How to Approach a Patient With Respiratory Failure at Ward or ICU KJC Dyspnea - difficult or labored respiration ¡ symptom - (medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease ¡ orthopnea - form of dyspnea in which the person can breathe comfortably only when standing or sitting erect; associated with asthma and emphysema and angina pectoris ¡ breathlessness, shortness of breath, SOB - a dyspneic condition KJC Management of severe dyspneaBasic Principles ¡ It is medical emergency- Be careful and alert in managing these patients. ¡ You need caution, good knowledge, experience, skill and specialist consultation and member assistant to handle this big problem immediately. ¡ Sent to ICU as soon as possible if unstable vital signs, hypoxemia and disturbed consciousness. KJC History Reviews of Underlying Disease A. Non-pulmonary diseases: 1. Cardiovascular disease: AMI, CAD, arrhythmia, deep vein thrombosis, CHF, valvular heart disease 2. Others: anxiety or neurosis, drugs (chemotherapy, morphine), anemia, liver cirrhosis, renal disease or failure (uremia), cancer (lung metastasis ?), DM(DKA), alcoholism (ketoacidosis), neuro-muscular disease, CVA. KJC History Reviews of Underlying Disease B. Pulmonary diseases: Smoking Hx ( ? Pack-year), COPD (chronic brochitis or empysema), asthma, TB with sequele, bronchiectasis, intubation history (sequeles of intubation:tracheal stenosis), tracheostomy, lung fibrosis, inhalation injury (burn, toxic gas), occupation history (pneumoconiosis, silicosis), aspiration pneumonia (old CVA, ICH, head injury, NG feeding), chest injury Hx (flail chest, hemothorax, pneumothorax) KJC Rapid and Accurate Systemic Reviews and Physical Examination-1 1. Conscious level, conjuntiva (pale or edema), jaundice? 2. Vital signs: BP, HR, rhythm, BT, RR, SaO2. 3. Respiratory patterns (deep or shallow, rapid or slow, regular or irregular) and chest wall deformity ? 4. Accessary muscle use? Paradoxical breathing pattern and pulse? 5. Jugular veins engorgement? (CHF, SVC syndrome), lymphadenopathy? KJC COPD with air-trapping KJC SVC Syndrome 臉部潮紅, 脖子腫脹, 呼吸喘, 呈端坐呼吸。 KJC Neck Veins are distended. They were non-pulsatile and did not collapse with inspiration. History coupled with this finding suggests superior vena caval obstruction. Lung Cancer with SVC syndrome. KJC Severe COPD with cor-pulmonale and right heart failure KJC Severe emphysema with body weight loss KJC Rapid and Accurate Systemic Reviews and Physical Examination-2 6. Heart sound: regular or irregular, S3 or S4, diminished or not?, murmur (systolic or diastolic murmurs)? pericardial friction rub? 7. Lung sound: stridor, wheezing, rhonchi, crackles, diminished or not?, bronchial sound or vesicular sound? Percussion and Palpation: tenderness? Dullness or hyperresonance? Symmetric chest wall expansion? Intercostal muscle retraction?, suprasternal retraction? Chest wall vescular dilation? (SVC syndrome), subcutaneous emphysema? KJC 如何自我評估氣喘發作嚴重度? 輕度 中度 重度 1.喘息程度 走路會喘, 可以躺下來 說話會喘, 坐著較舒服 休息也會喘, 向前彎腰會稍 微好些 2.說話長度 可以說一整 個句子 只能說片語 只能說單字 3.意識狀態 可能略微焦 慮 經常焦慮 明顯焦慮 4.呼吸速率 略增加 增加 >30次/分 5.哮喘聲 中度 大聲 很大聲 變小聲或聽不到 6.心跳數/分 <100 100-200 >120 心跳變慢 呼吸衰竭;緊急 嗜睡或意識不清 KJC Rapid and Accurate Systemic Reviews and Physical Examination-3 8. Abdomen: soft or rigid, distended? tenderness? Muscle guarding? ascites? (shifting dullness), hepatosplenomegaly?, bowel sound (hyperactive or hypoactive?) 9. Extremities: muscle power? cold or warm? skin: dry or edema? cyanosis? Arterial pulse (PAOD or DVT)? clubbing fingers? Purple mottle of skin (sepsis)? KJC KJC KJC Systemic reviews for respiratory failure or distress in ICU or critical patients (1) ¡ Check vital signs, including BP, HR, RR, SpO2 , coma scale, body temperature, ABG first, then keep airway patent, maintain normal breathing and circulation or perfusion. ¡ Review past history as soon as possible, including major diseases: CHF, CAD, COPD, asthma, TB, DM, hypertension, CVA, occupation, smoking, alcohol, drug history, operation history, cancer history. KJC Systemic reviews for respiratory failure or distress in ICU or critical patients (2) ¡ Check CBC, ABG, biochemistry and sugar, electrolytes, CXR, EKG immediately. Pulmonary function test or peak flow rate in asthma or COPD patients. Chest CT scan, MRI, perfusion lung scan if needed. ¡ Perform physical examination systemically as soon as possible: ¡ 1) Inspection: cyanosis, chest motion with paradoxical motion, accessory respiratory muscle use, edema, skin turgor, skin lesion, rash or mass, extremity motion, clubbing fingers, spider angioma, conjunctiva and sclera (edema, pale, icteric?), jugular vein engorgement. ¡ 2) Palpation: trachea position, skin crepitation (subcutaneous emphysema), heart beat and heave or thrill, cold or warm skin, neck stiffness. KJC Systemic reviews for respiratory failure or distress in ICU or critical patients (3) ¡ Percussion of lung fields: dullness (consolidation, collapse, pleural effusion) or hyperresonance (emphysema, pneumothorax). Abdomen percussion: shifting dullness (ascites). ¡ Heart size and the range of lung volume. ¡ Auscultation: a) Lung sound: bronchial sound or vesicular sound, crackles, wheezing, rhonchi, stridor,decreased or increased transmission of breathing sound. b) Heart sound: S3 gallop, systolic or diastolic murmur, regular or irregular beat. C) Bowel soung: hypoactive or hyperactive bowel sound. KJC Is Patient Receiving Mechanical Ventilation? ¡ YES→common causes of sudden onset of dyspnea with acute hypoxemia: SPO2 < 90%, PO2<60mmHg: ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ARDS Pneumonia progression Pneumothorax Acute pulmonary embolism Pulmonary lung edema (CHF, fluid overload, malnutrition, Uremia) KJC Continued common causes of severe dyspnea ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Sepsis Bilateral pleural effusing Pericardial tamponade COPD + AE Asthma + AE Pulmonary hemorrhage Acute massive blood loss ( esp, G-I tract or intra-abdominal bleeding) with anemia KJC Ventilator setting and monitoring ¡ Check Peak airway pressure, plateau pressure, alarm causes, auto-PEEP level, air-leak or not, tubing connection is correct or not, humidifier is OK or not? Cuff pressure? ET tube position by CXR for adjustment. KJC Evaluate Ventilator Setting and Monitoring Ventilator Parameters ¡ VT, Flow rate, Frequency, I:E ratio, PEEP level, Pressure control level (setting) ¡ Monitor expiratory tidal volume, RR, peak airway pressure, plateau pressure ¡ Ventilator waveforms (graphs) and the causes of alarms. KJC Emergent Laboratory Tests or Radiological Studies for Severe Dyspnea-1 1. ABG: pH: acidosis or alkalosis (pH< 7.25) PO2: hypoxia or not (PaO2< 60mmHg) PCO2: hypercapnia (PaCO2>60mmHg) or hyperventilation (respiratory acidosis or alkalosis) HCO3-: (metabolic acidosis or alkalosis) ARDS: PaO2 / FiO2 ≤ 200, Bilateral alveolar infiltration, PAWP ≤ 18 mmHg. KJC Emergent Laboratory Tests or Radiological Studies for Severe Dyspnea-2 Calculate a. A-a gradient: PAO2-PaO2 PAO2: FiO2 X (760-47 mmHg)-PaCO2/RQ (0.8) Normal range: 8-15 mmHg > 15 mmHg-V/Q mismatch or shunt. Normal A-a gradient: FiO2 (21%): 2-25 mmHg, FiO2 (100%): <150 mmHg b. Shunt: CcapO2/CcapO2-CvO2 CcapO2: (1.39 X ScapO2 X Hb + 0.0031X PaO2) KJC Emergent Laboratory Tests or Radiological Studies for Severe Dyspnea-3 2. Electrolytes: Na+, K+, (Cl-, Ca++, Mg++, Phosphate if necessary.) 3. CXR: - pneumonia, lung edema, ARDS, pleural effusion or pericardial effusion, lung collapse, pneumothorax, pneumomediastena, lung fibrosis, bronchiectasisi, tumors, lymphodenopathy, pulmonary hypertension, subdiaphramation free air or abnormal gas formation (liver abscess), the position of ET tube, CVP line, Swang-Ganz catheter, chest tube or pigtail catheter. KJC CXR reading principles ¡ Good expansion, position and exposure condition. ¡ Name, bed number, correct date and time, sex, age. (correct or not?) ¡ Check the position of various lines or tubes, including CVP, Swan-Ganz catheter, ET tube, chest tube, pigtail catheter, draining tube, NG tube. ¡ Compared with previous CXR films or CT findings, repeat CXR follow-up if condition needed. KJC CXR reading sequences ¡ Extra-pulmonary area: neck, soft tissue mass, including breast shadow, bones (sternum, clavicles, ribs, scapula, humerous), pleura (effusion or air), mediastinum, trachea position. ¡ Intra-pulmonary area: pulmonary vessels, bronchial trees, lung field lesions (mass, nodule, pneumonia, collapse, cardiomegaly with lung edema, pericardial effusion). ¡ Diaphragm position and subphrenic lesion: including stomach air, colon gas (paralytic ileus or obstructive ileus), free air (PPU or colon rupture) KJC RUL lobar pneumonia KJC RUL Klebsiella pneumonia KJC LUL TB pneumonia KJC Staphylococcus septic emboli with right empyema, drug addiction with heroin injection KJC PCP pneumonia from AIDS KJC RUL collapse from patient with endotracheal intubation and ventilator support KJC Liver cirrhosis with massive right pleural effusion KJC RLL Lung cancer with bilateral pleural effusion and pericardial effusion KJC Bilateral pneumothorax with pneumotoceles from staphylococcus sepsis KJC Pneumomediastinum KJC Status asthmaticus with severe air-trapping (emphysematous change) KJC Uremia with lung edema and pericardial effusion KJC Morphine overdose with pulmonary edema KJC CHF with pulmonary edema KJC Severe pneumonia with ARDS KJC Lymphoma with SVC syndrome KJC Liver abscess with right subphrenic air accumulation KJC Liver abscess by Klebsiella pneumoni a infection KJC Pneumoconiosis PMF with emphysema KJC Colon cancer with lung metastasis KJC Emergent Laboratory Tests or Radiological Studies for Severe Dyspnea-4 4. CBC: Hb? MCV? WBC? Neutrophil %, Eosinophil %? Lymphocyte %? Platelet count ? 5. Blood sugar level? hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia? 6. BUN, Creatinine (R/O renal failure with acidosis) 7. Pulmonary function test, PEFR ( for COPD and asthma attack) 8. Perfusion lung scan and angiography (r/o acute pulmonary embolism) KJC Emergent Laboratory Tests or Radiological Studies for Severe Dyspnea-5 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Cardiac echo and radionuclotide LV scan Abdomen echo Chest or abdomen CT scan Brain CT for disordered conscious Sepsis study if fever or metabolic acidosis a. Blood culture, urine routine and culture, sputum smear for Gram¡s stain and Acid-Fast stain, and for bacterial and TB cltures. b. Other infections source ?(CVP line, Foley, wound, abscess?¡ ) KJC Emergent Laboratory Tests or Radiological Studies for Severe Dyspnea-6 14. Bronchoscope study: for the diagnosis of stridor, hemoptysis, lung collapse; endobronchial TB or tumor, and treatment for sputum impaction, stopping bleeding, or foreign body removal. KJC Immediate Approaches for dyspnea-1 1. Oxygen supply: a. nasal cannula: (3-5l/min), keep SaO2>92% b. Simple O2 mask: (> 5L/min)(FiO2: 40-80%) c. Non-rebreathing mask: (10-15L/min), (FiO2:80-100%) d. Venturi mask (FiO2 24-50%) for COPD KJC Classification of Asthma Severity CLASSIFY SEVERITY Clinical Features Before Treatment Symptoms STEP 4 Severe Persistent STEP 3 Moderate Persistent STEP 2 Mild Persistent Nocturnal Symptoms Continuous Limited physical activity Frequent Daily Attacks affect activity > 1 time week > 1 time a week but < 1 time a day FEV1 or PEF 60% predicted Variability > 30% 60 - 80% predicted > 2 times a month Variability > 30% 80% predicted Variability 20 - 30% < 1 time a week STEP 1 Intermittent Asymptomatic and normal PEF between attacks 2 times a month 80% predicted Variability < 20% The presence of one feature of severity is sufficient to place patient in that category. KJC Part 4: Long-term Asthma Management Stepwise Approach to Asthma Therapy - Adults Outcome: Best Possible Results Outcome: Asthma Control Controller: Controller: Controller: None Controller: Daily inhaled corticosteroid Daily inhaled corticosteroid Daily longacting inhaled β2-agonist Daily inhaled corticosteroid Daily long ¡ acting inhaled β2-agonist plus (if needed) -Theophylline-SR -Leukotriene -Long-acting inhaled β2- agonist -Oral corticosteroid When asthma is controlled, reduce therapy Monitor Reliever: Rapid-acting inhaled β2-agonist prn STEP 1: Intermittent STEP 2: Mild Persistent STEP 3: Moderate Persistent STEP 4: Severe Persistent STEP Down KJC Immediate Approaches-2 2. Bronchodilator inhalation for bronchospasm a. b. c. d. Bricanyl 1amp + NS 2ml, Nebulizer q1h-q6h Atrovent 1amp + NS 2ml, Nebulizer q1h-q6h Berotec (MDI) 2-4 puffs q30min-q6h Salamol (MDI) 2-4 puffs q30min-q6h (add spacer or aerochamber for MDI) e. Symbicort (turbuhaler)(Formoteral + Budesonide) 2-4 actuations q12h f. Bosmin 1cc + NS 3cc Nebulizer for stridor (vocal cord edema after extubation) q1h-q6h KJC KJC Speed of onset Classes of 2-agonists RESCUE MEDICATION fast onset, short duration fast inhaled terbutaline inhaled salbutamol fast onset, long duration inhaled formoterol slow onset, short duration slow onset, long duration slow oral terbutaline oral salbutamol oral formoterol short inhaled salmeterol oral bambuterol long Politiek MJ et al European Respiratory Journal 1999; 13; 988 - 992 M A I N T E N A N C E Duration of action KJC Formoterol has unique pharmacological properties compared with other long-acting 2-agonists Formoterol Salmeterol Long duration (>12 hours) Long duration (>12 hours) Rapid onset of action Delayed onset of action Full receptor agonist Partial receptor agonist Dose¡ response within labelled doses No dose¡ response at labelled doses KJC 氣喘合併式療法新趨勢 ¡ Flixotide (輔舒酮) + Serevent (使 立穩) (SeretideR使肺泰胖胖魚吸 入劑) ¡ Pulmicort (可減喘) + Oxis (優吸 舒) (SymbicortR吸必擴都保吸入 劑) ¡ 同時具抗發炎與氣管擴張作用 KJC Hypothesis of Adjustable Treatment for Asthma Asthma control may be improved by providing the right dose of Symbicort at the right time Asthma worsening Symbicort inhalations Asthma control Quickly gain control 2 inh. bid Maintain control 1 inh. bid Step down to adequate dose that maintains control 4 inh. bid* 1 inh. or bid 2 inh. od Time (months, weeks, days) inh. = inhalation(s) KJC First-line treatments of acute asthma Agent Administration Oxygen (level IIIA) High flow to maintain SaO2>92-95%; by nasan prongs, mask or ET tube β2-Agonists ( level IA) MDI: initial 4-8 puffs, can be repeated every 15-20 minutes up to 3 times, it can be increased to 1 puff every 30-60 s, up to 20 puffs ( level IA). Wet nebulizer: 5-10 mg of salbutamol (1-2 mL plus 3 mL of saline) every 15-20 min, or can be run continuously in severe attack Corticosteroid (level IA) Prednisolone 50 mg orally or methylprednisolone 125 mg IV stat then 40-120 mg IV daily if PO not possible, or hydrocortisone 500 mg IV, repeat every 8 hrs for 24 hrs KJC Adjunct therapy in acute asthma Agent Administration Anticholinergics ( level IA for reducing hospitalization and with additive bronchodilation effect) Atrovent: MDI: 4-8 puffs every 15-20 min, to be repeated 3 times. Increased to 1 puff every 30-60 s, to amaximum of 20 puffs MgSO4 (level IA in reducing hospitalization and increasing FEV1 with co-treatment of β2-agonists) IV infusion 25 mg/kg/h Adrenaline (seldom use in asthma, but is the drug of choice in anaphylaxis with prominent bronchoconstriction) 0.3-0.5 mL (1:1000) subcutaneously every 15-20 min, as required. Infusion: 4-8 µg/min Intravenous β2-agonists (level IC) Salbutamol 4 µg/kg, over 2-5 min, or infusion at 0.1-0.2 µg/kg/min Aminophylline (level ID) Loading dose: 3-6 mg/kg IV over 30 min; the dose should be halved if the patient is already on theophylline; followed by an infusion at 0.2-1 mg/kg/h; blood level monitoring is recommended KJC Immediate Approaches-3 3. Intravenous steroid for COPD with AE or status asthmaticus: a. Loading dose: 1) Medason (125mg methylprednisolone) 1 vail iv st 2) Saxizon (300mg hydrocortisone) 1 vail iv st b. Maintenance dose: 1) Solumedrol (40mg methyprednisolone) 1 vial iv q12h-6h 2) Saxizone 100mg iv q8h-q6h KJC Immediate Approaches-4 4. Aminophylline infusion (0.1-0.5 mg/hr/kg) [2amps + NS 500cc, set 30cc/hr (≒ 0.5mg/hr/kg) , adjust infusion dose according to coexisted underlying disease or medications], monitoring serum level after 24-48 hours of infusion. 5. Diuretic for lung edema 6. Adequate antibiotic for sepsis or infection. KJC Immediate Approaches-5 7. Heparin ihfusion for thrombo-embolism, or thrombolytic agent for life threatening case. 8. Hemodialysis for uremia acidosis, lung edema, or hyperkalemia. 9. Insulin and fluid replacement for DKA, HHNK 10. Chest tube for pneumothorax or massive pleural effusion. 11. Non-invasive ventilation (BiPAP, CPAP mask) for COPD + AE or Ac pulmonary edema. KJC Immediate Approaches-6 12. Emergent intubation and Mechanical Ventilation - pH < 7.2 PO2 < 60 mmHg despite O2 mask or NIPPV PCO2 > 60 mmHg Unstable vital signs or drowsy consciousness. → ICU care 13. 急會外科 (PPU, peritonitis, ICH, emergent tracheostomy for difficult intubation) 14. 會心臟科 for cardiovascular problems KJC Immediate Approaches-7 15. 16. 17. 18. 會腎臟科 for hemodialysis 會胸腔科 for chest and airway diseases 會腸胃科 for G-I and Liver diseases Use sedation or paralyzed agents with cautions : IV Dormicum (Midazolam), Diprivan (Propofol), morphine, valium, atracurium or pancuronium: need good airway protection (with ET tube) and need intensive blood pressure monitoring in ICU. KJC
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