Differential Privacy in the Streaming Model Jalaj Upadhyay David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science University of Waterloo April 24, 2015 1 / 40 Why We Need Privacy? Social Graph 2 / 40 Why We Need Privacy? Social Graph • A natural question: how many people have friends outside their circle? 2 / 40 Why We Need Privacy? Social Graph • A natural question: how many people have friends outside their circle? • The answer is the number of edges crossing the border of the set of the vertices corresponding to those people 2 / 40 Friendships or "What You May Call" Between People Suppose Facebook decides to reveal the relationship graph There might be some people who might end up in trouble 3 / 40 Friendships or "What You May Call" Between People Suppose Facebook decides to reveal the relationship graph There might be some people who might end up in trouble 3 / 40 Friendships or "What You May Call" Between People Suppose Facebook decides to reveal the relationship graph There might be some people who might end up in trouble 3 / 40 Friendships or "What You May Call" Between People Suppose Facebook decides to reveal the relationship graph There might be some people who might end up in trouble 3 / 40 Friendships or "What You May Call" Between People Suppose Facebook decides to reveal the relationship graph There might be some people who might end up in trouble 3 / 40 Friendships or "What You May Call" Between People Suppose Facebook decides to reveal the relationship graph There might be some people who might end up in trouble 3 / 40 Disclaimer I do not support any of the above infidelity None of this work should be used in any of the above cited or related scenarios Mr. Clinton, Mr. Woods, or NSA did not fund this research 4 / 40 Why We Need Privacy? Netflix Competition 5 / 40 Why We Need Privacy? Netflix Competition Task: Deanonymize the data Training set: 100,480,507 Qualifying set: 2,817,131 5 / 40 Why We Need Privacy? Netflix Competition Task: Deanonymize the data Training set: 100,480,507 Qualifying set: 2,817,131 Winners announced in September, 2009 5 / 40 Differential Privacy: The Framework Analyst wishes to get some task done on Database 6 / 40 Differential Privacy: The Framework Privacy guard provides privacy of an individual in Database 6 / 40 Differential Privacy: The Framework The privacy guard performs the task on the Database 6 / 40 Differential Privacy: The Mathematical Formulation The idea is that absence or presence of an individual entry should not change the output “by much" 7 / 40 Differential Privacy: The Mathematical Formulation The idea is that absence or presence of an individual entry should not change the output “by much" Definition. A randomized algorithm, M, gives (ε, δ)-differential privacy if, for all “neighboring data," D e and for all S ⊆ Range(M), and D, h i e ∈S +δ Pr [M(D) ∈ S] ≤ exp(ε)Pr M(D) 7 / 40 Differential Privacy: The Mathematical Formulation The idea is that absence or presence of an individual entry should not change the output “by much" Definition. A randomized algorithm, M, gives (ε, δ)-differential privacy if, for all “neighboring data," D e and for all S ⊆ Range(M), and D, h i e ∈S +δ Pr [M(D) ∈ S] ≤ exp(ε)Pr M(D) We restrict how the privacy guard can access the database 7 / 40 Differentially Private Streaming Model of Computation Privacy Guard Private Matrix 8 3 4 5 6 2 2 1 1 1 5 9 3 2 6 1 1 3 6 7 2 7 1 7 9 6 1 Differentially Private Streaming Model of Computation Privacy Guard Private Matrix 8 3 4 5 6 2 2 1 1 • Operates on the stream 4 • Update the data-structure 6 1 ⇐ 1 5 9 3 2 6 1 1 3 6 7 2 7 1 7 9 6 1 Differentially Private Streaming Model of Computation Privacy Guard Private Matrix 1 5 9 3 2 6 1 1 3 • Operates on the stream 4 3 • Update the data-structure 6 2 1 8 ⇐ 6 7 2 7 1 7 9 6 1 Differentially Private Streaming Model of Computation Privacy Guard 6 7 2 7 1 7 9 6 1 • Operates on the stream 4 3 4 • Update the data-structure 6 2 8 1 8 9 8 / 40 Differentially Private Streaming Model of Computation An analyst comes along 9 / 40 Differentially Private Streaming Model of Computation request to do a task −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ An analyst comes along 9 / 40 Differentially Private Streaming Model of Computation request to do a task −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ An analyst comes along • uses 4 3 4 6 2 8 1 8 9 9 / 40 Differentially Private Streaming Model of Computation request to do a task −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ performs the task ←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− An analyst comes along • uses 4 3 4 6 2 8 1 8 9 9 / 40 Differentially Private Streaming Model of Computation cannot figure out individual information 9 / 40 Differentially Private Streaming Model of Computation cannot figure out individual information Privacy goal achieved 9 / 40 Differentially Private Streaming Model of Computation Following are the extra parameters 1 number of passes over the matrix 2 space requirement of the data-structures 3 time required to update the data-structures 10 / 40 Differentially Private Streaming Model of Computation Following are the extra parameters 1 number of passes over the matrix 2 space requirement of the data-structures 3 time required to update the data-structures 10 / 40 Differentially Private Streaming Model of Computation Following are the extra parameters 1 number of passes over the matrix 2 space requirement of the data-structures 3 time required to update the data-structures 10 / 40 Differentially Private Streaming Model of Computation Following are the extra parameters 1 number of passes over the matrix 2 space requirement of the data-structures 3 time required to update the data-structures Two common method for constructing the data-structure: 1 Random sampling 2 Sketch based approach 10 / 40 Differentially Private Streaming Model of Computation Following are the extra parameters 1 number of passes over the matrix 2 space requirement of the data-structures 3 time required to update the data-structures Two common method for constructing the data-structure: 1 Random sampling 2 Sketch based approach 10 / 40 This Presentation in One Slide Non-private Setting 11 / 40 This Presentation in One Slide Non-private Setting Data-structure is a sketch generated using random matrix 11 / 40 This Presentation in One Slide Non-private Setting Data-structure is a sketch generated using random matrix ⇓ Efficient one-pass streaming algorithms 11 / 40 This Presentation in One Slide Private Setting 12 / 40 This Presentation in One Slide Private Setting Special distribution of random matrices 12 / 40 This Presentation in One Slide Private Setting Special distribution of random matrices + Sketch generated using a random matrix picked from this distribution 12 / 40 This Presentation in One Slide Private Setting Special distribution of random matrices + Sketch generated using a random matrix picked from this distribution ⇓ Differentially private one-pass streaming algorithms 12 / 40 This Presentation in One Slide Private Setting Special distribution of random matrices + Sketch generated using a random matrix picked from this distribution ⇓ Differentially private one-pass streaming algorithms with optimal space data-structure and comparable update time 12 / 40 Outline of the Talk • Part I covers space efficient privacy preserving data-structure • Part II improves the update efficiency of the data-structure 13 / 40 Part I Space efficient Data-Structures 1 1 J. Upadhyay. Differentially Private Linear Algebra in the Streaming Model. arXiv:1409.5414 14 / 40 Main Result Streaming Private Sketch Generator (PSG1 ) Pick a random Gaussian matrix Φ Multiply Φ to the streamed column 15 / 40 Main Result Streaming Private Sketch Generator (PSG1 ) Pick a random Gaussian matrix Φ Multiply Φ to the streamed column Theorem. If the singular values of the streamed matrix are at least p to PSG1 algorithm σ1 := 4 r log(2/δ) log(r/δ) /ε, then PSG1 preserves (ε, δ)-differential privacy 15 / 40 Main Result Streaming Private Sketch Generator (PSG1 ) Pick a random Gaussian matrix Φ Multiply Φ to the streamed column Theorem. If the singular values of the streamed matrix are at least p to PSG1 algorithm σ1 := 4 r log(2/δ) log(r/δ) /ε, then PSG1 preserves (ε, δ)-differential privacy Similar result was shown by [BBDS12] for non-streaming algorithms 15 / 40 Main Result Streaming Private Sketch Generator (PSG2 ) Pick a random Gaussian matrix Φ Multiply ΦT Φ to the streamed column Theorem. If the singular values of the streamed matrix to the PSG2 algorithm are at least σ2 := (4r log(r/δ)) /ε, then PSG2 preserves (ε, δ)-differential privacy. 15 / 40 Main Result Streaming Private Sketch Generator (PSG2 ) Pick a random Gaussian matrix Φ Multiply ΦT Φ to the streamed column Theorem. If the singular values of the streamed matrix to the PSG2 algorithm are at least σ2 := (4r log(r/δ)) /ε, then PSG2 preserves (ε, δ)-differential privacy. 15 / 40 A Meta Algorithm • Get a stream in the form of column vector 16 / 40 A Meta Algorithm • Get a stream in the form of column vector • Perturb the vector to lift the singular values 16 / 40 A Meta Algorithm • Get a stream in the form of column vector • Perturb the vector to lift the singular values • Feed it to PSG1 or PSG2 16 / 40 A Meta Algorithm • Get a stream in the form of column vector • Perturb the vector to lift the singular values • Feed it to PSG1 or PSG2 • Perform any post-processing 16 / 40 17 / 40 Low-rank Approximation Objective: Given an input matrix A, find orthonormal matrix Ψ such that, for N ∈ {F, S} kA − ΨΨT AkN ≤ (1 + α) min rank(Ak )≤k kA − Ak kN + τ with probability 1 − β 18 / 40 Why Do We Care? systems and control model reduction system identification signal processing spectral estimation image deblurring str uctur ed low-r ank appr oximation approx. GCD approx. factorization computational mathematics recomender systems manifold learning machine learning 19 / 40 Why Do We Care? Image Processing 20 / 40 Standard Prototype Non-private constructions uses the following two steps • Compute Y = ΦA, where Φ is a picked using some distribution • Computes a rank k matrix B = ΠY A, where ΠY is the projection matrix corresponding to Y 21 / 40 Standard Prototype A known private construction [HR12] does the following • Compute Y = ΦA + G, where Φ is a picked using some distribution • Computes a rank k matrix B = ΠY A + G0 , where ΠY is the projection matrix corresponding to Y It seems like two applications of A is necessary 21 / 40 Standard Prototype Non-private constructions uses the following two steps • Compute Y = ΦA, where Φ is a picked using some distribution • Computes a rank k matrix B = ΠY A, where ΠY is the projection matrix corresponding to Y It seems like two applications of A is necessary We use linear algebra to emulate the second step by using Φ and Y 21 / 40 Private Low-rank Approximation in Single Pass Computation of Y • Set w to be above the threshold of PSG2 • Pick a random Gaussian matrix Φ On receiving the column Ai : bi = • Lift the singular values: A wei Ai bi • Compute the sketch Yi = ΦA 22 / 40 Private Low-rank Approximation in Single Pass Computation of Y • Set w to be above the threshold of PSG2 • Pick a random Gaussian matrix Φ On receiving the column Ai : bi = • Lift the singular values: A bi • Compute the sketch Yi = ΦA Y = Y1 · · · Yd wei Ai b = A wI A 22 / 40 Private Low-rank Approximation in Single Pass Computation of Y • Set w to be above the threshold of PSG2 • Pick a random Gaussian matrix Φ On receiving the column Ai : bi = • Lift the singular values: A wei Ai bi • Compute the sketch Yi = ΦA Y = Y1 · · · Yd b = A wI A Privacy follows from PSG1 as σ1 w 22 / 40 Private Low-rank Approximation in Single Pass Post-processing: Use Y and Φ to compute B = ΠY A • Let ΠY = ΨΨT • Find a solution to BΨT Φ = ΨT Y • Compute and publish the required decomposition of B 22 / 40 Privacy and Utility Guarantees Privacy follows from PSG1 and PSG2 as w = σ2 Utility proof requires perturbation theory and the Johnson-Lindenstrauss property 23 / 40 Privacy and Utility Guarantees Privacy follows from PSG1 and PSG2 as w = σ2 Utility proof requires perturbation theory and the Johnson-Lindenstrauss property Johnson-Lindenstrauss property says that using special choice of random projection matrix, we can project a set of vectors to a lower dimensional space while preserving Euclidean distances 23 / 40 Comparison of Results Method [CSS13] Additive noise (τ ) √ O(nk/ε) q µkAkF kn e O + ε ε 2p k e O( (rµ + k log n) log n) ε 3 O(dk /(εγ 2 )) √ [HR12] [HR13] [KT13] [HP14] [DTTZ14] Our result Our result e O λ1 knµ log(n/γ) log log(n/γ) εγ 1.5 λk √ e √n/ε) + O( ˜ k 3 n3/2 /ε2 ) O(k p O(pnk ln(k/δ)/ε) O( nk ln(k/δ)/ε) # Passes k Norm S 2 F k log λ k √ k log λ S S 1 1 1 S F S √ S Comparison with previous works (F stands for Frobenius norm, S stands for Spectral norm 24 / 40 Space Optimality Through the Meta Algorithm Problem Multiplication Regression Low-rank (F) Low-rank (S) Lower Bound Ω dα−2 log(nd) Ω d2 α−1 log(nd) Ω(kα−1 (n + d) log(nd)) − Our Result −2 ˜ O(dα log(nd) log(1/β)) ˜ d2 log(nd)−1 κ log(1/β) O O(kε−1 (n + d) log(nd)) O(kε−1 (n + d) log(nd)) 25 / 40 Part II Update time and space efficient data-structure 2 2 J. Upadhyay. Randomness Efficient Fast-Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform with Applications in Differential Privacy and Compressed Sensing. arXiv: 1410.2470 26 / 40 Privacy and Run-time Let n =1 billion = 109 , d = 103 , r = 100 Any of the above algorithm would take rnd = 1014 time 27 / 40 Privacy and Run-time Let n =1 billion = 109 , d = 103 , r = 100 Any of the above algorithm would take rnd = 1014 time 27 / 40 Construction of Φ 1 Pick {g1 , · · · , gn } ∼ N (0, 1)n 2 Divide it into r equal blocks of vectors Φ1 , · · · , Φr . Φ1 0n/r 0n/r Φ2 P := . .. .. . ··· ··· .. . 0n/r 0n/r ··· 0n/r 0n/r .. . Φr q Compute Φ = 1r PΠW, where W is a randomized Hadamard matrix and Π is a permutation matrix 28 / 40 Main Result Streaming Private Sketch Generator (PSG1 ) Pick Φ Multiply Φ to the streamed column 29 / 40 Main Result Streaming Private Sketch Generator (PSG1 ) Pick Φ Multiply Φ to the streamed column Theorem. If the singular values of the streamed matrix to PSG1 algorithm are at least p σ1 := 4 r log(2/δ) log(r/δ) /ε, then PSG1 preserves (ε, δ + negl)-differential privacy 29 / 40 Main Result Streaming Private Sketch Generator (PSG2 ) Pick Φ Multiply ΦT Φ to the streamed column 29 / 40 Main Result Streaming Private Sketch Generator (PSG2 ) Pick Φ Multiply ΦT Φ to the streamed column Theorem. If the singular values of the streamed matrix to the PSG2 algorithm are at least σ2 := (4r log(r/δ)) /ε, then PSG2 preserves (ε, δ + negl)-differential privacy. 29 / 40 Johnson-Lindenstrauss Property We prove that Φ satisfies the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Property 30 / 40 Johnson-Lindenstrauss Property We prove that Φ satisfies the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Property Hanson-Wright inequality [HW71] controls the quadratic forms in sub-gaussian random variables: for symmetric matrix A and subgaussian random vector g, gT Ag is concentrated around its mean h i c1 η 2 c1 η T T Pr g Ag − E[g Ag] ≥ η ≤ exp − min , kAk2F kAk 30 / 40 Few More Results • Graph sparsification in composition with random projection also preserves differential privacy 31 / 40 Few More Results • Graph sparsification in composition with random projection also preserves differential privacy • Differentially private linear regression 31 / 40 Few More Results • Graph sparsification in composition with random projection also preserves differential privacy • Differentially private linear regression • Application in differentially private manifold learning 31 / 40 Few More Results • Graph sparsification in composition with random projection also preserves differential privacy • Differentially private linear regression • Application in differentially private manifold learning • Known variants of sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform does not preserve privacy 31 / 40 Few More Results • Graph sparsification in composition with random projection also preserves differential privacy • Differentially private linear regression • Application in differentially private manifold learning • Known variants of sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform does not preserve privacy • Simpler proof for many variants of Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform using Hanson-Wright inequality 31 / 40 Few More Results • Graph sparsification in composition with random projection also preserves differential privacy • Differentially private linear regression • Application in differentially private manifold learning • Known variants of sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform does not preserve privacy • Simpler proof for many variants of Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform using Hanson-Wright inequality • Improved bound in compressed sensing for small number of measurements 31 / 40 Future Works Three closely related open problems: • Improve the bound for sparse random matrix Φ for large values of r • Better understand low dimension embedding for any normed space other than `2 -norm • Investigate more applications in private learning theory 32 / 40 Thank you for your attention 33 / 40 Additional Slides: Johnson-Lindenstrauss Property Recall Φ1 0n/r · · · 0n/r 0n/r Φ2 · · · 0n/r P := . .. .. .. .. . . . 0n/r · · · 0n/r Φr Construct P1 and P2 which operates as follows • On input y, P2 feeds p n/t y(j−1)n/r+1 , · · · , yjn/r to the i-th row of P1 • Row-i of P1 is Φi for 1 ≤ i ≤ r 34 / 40 Additional Slides: Johnson-Lindenstrauss Property Recall Φ = q 1 r PΠW The proof follows proving following four claims • W preserves isometry (unitary matrix) • Wx has bounded infinity norm for all unit vector x • P2 Π preserves isometry if its input has bounded unit norm • P1 preserves isometry (Hanson-Wright inequality) 34 / 40 Additional Slides Differentially Private Linear Regression 3 3 J. Upadhyay. Differentially Private Linear Algebra in the Streaming Model. arXiv: 1409.5414 35 / 40 Linear Regression: Problem Statement Objective: Given a private matrix A and a column vector b, output a vector x such that Pr kAx − bkF ≤ (1 + α) min kAy − bkF + τ ≥ 1 − β y∈Rd×1 36 / 40 Linear Regression: Problem Statement Objective: Given a private matrix A and a column vector b, output a vector x such that Pr kAx − bkF ≤ (1 + α) min kAy − bkF + τ ≥ 1 − β y∈Rd×1 Why do we care? 36 / 40 Linear Regression: Problem Statement Objective: Given a private matrix A and a column vector b, output a vector x such that Pr kAx − bkF ≤ (1 + α) min kAy − bkF + τ ≥ 1 − β y∈Rd×1 Why do we care? − People in finance will tell you about capital asset pricing model − Computer scientists will tell you about Reinforcement Learning 36 / 40 Linear Regression • Set s above the threshold of PSG1 • Pick a random Gaussian matrix Φ 37 / 40 Linear Regression • Set s above the threshold of PSG1 • Pick a random Gaussian matrix Φ Data-structure update. On input a stream A:c , b :c = sec 0n+d A:c • Life the singular values: A b :c . • Compute the sketch Y:c of tA Form the matrix Y = Y1: · · · Yn: 37 / 40 Linear Regression Stored Data-structure: Y Answering queries. On being queried with a vector b b = 0d 0n+d bi • Set b • Compute the sketch of e b e • Compute arg minx kYx − bk Privacy follows from PSG1 as s = σ1 37 / 40 Linear Regression Stored Data-structure: Y Answering queries. On being queried with a vector b b = 0d 0n+d bi • Set b • Compute the sketch of e b e • Compute arg minx kYx − bk Utility follows using the Johnson-Lindenstrauss property 37 / 40 Additional Slides Differentially Private Manifold Learning 4 4 J. Upadhyay. Randomness Efficient Fast-Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform with Applications in Differential Privacy and Compressed Sensing. arXiv: 1410.2470 38 / 40 Differentially Private Manifold Learning Input: Y = {y1 , · · · , ym } in Rn . T • Set xi = σei yi for all 1 ≤ i ≤ m. • Let X = x1 · · · xm . while residual variance ≥ ζ • Sample Φ • Run the Grassberger-Procaccia’s algorithm on ΦX • Use b k to perform Isomap on ΦX. • Calculate the residual variance, increment r Invoke the Isomap algorithm with b k, {x1 , · · · , xm }, and Φ Privacy follows from PSG1 39 / 40 Analysis of Differentially Private Manifold Learning Convergence requires proving two things. If k log(nVκ) log(1/δ) r≥O ε2 then with probability 1 − β, • Residual variance of the embedded points are bounded by residual variance of the sampled points !2 p 16r log(2/β) ln(4/β) RΦ ≤ R + O cεd2 + cε α • Intrinsic dimension of embedded points is within multiplicative factor of that of sampled points 40 / 40
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