PRIVACY NOTICE SERVICIOS DE ANÁLISIS TÉCNICOS, S.A. DE C.V., acknowledges the importance of protecting your personal data, this is why, in compliance with the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Individuals, we make available this Privacy Notice, so that we may inform you about the personal data we collect from you, how we process it and who we share it with. I. RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROCESSING OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA. The responsible party for processing your personal data is SERVICIOS DE ANÁLISIS TÉCNICOS, S.A. DE C.V., also named as SEATSA; with registered address in Street Manuel Nicolás Corpancho #364, Colonia (Neighborhood) Lorenzo Boturini, Delegación Venustiano Carranza (District), Mexico City, Federal District, Zip Code 15820. SEATSA has designated a Department for the Protection of Data so that it can, on its own, manage the safekeeping and processing of personal data, you may contact this personnel at the aforementioned address and through the following phone number and e-mails: Contact: Claudia Reyes Villegas. E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 5785 0345 Ext.107. II. WITH WHICH PURPOSE DOES SEATSA USE YOUR PERSONAL DATA? Your personal data shall be used for the following purposes: Gather your personal data for entering samples, according to the requirements of the management system at SEATSA; Complete your client file; Keep our client directory updated; Fulfill the acquired obligations regarding the request for tests or test contracts. Contact and send you, relevant information related to the activities and services offered by SEATSA, as well as the communications and promotions suggested at a certain moment. Issue the reporting results with the provided data Give out information or technical clarification on the reports which exclusively contain your data. Sending the reporting results to the provided addresses Issue the invoice for the corresponding service 1 de 6 III. WHAT PERSONAL DATA DOES SEATSA OBTAIN, AND WHERE DOES IT GET IT? For the purposes appointed in this Privacy Notice, SEATSA may gather your personal data directly in the facilities or from a letter sent by courier service, an email or via our web site. The data SEATSA gathers is the following: Your name, address, Federal Tax Payer Number (RFC). Your e-mails, and fax, mobile and personal radio communication telephone numbers, and those of your corresponding companies. Commercial and electronic invoices, digital tax receipts. By no means will SEATSA request or obtain sensitive personal data outlined in article 3, section VI of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Individuals. IV. HOW CAN THE USE OF PERSONAL DATA BE LIMITED? In the event you are in disagreement with any of the above mentioned purposes for the processing of your personal data, which you consider not necessary, you have 5 working days, from the day this privacy notice was made available, to express your opposition by means of a written letter addressed to the Department of Data Protection, and sent to our address or via the aforementioned e-mails. Your opposition statement must at least contain: - Name of the holder of the personal data (Your name); - Designated address for receiving notices in relation to the request or otherwise a valid e-mail; - Documents which certify your identity or that of your legal representative; - A clear and specific description of the purposes related to personal data, whose treatment you consider unnecessary or excessive by SEATSA, as well as the reasons for such disagreement. - The elements or documents which ease the location of personal data. - Signature of the title holder or legal representative. 2 de 6 In the event you file your request via e-mail, a date and time will be established and notified in order for the title holder or its legal representative, to appear before the Department of Data Protection, ratify the request and sign in agreement. If it does not comply with the requirements established in I and II, the request will be deemed as not submitted. In this case, the procedure will be carried out in accordance to what is provided in section V hereof, in relation to the cancellation and disagreement with the processing of personal data. Nevertheless, in the event the disagreement was not filed within the established term, your rights of withdrawing the consent or otherwise your opposition to the processing of your personal data will be saved, in accordance to articles 109 and 110 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Individuals. V. HOW TO ACCESS, AMEND, CANCEL OR OPPOSE THE PROCESSING OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA? You have the right of accessing your personal data in possession of SEATSA and the details for the processing of it, you are also entitled to amend it in case it is inaccurate or incomplete; instruct its cancellation when you consider it to be excessive or unnecessary in relation to the purposes justifying its processing or once the social or contractual relation has ended, or to oppose the processing of such for specific purposes. SEATSA has implemented a mechanism to exercise the aforementioned rights, in which you must file the corresponding request, addressed to the Department of Data Protection, whether at the legal address or via any of the two e-mails appointed in section I hereof. Your request must fundamentally contain: - Name of the holder of the personal data; Designated address for receiving notices in relation to the request or otherwise a valid e-mail; Documents which certify your identity or that of your legal representative; 3 de 6 - A clear and specific description of the purposes related to personal data, whose treatment you consider unnecessary or excessive by SEATSA, as well as the reasons for such disagreement. The elements or documents which ease the location of personal data. Signature of the title holder or legal representative. In the event you file your request via e-mail, a date and time will be established and notified in order for the title holder or its legal representative, to appear before the Department of Data Protection, ratify the request and sign in agreement. If it does not comply with the requirements established in I and II, the request will be deemed as not submitted. Notices within this procedure will be done in a personal way or via e-mail, with acknowledgment of receipt. You will have to express the way in which you want the Department of Data Protection to carry out its notices; otherwise, it will be considered an omission and all notices will be carried out personally, even the response such Department issues. SEATSA will attend your request and inform the admission of the request at the registered address or via e-mail, within 20 working days upon reception thereof, or if it is the case, its ratification. The aforementioned time frame will be suspended in case the request is insufficient or mistaken, in which case SEATSA will have 5 working days, following the reception of the request, or if it is the case, the ratification thereof, to require the identified deficiency to be amended, in this case you will have 10 working days from receiving such notice to comply with the requirement. Once the request is notified as admitted, the Department of Data Protection will issue and notify its response within 15 days, and it may be: Access to your personal data: simple copies will be issued of the personal data in possession of SEATSA and of the processing details thereof; or in the event the procedure had been held electronically, the documentation will be sent scanned in a .pdf file. Amendment of personal data: simple copies will be issued of the personal data which required amendment, and of the processing details thereof; or in the event the procedure had been held electronically, the documentation will be sent scanned in a .pdf file. Cancellation of personal data: The cancellation of the totality or part of your personal data contained in a data base will be carried out, according to 4 de 6 how it was requested, once the blocking period is established, which will never exceed 15 days from the notice of admission. Opposition to the processing of personal data: You will be notified of being registered in the “Exclusion List”, as well as the certificate recorded for such effect, with details of the personal data, the reasons which justify the termination of processing and if it is the case, the specific purposes for which the opposition was expressed. VI. WHO DO WE SHARE YOUR INFORMATION WITH? (DATA TRANSFER) SEATSA is committed not to transfer your personal data to any third party without your consent, except for the provisions of article 37 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Individuals. VII. HOW CAN YOU FIND OUT OF THE CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY NOTICE? SEATSA reserves the right to amend or update this Privacy Notice at any time, in order to comply with legislative developments, new requirements from our partners or in compliance of our legal relationship. This amendments will, be published and via in the an electronic internal address memo. VIII. WHO CAN YOU PRESENT YOUR COMPLAINTS AND ALLEGATIONS TO, FOR THE IMPROPER PROCESSING OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA, BY SEATSA? If you consider your right to data protection has been violated by any conduct, action or response of SEATSA’s employees, or if you presume there is a violation to the provisions of the Federal Law for the Protection of Data Held by Private Individuals, you may file a complaint or allegation before the Federal Institute of Access to Public Information (IFAI, for its initials in Spanish), for more information visit 5 de 6 IX. HOW CAN YOU REVOKE YOUR CONSENT FOR THE PROCESSING OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA? You may, at any time, revoke the consent granted to SEATSA for the processing of your personal data, in order for it to stop using it. In order to do so, it is necessary to file a petition before the Department of Data Protection, according to the procedure and requirements foreseen in section V hereof. 6 de 6
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