Certified Practices Decision Support Tool (DST) Review Policies College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia 2855 Arbutus Street Vancouver, BC Canada V6J 3Y8 T: 604.736.7331 F: 604.738.2272 Toll-free: 1.800.565.6505 POLICIES FOR THE REVIEW OF CERTIFIED PRACTICE DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS Table of Contents Preface 3 Certified practices approval committee 4 1. Policy Definitions 6 2. Frequency of Reviews 7 3. Certified Practices DST Standards 7 4. DST Development and Review Process 7 5. Committee Decision about New or Revised DSTs 8 6. Notification and Effective Dates of New or Revised DSTs 9 7. Discontinuation of DSTs 9 8. Decision by the Board about New or Revised Competencies 9 Resources 10 2855 Arbutus Street Vancouver, B.C. V6J 3Y8 Tel. 604.736.7331 or 1.800.565.6505 www.crnbc.ca Copyright CRNBC/April 2015 Pub. No. 800 College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia 2 POLICIES FOR THE REVIEW OF CERTIFIED PRACTICE DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS PREFACE The authority for CRNBC’s Board to establish standards, limits or conditions for registrants’ practice can be found in section 19(1)(k) of the Health Professions Act. Section 8 of the Nurses (Registered) and Nurse Practitioners Regulation specifically mandates CRNBC to oversee certified practices. Section 1.26 of the CRNBC Bylaws sets out the duties and composition of CRNBC‘s Certified Practices Approval Committee and provides the context for these policies. The authority of the Certified Practices Approval Committee with respect to Decision Support Tools (DSTs) flows from these bylaws and is excerpted below. College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia 3 POLICIES FOR THE REVIEW OF CERTIFIED PRACTICE DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS C E R T I F I E D P R A C T I C E S A P P R O V A L COMMITTEE 1.26 (1) (2) The certified practices approval committee is established consisting of at least nine persons appointed by the board, including (a) at least four registered nurse registrants, at least two of whom must hold current certified practice designation, (b) at least one nurse practitioner registrant, (c) one person who must be nominated by health care employers, to represent health care employers, (d) one medical practitioner who must be confirmed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia to be suitable for membership on the committee, and (e) one pharmacist who must be confirmed by the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia to be suitable for membership on the committee. The committee members appointed under subsection (1)(a) and (b) must include (a) at least one nurse educator from a nursing education program, (b) at least one clinical nurse educator, (c) at least one nurse administrator, and (d) at least one registrant who is employed or engaged in direct clinical practice. (3) The certified practices approval committee may consult, as it considers necessary or appropriate, with registrants or other persons who have expertise relevant to a certified practice course or any other matter considered by the committee. (4) The certified practices approval committee must (a) review certified practice courses, in accordance with any applicable criteria or policies established by the board, (b) review, to the extent the committee considers appropriate, new or changed certified practice courses, in accordance with any applicable criteria or policies established by the board, (c) report to the board and make recommendations about certified practice courses to be approved for the purpose of certified practice designation, and any terms and conditions of approval, College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia 4 POLICIES FOR THE REVIEW OF CERTIFIED PRACTICE DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS (d) regularly review and recommend policies and procedures pertaining to the review of certified practice courses, (e) review the competencies required for any certified practice, and make recommendations to the board for approval of such required competencies, and (f) review and approve certified practice DSTs for use by registrants with a certified practice designation. College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia 5 POLICIES FOR THE REVIEW OF CERTIFIED PRACTICE DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS 1. POLICY DEFINITIONS Approval means the status granted by the committee to the certified practices DSTs that meet the standards set by the Committee, and approved in Board policy. Certified practices means restricted activities that are subject to regulatory provisions under Section 8 of the Nurses (Registered) and Nurse Practitioners Regulation. These provisions require registered nurses to successfully complete a certification program approved by CRNBC before carrying out the restricted activities designated as certified practices. Certified practices are also referred to as CRNBC certified practices to distinguish them from activities that employers or other organizations certify. Committee means the Certified Practices Approval Committee provided for in section 1.26 of the CRNBC Bylaws under the Nurses (Registered) and Nurse Practitioner Regulation. Competencies means statements about the knowledge, skills, attitudes and judgment required to perform safely and ethically within an individual’s nursing practice or in a designated role or setting. DSTs means evidence-based documents used by registered nurses to guide the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of client-specific problems. Guidelines for development, review and revision of DSTs means those statements developed by the committee to supplement Board policy by describing the details of how the policies will be operationalized to facilitate the development, assessment and revision of the DSTs. Restricted activities means higher risk clinical activities that must not be performed by any person in the course of providing health services, except a member of a regulated profession that has been granted specific legislative authority to do so, based on their education and competencies. College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia 6 POLICIES FOR THE REVIEW OF CERTIFIED PRACTICE DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS 2. FREQUENCY OF REVIEWS 2.1 2.2 The DSTs shall be reviewed at least once every four years. Decisions support tools may be reviewed and revised more frequently upon request. 3. CERTIFIED PRACTICES DST1 STANDARDS2 The following are the standards against which the Committee shall review the DSTs: 3.1 3.2 DSTs are developed, or assessed and revisions are proposed to the Committee by: a. A content expert supported by an advisory group of key stakeholders, or, b. An organization recognized for its expertise in the certified practices category being developed or reviewed. DSTs: a. Are current, evidence-informed and benchmarked against best practices; b. Set out reasonable expectations for independent certified practices registered nurse activities; c. Provide clear and sufficient direction for the assessment, diagnosis and treatment/intervention of client-specific problems; d. Identify the circumstances when the client must be referred to another health professional, e.g., physician, nurse practitioner, or when another health professional must be consulted; and e. Identify outcomes certified practices nurses can expect following an intervention. DSTs follow a standardized format as set out in guidelines developed by the committee. 4. DST DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW PROCESS 4.1 Request to Revise a DST a. A request to revise a DST shall be assessed in a timely manner to determine the urgency of the request and an appropriate review timeline by: A registrant or other health professional who has content expertise and practice experience in the certified practices category being addressed, e.g., physician, pharmacist, or nurse practitioner; or, A designated person from an organization recognized for its expertise in the certified practices category being addressed. b. The content expert3 shall submit in writing the assessment findings and propose review timelines to CRNBC staff. 1 Hereafter, the word, DST, means a certified practices DST. 2 Hereafter, the word, standards, refers to the DST Standards. College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia 7 POLICIES FOR THE REVIEW OF CERTIFIED PRACTICE DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS c. CRNBC staff shall make the final decision about the review timelines, in consultation with the Committee as appropriate. d. The process of reviewing a DST as a result of a request shall be the same as the process used in the regular review of a DST. 4.2 Regular Review of a DST a. The regular review of a DST is timed to prevent expiration of the DST. b. A content expert shall be selected by CRNBC staff to develop, or assess and propose revisions to the DST. c. An advisory group shall be convened to provide feedback to the content expert. The advisory group shall include certified practice registered nurses who currently provide direct care in the certified practices category under review, and may include other health professionals with relevant content expertise and practice experience. d. The content expert may consult, as necessary or appropriate, with other registrants or health professionals who have content expertise and practice experience relevant to the certified practices category being addressed. e. The content expert, following consultation with the advisory group, and others as necessary, shall submit the proposed DST, or the assessment findings and proposed revisions, with rationale in a report to the committee. f. The report shall adhere to the guidelines developed by the committee. g. The committee shall discuss the report with the content expert and make a determination about whether the proposed DSTs meet the standards. 5. COMMITTEE DECISION ABOUT NEW OR REVISED DSTS 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 The committee shall review each component of the DST as met or not met. A component of a DST shall be reviewed as not met when it does not meet the standards. The content expert shall address improvements to any component(s) of the DST that is reviewed as not met and submit these to the committee in a written report. Once it is satisfied that the standards are met, the Committee shall approve the DST for a period of up to four years. 3 Hereafter the term, content expert, refers to either a registrant who has content expertise and practice experience in the certified practices category being addressed or a designated person from an organization recognized for its expertise in the certified practices category being addressed. College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia 8 POLICIES FOR THE REVIEW OF CERTIFIED PRACTICE DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS 6. NOTIFICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATES OF NEW OR REVISED DSTS 6.1 CRNBC staff shall post the new or revised DST(s) on the CRNBC website and shall inform by email, registered nurses certified in the relevant certified practice category about the changes, on the same date. 6.2 Certified Practice nurses shall practice according to any new or revised DST within 30 days of delivery of the email notification. 7. DISCONTINUATION OF DSTS 7.1 The content expert, following consultation with the advisory group, and others as necessary, may propose the discontinuation of [a] DST[s]. 7.2 When the content expert proposes the discontinuation of [a] DST[s], the Committee shall review the proposal and: a. Approve the proposal; or b. Decline to approve the proposal. 7.3 CRNBC staff shall remove the DST from the CRNBC website and shall inform by email, registered nurses certified in the relevant certified practice category about the change, on the same date. 7.4 Certified Practice nurses shall no longer practice according to a discontinued DST within 30 days of delivery of the email notification. 8. DECISION BY THE BOARD ABOUT NEW OR REVISED COMPETENCIES Board approval is required for any new or revised competencies for certified practices that involve the addition or deletion of any restricted activity outlined in Section 8 of the Nurses (Registered) and Nurse Practitioner Regulation. College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia 9 POLICIES FOR THE REVIEW OF CERTIFIED PRACTICE DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS RESOURCES CRNBC Competencies for Remote Nursing Certified Practice CRNBC Competencies for Sexually Transmitted Infections Certified Practice CRNBC Competencies for RN First Call Certified Practice CRNBC Competencies for Contraceptive Management Certified Practice CRNBC Bylaws Health Professions Act Nurses (Registered) and Nurse Practitioners Regulation College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia 10
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