NOW HIRING Summer 2015 Positions Summer Conference Assistants Senior Summer Conference Assistant _____________________________________________________________________________ THIS APPLICATION PACKET INCLUDES POSITION DESCRIPTIONS FOR BOTH SUMMER POSITIONS SUMMER EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FORM INTERVIEW AVAILABILITY SCHEDULE REFERENCE FORMS (2 COPIES) SUMMER WEEKLY COMMITMENT SCHEDULE _____________________________________________________________________________ Department of Residence Services Korb Hall Chris Tankersley, Ph.D. Assistant Director of Residence Services [email protected] 330-672-9147 APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, April 3, 2015 NOON SUBMIT APPLICATIONS TO: Dr. Chris Tankersley Korb Hall, room 101 Sr. CA Position Description Page 1 of 2 DEPARTMENT OF RESIDENCE SERVICES Senior Conference Assistant Position Description QUALIFICATIONS A. Essential: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A positive attitude and the willingness to work as a team player. Eligible for summer student employment. Applicants cannot currently be under sanction from the Office of Student Conduct. At least a 2.3 cumulative grade point average at the time of application and throughout employment. Commitment to the position during the summer conference season (May-August, 2015). Not enrolled for Summer III classes. Anyone graduating in May 2015 is not eligible for summer employment unless accepted and registered for post undergraduate/graduate class work and must provide documentation to Student Employment. 8. Previous/current employment within the Department of Residence Services. Previous summer conference experience is strongly preferred. 9. NOTE: Anyone on probationary status during the employment period with Residence Services will not be eligible to accept this position. 10. Student Employment Paperwork is due May 1, 2015. RESPONSIBILITIES A. General: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. Work in collaboration with the Resident Hall Directors to provide coordination and leadership of the Conference Assistant staff. Ensure that the housing requirements of assigned conference programs are met. Act as an information/resource person for students and conference guests. Be actively involved in making the conference groups’ arrival, stay, and departure a success. Personal involvement in the promotion of positive public relations for Kent State University and the Department of Residence Services. Residency on campus (room provided as partial compensation). Specific: 1. 2. 3. Required attendance at weekly staff meetings as scheduled by the Summer Conference Hall Directors. Assist the Summer Conference Hall Directors to establish and oversee the Summer Conference Assistant on-call duty schedule. During periods of high-traffic conference transitions, assist the Summer Conference Hall Directors with conference preparation tasks including, but not limited to: completion of registration cards, scheduling of staff for check-ins and check-outs, key pulls, and collection of billing information. 4. Serve as a general resource and point of contact for the Summer Conference Assistant staff. 5. Assist in facilitating the Summer Conference Assistant staff training sessions. 6. Assist all conference staff and summer desk staff, as needed, in the administrative operations for individual conference groups and the assigned facility. 7. Serve as a general information point of contact and respond to the needs of conference group participants. 8. Maintain area and building supervision by participating in a shared duty coverage schedule. Duty coverage begins at 5:00 p.m. and lasts until 8:00 a.m. weekdays. Weekend duty coverage begins at 5:00 p.m. on Friday and lasts until 8:00 a.m. Monday. Midnight shifts and holidays will require duty coverage. (Particular groups may require full time coverage). 9. Be available to assist with the responsibilities associated with conference arrivals and departures, including linen stripping and set-up. 10. Reside on campus in assigned housing. Individual Summer Conference Assistant housing assignments may change due to the needs of the conference groups. 11. Create, print, and post signs, as well as maintain bulletin boards, as needed. Sr. CA Position Description Page 2 of 2 Senior Conference Assistant (continued) 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Be familiar and assist with the custodial and cleaning requirements needed by conference guests. Be familiar with all conference policies and emergency procedures necessary to ensure the comfort and safety of guests. Be familiar with all Summer Resident Assistant and Desk Staff policies and procedures. Maintain possession of any issued departmental supplies or equipment. Be responsible for issued Keycards. Misuse or losing a master Keycard or staff Keycard is grounds for termination. Perform all necessary administrative desk operations including, but not limited to: clerical and logging duties; issuing and forwarding mail; coordinating contact of Korb Office and hall duty personnel; key and equipment check-in/check-out; processing work orders, missing keys/PEDs reports, hall change forms, and check-out reports, etc. Assist with Residence Services responsibilities as needed (administrative forms, desk duties, mail) Maintain appropriate dress and attire. Standards for appropriate attire will be communicated and supervised by the Summer Residence Hall Directors and Assistant Director of Residence Services. Minor lifting and moving of objects may be required (must be able to assist). Assume other departmental or facility responsibilities related to the position as needed. STAFFING PATTERN A. The Senior Summer Conference Assistant will report directly to the Summer Conference Hall Directors. TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Period of employment: May 11 - August 15, 2015. Please note: These dates are dependent upon individual assignment and finalized conference schedule. Compensation: Staff members are provided a single residence hall room within an assigned area during summer conferences. An hourly pay rate will be paid for each hour worked in an assigned shift. Assigned weekly hours will vary depending upon the needs of the conference schedule, but may average between 20-28 hours per week. Senior Summer Conference Assistants will earn $8.55 per hour Note: Vacation or leave requests are discouraged during summer conference season, and NO leave requests will be granted during August 2015. Staff members will not engage in additional employment outside the Department during employment period unless approved by the RHD/Assistant Director in advance. Senior Conference Assistant will attend training sessions during the week of May 18-22, 2015. Staff members will adhere to the approved dress code of the department (specifics to be discussed at CA training in May 2015). Students may work a maximum of 28 hours each week. ADDITIONAL HOURLY OPPORTUNITIES DURING SUMMER: The Senior Summer Conference Assistant will be encouraged to also assist (at the above hourly pay rate) with the Destination Kent State Program. Responsibilities will include: 1. Assist with early arrival check-in from 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sunday-Wednesday most weeks with two Thursday shifts. 2. Assist with morning check-ins from 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Mondays-Thursdays with two Friday shifts. 3. Check-outs from 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Tuesday-Friday with two Saturday shifts. 4. Assistance with watching participant’s luggage and assisting participant’s in gathering their belongings once they have completed the program. This shift will be from 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Tuesday-Friday as well as two Saturdays during the program. 5. Assist with model room tours for DKS participants and their family members during their lunch. This will be Monday – Thursday from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and there will be two Friday shifts. Kent State University is an Equal Opportunity Employer CA Position Description Page 1 of 2 DEPARTMENT OF RESIDENCE SERVICES Conference Assistant Position Description QUALIFICATIONS A. Essential: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A positive attitude and the willingness to work as a team player. Eligible for summer student employment. Applicants cannot currently be under sanction from the Office of Student Conduct. At least a 2.3 cumulative grade point average at the time of application and throughout employment. Commitment to the position during the summer conference season (May-August, 2015). Not enrolled for Summer III classes. Anyone graduating in May 2015 is not eligible for summer employment unless accepted and registered for post undergraduate/graduate class work and must provide documentation to Student Employment. 8. Student Employment Paperwork is due May 1, 2015. 9. Background in working with or active membership in community, youth, or educational groups. 10. Previous/Current employment within the Department of Residence Services (preferred, but not required). NOTE: Anyone on probationary status during the employment period with Residence Services will not be eligible to accept this position. RESPONSIBILITIES A. General: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Ensure that the housing requirements of the assigned conference programs are met. Act as an information/resource person for students and guests. Be actively involved in making the conference group’s arrival, stay, and departure a success. Personal involvement in the promotion of positive public relations for Kent State University and the Department of Residence Services. Residency on campus (room provided as partial compensation). Specific: 1. Assist all conference staff and summer desk staff, as needed, in the operations of the conference groups and the assigned facilities. 2. Serve as a general information point of contact and respond to the needs of conference group participants. 3. Maintain area and building supervision by participating in a shared duty coverage schedule. Duty coverage begins at 5:00 p.m. and lasts until 8:00 a.m. weekdays. Weekend duty coverage begins at 5:00 p.m. on Friday and lasts until 8:00 a.m. Monday. Midnight shifts and holidays will require duty coverage. (Particular groups will require full time coverage). 4. Be available to assist with the responsibilities associated with conference arrivals and departures, including linen stripping and set-up. 5. Reside on campus in assigned housing. Individual Summer Conference Assistant housing assignments may change due to the needs of the conference groups. 6. Create, print, and post signs, as well as maintain bulletin boards, as needed. 7. Be familiar and assist with the custodial and cleaning requirements needed by conference guests. 8. Be familiar with all conference policies and emergency procedures necessary to ensure the comfort and safety of guests. 9. Be familiar with all Summer Resident Assistant and Desk Staff policies and procedures. 10. Maintain possession of any issued departmental supplies or equipment. 11. Be responsible for issued Keycards. Misuse or losing a master Keycard or staff Keycard is grounds for termination. 12. Perform all necessary administrative desk operations, including but not limited to: clerical and logging duties; issuing and forwarding mail; coordinating contact of Korb Office and hall duty personnel; key and equipment check-in/check-out; processing work orders, missing keys/PEDs reports, hall change forms, and check-out reports, etc. CA Position Description Page 2 of 2 Conference Assistant (continued) 13. Assist with Residence Services responsibilities as needed (administrative forms, desk duties, mail). 14. Maintain appropriate dress and attire. Standards for appropriate attire will be communicated and supervised by the Summer Residence Hall Directors and Assistant Director. 15. Minor lifting and moving of objects may be required (must be able to assist). 16. Assume other departmental or facility responsibilities related to the position as needed. STAFFING PATTERN A. The Summer Conference Assistant staff will report directly to the Summer Conference Hall Directors. The Senior Summer Conference Assistant will also serve as point of contact for CA staff. TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Period of employment: May 11 - August 15, 2015. Please note: These dates are dependent upon individual assignment and finalized conference schedule. Compensation: Staff are provided a single residence hall room within an assigned area during summer conferences. An hourly pay rate will be paid for each hour worked in an assigned shift. Assigned weekly hours will vary depending upon the needs of the conference schedule, but may average between 20-28 hours per week. FIRST YEAR Summer Conference Assistants earn $8.10 per hour RETURNING Summer Conference Assistants earn $8.30 per hour Note: Vacation or leave requests are discouraged during summer conference season, and NO leave requests will be granted during August 2015. Staff members will not engage in additional employment outside the Department during employment period unless approved by the RHD/Assistant Director in advance. Staff members will attend training sessions during the week of May 18-22, 2015. Staff members will adhere to the approved dress code of the department (specifics to be discussed at CA training in May 2015). Students may work a maximum of 28 hours each week. ADDITIONAL HOURLY OPPORTUNITIES DURING SUMMER: Summer Conference Assistants will be encouraged to also assist (at the above hourly pay rate) with the Destination Kent State Program. Responsibilities will include: 1. Assist with early arrival check-in from 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sunday-Wednesday most weeks with two Thursday shifts. 2. Assist with morning check-ins from 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Mondays-Thursdays with two Friday shifts. 3. Check-outs from 6:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Tuesday-Friday with two Saturday shifts. 4. Assistance with watching participant’s luggage and assisting participant’s in gathering their belongings once they have completed the program. This shift will be from 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Tuesday-Friday as well as two Saturdays during the program. 5. Assist with model room tours for DKS participants and their family members during their lunch. This will be Monday – Thursday from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and there will be two Friday shifts. Kent State University is an Equal Opportunity Employer Summer Employment Application Page 1 of 2 Summer Employment Application Form Please provide responses to all questions on the following two-page application and sign. Hiring decisions will be based on completed applications, satisfactory work experience, two (2) reference forms, and a thirty-minute interview. Completed applications should be returned to Dr. Chris Tankersley in Korb Hall, room 101 by NOON Friday, April 3, 2015. Please type or print neatly: Name: _______________________________________________________ (Last) (MI) (First) Flashline ID:_____________________ Campus Address: _______________________________________________ (Hall) (Room) Cell Phone: (_____)_______________ Home Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) KSU E-mail: _________________________ T-Shirt Size:_____________________________________ Present KSU Employment?: _______________________________ If yes, where?: __________________________________ Class Standing: st (As of June 1 ) Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Overall GPA: ____________ Please be sure you have reviewed the attached job description before applying. Please mark (X) beside the position for which you wish to be considered. If you are interested in both positions, please mark them both. _____ Sr. Conference Assistant (previous summer conference experience strongly preferred) _____ Conference Assistant In addition, I would like to also be considered to work hourly as a part of the DKS Program: ____ Yes ____ No 1. If you are or have been employed by the Department of Residence Services (including summer positions), please indicate your position title(s) and length of employment below: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Will you be employed by the Department of Residence Services during the 2015-2016 academic year? ____ Yes ____ No If yes, in what capacity? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How many hours per week do you anticipate being available for summer employment? ____ 8-15 hrs _____15-20 hrs _____ 20-28 hrs 4. Are you applying for: _____ Work Study or _____ Student Employment (non-work study?) 5. Will you be attending Summer School? _____ Yes _____ No If yes, number of hours per session: ______Summer I ______ Summer II 6. Are there any periods of time during the summer that you cannot work? _____ Yes _____ No If yes, provide further detail here: ______________________________________________________________________ Summer Employment Application Page 2 of 2 Summer Employment Application Form Please type your responses to the following questions on a separate page and be sure to include your name at the top of each page. 1. Please describe your primary reasons for wishing to work as a summer conference employee. Also describe what motivated you to choose the particular position(s) you have marked in the application. 2. What skills and experiences can you contribute to the Summer Conference Program? 3. What characteristics and values do you feel are most important to being a Residence Services summer conference employee? 4. Please describe your computer program knowledge and experience as it relates to administrative/office tasks. 5. What distinguishes you from the other applicants for this position? Background Checks for Student Employees: It is the intention of the Department of Residence Services at Kent State University to prevent engaging the services of individuals who have a history of criminal behavior/misconduct, and to this effect, all efforts will be made to discover such histories. Signed completion of this application gives the Department of Residence Services at Kent State University permission to conduct such background checks, and the applicant is hereby notified that such background checks will be made prior to being officially offered a position. These positions have been identified to have background checks because their responsibilities give them access to master keys and/or individual student/conference guest room keys and we want to ensure this level of access is given with great care and concern for the safety of all summer students and conference guests. Applicant Name (Print): ______________________________________ Applicant Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ________________ Interview Scheduling Page 1 of 1 Summer Employment Application – Interview Scheduling Below you will find the list of available interview times for the summer conference employment positions. Please indicate your availability for an interview by marking (x) next to all available times. You will receive a confirmation of your finalized interview time via email. Interviews will last approximately 30 minutes. Please mark as many available appointment times as possible. Wednesday, April 8 th Thursday, April 9 th Friday, April 10 th Monday, April 13 9:00am _______ 9:00am _______ 9:00am _______ 9:00am _______ 9:30am _______ 9:30am _______ 9:30am _______ 9:30am _______ 10:00am ______ 10:00am ______ 10:00am ______ 10:00am ______ 10:30am ______ 10:30am ______ 10:30am ______ 10:30am ______ 11:00am ______ 11:00am ______ 11:00am ______ 11:00am ______ 11:30am ______ 11:30am ______ 11:30am ______ 11:30am ______ 12:00pm ______ 12:00pm ______ 12:00pm ______ 12:00pm ______ 12:30pm ______ 12:30pm ______ 12:30pm ______ 12:30pm ______ 1:00pm _______ 1:00pm _______ 1:00pm _______ 1:00pm _______ 1:30pm _______ 1:30pm _______ 1:30pm _______ 1:30pm _______ 2:00pm _______ 2:00pm _______ 2:00pm _______ 2:00pm _______ 2:30pm _______ 2:30pm _______ 2:30pm _______ 2:30pm _______ 3:00pm _______ 3:00pm _______ 3:00pm _______ 3:00pm _______ 3:30pm _______ 3:30pm _______ 3:30pm _______ 3:30pm _______ 4:00pm _______ 4:00pm _______ 4:00pm _______ 4:00pm _______ Tuesday, April 14 th Wednesday, April 15 th Thursday, April 16 th Friday, April 17 9:00am _______ 9:00am _______ 9:00am _______ 9:00am _______ 9:30am _______ 9:30am _______ 9:30am _______ 9:30am _______ 10:00am ______ 10:00am ______ 10:00am ______ 10:00am ______ 10:30am ______ 10:30am ______ 10:30am ______ 10:30am ______ 11:00am ______ 11:00am ______ 11:00am ______ 11:00am ______ 11:30am ______ 11:30am ______ 11:30am ______ 11:30am ______ 12:00pm ______ 12:00pm ______ 12:00pm ______ 12:00pm ______ 12:30pm ______ 12:30pm ______ 12:30pm ______ 12:30pm ______ 1:00pm _______ 1:00pm _______ 1:00pm _______ 1:00pm _______ 1:30pm _______ 1:30pm _______ 1:30pm _______ 1:30pm _______ 2:00pm _______ 2:00pm _______ 2:00pm _______ 2:00pm _______ 2:30pm _______ 2:30pm _______ 2:30pm _______ 2:30pm _______ 3:00pm _______ 3:00pm _______ 3:00pm _______ 3:00pm _______ 3:30pm _______ 3:30pm _______ 3:30pm _______ 3:30pm _______ 4:00pm _______ 4:00pm _______ 4:00pm _______ 4:00pm _______ th th Reference Form Page 1 of 2 Residence Services Summer Employee Reference Form Under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, this applicant will have access to the information provided below unless he/she has waived such access: Name of Applicant: ___________________________________________________________________ Present Address: _____________________________________________________________________ (Optional) I hereby waive my right of access to the material recorded below: Signature of Applicant: _____________________________________________ Date: ______________ To the reference: Kent State University seeks mature, compassionate and committed students. Each applicant is responsible for customer relations and handling emergency issues. The applicant named above has chosen you to let us know more about him/her as we consider him/her in the selection process. Please feel free to omit any questions you do not feel qualified to answer. Please type or clearly print in blue or black ink. Please return the signed and completed Reference Form via email ([email protected]) or campus mail to Dr. Chris Tankersley in Korb Hall 101 by Friday, April 3, 2015. Thank you! 1. How long have you known the applicant? In what capacity? 2. Please evaluate the applicant’s ability to work with others. What qualities help or hinder the applicant? 3. What are the applicant’s strengths that set him/her apart from other applicants? 4. In what areas do you think that the applicant needs to grow? 5. Please give an example of the applicant’s history of completing assigned tasks. Reference Form Page 2 of 2 Please check the box you feel best describes the applicant: 5 – Exceptional 2 – Poor 4 – Very good 1 – Have serious concerns 3 – Good NA – No basis to decide CHARACTERISTICS 5 4 3 2 1 NA COMMENTS Clearly expresses thoughts and ideas Listens actively Considers other opinions and ideas Self-confidence Assertiveness Work ethic Approachability Sense of humor Patience Time management Knowledge of limitations Stress Management Works well with others Works well alone Takes direction Knowledge of KSU community Creativity Leadership Maturity Flexibility Initiative Ethical Conduct Absenteeism Additional Comments: Overall, please rate applicant: _____ EXCEPTIONAL, a rare find _____ RECOMMEND with NO reservations _____ RECOMMEND with reservations _____ WEAK, would discourage hiring applicant Name (print): _______________________________________ Date: ___________________ Occupation/Position: _________________________________ Phone: __________________ E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________ Reference Form Page 1 of 2 Residence Services Summer Employee Reference Form Under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, this applicant will have access to the information provided below unless he/she has waived such access: Name of Applicant: ___________________________________________________________________ Present Address: _____________________________________________________________________ (Optional) I hereby waive my right of access to the material recorded below: Signature of Applicant: _____________________________________________ Date: ______________ To the reference: Kent State University seeks mature, compassionate and committed students. Each applicant is responsible for customer relations and handling emergency issues. The applicant named above has chosen you to let us know more about him/her as we consider him/her in the selection process. Please feel free to omit any questions you do not feel qualified to answer. Please type or clearly print in blue or black ink. Please return the signed and completed Reference Form via email ([email protected]) or campus mail to Dr. Chris Tankersley in Korb Hall 101 by Friday, April 3, 2015. Thank you! 1. How long have you known the applicant? In what capacity? 2. Please evaluate the applicant’s ability to live and to work with others. What qualities help or hinder the applicant? 3. What are the applicant’s strengths that set him/her apart from other applicants? 4. In what areas do you think that the applicant needs to grow? 5. Please give an example of the applicant’s history of completing assigned tasks. Reference Form Page 2 of 2 Please check the box you feel best describes the applicant: 5 – Exceptional 2 – Poor 4 – Very good 1 – Have serious concerns 3 – Good NA – No basis to decide CHARACTERISTICS 5 4 3 2 1 NA COMMENTS Clearly expresses thoughts and ideas Listens actively Considers other opinions and ideas Self-confidence Assertiveness Work ethic Approachability Sense of humor Patience Time management Knowledge of limitations Stress Management Works well with others Works well alone Takes direction Knowledge of KSU community Creativity Leadership Maturity Flexibility Initiative Ethical Conduct Absenteeism Additional Comments: Overall, please rate applicant: _____ EXCEPTIONAL, a rare find _____ RECOMMEND with NO reservations _____ RECOMMEND with reservations _____ WEAK, would discourage hiring applicant Name (print): _______________________________________ Date: ___________________ Occupation/Position: _________________________________ Phone: __________________ E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Commitment Schedule Page 1 of 1 Summer Employment Application – Summer Weekly Commitment Schedule Please list below all weekly summer commitments (May – August) and submit with your application. Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________ E-mail:_______________________________ Flashline ID: ____________ Monday 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am Noon 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
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