Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 417–425 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Electric Power Systems Research journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/epsr Parameter estimation of a transformer with saturation using inrush measurements S. Bogarra a , A. Font a , I. Candela a , J. Pedra b,∗ a b Department of Electrical Engineering, ETSEIT-UPC, Colom 1, 08222 Terrassa, Spain Department of Electrical Engineering, ETSEIB-UPC, Av. Diagonal 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 29 August 2007 Received in revised form 22 February 2008 Accepted 7 August 2008 Available online 30 September 2008 Keywords: Transformer modeling Parameter estimation Inrush current a b s t r a c t This paper presents a method to compute the parameters of a transformer model with saturation using the voltage and current waveforms of an inrush test and a no-load test. The transformer is modeled with their electric and magnetic equivalent circuits and a single-valued function that characterizes its non-linear magnetic behavior. A 3-kVA single-phase transformer and a 5-kVA three-phase three-legged transformer have been tested in the laboratory. The method to obtain the parameters of the non-linear flux–current relation that characterize the saturation has been described in the paper. The analytical function used to adjust the experimental measurements fits them very well. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Transformer modeling is an important subject in transient studies because an accurate representation of saturation curve is important for analyzing transformer energization and overvoltages caused by ferrorresonance [1,2]. The majority of the transformer models in the bibliography use many parameters to define the nonlinear magnetic circuit [3–5]. A simple model for a three-phase, two winding transformer with a three-legged iron-core is proposed in reference [6]. The equivalent circuit used is this paper is similar to that proposed in [6], but there are some differences between both circuits: the estimation of transformer saturation characteristics is realized from inrush test and no-load test, and the non-linear function that represents the iron core saturation is different. Standard tests usually do not drive transformer cores into deep saturation and may lead large errors in the estimation of the nonlinear behavior of the saturated reluctances, affecting significantly the estimation of transformer inrush currents. A measurement method based on inrush current waveforms has been proposed in [7] to estimate transformer saturation curves. The proposed method to estimate the transform non-linear characteristics is easy-to-use than the presented in [7] and an analytical function is used to accurately adjust the saturation curve. The measurements are the inrush test and the no-load test. The non-linear reluctances which take into account the effect of limb and yoke fluxes in the three-phase transformer are calculated from single-phase test on each leg. 2. Transformer model 2.1. Single-phase transformer model The equivalent electric circuit of single-phase transformer is shown in Fig. 1, where Rp , Rs , Ldp , Lds are the winding resistances and constant leakage inductances; the shunt resistance RFe accounts for the core-losses and the induced voltages due to the core magnetic fluxes across the winding are ep for primary voltage and es for secondary voltage [6]. Fig. 2 shows the proposed magnetic equivalent circuit of singlephase transformer, where Np ipe and Ns is are the primary/secondary magnetomotive forces (the primary magnetomotive force depends on the current ipe = ip − ipR , ipR is the current of the core-losses resistance, RFe , in the electric equivalent circuit of Fig. 1); is the non-linear reluctance of the iron, which depends on its own magnetic potential, f = (f). The equations of the single-phase transformer [6] using the core fluxes linked by the primary windings, Np = p , are up = ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 934016728. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Bogarra), [email protected] (A. Font), [email protected] (I. Candela), [email protected] (J. Pedra). 0378-7796/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2008.08.009 us = Rp + Ldp Rs + Lds d dt d dt ip + is + dp ; dt 1 dp ; rt,w dt ep = dp ; dt es = 1 dp rt,w dt (1) 418 S. Bogarra et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 417–425 Fig. 1. Electric equivalent circuit of a single-phase transformer. where rt,w is the winding turn ratio (rt,w = Np /Ns ), which is measurable in the laboratory. The magnetic relation from Fig. 2 is Fig. 3. Magnetic equivalent circuit of a three-phase three-legged transformer. Np ipe + Ns is = fs (2) The winding ratio was measured using a tertiary winding with a known number of turns (built for this measurement). After applying a voltage to the primary winding and measuring the voltage at the tertiary winding, the number of turns in the primary winding was calculated. The turns in the secondary winding were calculated in a similar way. Finally, the winding ratio thus obtained was tested with the relation between the voltage in the primary winding and the voltage induced in the secondary winding. 2.2. Three-phase transformer model Fig. 3 shows the proposed magnetic equivalent circuit of threephase three-legged transformer. In this case, we need to add the reluctance of the air path. It can be observed that the yoke reluctances have been added to the outer leg reluctances, and the reluctance of the air, d , has been considered constant [6]. Fig. 4 shows the electric circuit of a three-phase transformer with a Wye to ground-Delta connection. The electric relations of the transformer windings are upk = usk epk Rp + Ldp d ipk + dpk (3) (k = a, b, c) (4) The electrical connections of the three-phase windings in the transformer of Fig. 4, imposes the following conditions on the winding voltage of the primary side and the secondary side: upa = vAN ; upb = vBN ; usb = vba ; usc = vcb upc = vCN ; usa = vac ; Fig. 2. Magnetic equivalent circuit of a single-phase transformer. In the bibliography, there are many different methods for approaching the non-linear behavior of the transformer by means of an anhysteretic magnetization curve (single-valued curve) such as power series [8], piecewise linear curves [3] or arc tangent function [9]. In this paper, each leg in the three-phase transformer is viewed as a separate magnetic circuit and the proposed function to represent the core non-linear behavior is a functional relationship between the magnetic potential in the leg and the flux through it f = (f ) (5) (6) being the analytical function selected for the non-linear reluctance, −1 and the magnetic flux and current of Fig. 3 are Np ipek + Ns isk = fk − fd a + b + c + d = 0 2.3. Saturation curve (f ) (k = a, b, c) dt dt d 1 dpk = Rs + Lds i + dt sk rt,w dt dpk 1 dpk = ; esk = rt,w dt dt where vAN , vBN and vCN are the phase to ground voltages at the primary side and vac , vba and vcb are the phase to phase voltages in the secondary side. = K1 − K2 p 1/p (1 + (|f |/f0 ) ) + K2 (7) where K1 , K2 , p and f0 are parameters which allow this single-valued function to be fitted to the ( − f) transformer saturation curves, Fig. 5. These four parameters have a clear physical interpretation: • K1 and K2 are defined by the slope in the linear and the non-linear zones of the ( − f) curve. • p influences the shape of the curve. • f0 is the magnetic potential where saturation begins. 2.4. Linear parameters determination The short circuit tests can provide fairly accurate estimation of the transformer winding resistances and leakage inductances. The magnetizing branch resistance representing losses in the iron Fig. 4. Electric equivalent circuit of a Wye to ground-Delta transformer. S. Bogarra et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 417–425 419 Fig. 6. Electric equivalent circuit of a single-phase transformer. Sb , is defined as Sb = Fig. 5. ( − f) characteristic of the proposed saturation curve. Table 1 Data of the single-phase transformer (3-kVA, 220 + 220/110 + 110 V single-phase transformer) Winding resistances and leakage inductances (p.u.) 32.3 Z1b () 8.1 Z2b () 3.673E−3 Rp Ldp 4.193E−6 3.673E−3 Rs Lds 4.193E−6 (8) The impedance base is Zb = U2 Ub = N. Ib Sb (9) In the three-phase transformer, the voltage and current base values are the same as in the single-phase values, but the base power is defined as Sb = 3Ub Ib = 3UN IN , 2 (10) and the impedance base is Non-linear inductance coefficients (p.u.) M1 37.92 2.217 M2 0.0365 M3 3.02 p1 1.38 p2 i1 0.0225 i2 0.4225 Core-losses resistance (p.u.) RFe Ub Ib = UN IN . 2 Zb = U2 Ub = N. Ib Sb (11) In the single-phase transformer the base values are Sb = 1.5 kVA, U1b = 311.1 V and in the three-phase transformer Sb = 2.5 kVA, U1b = 311.1 V. 2.5. Single-phase equivalent circuit 27.37 core of the transformer can be determined through the open circuit tests. The reluctance of the air path that appears in the magnetic equivalent circuit of a three-phase three-legged transformer can be estimated through a zero sequence test. Tables 1 and 2 show the linear parameters of the 3-kVA single-phase transformer and the 5-kVA three-phase transformer studied in the paper. In the singlephase transformer, the base values used in √ √the paper are the peak voltage, Ub = 2UN and peak current, Ib = 2IN , UN being the phase to neutral nominal voltage and IN nominal current. The base power, Fig. 6 shows an electric circuit where the electric circuit of Fig. 1 and the magnetic circuit of Fig. 2 are unified. In this circuit has been defined the magnetizing current, im , as Np im = Np ip + is (12) rt,w where the current of the core-losses resistance, ipR , has been considered negligible. This relation with (2) and (6), produce the flux–current relation M(im )im = p (13) Table 2 Data of the three-phase transformer (5-kVA, 220 + 220/110 + 110 V three-phase three-leg transformer) Winding resistances and leakage inductances (p.u.) Z1b () Z2b () Rp Ldp Rs Lds M1 Non-linear inductance coefficients (p.u.) 6.27 Ma (i) 14.59 Mb (i) 7.50 Mc (i) 58.1 14.5 0.0118 0.0118 7.125E−6 7.125E−6 M2 M3 p1 p2 i1 i2 0.6673 1.568 0.7249 2.312E−3 5.651E−3 2.918E−3 18.61 17.45 17.34 1.627 1.657 1.724 0.132 0.0603 0.113 1.357 0.5556 1.290 Air path linear reluctance and core-losses resistance (p.u.) d RFe 2190 24.45 420 S. Bogarra et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 417–425 where the non-linear magnetizing inductance is M(im ) = M1 − M2 p 1/p (1 + (|im |/i0 ) ) + M2 (14) The relationship between reluctance and magnetizing inductance is M = Np2 −1 ⇒ M1 = Np2 K1 ; M2 = Np2 K2 (15) In the three-phase transformer, only is possible the use of a circuit like Fig. 6 in the transformer bank, where d = 0, which implies that the magnetic potential fd is null, fd = 0. As can be seen in Fig. 3, when d = 0 the three-phase three-legged transformer is equivalent to three independent magnetic circuits like the single-phase transformer of Fig. 2. The consequences of that fd is not null in the three-phase three-legged transformer (Fig. 3), will be discussed in Section 5. Fig. 7. Relation between the primary inrush current and the secondary delta current in the 5-kVA three-phase three-legged transformer. 3. Single-valued saturation curve determination The focus of this paper is to determine the non-linear characteristics from the voltage waveform at the transformer secondary winding and current waveform at the transformer primary winding produced during inrush-test and no-load test. The flux evaluation depends on the secondary voltage waveform. The parameter estimation method presented here is easier to use than the presented in [7], which works with voltage and current waveforms of the primary winding produced during inrush test and no-load test. 3.1. Single-phase transformer Flux and current are the waveforms needed to find non-linear inductances. The main difference of the experimental method proposed here from [7] is that the flux is estimated from the voltage measured in the non-connected winding, where the current is null and Eq. (1) results usk = 1 dpk rt,w dt (16) The measured flux could be evaluated easily trough numerical integration as t p (t) = rt,w us d + p0 (17) 0 In the single-phase inrush test on the three-phase transformer the use of the secondary winding voltage and current has the advantage that when the secondary side is connected in delta, the current idelta is very lower than the inrush current in the primary side. Therefore, the experimental errors of measuring the parameters Rs and Ls have a lower influence in (18) than the use of primary side measurements, because the idelta secondary current is very lower than the inrush primary current. The relation between the primary inrush current and the secondary delta current was measured in the laboratory by ten different tests. The ratio between the maximum peaks of the secondary delta current in p.u. with the maximum peaks of the primary inrush current in p.u. was measured in 10 different tests, results being a mean value of 0.105 with a standard deviation of 0.009. Fig. 7 plots the primary inrush current and the secondary delta current obtained in a laboratory test performed on the 5-kVA three-phase transformer. 3.3. Inrush test Fig. 8 shows the core magnetic flux, p , calculated using (17) in an inrush test made on the 3-kVA single-phase transformer. Their linear parameters are shown in Table 1. Fig. 9 shows the two first cycles of the inrush current obtained in an inrush test on the 3-kVA single-phase transformer. Fig. 10 shows eight cycles of the inrush current obtained in a single-phase test where rt,w is the winding turn ratio, us is the voltage measured in secondary winding and p0 is the residual flux. 3.2. Three-phase transformer For simplicity, the three-phase transformer is supposed that is a transformer bank, where the potential magnetic fd is null. The modifications owed that in the three-legged transformer fd is not null are studied in Section 5. When three-phase transformer is analysed, Eq. (1) is applied three times, one to each limb to obtain the three non-linear core reluctances. In the three-phase transformers there are two different cases, when the windings are Wye connected or Delta connected. For the first case, the flux also can be calculated with (17). In the Delta connected case, the secondary windings current can be not null, therefore, Eq. (3) results pk (t) = rt,w t 0 usk − Rs + Lds d dt idelta d + p0k (18) Fig. 8. Core magnetic flux linked in the inrush test by the 3-kVA single-phase transformer. S. Bogarra et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 417–425 Fig. 9. Inrush current of the 3-kVA single-phase transformer. on the 5-kVA three-phase transformer. Their linear parameters are shown in Table 2. This test is repeated for each phase in the threephase transformer. In this test, the transformer is without any load, then the inrush current is the magnetizing current (the current of the core-losses resistance, ipR , is negligible). 421 Fig. 11. Magnetizing current vs. time curve obtained in the no-load test 3-kVA single-phase transformer. 4. Residual flux determination Fig. 11 shows the magnetizing current versus the time in the no-load test made on the 3-kVA single-phase transformer. To estimate the parameters of the non-linear inductance, it is necessary previously draw a single-valued (ps − ips ) curve which is averaged from the measured (pm − ipm ) hysteresis loop. Fig. 12 shows the measured (pm − ipm ) hysteresis loops (full line) in the single-phase transformer and the estimated (ps − ips ) single-valued curve (dotted line) for the no-load test. In Fig. 12, the flux and the current are expressed in p.u., being the base values for the 3-kVA single-phase transformer, Sb = 1.5 kVA, U1b = 311.1 V and U2b = 155.6 V. Therefore, the primary base flux is 1b = 0.99 Wb and the primary base current is I1b = 9.6 A. The base values for the 5-kVA three-phase transformer are Sb = 2.5 kVA, U1b = 311.1 V and U2b = 155.6 V. Therefore, the primary base flux is 1b = 0.99 Wb, and the primary base current is I1b = 5.4 A. The single-valued saturation curve is a symmetrical function with respect to the origin as can be observed in Fig. 12. In the inrush test, the main saturation only is produced in a side of the saturation curve, therefore, their (pm − ipm ) hysteresis loops does not have symmetry and it is necessary to make the residual flux determination because the value of p0 in Eq. (17) is unknown. This problem is related with the initial flux in the transformer and the point-of-wave of the voltage in the instant of connexion. The worst case is usually produced when the voltage is near to the zero value. The instant of connection is random in every test. In this paper, only the test that produced a significant inrush current is studied. Fig. 13 shows the flux–current loops (pm − ipm ) for the no-load test and the inrush test assuming initial zero flux in (17), p0 = 0. The flux–current loop of the inrush test has been made using the first period that include the maximum peak current. It can be observed that the inrush currents can be three orders of magnitude greater than the no-load currents. Graphically, as is shown in Figs. 13 and 14, the residual flux determination corresponds to vertically shift the flux–current loop obtained from the inrush test until it overlaps the flux–current loop from the no-load test. The residual flux is fitted in order to match the hysteresis loop for inrush test with the hysteresis loop for no-load test, as can be observed in Fig. 14. Fig. 10. Inrush current of the 5-kVA three-phase three-legged transformer. Fig. 12. Flux–current loop obtained from the no-load test (full line) and their singlevalued curve (dotted line) by the 3-kVA single-phase transformer. 3.4. No-load test 422 S. Bogarra et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 417–425 Fig. 13. Estimation of the residual flux from the flux–current loops obtained from the no-load test and the inrush-test in the 3-kVA single-phase transformer. This method is repeated independently in each phase in the case of a three-phase transformer. The residual flux obtained for each phase of the 5-kVA three-phase transformer is graphically evaluated in Fig. 15, where the single-valued flux–current curve obtained from the no-load test is represented with a dotted line and the curve of the inrush test with a full line. 5. Saturation curve parameters estimation 5.1. Single-phase and three-phase transformer bank The magnetic circuit of the three-phase transformer bank corresponds in Fig. 3 to the case where d = 0, which implies that the magnetic potential fd is null, fd = 0. This makes that the parameter estimation in the three-phase transformer bank is identical to the single-phase transformer. A close observation of the single-valued saturation curves of Fig. 15 show that the experimental measurements suggest that there are a fast saturation, for values of current lower than 0.1 p.u., and later an slow saturation until current values of the order of 2 p.u. Therefore, the function used to adjust the experimental data is the sum of two saturation curves as (7) that can be expressed as −1 k (f ) = K1k − K2k (1 + (|fk |/f1k ) p1k 1/p1k ) + K2k − K3k (1 + (|fk |/f2k ) p2k 1/p2k ) + K3k (19) Fig. 15. Residual flux estimated with the flux–current curves obtained from no-load test (dotted line) and inrush test (full line) in the 5-kVA three-phase three-legged transformer. In the three-phase transformers, defining the magnetizing currents of each leg as Np imk = Np ipk + isk rt,w (20) the non-linear magnetizing inductance of each leg can be expressed as M(imk )= Fig. 14. Inrush flux–current loop obtained considering the calculated residual flux (broken line) in the 3-kVA single-phase transformer. M1k − M2k (1 + (|imk |/i1k ) p1k 1/p1k ) + M2k −M3k (1 + (|imk |/i2k ) p2k 1/p2k ) +M3k (21) S. Bogarra et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 417–425 423 Fig. 17. Measured saturation curve (full line) and adjusted saturation curve (dotted line) of the 3-kVA single-phase transformer. formers are showed in Table 1. In order to evaluate the fitted curves, Fig. 17 shows the measured saturation curve (full line) and the analytical saturation curve (dotted line) for the 3-kVA single-phase transformer and them are approximately identical. 5.2. Three-legged transformer Fig. 18 shows the magnetic circuit of the three-phase threelegged transformer in the single-phase inrush test. In this case, the potential magnetic fd is not null. The relation between the fluxes is a = b + c + d (24) which indicates that although a is saturated, b and c are near always in the linear zone. Considering that the reluctances b and c are in the linear zone, their value is much lower than that of the air reluctance, d . Then, the flux flowing through the air in Eq. (24), d , is not significant and is considered null. Therefore, making the hypothesis that in the single-phase inrush test the two legs that are not excited can be considered linear, the saturation curve parameters can be calculated in two steps: • Calculate parameters as a transformer bank. • Correct the parameters, taking into account the influence of the two legs that are not excited. Fig. 15 shows the residual flux calculated for each leg considering the transformer as a transformer bank. With this information the non-linear parameters have been calculated. These parameters are Fig. 16. Curve with fast saturation, MF (im ), curve with the slow saturation MS (im ) and addition curve for the 3-kVA single-phase transformer. where k = a, b, c. As has been commented before, this non-linear function can be interpreted as the addition of a fast saturation MF (imk ) and a slow saturation MS (imk ) defined as MF (imk ) = MS (imk ) = M1k − M2k (1 + (|imk |/i1k ) (22) p1k 1/p1k ) M2k − M3k (1 + (|imk |/i2k ) p2k 1/p2k ) + M3k (23) Fig. 16 shows for the 3-kVA single-phase transformer the individual value of each function, MF (im ) and MS (im ), and their addition, MF (im ) + MS (im ). The non-linear parameters of the analysed trans- Fig. 18. Magnetic equivalent circuit of a three-phase three-legged transformer in the single-phase excitation test. 424 S. Bogarra et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 417–425 labelled with the subscript M. The proposed hypothesis implies that from the calculated parameters, M1kM , M2kM , M3kM , p1kM , p2kM , i1kM and i2kM , (k = a, b, c), only the coefficients M1k must be modified (they corresponds to the linear zone, imk = 0). When the inrush test is made in the leg a, the others legs are in the linear zone, then (0) ≈ K1b ; −1 b −1 c (0) ≈ K1c (25) Fig. 18 indicates that the relation between the three linear reluctances and the reluctance measured is aM (im ) = a (im ) + 1 (1/b (0)) + (1/c (0)) (26) Fig. 20. Adjusted saturation curve with a single saturation (dotted line) and adjusted saturation curve with double saturation (full line) in the 5-kVA three-phase threelegged transformer. that expressed as magnetizing inductances in the linear zone (imk = 0) is 1 1 1 = + M1aM M1a M1b + M1c (27) where M1aM is the coefficient calculated as a transformer bank. Applying this relation for each single-phase test, result the nonlinear equations 1 1 1 = − , M1a M1aM M1b + M1c 1 1 1 = − , M1b M1bM M1a + M1c 1 1 1 = − M1c M1cM M1a + M1b (28) Those non-linear equations can be solved easily using an iterative algorithm. The final parameters obtained for the three-phase three-legs transformer are in Table 2. Fig. 19 shows the measured saturation curves (full line) and the analytical saturation curves (dotted line) for the 5-kVA three-phase transformer. Also in this case, both curves are approximately identical. 5.3. Double saturation consequences Fig. 20 shows the non-linear saturation curve (dotted line) obtained using only the non-load test for the 5-kVA three-phase transformer, which clearly is very different to the measured curve (full line). In Ref. [6] the non-linear characteristic is calculated using only a no-load test on each leg. This method produces an important error for high excitation currents as can be observed in Fig. 20. Ref. [10] also proposes the saturation curve determination only using no-load test measurements. The manufacturer data for calculate the saturation curves are usually a non-load test with the r.m.s.-voltage as a function of the r.m.s.-current. Therefore, this data produces the same problem as represented in Fig. 20. Accurate estimation of the transformer parameters for the low and high excitation currents is important for studying the impact of the transformer energization and its inrush current. 6. Conclusions Fig. 19. Measured saturation curve (full line) and adjusted saturation curve (dotted line) for the 5-kVA three-phase three-legged transformer. This paper describes a practical method to adjust the non-linear saturation curve using an inrush test and a no-load test. The method proposes to made voltage measurements from the secondary side. The use of no-load test and inrush test ensures the estimation of S. Bogarra et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 79 (2009) 417–425 the non-linear characteristics at low and high saturation levels. The experimental measurements show a fast saturation and a slow saturation in the shape of the non-linear saturation curve. This fact implies that the use of only the no-load test for the saturation curve determination can produce an erroneous parameter estimation. The analytical function proposed to adjust the experimental measurements fits them very well in the case of 3-kVA single-phase transformer and 5-kVA three-phase transformer. Acknowledgment The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) under the project (DPI2004-00544). References [1] R.J. Rusch, M.L. Good, Wyes and wye nots of three-phase distribution transformer connections, Proc. IEEE Conf. Paper, No. 89CH2709-4-C2, 1989. [2] R.S. Bayless, J.D. Selman, D.E. Truax, W.E. Reid, Capacitor switching and transformer transients, IEEE Trans. Power Deliv. 3 (1) (1988) 349–357. [3] X. Chen, S. Venkata, A three-phase three-winding core-type transformer model for low-frequency transient studies, IEEE Trans. Power Deliv. 12 (2) (1997) 775–782. [4] X. 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Dommel, On modelling iron core nonlinearities, IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 8 (3) (1993) 417–425. Santiago Bogarra Rodríguez was born in Gavá, Spain, on 8 May 1966. He received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, in 2002. He has been associate professor of electrical engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia since 1997. His research interest lies in the areas of power system transients and insulation coordination. Antoni Font was born in Spain in 1955. He received his B.S. degree in industrial engineering from the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. Currently, he is an assistant professor in the electrical engineering Department of the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, where he has been since 1993. His research interests are electric machines and power system quality. J. Ignacio Candela was born in Bilbao (Spain) in 1962. He received his B.S. degree in industrial engineering in Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, in 2000. Since 1991 he has been professor in the electrical engineering Department of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. His main field of research is power system quality and electrical machines. Joaquín Pedra was born in Barcelona (Spain) in 1957. He received his B.S. degree in industrial engineering and his Ph.D. degree in engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, in 1979 and 1986, respectively. Since 1985 he has been professor in the Electrical Engineering Department of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. His research interest lies in the areas of power system quality and electrical machines.
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