SDICDSI Board Meeting Agendas & Approved Minutes

San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ∙ (858) 576-2996 ∙
SDICDSI Board of Directors Meeting
San Diego Regional Center Board Room
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
12:15 – 12:30 p.m.
Presentation on the Developmental Center System
Carlos Flores
12:30 p.m.
Call to Order/Announcements
Linda Schmalzel
Welcome and Introductions
Linda Schmalzel
Public Input
Approval Minutes
- April 14, 2015, Board Meeting (Action Item)
Linda Schmalzel
Chair’s Report
Linda Schmalzel
Executive Director’s Report
- Employees of the Quarter
- Purchase of Service Data Report (Action Item)
Carlos Flores
Foundation for Developmental Disabilities Report
Michael Bradshaw
Finance Committee Report
- Association of Regional Center Agencies Dues (Information)
- Contracts for Approval (Action Item):
AAA Transport
BMJ Aurora Hills Home
Community Interface Services
E&E Transportation
First Choice Transport
Martinez, Faustino Moises
Maryam ARF, Inc.
Mazeroll Residential Services
No Vacancy Transport
Safety Alert, Inc.
Cuauhtemoc Hernandez
Nominating and Bylaws Committee Report
Legislation Committee Report
Other Committee Reports
The next meeting of the SDICDSI Board of Directors will be held on
Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 12:30 p.m. in the SDRC Board Room
San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ∙ (858) 576-2996 ∙
SDICDSI Board of Directors Meeting
San Diego Regional Center Board Room
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
12:15 – 12:45 p.m.
Presentation on Forensic & Behavioral Health Services
Peggie Webb
12:45 p.m.
Call to Order/Announcements
Linda Schmalzel
Welcome and Introductions
Linda Schmalzel
Public Input
Approval Minutes
- March 10, 2015, Board Meeting (Action Item)
Linda Schmalzel
Chair’s Report
Linda Schmalzel
Executive Director’s Report
- Association of Regional Center Agencies Report (Information)
Carlos Flores
Foundation for Developmental Disabilities Report
Michael Bradshaw
Finance Committee Report
- FY 2014-15 A-3 Regional Center Contract Amendment (Action Item)
- Kearny Mesa Office Lease Amendment (Action Item)
- Contracts for Approval (Action Item):
Arc IV Transport Unit
BMJ Mira Mesa Home
Esperanza Homes of Hope
Home of Guiding Hands Transportation
People’s Care Johnson Lake Home
St. Madeleine Sophie Transportation
Unyeway Transportation
Cuauhtemoc Hernandez
Legislation Committee Report
Other Committee Reports
The next meeting of the SDICDSI Board of Directors will be held on
Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 12:30 p.m. in the SDRC Board Room
San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ∙ (858) 576-2996 ∙
SDICDSI Board of Directors Meeting
San Diego Regional Center Board Room
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
12:30 p.m.
Call to Order/Announcements
Linda Schmalzel
Welcome and Introductions
Linda Schmalzel
Public Input
Approval Minutes
- February 10, 2015, Board Meeting (Action Item)
Linda Schmalzel
Chair’s Report
Linda Schmalzel
Executive Director’s Report
- Sponsorship for the DDPN Legislative Forum (Action Item)
Carlos Flores
Foundation for Developmental Disabilities Report
Michael Bradshaw
Finance Committee Report
- Contracts for Approval (Action Item):
Home of Guiding Hands Transportation
Mountain Shadows Ancillary Service
Sea & Sun, Inc./Chancellor Home
Cuauhtemoc Hernandez
Legislation Committee Report
Chris Hodge
Other Committee Reports
The next meeting of the SDICDSI Board of Directors will be held on
Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 12:30 p.m. in the SDRC Board Room
San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ∙ (858) 576-2996 ∙
March 10, 2015
DIRECTORS PRESENT: Terri Colachis; Robert Constantine; Jonathan Copeland; Ann Featherstone;
Maria Flores; Dave Hadacek; Joel Henderson; Jose Cuauhtemoc Hernandez; Chris Hodge; Mark Klaus;
Kathleen McCarthy; Nancy Prutzman; Rene Rodriguez; Linda Schmalzel; Alexine Wells; Jason Whittaker
DIRECTORS ABSENT: Elmo Dill; Shirley Nakawatase; Lorna Swartz, M.D.; Angela Yates; Raymond
STAFF PRESENT: Michael Bell; Judy Borchert; Dan Clark; Carlos Flores; Nina Garrett; Lynne Gregory;
Alan Kaplan; Neil Kramer; Christine Lux-Whiting; Paul Mansell; Ron Plotkin, Ph.D.; Michael Rath; Bonnie
Sebright; Judith Wallace-Patton
GUESTS PRESENT: Michael Bradshaw; Harvey “Bud” Bush; Charles Davis; Barry Doan; Michael Hack;
Sharon Jimenez; Nathan Molina; Connie Strohbehn; Karen Thompson; Wade Wilde
Call to Order
Linda Schmalzel, Chair, Board of Directors, welcomed everyone in attendance and called the
meeting to order at 12:35 p.m.
Public Input
Karen Thompson and Nathan Molina from the San Marcos Unified School District introduced
themselves and provided information regarding their Interagency Transitions Services Task Force
in North San Diego County.
Mary Ellen Stives from the State Council on Developmental Disabilities announced that Area
Board 13 will now be known as the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, San Diego
Imperial Office. Ms. Stives distributed a listing of the new State Council on Developmental
Disabilities offices. Ms. Stives shared that the State Council on Developmental Disabilities
regional advisory committee is looking for new members and distributed application information.
Ms. Stives announced that the Imperial Valley People First Conference will be held on March 28,
2015 at the Barbara Worth Resort, and the San Diego People First Conference is scheduled for
May 15 -17, 2015 at the Marriott Hotel in Mission Valley.
Ms. Stives also distributed a survey to gather information towards the development of the next
five-year state plan that will begin in 2017.
Approval of Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Ms. Schmalzel referred the Directors to the draft minutes of the February 10, 2015, Board of
Directors meeting and asked for approval.
SDICDSI Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2015
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MOTION: M/S/C that the Minutes of the February 10, 2015, Board of Directors meeting
are approved as submitted.
Chair’s Report
Ms. Schmalzel reported that Carlos Flores had been interviewed by KPBS on March 5, 2015,
regarding the Lanterman Coalition initiative to increase service provider rates and regional center
operations allocations.
Ms. Schmalzel announced that Mr. Flores was recently selected to receive a Ruby Award from
the San Diego Housing Federation for his efforts related to securing affordable housing for
people with developmental disabilities in San Diego County. Ms. Schmalzel thanked all those
involved in working on affordable housing development for people with developmental
Mark Klaus recognized the Foundation for Developmental Disabilities for their support of the
Southern California Housing Collaborative and specifically the Independence Point development.
Ms. Schmalzel requested that Board Directors review all Board committees and provide feedback
on the effectiveness of the committee structure to Ms. Schmalzel or to the Nominating and
Bylaws Committee which will be addressing the Board’s Committee structure at their next
Ms. Schmalzel requested that Board Directors provide their suggestions for a proposed Board
retreat in May.
Ms. Schmalzel referred Board Directors to the Board resource book updates included in the
Board packet.
Executive Director’s Report
Mr. Flores stated that he will accept the San Diego Housing Federation’s Ruby Award on behalf
of the entire community, as it has been a collaborative effort. Mr. Flores recognized Bud Bush,
Foundation on Developmental Disabilities Board Director, as a long-time proponent of
affordable housing for people with developmental disabilities. In the five years since the creation
of the Southern California Housing Collaborative (SCHC) they have assisted 200 people with
developmental disabilities and their families to move into affordable housing.
Mr. Flores reported on the rally sponsored by the Lanterman Coalition which was held on
March 4, 2015, in the state capitol prior to the hearing of the Assembly Budget Subcommittee #1.
Mr. Flores reported that Mark Klaus attended the rally and the hearing on behalf of the Board
of Directors as well as the Home of Guiding Hands. Mr. Flores summarized the issues
regarding service provider rates. Service provider rates have been frozen since 2000. There
was an increase of 3% in 2006. During the recession, service providers, depending on the type of
service provided, endured a reduction of from 4.25% to 10%. The 4.25% reduction was restored
after the recession. The 10% reduction for supported living rates has not been restored. The
rate structure for service providers are antiquated and extremely low in California, and according
to the recent Association of Regional Centers (ARCA) report, On the Brink of Collapse, are the
Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
SDICDSI Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2015
Page 3 of 4
lowest in the nation. In addition, the developmental system in California is in dire need of rate
reform. There are seven different ways that rates are set for services by different agencies across
the state and the rates are often different across the state for the same service. The Lanterman
Coalition is a group of major stakeholders in California, including ARCA, that has come together
to ask the legislature to consider enacting a 10% increase in service provider rates and regional
center operations allocations in this budget act. Regional center operations need to be increased
to keep up with growth and in order to meet federal Medicaid Waiver caseload ratio
Mr. Flores reported that Senator Beall has written two letters in support of increasing
funding for the developmental services system. The first letter went out before the budget
hearings and asked Governor Brown to consider enacting cost of living increases for the system
as a whole. After the Lanterman Coalition began its efforts for the 10/10 campaign, Senator
Beall wrote a letter to the chairs of the Assembly Budget Subcommittee #1 and Senate Budget
Subcommittee #3 imploring them to consider enacting a 10% increase in service provider rates
and regional center operations allocations. Senator Beall asked other legislators to sign onto his
letter. In San Diego, we have had great success in encouraging our legislators to sign onto the
letter. So far, Senators Anderson and Block, and Assembly members Maienschein and Jones
have agreed to sign. Mr. Flores stated that he will send an email to Wendy Forkas, Chair of the
Developmental Disability Provider Network and Mark Klaus, Chair of the SDRC Vendor
Advisory Committee, to get the word out to that these legislators have signed onto Senator
Beall’s letter and to encourage the community to send thank you letters to those legislators for
their support. Mr. Flores stated that although the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Diana
Dooley, has convened a task force on community services with an emphasis on rate reform
for service providers, it may take several years to implement their recommendations. Service
providers need the immediate relief that a 10% increase in rates would provide. The Lanterman
Coalition is asking for a 10% increase in the next fiscal year for service provider rates and a 5%
increase thereafter, until the rate reform issues are resolved.
Mr. Klaus commented that according to recent ARCA survey, there 500 to 600 case managers
needed by the 21 regional centers to bring caseload ratios into compliance with Medicaid Waiver
requirements. The cost to implement this is approximately $40 - $50 million. The State of
California is at risk of losing $2 billion of federal funding by not maintaining compliance with
the caseload ratio statute.
Mr. Flores encouraged everyone to read the ARCA report, On the Brink of Collapse. The report
contains facts such as 400 residential homes and 70 day programs have closed since 2011 due
insufficient rates.
Mr. Flores recognized Neil Kramer’s work in reaching out to local legislators and scheduling
meetings with all the representatives in the SDRC service area.
Mr. Flores reported that the Developmental Disability Provider Network is requesting
sponsorship for their upcoming Community Legislative Forum in the amount of $5,000.
Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
SDICDSI Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2015
Page 4 of 4
MOTION: M/S/C to fund the Developmental Disability Provider Network Legislative
Forum in the amount of $5,000.
Foundation for Developmental Disabilities Report
Michael Bradshaw announced that the Foundation’s Request for Proposal (RFP) Cycle is
currently reviewing the five requests received. The Foundation Board will meet on March
24, 2015, and will determine which RFPs will be funded. The Foundation will announce their
selections in early April.
Finance Committee Report
Treasurer Temoc Hernandez reported that the Finance Committee discussed the proposed
contracts with Home of Guiding Hands Transportation, Mountain Shadows Ancillary Service,
and Sea & Sun Inc., Chancellor Home. The Finance Committee recommended that the Board of
Directors approve the contracts for services.
MOTION: M/S/C (Klaus, Abstained) to approve the contracts for services with Home
of Guiding Hands Transportation, Mountain Shadows Ancillary Service, and Sea &
Sun Inc., Chancellor Home.
Mr. Flores reported that the Department of Developmental Services sent notification of the fiscal
year (FY) 2015-16 A-3 contract amendment that contains a $10 million increase for purchase of
service expenditures and a $500,000 increase in operations allocations. The A-3 contract
amendment will be presented to the Board of Directors for their approval at their meeting in
April 2015.
Legislation Committee Report
Chris Hodge reported that Janell Jackson, representative from Assembly member Shirley
Weber’s office, attended the Legislation Committee meeting earlier in the day.
Mr. Hodge reported that the Legislation Committee reviewed Assembly Bill 1147, drafted by
Assembly member Brian Maienschein. Assembly Bill 1147 proposes allowing medically fragile
clients older than age 22 years old to be eligible to continue to receive pediatric day health and
respite care as long as they are served in a separate location from where minor children are being
served. The Legislation Committee has a support position on this bill.
Program Services Committee Report
Kathleen McCarthy reported that Peggie Webb, SDRC Forensic Behavioral Health Services
Manager, presented information on forensic behavioral health issues at the Program Services
Committee earlier in the day. Ms. McCarthy requested that Ms. Webb be invited to give an
informational presentation at the next meeting of the Board of Directors.
Adjournment/Next Meeting
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:19 p.m. The next meeting of the
Board of Directors is scheduled for Tuesday, April 14, 2015, at 12:30 p.m.
Approved by the Board of Directors on April 14, 2015
Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ∙ (858) 576-2996 ∙
4355 Ruffin Road, Suite 302
San Diego, California 92123
March 10, 2015
11:00 a.m.
Call to Order
Approval of Minutes from February 10, 2015, Finance Committee Meeting
Approval of Contracts (Action Item)
- Home of Guiding Hands Transportation (HQ0962)
- Mountain Shadows Ancillary Services (HQ1055)
- Sea & Sun SLS, Inc./Chancellor Home (HQ1115)
Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Purchase of Services Monthly Status Report & Summary (Information Item)
Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Operations Spending Plan Reports (Information Item)
Old Business
New Business
Committee Members:
Bud Bush
Chris Hodge
Joel Henderson
Alexine Wells
Cuauhtemoc Hernandez (Chair)
Wade Wilde
Angela Yates
San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ∙ (858) 576-2996 ∙
4355 Ruffin Road, Suite 302
San Diego, California 92123
March 10, 2015
11:00 a.m.
Members Present: Bud Bush, Joel Henderson, Cuauhtemoc Hernandez (Chair), Chris Hodge, Linda
Schmalzel, Alexine Wells, and Wade Wilde
Staff Present: Mike Bell, Dan Clark, Carlos Flores, and Mike Rath
The meeting of the Finance Committee of the San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services,
Inc., (SDICDSI), was called to order by the Committee Chair, Cuauhtemoc Hernandez, at 11:06 a.m.
1. Approval of Minutes: The draft minutes of the February 10, 2015, Finance Committee meeting
were approved.
2. Purchase of Services Contracts for Approval: The committee discussed the purchase of service
contracts between the San Diego Regional Center (SDRC) and Home of Guiding Hands
Transportation (HQ0962), and Sea & Sun SLS, Inc./Chancellor Home (HQ1115).
M/S/C to recommend that the Board of Directors approve the purchase of service contracts
between SDRC and Home of Guiding Hands Transportation (HQ0962), and Sea & Sun SLS,
Inc./Chancellor Home (HQ1115).
Wade Wilde excused himself from the discussion and vote on the contract between SDRC and
Mountain Shadows Ancillary Services (HQ1055).
M/S/C to recommend that the Board of Directors approve the purchase of service contract between
SDRC and Mountain Shadows Ancillary Services (HQ1055).
3. Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Purchase of Services Monthly Status Report: Mike Bell reviewed the
Purchase of Services (POS) monthly status report. The total POS allocation is based on the fiscal
year (FY) 2014/2015 A-2 contract amendment of $239,765,352 plus Intermediate Care Facilities
State Plan Amendment (ICF SPA) POS reimbursements of $12,000,000. The A-2 contract and
ICF SPA reimbursement total is $251,765,352. Actual POS expenditures through January 31,
2015 were $150,168,877. Total projected POS expenditures are $267,404,779. The projected
POS deficit for the fiscal year is $15,639,427.
Community Placement Plan (CPP) expenditures through January 31, 2015 were $683,197. Total
projected CPP expenditures are $3,715,237. The projected CPP POS deficit for the fiscal year is
4. Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Operations Spending Plan Update: Mr. Bell reviewed the FY
2014/2015 operations (OPS) spending plan. The OPS spending plan is based on the FY
SDICDSI Finance Committee Minutes
March 10, 2015
Page 2 of 2
2014/2015 A-2 contract amendment allocation of $41,848,534. The net total projected
expenditures are $41,848,534. Net OPS expenditures through January 31, 2015 are $23,110,330.
The spending plan is projected to be balanced at fiscal year-end.
5. Association of Regional Centers Agencies (ARCA) report and Senator Beall’s letter: Carlos
discussed the ARCA report and Senator Beall’s letter. ARCA released a report entitled, “On the
Brink of Collapse.” The report is intended to support the Lanterman Coalition’s lobbying efforts
in support of a 10% increase for service provider rates. Carlos mentioned that Senator Beall’s
letter to Governor Brown supports a 10% increase in service provider rates and a 10% increase in
regional centers’ operations allocations.
6. Adjourn: There being no further business, the Finance Committee meeting was adjourned at
12:05 a.m. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 14, 2015, at 11 a.m., at 4355
Ruffin Road, Suite 302, San Diego, California 92123.
Approved by the Members of the Finance Committee on April 14, 2015
San Diego-Imperiaal Counties Developmental Serrvices, Inc.
4355 Ruffin Road, San D
Diego, California 92123 • (858) 576-2996
6 •
March 3, 2015
Kathleen McCarthy
Meeting Notice/Minuttes
The Program Services Committee will meet on Tuesday, March 17th at 11:00 a.m
m. at the San Diego
Regional Center, Suite 310.
Review and Appro
oval of the November 12, 2014, Minutes (Enclossed)
Update on Forenssic Behavioral Health Issues –Peggie Webb
Brainstorm futuree topics
5. Other
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enclosure: Minutes
Jonathan Copeland
Maria Flores
Shirley Nakawatase
Nancy Prutzman
Lorna Swartz, M.D
Cameron Stone
Carlos Flores
Judy Wallace-Patton
Judy Borchert
Kim Hosburg
U:\Word Processing\PSC\PSC_agenda_3-10-15.d
Servingg Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
San Diego-Imperiaal Counties Developmental Serrvices, Inc.
4355 Ruffin Road, San D
Diego, California 92123 • (858) 576-2996
6 •
Prrogram Services Committee Minutes
March 17, 2015
Committee Participants: Kathleeen McCarthy; Maria Flores; Nancy Prutzman; Cameron Stone
Staff Participants: Judy Wallacce-Patton, Judy Borchert and Peggie Webb
1. Introductions:
Kathleen McCarthy called the meeting to order at 11:05 a.m. Introductio
ons were made.
2. Minutes:
The minutes of the Novem
mber 12, 2014 meeting were reviewed and appro
oved as written.
Update on Forensic Beh
havioral Health Issues:
Judy Wallace-Patton introoduced Peggie Webb who has moved into a new
w position, Manager,
Forensic Behavioral Heallth Services, in the Community Services Departm
ment at San Diego
Regional Center (SDRC). This position was created in response to the in
ncreasing number of
individuals served by SDRC who have serious mental health issues and/o
or are involved in the
criminal justice system. P
Peggie previously supervised a team of service coordinators
in the
Case Management Deparrtment and helped to develop several specialized
d caseloads of
transition age youth and aadults individuals who have significant forensic behavioral health
issues. In her new role, sshe will be involved in continuing with many of the initiatives she
was previously involved w
with, in addition to taking a lead role in SDRC’ss resource
development efforts in thhe area of forensic mental health services. Many
y of SDRC’s
coordination efforts are aaimed at issues that were identified in the Board’’s latest strategic
plan around providing moore effective services to clients who evidence seerious mental health
issues. Peggie provided a comprehensive summary of the various liaison
n roles, committees
and task forces she will bbe involved in. Committee members discussed th
he value of the
information Peggie provided for all Board members and will be asking th
hat the information
be provided to the full Booard at one of their upcoming meetings.
Approvved by the members of the Program Services Committee
on 4/14/15
Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 576-2996 •
March 3, 2015
Members, SDICDSI Client Advisory Committee
Joey Cardoza
Amy Kent
Jonathan Copeland
Debbie Marshall
Elmo Dill
Rene Rodriguez
Michael Hack
Raymond Zapata
From: Jason Whittaker, Chair
March 10, 2015, Client Advisory Committee Meeting
There will be a meeting of the Client Advisory Committee held from 1:30 p.m.
to 2:30 p.m. (immediately, following the Board of Directors meeting) on
Tuesday, March 10, 2015, at the Peterson Office Building, 4355 Ruffin Road,
Suite 310.
The proposed agenda is:
Call to Order
Approval of the February 10, 2015, Minutes
Review of Board of Director’s March 10, 2015, agenda
GGRC’s Employment First Policy: Paul Mansell
Employment First discussion
Self Advocate Announcements
Other Agenda items
Please contact Judy Borchert at (858) 496-4352 if you have any
questions, or if you are unable to attend the meeting.
XC: Linda Schmalzel, SDICDSI Chair
Carlos Flores
Judy Borchert
Paul Mansell
Vanessa Rodriguez,TMI
Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 576-2996 •
March 10, 2015
Members Present:
Jason Whittaker, Rene Rodriguez, Michael Hack,
Debbie Marshall,
Staff Present:
Judy Borchert, and Paul Mansell
Call to Order: Jason Whittaker, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at
approximately 1:30 p.m. A quorum was not present.
Minutes: The minutes of the February 10, 2015 CAC meeting were deferred for
approval until the April 2015 meeting.
Employment First: Paul presented an overview on the Employment First Policy
and described the key components. It is the policy of the state that opportunities for
integrated, competitive employment shall be given the highest priority for working
age individuals with developmental disabilities, regardless of the severity of their
disabilities. The Employment First Policy establishes the value of work firmly within
the Lanterman Act and makes it the “highest priority” that the developmental
services system strives to make regular jobs with regular pay a real option for
people with developmental disabilities. Paul presented an overview of the Golden
Gate Regional Center’s Board of Director’s Employment First Policy. Several other
regional centers have adopted similar policies. The CAC will be reviewing the
possibility of a similar policy being adopted by the SDICDSI Board of Directors.
Paul also shared that he, along with Service Coordinator, John Filley, had been
developing “Job Clubs” in several outreach offices. The purpose of the “Job Clubs”
is to teach employment skills to clients and to practice interviewing techniques
develop resumes and role play the interviewing process.
Rene Rodriguez’s Notes from the ARCA CAC Meeting: Rene distributed a
summary of the notes from his January ARCA CAC meeting and went over the
major highlights. CAC members spend time reviewing the role of each self
advocate and discussed how they can best share information with their colleagues
and represent their local communities when participating in statewide meetings.
Each self advocate was asked to come prepared to share the purpose of their
respective positions/roles at the April 2015 CAC meeting.
Self Advocate Announcements. Michael Hack announced that the People First
Conference in Imperial Valley will be held on March 28, 2015 at the Barbara Worth
Resort. The conference title is “Got Health? Live –Life- Healthy.” There will be
break out sessions on personal safety, including a presentation facilitated by Get
Safe. Additional topics will include healthy eating, relaxation, stress reduction and
living life healthy. The theme of the evening dinner dance will be “An Evening in
Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 576-2996 •
Paris.” The San Diego People First, conference is scheduled for May 15-17, 2015
at the Mission Valley Marriott. The keynote speaker will be Karen Lynn who is
described as a strong activist within the self advocacy movement.
Paul Mansell reported that San Diego People First (SDPF) had submitted an
application for a mini-grant through PADSA. If awarded this grant will allow San
Diego People First to re-connect SDPF chapter members as well as generate
interest in potential new members by providing 12 motivational trainings on self
advocacy. All the trainings will be developed on the foundation of People First’s
five principles:
Chapters run BY and FOR people with developmental disabilities.
Solving problems and making decisions for ourselves.
Knowing our rights and responsibilities
Speaking up for ourselves
Contributing to our community
These trainings will be open to all self advocated interested in strengthening their
self advocacy skills.
State Council on Developmental Disabilities: Debbie Marshall discussed the
5-yr State Plan Development and described the process that would be used to
develop this plan. Debbie distributed survey questions and asked CAC members
to share with their respective self advocate groups. The state Council is requesting
as much input as possible from self advocates.
Leadership Series for Emerging Leaders: Debbie announced that a free
leadership series for emerging leaders will be held for nine weeks on Fridays from
9:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. beginning April 17, 2015. This training will cover topics
that will help self advocates see how small positive actions can grow over time and
will use self advocate’s strengths to make changes in their life and their community.
The training will be held in the conference room at the State Council Office, located
at 8880 Rio San Diego Drive #250, San Diego, CA 92108. For information call
Debbie Marshall (619) 688-4236. Application deadline for participation in the
training is April 7, 2015.
Jason Whittaker closed the meeting at approximately 2:30 p.m.
Read/Reviewed/Corrected/Approved 4/14/15
T:\CM_Admin\SDAAL\Word Processing\CAC\CAC Minutes 03102015.docx
Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 576-2996 •
February 3, 2015
Members, SDICDSI Client Advisory Committee
Jonathan Copeland
Debbie Marshall
Elmo Dill
David Stark
Michael Hack
Raymond Zapata
Rene Rodriguez
From: Jason Whittaker, Chair
February 10, 2015, Client Advisory Committee Meeting
There will be a meeting of the Client Advisory Committee held from 1:30 p.m.
to 2:30 p.m. (immediately, following the Board of Directors meeting) on
Tuesday, February 10, 2015, at the Peterson Office Building, 4355 Ruffin
Road, Suite 310.
The proposed agenda is:
Call to Order
Approval of the December 9, 2014, Minutes
Welcome new committee members.
Review of Board of Director’s February 10, 2015, agenda
GGRC’s Employment First Policy: Paul Mansell
Employment First discussion
Self Advocate Announcements
Other Agenda items
Please contact Judy Borchert at (858) 496-4352 if you have any
questions, or if you are unable to attend the meeting.
XC: Linda Schmalzel, SDICDSI Chair
Carlos Flores
Judy Borchert
Paul Mansell
Melinda Lara,TMI
T:\CM_Admin\SDAAL\Word Processing\CAC\CAC Agenda 02102015.docx
Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 576-2996 •
February 10, 2015
Members Present:
Jason Whittaker, Elmo Dill, Michael Hack, Jonathan
Copeland, Amy Kent, Debbie Marshall, Joey Cardoza and
Raymond Zapata,
Staff Present:
Judy Borchert, and Paul Mansell
Vanessa Rodriguez, TMI
Call to Order: Jason Whittaker, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at
approximately 2:00 p.m.
Minutes: The minutes of the December 9, 2014, CAC meeting were read,
reviewed, and approved by the Committee.
Employment First: Due to the extended time that the Board of Director’s meeting
lasted, CAC members agreed to adapt and shorten their agenda. Major agenda
items will be carried forward and will be discussed at the March 10th meeting.
Jason Whittaker introduced himself as the new Chair and asked that each CAC
member introduce themselves and tell how they were involved within the field of
developmental disabilities. CAC members discussed the Program Services
Committee and as a group felt that the committee’s activities should continue. CAC
members who have served on the Program Services Committee feel that they
learned a tremendous amount of information as a result of attending the meetings.
CAC members recommend that the Program Services Committee continue to meet
Self Advocate Announcements. Michael Hack announced that the People First
Conference in Imperial Valley will be held on March 28, 2015, at the Barbara Worth
Country Club. The conference title is “Got Healthy? Live Life Healthy.” There will
be break out sessions on personal safety, including a presentation facilitated by
Get Safe. Additional topics will include healthy eating, relaxation, stress reduction
and living life healthy. The theme of the evening dinner dance will be “An Evening
in Paris.” Amy Kent announced that the San Diego People First, conference is
scheduled for May 15-17, 2015, at the Mission Valley Marriott. Specifics for the
conference are still being developed. The keynote speaker will be Karen Lynn who
is described as a strong activist within the self advocacy movement. Amy reminded
CAC members that San Diego People First would be meeting on 2/14/15, for a
Valentine’s Party. In addition to their party they will be making cards for veterans at
the San Diego VA Hospital. Jason Whittaker closed the meeting at approximately
2:30 p.m.
T:\CM_Admin\SDAAL\Word Processing\CAC\CAC Minutes 02102015.docx
Read/Reviewed/Approved 4/14/15
Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ∙ (858) 576-2996 ∙
March 3, 2015
Members, SDICDSI Legislation Committee
Mark Berger; Maureen Carasiti; Robert Constantine; Ann Featherstone;
Kathleen McCarthy; Molly Nocon; Jason Whittaker;
Chris Hodge, Chair, Legislation Committee
March 10, 2015, Legislation Committee Agenda
The SDICDSI Legislation Committee will meet on Tuesday, 3/10/2015 at 10:00 a.m. in the 3rd
Floor Conference Room (Suite 306) at the Peterson Office Building. The following is the
proposed agenda:
1. Call to Order
2. Special Guest – Jannell Jackson, Field Representative
Assembly Member Dr. Shirley Weber
3. Approval of the September 9, 2014 Meeting Minutes
4. Chair’s Report
a. Letter to all local legislators asking to support and add their name to a letter
authored by Senator Jim Beall – “Funding for Department of Developmental
Services (DDS) Regional Operations and Services
5. Action Item: AB1147 -
6. Update of legislative activities
a. ARCA’s latest report, “On the Brink of Collapse”
b. ARCA’s Capitol Briefing Day
c. Assembly Budget Subcommitte #1 – March 4, 2015
d. Senate Budget Subcommitee #3 – March 12, 2015
e. Local legislative visits
f. ARCA Grassroots Day – April 15, 2015
i. Priorities:
1. 10% Increase in provider rates – 5% increase each year
2. 10% Increase in regional center operations – 5% increase each year
7. Announcements
8. Adjournment
Linda Schmalzel, SDICDSI Chair
Carlos Flores
Neil Kramer
Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ∙ (858) 576-2996 ∙
March 10, 2015
Chris Hodge, Chair; Kathleen McCarthy; Jason Whittaker; Ann
Maureen Carasiti; Mark Berger; Robert Constantine; Molly Nocon
Neil Kramer
Call to Order
Chris Hodge welcomed everyone in attendance and called the meeting to order at
10:15 a.m.
2. Special Guest – Jannell Jackson, Field Representative, Assembly Member Shirley
Weber, Ph.D.
Chris Hodge welcomed Ms. Jackson to the San Diego Regional Center. Members of the
legislation committee introduced themselves to Ms. Jackson. She provided the committee an
update of Dr. Weber’s legislative priorities for the year. Dr. Weber is introducing 20 bills
this year. Ms. Jackson provided a handout to the committee highlighting 5 of the 20 bills:
 AB 854: Aligning Foster Youth Service Program with LCFF
 AB 812: Pupils of Minimal English Proficiency
 AB 1349: California Student’s First Act
 AB 66: Police Body Worn Cameras
 AB 357: Stable and Humane Scheduling for Part-Time Workers
The committee was also informed that Dr. Weber’s priorities also include increasing
accessibility to early education, issues related to the working poor, mandatory kindergarten,
and improving services for the senior citizen population.
Chris Hodge thanked Ms. Jackson for her update and invited her to stay for the duration of
the meeting.
3. Approval of September 9, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Chris Hodge referred the members to the draft minutes of the September 9, 2014, Legislation
Committee meeting and asked for approval.
The Legislation Committee Minutes of the September 9, 2014 meeting were approved as
4. Chair’s Report
Chris Hodge referred the members to the letter authored by Senator Jim Beall, “Funding for
Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Regional Operations and Services.” He
reported that he mailed a letter to each local legislator requesting consideration to add their
SDICDSI Legislation Committee
Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2015
Page 2 of 3
name to the Senator’s letter. Neil Kramer reported that Carlos Flores, Executive Director,
personally reached out to some district staff members to make a similar request. Mr. Kramer
reported that the following local legislators have agreed to add their names to Senator
Beall’s letter:
 Senator Joel Anderson
 Senator Marty Block
 Assembly Member Brian Jones
 Assembly Member Brian Maienschein
5. Action Item: AB 1147
Neil Kramer provided the committee an update of Assembly Member Brian Maienschein’s
bill, AB 1147. He reported that day programs and out-of-home respite resources are limited
for our medically fragile dependent adults. AB 1147 would authorize an individual who is
22 years of age or older to continue receiving care in a pediatric day health and respite care
facility, if the facility receives approval from the Department of Public Heath for a
Transitional Heath Care Needs Optional Service Unit. Mr. Kramer reported that the
legislation, if passed, will provide a continuity of services for our medically fragile clients
who would normally age out of pediatric day health care.
Chris Hodge made a motion to support AB 1147. Ann Featherstone seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
6. Update of Legislative Activities
a. Neil Kramer provided an update of ARCA’s latest report, “On the Brink of
b. ARCA held their Capitol Briefing Day on February 25, 2015. Mr. Kramer asked Ms.
Jackson to thank Assembly Member Weber for graciously hosting the event.
c. The first hearing of the Assembly Budget Subcommittee #1 was held on March 4,
2015. Mr. Kramer reported that a rally was also held at the capitol on the day of the
hearing. He reported the hearing was very positive. Eileen Richey, ARCA’s
Executive Director, did an outstanding job providing testimony to the committee
summarizing the challenges facing our service delivery system in the State of
d. The Senate’s Budget Subcommittee #3 will meet on March 12, 2015.
e. Neil Kramer reported that visits with district staff have been scheduled for 10 of the
12 local legislators. The priorities of the visits are to make contact with district staff,
discuss the San Diego Regional Center, the services we provide, and the current
challenges facing our system. We will also be requesting consideration of the
Lanterman Coalition’s budget priorities. Mr. Kramer referred the committee to the
document in the packet entitled, “Budget Priority Executive Summary.”
f. ARCA Grassroots Day – April 15, 2015
Neil Kramer reported that the San Diego Regional Center will participate this year.
The following will be attending:
 Carlos Flores, Executive Director
 Neil Kramer, Fair Hearing Manager
Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
SDICDSI Legislation Committee
Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2015
Page 3 of 3
Chris Hodge, Chair, Legislation Committee
Jason Whittaker, Board Member
Rene Rodriguez, Board Member
Mark Klaus, Board Member
7. Announcements
There were no announcements. The committee once again thanked Ms. Jackson for her visit
and for providing an update of Assembly Member Weber’s legislative priorities for the
coming year.
8. Adjournment
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m.
Approved by the Legislation Committee on April 14, 2015
Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ! (858) 576-2996 !
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
11:00 a.m.
Marriott Mission Valley
8757 Rio San Diego Drive
San Diego, California 92108
11 a.m.
Call to Order/Introductions
Mark Klaus
Approval of Agenda/Additions
Mark Klaus
Approval of 11-20-14 Minutes
Mark Klaus
Election of Service Provider Representative
to SDICDSI Board of Directors
Dan Clark/Judy Wallace-Patton
Budget/Fiscal Issues
Dan Clark
Request for Proposal (CPP)
Dan Clark
2014 Legislation
Dan Clark/
Judy Wallace-Patton
Year End Report
Mark Klaus
Dan Clark
2015 Meeting Schedule:
4th Thursday, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
SDRC Main Headquarters
except for November (3rd Thursday)
Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123 ! (858) 576-2996 !
Vendor Advisory Committee
January 13, 2015
California MENTOR
Community Interface Services
Developmental Services Continuum
Easter Seals
Employment & Community Options
Exceptional Family Resource Center
Home of Guiding Hands
Include Autism
Independence for Life Choices
Kids on the Go
Living Resources
Mountain Shadows
Noah Homes
Novata CARES
Partnerships With Industry
San Diego People First
San Diego Regional Center
Shella Care Management
SCODD Regional Office
Sunny Days
Together We Grow
Harry Taylor
Rojane Lindkvist
Cecelia Ramsey; Glenn Haigh
Debbie Ball; Jeff Fine; Maureen Carasiti
Wendy Forkas
Joyce Clark; Sherry Torok
Mark Klaus
Tina Waters
Stephanie Richard; James Hurtado
Mary Hermes
Bridget Stanley
Wade Wilde; Stacy Sullivan
Molly Nocon; Sandra Rocco-Melville
Barry Poan
Mark Berger; Joella Verbestel
Laurie Purcell
Amy Kent
Judy Wallace-Patton; Dan Clark; Judy Borchert;
Stacy Lopez-Bishop
Michael Foster
Mary Ellen Stives
Cameron Stone
Terry Racciato
Veronica Klinger
1. Call to order: Mark Klaus called the meeting to order at 11 a.m. Introductions were made.
2. Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved as written.
3. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of November 20, 2014, were approved as written.
4. Election of Service Provider Representative: Mark Klaus was unanimously elected as the
service provider representative to the SDICDSI Board of Directors.
5. Budget/Fiscal Issues: Dan Clark shared that currently San Diego Regional Center’s allocation
for Purchase of Service is $253,895,527 with a projected deficit of $19,609,746. Dan Clark
stated that the Operations allocation is $41,848,534 and that this is neither surplus nor
Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
deficit. The total Regional Center budget is $295,744,061, with a projected deficit of
6. Request for Proposals: Dan Clark stated that currently the San Diego Regional Center is
soliciting nine projects that are part of the San Diego Regional Center’s Community
Placement Plan for 2014-2015. They are on the San Diego Regional Center website at
Mark Klaus noted that all five of the residential facilities are slated to be owned by a
nonprofit organization that would be separate than the provider of service. Dan Clark
acknowledged this and stated that it was part of San Diego Regional Center’s plans to have
clients not need to move from their homes and for the properties to be held in perpetuity
for persons with developmental disabilities.
7. Legislation: Dan Clark indicated that federal legislation HR188 has been introduced by
Congressman Gregg Harper from Mississippi and that would do away with subminimum
wage. Mark Berger indicated that he was aware of this legislation and stated it should be
tracked and that it was a repeal of the legislation that had been submitted several years
Judy Wallace-Patton discussed the California Self-Determination Project. Judy WallacePatton indicated that the California State Department of Developmental Services has
submitted their application to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS). CMS
has 90 days to approve, deny or ask for additional information. Once the self-determination
proposal is approved by CMS, it will initially be available to up to 2,500 participants during
the first three years of the program. San Diego Regional Center will be forming an advisory
board for the self-determination project with the assistance of the Regional Office of the
State Council (formerly Area Board XIII).
8. Year End Report: Mark Klaus discussed the collaborative efforts of service providers and the
Regional Center during the last year to address issues like the change in minimum wage. He
also acknowledged the collaboration of the Regional Center and the Foundation in assisting
with the legislative forum, the Leading the Charge conference, and the People First
9. Adjournment:
The meeting was adjourned by Dan Clark at 11:45 a.m.
10. Next Meeting:
Thursday, March 26, 2015, 10 a.m.
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Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities