ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC CHURCH PRIESTS: The Rev. Msgr. E. James Hart, Pastor Father Glen Mullan, Parochial Vicar Father Dennis Smith, Retired Father James McGhee, Retired DEACONS: José Hernandez Myles Miller Nelson Petzold Jerry Rustand Larry Sandoval Don Warner PARISH STAFF: Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Business Manager Don Wagner 817-623-2437 [email protected] Secretaries Pauline DellaSala-McGrail 817-431-3857 [email protected] Elaine O’Gorman Bookkeeper Debbie Cruce 817-431-3857 Safe Environment Suzanne Lynch 817-623-2430 [email protected] Director of Religious Education: Matthew Gill 817-623-2424 [email protected] Elementary Religious Education Coordinator: Sheila Walsh 817-431-6023 [email protected] Secretaries Gretchen Schaubhut 817-431-6023 [email protected] Wendy Collins 817-431-6023 [email protected] MS Religious Education Coord/MS & HS Youth Minister Chris West 817-623-2409 [email protected] HS Religious Education Coordinator/Young Adults Gabe Gutierrez 817-623-2409 [email protected] Secretary for MS and HS Dawn Johnston 817-623-2409 [email protected] Director of Liturgy Candy Warner 817-431-3176 [email protected] Director of Music and Organist Doug Parsons 817-623-2403 [email protected] Facilities and Maintenance 817-623-2400 Hispanic Community Coordinator: Miguel Chaidez 817-623-2409 [email protected] PARISH SCHOOL: Principal Kay Burrell 817-431-4845 Fax 817-431-1865 Hours Monday - Friday 7:30 AM-3:45 PM FOOD FOR THOSE IN NEED: Please bring a can of food when you come to Mass. MOTHER SETON’S BOOKS AND GIFTS SHOP HOURS: Saturday 3:15-7:15 PM, Sunday 7:45 AM-1 PM BULLETIN ARTICLES are due Friday noon of the previous week to [email protected]. DIOCESE OF FORT WORTH MARCH 22, 2015 SCRIPTURE READINGS: March 23 Dn 13:1-9,15-17,19-30,33-62; Jn 8:1-11 March 24 Nm 21:4-9; Jn 8:21-30 March 25 Is 7:10-14;8:10; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 March 26 Gn 17:3-9; Jn 8:51-59 March 27 Jer 20:10-13; Jn 10:31-42 MASS INTENTIONS: March 21 4:00 PM 5:30 PM March 22 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM March 23 9:00 AM 6:30 PM March 24 9:00 AM 6:30 PM March 25 9:00 AM 6:30 PM March 26 9:00 AM March 27 9:00 AM 6:30 PM March 28 4:00 PM 5:30 PM March 29 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM Theresa Tran T. Nhung t Phyllis Anne Kerns t Deidre McKenzie t Faithful of the Parish Ann Slonski t Suey Yang t Edward Watzke t Frank Marver t Private Intention Frank Benincasa t Solemn Vespers and Benediction John T. Cahill t Private Intention Donald Savage t Refie Carre t Private Intention Marion Fitzgerald t Phyllis Anne Kerns t Heather Ramirez t Faithful of the Parish James Shippey t Suey Yang t Ellis Carre t Lord, grant each one listed in our Parish Book of Intentions health of spirit, mind, and body. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. SEDER SUPPER is a ritual involving a retelling of the story of the liberation of Israel from slavery in Egypt. Please join us in the Pius XII Catechetical Center on April 1 at 7 PM. Sign up and bring a dish to share. Sign-up sheet is in the Narthex of the Church on the credenza or RSVP to Candy at [email protected]. ADULT SAFE ENVIRONMENT CLASS is being offered on March 28 from 8:30 AM-12 PM in the Catechetical Center cafeteria. Please RSVP to Suzanne at 817-623-2430 or [email protected]. MARRIAGE: To begin the formal preparation required by our Diocese, you must attend a one-time information session. Next session is March 31, 7:30 PM, Parish Hall. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN PURSUING THE PRIESTHOOD AND RELIGIOUS LIFE: Jason Allan, Jonathan Demma, Ricardo Diaz, Sister Gemma, Lilly Northey, and Carisa Petter FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT - YEAR B ST. ELIZABETH’S PARISH HAPPENINGS: 3/22 3/24 3/25 3/26 3/27 3/28 3/29 8:30 AM Tender Lambs of Christ, PCC111,113,117 9:30 AM Mission Council, PCC109 9:30 AM Seton Moms, N, N-s 10 AM-6 PM Exposition and Adoration, Church 10 AM CCM 2, PCC100,101 4 PM Challenge Club, PCC100,101 5 PM Elementary Religious Ed Classes, S 10 AM-6 PM Exposition and Adoration, Church 10 AM Regnum Christi Bible Study, N, N-s 5/6:30 PM Elementary Religious Ed Classes, S 5 PM Sursum Corda Children/Teens, PCC 7 PM Spanish Choir Rehearsal, N-s 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal, Church 10 AM Home School Coop, PCC 6:30 PM St. Augustine Men’s Purity Group, N-s 7 PM Holy Fire Prayer Group, PCC114 7 PM Ultreya Meeting, PCC217 7 PM Toastmaster Meeting, Hall 10 AM Seton Moms Book Study, N, N-s 5 PM Lenten Fish Fry, Hall 7 PM Spanish Book Review, PCC109 7:30 PM Stations of the Cross, Church 8 AM Spanish Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Retreat, PCC100 8:30 AM Adult Safe Environment, PCC101 9:30 AM Taller de Oracion y Vida, PCC201 8 AM Spanish Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Retreat, PCC100 8:30 AM Tender Lambs of Christ, PCC111,113,117 FISH FRY FRIDAY’S 5-7 PM in PARISH HALL (There is no Fish Fry Good Friday) STATIONS OF THE CROSS FRIDAY’S at 7:30 PM Easter Triduum Schedule 2015 Holy Thursday - Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 PM, No Confessions. Last available scheduled confessions are March 26, 6 PM. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:00 PM - 6:00 AM in the Parish Hall 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM, N - Z 12:00 AM - 3:00 AM, A - H 3:00 AM - 6:00 AM, I - M (Come at the time in conjunction with your last name) Sign up for Adoration in the Narthex Good Friday – Celebration of the Lord’s Passion Traditional Stations of Cross 12:00 & 3:00 PM, Church Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion 7:00 PM The Easter Vigil Mass at 8:30 PM (no 4:00 or 5:30 PM Mass) Easter Sunday Solemnity of the Resurrection of the Lord Masses 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM, 1:00 PM Spanish (Nursery will not be available.) ST. ELIZABETH’S SCHOOL HAPPENINGS: 3/22 3/26 3/27 1 PM NJHS Induction, PCC100,101 7 PM Poetry Night, PCC100 2:15 PM Stations of the Cross, Church PARISH STEWARDSHIP March 7 and 8: Sunday Offering Goal $50,980.00 Sunday Offering Envelopes 45,295.99 Sunday Offering Online e-Giving 13,021.44 Total Sunday Offering Special Donation Parish Mission Other Funds Other Funds: Online e-Giving Total All Weekly Contributions 58,317.43 15,250.00 7,732.98 2,367.47 287.80 $83,955.68 BUILDING ON OUR FAITH - as of January 31, 2015 Campaign Goal $5,200,000 Total $ Pledged 4,108,433 Total $ Paid 3,492,939 # Families: Pledged 615 / Contributing 1,508 MARCH 31 CHRISM MASS 5:30 PM at St. Patrick Cathedral. Everyone is invited. SEAS Eucharistic Adoration will end at Noon. SEAS Evening Vespers are cancelled. KNIGHTS EASTER SMOKER: The Knights of Columbus Holiday Smokers are back by popular demand! Let the SEAS Knights help you jump-start your Easter Feast during our annual Easter Smoker. Drop off your brisket, ham, pork, turkey, chicken, etc., to the KC Hall, 1907 Whitley Road on Holy Thursday, 6-8 PM. The Knights’ Giant Smoker and expert cooks will be ready and waiting for you! Bring your item(s) thawed, prepped, and spiced to your liking. The Knights will keep watch throughout the night until your feast is smoked to perfection. Items will be ready for pickup Good Friday morning, 7-9 AM. No set fee. All proceeds go the KC Hall operating fund. Questions to Felix at 214-912-7307 or [email protected]. EASTER OUTREACH PROJECT deadline is March 22. Bring your Walmart, Kroger, and Target gift card donations to the Church. Questions to Tammy at 817-707-6380. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES OF 2015: Several $500 college scholarships are offered to graduating HS Seniors by Parish Organizations. To qualify, a 500-750 word essay must be submitted by 12 PM on April 22. Visit for details. ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC CHURCH Married Couples Please join us for Date & Discussion Night on April 17, 7:15 - 9:00 PM Date & Discussion Night gives couples a chance to pray together, enjoy an amazing catered meal, meet, and visit with other couples as well as discuss important topics related to marriage, family, and Faith. RSVP for the event and babysitting online at Join us for Vespers (Evening Prayer) in the Church at 6 PM, followed by Mass at 6:30. Dinner is served at 7:15 PM with discussion to follow. DIOCESE OF FORT WORTH MARCH 22, 2015 Adults please join us at any of the following events! 3/22 3/23 3/24 3/25 3/27 9:30 AM Become Catholic (RCIA), PCC 6:30 PM St. Matthew Bible Study, Hall 7:30 PM Lectio Divina for Parents (SNL), PCC 7:00 PM Lectio Divina Group, PCC 7:10 PM Become Catholic (RCIA), Church 7:15 PM Catholic Scripture Study, PCC 7:30 PM Encounter for Young Adults 6:30 PM Solemn Vespers (Even. Prayer), Church 7:00 PM St. James Bible Study, Parish Hall 7:30 PM Come Back Home (Adult Conf.), PCC 7:30 PM Catholic Church in Pagan World, PCC 10:00AM Study on the Catechism, PCC NOTE: Lectio Divina for Parents will go to Adoration, Vespers, and Mass for the Annunciation 7:00 PM Msgr. Hart Bible Study, PCC 8:30 AM Lauds (Morn. Prayer), Church 11:00 AM Msgr. Hart Bible Study, PCC 12:15 PM Lectio Divina Group, PCC For additional information on youth events, please visit Sunday Night Live—Middle School Edition (SNL): Registration for 2014- 2015 is live! Register online at! SNL Middle School Edition is our Middle School Religious Ed. We meet on Sunday nights from 6:30 - 8:30 PM and dinner is included! 24/7 MS Youth Group!!! We meet Wednesday’s, 6:308:30 PM! All youth in 7th and 8th grades are welcome. We discuss current topics from the Catholic viewpoint and have a fun time doing it!!! Chris, 817-623-2409, [email protected] UPCOMING YOUTH EVENTS • • Milk Money for Manto: The Middle School Youth are raising money for our sister Parish in Honduras! Don’t forget your donation this weekend! Youth 2000: This is the last weekend to sign up! Go to to sign up!!! SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE (SNL): Join over 200 other youth Sunday nights, 6:30-8:30 PM in the Pius XII Catechetical Center, as we dive deeper into our Faith. Dinner included. Check for info. 3/22 Love - Love as Self-Gift, Definition of Love 3/29 Encountering Christ BROTHERS & SISTERS IN CHRIST (BASIC): Join us Wednesday’s 6:30-8:30 PM in the Pius XII Catechetical Center as we dig into some core Catholic teachings. Gabe, 817-623-2409, [email protected] CONFIRMATION CORNER: Baptismal certificates, Sponsor Information forms, and Saint Reports are past due. For info on class sessions, paperwork, requirements, deadlines, and confirmation rehearsal and Mass dates visit Do not miss the next Youth Holy Hour, April 16, 6 - 7 PM. Come adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and have the opportunity to go to Confession. This is open to all youth and families. THEOLOGY ON TAP Join us for a brand new program for young adults. Encounter is a ministry of Lectio Divina and Eucharistic Adoration. We meet on Monday nights immediately following the 6:30 PM Mass. Join us for the next Theology on Tap on April 14, 7-9:30 PM at The Londoner in Colleyville! Fr. John Robert Skeldon will be the speaker. Theology on Tap is a series with dynamic speakers and discussions on theological issues. Do not miss the chance to meet and get to know other young adults from the DFW area. Young Adult Ministry (18-35) FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT - YEAR B TENDER LAMBS OF CHRIST: Volunteers Needed! No Experience Necessary! Also Needed, LEAD VOLUNTEER With Special Education Background. TLC is Religious Education for special needs school aged children, which meets during the 9 AM Mass on Sunday in the Pius XII Catechetical Center. Please contact Sheila for additional info. CANDLE MINISTRY is seeking a new volunteer for Friday mornings before the 9 AM daily Mass. Please consider volunteering for this ministry as it requires minimal training and time. Contact Lucy at 817-360-6735, or email at [email protected] if you are interested. DISCALCED CARMELITE NUNS of the most Holy Trinity Divine Affair fund raiser is March 28, 11 AM-2 PM at the Colonial Country Club, FW. Lunch will be served and “Accessorizing With Style” by fashion consultant, Bonnie Kurtz. RSVP, $40 tickets, or to make a donation, contact Jan at 817-313-7774. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 759 NEWS: Grand Knight Sean Arrossa, 3/25 3/28 3/29 4/9 4/12 International Knight of Columbus Day of Prayer for Unborn Children Council 759 Annual Retreat, Contact Ed for more info, [email protected], 817-205-1122 Fr. Michael J. McGivney Founded the Knights of Columbus in 1882 Council 759 Monthly Business Meeting Burrito Sunday SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: [Altig Optical]
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