Southern Districts Car Club Sunday 24th May 2015 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 1. NAME OF EVENT: SDCC Multi club Khanacross Round 2 2. TYPE OF EVENT: Multi Club Khanacross 3. AUTHORITY: Held under the International Sporting Code of the Federation International Automobile (FIA), the National Competition Rules of the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd (CAMS), Khanacross Regulations, the CAMS Passenger in Vehicle Guidelines, these Supplementary Regulations and any Further Regulations, Bulletins or Instructions issued by the Organisers. This Event will be conducted under and in accordance with CAMS OH&S and Risk Management Policies, which can be found on the CAMS website at 4. PROMOTOR/ORGANISING CLUB: Southern Districts Car Club Incorporated PO Box 3 MORPHETT VALE SA 5162 5. ORGANISING COMMITTEE CLERK OF COURSE: Morgan Smith 0438 887 987 CO CLERK OF COURSE: Daniel Claridge 0433 441 282 SECRETARY: Helga Jacobs 0408 210 609 [email protected] CHIEF SCRUTINEER: Mick Workman 0433 226 177 CHIEF TIME KEEPER: Cass Gray STEWARDS: Rollo Ross 6. ELIGIBILTY: The EVENT will be a Khanacross and is open to members of all CAMS affiliated car clubs. 7. PERMIT: The event will be conducted under CAMS Organising Permit No 515/2405/03 which will be displayed on the official notice board at the event. Licensed drivers, service crew and all officials must be signed on. Certain public, property, professional indemnity and personal accident insurance is provided by CAMS in relation to the event. Further details can be found in the CAMS Insurance Handbook, available at This Event will be conducted under and in accordance with CAMS OH&S and Risk Management Policies, which can be found on the CAMS website at 8. DAY AND DATE Sunday24th May2015 0830hrs Gates Open 0845hrs - 0945hrs Documentation and Scrutiny 0900hrs Officials Briefing 1010hrs Drivers Briefing 1030 hrs Competition Starts Last run to commence no later than 5pm (last car to finish approx. 1hr before dusk). NOTE: A Lunch Break may be called at the discretion of the Clerk of Course 9. VENUE: Mid Murray Motorplex - Corner of Starick (GPS states Staric) Road and Angus Valley Road Cambrai. Approximately 10km East of Ridley Road on the Angas Valley Road. GPS S34 45.231 E139 22.641 10. TYPE OF SURFACE: Dirt 11. LICENCES: A minimum of a level 2NS or 2NSJ licence is required. Alternatively a Come and Try license (Level 1) can be purchased from the Event Secretary by drivers who have not previously held a CAMS licence for the non-competitive section of the event. This event can be used as an Observed Licence Test for the National Rally Licence. SDCC Khanacross Page 1 of 6 12. NUMBER OF TESTS: There will be a minimum of four tests 13. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF COMPETITORS: Maximum number of competitors will be 60 and if more than 60 entries are received then entries will be accepted in order of receipt until capacity is reached. 14. MAXIMUM ENTRIES PER VEHICLE: Maximum number of drivers per vehicle will be 4. 15. RIGHT TO REFUSE ENTRY: The organizers reserve the right to refuse any entry without assigning a reason. “Refer also NCR 83 of the current CAMS Manual of Motor Sport.” 16. ENTRY FEE: All entries must be made on the official entry form with all relevant details correctly filled out. Entries can be sent to the Event Secretary, PO BOX 3 MORPHETT VALE SA 5162 or via email to the Secretary. Direct Bank Transfer - Account details are BSB 105-136, Account number 510078640. Please enter "Khanacross" followed by your name in the statement text, and send a copy of the receipt with your entry form for verification of payment to the Secretary’s email Entries will not be accepted without a fully completed entry form and payment prior to close of entries. Entry fee is Standard Entries Received before 1800hrs Friday 22th May 2015 are $50.00 and Junior $25.00. Final Entries Received After 1800hrs Friday 22th May 2015 are $75.00 and Junior $40.00. Entries Close 0930hrs on day of competition. 17. COMPETITORS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE must be counter-signed or consented to by a parent or guardian. 1. No driver shall be under the age of 12 years 2. Drivers between 12 and 13 years of age must be accompanied by an experienced instructor as approved by the Clerk Of Course 18. CLASSES: A – ROAD CARS 0 – 1300cc B – ROAD CARS 1301 – 1600cc C – ROAD CARS 1601 – 2000cc D – ROAD CARS over 2000cc AM – MODIFIED CARS or RALLY TYRES 0 – 1300cc BM – MODIFIED CARS or RALLY TYRES 1301 – 1600cc CM – MODIFIED CARS or RALLY TYRES 1601 – 2000cc DM – MODIFIED CARS or RALLY TYRES over 2000cc E – HIGHLY MODIFIED / BUGGIES F – 4 Wheel Drives J – JUNIORS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 YEARS L – LADIES Clarification of classes will be on display at the EVENT. NOTE: Vehicles are NOT required to conform to Motorkhana Cars – Group 4H, article 2 of the current CAMS Manual of Motor Sport for the purposes of determining classes. 19. SCRUTINY AND DOCUMENTATION: The following documents must be presented at the pre-event documentation. Current CAMS Competition License and CAMS Passbook. Current CAMS Affiliated car club membership card. Current CAMS Log Book (If one has been issued). 1. Vehicles must comply with CAMS 4H and Schedule A of the current CAMS Manual of Motor Sport. Vehicles must be adequately muffled to comply with noise restrictions. 2. Particular attention will be to all brakes, steering and tyres. 3. The Chief Scrutineer shall rule on the acceptability of any vehicle to compete in the event. 4. All vehicles must have a correctly mounted Approved fire extinguisher of at least 900g capacity, and effective mud flaps fitted to drive wheels. 5. A driver whose vehicle has broken down may use a replacement vehicle, provided the consent of the Clerk of Course has been obtained. The replacement vehicle must be scrutineered before being allowed to compete and be used for the remainder of the competition. SDCC Khanacross Page 2 of 6 20. APPAREL: 1. A minimum of a lap sash must be worn correctly at all times of competition complying with Schedule I of the current CAMS Manual of Motorsport. 2. All drivers must wear approved footwear whilst competing. Refer Schedule D of the current CAMS Manual of Motorsport 3. Approved helmet with visor or goggles must be worn and in closed cars which have the windscreen removed. Refer Schedule D of the current CAMS Manual of Motorsport 4. For all vehicles minimum clothing is “Neck to ankle to wrist” covering. Refer Schedule D of the current CAMS Manual of Motorsport. 21. REFUELLING: Vehicles may only be refueled in the designated area. It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure an allocated official is present and a functional fire extinguisher provided by the Event is in place whilst refueling any vehicle. Fuel must comply with Schedule G of the current CAMS Manual of Motor Sport. 22. METHOD OF TIMING: Will be either electronic timing to the 1/10th second or a manual timing system. Timing shall commence when the leading point of the car crosses the designated start line and shall cease when the leading point of the car crosses the designated finish line. The designated finish line shall not be more than one metre behind the front of the finish garage. If timing should fail to record a competitor’s time, then the competitor shall be offered a re-run. 23. FLAGS TO BE USED: Green – Used to indicate to the timers when competing vehicle has commenced its run by a dropping of the flag, the green flag will be displayed to indicate to the driver they may commence their run. Red – indicates a situation has occurred (a danger on the course or a timing failure) which requires the driver to cease their run. Any driver who has been shown the red flag must immediately slow to a safe speed and proceed carefully to the next flag point for instructions from the officials. Chequered – signals completion of the run. 24. PENALTIES: As per Khanacross Regulations of the current CAMS Manual of Motor Sport. A penalty of EXCLUSION may also be imposed by the Stewards of the Meeting for infringements as prescribed by the current NCR’s. 4WD Handicap – All Class (4WD vehicles) will have an additional 5% handicap added to recorded times. All “slowest time plus 5 seconds” penalties will be based on the time of the slowest non junior competitor. 26. JUDGES of FACT: All officials shall be deemed to be Judges of Fact. This includes determining whether a course or test has been correctly completed, a garage correctly entered, a field garage correctly traversed or the accuracy in timing a competitor’s run. Further duties may be defined at the COMPETITORS BRIEFING as necessary. 27. RESULTS: The winner will be the competitor that accumulates the least amount of time penalties, including time penalties for cone or garage infringements. 28. PROTESTS: Must be lodged in accordance Part XII of the current National Competition Rules. 29. AWARDS: Trophies maybe awarded to 1st Outright and Class Awards if more than 3 drivers in each class. 30. CANCELLATION OF EVENT: The Organiser’s may cancel, alter, abandon or postpone the event without assigning a reason (NCR 59 of the current CAMS Manual of Motor Sport). 31. PERSONAL ACCIDENT AND PUBLIC RISK INSURANCE has been affected with the CAMS Licence and the permit fee paid by the Organiser’s and receipted. 32. ALCOHOL, DRUGS AND OTHER SUBSTANCES: Any holder of a CAMS ‘Competition’ or ‘Officials’ licence (or equivalent licence issued by another ASN) may be tested for the presence of drugs (or other banned substances) and subject to a penalty/penalties for a breach in accordance with the CAMS Anti-Doping Policy and/or the CAMS Illicit Drugs in Sport (Safety Testing) Policy as published on the CAMS website. Consumption of alcohol in the paddock, pits or any section of the competition venue/course under the control of the Officials is forbidden until all competition is concluded each day. Accordingly, any holder of a CAMS ‘Competition’ or ‘Officials’ licence (or equivalent licence issued by another ASN) may also be tested for the presence of alcohol by a CAMS Accredited Testing Official (CATO) in accordance with the CAMS Standard Operating Procedure for Breath Alcohol Testing. SDCC Khanacross Page 3 of 6 33. 32. PASSENGERS: A driver (either Junior or an Adult), may carry a passenger, for the purpose of instruction and guidance under the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A request is lodged with and approved by the Clerk of the Course. Any instructor must be over 18 and hold a CAMS and Civil Driver’s Licence The suitability of the passenger or the driver is at the discretion of the Clerk of the Course. Each passenger shall complete the CAMS “Passenger in Vehicle Disclaimer Form” before any test. Only one passenger is permitted in the vehicle with the driver at any time during a test. Times achieved by a junior driver with a passenger shall not be used as a basis for the application of penalties to other drivers. Each passenger shall comply with the apparel and safety requirements for the competition during any attempt at a test. 34. CATERING: Food and drinks will be available. 35. SPECTATORS: Spectators are free on competition day. 36. VENUE RULES: Defined areas may be allocated for spectator parking. All rubbish must be disposed of correctly, either in any allocated bins, or taken with you. SDCC Khanacross Page 4 of 6 DISCLAIMER EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY, RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK COMPETITORS AND/OR DRIVERS For Competitors I/We being the competitor/s of the vehicle described on this Entry Form wish to enter that vehicle for the above event. For Competitors and Drivers I/We being the competitor/s and/or driver, certify that the particulars on this form are true and correct in every particular, to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. I/We declare that I/we have read and understood the Supplementary Regulations issued for the event, and agree to be bound by them and the provisions of the National Competition Rules of the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Limited (“CAMS”). In exchange for being able to attend or participate in the event (including entering the event), I agree: to release CAMS and Australian Motor Sport Commission Ltd, promoters, sponsor organisations, land owners and lessees, organisers of the event, their respective servants, officials, representatives and agents (collectively, the "Associated Entities") from all liability for my death, personal injury (including burns), psychological trauma, loss or damage (including property damage) ("harm") howsoever arising from my participation in or attendance at the event, except to the extent prohibited by law; that CAMS and the Associated Entities do not make any warranty, implied or express, that the event services will be provided with due care and skill or that any materials provided in connection with the services will be fit for the purpose for which they are supplied; and to attend or participate in the event at my own risk. I/we acknowledge that: the risks associated with attending or participating in the event include the risk that I may suffer harm as a result of: motor vehicles (or parts of them) colliding with other motor vehicles, persons or property; acts of violence and other harmful acts (whether intentional or inadvertent) committed by persons attending or participating in the event; and the failure or unsuitability of facilities (including grand-stands, fences and guard rails) to ensure the safety of persons or property at the event. motor sport is dangerous and that accidents causing harm can and do happen and may happen to me. I accept the conditions of, and acknowledge the risks arising from, attending or participating in the event and being provided with the event services by CAMS and the Associated Entities. I understand that this disclaimer is not intended to exclude any valid claim I may have under the CAMS Personal Insurance Scheme. Please place a tick in first box if you are under 18 and a tick in the second box if there will be an instructor in the car with you Competitor's signature:................................................................. Date: ........................................ Driver 1 signature: ................................................................. Date: ........................................ Driver 2 Signature ................................................................. Date: ........................................ Driver 3 Signature ................................................................. Date: ........................................ Driver 4 Signature ................................................................... Date: ........................................ Under 18 Instructor For persons under the age of 18 years the following parent/guardian consent must be completed. PARENT/ GUARDIAN CONSENT – PERSONS UNDER 18 YEARS OLD I …………………………………… of [Address] ………………………………………………… am the parent/ guardian* of the above-named ("the minor") who is under 18 years old. I have read this document and understand its contents, including the exclusion of liability and assumption of risk, and have explained the contents to the minor. I consent to the minor attending/ participating in* the event at his/her own risk. Signed……………………………………… Parent/Guardian* * Delete whichever does not apply Date……………………………………… PARENT/ GUARDIAN CONSENT – PERSONS UNDER 18 YEARS OLD I …………………………………… of [Address] ………………………………………………… am the parent/ guardian* of the above-named ("the minor") who is under 18 years old. I have read this document and understand its contents, including the exclusion of liability and assumption of risk, and have explained the contents to the minor. I consent to the minor attending/ participating in* the event at his/her own risk. Signed……………………………………… Parent/Guardian* * Delete whichever does not apply SDCC Khanacross Date……………………………………… Page 5 of 6 Held under the International Sporting Code of the FIA and the National Competition Rules of CAMS I/We being the competitor/s of the vehicle described on this Entry Form wish to enter that vehicle for the above event. I/We certify that the particulars on this form are true and correct in every particular, to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. I/We being the driver/s of the vehicle on this Entry Form do hereby agree (with my signature) to the Disclaimer on page 5 of the Supp Regs.. COMPETITOR: NAME ……………………………………………………….ADDRESS…………………………………………………………………P/Code………………CAMS Lic O F F I C I A L No………………………… DRIVER 1 : NAME …………………………………..…………………..ADDRESS……………………………….………………………..…………………………………………P/Code…………………… PH. No. ……………………. …………………CLUB……….………………………..CAMS Lic No…………………………….E-Mail…………………………………………………Junior?…………. DRIVER 2 : NAME …………………………………..…………………..ADDRESS……………………………….………………………..…………………………………………P/Code…………………… U S E PH. No. ……………………. …………………CLUB……….………………………..CAMS Lic No…………………………….E-Mail…………………………………………………Junior?…………. DRIVER 3 : NAME …………………………………..…………………..ADDRESS……………………………….………………………..…………………………………………P/Code…………………… O N L Y PH. No. ……………………. …………………CLUB……….………………………..CAMS Lic No…………………………….E-Mail…………………………………………………Junior?…………. DRIVER 4 : NAME …………………………………..…………………..ADDRESS……………………………….………………………..…………………………………………P/Code…………………… PH. No. ……………………. …………………CLUB……….………………………..CAMS Lic No…………………………….E-Mail…………………………………………………Junior?…………. Car Numbers DISCLAIMER: All Competitors and Drivers must sign the disclaimer. VEHICLE Make Model Colour Eng. Size Supercharged? Class (Circle One) Yes / No A B C D E F G (Circle One) Driver 1 FWD RWD 4WD AM BM CM DM Payment Details Driver 2 Standard Entries Fee before 1800hrs 22nd May 2015 ……..…….…x Adults @ $50 ea = $……….….. Standard Entries Fee before 1800hrs 22nd May 2015 …… …….…x Juniors @ $25 ea = $…………... Final Entries Fee after 1800hrs 22nd May 2015……..…….…x Adults @ $75 ea = $……….….. Final Entries Fee after 1800hrs 22nd May 2015…… …….…x Juniors @ $40 ea = $…………... Total SDCC Khanacross $………….. ……. Driver 3 Page 6 of 6 Driver 4
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