San Diego Ice Arena Presents 2015 Fun in The Sun Hockey Tournament Thursday (local teams play)-Friday—Saturday—Sunday—Monday September 3rd to September 7th Labor Day Weekend 2015 Peewee B Bantam A Bantam B Midget Open Mite (cross Ice games) Squirt A Squirt B Squirt BB Peewee A Entry Fee: $1500 per team & $1200 for Mites Entry fee includes guarantee of 4 games, great competition and 1st place banner For team sign-up and team fees go to and search for Fun in the Sun 2015. Games times will be posted here one week after entry deadline. Hosted by the SDIA Oilers For more info call Craig Sterling 858-602-6401 [email protected] 2015 SDIA Youth HOCKEY Fun In The Sun Labor Day Classic Thursday, September 3rd through Monday September 7th Fun & Important Facts: First games will start with local teams on Thursday and will go thru Monday. Championship games will be played on Monday September 7th. All teams must show proof of 2015‐2016 USA Hockey individual membership registra on and release of liability forms for each player prior to their first game. Teams will play 1st period running 15 minute me, 2nd and 3rd period 15 minute stop me periods. 3 minute warm up me. No over me shall be permi ed except for championship games. Rosters with jersey #’s should be submi ed with the entry form. Tournament HOCKEY RULES 1. All teams must show proof of USA Hockey individual membership registra on and release of liability forms for each player prior to their first game. 2. All teams must be available to start their games up to thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled start me. 3. All games are 75 minute curfew games. 3 minute warm up me. No over me shall be permi ed. 4. Each team is allowed one 30 second me out. 5. If a six goal differen al exists at any me “Running Time” will commence. It will stay running me for the rest of the game. Despite the occurrence of running me, penal es will remain the dura on prescribed by USA Hockey rules. 6. Round Robin standing shall be determined by points; that is, 0 points for a loss, 1 point for a e, and 2 points for a win. If two or more teams have an equal number of points, their posi on in the standing shall be determined by: A. MOST WINS A1: head to head played between the teams will decide first (if all the teams have played each other) 1.The points acquired in these games; 2. Subtrac ng goals scored against from goals scored in these games; 3. In all round robin games dividing the goals scored in these games by the goals scored against them The posi ons will be determined in order of greater quo ent. Forfeits: If a team forfeits one or more games in the tournament, all games it has played forfeited shall be recorded as 1‐0 victories for the non‐offending team (s). B. If the above procedure does not break the e, the teams shall use a shoot out procedure. This will involve each team selec ng five (5) players who will alternate taking penalty shots. A toss of the coin will determine which team will take the first shot. All Championship games are exempt from “curfew” and “over me” rules. In the medal round if there is a e, there is a sudden death 15‐minute over me. If s ll ed, there will be an addi onal 15 minute period. 8. Protests: No protests shall be made on the playing rules. Otherwise, protests must be registered on the back of the signed score sheets and must contain all of the known facts. Protests not wri en on the back of the score sheet before final signing will not be considered. Tournament Director shall act expedi ously on all properly submi ed protests. Tournament Director’s decision shall be final. All penal es and suspensions made by the referees/game officials are final. All teams must bring roster s ckers (four score sheet of s ckers for each game) Tie Breaking Rules to Determine Standings Posi on If two or more teams have an equal number of points, their posi on in the standings shall be determined by the following ebreaking format. If one e‐breaker establishes a posi on for one or more teams, each team is placed in the applicable posi on. Once a team is placed, the remaining ed teams shall start the ebreaking process over again at step 1. (If all ed teams have not played each other, then proceed to step 2. Note: a team may go into the e breaking process having defeated another of the ed teams and s ll not advance). The e‐breaker formulas are as follows: The results of the head‐to‐head games played between the ed teams in the following order: a. Standings — Most points. b. Most wins. c. Differen al — Subtrac ng goals scored against from goals scored in these games, the posi ons being determined in order of the greatest surplus. d. Quo ent — Dividing the goals scored in these games by the goals scored against, the posi ons being determined in order of the greatest quo ent. A quo ent involving dividing by zero (0) has higher standing than a quo ent from dividing by any number other than zero. Where two or more teams have no goals against and the quo ent ebreaker is required, the teams shall be ranked high to low in descending order of “goals for.” If the e is s ll not broken we then go to the SCAHA remaining e breaker rules. 2015 SDIA Youth HOCKEY Fun In The Sun Labor Day Classic ICE HOCKEY RULES Guidelines for the Mite ADM Division for the Fun in the Sun Tournament Two games played at one me on ⅓ full ice sec ons (approx 85’ x 90’ sec ons) All teams will get 6 regular games plus either a consola on or championship game. Game mes for the Mite ADM Division are two 30 minute running me periods with a 3 minute warm‐up and 2 minute break between periods. In compliance with the USA Hockey ADM program, players will make a line change every 120 seconds by the sounding of the horn. Players immediately line up at the center zone face off. Each team will play with 4 skaters and one goaltender. A penalty shot will be awarded for any minor penalty infrac on. Off sides are permi ed but a goal scored by a shot taken from the opposing zone across the center zone will not be awarded. All stoppages of play due to frozen or pucks out of play will result a center zone face off. The first team to reach 5 goals will cause the score to reset 0. This process is repeated un l both 30 minute periods have been exhausted. The score sheet will show the total score for all periods of play. 2015 SDIA Youth HOCKEY Fun In The Sun Labor Day Classic RELEASE OF LIABILITY – READ BEFORE SIGNING In considera on of being allowed to par cipate in any way in the SDIA HOCKEY TOURNAMENT program, its related events and ac vi es, I the undersigned, acknowledge, appreciate and agree that: 1. The risk of injury from the ac vi es involved in this program is significant, including the poten al for permanent paralysis and death, and while par cular skills, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious injury does exist; and, 2. I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGILIENCE OF THE RELEASEES or others, and assume full responsibility for my par cipa on; and, 3. I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and condi ons for par cipa on. If, however, I observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or par cipa on, I will remove myself from par cipa on and bring such to the a en on of the SDIA immediately; and, 4. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representa ves and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS SDIA, their officers, officials, agents and/or employees, other par cipants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, adver sers, and owners and lessors of premises used for the ac vity (“Releases”), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, DISBILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permi ed by law. I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, AND SIGN IT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY WIHTOUT ANY INDUCEMENT. X_______________________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT’S SIGNATURE Date X_______________________________________________________________________ PARTICIPANT’S PRINTED NAME Date X________________________________________________________________________ Parent /Guardian Signature if under 18 years old Date X________________________________________________________________________ Parent /Guardian Signature if under 18 years old Date Team ____________________________ Division______________________________
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