Siga Adelante Read with the Family: Lesson 1 Prepared by Alicia Smith, Adriana Chavez Name [email protected], [email protected] E-mail Objective 1) To increase awareness of the importance to children of reading out loud 2) To encourage parents to help their children succeed in school 3) To promote the joy of reading out loud 4) To encourage participation in ESL literacy services 5) To increase awareness and use of family literacy websites on the internet, in the library, and in the community Warm-up activity Materials needed for warm-up Welcome by facilitator/interpreter 1) Facilitator/interpreter will distribute pre-test attachment A1 with instructions for completing and collecting invite participants to enjoy the meal give instructions to play Lotería (Bingo) binder with an overview of family literacy sessions, stories, songs, finger plays, brochures 1) pre-test attachment A1 2) Library/literacy staff will move about the room to encourage and assist participants as necessary and to establish a friendly atmosphere 3) Support staff will provide activities for children 4 years of age and younger Attachment A1 2) Meal to be provided by local restaurant 3) Lotería game with calling cards and game boards, small prizes. Loteria game called ¡Bingles!— Deluxe Treasure Chest Toy Assortment for Loteria prizes— 4) Binder or bag including calendar with dates and times of future programs, program descriptions, stories, songs, and finger plays, brochures, paper and pencil 5) Brochure La Lectura es lo primero download at 1 Siga Adelante Learning activities Materials needed for learning activities (For adults and children 5 and older) 1) Facilitator/interpreter will: introduce the storyteller and participate in the presentation attachment A2 Read with the Family using the following books: Where the Wild Things Are/ Donde Viven Los Monstruos The True Story of the Three Little Pigs/La Verdadera Historiade los Tres Cerditos Oh No, Gotta Go show video Read Aloud:Share a Book with Me (overview of how to read to children daily) demonstrate how to read nursery rhyme, story, sing distribute binder including copies of materials used in class, calendar of upcoming sessions, literacy and library information participants are encouraged to take designated book(s) home and read to their children before next session. 1) attachment A2 Read with the Family Attachment A2 Read with the Family 2) Where the Wild Things Are/ Donde Viven Los Monstruos, ISBN 0064434222 3) The True Story of the Three Little Pigs/ La Verdadera Historiade los Tres Cerditos, ISBN 014055758x 4) Oh No, Gotta Go, ISBN9780399234934 5) Cinco Dedos from The Bilingual Book of Rhymes, Songs, Stories and Fingerplays, ISBN 0-87659-284-1(include handouts in binder) 6) Video—Read Aloud: Share a Book with Me, Raising a Reader kit from San Mateo County Library and the Peninsula Partnership for children, Youth, and Families, Clearwater Films, 2000, (13 min.) 7) Songs—Buenos Dias and Chocolate, from The Bilingual Book of Rhymes, Songs, Stories and Fingerplays, ISBN 0-87659-284-1(include handouts in binder) 8) CD—De Colores and Other Latin American Folk Songs for Children ISBN 1-57417-00 Conclusion Materials needed for conclusion Encourage participants to 1) Attend next session 2) Read books to children 3) Bring designated books to second session 4) Sing songs with children 5) Say rhymes with children 6) Complete post-testattachment A1 1) Post-testattachment A1 Attachment A1 2 Siga Adelante Extensions/Expansion/Support activities Children’s activities During the time adults are in session, support staff will provide in a separate location computer and reading activities for the children of the participants to encourage love of reading and use of library facilities. Activities may include 1) Book discussion—read and discuss the questions for Anansi the Spider or other chosen title Anansi the Spider 2) Singing songs with child care specialist 3) Playing Loteria 4) Making crafts to fit book read or activities set by workshop promoters Adult activities 1) Provide a tour of the library highlighting parenting and children’s sections 2) Demonstrate public use computers to access bookmarked family literacy websites 3) Offer library card applications. Benefits of a library card attachment A3 Benefits of a library card How to get a library card attachment A4 How to get a library card Support resources for all lessons Books Where the Wild Things Are/ Donde Viven Los Monstruos, ISBN 0064434222 The True Story of the Three Little Pigs/ La Verdadera Historiade los Tres Cerditos, ISBN 014055758x Oh No, Gotta Go, ISBN9780399234934 Music Songs—Buenos Dias and Chocolate, from The Bilingual Book of Rhymes, Songs, Stories and Fingerplays ,ISBN 0-87659-284-1 CD—De Colores and Other Latin American Folk Songs for Children ISBN 1-57417-00 Video Read Aloud:Share a Book with Me, Raising a Reader kit from San Mateo County Library and the Peninsula Partnership for children, Youth, and Families, Clearwater Films, 2000, (ca. 13 min.) Games/Prizes Deluxe Treasure Chest Toy Assortment for Loteria prizes— Loteria game called ¡Bingles!— Brochure La Lectura es lo primero— 3 Siga Adelante Marketing Materials Siga Adelante poster.pdf Original Materials Attachment A1 Anansi the Spider Attachment C1 Attachment A2 Read with the Family Bilingual brochures How to get a library card A8 Attachment B1 Attachment E1 Benefits of library card A7 Attachment F1 Community contacts/Resources Local school education coordinators Local school bilingual coordinators nformation in Spanish about age appropriate skills needed for school Local literacy tutors 4 Siga Adelante Read with the Family: Lesson 2 Prepared by Alicia Smith, Adriana Chavez Name [email protected], [email protected] E-mail Objective 1) To encourage reading out loud and discussing books with children 2) To provide participants information to help them develop communication skills, attention span, and reading skills in children Warm-up activity Materials needed for workshop Welcome by facilitator/interpreter 1) Facilitator/interpreter will Distribute pre-test attachment B1 with instructions for completing and collecting Give instructions to play Lotería (Bingo) Invite participants to enjoy the meal 1) Pre-test attachment B1 Learning activities Materials needed for learning activities Attachment B1 2) Lotería game with calling cards, and game boards, small prizes 3) Meal provided by local restaurant 1) Where the Wild Things Are/ Donde (For adults and children 5 and older) Viven Los Monstruos ISBN 0064434222 1) Facilitator/interpreter will introduce the 2) The True Story of the Three Little Pigs/ storyteller and participate in the reading and La Verdadera Historia de los Tres discussion of the three books discussed at the Cerditos ISBN 014055758x previous session. (New families will miss the opportunity to pre-read the books but will not 3) Oh No Gotta Go, ISBN 9780399234934 be otherwise affected). Where the Wild Things AreDonde Viven Los Monstruos The True Story of the Three Little Pigs/ La Verdadera Historiade los Tres Cerditos Oh No, Gotta Go 2) Support staff will provide activities for children 4 and younger 5 Siga Adelante Conclusion Materials needed for conclusion 1) Facilitator/Interpreter will teach participants songs and rhymes in Spanish Songs Buenos Dias Chocolate—provided in binder from previous session or handouts Nursery Rhyme Cinco Dedos—provided in binder from previous session or handouts 2) Facilitator will ask participants to complete 1) Songs Copies of Buenos Dias and Chocolate from The Bilingual Book of Rhymes, Songs, Stories and Fingerplays ISBN 0-87659-284-1 2) CD De Colores and Other Latin American Folk Songs for Children post-test attachment B1 ISBN 1-57417-00 3) Nursery Rhymes The Bilingual Book of Rhymes, Songs, Stories and Fingerplays ISBN 0-87659-284-1 4) post-test attachment B1 Attachment B1 Extensions/Expansion/Support activities Children’s activities During the time adults are in session, support staff will provide in a separate location computer and reading activities for the children of the participants to encourage love of reading and use of library facilities. Activities may include Book discussion—read and discuss the questions for Anansi the Spider or other chosen book. Anansi the Spider Singing songs with child care specialist Playing Loteria Making crafts Adult activities Provide a tour of the library highlighting parenting and children’s sections Demonstrate public use computers to access bookmarked family literacy websites Offer library card applications Benefits of a library card attachment A3 Benefits of a library card How to get a library card attachment A4 How to get a library card 6 Siga Adelante Support resources/Materials/Websites Books Where the Wild Things Are/Donde Viven Los Monstruos, ISBN 0064434222 The True Story of the Three Little Pigs/La Verdadera Historia de los Tres Cerditos, ISBN 014055758x Oh No Gotta Go, ISBN 9780399234934 The Bilingual Book of Rhymes, Songs, Stories and Fingerplays, ISBN 0-87659-284-1 CD 1) De Colores and Other Latin American Folk Songs for Children, ISBN 1-57417-00 Games Lotería game(¡Bingles!) with calling cards and game boards, ASN-14-94010-25-5 Loteria Prizes— Treasure Chest Toy Assortment, Demco CR121-2665 Websites Dia De los ninos— Children’s activities— Children’s activities— Children’s activities— Children’s activities— Hispanic literacy— Learning disabilities, Spanish— Literacy, English— Literacy resources, English— Literacy resources, bilingual— resources, Spanish available— for children, Spanish— Literacy for children, Spanish— Parent-child activity materials, Spanish— Community contacts/Resources Local school education coordinators Local school bilingual coordinators Information in Spanish about age appropriate skills needed for school Local literacy tutors 7 Siga Adelante Family Literacy Based Computer Instruction: Lesson 3 Prepared by Alicia Smith, Adriana Chavez Name [email protected], [email protected] E-mail Objective 1)To make participants aware of useful websites for improving adult literacy 2)To provide information about websites to improve skills for school readiness 3)To encourage the use of catalog searches 4)To teach how to place a “hold” on library material Warm up activity Materials needed for workshop Welcome by facilitator/interpreter 1) Facilitator/interpreter will Distribute pre-test attachment C1 with instructions for completing and collecting Give instructions to play Lotería (Bingo) Invite participants to enjoy the meal 1) Pre-test attachment C1 Learning activities Materials needed for learning activities 1) Facilitator/interpreter will use family literacy themed searches to give computer instruction for the following functions Catalog search Place hold on websites from English to Spanish Change language on websites from English to Spanish Useful websites Children’s games on library computer bilingual instructions for 1) Catalog search 2) Placing hold on library material 3) Useful websites Attachment C1 2) Lotería game with calling cards, and game boards, small prizes 3) Meal provided by local restaurant 8 Siga Adelante Conclusion Materials needed for conclusion 1) Hand out bookmark with useful websites 1) Bookmark with useful sites 2) Ask participants to complete post-test attachment C1 language=spanish&intro=1 media.html 2) Other sites of choice 3) Post-test attachment C1 Attachment C1 Extensions/Expansion/Support activities Children’s activities During the time adults are in session, support staff will provide computer and reading activities for the children of the participants to encourage love of reading and use of library facilities. Activities may include Singing songs with child care specialist Playing Loteria Making crafts such as paper flowers, maracas, etc. (see Lesson 1) Adult activities Provide a tour of the library highlighting parenting and children’s sections Demonstrate public use computers to access bookmarked family literacy websites Offer library card applications Benefits of a library card attachment A3 Benefits of a library card How to get a library card attachment A4 How to get a library card 9 Siga Adelante Support resources/Materials/Websites Games Lotería game(¡Bingles!) with calling cards, and game boards, Loteria Prizes—Treasure Chest Toy Assortment, Demco CR121-2665 Websites Library— Literacy— Literacy— Hot Internet Sites en Español— News, Spanish— Job search— Medical— Health— Health— Televisión— Government, Spanish— National Center for Missing & Exploited Children— Como mantener a los niños seguros en internet Preguntas y respuestas sobre seguridad infantile Sus niños pueden llenar los espacios en blanco. Puede hacerlo usted? Noticias en espanol— Federal Trade Commission— 7 practicas para usar su computadora de manera segura Alerta en linea bookmark Community contacts/Resources Local school education coordinators Local school bilingual coordinators Local literacy tutors 10 Siga Adelante Day of the Book/Day of the Child: Lesson 4 Prepared by Alicia Smith, Adriana Chavez Name [email protected], [email protected] E-mail Objective 1) To celebrate books, reading, and children 2) Day of the Book/Day of the Child In Mexico, there is a holiday called Día de Niño’s. This day celebrates children. Children may receive presents and have a party. It is recommended this lesson be on or near April 30th. Warm-up and learning activity combined Materials needed for workshop 1) Facilitator/interpreter will Welcome everyone Facilitator/interpreter will invite participants to enjoy the festivities including cake tres leche and punch, Piñata game, and singing of Piñata song (La Piñata) and other songs, etc Staff and literacy tutors will move about the room to assist participants as necessary and to establish a friendly atmosphere This event is intended to celebrate family books, reading, and children. 1)Songs—La Piñata, from The Bilingual Book of Rhymes, Songs, Stories and Fingerplays,ISBN 0-87659-284-(included in binder from lesson 1) 2) CD—De Colores and Other Latin American Folk Songs for Children, Conclusion Materials needed for conclusion ISBN 1-57417-00 3) Refreshments (cake tres leche and punch) 1) Distribute gift bags with bookmark, booklet, Books to give away to participants: 1) For each family—Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, and children’s book Spanish-English Dictionary, ISBN 2) Bookmark—A Cualquier Hora, En Cualquier 9780877799160 Lugar ¡ Leamos! 3) Booklet—Como ayudar a su hiijo a ser 2) For each child—No Abras este Libro, un buen lector–this free booklet is available at ISBN 8496517152 3) Booklet—Como ayudar a su hiijo a ser un buen lector, this free booklet is available at 11 Siga Adelante Extensions/Expansion/Support activities Adult activities Lotería game (¡Bingles!) with calling cards, and game boards available from—ASN-14-94010-25-5 Loteria Prizes-Treasure Chest Toy Assortment purchased from Demco CR121-2665 Provide a tour of the library highlighting parenting and children’s sections Demonstrate public use computers to access bookmarked family literacy websites Offer library card applications Benefits of a library card attachment A3 Benefits of a library card How to get a library card attachment A4 How to get a library card Support resources/Materials/Websites Games Lotería game(¡Bingles!) with calling cards and game boards, Loteria Prizes— Treasure Chest Toy Assortment, Demco CR121-2665 Websites News, Spanish— News, Spanish— News, television, Spanish— Children’s activities— Children’s activities— Children’s activities— Children’s activities— Hispanic literacy— Learning disabilities, Spanish— Literacy, English— Literacy resources, bilingual— resources, Spanish available— for children, Spanish— Literacy for children, Spanish— Parent-child activity materials, Spanish— 12 Siga Adelante Community contacts/Resources Local school education coordinators Local school bilingual coordinators Local literacy tutors 13 Siga Adelante Parents as Teachers: Lesson 5 Prepared by Stacy DeLano Name [email protected] E-mail Objective 1) To make parents aware of effective study skills useful to school children 2) To teach parents how to encourage children to study 3) To teach parents how to help children with their homework Warm up activity Materials needed for workshop Welcome by facilitator/interpreter 1) Facilitator/interpreter will: distribute Pre test attachment E1 and give instructions to complete Give instructions to play Lotería (Bingo) Invite participants to enjoy the meal 1)Pre test attachment E1 Learning activities Materials needed for learning activities 1) Facilitator/interpreter will introduce a representative from the bilingual education division of the State Department of Education who will discuss how to encourage children to study and how parents can help with homework 1) Homework scheduling calendar provided by speaker Attachment E1 2) Lotería (Bingo) 3) Food provided by local restaurant 14 Siga Adelante Conclusion Materials needed for conclusion Speaker will provide a time for questions and answers 1) Facilitator will: Hand out school related brochures Ask participants to complete post test 1) Bilingual contact list of school resources 2) Stop Bullying Now Resource Kit En Espanol— attachment E1 00208 3) Toolkit for Hispanic Families— earch.asp 4) Post test attachment E1 Attachment E1 Extensions/Expansion/Support activities Children’s activities During the time adults are in session, support staff will provide computer and reading activities for the children of the participants to encourage love of reading and use of library facilities. Activities may include Book discussion—read and discuss the questions for Anansi the Spider or other book chosen Anansi the Spider Singing songs with child care specialist Playing Loteria (Bingo) Making crafts such as paper flowers, maracas, etc. (see Lesson 1) Adult activities Provide a tour of the library highlighting parenting and children’s sections Demonstrate public use computers to access bookmarked family literacy websites Offer library card applications Benefits of a library card attachment A3 Benefits of a library card How to get a library card attachment A4 How to get a library card 15 Siga Adelante Support resources/Materials/Websites Websites Stop Bullying Now Resource Kit En Espanol— Toolkit for Hispanic Families— Community contacts/Resources Oklahoma State Department of Education Local teachers 16 Siga Adelante Reaching Goals: Lesson 6 Prepared by Stacy DeLano Name [email protected] E-mail Objective 1) To inform participants about the ESL opportunities available in the community 2) To inform participants about GED/trade school opportunities in the community 3) To inform participants about college opportunities for children including grants and scholarships Warm up activity Materials needed for workshop Welcome by facilitator/interpreter 1) Facilitator/interpreter will: Distribute Pre attachment F1 with instructions for completing and collecting Invite participants to enjoy the refreshments 1) Pre test attachment F1 Learning activities Materials needed for learning activities 1) Facilitator/interpreter will introduce one or more of the following: Someone who has recently completed ESL classes to discuss his/her experience Local school district adult education teacher Technology center counselor to explain opportunities Financial aid representative from a state university high school counselor to discuss how to find money for college and the financial aid opportunities based on different citizenship status 1) Schedule of ESL classes 2) Schedule for GED study classes 3) GED study books in Spanish 4) Literature on local technology center classes 5) FAFSA forms 6) Local university catalogues for Hispanic students Attachment F1 17 Siga Adelante Conclusion Materials needed for conclusion 1) Facilitator/Interpreter will Facilitate a question and answer period Ask participants to complete post test 1) Post test attachment F1 Attachment F1 attachment F1 Extensions/Expansion/Support activities Children’s activities During the time adults are in session, support staff will provide computer and reading activities for the children of the participants to encourage love of reading and use of library facilities. Activities may include Singing songs with child care specialist Playing Loteria Making crafts such as bookworm bookmark. Cut two vertical slits near the top of a long piece of one inch wide ribbon. Have children slide green pipe cleaner through the slits and bend upward into antennae. Push a bead onto the top of each antenna. Glue on moveable eyes and a puff ball nose. Adult activities Provide a tour of the library highlighting parenting and children’s sections Demonstrate public use computers to access bookmarked family literacy websites Offer library card applications Benefits of a library card attachment A3 Benefits of a library card How to get a library card attachment A4 How to get a library card 18 Siga Adelante Support resources/Materials/Websites Websites Program designed to increase the number of low-income students: Guía GEAR UP para Padres de Estudiantes de 9no y 10mo Grado Guía para Padres de Estudiantes de 11vo y 12vo Grado La Promesa de Oklahoma - OHLAP (5to – 7mo) La Promesa de Oklahoma - OHLAP (8vo – 10vo) Guía Oficial Universidades y Establecimientos Educativos Terciarios de Oklahoma (8vo – 12vo) Guía para Prepararse para la Universidad para Estudiantes Hispanos en Oklahoma (8vo – 12vo) Federal Student Aid— FAFSA Tips Brochure [Spanish] FAFSA on the Web Tips Card 2006-2007 [Spanish] Ficha de consejos para FAFSA en la Web FAFSA on the Web Worksheet: 2007-2008 [Spanish] Planilla de preparacion para FAFSA en la Web Funding Education Beyond High School: The Guide to Federal Student Aid 2007-2008 [Spanish] Como costear los estudios postsecundarios Need Money for College? [Brochure] Spanish -Necesitas dinero para tus estudios universitarios? Repaying Your Student Loans [Spanish] - Como reembolsar sus prestamos para estudiantes Start Here, Go Further with Federal Student Aid: Money for Education Beyond High School (VHS Video)[Spanish] College Preparation Checklist Brochure FAFSA 2007-2008 Free Application For Federal Student Aid Community contacts/Resources Local college/university/community college Local technology center Local school district adult education department Local school counselors Oklahoma State Dept of Education Oklahoma State Dept for Higher Education 19
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