CSCri RI01 04/15 CSC retirement income Apply for CSC retirement income For CSS, PSS and PSSap members (including Ancillary) Use this form to apply to join Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation retirement income (CSCri) and receive a standard retirement income stream or a transition to retirement income stream. Please complete this form using BLACK ink, in clear BLOCK LETTERS, and mark answers in boxes with an X. Before making any decision you should read the CSCri Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and the CSCri Financial Services Guide (FSG) issued by Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC), available at As you may be set up as a PSSap member (for the purpose of consolidating multiple amounts), you should also read the PSSap Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and the PSSap Financial Services Guide (FSG) issued by CSC, available at Important information regarding your application >> >> >> >> >> To join CSCri, you must be a member of Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme (CSS), Public Sector Superannuation Scheme (PSS) or Public Sector Superannuation accumulation plan (PSSap) (including Ancillary) and meet a condition of release for your super savings. The minimum initial investment is $20,000. We are required by law to collect and verify proof of identity documentation from you. These requirements are explained in Section K of this form. If you need help to complete this form, please call us on 1300 736 096. For PSS and CSS members applying for a standard retirement income stream, we suggest you complete this form when you complete your CSS or PSS benefit application form. Consolidation of other super accounts IMPORTANT: If you are starting your CSCri account with multiple sources of funds and are not already a PSSap member, you will be set up with a temporary PSSap Ancillary membership for the purpose of consolidating these amounts. These amounts will be invested in the Cash option during this process. You should also note that administration fees may apply to this account whilst open. More information is available in the PSSap PDS at If you need to consolidate additional monies after your CSCri account has been established, please call us on 1300 736 096. Expert financial advice for your situation Before you make any decision about joining CSCri, we recommend you seek professional advice from a licensed financial planner, which takes into account your own objectives, financial situation and needs. Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation has partnered with experienced financial planners from Industry Fund Services to make an advice service available to you. For more information about this service, or to book your first advice appointment please call 1300 277 777 during business hours or visit Checklist for your application >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Have you provided your source of funds details for your starting balance? See Section C. Have you provided your completed PSSap Transfer form if you wish to roll over from another super fund? See Section C Have you provided your Tax File Number? See Section H. Have you attached your completed ATO Tax File Number Declaration form if under the age of 60? See Section I. Have you nominated beneficiaries? See Section G. Have you nominated a third party authority to enquire on your behalf? See Section J. Have you attached your certified proof of identity? See Section K. Have you signed and dated your application? See Section L. Your Government Super at Work Any financial product advice in this document is general advice only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any such general advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation or needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. You should obtain a copy of the CSCri and PSSap Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and consider its contents before making any decision regarding your super. Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) ABN: 48 882 817 243 AFSL: 238069 RSEL: L0001397 Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation retirement income (CSCri) is offered by CSC, the trustee of the Public Sector Superannuation accumulation plan (PSSap) ABN: 65 127 917 725 RSE: R1004601 Industry Fund Services (IFS) ABN 54 007 016 195 AFSL 232514 1 of 10 Section A – Provide your personal details Title Mr Mrs Ms Miss Other Surname Given name(s) Date of birth Gender Phone D D M / Male business hours M Y Y Y Y / Female after hours mobile Residential address Postal address (if the same as your residential address, mark ‘AS ABOVE’) Suburb State Postcode Suburb State Postcode Email @ Where we have your email address or mobile phone number, your default communication preference will be ‘electronic’ unless you specifically choose ‘paper’. Electronic communication means we will keep you informed about important aspects of your super by email. Where we don’t have your email address, we will communicate with you by text. If we don’t have either your email address or mobile phone number, we will send paper communications to your mailing address. You can check and update your communication preferences in CSCri Member Online or by contacting us. 2 of 10 Section B – Confirm your eligibility Please select all schemes that apply. I am a CSS member and my AGS number is: I am a PSS member and my AGS number is: I am a PSSap (including Ancillary) member and my membership number is: AND Select which option applies to you. I am a contributing member (which means superannuation contributions are currently being paid into my account) OR I am not a contributing member (I am a preserved member). Please be aware that if you are not a contributing member, you are only eligible to consolidate monies for the purpose of setting up a CSCri account. All monies paid into the scheme, as indicated in Section C, will be used for the purpose of establishing your CSCri account. AND Select one income stream type only. I wish to apply for a standard retirement income stream I am age 65 or over OR I have reached my preservation age and have permanently retired from the workforce (ie I intend never again to become gainfully employed for 10 or more hours per week) OR I am age 60 or over and have ceased employment since turning 60 OR I wish to apply for a transition to retirement income stream I am a current CSS, PSS or PSSap (including Ancillary) member and I have reached my preservation age but have not yet turned 65 and wish to receive my superannuation benefit in the form of a transition to retirement income stream 3 of 10 Section C – Indicate your source of funds and starting balance If you are starting your CSCri account with multiple sources of funds and are not already a PSSap member, you will be set up with a temporary PSSap Ancillary membership for the purpose of consolidating these amounts. These amounts will be invested in the Cash option during this process. You should also note that administration fees may apply to this account whilst open. More information is available in the PSSap PDS at Approximate opening balance to establish my CSCri account: $ (this will be the sum of the amounts provided below) Please use the following sources to establish my CSCri account: You may choose more than one source. Full balance of my PSS or CSS account, which is approximately: $ The following amount from my PSS or CSS account: $ Note: This can be an approximate amount as you may not know your exact benefit amount yet. AND/OR Full balance of PSSap (including Ancillary) account, which is approximately: $ Note: For transition to retirement income streams, minimum balances of $1,000 for contributing members and $5,000 for non-contributing members will be retained in your PSSap account. The following amount from my PSSap (including Ancillary) account: $ Note: This can be an approximate amount as you may not know your exact benefit amount yet. AND/OR Personal contribution If over age 65, yes, I have met the work test.* *You must work 40 hours over 30 consecutive days during the current financial year for us to accept your voluntary contribution. Once aged 75, we’re unable to accept a voluntary contribution from you I have enclosed a cheque for: $ Note: Enclose a cheque payable to ‘Public Sector Superannuation accumulation plan’ for [insert your name here] which is crossed ‘Not negotiable’. Please ensure you understand the super contribution caps that apply to personal contributions. You can confirm the contribution caps at AND/OR Rollover an amount from another super fund. Number of superannuation funds that CSCri will receive monies from: Approximate total value of funds to be received by CSCri: $ Section C continued on next page 4 of 10 Transfer details Details of the fund you wish to transfer from (if transferring from more than one fund, please copy this page and provide for each fund you wish to transfer from). FROM Name of the fund you want to transfer your super from Please provide the name exactly as per your last statement or contact the fund for the correct details. Your Member/Client Identifier at the fund ABN of fund ABN = Australian Business Number USI of fund USI = Unique Superannuation Identifier Important: this transfer cannot be processed without the USI number Phone number of fund TO Public Sector Superannuation Accumulation Plan (PSSap) USI: 65127917725001 ABN: 65 127 917 725 Ph: 1300 725 171 Transfer values Whole amount (balance of my account) A gross dollar amount of $ Your Tax File Number (TFN) CSCri is authorised to collect and validate your TFN under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. To improve the electronic transfer of funds between superannuation providers, your TFN is required to be validated with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Authorisation for transfer requests: By signing this request form I am making the following statements: >> I request and consent to the transfer of superannuation as described in this form >> the information I have provided on this form is true and correct >> I am aware that I may ask my superannuation provider for information about any fees or charges that may apply, or any other information about the effect this transfer may have on my benefits, including insurance cover, and have obtained or do not require such information >> I have read the CSCri PDS, and this application is made subject to the terms and conditions of that information >> I authorise PSSap to contact the fund named on this form in order to obtain information relating to this transfer request. >> I consent to my Tax File Number being disclosed for authorised purposes >> I am aware and agree that any amounts received during the consolidation process will be invested in the Cash option, and once this has occurred, will be invested in line with my existing investment strategy in CSCri, unless I request otherwise at Section E >> once my benefits have been transferred from the fund named on this form, the Trustee of that fund is discharged from any further liability for the amount transferred. Signature Date signed D D M / M Y Y Y Y / 5 of 10 Section D – Choose your investment option or mix of options Note: You can choose one or a mix of four investment options to invest your CSCri account balance. If you do not make a choice, you will be automatically invested in the default option, which is Income Focused. Please invest my account balance in the following option or mix of options: Cash % Income Focused (default option) % Balanced % Aggressive % Total 100% Ensure your total percentage equals 100% and your selection is in whole percentages only. Note: You can change your investment options at any time using your secure CSCri Member Services Online account area or by sending us your completed Change your account details form available at A fee may apply. For more information, please refer to your CSCri PDS which is also available to view and download at Section E – Select your income stream payment order (if investing in two or more investment options) Only complete this section if you wish to invest in two or more investment options. If you do not complete this section, your income stream payments will draw down using method (1) below. Select one method only. Please pay my income stream using my selected income stream payment method: (1) Pro-rata method (default) You elect your income stream payments to be withdrawn from each investment option you selected in Section D in proportion to the balance in each investment option at the time of the withdrawal. OR (2) Proportional method You specify (below) the proportion to be withdrawn from each of the investment options you selected in Section D. Cash % Income Focused (default option) % Balanced % Aggressive % Total 100% OR (3) Priority method You specify (below) the order of investment options from which your income stream payments are to be withdrawn from the investment options you selected in Section D. Please number options below, 1-4. Cash Income Focused (default option) Balanced Aggressive 6 of 10 Section F – Provide your income stream payment details Deposit my income stream payments into the following bank account: Name(s) in which your account is held Bank/financial institution BSB – Account number Note: Your income stream payments can only be deposited into an account held in your name or jointly in your name. Any Australian financial institution with a BSB number will be accepted. CSCri will not be liable for any errors that occur based on the account details you provide. Pay my first income stream payment in the following month: Note: If you do not make a selection, we will commence your income stream payment the next available pay run. Income stream payments are made on the 21st day of a month only. If the 21st day of the month is a weekend or public holiday, your payment will be made the previous business day. Please ensure that you allow sufficient time for us to process your application and establish your income stream prior to when you will rely on the money from your first income payment (we suggest that you allow at least five business days from when you apply). I wish to be paid my income stream: (please select one only) Note: If you do not make a selection, we will establish your income stream with monthly payments. Monthly Quarterly Half yearly Annually I wish to receive the gross income stream amount per payment of: (please select one only) Note: If you do not make a selection, we will establish your income stream with your minimum payment amount. Minimum allowed under legislation Maximum allowed under legislation (for a transition to retirement income stream only; the maximum amount is not pro-rated in your first year) Other (please nominate an amount to the nearest dollar) $ Note: The amount you list above must be within the minimum and maximum (if applicable) amounts permitted under law. For more information refer to your CSCri PDS, which is available to view and download at Section G – Nominate your reversionary beneficiary Select how you wish to nominate your beneficiaries. Select one option only. Note: Section 7 of the CSCri PDS provides detailed information on the different types of beneficiary nominations – non-binding, binding or reversionary. Non-binding nomination Use the Nominate your beneficiaries form available at Alternatively you can make a non-binding nomination using CSCri Member Services Online. To register, visit once we confirm your CSCri account is established. OR Binding nomination Use the Nominate your beneficiaries form available at OR Reversionary beneficiary (please provide their details below) Nominating a reversionary beneficiary means that if you die, your income stream will continue to be paid to your nominated dependant until the benefit is reduced to nil or commuted. Section G continued on next page 7 of 10 Title Mr Mrs Ms Miss Other Surname Given name(s) Date of birth Gender D D M M Y / Y Y Y / Male Female Relationship to you Section H – Provide your Tax File Number Tax File Number Note: We are authorised to collect your Tax File Number (TFN) under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. You are not obliged to disclose your TFN, but if you do not we may not be able to consolidate your superannuation and your income stream payments may be subject to a higher tax rate. Section I – Complete your Tax File Number declaration If you are under age 60, you will need to complete an ATO Tax File Number Declaration form to reduce the PAYG tax withheld from your income stream payments by the tax offset and/or tax-free threshold. If you do not submit this form, PAYG tax will be deducted from your taxable income stream payments at 46.5% as required by current tax rules. To request a copy of this form, please contact us on 1300 736 096. If you wish to reduce the PAYG tax withheld, you must lodge the claim form before you start your CSCri or lodge it with this application. No (please go to Section J) Are you under age 60? Yes AND my completed ATO Tax File Number Declaration form is attached OR my completed ATO Tax File Number Declaration form was sent to CSCri on D D M M Y / Y Y Y / Section J – Nominate a third party authority Use this section if you wish to authorise a financial planner (such as an Industry Fund Services financial planner) or other third party to enquire on your behalf in respect of your CSCri. I nominate the following financial planner/third party representative(s): Company name (if applicable) Name of representative Date of birth D D M / M Y Y Y Y / Email @ Phone Business hours Mobile number Postal address Suburb State Postcode If you wish to nominate more than one third party authority, please provide their details on a separate sheet and enclose it with your completed application form. 8 of 10 Section K – Provide proof of identity Note: To protect your account against fraud, money laundering and terrorism financing, under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006, you must complete a ‘100 point check’ and attach the following certified documents: Primary documents (70 points) Provide ONE of the following certified documents: >> birth certificate >> birth card issued by the NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages >> Australian Citizenship certificate >> a current passport >> an expired passport which has not been cancelled and was current within the preceding two years >> another document of identity having the same characteristics as a passport (eg this may include some diplomatic documents and some documents issued to refugees). Note: You do not accumulate additional points for more than one document from this category. Secondary documents (40 points) Provide ONE of the following certified documents containing your photograph and/or signature: >> An Australian driver’s license or another licence or permit issued under a law of the Commonwealth, a State or Territory >> An identification card issued to a public employee >> An identification card issued by the Commonwealth, a State or Territory as evidence of your entitlement to a financial benefit >> A student ID issued by a tertiary education institution. Note: Additional documents from this category can be awarded 25 points. Tertiary documents (if required) (25 points) Provide a certified identification document, eg marriage certificate (for maiden name only), credit card, council rates notice, telephone account, foreign driver’s licence, Medicare card, etc. Note: More than one document may be counted, but points from a particular source may be counted only once (eg if a MasterCard and Visa card are issued from the same financial institution, only one may be counted). Certifying your documents The following people can certify your documents: >> a legal practitioner enrolled on the roll of a supreme court or the high court of Australia >> a judge or magistrate of a court >> a chief executive officer of a Commonwealth court >> a registrar or deputy registrar of a court >> a Justice of the Peace (JP) >> a notary public >> a police officer >> an Australian consular officer or an Australian diplomatic officer >> an agent or a permanent employee of the Australian Postal Corporation with two or more years of continuous service in an office supplying postal services to the public >> a finance company officer with five or more years of continuous service with one or more finance companies >> a person employed by, or an authorised representative of, the holder of an Australian financial services licence with five or more continuous years of service >> a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia (ICA), Certified Practicing Accountants (CPA Australia) or the National Institute of Chartered Accountants (NIA) with two or more years of continuous membership. For a full list of certifying authorities, visit the Comlaw website at The certifying authority must confirm in writing that you are the valid holder of the identification that you are presenting and that any copies are true copies of the original. The certification must include the name, address, occupation, telephone number and registration number (if applicable) of the certifying authority. 9 of 10 Section L – Declaration Note: Before you sign this form, you must read the CSCri FSG and CSCri PDS which contains important information about the features, costs, benefits and risks of investing in this product. They will help you to decide if it is appropriate for your own objectives, financial situation and needs. I declare that: >> the information shown on this application is true and correct >> I will provide Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation, the trustee of Public Sector Superannuation accumulation plan (PSSap) through which CSCri is offered, within a reasonable period with any information it may request relating to my membership of an Australian Government public sector scheme and update information provided in this application >> I have read the CSCri PDS and CSCri FSG, and this application is made subject to the terms and conditions of that information >> I understand and acknowledge that if I am not already a PSSap member (including Ancillary) and I am commencing my CSCri account using multiple sources, I will require a PSSap Ancillary account to be opened to consolidate these monies (in the Cash option) and will be subject to fees and costs associated with this. I have read the PSSap PDS and PSSap FSG, and this application is made subject to the terms and conditions of that information >> I understand and accept that no party associated with CSCri guarantees the performance of the investment options in CSCri >> I understand that there are super contribution caps that apply to personal contributions and that CSCri is not liable for payment of any remedies caused by the member exceeding their contribution cap >> I understand that the investment option or mix of options I have selected in this application will remain in place until I make a subsequent investment choice and it is processed >> I authorise the third party listed in Section H (if completed) to make enquires about my CSCri >> I am aware and agree that Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation will have records of my personal information and consent to the use of my information to: >> confirm my identity >> administer my superannuation >> manage my superannuation investments >> meet regulatory requirements and >> conduct market research and product development. >> I acknowledge Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation has recommended that I obtain financial advice >> I am applying to become a member of CSCri and if accepted as a member, I agree to be bound by the Trust Deed that governs the fund. >> I am aware that personal information I or a third party provide, such as my employer, is collected, held, used and disclosed as required or authorised by law in accordance with the privacy policies and notice, available via or by contacting us on 1300 736 096, for the purpose of managing my super. This includes the management of superannuation investments, providing me with superannuation products and information, the administration of my account, conducting market research and product development. The privacy policies and notice contain important information about how personal information is handled, including rights to access and update that information and how a complaint about a breach of privacy can be made. Signature Date signed D D M M / Y Y Y Y / Please review the checklist at the start to ensure your application is complete. Please send this form, with your certified proof of identity documentation and ATO Tax File Number declaration form (if applicable) to: CSCri Locked Bag 8840 Wollongong NSW 2500 email phone financial advice post [email protected] 1300 736 096 1300 277 777 web overseas callers fax +61 2 4298 6052 1300 304 241 CSCri Locked Bag 8840 Wollongong NSW 2500 10 of 10
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