Reprogramming Wireless Sensor Networks by Using SDN-WISE: a Hands-On Demo Laura Galluccio∗ , Sebastiano Milardo† , Giacomo Morabito∗ , Sergio Palazzo∗ ∗ University † CNIT of Catania, Catania, Italy Research Unit Catania, Catania, Italy Abstract—SDN-WISE is a Software Defined Networking solution for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The aim of SDNWISE is to simplify the management of the network, the development of novel applications, and the experimentation of new networking solutions in WSNs. Objectives of this demo are to demonstrate how different logical WSNs can coexist exploiting the same sensor nodes and show how easy is it to program the behavior of sensor nodes by few lines of code. Laptop Sink Node Sensor Node APPLICATION APPLICATION INPP T D FWD APPLICATION INPP T D FWD CONTROLLER WISE-‐VISOR ADAPTATION MAC ADAPT. PHY PHY MAC PHY I. I NTRODUCTION The Software Defined Networking (SDN) approach radically changes the way network management is conceived [6]. The idea of concentrating all the management functionalities of a network, that is the Control Plane, in a single logical entity, called Controller, makes possible to change the behavior of the network by simply installing a new software component [7]. Despite the obvious benefits of such an approach, which already promoted the success of SDN in both wired and cellular networks [4], only a few works have, recently, addressed the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) [5][2]. SDN-WISE is a SDN solution for WSNs that exploits the flexibility and ease of management that are implicit in the SDN paradigm. SDNWISE is an evolution of a previous work on SDN for WSNs, called SDWN [2]. SDN-WISE goes further SDWN by introducing some novel functions which are particularly convenient in WSNs. In fact, while the clear separation of the Control Plane from the Data Plane remains unchanged [6], the peculiar characteristics of the WSNs, such as the limitations in terms of computing power or energy availability, require ad hoc solutions. In SDN-WISE a stateful approach is introduced as suggested by Bianchi et al. [1] for wired networks. The possibility to have sensor nodes that respond to incoming messages depending on state variables reduces the amount of messages exchanged between each sensor node and the Controller, thus reducing the number of packets sent over the network and the total energy consumption. Furthermore, SDN-WISE includes a new network virtualization system, called WISE-Visor, which can abstract network resources and create several virtual sensor networks that can be assigned to different Controllers. Architecture and protocol details of SDN-WISE will be presented during the INFOCOM technical sessions (specifically, in Session “Sensor networks 2”) [3]. The purpose of this demo is to show some peculiarity of SDN-WISE, and how easy it is programming the behavior of a WSN by exploiting the SDNWISE features. Fig. 1: SDN-WISE@INFOCOM testbed and protocol stack. II. D ESIGN AND I MPLEMENTATION In this section we provide the major characteristics of SDNWISE, more details can be found in [3]. According to the SDN paradigm, SDN-WISE clearly decouples the Data plane from the Control plane. In general the Control plane is run outside the WSN while the Data plane is run by the sensor nodes. These nodes operate using the PHY and MAC layer of IEEE 802.15.4. The SDN-WISE functions running in the sensor nodes are built on top of the IEEE 802.15.4 layers. From a functional point of view, such SDN-WISE functions are organized into three layers: the Forwarding layer (FWD), the In-Network Packet Processing layer (INPP), and the Topology Discovery layer (TD) (Fig. 1). The Forwarding layer handles incoming packets as stated by the entries contained in a data structure called WISE Flow Table. Each entry of the WISE Flow Table has three parts: a set of conditions, an action and the statistical information. If the conditions expressed in the first part are satisfied, the corresponding action is executed. The statistical information is used to decide when to delete a rule that is stale. According to the possible values of the action field, some of the incoming messages can be sent to the In-Network Packet Processing layer. The most relevant operation of this layer is data aggregation. The Topology Discovery layer is used to gather information about neighbor nodes which is sent to the Controller that creates an accurate representation of the WSN. The functions of the Control Plane running in the Controller can be divided into three layers as well: Adaptation Layer, WISE-Visor, and Control layer. The Adaptation Layer modifies packets coming from sensor nodes so that they can 2 be transported by a traditional TCP-UDP/IP network, and viceversa. The FlowVisor manages the operations of several virtual WSNs which may apply different routing policies over the same physical network. Finally, the Control layer controls the behavior of each sensor node and responds to Request messages coming from the network. When a node receives a packet which does not fit any entry of its WISE Flow Table, it sets a flag in the header of the packet and sends it to the Controller. Usually, the Controller responds with a message containing one or more rules to manage packets having characteristics similar to the ones of the packet that was previously not recognized. III. D EMO D ESCRIPTION The testbed is composed of 6 wireless sensor nodes, one of them is the sink of the network and is connected to a laptop that will host the Control Plane. All the nodes are Embit EMB-Z2530PA. These devices provide IEEE 802.15.4 wireless connectivity in the 2.4 GHz ISM band. They are based on Texas Instruments CC2530 which is an 8051 8bit controller. Each node is equipped with 8kB of RAM and 256 kB of Flash memory. Regarding the software, the testbed is made by two components. First, the firmware on the nodes, that is written in C and implements the SDNWISE protocol and a simple Application Layer that echoes the messages received. Second, the Control Plane that is written in Java and is made of 30 classes. In particular, one of them is the Controller abstract class, which provides all the methods needed to get information on the network topology (e.g., number of nodes, neighbors, battery level, etc.) and two abstract methods that must be implemented in order to obtain a fully working Controller. The first one is used at the network start-up to send preliminary rules to the nodes, while the second one is run every time the controller receives a request from the network. Finally, we will set the WISE-Visor in such a way that two Control layers will be supported, each of which will have a different view of the same physical network. The demo itself will be divided into two phases. Objective of the first phase is to show the major characteristics of the SDN-WISE protocol, whereas in the second phase we will demonstrate that programming the behavior of a node is very easy and can be accomplished with a few lines of code. In the first phase, at the start-up all nodes will be turned on in sequence to show how the two different Control layers create two different representations of the same network. More specifically, one of the Control layer will see a random network whereas the other will see a ring network. To show this feature we have implemented the GUI presented in Fig. 2. Then, we will start an application which generates packets in the sink and sends them to a sensor node randomly chosen. As regards the routing policy, both Control layers will apply a Dijkstra routing algorithm whose JAVA implementation has been downloaded from the Internet. Nevertheless, since the Control layers have different views of the same network, actual routing of packets will be different. Sensor nodes have been programmed in such a way that they turn a led on when they forward a packet and turn it off after 5 s. In this way it will be possible to observe the route of each packet. Fig. 2: Screenshot of the topologies of the same physical network observed by two different Controllers. During the second phase we will show how easy is it programming the behavior of sensor nodes. To this purpose we will start from the implementation of a Control layer and modify it. Then, we will invite attendees to try themselves to develop the code which further modifies the behavior of the sensor nodes. To foster the involvement of the audience we will reward volunteers with typical Italian almond paste cookies. IV. C ONCLUSIONS SDN-WISE is a Software Defined Networking solution for WIreless SEnsor networks. An overview of SDN-WISE protocol stack has been provided along with a description of a physical testbed which implements the proposed solution. As compared to the state-of-art SDN-WISE reduces the amount of information exchanged between sensors and the SDN controllers by using a stateful approach and provides a new level of abstraction which allows several logical WSNs to coexist over the same set of sensor nodes. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the 7th Framework Program of the European Commission within the NEWCOM# project and by MIUR under the SIGMA contract. R EFERENCES [1] G. Bianchi, M. Bonola, A. Capone, and C. Cascone. OpenState: Programming Platform-independent Stateful OpenFlow Applications Inside the Switch. ACM Computer Communication Review. Apr. 2014. 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