of Allan and Dunblane. One reason was that damage would be done to a magnificent bluebell wood. We also objected to aspects of the Jerah forestry application involving a large area of the Ochils between Menstrie and the Sheriffmuir Inn. We managed to get the boundary of the woodland pushed back from Glen Tye which contains a colony of early marsh orchids. Quite close to the new Jerah Forest we objected to a proposed mountain bike track development extending from the heather moor containing the Battle of Sheriffmuir ‘Gathering Stone’ down to the A9 just east of Dunblane. In this case the tracks ran through an ancient woodland. The site also supports a remarkable 22 species of butterfly including green and purple hairstreaks and small pearl bordered Park of Keir Bluebell Wood fritillaries. In this case a biodiversity impact assessment has subsequently been required by the council before the planning application can be considered. On the other side of Stirling we objected to the application to recommence quarrying at Murrayshall Quarry near Cambusbarron. In this case we were worried that Pirri Pirri Burr an invasive alien plant which infests this site would be spread with the quarried stone. We suggested that the application required detailed plans on how the developers would eradicate the plant before quarrying commenced. During the last year we have been confronted with a number of major commercial forestry planning applications. The planning team members who deal with them have found the Forestry Commission Scotland Pirri Pirri Burr at Murrayshall Quarry web site difficult to use and the procedures of challenging the applications difficult to understand. As a consequence Liz Albert and Maggie Keegan from SWT HQ arranged to discuss concerns with the FCS staff. As a result there has been significant progress in communication with FCS and more improvements have been promised. Also, our group is now given the opportunity at an earlier stage, to share knowledge and expertise about important forestry applications with all parties involved. The Group’s campaign to get Local Nature Conservation Sites recognised in the local planning procedures has taken another step forward in the last year. Laura Kubasiewiczi working with Guy Harewood (Stirling Council’s Biodiversity Officer) has defined the procedures to be adopted to register LNCS sites with the Local Authority. Sue Sexton, Gabi Rice-Grunert and Liz Lavery have been busy digitising the three filing cabinets full of maps and surveys carried out by the SWT teams in the 1990s so that their status can be reviewed. 5. Our Local Reserves Rory Sandison is the Reserves Manager with responsibility for these sites ( [email protected] ) Counting birds at Cambus Pools Reserve Alloa Inch: (Convenor Roy Sexton). This 100 acre island reserve in the river Forth continues to attract large numbers of geese, ducks and waders. During the last year Rory has obtained a new outboard engine for our boat which will make visiting the reserve easier. Cambus Pools (Convenor Roger Gooch). Unfortunately the meadows were not grazed during 2014 partially because windblown trees restricted access. Recently the Clacks Ranger service removed the obstructions so we can get vehicles and animals down to the reserve again. In April we planted out the Devils Bit Scabious plants which we had raised from seed. They were introduced because they are favourite autumn nectaring plants for bees and butterflies which we are trying to encourage into the site. The reserve is regularly visited by otters. Walking Guides for Visitors. Joan and John Newman have produced excellent guides to walks along the Forth taking in our three reserves and also around our Carron Glen reserve near Denny. The guides which include illustrations of the wildlife likely to be encountered can be found on our website: 6. New Web Site Gabi Rice-Grunert has put a lot of time and effort into a new Group Web Site 7. The Committee Thanks are due for the enormous amount of work done by the committee: Chairman, Alloa Inch Reserve Convenor Vice Chairman, Cambus Pools Reserve Convenor Treasurer and Meetings Chairperson, Planning Scrutineer Membership Secretary , Website Organiser Moth Group Organiser IT Advisor General Secretary, LNCS Organiser Minutes Secretary Roy Sexton Roger Gooch Liz Albert Jan Harbidge Tony Rogers Gabi Rice-Grunert Sue Sexton Helen McLaren Contact: [email protected] We would welcome one or two new committee members to expand our remit of the group. If you ae interested please speak to us after this meeting or by email [email protected].
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