25¢ TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 Volume 25 INSIDE THIS ISSUE News 3 Sports 10 Opinion 6 Obituaries 8 Crossword Issue 14 13 Sudoku 13 Legals TEEN SENTENCED IN FATAL CRASH 14 Contact us at 303-659-2522 Follow the Sentinel Express on Facebook Community Health ■ Pre-registration suggested for Commerce City’s annual Fishing Frenzy at Arsenal Page 5 ■ Platte Valley Medical Center eyes SCL Health affiliation Pages 4 18 Two-year sentence ordered: SEE PAGE 3 Prairie View’s RJ Ramirez, center, reaches the finish line during the boys 100-meter yard dash during the April 4 Mountain Range Invite track meet at Mountain Range High School. SPRING IN THEIR STEPS Classifieds P HOTO BY K ATHY S CHNEIDER Adams City, Prairie View teams treated to fine weather at latest meet: PAGE 10 www.commercecitysentinel.com 2 Commerce City Sentinel Express Tuesday, April 7, 2015 www.commercecitysentinel.com LOCAL C O M M U N I TY I N B R I E F LAMBERT REALTY LLC 155 E. Bridge St. 303-659-1216 www.lambertrealty.com Scrap-a-palooza fundraiser The Tail Twisters 4-H CWF group is hosting a scrap-apalooza fundraiser from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. April 11 at Henderson Community Church, East 120th Avenue and Oak Street. The day includes valet service, a light breakfast and lunch. Beverages will be available. Cost for a space is $45. Call 970-5816892 with questions. BrightoN iNVEStmENt/oFFiCE BuiLdiNg 75 S. 4th ave. 5 separate units in excellent condition in high traffic area. Price reduced ! Call Barb. 303-659-1216. Fort LuptoN For LEaSE - 815 7th St. 700 sq. ft. Storage Space - $750/mo Call Barb For details. 303-659-1216 KEENESBurg Salud board chair Laeger receives Community Health Advocate Award The Colorado Community Health Network (CCHN) earlier this year presented Colleen Laeger, Chair of Salud Family FOR LEASE: BRIGHTON/FT. LUPTON Health Centers Board of DirecCommerCial and tors, with the 2015 Community reSidenTial ProPerTieS Health Advocate Award during aVailaBle For renT. the annual Community Health SiNCE 1974 G E TChampion Awards. 4 Y U B Barbara Lambert (303) 324-1216 0 $704.0 Krissy Venegas (303) 659-1216 GCEaTr d Laeger has served on the Y U d r B a Jessie Laubsch (303) ew70.00 Salud Board of Directors since R888-9160 $ Ellyn Cope (303) 659-3653 Card Natalie Coulter (303) 659-1216 Reward 1986. 105 S. Main • KeeneSburg Commercial Building/Shop. Call Barbara. 303-659-1216 “Colleen has always been a strong advocate for Community Health Centers. Colleen’s passion and in-depth knowledge of what Community Health Centers are about and her unwavering commitment to the mission are what makes her special,” said John Santisteven, President and CEO of Salud. the complete contest guidelines and download an entry form at www.c3gov.com/trash. Submissions will be displayed at the civic center, 7887 E. 60th Ave., from April 22 through May 22. The winning submission will be announced during the May 18 city council meeting. of the Black Eyed Pea-catered lunch and program is $15. For reservations call Andrea at 303485-5888 or email [email protected]. Please include the name(s) of your guest(s) and the names and ages of children that you will need to have cared for in the complimentary nursery. Fundraiser for Adams April 8 Front Range Youth art contest Christian Women’s luncheon County Animal Shelter promotes recycling, Volunteers will be on hand you a quilter or interestoffers permanent display ed inArebecoming throughout April 10 and 11 for a a quilter? The The City of Commerce City invites all youth residents in fourth through eighth grade to submit an original art piece that reflects the importance of recycling. The winning piece will be incorporated into the design of the new solar-powered trash and recycling receptacles going into Pioneer Park and the Commerce City Recreation Center this summer. Entries must be submitted with a signed entry form. Deadline to submit is April 17. Read Front Range Christian Women’s garage/craft sale and bake sale to benefit the Adams County Connection spring luncheon Animal Shelter. will feature Eva Knight, an The event will be held at Sumaward winning quilter. She will mit of Peace Church, 4661 E. 136th show her quilts and share that Ave. in Thornton. All the proceeds when Plan A in her life crumwill benefit the Adams County bled, she found that there was Animal Shelter, including the Taffy a better plan than she could fund that provides for surgeries ever imagine. All non-quilters and other care for the animals are invited also for a delicious beyond the basic care provided by lunch and an inspirational mesthe shelter. sage. The luncheon is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at The Chateaux FREnews Have E to share with us? Email it at Fox Meadows, 13600 Xavier a to [email protected]. l i g n Lane in Broomfield. The cost FRm EEent wia thlig pn um rcehnase t wio f th 4 t i r p e u s r c of Greeley, Fort Morgan, Brighton, Cheyenne & Frederick h (Cannot be co a mbined se 4yR wo ithfan F t i E r E Brake pads $99.90 per axle e ot he s & Frederick 0 annot beFcormoffer) .00Greeley, Fort Morgan, Brighton, Cheyenne $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 r$d70of $70.00 FREEALw(CitIG FREPad) FREE RbiEEneEdNT FREE FREE on most Vehicles (Lifetime d E r M a C Card eward Cardeward Card eward Card eward Ca h anyN d r Brake pads $99.90 per axle a ot w he e R R R R R a alignme alignme alignmewita er) iF gR nr offE hlpu $70.00ard m maelnig rc ha BFGoodrich Advantage n nt lignw n n Eese Michelin & BFGoodrich Specials t t nment t t on most Vehicles (Lifetime Pad) BFGoodrich All Terrain T/A KO C d w w w r w w a i i i i i i t t t t w t t h purch h purch h purch aoflhi4gpti Re $70.00 T/A 60,000 Miles rscehnatseh purchhap m ase ................. a$145.95 Fn LT235/75RI5 seurchase sT/AeKO wa(Caso Rure BFGoodrich Advantage e E P225/60R16 Michelin Defender Specials E d Michelin & BFGoodrich nno r t BFGoodrich All Terrain be a com bin C ed o o o o o d r f 4 tireswit f$72.95 ia thlanyifg 4 tireLT30/9.50R15 4 t............... 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VISIT US AT OUR WEBSITE WWW.DISCOUNTTWO.COM VISIT US AT OUR WEBSITE WWW.DISCOUNTTWO.COM MICHELIN® OFFERS SAFE, FUEL EFFICIENT, LONG-LASTING TIRE THAT PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE AND EXTRAORDINARY VALUE! LOCAL WWW.COMMERCECITYSENTINEL.COM COMMERCE CITY SENTINEL EXPRESS 3 TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 Teen receives two years in youth corrections for fatal DUI collision “This is an unbelievable tragedy. Nothing can bring Gary Melillo back. It is amazing how many lives have been changed forever based on a couple of hours of bad decisions.” METROWEST STAFF BRIGHTON — A teenager convicted of vehicular homicide — tied to an April 2014 crash that killed a motorcyclist in Commerce City — was sentenced last week in Adams County District Court to serve time in the Division of Youth Corrections. Samantha Esparza, 17, was sentenced to up to two years Friday, April 3, in youth corrections. She pleaded guilty in January to vehicular homicide DUI — a felony charge — and misdemeanor third-degree assault. She had only a driver’s permit and did not have a valid driver’s license. Investigators determined her blood alcohol content was .09 and she was speeding at least 53 mph about the time of the colli- SENIOR DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY TARIQ SHEIKH sion on April 18, 2014.. Gary Melillo, 52, was killed after Esparza, then 16, drove her 2005 Dodge Neon into oncoming traffic and hit Melillo as he rode his motorcycle in the 7200 block of Highway 2 in Commerce City. Esparza had been drinking and had three other teens in the vehicle at the time of the crash at about 3 p.m. April 18, 2014. According to the arrest warrant for Esparza, she and a group of friends had left Adams City High School at about 11 a.m. and drove to Del Mar park in Aurora for another school’s “senior ditch day.” Alcoholic beverages were available at the park. Esparza took a bottle of whiskey with her when she left and was seen showing the bottle out of her car window to another car of teens. Investigators said Esparza was speeding and distracted by a cell phone or passengers in the vehicle when she drove onto the shoulder of southbound Highway 2 and then swerved to avoid striking a pole, fishtailing and ending up in northbound Highway 2, where she struck Melillo’s motorcycle. He was ejected and Esparza’s car rolled over, coming to a rest on its roof. ■ see SENTENCING page 17 I N A N D A R O U N D A D A M S C O U N TY Two 27J students named Daniels Scholars Two School District 27J high school seniors have been selected as 2015 Daniels Schools. Saul Manuel Jurado, who attends Brighton High School, and Montrell Alexander Nickerson, who attends Prairie View High School, will receive four-year scholarships to any accredited two or four year college in the United States. The students took part in a rigorous and competitive application process that included more than 2,000 applicants from a four-state region, which includes Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming There were 458 finalists selected and Jurado and Nickerson were two of the 239 scholarship recipients. The Daniels Scholarship Program, administered through the non-profit Daniels Fund Foundation provides four-year annually renewable college scholarships for graduating high school seniors who demonstrate exceptional character, leadership as well as a commitment to serving their communities. Since it’s inception, the Daniels Scholarship program has provided more than $108.5 million in undergraduate scholarships to more than 3,000 students. Voting set for park themes, elements METROWEST REPORTS COMMERCE CITY — The city is holding a contest for residents to design the Turnberry and Villages at Buffalo Run East neighborhood parks, which are part of the city’s voter-approved capital improvement program. Scheduled to open in 2016, these new park sites will include playgrounds, multiuse fields, picnic shelters and restrooms. Public meetings will be held this week to obtain input on the park themes and elements. For those unable to attend the meetings, voting ballots will be available online, at the civic center and recreation center. A Turnberry park design meeting is set for 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 8, in the Turnberry Elementary School Cafeteria, 13069 E. 106th Pl., Commerce City RMBO Earth Day event for homeschoolers Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory is inviting homeschool families to celebrate Earth Day and learn simple ways they can create a healthy habitat for birds and other A Buffalo Run East park design meeting is set for 6 p.m. Thursday, April 9, in the Stuart Middle School Cafeteria, 15955 E. 101st Way. Beginning April 8, residents can vote online for their preferred design elements and themes at www.c3gov.com/QCL by clicking the “engage” button. Physical ballot submission boxes will be at the Commerce City Civic Center, 7887 E. 60th Ave. and the Commerce City Recreation Center, 6060 Parkway Drive. Voting results and input will be used to finalize design, with construction slated to begin later this year. Results will be available this summer on the city website (www.c3gov.com/QCL), Facebook (www. facebook.com/CommerceCity), the city’s monthly newsletter, and at displays around the city. wildlife in their own backyards and communities. The Earth Day Program, A Healthy Home for All of Us, will be held from 9:30 ■ see BRIEFS page 20 Almost Home Spring Out of Homelessness Almost Home, Inc., a nonprofit shelter and housing assistance group in Brighton, is asking community members to save the date for its fifth annual Spring Out of Homelessness benefit event. This year’s fundraiser is set for 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, May 8, at Heritage Todd Creek Golf Club. There will be dinner, drinks, live music by the Flatirons Jazz Quintent, and silent and live auctions. Additionally, the evening will feature two speakers: The first will be an Almost Home client speaking on their experience with the organization, followed by Kay Collins, principal of South Elementary School and president of the Almost Home board. For tickets, contact Shelby Oliver at 303-659-6199, email shelby@almosthomeonline. org, or visit Almost Home’s website at www.AlmostHomeOnline.org. District 27J teacher hiring fair April 11 BRIGHTON — Teachers interested in working for School District 27J are encouraged to attend the district’s second teacher hiring fair from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 11, at Stuart Middle School, 15955 E. 101st Way, Commerce City. The district expects to hire between 100 and 150 new teachers for the 2015-16 school year and is accepting applications for teachers of all grade levels and specialties. Prospective teacher applicants can meet representatives from each of the school district’s 19 district-managed schools. There will be opportunities for brief screening interviews with school representatives. The fair is free to attended. Pre-registration is recommended on www.sd27j. org. For a list of job postings, visit www.sd27j.org/humanresources and click on the “Work in 27J” tab. 4 Commerce City Sentinel Express Tuesday, April 7, 2015 www.commercecitysentinel.com LOCAL PVMC plans affiliation with SCL Health MetroWest Staff BRIGHTON — The Platte Valley Medical Center Board of Directors has agreed to a letter of intent that would bring the Brighton-based medical center into an affiliation with SCL Health. The signing of the letter was announced Monday, March 30. The move is a nonbinding agreement that gets the process of formal talks between Platte Valley and SCL Health started on developing “a potential relationship that will advance health care in the regions for years to come,” according to a news release from Platte Valley. Officials with Platte Valley anticipate that a definitive agreement on affiliation would be complete by the end of summer. “From the beginning of this process, our goal was to provide to our patients and community the resources for the best possible health care. The SCL Health/PVMC relationship is about creating synergy between two excellent organizations to provide expanded access to resources and services, and enhanced quality of care for our community,” said PVMC Board Chair Faye Hummel, Ph.D, in the release. “Together, we can successfully build the network and services required to fulfill the needs of the community and become the regional medical center serving the community of Brighton and surrounding area. In addition, we anticipate that this relationship will allow PVMC to continue its patientcentered culture, as well as maintain its strong group of physicians and staff.” The move to sign a letter of intent and beginning the process of finalizing the affiliation following what Platte Valley officials called “a thoughtful process” in which board members looked at multiple proposals from various leading healthcare systems. Platte Valley officials said in announcing the signing of the letter that SCL Health and Platte Valley are “well-matched” in terms of their reputations and level of care. One of the major benefits of such an agreement would be additional resources available to Platte Valley Medical Center providers and patients as part of the SCL Health network, including the expansion of available specialties and services. The proposed arrangement would see Platte Valley Medical Center remain its own separate and secular entity and retain its own administration, board of directors, medical staff and employees. That’s a key distinction for any medical group affiliating with the faith-based, nonprofit SCL Health, previously known as Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Services Corporation. But perhaps even more impactful for the average Platte Valley Medical Center patient is the deal’s potential in terms of health insurance. SCL Health has a partnership with Kaiser Permanente in Adams County, and a partnership with SCL Health may extend Kaiser Member status to Platte Valley Medical Center. “SCL Health is both humbled and excited about partnering with PVMC. We see the opportunity to bring together two nonprofit, missiondriven organizations that are financially sound in a way that strengthens our commitment to our patients, employees, physicians and the community,” said SCL Health President and CEO Mike Slubowski. “In addition to our shared culture of excellence, SCL Health and PVMC both have strong charitable traditions that will continue,” added Slubowski. To learn more about the PVMC/SCL Health partnership, visit www.pvmc.org/sclhealth. U P C O M I N G P R O G R A M S AT A N Y T H I N K C O M M E R C E C I TY SPECIAL PROGRAMS BINGO FOR BOOKS Thursday, April 30, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. — Like playing Bingo? Like winning free books? Stop by Anythink Commerce City on the last Thursday of the month. Fun for all ages. No registration required. MINECRAFT MANIA Thursday, April 23, 4 - 5:30 p.m. — Use your own account or log on with one of Anythink’s to construct your own world. COMMERCE CITY SEWS: MONSTER PILLOWS Saturday, April 11, 10 a.m. - Noon — Make adorable monster pillows during this sewing session. All skill levels welcome. FAMILY FUN SATURDAY: A MILLION THANKS Saturday, April 18, 3 - 4 p.m. — Stop by for a story and a craft. Make thank you-cards that will be distributed to members of the military, both at home and abroad. CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS TODDLER TALES Wednesdays, April 8, 15, 22 & 29, 10:30 to 11 a.m. — Spend time with your toddler listening to stories, songs and finger plays geared just for them. Appropriate for kids ages 2-3. PRIMETIME FOR PRESCHOOLERS Fridays, April 10, 17 & 24, 10:30 - 11 a.m. — Enjoy stories, fingerplays, songs and other fun activities just for preschoolers. Appropriate for ages 3-5. No registration needed. MAD SCIENTISTS Thursday, April 9, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. — Love science experiments? Join us on the second Thursday of the month for a hands-on activity that’s fun and educational. Appropriate for kids in grades 1-8. Space is limited; registration required. Please visit our online calendar to register. TEEN PROGRAMS GREEN TWEENS Tuesday, April 14, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. — Turn that trash into a treasure! Join us for a craft session using recycled materials. Registration is not required. ANYTHINK GAMERS Tweens: Tuesday, April 21, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Teens: Tuesday, April 7, 4 - 5:30 p.m. — Hang out after school and play Xbox 360 and Wii. Pizza is provided. Registration preferred. Please visit our online calendar to register. RESUMES AND COVER LETTERS FOR YOUR FIRST JOB Saturday, April 25, 3 - 4 p.m. — Learn the basics of crafting an attention-grabbing resume and cover letter. Discover ways to describe your skillset to land a job. TECH PROGRAMS TECH TIME DROP-INS Tuesdays, April 7, 14, 21 & 28, 5 - 6:30 p.m. — Here’s your chance to get one-onone tech help from a Tech Guide. Discuss email, resumes, Internet searching, ereaders or ask any tech question you might have. All ages are welcome. Everyone will be helped on a first-come, first-served basis. A D U LT P R O G R A M S KNITTING CIRCLE Wednesdays, April 8 & 22, 12 - 2 p.m. — Share projects and conversation in this knitting circle. All skill levels welcome. All programs are free and open to the public, unless otherwise stated. For more information, please contact Anythink Commerce City at 303287-0063; 7185 Monaco St., Commerce City, CO 80022; or visit anythinklibraries.org. www.commercecitysentinel.comTuesday, Commerce City Sentinel Express 5 April 7, 2015 LOCAL ANNUAL FISHING DERBY SET FOR THIS WEEKEND MetroWest Reports COMMERCE CITY — The eighth annual Fishing Frenzy will be reeling in anglers Saturday, April 11, at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. The annual event, featuring two fishing derbies, prizes and crafts, will be for children ages 3 to 15 and their parents or guardians. Along with derby competition, young anglers can learn fishing skills from professional sportsmen. Advance registration for the fishing derbies is recommended, as organizers expect anywhere between 500 and 600 participants; space may fill up prior to the day of the event. Participants should bring their own fishing poles and lures. On-site check-in begins at 8 a.m., and the first fishing derby runs from 9 to 10 a.m., and the second derby runs from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Participants should enter the refgue at Quebec Street and Pairie Parkway. To register, call 303-289-3789 or visit www.c3gov.com/register. Parents and other family members assist children taking part in a recent Fishing Frenzy at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. F ile photo Frederick trying to be proactive as Indian mascot bill advances Jeremy Johnson FREDERICK — Frederick High School principal Pete Vargas said his Warriors are going to fight to do what’s right. The school, part of the St. Vrain Valley School District, is one of about 50 in Colorado that may have to consider the appropriateness of its mascot following the March 23 House Education Committee approval of House Bill 1165, which would create the Subcommittee for the Consideration of the Use of American Indian Mascots by Public Schools. That committee would essentially be in charge of determining whether elementary schools, secondary schools or colleges with Native American-related mascot names would be allowed to continue to use those monikers. Vargas said he has not, during his years as principal, received any complaints about Frederick’s fierce nom de plume, but said he is nonetheless in favor of taking Frederick High School Principal Pete Vargas stands beside the Warrior statue just east of the school after its installation in 2012. “A strong school builds a strong community,” he said at the time of the statue’s installation. File photo a proactive approach. In fact, Vargas said that when he first took over as principal seven years ago, he tried to reach out to tribes living in or around Carbon Valley, but said the initia- tive got continually delayed as so many other duties of being a principal took over. “I had started to look into the process of adoption of a mascot from a local Indian tribe, even to the point of contacting a local council,” he said. “That was the vision I had, but unfortunately things got busy and it was put on the back burner. “But now that this is in the forefront, we’re looking at it again and paying close attention to what comes next,” he added. A version of the bill with no fiscal impact passed the Appropriations Subcommittee on Thursday, April 2, on a 7-6 partyline vote. It now moves to the full House of Representatives for a vote. In the meantime, Vargas said the debate has already begun to serve as an example of proactive civic duty for Frederick High students, some of whom are already planning to meet soon to discuss what actions they can take next. “We’re going to continue to be in front of the issue,” he said. “We’re going to see what direction (this bill) goes, but also be proactive. We already have a group of students who are very excited to come together and talk about the future, with their goal being to keep the name and doing what we need to do to accomplish that. “It’s exciting to see them want to be part of the solution,” he added. For Frederick, whose Warrior emblem is an upper-case “W” with an arrowhead-laden spear through it, the necessary steps will likely be in line with actions taken by Arapahoe High School. Rep. Joe Salazar, D-Thornton, told the House Education Committee at the March 23 debate that the Centennial high school developed a relationship with the Arapaho Nation on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming nearly two decades ago, and ultimately asked them to draw the logo that those Warriors continue to use today. Other mascots, such as the Lamar Savages, seem more likely to be disapproved of by the committee, according to Salazar. Contact Staff Writer Jeremy Johnson at 303-659-2522, ext. 217, or via email at [email protected]. 6 COMMERCE CITY SENTINEL EXPRESS TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 WWW.COMMERCECITYSENTINEL.COM OPINION Pending pact with Iran certainly a big deal MIKE LITTWIN COLORADO INDEPENDENT O K, the deal is not perfect. That’s what the experts say anyway. It’s not even a deal yet, although the way to bet is that what is now being called a “framework” will become one eventually. Barack Obama took to the Rose Garden to call the nuclear deal with Iran “good,” which was just the restrained language he needed, although he also called it “historic.” A deal with Iran — a successful deal, anyway — would be Obama’s greatest foreign policy achievement. But it was not the time to oversell. It was not — in one enduring lesson of Iraq — the time to claim any missions had been accomplished. What Obama did claim — and what is difficult to refute — is that the deal was better than anyone, including his congressional critics in both parties, could have expected. That’s why the critics have been so muted. No enriched uranium for 10 years. Inspections for as long as 25 years. A deal more comprehensive than expected. A deal more detailed D ONKE Y H OT EY /F LIC KR than expected. It could all fall apart by June, but the only way to reject this deal out of hand now is to reject any deal out of hand. No one expected John Kerry to come back with so much detail — on verification, on reducing centrifuges, on the diminished nuclear plant in Arak, on the halt of uranium enrichment at Fordo, on the snapback of sanctions if Iran breaks the agreement, on the 10-year sunset that isn’t a 10-year sunset. The details help make Obama’s case that if Iran cheats, the world will know, and if the world knows, it would take a year before Iran could make a bomb. As of today, the “breakout” timing is said to be two to three months. How do you say no to this deal? If it’s a real deal — if the details come to life in a real-time agreement — the easy answer is that you don’t. Not unless you’ve got something better. We’ll be hearing a lot of debate on Arak and on Fordo and on other unfamiliar names and places from people whose credentials aren’t much better than yours or mine. Still, the deal can be critiqued on its own terms — and should be. It will be debated in Congress when/if the deal is finished in June — and even before — and should be. But the framework/deal makes the open letter to Iran’s mullahs, written by Sen. Tom Cotton and signed by 46 other Republicans senators including Cory Gardner, look even more naive and unserious. John McCain, who blamed the hurried decision to sign the letter on the threat of a snowstorm, must be embarrassed. The deal is good enough even in framework form that when people like wouldbe-president Scott Walker say they’d scrap it on their first day in office — presumably right after killing off Obamacare — you know not to pay attention. What this deal demands is that its critics come up with a serious alternative. The question is whether there is one. As Obama said in his Rose Garden speech, history has shown us that Iran ■ see LITTWIN page 7 A QUIET COUP FOR LOBBYISTS ON CAPITOL HILL B eing a Congress critter isn’t the cushy job many people assume. After all, they must draft laws, organize hearings, write speeches, round up votes, and do all sorts of other things. Oh, wait… my mistake. Members have staff to do all that, including telling the esteemed legislators how to vote. Few people realize that congressional staffers have gained far-reaching control over legislation. While the mass media has ignored this power shift, which further removes the people from the making of our laws, corporate lobbyists have long understood it and assiduously wooed staff members with flattery and gifts. But then it dawned on lobbyists that instead of wooing staff, they should simply become the staff. So when Republicans took charge of the Senate in January, K Street lobbyists moved right into the Capitol Hill offices of the new corporate-hugging majority. What a sight to see Tom Chapman, a former top lobbyist for US Airways, now sitting atop the legal staff of the Sen- Publisher Staff Reporter Crystal Nelson JIM HIGHTOWER OTHERWORDS COLUMNIST Tim Zeman [email protected] Office Fax Mail 303-659-2522 303-659-2901 139 N. Main St. Brighton, CO 80601 www.commercecitysentinel.com Ext. 225 [email protected] Sports Editor Steve Smith Ext. 224 [email protected] Staff Reporter Jeremy Johnson Ext. 217 [email protected] Ad Sales Teresa Alexis [email protected] Wall Street reform law? As new chief of staff for Senator Rob Portman, Mark is now punching from the inside. And he’s already slipped a special regulatory exemption into law on behalf of big derivative traders like GE and the Koch brothers. If you voted Republican last fall, is this the change you wanted? OtherWords columnist Jim Hightower is a radio commentator, writer, and public speaker. He’s also editor of the populist newsletter, The Hightower Lowdown. CLASSIFIEDS/LEGALS ADVERTISING Ext. 223 [email protected] EDITORIAL Managing Editor Chris Harrop ate aviation panel that oversees — guess who? — US Airways. And there’s Joel Leftwich, who pushed furiously to water down nutrition standards for school lunches as a senior lobbyist for Pepsico. Now he can do it directly as the new staff director for the Senate Agriculture Committee, which will re-write the school lunch funding law this year. What a coincidence. How about mega-lobbyist Mark Isakowitz, whose specialty is punching loopholes in the Ext. 215 Ad Sales Abby Martinez Ext. 219 [email protected] The Commerce City Sentinel Express USPS No. 003866 formerly the Commerce City Sentinel is published weekly for $14 per year (52 issues) in Adams County by MetroWest Publishing, 139 N. Main, Brighton CO 80601. Periodical postage paid at Commerce City, CO Postmaster: Send address changes to The Commerce City Sentinel Express, PO Box 267, Commerce City, CO 80037. Classifieds/Legals Bobi Lopez Ext. 201 [email protected] and [email protected] CREATIVE Production Manager Jody Irsik Ext. 221 [email protected] MetroWest Newspapers is a division of Landmark Community Newspapers, Inc. Shelbyville, Ky. www.commercecitysentinel.comTuesday, Commerce City Sentinel Express 7 April 7, 2015 OPINION WILL CONGRESS BE DUPED AGAIN OVER OFFSHORE TAXES? Sarah Anderson Guest Column L ike a savvy bargainer on a used car lot, big multinational corporations have mastered the art of feigning indifference and walking away. What they walk away with is their profits, stockpiling them abroad where they legally remain untaxed until returned to the United States. Then these corporations threaten to keep the cash offshore permanently unless Uncle Sam gives them a deep discount on their tax rates. It’s a timeworn, but effective, trick. While the rest of us are stuck paying the sticker price, Congress is considering a special deluxe tax rate for these giant corporations. Congress last fell for the old “walk away” in 2004. And the American people got burned. That year, legislators gave 843 giant firms an 85-percent discount on offshore profits they “repatriated.” This reduced their long-term tax bills by about $100 billion. Legislators opted for this one-off revenue bump in part because they believed, naively, that the companies would create U.S. jobs with the repatriated funds. They even called the tax break legislation the “American Job Creation Act.” Like new owners of a bargain basement Beemer, Big pharmaceutical companies, which are particularly good at tax-dodging tactics like registering their patents in tax haven countries, were some of the biggest abusers of the 2004 tax break. Pfizer, for example, repatriated $40 billion to take advantage of the discount. President Barack Obama has a slightly stronger proposal: All overseas stockpilers would pay a mandatory 14-percent rate on offshore profits they currently hold, and then 19 percent thereafter. But that’s still a huge reduction over the ordinary 35-percent corporate tax rate, giving though, the companies basically squealed their tires and sped away. Rather than hiring more workers, many simply used the money to boost shareholder dividends and executive pay. Meanwhile, the profit-shifting revved up again, as firms maneuvered to create leverage for further discounts. Instead of boosting jobs, the drug company laid off more than 58,000 employees over the next six years. Legislators appear to have learned little from the 2004 boondoggle. Pending bills in both the House and Senate would once again offer deeply discounted rates on repatriated profits. companies a powerful incentive to continue to shift profits overseas. A handful of corporate giants stand to reap the vast majority of benefits from this trick. According to a new report I co-authored for the Institute for Policy Studies and the Center for Effective Government, Just 26 companies account for more than half of the $2.1 trillion in untaxed profits U.S. corporations currently hold offshore. Since 2004, these 26 firms’ overseas stashes have grown more than five-fold. just 26 companies account for more than half of the $2.1 trillion in untaxed profits U.S. corporations currently hold offshore. Since 2004, these 26 firms’ overseas stashes have grown more than five-fold. Lawmakers claim that short-term revenue from a discount tax on offshore profits is needed to pay for urgent investments in public infrastructure. But if we’re serious about fixing our crumbling bridges, roads, and dams, we should start by fixing our broken corporate tax system. The taxes Pfizer and six other drug companies currently owe on their offshore profits, for example, would be enough to fix the 1 out of every 9 U.S. bridges in disrepair. We need to insist that all U.S. businesses pay their fair share of infrastructure and other public services. Otherwise, we’ll just be taken for a ride. Sarah Anderson directs the Global Economy Project at the Institute for Policy Studies and is a co-author of the report “Burning Our Bridges.” CRITICS OF DEAL HAVEN’T ARTICULATED SOLID REASONS LITTWIN from page 6 is not going to give up its search for the bomb just because we ask nicely, or even not so nicely. He said to put it this way to the inevitable critics: “Do you really think that this verifiable deal, if fully implemented, backed by the world’s major powers, is a worse option than the risk of another war in the Middle East? Is it worse than doing what we’ve done for almost two decades with Iran moving forward with its nuclear program and without robust inspections? I think the answer will be clear.” So what is the alternative? Most critics — and, yes, they are from both parties — have said more sanctions and tougher negotiations would be their choice. Then there’s the let’s-do-another-Iraq-but-do-it-rightthis-time chorus, led by people like former U.N. ambassador and professional hawk John Bolton, who insist that war, bombing to prevent the bombing, is the best option. But here’s where the risk comes: If there is a deal, the tougher-sanctions alternative probably disappears. Congress can vote for tougher sanctions, scuttling the deal, but it can’t reasonably expect the rest of the world’s powers to go along. The world’s powers were in there with John Kerry negotiating the deal that Congress would be rejecting. If the details on the framework are successfully filled in, a fully negotiated deal is not just risky for Obama to implement, but also risky for any Congress to turn away from. If there is a deal and Congress rejects it — a deal made in concert with Britain and Germany and France and Russia and China — let’s just say that writing an open letter to the United Nations Security Council won’t help. So, in the Obama framework, if you’re going to stop Iran from getting a bomb, there are two options: a negotiated settlement or the Bolton alternative. Bombing to stop the bomb is a short-term solution, if it’s a solution at all. We don’t have to outline the risks; they’re obvious enough. So, of course, is the great likelihood that, with an agreement, Iran will continue to support terrorism, will continue to threaten Israel, and will make even more trouble, as sanctions are lifted and Iran’s economy improves, in Syria and Iraq. But as every working pundit has pointed out, Reagan negotiated with the Soviet Union, Nixon went to China. And now Obama has talked to Iran. I’m not qualified to say whether the deal — if completed — would actually work. But I am qualified to say its critics have yet to explain why it wouldn’t. Mike Littwin, a former Rocky Mountain News and Denver Post columnist, writes regularly for the Colorado Independent (www.coloradoindependent.com). Reach him at [email protected]. 8 COMMERCE CITY SENTINEL EXPRESS OBITUARIES TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 abor Rice Our Family Helping Your Family Funeral Home, Inc. Pat & Christine Tabor BRIGHTON Brian Burridge Brian Burridge, 40, of Brighton, passed away March 2, 2015, at his home. He was born Oct. 3, 1974, in Denver, to James and Linda (Francois) Burridge and graduated from Brighton High School in 1992. Brian was a lifetime resident of Brighton and attended college at Mesa State for one year and Culinary Institute of America for two years. He was always fascinated by cooking; even at the age of 8, he was cooking family dinners. He truly enjoyed cooking for others. During Brian Burridge Brian’s brief life, he accomplished and did many things including attending Space Academy sponsored by NASA in Huntsville, Ala., and traveled all over the U.S. from Alaska to Hawaii. He grew up with a love for hot air ballooning and the festivals in Albuquerque, N.M., were among his favorite. He also had a passion for street rods and sports cars. He was licensed to compete in the Vintage Race Car Circuit and drove his 1965 Corvette “fearlessly” for nine years. He loved spending time with his parents throughout all these endeavors and helped build the family cabin in Westcliffe. Brian particularly enjoyed his dogs, which were English Mastiffs, Irish Wolfhounds and even had two Dalmatians that he rescued. He was owner/partner with his father in two coffee shops in downtown Denver for the last six years. Brian is survived by his parents, Jim and Linda Burridge, of Brighton; and his ex-wife, Selina Bernson, whom he was married to for 10 years. A Memorial Service was held Brighton Brian Burridge Marie Cler Harole Nan Bradley Freya L. Pahnke Keenesburg Margaret Aileen Scheeley LaSalle David Howard Craw Greeley Vivian Loyola Delevante Firestone Marilyn Ann Johnson Fort Lupton Irene June Martin Evelyn “Peggy” Cramer Northglenn Marjorie Elaine Hughbanks at 1 p.m. Friday, April 3, 2015, at Tabor-Rice Funeral Home. Tabor-Rice Funeral Home handled the arrangements. Marie Cler Marie Cler, 90, of Brighton, passed away March 25, 2015, at her home. She was born to Henry and Louise (Wegele) Gleim on July 18, 1924, in Fresno, Calif. She married Henry “Hank” Cler on Dec. 1, 1943 in Berthoud. Hank and Marie Cler Marie farmed in the Prospect Valley area from 1943 to 1947, at which time they moved to Gothenberg, Neb., where they began their family of three children: Barbara, Junior and Don. In 1964, Hank and Marie made their final move to Brighton and soon after purchased their service station on 24-Hour Phone Lines 303 303 654-0112 / 857-2290 Brighton: 75 S. 13th Avenue Ft. Lupton: 304 Denver Avenue Sixth and Bridge, which is still owned and operated by their son today. Marie worked for Samsonite for several years and upon leaving she went to work for School District 27J where she worked in food service for 12 years, retiring in 1992. Marie is survived by her son, Don (Sandi) Cler, of Fort Lupton; sister, Millie (Delvin) Otto, of Arkansas; sister-in-law, Dorothy Roth, of Brighton; five grandchildren, Conrad (Brandy) Blaylock, Dee Dee (Gary Fernandez) Cler, Tammy Kipf, Dawn (Ronny Vallejos) Cler; Lori (David) Castilleja; 12 great-grandchildren, Dezmon (Shelby), Devynn and Delaynee Sanchez, Dilyn, Daryn and D’Nay Castilleja, Rikki and Toni McDonald, Patrick, Spencer, Stephanie, Alexander and Michalla Kipf; and one great-great granddaughter, Anayah Sanchez. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Hank; daughter, Barbara Funery; son, Junior Cler; five brothers, Leo, Pete, Andy, Herb and Henry; two sisters, Molly Allmer and Alvina Dumler. Visitation was March 30 at Tabor-Rice Funeral Home. Funeral service was March 31 at Zion Congregational Church. Interment followed at Elmwood Cemetery. Tabor-Rice Funeral Home handled the arrangements. Harole Nan Bradley Harole Nan Bradley, 72, of Brighton, passed away March 30, 2015, at her home. She was born to Oscar Hill and Katie Hargrove. She is survived by her husband, Charles; a son, Travis Hill-Bradley; and numerous aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Services will be held in West Monroe, Louisiana. Tabor-Rice Funeral Home is handling the arrangements. Freya L. Pahnke WWW.COMMERCECITYSENTINEL.COM Freya L. (McCanless) Pahnke, 66, of Brighton, died on March Obituaries, Arrangements and Resources Online 18, 2015, in Brighton. She was born to Jack and Irene (Monroe) McCanless. She is survived by her husband, Ronald Pahnke; her children Heather Pahnke-Dena, Michelle Pahnke-Kearney, and Scott Pahnke; brothers Brad McCanless and Rod McCanless; and five grandchildren. Private services will be held. Tabor-Rice Funeral Home is handling the arrangements. KEENESBURG Margaret Aileen Scheeley Margaret Aileen Scheeley, 88, passed away March 29, 2015. Margaret is survived by her husband of 63 years, Ron; daughters, Chris Scheeley and Cindy Ramsel of Brighton; two grandsons and numerous in-laws. A Graveside Service was held at 1 p.m. Friday, April 3, 2015, at Greenlawn Cemetery in Berthoud. Tabor-Rice Funeral Home handled the arrangements. GREELEY Vivian Loyola Delevante Vivian Loyola Delevante, 83, of Greeley, passed away March 16, 2015, at home. She was born to Tony and Mary Mascarenas. Private services will be held. Erlinger Funeral Home of Fort Lupton is handling the arrangements. FIRESTONE Marilyn Ann Johnson Marilyn Ann Johnson, 77, of Firestone, passed away March 21, 2015, at Ashley Manor in Fort Lupton. She was born to Alfred and Maude Johnson. Private service will be held. Erlinger Funeral Home of Fort Lupton is handling the arrangements. @ taborfuneralhome.com FORT LUPTON Irene June Martin Irene June Martin, 83, of Fort Lupton, passed away March 29, 2015, in Aurora. She was born to Ray and Thresa Dreiling. Private services will be held. Erlinger Funeral Home of Fort Lupton is handling the arrangements. Evelyn “Peggy” Cramer Evelyn “Peggy” Cramer passed away on April 1, 2015, after a long illness. Born Aug. 30, 1925, in Fort Lupton to Eugene and Eda Welsh, she was the youngest of seven children. On July 17, 1943, she married Jay D. Cramer. They had three children, Connie, Jim, and, Becky. Throughout their 52 years of marriage they often traveled to Florida, where Peggy collected seashells for her art projects. Peggy was survived by two children, Connie and Jim; six grandchildren and nine greatgrandchildren. Memorial service to be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday, April 14, at Tabor Rice Funeral Home, 75 S. 13th Ave. in Brighton. NORTHGLENN Marjorie Elaine Hughbanks Marjorie Elaine Hughbanks, 76, of Northglenn, passed away March 20, 2015, in Thornton. She was born to Albert and Ruby Hughbanks. Private services will be held. Erlinger Funeral Home of Fort Lupton is handling the arrangements. Paid obituaries appear each week in the Commerce City Sentinel Express To submit an obituary or inquire about pricing, email information to news@ metrowestnewspapers.com by close of business each Friday. Free death notices are also available. WWW.COMMERCECITYSENTINEL.COM COMMERCE CITY SENTINEL EXPRESS 9 TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 LOCAL U P C O M I N G E V E N T S AT P L AT T E VA L L E Y M E D I C A L C E N T E R CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Saturdays, Aprill 11 & 25, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. — Platte Valley Medical Center offers a monthly support group to help cancer patients and their families cope with the uncertainties and overwhelming feelings that cancer brings. Research shows that a support group can help people emotionally and even improve their physical health through treatment. The Cancer Support Group is held in the hospital’s Oncology Clinic, which is located at 1606 Prairie Center Parkway in Suite 270 of the Medical Office Building. Please call the Oncology Clinic at 303-498-2200 to RSVP. Refreshments and snacks are provided. CARDIAC SUPPORT GROUP Tuesday, April 14, 12:30 - 2 p.m. — If you are currently being treated for heart disease and are interested in meeting other patients, this group is for you. We offer a forum of mutual respect and courtesy about the challenges and insights your illness has presented. Meeting agendas include guest speakers discussing topics related to cardiac disease, and new information regarding treatment, medicines, and prognoses. To register, call High Plains Heart & Vascular Center at 303-659-7000. TOTAL JOINT UNIVERSITY Tuesday, April 14, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. — Total Joint University (TJU) is a class for individuals who are scheduled for, or are contemplating, a joint replacement procedure. TJU is designed to provide the information you need – from pre-op, to day of, to your hospital stay and recovery – to help you proceed with confidence. Seating is limited and reservations are required. RSVP now via email at svigil@ pvmc.org or by calling 303-498-1840. RELIEF FOR ALLERGIES, ASTHMA & DERMATITIS Wednesday, April 15, 6 - 7 p.m. — Spring is finally here – why are you staying indoors? If you dread the warmer months because you struggle with allergies, asthma or dermatitis, join us for a free seminar with Dr. Daniel Laszlo. He has the latest information on symptoms and treatment for allergies, asthma and dermatitis. Let Dr. Laszlo answer your questions, and get back to enjoying the spring time weather! Sign up online today at pvmc.org/events or call 303498-1481. MOMMY MINGLE Saturday, April 18, 12 – 2 p.m. — Congratulations! You’re a new mom. Now what? Join us for Mommy Mingle. It’s the place to connect with other moms and newborns two to 12 weeks old. We know being a mom with a newborn can be exhilarating and scary at the same time. Mommy Mingle is a safe place to connect with moms like you and is led by lactation specialists and other medical professionals. At each Mingle, moms will learn what’s normal and what’s expected when it comes to healing after delivery and raising a baby. And it’s free. Sign up online at pvmc.org/events or call 303-498-1481. CHILDBIRTH EDUCATION Platte Valley Medical Center offers a variety of Childbirth Education classes to help you prepare for this exciting time in your life. Our comprehensive educational programs will help you be successful at every stage in the process. Visit pvmc. org/events for a complete schedule and to register online. YOGA Tuesdays: 4:45 -5:20 p.m. Thursdays: 12:15 – 12:50 p.m. 303-498-1840 or pvmc.org/events PILATES Tuesdays: 5:45 – 6:30 p.m. Platte Valley Medical Center 303-498-1840 or pvmc.org/events Have a birth announcement you’d like to share in an upcoming edition? Email the information to [email protected]. Photos mays be included on a space-available basis. Monge Amanda and Juan Monge, of Fort Lupton, announce the birth of a daughter, Jezebel Cristina Monge. She was born March 18, 2015, at Platte Valley Medical Center in Brighton, weighing 6 pounds, 2 ounces, and measuring 19.5 inches. She joins her brother, Andrew Monge, 6; and sister, Sophia Monge, 3. Chacon Floria Ojeda and Carlos Chacon announce the birth of a daughter, Kendra Chacon. She was born March 21, 2015, at Platte Valley Medical Center in Brighton, weighing 6 pounds, 13 ounces, and measuring 19.5 inches. Grandparents are Dora and Carlos Ojeda, and Carlos and Pilar Chacon. Kendra joins her siblings, Carlos, 8; and Angel, 5. Gale Heather Gale, of Brighton, announces the birth of a daughter, Bailey Grace Gale. She was born March 22, 2015, at Platte Valley Medical Center in Brighton, weighing 6 pounds, 4 ounces, and measuring 20 inches. Donohue-Sons Kala Sowa and Thomas Sons, of Commerce City, announce the birth of a daughter, Clairisaa Lynn Donohue-Sons. She was born March 23, 2015, at Platte Valley Medical Center in Brighton, weighing 6 pounds, 1 ounce, and measuring 18 inches. Grandparents are Melinda and Robert Parish, of Commerce City; and Martin and Stacy Donohue, of Commerce City. Greatgrandparents are Ruth Donohue, of Commerce City; and Gary and Billy Hannan, of Thornton. Clairissa joins her sister, Sophie Marie, 2. Barragan Itzel Barragan and Luis López, of Commerce City, announce the birth of a son, Axel Gareth López Barragan. He was born March 28, 2015, at Platte Valley Medical Center in Brighton, weighign 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and measuring 21 inches. Grandparents are Imelda Barragan, of Commerce City; and Maricela and Luis López, of Thornton. Axel joins his siblings, Yovehly, 3; and Luis, 3. Vargas Samantha and Kyle Vargas, of Fort Lupton, announce the birth of a daughter, Kaya Rain Vargas. She was born March 29, 2015, at Platte Valley Medical Center in Brighton, weighing 6 pounds, 1 ounce, and measuring 19.5 inches. Grandparents are Willie and Tammy Sharp, of Denver; Keny Vargas, of Brighton; and Rene (Gerald) Montoya, of Brighton. Hadlee Marie Parker Josh and Jessica Parker are proud to announce the birth of a daughter, Hadlee Marie Parker. Hadlee was born at 5:51 p.m. March 1, 2015, at Avista Adventist Hospital in Louisville. She weighed 7 pounds and was 21 ¾ inches long. Her 4-year-old brother Holden spent a long day waiting for her to arrive and was awestruck at how tiny she was when she finally got here. He couldn’t wait to have her at home. Hadlee’s grandparents are Don and Sherry Parker, of Fort Lupton; and Paul and Carri Bender, of Sandy, Ore. Great-grandparents are Shirley Heartso, and Don Parker Sr., of Fort Lupton; Mike Parker, of Glenwood Springs; John and Anita Bender, of Bay City, Ore.; and Claudia Triplett, of Rainer, Ore. 10 COMMERCE CITY SENTINEL EXPRESS SPORTS TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 WWW.COMMERCECITYSENTINEL.COM Eagles’ runners head to Mountain Range P HOTOS BY K ATHY S CHNEIDER ABOVE: Adam City’s Antonio Scott, center, heads for the finish line during the boys 100-meter yard dash at the April 4 Mountain Range Invite track meet at Mountain Range High School. RIGHT: Adam City’s Christina Folsom, center heads for the finish line during the girls 100-meter yard dash at the April 4 Mountain Range Invite track meet at Mountain Range High School. T-Hawks boys team takes home second place at Tiger Tornado meet METROWEST STAFF Prairie View’s Aleksandra Anderson, center, races towards the finish line during the girls 100-meter hurdles during the April 4 Mountain Range Invite track meet at Mountain Range High School. P HOTO BY K ATHY S CHNEIDER BROOMFIELD — Prairie View›s Donovan Otero, Nicholas Maldonado and Tavish Whelan swept the first three places in the boys 400-meter dash at the Holy Family Tiger Tornado meet April 1. Otero›s time was 52 seconds flat. Maldonado finished in 52.64, while Whelan turned in a time of 53.02. Skyler Severance won the boys high jump with a top height of 6 feet. Rj Ramirez took second in the boys 100-meter dash. Ramirez, who had been cleared by doctors to run track just before spring break, finished in 11.2 seconds, just 0.03 of a second behind Horizon’s Jacob Dinkel. Ramirez had shoulder surgery this winter, an injury that forced him out of the Colorado High School Coaches Association’s all-star football game in June. Elsewhere, Gary Kurtz was fourth in the 800-meter run, where his time was 2:14.93. Joseph Langer was fourth in the 3,200-meters, fashioning a time ■ see TRACK page 11 WWW.COMMERCECITYSENTINEL.COM COMMERCE CITY SENTINEL EXPRESS 11 TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 SPORTS TRACK On the girls side, Bethani Hartman finished third in the 3,200-meter run in a time of 13:59.32. Bianca Asheim (98-11 1/2) took third in the discus. Hannah Brown wound up fifth in the triple jump (30-3 3/4) and eighth in the long jump (14-7). Bridget Ebert finished in a five-way tie for eighth place at 4 feet 2 inches. Abigail Breville (13.48 seconds), from page 10 ABOVE: Prairie View’s Shannon Peterson, right, heads toward the finish line during the girls 100 meter hurdles during the April 4 Mountain Range Invite track meet. BELOW: Prairie View’s Gary Kurtz hands of the baton to Joseph Langer during the boys 4-by-800-meter relay. PHOTOS BY KATHY SCHNEIDER of 11:03.72. Maldonado (24.53) and Cory Orr (24.8) took fourth and fifth, respectively, in the 200-meter dash. Zach Peterson (40-8) took seventh in the shot put. Xavier Gates was eighth in the 200-meters, posting a time of 25.51. Emily Schoneman (13.54) and Hailee Alber (13.68) took fifth, sixth and seventh place, respectively, in the girls 100-meter dash. Shannon Peterson was seventh in the 100-meter hurdles, where her time was 17.37 seconds. The girls team was seventh. The boys team took second, just three points in back of Lutheran High School. Spring TIRE SALE PASSENGER GREAT BUY OUR BEST All season traction Affordable pricing 39 $ ON SALE! ON SALE! 99 PASSENGER PASSENGER ECLIPSE P155/80R-13 Tread design may vary. Your size in stock. Call for size & price. ULTRA Z900 All season design 60,000-80,000 mile warranty All season traction Advanced design tread (Depending on size) Your size in stock. Call for size & price. Your size in stock. Call for size & price. PICKUP/SUV GREAT BUY OUR BEST All season tread Economy pricing 89 $ Attention Job SeekerS! ON SALE! ON SALE! 99 PICKUP/SUV 235/75R-15 Tread design may vary. Your size in stock. Call for size & price. WILDCAT A/T 2 OPEN COUNTRY A/T II Your size in stock. Call for size & price. Your size in stock. Call for size & price. Traction in all seasons Smooth ride OnE Day HiRing EVEnt! FREE WITH EVERY PASSENGER CAR AND LIGHT TRUCK TIRE PURCHASE 4455 north Fairgrounds avenue in Windsor across from the Budweiser Event Center. Whatever the road throws at you — from potholes to nails — if your tire is damaged from any road hazard, we will replace the value of your tire. See store for details. Wednesday, april 22 • 4:00pm-8:00pm Summit Entertainment Center Production positions ranging from $13/hr to $16.96/hr. Positions are temp to hire and direct hire. Competitive benefits include health insurance, retirement plans, vacation pay and much more. apply online at www.elwoodwindjobs.com before attending the event, or bring your resume to be interviewed on the spot. Register to win prizes and Summit discount passes. Outstanding traction Long-lasting tread Best Brake Value Windsor and brighton Elwood Staffing will be hosting FOR Vestas a PICKUP/SUV Promise Les Schwab® has been providing brake service to our customers for over 30 years. We are one of the West’s largest brake providers and can do most brake jobs the same day, without an appointment. Peace of Mind Tire Protection We are proud to offer: PROFESSIONALLY TRAINED TECHNICIANS FREE BRAKE INSPECTIONS AND ESTIMATES PREMIUM QUALITY PARTS THE BRAKE INDUSTRY’S BEST WARRANTY • If your tire is damaged beyond repair, we’ll replace its value • Our workmanship is guaranteed for the life of your tires • We offer free pre-trip safety checks Lifetime Tire and Mileage Care 11 COLORADO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! To help you get more mileage out of your tires and more miles per gallon of gas. We provide: • Free flat tire repairs • Free tire rotations • Free tire rebalancing • Free air checks • Free brake & alignment checks • Hundreds of Les Schwab locations to serve you ASK ABOUT OUR LITTLETON CONVENIENT CREDIT See store for details. www.LesSchwab.com CENTENNIAL 15787 E. Arapahoe Rd 720-870-3201 13331 W Bowles Ave 303-798-4071 AURORA COMMERCE CITY THORNTON HIGHLANDS RANCH 3430 N. Tower Rd 303-371-0666 800 E. 88th Ave. 303-288-9053 10489 Chambers Rd 303-287-4159 945 Sgt Jon Stiles Dr 303-471-1512 DENVER 2001 Federal Blvd 303-455-9424 LAKESIDE 5871 W. 44th Ave 303-477-4336 PARKER 11265 S Pikes Peak Dr 303-840-0420 LONGMONT 633 S. Emery St. 303-485-2345 NOW OPEN IN LOVELAND! 184 W. 64TH ST. • 970-342-2026 Over 450 locations throughout the west! Prices good through April 30, 2015 12 Commerce City Sentinel Express Tuesday, April 7, 2015 SPORTS www.commercecitysentinel.com COACHES: IMPACT OF NEW STATE PREP FOOTBALL RULES WILL VARY Steve Smith AURORA — The decision to cut the number of available quarters for high school football players may not mean a lot to area varsity programs. In January, the Colorado High School Activities Association decided to cap the number of quarters of play during a 10-game season to 52. It used to be 56. “Coaches will have to be careful with junior-varsity “The only way this rule could hurt us is if we play more than 10 games. That would be the least of my problems.” Joseph Herrera, Fort Lupton H.S. football coahc players who swing JV to varsity,” BHS coach Pat Sandoval said. “We keep a good watch on players’ quarters. We should be OK.” “It will impact the kids you can use on special teams,” added PVHS coach Todd Riccio. “But overall, I don’t see it being a huge issue.” Fort Lupton High School finished the season last year without a junior-varsity squad. Second-year coach Joseph Herrera expects the numbers to be stronger this season. “Any sort of impact is going to be depend on how many freshmen want to play. We’d like to have enough kids to play a full junior-varsity and ‘C’ team schedule,” he said. “There won’t be much difference for us. Most of our kids play four quarters Friday night. That should be about it.” “It’s going to depend on the numbers,” FHS coach Thad Lear said. “If you have 80 to 85 kids on your roster, you’re going to be fine. If you n see FOOTBALL page 13 COMMERCE CITY SCOREBOARD A D A M S C I TY Baseball GET YOUR TAXES DONE FOR FREE! Available to households with incomes less than $52,000. AND DON’T MISS OUT ON THESE TAX CREDITS. If you make less than $52,000 and have children at home, the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit can reduce the income tax you owe and may even mean a bigger refund— up to $6,000 or more! 2015 Free Tax Help Colorado Tax Sites in Your Area COMMERCE CITY LOCATION Adams City High School 7200 Quebec Parkway, Library January 24 – April 11 (closed March 28 & April 4) Saturdays, 9 am – 3 pm For more details, and the locations of other free tax sites in Colorado, DIAL 2-1-1 (a free call). Skyview nipped Adams City 9-7 on the Wolverines’ field March 30. Brandon Barringer had two hits and three RBIs for Skyview. No stats were available for the Eagles. Montbello tripped up the Eagles 9-7 in Commerce City April 1. Alberto Nava had three hits for the Warriors. No stats were available for the Eagles. The Eagles won their Eastern Metro Athletic Conference opener April 4 by a score of 8-4 at Gateway High School. No stats were available for either team. PRAIRIE VIEW Baseball Heritage erupted for nine runs in the fourth inning and beat Prairie View 11-5 in Littleton April 1. Casey Optiz had three hits and three RBIs for HHS. No stats were available for the THawks. Girls soccer Tax Help Colorado is a partnership of The Piton Foundation and the Colorado Community College System. Prairie View needed 45 minutes of time to beat Aurora Central 10-0 on a snowy T-Hawks’ field April 2. Nine of the goals came in the first half. Harlee Zancanelli, Allyson Adams City’s Liz Mercado passes the ball during the first East Metro Athletic Conference girls all-star basketball game April 3 at Westminster High School. The game featured first- and second-team, all-conference performers from the schools in the league.. (Photo by Kathy Schneider) Abke and Madison Kemp scored twice. Whitney Kingry registered one save and got credit for the shutout win. Lakewood scored three times in the first half and beat the T-Hawks 4-1 in Brighton April 3. PVHS’ Madison Kemp scored the game’s first goal. Gabrielle Luna earned the assist. Savanna McClease-Borden scored twice for the Tigers. “PVHS was unable to match the Tigers’ intensity level through- out the remainder of the first half,” T-Hawks coach Jason Oulman said. “The game’s final outcome was dictated by a high quality defensive effort, hustle plays, and the combination of size and athleticism that Lakewood possessed. The ThunderHawks played with a lackluster team effort and they were missing the energy and aggressiveness that was their calling-card throughout the other five games they played prior to this game.” www.commercecitysentinel.comTuesday, FOOTBALL from page 12 have a year where you lose a lot of kids to injuries, that could be a problem.” Herrera cannot make contact with eighth-graders until this month. Still, he likes the interest the youngsters are showing in the program by coming to the school’s weight room. He’s also got his eyes on three players who didn’t play last year but who said they wanted to play this season. “The only way this rule could hurt us is if we play more than 10 games,” Herrera said. “That would be the least of my problems.” Commerce City Sentinel Express 13 April 7, 2015 “It’ll make us keep an eye on how much kids are playing,” Lear said. “If you get people hurt, it could cause you to drop a game. It’s possible. But it’s good to have somebody helping us and setting guidelines. I’m not opposed to it.” Contact Sports Editor Steve Smith at [email protected] Youth football and cheerleading sign-ups Sign-ups for the Commerce City youth tackle football program and for cheerleaders will be from 9 a.m. to noon, July 11, 18 and 25 and from 7 to 9 p.m. July 16 and 23 at the Commerce City Recreation Center, 6060 Parkway Drive. Youngsters have to be between 7 and 13 as of June 1. The fee is $140, and discounts are available for siblings. The fee includes the use of a uniform, which must be returned at the end of the season. Registration for youth recreation baseball leagues is under way. Call 303-286-7669, email [email protected] or visit www.leaguelineup.com/ccyaraiders. — MetroWest reports SPORTS SCHEDULE A D A M S C I TY April 7 Baseball: Rangeview @ Adams City, 4 p.m. Girls soccer: Rangeview @ Adams City, 6 p.m. Girls tennis: Adams City @ Prairie View, 4 p.m. Boys swimming: Hinkley @ Adams City, 4:30 p.m. April 9 Baseball: Adams City @ The Academy, 11800 Lowell Blvd., Westminster, 4 p.m. Girls soccer: Adams City @ Northglenn, 6:30 p.m. Girls tennis: Hinkley @ Prairie View, 4 p.m. Boys swimming: Metro 8 Invitational, Adams City High School, 4 p.m. Girls golf: Adams City @ Brighton, TBA Girls golf: Eastern Metro Athletic Conference major tournament, Coyote Creek Golf Course, Fort Lupton, 10 a.m. Lacrosse: Prairie View @ Fairview, TBA Girls tennis: Adams City @ Prairie View, 4 p.m. April 8 Track/field: Prairie View @ Thornton, 3:30 p.m. April 9 Girls soccer: Hinkley @ Prairie View, 7 p.m. Baseball: Aurora Central @ Prairie View, 4 p.m. April 10 Lacrosse: Denver North @ Prairie View, 5:30 p.m. April 11 len, 8 a.m. Baseball: Hinkley @ Prairie View, 11 a.m. April 13 Lacrosse: Prairie View @ Thompson Valley, 6:30 p.m. April 14 Girls soccer: Adams City @ Prairie View, 7 p.m. Baseball: Adams City @ Prairie View, 4 p.m. Girls tennis: Prairie View @ Aurora Central, 4 p.m. April 15 Track/field: Prairie View @ Thornton, 3:30 p.m. Track/field: Prairie View @ Mul- SUDOKU April 10 Track/field: Adams City @ Weld Central Invitational, 11 a.m. April 11 Baseball: Adams City @ Northglenn, 11 a.m. April 13 Boys swimming: Standley Lake @ Adams City, 4 p.m. April 14 Baseball: Adams City @ Prairie View, 4 p.m. Girls soccer: Prairie View @ Adams City, 6 p.m. Girls tennis: Rangeview @ Adams City, 4 p.m. PRAIRIE VIEW April 7 Girls soccer: Prairie View @ Northglenn, 6:30 p.m. Fill in the empty squares of the grid with the numerals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9. The puzzle is solved when each ROW, COLUMN, and 3X3 SQUARE within the puzzle contains the numerals 1 through 9 with each appearing ONCE. SEE THE SOLUTION FOR THIS PUZZLE IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION see puzzle solution in the classified section 14 Commerce City Sentinel Express Tuesday, April 7, 2015 www.commercecitysentinel.com TRUSTEE NOTICES COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §3838-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. A201575242 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On January 5, 2015, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Adams records. Original Grantor(s) Raymond O. Casteel Original Beneficiary(ies) Ameriquest Mortgage Company Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Ameriquest Mortgage Securities Inc., AssetBacked Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-R2 Date of Deed of Trust January 07, 2005 County of Recording Adams Recording Date of Deed of Trust March 25, 2005 Recording Information (Reception No. and/or Book/Page No.) 20050325000306580 Original Principal Amount $136,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $139,619.68 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4) (i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THAT PART OF THE NE 1/4 SW 1/4 OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 67 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING 50 FEET EAST AND 520 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SOUTHWEST 1/4, SECTION 32; THENCE NORTH 50 FEET; THENCE EAST 150 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 50 FEET; THENCE WEST 150 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF ADAMS, STATE OF COLORADO. **Scrivener’s Error Affidavit correcting the legal description recorded January 8, 2010 at Reception No. 2010000001432** Also known by street and number as: 7474 Kearney St, Commerce City, CO 80022. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 05/06/2015, at 4430 S. Adams County Pkwy, Suite W1000, Brighton CO 80601-8217, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 3/10/2015 Last Publication 4/7/2015 Name of Publication Metro West (Commerce City Sentinel Express) IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 8, BLOCK 1, AURORA EAST VILLAGE FILING NO. 1, COUNTY OF ADAMS, STATE OF COLORADO. IF THE BORROWER BELIEVES THAT A LENDER OR SERVICER HAS VIOLATED THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT IN SECTION 38-38-103.1 OR THE PROHIBITION ON DUAL TRACKING IN SECTION 38-38-103.2, THE BORROWER MAY FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE COLORADO ATTORNEY GENERAL, THE FEDERAL CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU (CFPB), OR BOTH. THE FILING OF A COMPLAINT WILL NOT STOP THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. PURSUANT TO AFFIDAVIT OF SCRIVENER’S ERROR RECORDED ON 12/24/2014 AT RECEPTION NO. 2014000090281 TO CORRECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION. Colorado Attorney General 1300 Broadway, 10th Floor Denver, Colorado 80203 (800) 222-4444 www.coloradoattorneygeneral. gov NOTICE OF SALE Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau P.O. Box 4503 Iowa City, Iowa 52244 (855) 411-2372 www.consumerfinance.gov DATE: 01/05/2015 Susan A. Orecchio, Public Trustee in and for the County of Adams, State of Colorado By: Susan A. Orecchio, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: David A. Shore #19973 Hellerstein and Shore PC 5347 S. Valentia Way, Suite 100, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 (303) 573-1080 Attorney File # 14-01244SH Also known by street and number as: 1628 ENSENADA WAY, AURORA, CO 80011. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 05/06/2015, at 4430 S. Adams County Pkwy, Suite W1000, Brighton CO 80601-8217, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 3/10/2015 Last Publication 4/7/2015 Name of Publication Metro West (Commerce City Sentinel Express) The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §3838-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. A201575247 IF THE BORROWER BELIEVES THAT A LENDER OR SERVICER HAS VIOLATED THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT IN SECTION 38-38-103.1 OR THE PROHIBITION ON DUAL TRACKING IN SECTION 3838-103.2, THE BORROWER MAY FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE COLORADO ATTORNEY GENERAL, THE FEDERAL CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU (CFPB), OR BOTH. THE FILING OF A COMPLAINT WILL NOT STOP THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On January 5, 2015, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Adams records. Original Grantor(s) ALBERTO SAENZ Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATiON SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR PRESTIGE MORTGAGE GROUP INC. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt WELLS FARGO BANK, NA Date of Deed of Trust October 17, 2008 County of Recording Adams Recording Date of Deed of Trust October 24, 2008 Recording Information (Reception No. and/or Book/Page No.) 2008000084378 Original Principal Amount $78,958.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $73,089.43 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4) (i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt Colorado Attorney General 1300 Broadway, 10th Floor Denver, Colorado 80203 (800) 222-4444 www.coloradoattorneygeneral. gov Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau P.O. Box 4503 Iowa City, Iowa 52244 (855) 411-2372 www.consumerfinance.gov DATE: 01/05/2015 Susan A. Orecchio, Public Trustee in and for the County of Adams, State of Colorado By: Susan A. Orecchio Public Trustee provided may be used for that purpose. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §3838-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. A201575249 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On January 5, 2015, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Adams records. Original Grantor(s) Lowell T. Minne and Clairetta Minne Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for The Mortgage Company Current Holder of Evidence of Debt JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Date of Deed of Trust February 02, 2004 County of Recording Adams Recording Date of Deed of Trust March 04, 2004 Recording Information (Reception No. and/or Book/Page No.) 20040304000059150 Original Principal Amount $136,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $111,393.13 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4) (i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 24, BLOCK 1, COLORADO MANOR, CITY OF COMMERCE CITY, COUNTY OF ADAMS, STATE OF COLORADO Also known by street and number as: 4201 East 69th Place, Commerce City, CO 80022. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 05/06/2015, at 4430 S. Adams County Pkwy, Suite W1000, Brighton CO 80601-8217, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Kelly Murdock #46915 Janeway Law Firm PC 9800 S. Meridian Blvd., #400, Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 706-9990 Attorney File # 14-005792 First Publication 3/10/2015 Last Publication 4/7/2015 Name of Publication Metro West (Commerce City Sentinel Express) The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information IF THE BORROWER BELIEVES THAT A LENDER OR SERVICER HAS VIOLATED IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT IN SECTION 38-38-103.1 OR THE PROHIBITION ON DUAL TRACKING IN SECTION 3838-103.2, THE BORROWER MAY FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE COLORADO ATTORNEY GENERAL, THE FEDERAL CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU (CFPB), OR BOTH. THE FILING OF A COMPLAINT WILL NOT STOP THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. **THIS LOAN HAS BEEN MODIFIED THROUGH A LOAN MODIFICATION AGREEMENT DATED 06/09/2011. Colorado Attorney General 1300 Broadway, 10th Floor Denver, Colorado 80203 (800) 222-4444 www.coloradoattorneygeneral. gov NOTICE OF SALE Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau P.O. Box 4503 Iowa City, Iowa 52244 (855) 411-2372 www.consumerfinance.gov DATE: 01/05/2015 Susan A. Orecchio, Public Trustee in and for the County of Adams, State of Colorado By: Susan A. Orecchio Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Joan Olson #28078 McCarthy & Holthus, LLP 7700 E. Arapahoe Road, Suite 150, Centennial, CO 80112 (877) 369-6122 Attorney File # CO-14-647792-JS Also known by street and number as: 7125 EAST 72ND PLACE, COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 05/06/2015, at 4430 S. Adams County Pkwy, Suite W1000, Brighton CO 80601-8217, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 3/10/2015 Last Publication 4/7/2015 Name of Publication Metro West (Commerce City Sentinel Express) The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §3838-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. A201575251 IF THE BORROWER BELIEVES THAT A LENDER OR SERVICER HAS VIOLATED THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT IN SECTION 38-38-103.1 OR THE PROHIBITION ON DUAL TRACKING IN SECTION 3838-103.2, THE BORROWER MAY FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE COLORADO ATTORNEY GENERAL, THE FEDERAL CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU (CFPB), OR BOTH. THE FILING OF A COMPLAINT WILL NOT STOP THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On January 5, 2015, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Adams records. Original Grantor(s) JORGE ANALLA Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., ACTING SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR LENDER, AEGIS WHOLESALE CORPORATION Current Holder of Evidence of Debt NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC Date of Deed of Trust April 30, 2007 County of Recording Adams Recording Date of Deed of Trust May 08, 2007 Recording Information (Reception No. and/or Book/Page No.) 2007000045521 Original Principal Amount $122,893.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $135,374.29 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4) (i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. Colorado Attorney General 1300 Broadway, 10th Floor Denver, Colorado 80203 (800) 222-4444 www.coloradoattorneygeneral. gov Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau P.O. Box 4503 Iowa City, Iowa 52244 (855) 411-2372 www.consumerfinance.gov DATE: 01/05/2015 Susan A. Orecchio, Public Trustee in and for the County of Adams, State of Colorado By: Susan A. Orecchio, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Jolene Kaminski #46144 Medved Dale Decker & Deere, LLC 355 Union Blvd.,, Suite 250, Lakewood, CO 80228 (303) 274-0155 Attorney File # 14-945-28103 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 20, BLOCK 2, EXCEPT THE SOUTH 5 FEET THEREOF; GRIPPS RESUBDIVISION OF PLOTS7, 8 AND 9 DERBY GARDENS, COUNTY OF ADAMS, STATE OF COLORADO n see TRUSTEE page 15 www.commercecitysentinel.comTuesday, TRUSTEE from page 14 COMBINED NOTICE RESTART PUBLICATION CRS §3838-109(2)(b)(II) FORECLOSURE SALE NO. A201474640 Republished to restart foreclosure stayed by bankruptcy and reset sale date. To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On January 8, 2015, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Adams records. Original Grantor(s) Jose M Hernandez Original Beneficiary(ies) LONG BEACH MORTGAGE COMPANY Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee, in trust for registered Holders of Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-1, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2006-1 Date of Deed of Trust November 17, 2005 County of Recording Adams Recording Date of Deed of Trust December 02, 2005 Recording Information (Reception No. and/or Book/Page No.) 20051202001323350 Original Principal Amount $126,400.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $126,523.62 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4) (i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 6, BLOCK 9, CARNATION MEADOWS THIRD FILING, COUNTY OF ADAMS, STATE OF COLORADO. ***pursuant to Home Affordable Modification Agreement made effective on August 1, 2011 Also known by street and number as: 7421 Dexter Street, Commerce City, CO 80022. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 05/13/2015, at 4430 S. Adams County Pkwy, Suite W1000, Brighton CO 80601-8217, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. April 7, 2015 Commerce City Sentinel Express 15 TRUSTEE NOTICES First Publication 3/17/2015 Last Publication 4/14/2015 Name of Publication Metro West (Commerce City Sentinel Express) together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. IF THE BORROWER BELIEVES THAT A LENDER OR SERVICER HAS VIOLATED THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT IN SECTION 38-38-103.1 OR THE PROHIBITION ON DUAL TRACKING IN SECTION 3838-103.2, THE BORROWER MAY FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE COLORADO ATTORNEY GENERAL, THE FEDERAL CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU (CFPB), OR BOTH. THE FILING OF A COMPLAINT WILL NOT STOP THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. LOT 8, BLOCK 4, BUCKLEY RANCH SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF ADAMS, STATE OF COLORADO Also known by street and number as: 10235 NORFOLK STREET, COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE COMBINED NOTICE RESTART - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-109(2)(b)(II) FORECLOSURE SALE NO. A201474386 other violations thereof. Republished to restart foreclosure stayed by bankruptcy and reset sale date. To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: REQUIREMENTS FOR A SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT IN SECTION 38-38-103.1 OR THE PROHIBITION ON DUAL TRACKING IN SECTION 38-38-103.2, THE BORROWER MAY FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE COLORADO ATTORNEY GENERAL, THE FEDERAL CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU (CFPB), OR BOTH. THE FILING OF A COMPLAINT WILL NOT STOP THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. On January 26, 2015, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Adams records. Colorado Attorney General 1300 Broadway, 10th Floor Denver, Colorado 80203 (800) 222-4444 www.coloradoattorneygeneral. gov THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. Original Grantor(s) Angie Chacon, Susana Chacon, and Angel Chacon Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau P.O. Box 4503 Iowa City, Iowa 52244 (855) 411-2372 www.consumerfinance.gov The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. Original Beneficiary(ies) COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 05/20/2015, at 4430 S. Adams County Pkwy, Suite W1000, Brighton CO 80601-8217, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. Date of Deed of Trust May 28, 1998 The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Jolene Kaminski #46144 Medved Dale Decker & Deere, LLC 355 Union Blvd.,, Suite 250, Lakewood, CO 80228 (303) 274-0155 Attorney File # 14-922-27871 First Publication 3/24/2015 Last Publication 4/21/2015 Name of Publication Metro West (Commerce City Sentinel Express) Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4) (i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. IF THE BORROWER BELIEVES THAT A LENDER OR SERVICER HAS VIOLATED THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT IN SECTION 38-38-103.1 OR THE PROHIBITION ON DUAL TRACKING IN SECTION 3838-103.2, THE BORROWER MAY FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE COLORADO ATTORNEY GENERAL, THE FEDERAL CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU (CFPB), OR BOTH. THE FILING OF A COMPLAINT WILL NOT STOP THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. Colorado Attorney General 1300 Broadway, 10th Floor Denver, Colorado 80203 (800) 222-4444 www.coloradoattorneygeneral. gov Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau P.O. Box 4503 Iowa City, Iowa 52244 (855) 411-2372 www.consumerfinance.gov DATE: 01/08/2015 Susan A. Orecchio, Public Trustee in and for the County of Adams, State of Colorado By: Susan A. Orecchio, Public Trustee COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §3838-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. A201575266 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On January 15, 2015, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Adams records. Original Grantor(s) STEPHEN MICHAEL KLIGGE Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR DHI MORTGAGE COMPANY, LTD. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC Date of Deed of Trust July 23, 2013 County of Recording Adams Recording Date of Deed of Trust July 23, 2013 Recording Information (Reception No. and/or Book/Page No.) 2013000063427 Original Principal Amount $331,185.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $325,757.94 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4) (i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; Colorado Attorney General 1300 Broadway, 10th Floor Denver, Colorado 80203 (800) 222-4444 www.coloradoattorneygeneral. gov Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau P.O. Box 4503 Iowa City, Iowa 52244 (855) 411-2372 www.consumerfinance.gov DATE: 01/15/2015 Susan A. Orecchio, Public Trustee in and for the County of Adams, State of Colorado By: Susan A. Orecchio Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Eve M. Grina #43658 Janeway Law Firm PC 9800 S. Meridian Blvd., #400, Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 706-9990 Attorney File # 14-005723 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. County of Recording Adams Recording Date of Deed of Trust June 10, 1998 Recording Information (Reception No. and/or Book/Page No.) C0407152 Book: 5361 Page: 714 Original Principal Amount $103,272.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $77,502.65 THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THE SOUTH 66 FEET OF THE NORTH 132 FEET OF THE WEST 130 FEET OF THE EAST 276 FEET OF BLOCK 2, ADAMS CITY GARDENS, COUNTY OF ADAMS, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 7080 Dexter Street, Commerce City, CO 80022-1833. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 05/27/2015, at 4430 S. Adams County Pkwy, Suite W1000, Brighton CO 80601-8217, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 3/31/2015 Last Publication 4/28/2015 Name of Publication Metro West (Commerce City Sentinel Express) IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; IF THE BORROWER BELIEVES THAT A LENDER OR SERVICER HAS VIOLATED THE DATE: 01/26/2015 Susan A. Orecchio, Public Trustee in and for the County of Adams, State of Colorado By: Susan A. Orecchio Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: David R. Doughty #40042 Janeway Law Firm PC 9800 S. Meridian Blvd., #400, Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 706-9990 Attorney File # 14-001782 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. A201575270 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On January 22, 2015, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Adams records. Original Grantor(s) MICHAEL BROUSSARD MANDY BROUSSARD AND Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., ACTING SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR LENDER, SEBRING CAPITAL PARTNERS, LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Current Holder of Evidence of Debt U.S. BANK NA, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE TO BANK OF AMERICA, NA, SUCESSOR IN INTEREST TO LASALLE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, ON BEHALF OF THE REGISTERED HOLDERS OF BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES I LLC, ASSETBACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-HE3 Date of Deed of Trust November 15, 2004 County of Recording Adams Recording Date of Deed of Trust November 19, 2004 Recording Information (Reception No. and/or Book/Page No.) 20041119001176610 Original Principal Amount $225,900.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $199,793.45 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4) (i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 11, BLOCK 18, FRONTERRA VILLAGE FILING NO. 1, COUNTY OF ADAMS, STATE OF COLORADO Also known by street and number as: 15847 E 99TH PLACE, COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 05/27/2015, at 4430 S. Adams County Pkwy, Suite W1000, Brighton CO 80601-8217, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 3/31/2015 Last Publication 4/28/2015 Name of Publication Metro West (Commerce City Sentinel Express) IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; IF THE BORROWER BELIEVES THAT A LENDER OR SERVICER HAS VIOLATED THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT IN SECTION 38-38-103.1 OR THE PROHIBITION ON DUAL TRACKING IN SECTION 38-38-103.2, THE BORROWER MAY FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE COLORADO ATTORNEY GENERAL, THE FEDERAL CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU (CFPB), OR BOTH. THE FILING OF A COMPLAINT WILL NOT STOP THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. Colorado Attorney General 1300 Broadway, 10th Floor Denver, Colorado 80203 (800) 222-4444 www.coloradoattorneygeneral. gov Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau P.O. Box 4503 Iowa City, Iowa 52244 (855) 411-2372 www.consumerfinance.gov DATE: 01/22/2015 Susan A. Orecchio, Public Trustee in and for the County of Adams, State of Colorado By: Susan A. Orecchio Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Jolene Kaminski #46144 Medved Dale Decker & Deere, LLC 355 Union Blvd., Suite 250, Lakewood, CO 80228 (303) 274-0155 Attorney File # 15-922-28140 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. n see TRUSTEE page 16 16 Commerce City Sentinel Express Tuesday, April 7, 2015 LEGAL from page 15 COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. A201475024 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On October 20, 2014, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Adams records. Original Grantor(s) Aberdeen Investors, Inc. Original Beneficiary(ies) First Community Bank Current Holder of Evidence of Debt UDBNA, LLC Date of Deed of Trust March 23, 2007 County of Recording Adams Recording Date of Deed of Trust March 30, 2007 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2007000032576 Original Principal Amount $2,500,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $2,500,000.00 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4) (i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: Parcel 1: that part of the northwest 1/4 of section 12, township 2 south, range 67 west of the 6th principal meridian, lying south and east of the o’brian canal and lying north and west of the right of way line of the Chicago, Burlington & quincy railroad, except the following described tract: beginning at the north quarter corner of said section; thence south 00°36’ west 1,200 feet along the north-south centerline of said section to the true point of beginning; thence south 00°36’ west 329.90 feet along said north-south centerline; thence north 86°12’ west 522.9 feet; thence north 00°38’ west 420 feet; thence south 86°24’ east 601.8 feet, to the true point of beginning, county of adams, state of Colorado. Parcel 2: that part of the southwest 1/4 of section 12, township 2 south, range 67 west of the 6th principal meridian, described as follows: beginning at the intersection of the southerly right of way line of the o’brian canal and the easterly line of the county road, said point of beginning being 30.0 feet east and 55.0 feet south of the northwest corner of said southwest 1/2; thence south along the east line of said county road to the northwesterly right of way line of the Chicago, Burlington & quincy railroad; thence north 41°35’ east, along said northwesterly right of way line to the north line of said southwest 1/4; thence west along said north line, 1,146 feet to the southerly www.commercecitysentinel.com TRUSTEE NOTICES Or southeasterly right of way line of the o’brian canal; thence westerly or southwesterly along said right of way line, 500 feet to the point of beginning, except that portion described in book 2870 at page 508. note: the parcel described in the deed from d m & h cattle co., ltd., a partnership to adams county, recorded may 9, 1984, in book 2870 at page 508 is as follows, beginning at the northwest corner of said section 12; thence south 00°11’00” west along the west line of said section 12, a distance of 2,986.35 feet; thence south 89°49’00” east a distance of 30 feet to the true point of beginning; thence north 00°11’00” east a distance of 284 feet to the southerly right of way line of the o’brian canal; thence south 89°49’00” east along said southerly right of way line a distance of 10 feet; thence south 00°11’00” west a distance of 284 feet; thence north 89°49’00” west a distance of 10 feet to the true point of beginning, county of adams, state of Colorado. parcel 3: that portion of the northwest 1/4 of section 12, township 2 south, range 67 west of the 6th principal meridian, more particularly described as follows: beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the o’brian canal and the north line of said northwest 1/4 of section 12; thence southerly and southwesterly along the centerline of said o’brian canal to the intersection of said centerline of the east right of way line of the county road; thence north 00°11’ east along said east right of way line 875 feet; to the intersection of said east right of way line with the southeasterly right of way line of Colorado state highway no. 6; thence north 04°31’ east along the easterly right of way line of said colorado state highway 700.0 feet; thence north 54°51’30” east along the southeasterly right of way line of said Colorado state highway, 1812.6 feet, to the north line of said northwest 1/4; thence south 89°35’30” east 652.9 feet, to the point of beginning; except that part thereof lying within the right of way for the o’brian canal and except existing county roads and except that portion described in book 2870 at page 508. note: the parcel described in the deed from d m & h cattle co., ltd., a partnership to adams county, recorded may 9 1984, in book 2870 at page 508 is as follows: beginning at the northwest corner if said section 12; thence south 00°11’00” west along the west line of said section 12 a distance of 2,090.35 feet; thence south 89°49’00” east a distance of 30 feet, to the true point of beginning; thence south 00°11’00” west a distance of 492 feet to the northerly right of way line of the o’brian canal; thence south 89°49’00” east along said northerly right of way line a distance of 30 feet; thence north 00°11’00” east a distance of 142 feet; thence north 11°07’36” west a distance of 101.94 feet; thence north 00°11’00” east a distance of 250 feet; thence north 89°49’00” west a distance of 10 feet to the true point of beginning, county of adams, state of Colorado. parcel 4: that part of the southwest 1/4 of section 1, township 2 south, range 67 west of the 6th principal meridian, described as follows: beginning at the south one-quarter corner of said section 1; thence north 89°35’30” west on an assumed bearing along the south line of said south 1/4 of section 1, a distance of 292.35 feet to a point on the easterly right of way line of the o’brian canal; thence north 06°20’00” west along said easterly right of way line, a distance of 44.73 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right, the delta of said curve is 46°15’00”, the radius of said curve is 579.562 feet, the chord of said curve bears north 16°47’31” east, 455.23 feet; thence along the arc of said curve and easterly right of way line, a distance of 467.83 feet to the end of said curve, said end being the beginning of a curve to the right, the delta of said curve is 26°59’11”, the radius of said curve Is 437.465 feet, the chord of said curve bears north 55°24’24” east, 204.15 feet; thence along the arc of said curve and easterly right of way line, a distance of 206.05 feet to a point on the east line southwest 1/4 of section 1; thence south 00°10’30” east, along said east line a distance of 604.05 feet to the point of beginning, and all of that part of the southwest 1/4 of section 1, township 2 south, range 67 west of the 6th principal meridian, lying west of the o’brian canal right of way and south of the i-76 right of way line, except existing county roads and highways, county of adams, state of Colorado parcel 5: that part of the southeast 1/4 of section 1, township 2 south, range 67 west of the 6th principal meridian, lying south of the o’brian canal and lying north and west of the northwesterly line of the Chicago, Burlington and quincy railroad right-of-way, county of adams, state of Colorado parcel 6: that part of the northwest 1/4 of section 12, township 2 south, range 67 west of the 6th principal meridian, more particularly described as follows: beginning at the north quarter corner of said section 12; thence south 00°36’ west, 1,200.0 feet along the north-south centerline of said section 12 to the true point of beginning; thence south 00°36’ west, 329.9 feet along said north-south centerline; thence north 86°12’ west, 522.9 feet; thence north 00°38’ east, 420 feet; south 86°24’ east, 601.8 feet more or less to the true point of beginning, county of adams, state of Colorado parcel 7: that portion of the northeast 1/4 of section 12, township 2 south, range 67 west of the 6th principal meridian, lying north and west of the northwesterly boundary line of the right-of-way of the Chicago, Burlington and quincy railroad company, more particularly described as follows: parcel 7-a: beginning at a point on the easterly line of Peoria street (variable width), and the intersection of the northerly line of the o’brian canal, from which the west 1/4 corner of said section 12 bears south 44°03’13” west a distance of 86.30 feet. thence north 00°00’17” east, along said easterly line a distance of 142.00 feet to a point; thence north 11°18’19” west a distance of 101.98 feet to a point; thence north 00°00’17” east, a distance of 250.00 feet to a point; thence north 89°59’43” west a distance of 15.00 feet to a point; thence north 00°00’17” east, a distance of 338.13 feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of u.s. interstate i-76; thence the following two (2) courses along said southerly line: 1.) north 04°20’49” east, a distance of 700.00 feet, to a point; 2.) north 54°40’15” east, a distance of 2820.57 feet to the intersection of the northerly line of the o’brian canal; thence the following thirteen (13) courses along said northerly line: 1.) 2.83 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, containing a radius of 557.47 feet, an interior angle of 00°17’28”, and a chord of 2.83 feet which bears south 39°55’16” west, to a point of compound curvature; 2.) 564.70 feet along the arc of said curve to the left containing a radius of 699.56 feet and an interior angle of 46°15’02” to a point; 3.) south 06°28’29 east a distance of 507.27 feet to a point of curvature; 4.) 733.67 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, containing a radius of 540.00 feet, an interior angle of 77°50’42”, to a point of compound curvature; 5.) 166.99 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, containing a radius of 690.00 feet, an interior angle of 13°51’58”, to a point of compound curvature; 6.) 151.44 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, containing a radius of 415.00 feet, an interior angle of 20°54’32”, to a point; 7.) north 73°51’18” west, a distance of 219.06 feet to a point of curvature; 8.) 693.35 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, containing a radius of 860.00 feet, an interior angle of 46°11’34” to a point; 9.) south 59°57’07” west, a distance of 452.63 feet to a point of curvature; 10.) 572.17 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, containing a radius of 360.00 feet, an interior angle of 91°03’50” to a point; 11.) south 31°06’42” east, a distance of 559.66 feet to a point of curvature; 12.) 433.35 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, containing a radius of 205.00 feet, an interior angle of 121°06’59” to a point; 13.) north 89°59’43” west, a distance of 253.88 feet to the point of beginning, county of adams, state of Colorado. note: the above parcel 7-a, includes: tract c, Aberdeen subdivision filing no. 1, county of adams, state of Colorado. parcel 7-b: beginning at a point on the easterly line of Peoria (30 feet wide) and the intersection of the northerly right of way of the cb&q right of way, from which the southeast corner of said section 12 bears south 02°13’27” west a distance of 774.23 feet. thence north 00°00’13” east, along said easterly line a distance of 1608.99 feet to a point; thence south 89°59’44” east a distance of 10.00 feet to a point; thence north 00°00’16” east, a distance of 204.00 feet to a point on the southerly line of o’brian canal, thence the following nineteen (19) courses along said southerly line: 1.) south 89°59’43” east, a distance of 273.88 feet to a point of curvature; 2.) 687.01 feet along the arc of said curve to the left, containing a radius of 325.00 feet and an interior angle of 121°06’59” to a point; 3.) north 31°06’42” west, a distance of 559.66 feet to a point of curvature; 4.) 381.45 feet along the arc of said curve to the right, containing a radius of 240.00 feet and an interior angle of 91°03’50” to a point; 5.) north 59°57’07” east, a distance of 452.63 feet to a point of curvature; 6.) 596.60 feet along the arc of said curve to the right, containing a radius of 740.00 feet and an interior angle of 46°11’34” to a point; 7.) south 73°51’18” east, a distance of 219.06 feet to a point of curvature; 8.) 195.24 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, containing a radius of 535.00 feet and an interior angle of 20°54’32” to a point of compound curvature; 9.) 196.03 feet along the arc of said curve to the left, containing a radius of 810.00 feet and an interior angle of 13°51’58” to a point of compound curvature; 10.) 896.71 feet along the arc of said curve to the left, containing a radius of 660.00 feet and an interior angle of 77°50’42” to a point; 11). north 06°28’29” west, a distance of 507.27 feet to a point of curvature; 12.) 467.84 feet along the arc of said curve to the right, containing a radius of 579.56 feet and an interior angle of 46°15’02” to a point of compound curvature; 13.) 356.53 feet along the arc of said curve to the right, containing a radius of 437.47 feet and an interior angle of 46°41’43” to appoint of compound curvature; 14.) 247.81 feet along the arc of said curve to the right, containing a radius of 350.00 feet and an interior angle of 40°33’59”, to a point; 15). south 52°57’45” east, a distance of 204.64 feet, to a point of curvature; 16.) 528.64 feet along the arc of said curve to the left, containing a radius of 350.00 feet and an interior angle of 86°32’20” to a point; 17.) north 40°29’54” east, a distance of 309.51 feet to a point of curvature; 18.) 421.98 feet along the arc of said curve to the right, containing a radius of 940.00 feet and an interior angle of 25°43’15” to a point; 19.) north 66°13’09” east, a distance of 1174.15 feet to a point on the east line of the northeast 1/4 said section 12; thence south 00°17’18” east, along said east line, a distance of 18.83 feet to a point on the northerly right of way line of the cb & q railroad; thence along said northerly line the following three (3) courses: of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. 1.) south 41°36’16” west, a distance of 5464.49 feet to a point on the north line of the southwest 1/4 of said section 12; 2.) north 89°35’41” east, a distance of 67.29 feet to a point; 3.) south 41°36’16” west, a distance of 2518.16 feet to the point of beginning, county of adams, state of Colorado To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 06/03/2015, at 4430 S. Adams County Pkwy, Suite W1000, Brighton CO 80601-8217, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 4/7/2015 Last Publication 5/5/2015 Name of Publication Metro West (Commerce City Sentinel Express) IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED. DATE: 10/20/2014 Susan A. Orecchio, Public Trustee in and for the County of Adams, State of Colorado By: Susan A. Orecchio Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Rogers & Stodden LLC 1415 Larimer St., #205, Denver, CO 80202 (303) 872-6446 Attorney File # F14-002 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. A201575283 On January 29, 2015, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Adams records. except that portion of the above parcel 7-b: Original Grantor(s) Enrique Fuentes and Laura Fuentes lot 1, block 3, Aberdeen subdivision filing, no. 1 county of adams, state of Colorado. Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for American Home Mortgage Acceptance, Inc. excepting therefrom that portion of the property identified in parcel 7-b of the legal description per foreclosure number a201373383 deeded on july 9, 2014 and recorded july 16, 2014 at reception 2014000046124 of adams county, state of Colorado. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as Trustee for Residential Accredit Loans, Inc., Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-QS15 excepting therefrom that portion of the property identified in parcel 7-a as: tract c, Aberdeen subdivision filing no. 1, county of adams, state of Colorado ***Modification of Deed of Trust recorded April 25, 2008 at Reception No. 2008000033218* Also known by street and number as: . THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence Date of Deed of Trust July 26, 2005 County of Recording Adams Recording Date of Deed of Trust August 04, 2005 Recording Information (Reception No. and/or Book/Page No.) 20050804000830140 Original Principal Amount $152,800.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $141,321.41 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), n see TRUSTEE page 17 www.commercecitysentinel.comTuesday, Commerce City Sentinel Express 17 April 7, 2015 LOCAL SENTENCING from page 3 Esparza initially was charged as a juvenile and the case was transferred to District Court. She pleaded guilty as part of an agreement in which she pleaded guilty as an adult but would be sentenced as a juvenile. “This is an unbelievable tragedy,” Senior Deputy District Attorney Tariq Sheikh told the court. “Nothing can bring Gary Melillo back. It is amazing how many lives have been changed forever based on a couple of hours of bad decisions.” “This tragic case illustrates all too well the dangers of teenagers drinking and driving. An innocent man lost his life because of Samantha Esparza’s actions. I hope this case sends a message to the community about the terrible consequences of drinking and driving.” District Attorney Dave Young District Judge Katherine Delgado rejected a sentence to a juvenile detention center with probation, saying that www.commercecitysentinel.com trustee from page 16 you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THE NORTH 1 FEET OF LOT 12 AND ALL OF LOT 11, EXCEPT THE NORTH 1 FEET THEREOF, BLOCK 2, AURORA VISA SUBDIVISION, FIRST FILING, COUNTY OF ADAMS, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 2398 Fraser Way, Aurora, CO 80011. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 06/03/2015, at 4430 S. Adams County Pkwy, Suite W1000, Brighton CO 80601-8217, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 4/7/2015 Last Publication 5/5/2015 Name of Publication Metro West (Commerce City Sentinel Express) IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; IF THE BORROWER BELIEVES THAT A LENDER OR SERVICER HAS VIOLATED THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT IN SECTION 38-38103.1 OR THE PROHIBITION ON DUAL TRACKING IN SECTION 3838-103.2, THE BORROWER MAY the case was so serious that a punitive sentence was required. Delgado said Esparza’s actions driving drunk and being distracted in the vehicle were a “deadly combination.” The judge said she was deeply troubled to learn that Esparza’s mother knew she was driving without a license and that her father two weeks ago was arrested for DUI “while his daughter faced sentencing for vehicular homicide.” “This tragic case illustrates all too well the dangers of teenagers drinking and driving,” said District Attorney Dave Young. “An innocent man lost his life because of Samantha Esparza’s actions. I hope this case sends a message to the community about the terrible consequences of drinking and driving.” tuesday, april 7, 2015 commerce city sentinel express 17 TrusTee/LegaL NoTices FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE COLORADO ATTORNEY GENERAL, THE FEDERAL CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU (CFPB), OR BOTH. THE FILING OF A COMPLAINT WILL NOT STOP THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. Colorado Attorney General 1300 Broadway, 10th Floor Denver, Colorado 80203 (800) 222-4444 www.coloradoattorneygeneral.gov Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau P.O. Box 4503 Iowa City, Iowa 52244 (855) 411-2372 www.consumerfinance.gov DATE: 01/29/2015 Susan A. Orecchio, Public Trustee in and for the County of Adams, State of Colorado By: Susan A. Orecchio Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: David A. Shore #19973 Hellerstein and Shore PC 5347 S. Valentia Way, Suite 100, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 (303) 573-1080 Attorney File # 14-01164SH The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. A201575287 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On February 2, 2015, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Adams records. Original Grantor(s) Wayne R. Young Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Date of Deed of Trust July 08, 2003 County of Recording Adams Recording Date of Deed of Trust July 11, 2003 Recording Information (Reception No. and/or Book/Page No.) C1174085 Original Principal Amount $165,404.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $130,062.64 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4) (i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 20, EXCEPT THE SOUTH 10 FEET THEREOF, BLOCK 1, AMENDED PLAT BOWEN SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF ADAMS, STATE OF COLORADO. ***ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED ON MARCH 29, 2013 AT RECEPTION NO. 2013000026860*** Also known by street and number as: 6645 East 56th Avenue, Commerce City, CO 80022. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 06/03/2015, at 4430 S. Adams County Pkwy, Suite W1000, Brighton CO 80601-8217, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 4/7/2015 Last Publication 5/5/2015 Name of Publication Metro West (Commerce City Sentinel Express) IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; IF THE BORROWER BELIEVES THAT A LENDER OR SERVICER HAS VIOLATED THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT IN SECTION 38-38103.1 OR THE PROHIBITION ON DUAL TRACKING IN SECTION 3838-103.2, THE BORROWER MAY FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE COLORADO ATTORNEY GENERAL, THE FEDERAL CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU (CFPB), OR BOTH. THE FILING OF A COMPLAINT WILL NOT STOP THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. Colorado Attorney General 1300 Broadway, 10th Floor Denver, Colorado 80203 (800) 222-4444 www.coloradoattorneygeneral.gov Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau P.O. Box 4503 Iowa City, Iowa 52244 (855) 411-2372 www.consumerfinance.gov DATE: 02/02/2015 Susan A. Orecchio, Public Trustee in and for the County of Adams, State of Colorado By: Susan A. Orecchio, Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Scott D. Toebben #19011 Randall S. Miller & Associates, P.C. 216 16th Street, Ste 1210, DENVER, CO 80202 (720) 259-6710 Attorney File # 14CO01156-1 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. LegaL Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Victoria Lynn Baessler f/k/a Anderson, Deceased, Case Number 2015 PR 030023 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to District Court of Adams County, Colorado on or before July 31, 2015, or the claims may be forever barred. Respectfully Submitted, ANTILL LAW FIRM, LLC /s/ M.T. Antill Maria T. Antill, Reg. No. 24778 Counsel for Personal Representative Personal Representative: Carl Alfred Baessler, III 2341 Iola Street, Aurora, Colorado 80010 Cell: 303/349-6505; Work: 303/289-2969 Email: [email protected] Published in the Commerce City Sentinel Express March 31, April 7 and 14, 2015 NOTICE- Tri-County Auto Recovery LLC will sell the following: 2010 Dodge Charger vin#108512, 2007 Pontiac G6 vin#217462, 2002 Hyundai Sante Fe vin#239551, 2000 Nissan Altima vin#162825, 1999 Nissan Maxima vin#417160, 1999 Chyrsler Sebring vin#563015, 1999 Toyota Corolla vin#143460, 1999 Lexus RX300 vin#066884, 1999 Ford Taurus vin#203629, 1996 Chevy PU 1500 vin#146146, 1995 Ford Winstar vin#C29457, 1995 Saturn SL vin#213714, 1994 Honda Civic vin#032056, 1990 Toyota 4runner vin#002709, 1985 Honda Accord vin#088943, 1970 Lincoln Continental vin#849433, 1972 Chevy Monte Carlo vin#621808 Call 720-298-7466 Published in the Commerce City Sentinel Express April 7, 2015 ADAMS COUNTY COLORADO NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND REQUEST FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS ADAMS COUNTY’S 2015 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG), HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ACT (HOME) AND EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT (ESG) FUNDS & 5-YEAR CONSOLIDATED PLAN 2015-2019 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Comment period runs until Tuesday, May 11, 2015 at 4:30 p.m. Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. in the Public Hearing Room of Adams County Government Center, located at 4430 S. Adams County Parkway Brighton, CO 80601 in order to obtain opinions of citizens, public agencies, and other interested parties on the County’s 2015 Annual Action Plan for CDBG, HOME, and ESG Funds and the 5-Year Consolidated Plan 2015-2019 for the following jurisdictions: Unincorporated Adams County Town of Bennett City of Brighton City of Commerce City City of Federal Heights City of Northglenn City of Thornton City of Westminster The County will provide for and encourage citizen participation, emphasizing the involvement of moderate, low, very low, and extremely low income residents in areas where housing and community development funds may be spent. The 2015 Annual Action Plan describes projects to be funded by 2015 Community CDBG, HOME and ESG monies received by the County from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The following project categories will be submitted for funding in 2015: CDBG: Housing Rehabilitation Administration Public Facilities Public Infrastructure Public Services Code Enforcement Slums and Blight HOME: Community Housing Development Organizations Housing Development Affordable Housing First Time Homebuyers Program – Down-payment Assistance Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program Administration The 5-Year Consolidated Plan 2015-2019 contains Housing and Community Development needs and priorities. Local housing projects must be consistent with the direction of this plan. Please contact the County’s Community Development staff at least 48 hours in advance if you would like to request translation services or need special accommodations for these public hearings, as well as written documents. The full text of the draft plans for the 2015 Annual Action Plan and the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan will be available for review on the County’s website www.adcogov. org/ConsolidatedPlan and at: Adams County Community Development 4430 S. Adams County Parkway Brighton, CO 80601 Phone: 720-523-6200 [email protected] Para más información, llame al 720-523-6200. Written comments will be accepted until Tuesday, May 11, 2015. Please send comments to Joelle S. Greenland, Community Development Manager, noted on the contact information above. Comments will be attached to the 2015 Annual Action Plan and 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan, as required by HUD. Published in the Commerce City Sentinel Express and Brighton Standard Blade April 7 & 8, 2015 LegaLs...Your right to know 18 COMMERCE CITY SENTINEL EXPRESS TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 WWW.COMMERCECITYSENTINEL.COM CLASSIFIEDS COMMERCE CITY SENTINE EXPRESS CLASSIFIED AD SALES 303-659-2522 • Ext. 200 Se Habla Español classifi[email protected] One call and your ad reaches more than 30,000 homes in Brighton, Henderson, Commerce City, Fort Lupton, Frederick, Firestone, Dacono, Lochbuie, Hudson, Roggen and Keenesburg. Reach us by phone, fax,or e-mail • 303-659-2522, ext. 200 • 303-637-7955 - fax • [email protected] DEADLINES C LASSIFIED L INE A DS : M ONDAY, 10 A . M . • C LASSIFIED D ISPLAY : FRIDAY, NOON • L EGALS : FRIDAY, NOON 490 Auctions ROCKY MOUNTAIN SERVICE Employment Redevelopment (RMSER) a non‑profit organization is accept‑ ing bids on providing the services to families and children ages 6 weeks old to 6 years old in the Migrant & Seasonal Head Start program from June to September in Brighton. • Meals (Breakfast, Lunch, PM snack) must follow CACFP requirements • Medical Services • Dental Services • Transportation services to and from child’s home address • Disabilities Services • Mental Health Services • Nurse Consultant • Mental Health Consultant Deadline for proposal is April 15, 2015 submit proposal to [email protected] Question pertaining to the services may be directed to Leticia Galindo at 970‑352‑9780 or [email protected]. Lost! Large female black & white cat. Lost in vicinity of 136th Ave. R E W A R D ! 303‑659‑1745 New 16k 5th‑wheel hitch, $649; New Heavy steel rv‑slide drawer $269.97 303‑503.9162 2000 Camper Trailer, 24 ft. Sleeps 5, a i r / h e a t , bath/shower/full kit./microwave. $8000. 720‑685‑0190. Fertilization, aeration power rake special, $85 up to 3,000 sq. ft. Give Isacc a call 720‑569‑8774. MUST MOVE! Free to good home. 3 cats, 2‑females, 1‑male, all spayed & neutered looking for new home.. Barn situation ideal Food & acces‑ sories in cluded. Must go together! 303‑288‑9130 BEE POLLINATION SERVICES Hives on mobile trailer, organic farmers preferred. N e g o t i a b l e . Text or phone Don at 954‑279‑8541 1998 Diamond trailer , asking $1000 720‑305‑6769 DRIVE WITH CARE WE ARE OUT THERE 490 Auctions ADAMS/MORGAN COUNTY LINE FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION Thursday, April 9, 2015 - 1:30 pm, MT Reck Agri Auction Center - Sterling, CO The following farm equipment to be offered for sale by virtual photo following the Adams/Morgan Cty Line Dryland Auction at the Reck Agri Auction Center. Equipment to be sold no earlier than 1:30 p.m., MT. Equipment will be available for inspection prior to the auction at the Reck Agri Auction Center, 535 E Chestnut, Sterling, CO. All items shedded by current owner. 2002 CAT 65E: (new "rounded" body style) ~5750 hours, NEW (not retread) tracks (250 hrs) bareback, trimble autosteer 2007 JOHN DEERE 1890/1910 AIR CART AND DRILL: 41.5 feet wide, 10" spacing disc opener, ~20,000 acres total, 3,500 +/- acres on new discs & bearings, two medium (black) roller meters for wheat and fertilizer & one small (yellow) roller meter for millet, hydraulic calibration, brown box 490 Auctions 490 Auctions ADAMS/MORGAN COUNTY LINE DRYLAND AUCTION - WITH RESERVE MILLWRIGHT JOB DESCRIPTION: e r e c ti o n and d i s m a n t e l i n g of ready mix batch plants. Also, perform preventative mainte‑ nance and repairs on ready mix batch plant equipment as needed. Thursday, April 9, 2015 - 10:30 am, MT Reck Agri Auction Center - Sterling, CO 2,634 +/- Total Ac Dryland Adams County, CO • 2,602 +/- ac Dryland • From Ft Morgan, CO, 17 mi S, 3 mi E • Growing wheat crop to buyer • Owned minerals to buyer • Possession of stubble • Primarily Class III w/areas upon closing of Class IV soils • Above average NO TILL • Level, productive, & in farming operation excellent condition • Offered in 6 parcels, • Currently farmed in 2 combos & single unit 3 crop rotation Sellers Note: The line of equipment used to farm the property being sold will be offered for sale after the land auction. Equipment may be inspected at Reck Agri Auction Center at 535 E. Chestnut, Sterling, CO. Go to www.reckagri.com for complete listing of equipment. Applicants must be have a valid drivers license. Job requires travel in and out of state. For Further Information: Marc Reck, Broker or Troy Vogel, Broker Associate visit: www.reckagri.com 970-522-7770 or 1-800-748-2589 Must be able to weld and be able to use basic machin‑ ing equip ment. Must have working knowledge of basic electrical, mechanical, hydraulic and p n e u m a t i c systems, as well as use of all shop equipment. Please call 303‑619‑9587 or fax resume to 303‑287‑8052 and SaleS 2007 INTERNATIONAL NAVISTAR 4300 TRUCK: 260,000 miles, original paint, 38,000# single axle, 2012 Parkway grain box w/hoise & rollover tarp, double frame 2012 EZ TRAIL 350 BUSHEL GRAVITY WAGON 2012 THUNDER CREEK 500 GALLON FUEL TRAILER 2012 JOHN DEERE 855D DIESEL GATOR: 35 hours *For auction terms and conditions, equipment pictures, and terms of online bidding, see www.reckagri.com. For Further Information: AdAms COunty fAirgrOunds Brighton, CO April 25th @ 10 a.m. Memorabilia 9 a.m. Preview 8 a.m. General Adm. $10 To buy or sell call 970-266-9561 www.saaasinc.com Marc Reck, Broker or Troy Vogel, Broker Associate For a Color Brochure, Visual Tour & Online Bidding: visit: www.reckagri.com 970-522-7770 or 1-800-748-2589 Keown Farm Disp auction sat., april 18th, 2015 - 9:00 am 10234 Dillon Rd, Broomfield, CO Seller: “Denver” Dave 303-475-1131 Go to: www.linneburauctions.com to view directions, terms of sale, complete detailed listing and pictures! 7-Tractors (2- 09’ Kubota M95X, 76’ JD 4630 & 4430, 73’ JD 4030, 69’ Oliver 2150, 67’ Oliver 1950T); Field Ready Farm & Hay Equip; Trls; Bins; Bldgs; Atv’s; Pks; Trks; Autos; Shop Equip; 16-Guns; Collectibles; HH; Furn; Oil Expeller & Seed De-Huller; Lots of Misc. Sale conducted by: Linnebur Auctions, Inc. Auctioneer: Steve Linnebur Byers, CO 303-822-9298 [email protected] www.linneburauctions.com Stop littering Prevent fires Keep Your Butt in the Car Full time cashier position available and part time feed warehouse opening now for this busy season. Apply in person to Brighton saddlery 370 N. Main. Background check and drug test may be required. Experience in horse and livestock industry preferred. 303-659-0721. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE. CALL 303-659-2522 fOR DETAILS. C H E M I C A L PACK AGER DPC IND.Hudson CO Hiring Full time employee to prep/fill cylinders, drums, totes, tankers. HS education or GED required. Entry level or expirienced. M‑F dayshift. Must be able to pass pre employ‑ ment testing, drug screen, physical exam. Wages depend on expirence, full benifits, 401K, dental, Health send resume to r m c l a m b @ dxgroup.com or call 303‑536‑4000 to come in to fill out an application. DeDicateD team Run! Home Weekly! Like running team but need more predictability? arten Transport is looking for a team to run between Phoenix and Denver. Top Equipment & Excellent Benefits! Must have a CDL-A & 1yr. OTR Exp. EEOE/AAP. CREW MEMBER HARD working people needed for outdoor event l a b o r. $12‑$14/hr plus overtime. Fax interest to Alisa 303‑287‑4193 Call Today! 800-395-3331 or apply online www.drive4marten.com EXP. Groomer Wanted. 5yrs exp req’d. Refs req’d. 303.835.2566 Full & PT group leader position avail. Must be group leader qualified. ABC Learning Center 303‑659‑0360 Kennel help needed. Evenings from 8:30‑10:30 pm, Sat. ‑Wed. Near Firestone. Call 303‑772‑3129. PERSONAL CARE WORKER Personal Care Workers needed to provide personal care and homemaking services for our elderly residents. Salary based on experience: Please call Marilyn or Lily at 303‑536‑4880. Commerce Citysentinel SentineleExpress xpress 23 19 commerce city www .com T uesday , Aarch pril 7, www..commercecitysentinel commercecitysentinel .com tuesday ,m 15,2015 2011 Service Directory lanDScaping ATTENTION JOB SEEKERS Elwood Staffing has the career opportunity for you! Thurs‑Fri 4/9 & 4/10 317 Elm St Lochbuie, 9am‑4pm Train lovers dream, pooltable w/accessories & much more Pay ranges from $10.00 to $18.00/hr. Direct Hire and Temp to hire positions • Wind turbine manufacturing • Production • Warehouse • Material Handler • Forklift operator • Railroad Trans loader • Oil and Gas water transfer • Logistics • Shipping and Receiving • Assembly • Clerical Positions are going fast, do not miss out! Apply TODAY at www.elwoodstaffing.com Brighton 303-857-2358 Unarmed SecUrity OfficerS Immediate openings with no experience necessary. After hours and weekends. Must pass background check, drug test, min. 18. Retirees & former military encouraged to apply. Apply online: Careers section at www.ussecurityassociates.com or email resumes to [email protected] NOTICE TO CREDITORS Case Number 15PR0050 Estate of Nelson B. Pickett, aka Nelson Bunte Pickett and Nelson Pickett Deceased, All persons having claims against the above‑named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to District Court of Adams County, Colorado on or before July 12, 2015, or the claims may be forever barred. Sharon SimpsonPO Box 1150 Avon, NC 27915 * Aeration * Power Raking * Sprinkler Repair * Cleanups * Weekly Lawn Care Jeff 303-210-1900 real eState $$ I BUY HOUSES $$ • I pay cash • I close fast • Any condition • I pay all closing costs BILL • 303-799-0759 remoDeling all Phase ConstruCtion • Custom Remodel • Handyman Work • Guaranteed • Over 20 years experience 303-637-0583 • 720-436-3195 149 N. Main St. (dowtown BRI.) Lg. nice, wide open, 2800 sq. ft. store. Price ne gotiable. Sharon 715‑302‑2973 Always Call Before You Dig 811 It’s that time of year! $20 GaraGe Sale KItS now available with ad purchase (4 line minimum). Gather up your things, set a date and give us a call. We’ll help you get the word out! 303-659-2522 One free, easy call gets your utility lines marked AND helps protect you from injury and expense. Puzzle solution BRIGHTON 15960 GREATROCK Rd. 4/10‑4/12. 8‑3pm. Moving!! Furniture, toys, tools, piano, organ, etc.303‑637‑0881 CLASSIFIEDS 303-659-2522 DRIVE WITH CARE WE ARE OUT THERE Stop littering Prevent fires Keep Your Butt In the Car SUDOKU SOLUTlON 20 Commerce City Sentinel Express Tuesday, April 7, 2015 www.commercecitysentinel.com LOCAL I N & A R O U N D A D A M S C O U N TY BRIEFS from page 3 a.m. to noon April 22 at RMBO’s Environmental Learning Center, 14500 Lark Bunting Lane at Barr Lake State Park. During the pro- BEST OF SPRING 28th Annual Arts & Crafts Bazaar April 18, 2015 Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. MORE THAN 100 BOOTHS, ENTERTAINMENT & FOOD VENDORS Gifts for all occasions Free Parking • $200 Admission, Kids 14 and under Free ADAMS COUNTY REGIONAL PARK & FAIRGROUNDS 9755 Henderson Road (Same as 124th Avenue) www.adamscountymuseum.com PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE ADAMS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY 303-659-7103 gram, families will engage in a variety of hands-on and service themed activities. The cost is $3 per child plus a $7 per vehicle state park entrance fee. Families can register online to reserve as spot on the RMBO website www.rmbo. org. Parents should include the names and ages of the children who will be participating in the event as well as their phone number and email address. For any questions, or to register by phone or email, contact School Programs Coordinator Emily Snode-Brenneman by calling 303-659-4348, ext. 11 or via email emily.snote-brenneman@ rmbo.org. RMBO’s homeschool programs are geared toward students ages four years or older. They compliment at-home lessons by engaging students through hands-on learning in a variety of outdoor locations. Sheriff’s Office looking into phone scam reports BRIGHTON — The Adams County Sheriff’s Office has received multiple complaints over the past several weeks about a phone scam. According to the sheriff’s office, the reports claim the scam involves the caller identifying himself as an Adams County Sheriff’s deputy, and then they tell the victim that they have a warrant for their arrest for missing a jury summons. The caller then advises the victim that the warrant can be cancelled, and a second court date will be scheduled if the victim purchases a third party transfer voucher or green dot card to pay off the fines. Those who have received the call say the caller sounds very convincing and provides the victim with a return phone number that, if the victim calls it back, goes to a recording meant to sound like an official Sheriff’s Office Winter is not over yet. Can you trust your furnace? Call for a FREE EVALUATION! recording. The Sheriff’s Office does not advise people of warrants or collect fines in this manner. The caller and the phone number they provide are not associated with the Adams County Sheriff’s Office in any way. The Sheriff’s Office is actively investigating these cases. People who believe they have received a call similar to this should report it to their local law enforcement agency. Local students named to Dean’s list at NW State NATCHITOCHES, L.A. — Two Commerce City students were among the 1,091 students at Northwestern State University who were named to the Dean’s List for the Fall 2014 semester. Whitney Cromartie and William Cromartie both achieved the acdemic distrinction. Students on the Dean’s List must be enrolled full time at Northwestern State and have a grade point average for the fall semester of between 3.5 and 3.99. Sandoval graduates Air Force basic training Air Force Airman Roman A. Sandoval graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Sandoval is the son of Candice Alexander and step-son of Esad Kasum, of Henderson. He is also the grandson of Rita Alexander, of Brighton. The airman is a 2014 graduate of Prairie View High School. Have news to share with us? Email it to [email protected]. Tired of waiting on an appliance repairman? Call us for SAME DAY SERVICE! (No trip charge if repairs are made) We service all major brands! · Rheem · Trane · Carrier · Lennox · GE · Many More If we can’t repair your HVAC system or water heater we can install a new one! CALL TODAY... We’ll be there TODAY! 303.366.1950 www.actioninchvac.com We have been servicing all major appliances for over 25 years. Award Winning Service CALL TODAY 303.366.1950 SEQ1
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