East Sussex Schools Forum Minutes of Meeting 20 March, 2015

East Sussex Schools Forum
Minutes of Meeting
20th March, 2015
Wellshurst Golf Club
BN27 4EE
Primary Headteachers
Primary School Governors
Maureen Fairhead (Cradle Hill Community Primary)
Neil Small (Castledown Community Primary & Nursery)
Shirley Frankis (Dallington)
David Simon (Ditchling St Margaret’s) - APOLOGIES
Jane Johnson (Newick County Primary) - APOLOGIES
Piers Newman (Bonners Primary)
Geoffry Lucas (Etchingham CE Primary)
Secondary Headteachers
Secondary School Governors
Alan Powell (Heathfield Community College)
Ian Jungius (Willingdon Community)
Lesley Young (Chailey) (Deputy Chair)
Monica Whitehead (Claverham Community College)
Special School Headteacher
Special School Governor
Remo Palladino (The Lindfield and The South Downs) APOLOGIES
Margaret Southworth – Cuckmere House
Pupil Referral Unit
Frank Stanford – College Central
Academy Representatives
Non School Members
John Greenwood (Aurora Academy Trust)
Jenny Jones (The St Leonards Academy) - APOLOGIES
Keith Pailthorpe (The Eastbourne Academy)
Peter Swan (Beacon Academy) – APOLOGIES
Richard Preece (Special Academy Representative)
Mark Phillips (ARK William Parker Academy) APOLOGIES
Helen Atkin (Early Years) – not in attendance
Ian Thomas (Trade Union Representative)
Maria Cowler (Diocese of Arundel & Brighton) - not in
Alison Flynn (Diocese of Chichester)
Clive Cooke (16-19 representative)
Fiona Wright, Assistant Director
(Education & ISEND)
Councillor Nick Bennett
(Lead Member for Learning & School Effectiveness)
Jill Fisher (BSD Finance)
Stuart Gallimore (Director Children’s Services)
Edward Beale (BSD Finance)
Hugh Hennerbry, (Uckfield Community College)
Mark Whiffin (Head of Finance, BSD Finance)
Phyllis Allwood (Clerk)
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East Sussex Schools Forum
Minutes of Meeting
20th March, 2015
Wellshurst Golf Club
BN27 4EE
Lesley Young (LY) Chaired the meeting. LY opened the meeting and welcomed all attendees.
The Chair welcomed Mark Phillips, new Academy Secondary Headteacher representative from
ARK William Parker (who had to send apologies for this meeting), and Jill Fisher, Finance
Manager, ESCC, replacement for Jon Brown.
Apologies received from:
David Simon, Ditchling (St Margaret’s)
Jane Johnson, Newick CE Primary
Remo Palladino, The Lindfield and South Downs
Peter Swan, Beacon Community College Academy Trust
Jenny Jones, The St Leonard’s Academy
Mark Phillips, ARK William Parker Academy
LY reported that unfortunately Mark Trott has stepped down as Chair and Primary Forum
Representative. It was noted that selection of a new primary representative was underway.
LY requested nominations for the new Chair of Forum. Nominations were received for Lesley
Young to take up Chair position and for John Greenwood to act as Vice Chair; both nominations
were seconded and approved by attendees at the meeting.
LY made a change to page 3 last paragraph section 5 of the SEND update. Should now read
“Agreed: Also to seek representative from a primary school with falling role”. The rest of the
Minutes were agreed as accurate.
Agenda Item 3.2 (16/1/15) Early Years 2 Year Old Funding – Schools Forum had written a letter
to Peter Lauener, Chief Executive of EFA (copy enclosed with papers) concerning DfE
contributions to funding for East Sussex. A holding response had been received confirming the
matter was being considered (copy also with papers). The Chair confirmed there was nothing
more to be said on this matter at the moment.
Agenda Item 6.0 (16/1/15) – Unfunded additional pension contribution – A copy of a letter,
which had been drafted to be sent to the EFA regarding the increase in teaching pension costs,
was handed out to attendees. After a brief discussion the letter was approved and signed by
the Chair for sending to the EFA.
It was also noted that the Growth Fund Working Group dates were likely to begin in June 2015.
Report: To provide an update on the 2014/15 contingency funds
EB gave an update to Forum confirming the current position with regard to Primary and
Secondary phase figures remaining as £388,554 and £189,026 respectively. EB
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East Sussex Schools Forum
Minutes of Meeting
20th March, 2015
Wellshurst Golf Club
BN27 4EE
confirmed that this total figure of £577,580 would be devolved in March to maintained
primary and secondary schools. Those schools which became academies during the
financial year would receive a pro rata amount.
EB explained that funding would be devolved on a per pupil basis of £11.65per primary
pupil and £16.43 for secondary.
Note: The primary per pupil rate quoted in the report to Forum was £12.19, however
the final settlement rate per primary pupil was slightly lower, at £11.65, due to
additional drawdown from the contingency fund by primary schools during March.
In response to previous Forum concerns that schools receive a lump sum at the end of
the year that could possibly have been spent earlier during the year, the LA proposed
that any unspent contingency next year (2015-16) would be devolved back to schools in
two phases, rather than in one lump sum. The proposal was that 30% of any remaining
funds would be devolved in September/ October 2015 and the remaining 70% devolved
in February/March 2016.
Agree: Forum noted the current position and universally approved the proposal
Report: To update Schools Forum on the DSG budget position for 2014/15
EB gave an update on the current DSG budget position. A summary of figures recouped
by the DfE since January 2015 was presented.
Final DSG allocation for 2014/15 should be £246.789m.
Noted: DSG figures were noted by Forum
Report: To update Schools Forum on proposed changes to Section 2.3 of the Scheme for
financing schools for 2015/16
JF gave some background regarding the submission of final budget plans to the LA,
which were expected by mid-May each year. JF presented a proposal that the
submission deadline be moved to end April wef April 2016; the rationale was to
streamline the process of information sent to and from schools. .
Concerns were expressed regarding the perceived pressure of moving these deadlines
for business managers and bursars. However it was noted that Forum felt any
rescheduling of Governor Meetings could be accommodated.
Further information relating to the impact of the proposal on SBM’s was requested
before Forum could make a decision.
Action: All business managers/bursars to be consulted on the impact of the proposed JF
changes to budget submission timelines. Response to be brought back to July Forum.
The Chair suggested an earlier start time for Forum meetings of 09.00 hours. All
attendees had busy schedules and an earlier start time would give people time to get
back to schools/office earlier to continue the working day.
Agree: The new start times were agreed to begin at the start of the new academic
year – September 2015
The meeting was closed by the Chair at 1040 hours.
Next Meeting Friday, 15th May, 2015
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