e-Airportslots APPLICATION FORM To request an account to the E-AIRPORTSLOTS portal, please fill this form and send it by email to the following address: [email protected] For airlines, this form shall be completed and signed by the airline scheduling manager (IATA HOD). The e-Airportslots administrator will keep you informed of the authorization progress. Informations Family name* First name* Airline user 2 letter code: email address for receiving confirmations: Airport user 3 letter code: 3 letter code: Other user: Company* Address* Country* Email* Telephone Fields marked by * are mandatory Country Airport code Airline code Change horizon (in days) Fill in this table with one line per airport and per airline. If you wish to ask an account for all airports available on e-Airportslots, fill in the country code and/or the airport code with ALL. If you wish to limit this user to only being able to make changes up to a certain number of days in the future, indicate it in the change horizon column. Check the following check box: I agree with the terms of use of e-Airportslots.aero Signature Signature* Date*
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