Chemical Cabinet Supports

Chemical Storage Cabinets and Shelves
Check your shelves to prevent a spill
Michael Labosky
Dan Herrick
Katie Blass
Discussion of chemical storage cabinets and shelving
Proper storage of materials in lab is important
• Raise awareness of potential issues
• Communication about recent incident(s)
• What you as EHS Coordinator can do to help your labs evaluate this 1
Level II Inspections
• We do not have a specific finding on Level II Checklist
– CS‐1 Hazardous liquids stored above eye level
– CS‐99 Other Chemical Storage and Use Finding
Cabinets and shelves
• Check cabinets and shelving in labs
• It’s all about the details
– Specific type and design of cabinet, shelves, and how they are secured: many different types
– Cabinet chemical compatibility
– Load rating
• Know how and where to find anchors, clips, parts or to repair units
Images from the Internet:
shelf clips aka
pilaster clips
2. When used with a metal pilaster.
1. Similar, but different, shelf clips.
3. In some cabinets: just slots in the wall.
“Strip and clip” shelving system used in Mott fume hood flammable cabinets (and others). Cut‐out for clip is wider than clip. Shelf has “play” front‐to‐back.
There are other methods to secure flammable cabinet shelves. vs
Other shelf anchor types:
in this one the shelf is screwed into the bracket.
Some shelf clips have tabs to prevent shelves from sliding back and forth – part of design of cabinet.
Ways to secure shelves that by design don’t involve shelf clips
Stand alone flammable cabinets
• Some cabinets do not use clips
• Shelf hangers are welded and interlock with the shelf for better stability. • Old cabinets: The hangers may become deformed or even break off. • Sliding doors: If these don’t move easily, the vibration may affect the shelves and bottles. • Leave room to move containers in and out
• Are all 4 “feet” in place? • Overall cabinet integrity Welded, interlocking
shelf system
Ohio State incident
Ohio State incident
“More troubling is the fact that ‘somebody put the wrong shelves in the cabinet,’ says … OSU chemistry department coordinator of chemical safety. The cabinet was by manufacturer Eagle…but the shelves had been replaced with those made by Justrite.
‘The products we make are really only made for our cabinets,’ says … a marketing manager for Eagle. ‘There are differences.’ [….] [W]ith routine inspections somebody might have spotted the unstable shelves.”
How to check the stability
of cabinet shelves Consider shelving during lab design.
Best time to check installed shelves is before putting chemicals on shelves.
For cabinets that are in use, move some or all of the bottles out. Ensure that shelves in the cabinet are level and stable
• Does a pen or other round object roll to one side?
• Or drop a little water on the shelf and watch if it flows. to one side.
• Or count the holes.
Are all 4 (or 5) clips are in place?
• If any are missing or are loose, replace these ASAP.
Is each clip inserted properly? Is each clip tight? (won’t fall out) Can the shelf slide off the end of the clip?
How to check the stability
of cabinet shelves If it is safe and the shelf is empty, gently jiggle the shelf.
• Does it wobble? Did any of the clips fall out? Leave enough space between shelves • Bottles should not have to be tipped to be removed or put back in. • If you have to lift up the shelf to remove the bottle underneath it, the bottles on the top shelf may fall off and/or break, or the shelf may become unstable if unevenly loaded.
Do not overload shelves or unevenly load shelves
• Consider placing heavier/denser items on bottom shelves.
Check Acid Storage Cabinets
Check Acid Storage Cabinets
Take Away Ideas
• If the shelves are not stable or in poor condition – something should be done. • Contacts: Facilities, local rep for casework
• Use eCat to order some replacement parts 10