Appendix F, Kamilaroi sayings - An Australian language as spoken

Ella J e w , Pirriwul kore koba, niurrulla bi tia wiyelli t a emmoumba yakita, kamulla bi tia murrorong mikaii kai kolang ngiroumba tetti bungngunnun ngiya bang ba. Yuti yikora bi tia
koiyung kolang. Tutilla bi tia mikan kai kolang iigirouiig kai
kolang tetti bungnguiiiiun ngaiya bang ba.
Jesu ngurrurrurmulla bi tia, kinta laiig baiig kuttan, inirul
bang kulla marikulla bi p i i t i n yarakai umulli t a einmoumba,
mara bi tia marai enimoumba yakitit.
[This is the priiner referred to on the second page of my Introduction.
It was printed in 1856, and was intended for the use of the blacks on Lirerpool Plains, among whom A h . Ridley laboured for a short time as a missionary. The sentences are English thoughts expressed in simple Iiamalarai
words. The dotted g for the nasal ng is the only change I have introduced.-E~.]
1. Baiame gir* yarai, gille, mirri, taon ellibu, gimobi.
God verily sun, moon, stars, earth also made.
2. Baiame yalrvuga murruba ; Baialne minnaminnabul g u m milda, minnaminnabul minugulda.
God always is good ; God everythiug sees, everfihing hears.
3. Baiame gir k h ~ u g okubba, kfinial, maian, tuln, yindal, be
ran, boiyoi, gimobi.
God verily every hill, plain, watercourse, tree, grass, beran (an herl]),
pennyroyal made.
4. Baiame tir v6rAman. bhrsumo, bundar, mGte. dGIi, diuoun,
buralga, biloeh, millimumul, gulaiboli, lrobttdo, mullion, gui-ya,
mirai, gundoba, burulu, mugin, k6nugo di gimobi.
God verily horse, dog, kangaroo, opossum, 'gnanna, emu, native coinpanion, cockatoo, swallow, pelican, parrot, eagle, fish, brown-snake, deadlyblack-snake, flies, mosquitos, all animals made.
5. Baiame gir gimir gimobi ; ma1 girvir Adam. Baiame go8 :
' Ealnil murruba gimir gandil guddelago ; gaia giwirgo innr gimbille.' Ila baiame inar gimobi ; ma1 inar iv ; i v gulir ddamu.
God verily man made ; first man Adam. God said, 'Not good man
alone for t o dwell ;I for man woman will make.' Then God woman made ;
first woman Eve ;Eve wife of Adam.
* I n the Wiradhari dialect, this word, gir,. is use! as an intensive a i d a
pluralising particle ; cJ ginclu-gir, 'you,' niang-gar, 'clever,' &c., in the
G . Adam buba murrign, buba munda,@u,bubn k6nugo ; ir gumba murriga, kumbn muiidagu, guniba liinu&.
AZam is father of the blackfellows, father of the x-hites, father of all ;
E r e the mother of blacks, mother of whites, mother of all.
7. Adam, i~ eilibu, waran-ara yauani. IGnuQo gin-ir, Jiinu&o
inar, waran-am? yanani; k9iingo liagil ginyi. Baiame pili ginyi ;
go6 : ‘ Ktinugo gin+, k6nuio iiiar, mara,wara yanaiii, kiillugo
kngil ginyi, guia g h n a btilu burnile.’ Immanuel, murume Bainmegu, go! : ‘ I<amml; kamil ginda garma buiiiala ; ginda gunan.
bumala ; gais balugi ; giwir inar morou gigigo.’
Adam, E r e also, astray went. All men, all woiiien, a s h y went ; all
bail became. God angry became ;he said : ‘ A11 men, all women, astray are
gone ; all Lac1 haue become. I them dead will smite.’ Imnlannel, Son of
God, said : ‘ Kot so ; not thou them smite ; thou me smite ; I will die ;
man, woman, alive for to be.”
5. Iiniiiaiiuel geanekimcla, Baiauie ; eernia Baiame gin+ ginyi.
Jfurruba hmniluel ; liamil gnra.gedil1niurriiba ~ - e a l o l r ~germa.
Ilnuia~iuelTi-ith 1s: G o d ; he God man became. Good is Immanuel;
not another is good like him.
9. Ilainbo lmiuanuel taoiigo taipnnni ; gin+ ginyi. Gernia
gir burula wibil murruba giniobi, burula m 6 p murruba gimobi,
burula m6ga-biiina murruba gimobi.
Long ago Immanuel t o earth came ; man he became. H e 3-erily nimy
sick well made, inany blind well made, many deaf well n~ade.
10. Giwir ]<airLaFtiru. Gergu bulnr bojdi, Mtiri, 3 M a . Layiru.
rribil ginyi. Eular boLdi gurre d a l a Imnianuelqo, goaldendai :
‘ Gai claidadi, @inu L~J-BI-LI,
vibii.’ I<amil yannui Immaiiuel. Tertila Lag5ru balbiii. Bularbnla,ro btibine b a l h taonda. Ila
Immnnuel taiyannni. Miri, 31tita ellibu, yugiilona. 1rnrna.nuel
go: i ‘ Ginnu daiadi yedo moron gig.’ Burula givir, burnla innr,
yugilloiia. Immaiiuel claonmago yanani. Tirul daoiima kundami. Inimanuel goB : ‘ Giudai j‘irul cliomulla.’ Garma gir yirul
diome. Imiumiuel Iititilld~iie: ‘ Lapirn, taiyauugn.’ Ila Layiiru
moron ginyi ; taiynnnni. Bular boadi burul p i y &
-4 man name Lazarus. Belonging to him two sisters, Xary, Martha.
Lazar113 sick became.
The two sisters word sent to Immanuel, saying :
By and by
Lazaras died. Four days he lay dead in the ground. Then Iinmanuel
came. hIary, Martha also, were weeping. Immanuel said : ‘ Yoor brother
again alive shall be.’ Many men, many women, mere weeping. Immannel
to the grave went ; a stone the grave covered. Immannel said : ‘ Ye the
stone take ayay.’
They the stone lifted up. Immannel cried aloucl :
‘ Lazaras, come forth.’ Then Lazarus alive became ; he came forth. The
two sisters mere very glad.
11. Garageclilli, mi6dill mibil $nyi ; &umba,boiyoi x-une ; kamil
iuiCd61 niurruba giiiyi ; iiiurru ginpi mibil, ~ u l l i m n nbalhiii. Buba
yanani Immaiinel &mnnillego ; gir gummi ; vos : ‘ Iiida barai
taiyauuia ; murrnba gimbildi gtli mi6diil; Qai Gi6d61 burul mibil
gallirnun balGni ; inch taiyanuga gai li6udigo.’ Inmanuel go6 :
’ Bulle panoai klindiqo.’ l l n yannni bular li6ndigo. Gumba duri ;
‘ M y brother, Thy Lazarus, is sick.’ Rot went Immannel.
pgillona ; go:
‘ Gil ! &ii! gni miCdhl bal6ui.’ Burula inar
yugillona; gos : ‘ Gii ! miQddbnliuli.’ Immanuel go6 : ‘ Kurria
yhga ; kamil miBd61 bal6ni ; yea1 babillona.’ Burulabu gindami ;
girma gir balundai wiuugi. Immanuel murra liamiini rnikdiil;
go: : ‘ DliBdfil, waria.’ 11s miQd6lmoron ginyi ; m-arine; gurre
go&. Gumba, buba ellibu, burul guiye.
A t another time, a little girl sick became; the mother pennyroyal
gal-e ; not the little girl well became ; much she grew sick, almost dead.
The father went Immanuel t o see ; truly he found Him ; lie said : ‘ Thou
quickly come ; well make my little girl. My little girl is very sick, almost
dead ; yon come to my house.’ Immanuel said : ‘ We two mill go t o the
house.’ Then went the two t o the house. The mother came ; she wept ;
said : ‘Alas ! alas ! my little girl is dead.’ Many women mere weeping,
said : ‘Alas ! the little girl is dead.: Imlnanuel said : ‘ Cease n-eeping ; not
the girl is dead ; only she is asleep. All of them laughed ; they verily her
to-be-dead knew. Immanuel by hand took the girl ; s a d : ‘ Damsrl, arise‘.
Then the girl alive becalnc ; arose ; words spoke. The mother, father also,
very glad.
12. Garageduli, bular giwir mhga guddeloiin turrubulda. Immanuel aro yanani. Bular mliga minugi ; ktikfildone : ‘ Inimanuel, Dhunmi, TVurume Davidu! ~ u y n i l l a! gurr6ga geane.’
Burula gimir goG : ‘ Kurria ! kurria gmdai lmkilllego.’ Gimir
m6ga yealo kikhldone : ‘ Duruiinii, Wururne DaTidu, gummilla !
gurraga geane.’ 11% Immauuel warine ; go: : ‘ AIiuna gindai goalle ? minna gain murramulle ’? Garma goa : ‘ Duruiimi, muiin
geane @iuiildai.’ Iln Immnnuel garma mil timfildn ; baianbn
garma murru ~ummillego.
Another time, two men blind sat by the way. Immnnuel there came.
The two blind peard ; they cried aloud : ‘ Immannel, Icing, Son of David,
look ! pity us.
&Ian>.people said : ‘Have done ! cease ye to cry aloud:’
The men blind again cried aloud : ‘King, Son of Dasid, look ! pity ns !
Then Immannel stood still ; said : ‘ What you will say ? What I shall do ‘?
They said : ‘ King, grant u s to see.’ Then Iiiinianuel thein eyes touche$ ;
instantly they are able to see.
13. Bur& kagil gin-ir Iwmanuel kunmultn. Garma lraogo
bindha pulalle. Garnia gir tulu Timi ; $amgedul tulu ganbir
mimi ; garma gir Immanuel wimi ; murra b i r u - d h ; idinua birnd6ni ; tului virri. Garmn tulu tiome, lmmauuel tului pindelundai. Yeriila Immsnuel balhni. Terila, giwir pilari turrur duni ;
goe dulirri.
&ny bad men Immanuel seized. They on his head thorns hound.
They indeed a log laid ; another log across they laid ;they indeed Immanuel
laid down ; hancls they pierced :feet thcy pierced ;on cross fastened. They
the cross raised, Immanuel on the cross hanging. Soon Immanuel died.
Soon after, a man with a spear his side pierce2 ;blood flowed.
14. Bullului, ,&ma gir Immanuel taoiida mimi, liundawi. I m manuel gliru babine bal6ii taoiida ; yealo malo b i k e bnXn taonda ; yealo garagedul guru bibine bal6n taoada; gtragedul
guruko moron giiiyi, marine. Terila ghnagullago yaiiani. Teladu Immaiiuel guuapullada guddela ; germa liinugo gummilda ;
k6nugo winugulda. I n evening, they verily Immanuel in ground laid, corered. Immannel
the night lay dead iil ground ; d s o one day lie lay dead in ground ;also
another nizlit he lay cleacl in ground ; nest morniiig aliw he became, arose.
Soon afterrto hearen he went. Now Inin~anuel12 heaveii dwells ; he 811
sees ; all knon s.
15. hlurrubn Immanuel ; kamil garagedul murruba yealolmai
g3rma. Teriila lmmaiiuel yealo taougo taiysnille ; geaiie krinugo
gummille. Immnnuel kaia goalle ; ila k61iuio ballin, giwvir, inar,
milla Baiame moron ; Baiame gir gtinagnlla, taoii, burul liolle,
IrAiiugo ininnaminnabul gimobi ; Bainme yaln-u&. Baiame.’
Irai&al kii~ugo11101~0ngigi. Immanuel goalle : ‘ Minna inda gimobi? miuna inda +mob1 ? iudamurruba qimobi? inda gununda
taiyanugA guiingul!ngo ; iiida lingit gimobi? inda biru yanuga,
urrib6 7 anuga.’
Good is Ininianncl; not another is good like Him. Hereafter Immanuel
again t o earth 11 ill come ; me all shall see. Ininianuel aloud mill speak ;
then all the dead, men, women, and chi:dieii, all alive shall become.
Ininianuel xv-111say : ‘ T1’hat hast thou done? what liast thou done? thou
good hast donc? thou t o me come to heaven; thou evil liast done?
thou far go, very far go away.’
16. Giru gincla kagil ginyi ; inda xaixwara yanani ; giru Baiame yili ginyi. Baianie p l v u g a iuurruba ; &ane 1;8uu&o n-mamara p u a u i . Wiuugulla : kamil @ia ynI go:ilh ; giru &+ go-
alda. Immanuel pirribatai yariue, phagullacli taongo. h a n u g o
givir h g i l gin$ ; Inimanuel gaudil murruba ; Immanael balhni, gin& inoron giqigo.
Truly thou bad hast become ; thou astray hast gone ; tculy God angry
is. God aln-ays is good ;me all astray have gone. Hearkeu : not I lies tell;
truth I tell. Imuiatinel from above came clovn, from heaven to earth.
All meu bad are become ; Inmanuel only is good ; Immmuel &ed, men
alive for to lie.
17. Teladn Bniame goalda : ‘ Gindsi,Ii&nugogivir, liurria kagil
gigile, berlidi warrain ; ieane inurru gurrlle ; kamil gaia yili
gqila ; murrnba Iiiimaiiuei baliuii.’ Teladu luimxunel goalda :
‘ Taipiiu&t &ununrla,IiSiiugo ghdai iggil, ila &%in gindai tubbiamnlle.’ In d a tair aiiuga Immaiioel go.
Now God saitli : ‘Ye, all men, cease bacl to be, turn ye ; we will be
reconciled. Kot I angry am. Good Immanuel died. ’ Now Imniannel
saith : ‘ Come unto 1118, all ye wear;., then I you mill came t o rest.” You
conie t o Inimanuel.
18. Giwir guddelona L i t t r a p ; bain cliiiiia tiiggdr. gnrribu bain
ge bnin ; knmil yauelina. Paul, Baruabn ellibu, aro Sanani. Paul
goaldone ; baindid &rmn min6iailone. Paul kaia gurumildone ;
Waria gurriba dinnaga.’ Tuggdrd61 parine, panam
A man dwelt a t Lystra ; with sick foot diseased, very ill indeed ; not
he coclcl IT alk. Paul, Btmiahas also, there came. Paul was speaking ; the
lame inan him \\-a3 hearing. Paul earnestly looked ;he cried aloud : ‘ Stand
upright on feet.’ The laiiie man leapt, malkecl also.
19. Eurulabu gi& gummi ; got: ‘ gipai ’ ! krilidldone : ‘ Eai-
ame bnlar yarine yealoliwni giwir.’ Paul, Bariinba ellibu, bunna&mile, k6k61doiie : ‘ Kurria ! liamil &ane Baiame ; keane gin&
yealok\mi gindai; @ m e g@-e cluri ; geane budda ginyi ; seaue
yili ginyi ; Tealo geane iiiurru gurrigillone ; &fane uiurru goalda
burulnbu ; liurrin gindni y e d o ling$ gigile ; berficli nmrraia, gum-
All the people saw ; they wondered ; they cried aloud : ‘ Gods tivo are
come down like men.’ Paul, Barnabas also ran, cried nloucl : ‘ Have clone !
not we gods ;we men like yon. We glad become, we sorry become, we
angry become, again we are reconcilecl. 11-e goo!l tell to aU ; cease ye ang
more evil to lie; turn ye, look to God the linng. God verily heax-en,
earth, the great water, all, everything niade. God always is God, (the same
[I print this, because it is the earliest attcnipt Co cxliibit t.he structnre
of the zboriginal l s n g n a p . The date is 152;.
I iiare oliiittctl the
nuniberiug of the sentences, t!ie accents, and t h e t d d e of sounds, referred
t o in the dnthor’s preface. Naturallj-, there are ~ 0 1 1 ~errors
in such a first
attempt as this. Such of these errors as wcre likely to iuislcwl a readcr, I
Iiaave removed or akerecl ; in other respects I have left tho pamphlet mry
mucli as I f o n d it. But, from its early cl& aiid its iise of tlie English
systeni of pronunciation, i t cannot be quoted as a n aut.1iwit.p.
I print also the Author‘s Preface to this panip!ilct.--En.]
IN sibmitting a specimen of D dialect of the dorigines of
New South Wsles, no speculative armngemeut of grammar is
attempted. Out of upwmds of fifteen bcuclred senteiices, thc
most satisfactory ones are selected. The Eng5sh is in a separate
column 011 the right side of the pags? and uuderneath the
aboriginal seuteiices is placed, word l o r word, the English
meaning, vithout r e p r d t o English arrnugeinent, or grammar,
in order t o shorn the idion of the aboriginal tongue. The sentences are numbered f o r easy reference, diould any frieud Ti+h
t o make any remark tending to siinpiiEy the present adopted
mode. As one of my objects in applying to the language is to
pave the u-ay for the rendering into this tongue the sacred