Make the perfect PCT website INTELLIGENCE AN HSJ SUPPLEMENT/18 JUNE 2009 intelligence OPINION New beginnings for end of life care FEATURE: 22 NEWS Full coverage from Confed NEWS: 8-11 balanced views nhs evidence: 2-3 18 JUNE 2009 £3.40 GANG CULTURE 9 770952 227169 2 4 HOW TO COMBAT THE MENACE OF MASS BULLYING: 18-19 50124 HJS Ad FP 210x297mm:Layout 1 28/5/09 10:15 Page 1 Our NHS is too precious to be left to the market The BMA believes the NHS is under threat from continuing market-driven reforms which are moving the NHS away from its founding principles of being publicly funded, publicly provided and publicly accountable. We want to see the NHS restored as a public service working co-operatively for patients, not as a market of commercial businesses competing with each other. That’s why the BMA is calling for an NHS which: 1. Provides high quality, comprehensive healthcare for all, free at the point of use 2. Is publicly funded through central taxes, publicly provided and publicly accountable 3. Significantly reduces commercial involvement 4. Uses public money for quality healthcare, not profits for shareholders 5. Cares for patients through co-operation, not competition 6. Is led by medical professionals working in partnership with patients and the public 7. Seeks value for money but puts the care of patients before financial targets 8. Is fully committed to training future generations of medical professionals Have your say • Agree with the BMA’s principles? Visit to lodge your support and/or views or email [email protected] • Visit and submit examples of how NHS market reforms are affecting you. EVEN S TTS INSIDE INSIDE NEWS ‘We need to sit down with the unions as quickly as we can’ EVEN EVEN TS TS EVEN INSIDE INSIDE HSJ’s NHS Talent Management conference is in London on 2 July, END OF LIFE CARE The latest issue of Intelligence, HSJ’s information and technology supplement, considers how NHS Evidence will keep clinicians up to date with the ever-expanding body of information, and asks why PCT websites are so often not up to scratch. With this issue To die at home has long been the wish of many people who know their life is ending, but too often this has not been fulfilled. Now, at last, things are beginning to change and end of life care is becoming a priority. As one palliative care consultant says: “For the first time in my practice I can see the oil tanker changing direction.” Page 22 TS INTELLIGENCE INSIDE EVEN TS INSIDE NEWS ANALYSIS In 2003 a heatwave killed an estimated 52,000 people in Europe, with more than 15,000 excess deaths in France alone. With another “barbecue summer” predicted, what can PCTs do to get their heads around a major public health threat? Page 12 EVEN BLOGS ‘Common but fairly inoffensive jargon includes “stakeholders” – Bullfighter suggests “vampire slayers” as an alternative’ Dave West TS TS EVEN INSIDE INSIDE 17 PAGES OF JOBS BEGIN ON PAGE 26 JOBS Salary band 9 starts on page 27 Director of finance, information and procurement, Cumbria Salary band 8 starts on page 33 Service manager, Sheffield; Clinical service manager, Roehampton Salary band 7 starts on page 42 Assistant directorate manager, Manchester Search all current jobs online at updated daily 18 June 2009 Health Service Journal 1 EVEN TS Managers have called on unions and employers to begin negotiating now on the 2011-12 pay deal. But health secretary Andy Burnham said a deal would be hard without knowing what the next spending review will bring. Page 4 COVER: CHRIS EDE INSIDE NEWS TS EDITOR’S CHOICE EEVVEENN IN “I’m a regular user of during work hours and from home, because I trust the relevance of the information.” member since 2006 has an unrivalled ability to target and personalise information to doctors, by seniority, speciality and by region, so they see information that is relevant to their profile. It is a unique channel to rapidly target clinicians, measuring reach, engagement and impact on clinical practice. We work with organisations across the public sector, to provide targeted and sustained communications, research and e-learning for CPD. Get in touch to see how you can drive and measure rapid, clinical engagement: e-mail [email protected] or call 01235 828400 quoting HSJ99. HSJ_12-06-09_doctorsnetuk_v02.indd 1 15/06/2009 09:54:08 LEADER NEWS RICHARD VIZE EDITOR PUBLIC HEALTH Flu pandemic could kill off a generation of local managers The fear in the Department of Health over swine flu is palpable. Its leadership is worried that primary care trusts have become complacent (news, page 7). The modest numbers infected so far and the mildness of the symptoms have provided false assurance that we have been spared a major and deadly outbreak. The propaganda from ministers and experts has exacerbated the problem. The soothing refrain is that Britain is better prepared than any other country in the world. Britain has amassed huge stockpiles of antiviral drugs, and PCTs have been drafting plans to co-ordinate action with hospitals, councils, strategic health authorities and businesses. But the DH fears many of these plans will fall apart in the face of a renewed and more virulent onslaught in the autumn. Last week, behind closed doors at a hastily arranged meeting hours before the World Health Organisation declared a pandemic, flu czar Ian Dalton ordered PCTs to test their plans to destruction. Some PCTs will get it right, others will be lucky. Those who get it wrong and are unlucky will be ‘The political climate has rarely been more hostile to public servants, and NHS managers are seen as a legitimate target’ exposed to the full force of public anger. The exemplary performance of the best PCTs will be used as a stick with which to beat the worst. Local managers should be in no doubt about what they will endure if they fail. After five years of preparation, millions of pounds of investment, months of warning over swine flu and endless declarations that the country is ready, the public and local and national media will lynch you. The political climate has rarely been more hostile to public servants, and NHS managers are always seen as a legitimate target. If you are deemed to be responsible for avoidable deaths they will dissect your pay packet, dissect your organisation and dissect you. ● REGULATION Limits on Monitor should not threaten FTs The Department of Health is moving to weaken the power of foundation trust regulator Monitor. As HSJ reveals this week (news, page 5), the department is planning to split the post of executive chairman, presumably when incumbent Bill Moyes finishes his second term next January. Mr Moyes has amassed considerable power and has aggressively defended foundation trusts against what he sees as DH interference. He is not regarded warmly in the DH, and the antipathy between him and NHS chief executive David Nicholson is an open secret. But whatever the motivation, splitting the post to establish a chair and chief executive is the right decision. In the age of good governance it is anomalous for any major public sector body, let alone a regulator, to place so much power in the hands of one post. Splitting it will send the right message to foundation trusts about the centrality of effective governance. However, it must not lead to a weakening in the voice and independence of foundation trusts. Monitor took the DH at its word in professing its belief in autonomy, and has provided a competing centre of gravity in the NHS which has drawn the orbit of FTs a little distance from the DH. Although Mr Moyes’ tactics have occasionally been confrontational, his organisation has certainly worked to put a line in the sand which the DH crosses at its peril. This autonomy must be defended. ● 18 June 2009 Health Service Journal 3 news Contact the news desk on 020 7728 3757, [email protected] policy Home care to ease hospital bed demands A Number 10 document setting out the government’s plans for the next 12 months will promise more care for people in their own homes. Next week Downing Street is expected to publish Building Britain’s Future, which will list the government’s forthcoming strategies and white papers. It is understood that following a disastrous showing in the local elections and the installation of a new cabinet, the government feels it must set out its priorities more clearly. The intention to offer people more healthcare in their own homes fits with the emphasis from the Department of Health and the NHS on the need to reduce the use of hospital beds – even more pressing given the impending spending cuts. HSJ understands this will include palliative care, cancer and children’s services. The document is also expected to signal the government’s intention to set out new proposals on maternity later this year, likely to seek to extend birthing units, improve post-natal care and give parents, particularly fathers, a bigger role in the birth of their children. Individual budgets are understood to be under consideration. Several of the targets set out in Maternity Matters to improve services by the end of this year are widely expected to be missed, and the government has been concerned that maternity services are one “shop window” of the NHS that it has not improved. A greater emphasis on prevention will echo health secretary Andy Burnham’s stated priorities for the NHS, and there will be plans to reform social care. HSJINSIDE ’s Achieving Excellence Care in NHS Customer conference is on 23 June, EVEN TS 4 Health Service Journal 18 June 2009 Managers worried by b cuts call for early pay t workforce Staffing levels expected to take the brunt of predicted tightened spending Sally Gainsbury [email protected] NHS managers have called for unions and employers to start talks now on the NHS pay deal for 2011-12 in a bid to minimise job losses. Staff pay represents more than 40 per cent of total NHS spending. There are concerns that with analysts projecting a shortfall of up to £25bn by 201314, headcount reductions will be inevitable. NHS Confederation chief executive Steve Barnett told HSJ: “We need to sit down with the trade unions as quickly as we can. “If we are in a situation where we could be £20bn short, mature people are going to have to sit down and talk about how that gets managed. There cannot necessarily be inflation based [pay] increases each year,” he said. Speaking at the NHS Confederation conference last week, Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals foundation trust chief executive Tony Spotswood said the scale of required savings implied a 15 per cent reduction in the workforce – equivalent to around 180,000 staff or £5bn of the annual pay bill. That would equate to more than half of the public sector jobs the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development this week warned are likely to go between 2010-11 and 2014-15, NHS workforce in numbers Total staff employed l 1998: 1,071,562 l 2008: 1,368,693 l Increase: 28 per cent Total spending on NHS staff salaries l 2005-06: £33.9bn (47 per cent of NHS spending) l 2006-07: £35.2bn (45 per cent of NHS spending) l 2007-08: £36.5bn (42 per cent of NHS spending) Total spending on management, administrative and clerical posts at PCTs and trusts* l 2005-06: £5.4bn (7.3 per cent of NHS spending) l 2006-07: £5.3bn (6.8 per cent of NHS spending) l 2007-08: £5.0bn (5.8 per cent of NHS spending) Spending on agency staff* l 2005-06: £1,182m (1.6 per cent of NHS spending) l 2006-07: £798m (1.0 per cent of NHS spending) l 2007-08: £883m (1.0 per cent of NHS spending) *Excludes foundation trusts Sources: Department of Health, NHS Information Centre, York Centre for Health Economics triggering strike action and “guerrilla war” from public sector trade unions. However, health secretary Andy Burnham told HSJ it was still too early to begin detailed negotiations. “It’s hard to sign a new pay deal without knowing what the next spending review is. We couldn’t sensibly sign a new deal – but we could do the preparatory work,” he said. Managers have told HSJ that attempts to minimise redundancies through workforce planning and natural wastage are hampered by the uncertainty surrounding the pay deal after 2011. The rest of the economy could be moving into recovery by then, making it difficult to cap public sector increases in the face of rising salaries in the private sector. Workforce Chief turnover ‘stifling’ NHS 6 Foundations Private meetings defended 8 Michael White On spending cuts 10 y budget DH plans to split Monitor top job y talks regulation Dividing the role will minimise ‘personality issues’ Helen Crump [email protected] Monitor’s top job is to be split in two under plans being developed by the Department of Health. HSJ understands that DH permanent secretary Sir Hugh Taylor will oversee the move to replace the executive chairman position – currently held by Bill Moyes – with separate chief executive and chair roles. Being executive chair gives Mr Moyes an unusually powerful role. Most NHS organisations have a chair and chief executive. The move would also bring Monitor in line with other regulators, such as the Care Quality Commission. A Whitehall source said there was “a sense within the NHS and the Department of Health” that a clear separation of the roles was needed. A government source said Bill Moyes: separate roles needed there was a view at the DH that separating the roles could “take some of the personality issues out of Monitor”. Mr Moyes clashed with the Department of Health last year, criticising it for taking a “directive” and “instructive” tone in letters to foundation trusts, and sharing his views with trusts after his own exchange of letters See leader, page 3 Mental Health Services exposed by payment by results delay Tariff timescale ticks off trusts Charlotte Santry [email protected] Mental health trusts have expressed dismay that a national tariff will not be in place until 2013 at the earliest. The timescale was revealed in a letter to managers on Monday. It follows a pledge in the next stage review that mental health “currencies” would be available by 2010. Service providers had originally anticipated that the national tariff would be developed quickly afterwards. The letter, from Department of Health director of mental health policy Kathryn Tyson and NHS finance director Bob Alexander, says the proposed currencies will be published in 2010-11 for use “if there is local agreement and capacity to do so”. By 2011-12, all health economies should be using the currencies “in some form” and be establishing local prices. But 2013-14 will be “the earliest possible date” for a national payment by results tariff for mental health, and only if there is seen to be a “compelling case for a national price”. The timetable has fuelled concerns that mental health services will be more “exposed” to commissioners’ cost cutting measures if they do not have a tariff at a time of tightened public spending. NHS Confederation Mental Health Network director Steve Shrubb said: “This will disappoint a number of people. “We’re in a recession. Commissioners have a tariff with their acute customers and not with mental health providers, so that exposes mental health. “When we consider what a large proportion of the NHS spend is on mental health, it seems not unreasonable to expect it should receive a higher priority.” The tariff involves grouping patients into clusters based on their symptoms and needs, with commissioners paying for the number of people in each cluster. Cumbria Partnership foundation trust chief executive Stephen Dalton said he welcomed the phased approach. But he warned treatment costs varied widely across the country. The economic climate meant there would be no “safety net” for trusts that lost out under the tariff, he said. 18 June 2009 Health Service Journal 5 SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY Unite national officer Karen Reay said her union’s members were angered by the suggestion that the first port of call for cuts should be staff and pay. She pointed to the £300m a year the NHS spends on management consultants and claimed the operation of the internal market cost another £20bn. She said her union would not accept a 2011-12 settlement below the going rate in the rest of the economy and warned “staff will vote with their feet” if that was the deal. HSJ understands other unions may be more open to a pay deal that balances a low pay increase with guarantees over staffing levels, the NHS pension and career flexibilities. Unison national officer Mike Jackson told HSJ the union would be happy to discuss another three year deal now “without prejudice”, but members would be looking for guarantees over inflation. “Just as NHS trusts want pay certainty, so do our members,” he said. NHS Employers director of pay, pensions and employment Gill Bellord said it was “very much open” to having early conversations with unions, but confirmed these were not taking place at present. But she added that with 30,000 people retiring from the NHS each year, job cuts were “not inevitable”. Fresh attention is also likely to be paid to trust spending on agency staff. Department of Health figures show that during the cutbacks of 2006-07, when the NHS was pulling itself out of deficit, agency staff spending dropped by a third to £798m, or 1 per cent of total NHS spending. The following year the cash amount grew by 11 per cent. with NHS chief executive David Nicholson had revealed disagreements between them (news, page 4, 22 February 2008). Managers welcomed the plan to split Monitor’s top job. An NHS chief executive said: “It’s an open secret that Mr Moyes isn’t everyone’s favourite person at the DH, so my question would be is this truly about the role or about the person? “Monitor and the private sector good governance codes all recommend separation of the chair and chief executive so it’s a bit ironic that the body that governs foundation trusts has never done this.” A DH spokeswoman said: “The current appointment of the [executive] chair of Monitor ends on 31 January 2010. No decisions have been taken beyond that point.” Monitor declined to comment. news IN BRIEF Half measures Only half of trusts have said they met all standards assessed in the annual health check during the financial year 2008-09. The Care Quality Commission has said compliance with the core standards will be a key indicator of whether a trust meets the new registration requirements. The regulator will be checking the accuracy of trusts’ self declarations. For more details visit Scots on board Members of the public will be directly elected to the boards of NHS Fife and NHS Dumfries and Galloway from next year, Scottish health secretary Nicola Sturgeon has announced. The elections, which are a pilot, will be held for the first time this spring. The system uses postal ballots and will run for at least two years before an evaluation. Outram for MEE Leeds primary care trust chief executive Christine Outram has been appointed managing director of the workforce training and planning body Medical Education England. Ms Outram is expected to take up the new role later this month. The PCT’s finance director Kevin Howells will become acting chief executive. Director of commissioning Matt Walsh has also resigned to take up the post of medical director at Calderdale PCT. The government will introduce a new independent regulator for pharmacy professionals and premises next year. The General Pharmaceutical Council will replace the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain as regulator for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. UCL’s new partner The UCL Partners academic health science centre has appointed David Fish as managing director. Professor Fish is currently medical director for specialist hospitals for University College London Hospitals foundation trust, and has been a professor of epilepsy and clinical neurophysiology at UCL since 2000. 6 Health Service Journal 18 June 2009 ‘Startling’ senior executive turnover stifles innovation Charlotte Santry [email protected] The “startlingly” high turnover of NHS chief executives and finance directors is discouraging trusts from making the bold decisions needed during an economic downturn, recruitment experts have found. Up to half of senior executives are likely to spend less than two years in the same post, according to a survey by recruitment consultancy Hoggett Bowers. This compares with the seven years that the average private health sector chief executive officer stays in the job, notes the report, NHS Chief Executives, Bold and Old. High profile departures are exacerbating the risk averse “heads down” culture, which will “stifle initiative and innovation”, it says. “The NHS needs to do more to explicitly encourage and demonstrate support for the unconventional, that is, for the bold CEOs who have the capability, drive and tenacity to initiate and inspire innovation.” A quarter of respondents to the survey, which covered 57 per cent of NHS organisations over four years, were promoted to roles in larger, more complex NHS organisations or the Department of Health. Almost 30 per cent left their jobs due to mergers or reorganisations, just under 10 per cent haldane’s view left to join other sectors and 10 per cent moved into more junior NHS roles. Only 5 per cent retired at their full pensionable age and around a quarter had a leaving package such as a compromise agreement, early retirement or ill health retirement. Hoggett Bowers head of healthcare practice and report author Annette Sergeant called turnover levels “startling”. Primary care trust mergers had influenced the figures but analysis carried out over the past 12 months showed the results were still relevant, she said. Interviews with chairs, nonexecutive directors and chief executives revealed many senior staff who signed compromise agreements left due to difficult relationships with their chair or other senior figures, a failure to judge “local politics” or recog- nise key influencers or achieving change too slowly. Long lasting chief executives tended to be politically astute and were able to quickly assess an organisation’s climate and culture. Frank McKenna, director of NHS and healthcare at HR consultants Harvey Nash, said trusts were increasingly looking for bold, transformational leaders. He said: “The challenge the NHS has is driving up quality while driving improved costs. The only way that is going to be possible is to radically transform and innovate in a way we have not seen before.” But some challenged trusts were more interested in chief executives who would ensure targets were met, he said. EVEN TS Pharma regulation workforce Short term leaders shy from making bold decisions HSJINSIDE ’s Talent Management is on 2 July, integrated care Competition probe into merger Sally Gainsbury [email protected] A Department of Health integrated care pilot scheme is to be investigated by the co-operation and competion panel to see if it breaches merger, choice and competition rules. Under the pilot scheme, City Hospitals Sunderland foundation trust plans to merge with a local GP practice. The merger would represent a case of “vertical integration”, which the DH has been wary of due to concerns acute trusts could use control of a GP practice to drive up the number of acute referrals. DH competition rules, published in 2007, state that primary care trusts must seek permission from the department before contracting for “list based primary care services” through a hospital provider. The panel’s investigation will use the Sunderland case to test assumptions and concerns about vertical integration. In a statement, the panel said it would “assess the extent to which the integrated care scheme may limit patient choice in relation to the type of NHSfunded healthcare services provided by each [provider]”. It will also assess any benefits the model brings patients and taxpayers. The panel is inviting submissions from interested parties. The closing date is 26 June. The earliest date the panel will complete the investigation is early August, with the possibility of it continuing until the end of November should the issues be deemed to be complex. swine flu Confederation says PCTs are confident about plans Flu czar cracks the whip Helen Crump [email protected] Primary care trusts have been ordered to “test to destruction” their plans to deal with swine flu amid concerns that some may be complacent about their preparedness. The Department of Health has cranked up its message to the service, with health secretary Andy Burnham and NHS chief executive David Nicholson both stressing the need to be ready as the number of cases in the UK and elsewhere in the world rose last week. Mr Nicholson said a significant outbreak was likely this year and the NHS “getting its act together” was vital. National director for flu resilience Ian Dalton called PCTs to a private meeting about their swine flu plans, hours before the Flu preparations All PCTs should have: l Pandemic influenza co-ordinator in place l Strategy for co-ordination with local authority, acute trust and SHA l Strategy to communicate with public and local business l Contingency plan for distributing vaccinations l Plan to mobilise general practice and other primary care resources World Health Organisation declared a pandemic. The flu czar warned PCT managers they should be “testing their plans to destruction”. HSJ understands there are concerns that plans could “fall apart”. One source at the meeting told HSJ: “The subliminal message was ‘we’re not convinced everyone is taking it seriously’. “If some places cope and others are found wanting, be clear you’ll be held to account for it.” Human resources issues, such as whether PCTs had planned for staff shortages, whether staff knew what to do if not enough drugs were available, and GP provision were of particular concern, the source said. NHS Confederation PCT Network director David Stout said PCTs were “reasonably confident” about their plans. “I’m not picking up a real major concern [from PCTs] but as the prospect of fairly serious demand grows people are going to have to look again.” He said the confederation’s own polling of PCTs and hospitals had found them to be largely confident plans were robust. See leader, page 3; news analysis, page 12; opinion, page 15. Alder Hey park takes shape Lewis Tipper, a patient at Alder Hey hospital, and his mum Sarah examine plans for a children’s park and a new hospital on the Merseyside site. Options under review are a £288m children’s health park scheme or a £326m new hospital. The consultation is open until 26 July. hospital infection Trusts to get own targets to cut MRSA Charlotte Santry [email protected] Trusts will be expected to reduce MRSA rates to levels set nationally based on their performance and number of bed days. The Department of Health is considering setting each NHS organisation an “attainable minimum” goal to reduce the level of MRSA infections, as revealed in HSJ last week. An impact analysis of the policy says while the national target to halve MRSA between 2003-04 and 2007-08 was hit, there remains “substantial variation in local performance”. Under the proposals, each organisation would be given a permitted rate of MRSA infections, based on bed days for acute trusts and population rates for primary care trusts. Organisations would be told to bring their rates in line with the median or best performing quartile. Those achieving this already would need to reduce MRSA cases by 10 per cent each year, apart from the top 10 per cent of organisations. Alternatively, improvement targets could be set locally. Cases will only be attributed to hospitals if they appear 48 hours after the patient’s admission. The plans will save the NHS up to £57.5m in avoided deaths, according to the analysis. Responses to the consultation must be submitted by 24 July. See Andy Burnham story, page 9 primary care Britnell move ‘will not hit commissioning’ Helen Crump [email protected] would be overseeing work on commissioning, he added. Primary care trust managers warned the post must be filled quickly amid fears the commissioning drive could lose focus. One source said: “We need someone as strong as Mark to balance the David Flory view of the world, which is not necessarily quite so sympathetic.” NHS Confederation PCT Network director David Stout said: VEN “It’s not a time to Elose direcINSIDE tion… given the looming financial crisis.” TS The Department of Health is downplaying Mark Britnell’s departure for the private sector, insisting the world class commissioning programme will not founder without him. HSJ exclusively revealed online that Mr Britnell is to leave his DH job as director general of commissioning and system management for a leading role in consultancy firm KPMG’s European health practice. HSJ understands Mr Britnell has asked the Cabinet Office for permission to take a job outside the civil service and has stood aside as the process takes place. A DH source said there was “no indication” of when Mr Britnell’s post would be filled, or whether the successful candidate would be of a similar level to Mr Britnell and carry out a similar role. He said: “Mark Britnell is just an individual – the agenda hasn’t changed.” NHS chief executive David Nicholson Mr Britnell launched world class commissioning and established the co-operation and competition panel to ensure fair access to the health market. Westminster PCT chief executive Michael Scott said: “We mustn’t fall into a cult of personality.” But Hull PCT chief Chris Long said: “He’s going to be a hard act to replace.” Mr Britnell was unavailable for comment. Read HSJ editor Richard Vize’s blog at 18 June 2009 Health Service Journal 7 nHS cOnfederatiOn cOnference NEWS CONFED BLOG EVEN TS INSIDE I interviewed master of spin Alastair Campbell at the NHS Confederation conference in Liverpool. A daunting task by any standard, especially as it was at five minutes’ notice. Oh, and I could only ask two questions. I wondered how he expected the audience to react to his newly crowned status as mental health champion, given he’s primarily known as a bullying spin doctor. His answer, more or less, was that he did not care whether people subscribed to that image of him, which had been “passed down” through the media. Funny, I had a feeling the media, rather than his own behaviour, would somehow be to blame. With more time, I would have liked to ask what it was like to work in the upper echelons of government while battling a mental health condition. As it happens, he addressed some of this in his speech 15 minutes later, expressing genuine anger at the way MPs who are sectioned get “chucked out” of Parliament. “As a signal, that’s just wrong,” he said. He also convincingly argued that the NHS should be a model employer in supporting staff who suffer with mental illnesses. The upcoming Boorman review will assess whether this is the case, but the staff survey does not make for easy reading. Other findings show NHS staff are almost four times as likely to be absent from work with stress as people with other occupations, as reported in our sister title Nursing Times. Campbell’s call for the NHS to “lead the way” should not be a big ask given its primary function is to care for people’s physical and mental health, but I suspect it has some way to go – it would be interesting to hear whether staff and managers agree. Charlotte Santry Watch the interview with Alastair Campbell at 8 Health Service Journal 18 June 2009 fOUndatiOn trUStS calls mount for increased transparency directors defend need for board meetings in private Dave West [email protected] Foundation trust directors have defended their decisions to meet in private, despite growing pressure on them to be more open. Following the Mid Staffordshire foundation trust scandal, the government has said all boards should meet publicly. Care Quality Commission chief executive Cynthia Bower appeared to support that view at the NHS Confederation conference last week. However, several foundation trust directors and the Foundation Trust Network insisted their governance system allowed them to be more open than other trusts, for example by giving additional information and access to governors. Those with open meetings could avoid scrutiny by discussing sensitive topics in private sessions. Chesterfield Royal Hospital foundation trust chair Richard Gregory, also chair of Yorkshire Bank and former managing director of Yorkshire Television, told a conference seminar that public meetings made it difficult Adrian Masters: FT boards need to discuss sensitive issues in private to “discuss issues constructively”. They would also discourage private sector directors from joining foundations, he said. “How many FTSE100 nonexecutive directors would want to have meetings in public or indulge in the hypocrisy of holding meetings in two parts?” said Mr Gregory. Liverpool Women’s foundation trust chair Ken Morris said: “I do not think there is any evidence that open meetings are effective in terms of promoting confidence and getting people interested. Arguably it is a soft position [compared with more information and involvement for governors].” Monitor strategy director Adrian Masters said it was sometimes right to meet in private. He told a separate seminar at the conference: “I think if you hold board meetings in public, what you risk is that the really important conversations do not happen at the board… then you do not have a fully effective board because the really important questions are not being debated there in an open way.” However, Ms Bower said the public was becoming less tolerant of information being kept private. “If you hold privileged information that you are not putting into the public domain then you are going to have to have a very good reason why you are doing that.” An HSJ straw poll in April suggested less than a quarter of foundation boards met in public, contradicting government guidance. finance it’s ‘make or break’ for the nHS Rebecca Evans [email protected] The NHS is facing a “make or break” moment in its history, NHS Confederation chief executive Steve Barnett told delegates at the conference last week. “This year’s conference sees us standing at the threshold of what’s clearly going to be a most challenging, even make or break, period in the history of the NHS,” he said. Speaking on the day shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley had insisted “real terms growth” for the NHS would continue after 2011 under a Conservative government – at the expense of other government departments – Mr Barnett said the confedera- tion had calculated the health service could face real terms funding cuts of up to £20bn in the three years from 2011. “A change of government will not change our predicament,” he stressed. “The cold hard fact is that today we have just under two years to take radical action if our NHS is to remain true to its founding principle of excellent care free at the point of need.” He pledged to defend managers in the face of any claims that the NHS could be run by frontline staff alone. “The notion that managers somehow get in the way of patient care is more than merely misguided. It is preposterous to imply that such an enormous and complex service can operate effectively without the crucial role played by managers and leaders. “I intend to address that distortion head on and defend in a properly balanced way the real contribution that managers make – delivering care to patients – part of the broader team, not sitting on the bench.” As finances tighten, local leadership was vital, he said. “Local leadership in good times and in bad times, that is your calling and it will strengthen the reputation of NHS managers.” He called for “disruptive and courageous innovation” and called on the Department of Health “to deliver on devolving to you”. POLICY New health secretary outlines plans to place local needs at heart of the NHS Burnham to overhaul target culture Health secretary Andy Burnham has promised to “deep clean the target regime”. Mr Burnham also told last week’s NHS Confederation conference that illness prevention would be a major policy tenet under his leadership, but he was unable to match Conservative promises to increase NHS funding from 2011. Mr Burnham said patients should now be the “pre-eminent force” driving health policy, rather than targets. “It offers the chance to change the debate about targets fundamentally,” he said. Existing targets would either become minimum standards for services or “removed”, he told the audience in his first major speech as health secretary. “We have got to make sure that minimum standards are fairer and more focused on local context than the targets that preceded them.” He gave the example of the MRSA target, saying it was important that standards were Andy Burnham at the conference: targets will become minimum standards high, but a national target was “no comfort” to patients in areas where their local hospital was not up to standard. “We need a standard that reassures patients and better reflects the different challenges that different core settings face,” he said. His announcement came as HSJ revealed managers are to be consulted on a “zero tolerance” objective on MRSA to be in the next NHS operating framework (news, page 8, 11 June). Waiting times targets such as 18 weeks and four hours in accident and emergency are also expected to become minimum service standards. On finance, Mr Burnham has refused to match the Conservatives’ pledge to give the NHS “real terms” funding increases from 2011-12. He urged people to judge the Labour government’s commitment to the NHS by its performance over the past 12 years. “Look at our record. This government has looked after the NHS and policy Lansley pledges bigger budget Charlotte Santry [email protected] Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has confirmed the Conservatives’ commitment to increasing the NHS budget in real terms after 2011 while calling on managers to justify the extra spending. Speaking at the conference in Liverpool, he said the NHS owed Conservative Party leader David Cameron and shadow chancellor George Osborne productivity increases in return for the funding pledge. He said: “David Cameron and George Osborne have gone out on a limb. They said we are not going to cut the NHS budget. “I think it’s incumbent to repay them by bringing the greatest possible efficiency.” He stated his three priorities were equity, efficiency and excellence, and repeated his belief in Andrew Lansley: NHS must repay increase with better performance ringfenced public health budgets to address health inequalities. Stressing the importance of efficiency, he said: “The responsibility of people in the NHS to use resources well is probably greater than anybody else’s. I do not mean anybody is setting out to waste money. “We need good managers – it is not about how many managers – to… design services that have much higher levels of efficiency. “The NHS should be an example in the public services and to the private sector as well in terms of what is possible to achieve.” Mr Lansley also criticised the “command and control” structure that he said had led to leadership becoming confused with control. More power needed to rest with the patients, he said, which would be promoted by expanding practice based commissioning. funded it properly,” he said. He added no one would thank him if he “used a form of words” to wriggle around the issue. Mr Burnham also said prevention would become a fourth priority alongside quality, productivity and innovation. “In its first 60 years the NHS has often picked up the pieces, in the next 60 years it should be all about helping people lead healthy, happy and fulfilling lives,” he said. He called prevention a “long term insurance policy” and acknowledged it may not reap immediate financial rewards: “It may deliver some short term dividends but the real gain comes over the long term.” He called for the health service to “press ahead” with more investment in preventive services for older people and said the proposals that will be in the imminent social care green paper would “open up new opportunities to keep people out of hospitals”. Mr Burnham also backed a review of private patient income limits on foundation trusts. Service design Local control can save NHS, says Lamb Liberal Democrat health spokesman Norman Lamb has called for further devolution and local accountability in the NHS. Mr Lamb told delegates in Liverpool: “There needs to be a fundamental change from the situation at the moment where the only person accountable is the secretary of state to a situation where there is local democratic accountability for the commissioners. “We need to scale back the Department of Health.” He said the survival of the NHS was at risk if it did not respond to expected cuts in funding. “If it is to survive and prosper in the future it has to be capable of adapting to the challenges that now confront it,” he said. 18 June 2009 Health Service Journal 9 neil o’connor HSJ reporters NHS CONFEDERATION NEWS MICHAEL WHITE ON POLITICS A health-minded Tory MP of my acquaintance took me aside the other day to suggest that a pandemic recurrence of swine flu this autumn, the kind which the newspapers have been panicking about (again), might do wonders for Gordon Brown’s image. “It’s the kind of thing he’s good at; the government might be seen to be handling it well,” the MP conceded. No, I don’t believe it either, though I follow his train of thought. By all means write off Brown, but don’t bet the whole pension fund on it. I mention it because it underlines uncertainty, not just porky flu, but financial. No need to panic about that either, just be sensible. As with flu – which happens every year too – no one can claim to know what is going to happen to the economy, only this year more so. PROCUREMENT choice is Tory cuts or Labour cuts”) they said “look, we all know both sides will make cuts to help pay for the recession”. So by Monday shadow chancellor George Osborne was writing: “The real dividing line is not ‘cut versus investment’, but honesty versus dishonesty.” Ed Balls was complaining that Chancellor Osborne would cut education spending and training to fund tax cuts for the rich in the shape of inheritance tax abolition. They’re both right and both wrong. Yes, a Cameron government would be under pressure from its own side to slash spending (not all of it “wasteful”) and cut taxes. Yes, Labour is already committed to curbing recent high spending increases after 2011, though Chancellor Balls would have been Spare a thought for the Ministry of Defence Thus our new health secretary, Handy Andy Burnham, has been enduring a baptism of fire over our old friend spending cuts, triggered by those careless remarks from his Tory shadow, Andrew Lansley. Just in case you missed it. On Radio 4 Candid Andy Lansley said: “We have made it clear where our priorities are. We are going to increase the resources for the NHS. We are going to increase resources for international development aid [and] schools. But that does mean over three years, after 2011, a 10 per cent reduction in the departmental expenditure limits for other departments.” I know what you must be thinking. “Hasn’t old Lansley got form? Did he blurt out something about this once before?” Yes, he did, and I am sure the Cameron elite is a bit cross with him since Brown and his sidekick, the ex-future chancellor Ed Balls, leapt on it. Lansley went very quiet. But politics is an opportunity crime. After Brown-Balls reverted to their default position, citing key “dividing lines” between the parties (on cuts vs investment) the Tories rallied. Citing the independent Institute for Fiscal Studies (“the 10 Health Service Journal 18 June 2009 more of an instinctive tax-raiser than Alistair Darling, who hung on to the job. Even on Darling’s current plans there will be a slight cut (0.1 per cent) in real (ie after inflation) terms and higher taxes. As HSJ reported last week, more will follow. But one thing Brown and Cameron, Osborne and Darling, Handy Andy and Candid Andy all agree upon is that protecting the NHS budget is their number one priority. Kevin Barron, Labour’s health select committee chair, takes that as a given. He’s right. Times will be tough. Health department strategists are engaged in their fundamental review of budget priorities: last week’s £500m cottage hospital scare may be a portent. And finance directors will be seeking better patient outcomes for less resources from NHS staff. Right wing think tanks will demand more market solutions – just as President Obama says the opposite. But cheer up. If you think you have problems, spare a thought for the Ministry of Defence. Michael White is assistant editor (politics) of The Guardian. Panel offers advice on tendering traps Helen Crump [email protected] Co-operation and competition panel director Andrew Taylor has revealed some of the basic mistakes primary care trusts have made when tendering out services. In an NHS Confederation conference seminar on market management, Mr Taylor outlined cases such as a PCT that appointed one of the bidders in a tender process to the evaluation panel for that tender. Another bidder who protested that this was not fair had to write two letters before the PCT changed its approach. As a result, the PCT is now having to restart the tender. In a different case, a bidder rang a PCT on the final day of a tender process to be told that as they were the only bidder for the service, the PCT would have to find another one. The PCT entered this second bidder into the process after the closing date had already passed. Mr Taylor said: “There are very basic things that anyone should be able to get right in any kind of procurement process. If you avoid these easy mistakes, you may be a significant way down the path [towards successful market management].” He urged PCTs to go to the panel for information and advice in order to avoid pitfalls during the tendering process. CARE MARKETS Private firms ‘must take risks’ Private companies must take on more risk if they want to gain a bigger share of the primary and community care market. Sarah Crowther, Harrow primary care trust chief executive and chair of the London PCTs’ commercial board, said the perception within the health service had been for some time that risk sharing had been working in favour of the independent sector. She said: “Perhaps what [independent sector providers] need to think about for the next period of time is how do you incentivise PCTs to change some of their provider relationships, to have the confidence to work with you.” Ms Crowther, speaking at an NHS Confederation seminar, said the Department of Health commercial directorate, which has been replaced by local commissioning support units, “hadn’t done the independent sector any favours” by negotiating costly deals which loaded risk back onto the NHS. She said: “The days when it was all about how do you get the independent sector involved are gone. Actually what we’re interested in as commissioners is who is the right provider to give Sarah Crowther: incentivise PCTs us the right deal to provide the right service.” But she acknowledged not all PCTs would be taking the same approach to competition and co-operation. “That may not be perfect, but it’s the reality. Get over it,” she said. She advised independent providers to think about taking on projects that were not of optimum size in the first instance, in order to build a track record. Linked to that, PCTs needed to get better at building relationships, she added. And the private sector would need to tell commissioners how it was going to help them take capacity out of the health system. MEDIA WATCH FUNDING Nicholson says public will expect more for their money Sally Gainsbury and Dave West [email protected] David Nicholson: “If we don’t think about it, the money will dry up” our staff as well as we could have done”. “If we don’t think about it again until Christmas and we just carry on to the end of 201011, the money will dry up and we will have to rush around trying to solve the problem,” he said. “It will be winter and there will be lots of ambulances waiting outside hospitals. Waiting lists will bulge; managers and clinicians will be at loggerheads.” He said clinicians would be talking about quality, managers would be talking about cuts, and politicians would inevitably start describing the model as unsustainable with the need for “some kind of massive reorganisation”. EVEN charging He dismissed user INSIDE as a solution to the problem, saying the NHS should first address issues like variations in performance, poor value proTS NHS chief executive David Nicholson has warned that the NHS must plan for cuts in real terms, despite protestations from the government and the Conservative opposition that they would continue to give it real terms increases. “I’m a manager, not a politician,” Mr Nicholson told the NHS Confederation annual conference in Liverpool. “It’s great politicians have said they will increase [funding] in real terms. I believe they want to provide more resources for the NHS. But if they give us extra money the taxpayer will expect more for it. So even if they give us more money we will need to do even more with it.” His comments followed shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley’s pledge that a future Conservative government would give the NHS “real terms” spending increases, even if that meant 10 per cent cuts for other parts of the public sector. But Mr Nicholson warned managers not to put off dealing with the issue. To do so, he said, would lead to a repeat of the deficit turnaround period of 2004-06, which he told HSJ was marked by having to move “so quickly sometimes we didn’t manage curement and back offices and the “huge numbers” of patients who were treated in hospital when they did not need to be. He said if the NHS acted now, it was in a “good place” to make changes without the need for panic or a “big disaster”. He told the audience that reforms such as choice and foundation trusts had also been successfully introduced and patient and public satisfaction was higher than ever. “I thank you for your hard work and efforts,” he said, but added that the perception of the efficiency of people working in the NHS is “only as good as what we do tomorrow”. For full coverage from the conference including David Nicholson’s two-minute version of his speech on video, go to VIEW FROM THE FLOOR: WHAT MANAGERS MADE OF NICHOLSON’S SPEECH clearly need to start planning now. I remember the 1980s and 1990s when we had nil growth. We could not even afford pay awards and I had to find savings for that. “That’s reality; it’s part of the core business of NHS management.” Les Howell, chair, St Helens and Knowsley trust “There are too many policies and they don’t all join up together. They sound good as individuals but the totality is not obvious to anyone. “The link between PCTs and trusts certainly needs to be reviewed. And clearly there is a big piece in the jigsaw to do with IT. It is not good enough to keep promising – if it doesn’t catch up now it will never catch up.” EVEN TS David Whitney, non-executive director, Chesterfield Royal Hospital foundation trust “David is very passionate and earthy and says it as it is. He was really trying to give a focus on the managerial aspects rather than the political aspects of the healthcare system. “The NHS needs to be aware of what’s coming – it is easy after 10 years of growth to lose sight of what’s going to happen in two or three years and we INSIDE Pat Holman, chief executive, Norfolk and Waveney mental health partnership trust “For two years running we had to take 10 per cent out of our costs. We are very experienced and ready for what is coming. “Innovation was driven out with targets. If you want an organisation that innovates you have to be tolerant of failure. If you fail you have got to not be punished. To see video interviews of all the responses to the speech go to www. hsj. .uk/confed In his speech to the NHS Confederation last week, new health secretary and former Confed employee Andy Burnham made a point of cosying up to NHS managers, promising he would always defend their interests. Unlike most politicians, he claimed, he understands the brilliant job that managers do and that the health service would fall apart without them. He will miss no opportunity to tell everyone so. Media Watch’s count of how many of his praiseworthy mentions of managers make it into the press starts here… None so far (apart from of course). But he was happy to make enemies too, breaking with his predecessors’ script by making a firm call for water fluoridation in more areas. Why would Mr Burnham wish to invoke the wrath of the vociferous ‘Vince Cable felt “too weak” to insist on equality and was moved to a nice room’ and tenacious anti-fluoridation lobby in his first week in the job? Turns out he was vice-president of the British Fluoridation Society, and therefore presumably used to standing up to the worldwide campaign on the other side of the argument. The Times reported that he will now be standing down from that role as a result of its inquiries. Meanwhile Vince Cable, one of Britain’s most trusted politicians, has been undermining Mr Burnham’s pro-manager PR by laying into them in the Mail on Sunday, describing what he learnt about the NHS while having his appendix out. Despite the fact that it was management – “a smart lady with a clipboard” – that got him out of his cubicle and into a nice room (he “felt too weak to insist on equality”, apparently), he went on to pin all of public services’ problems on managers. This meant, he wrote, “sitting in big offices, attending meetings, burnishing their mission statements and issuing edicts based on government targets”. That’ll be the last time he gets a room with a view. Rebecca Evans 18 June 2009 Health Service Journal 11 NEIL O’CONNOR Chief warns managers to prepare for cuts now news Analysis Public health Heatwave planning gets PCTs hot under the collar While public attention has been diverted by swine flu, the predicted heatwave this summer also poses a danger to life, particularly to older people. By Alison Moore Primary care trusts face a challenge to prepare the health service for the flu pandemic. But another public health threat is looming. If forecasts of a “barbecue summer” prove to be correct, PCTs’ heatwave plans will be put to the test. The 2003 European heatwave resulted in more than 15,000 excess deaths in France alone and the very hot weather in 2006 led to 1,000 extra deaths in England and Wales in a two week period. Unlike cold weather, there is little time to act when a heatwave strikes: deaths, principally among the vulnerable elderly, start within one or two days. This means preparedness is vitally important. Last month, the Department of Health updated its heatwave plan, which sets out what NHS organisations can do in advance of hot weather. PCTs in particular are tasked with identifying potentially high risk people (such as the elderly who live alone) and including necessary changes to their care plans such as additional visits by staff; working with their families and informal carers to ensure awareness; and making requests to local authorities to find out if their living conditions during a heatwave would be tolerable. Although some of these points are fleshed out in more depth in this year’s plan, the majority of them have been in the plan since 2004 – and therefore ought already to be in place. 12 Health Service Journal 18 June 2009 The need is urgent: the risk to health is greater from a heatwave in the early part of the summer, when people have had less chance to adapt to higher temperatures. Red alert But are PCTs getting to grips with the requirements for preparation? This year, strategic health authorities have been tasked with ensuring that local NHS organisations are planning appropriately. NHS London head of emergency preparedness Andy Wapling says he is “pretty confident” the capital is ready. In the North East, the SHA has already told other organisations to review their heatwave plans and to liaise with social care partners, although it has been unable to tell HSJ what its monitoring of these plans has shown. But according to their websites, many PCTs appear to have heatwave plans that merely repeat DH guidance, with little indication of how it will be applied in their areas and who will be responsible for different parts of the plan. And in some cases the 2008 plan is still to be updated. Even some PCTs along the south coast with large elderly populations have been unable to tell HSJ about their plans. Faculty of Public Health president Alan Maryon-Davis says: “Theoretically it should all work very well. In practice it comes down to how many people are getting into a vulnerable state.” Association of Directors of Public Health vice chair Chris Packham says PCTs have been helped by the pandemic flu plan – which requires them to identify a similar group of vulnerable people. “We already have lists of vulnerable people and people who can contact them,” he says. “It is quite transferable.” In London, lists are held by a number of bodies with the intention they should be brought together quickly in the event of a heatwave. But public health officials are less clear about whether care plans are being adjusted in advance of a heatwave – one of the DH document’s demands. Dr Packham was unable to say whether it was the case for his PCT, Nottingham City. In Birmingham East and North, head of business planning Dawn Roberts says staff are told to ensure care plans are adjusted for temperature, but this is not audited. In London, clinicians have the information available to them to review care plans in the event of problems, says Mr Wapling. NHS Confederation PCT Network director David Stout points out that many of those potentially at risk will not have care plans and some high risk people will not necessarily be in touch with the NHS on a very regular basis – making it less likely they will be on any list. And there is scepticism that ‘Many PCTs appear to have plans that merely repeat DH guidance without saying how it will be applied in their areas’ EVEN TS INSIDE ‘No matter how many times Andrew Lansley repeats his pledge on real terms growth in spending under the Tories, the NHS is not convinced’ Richard Vize French lessons: the 2003 heatwave many homes are being assessed by local authorities to ensure they will be suitable in a heatwave: the plan says health workers should refer some high risk people for assessment under the housing, health and safety rating system. This could lead to funding for improvements to the home that could prevent heat related problems. Mr Wapling says it is a useful mechanism but is unlikely to be happening on a large scale. Acute danger Community hospitals and acute trusts also need to ensure temperatures are kept low: this can be challenging for some where the buildings do not lend themselves to creating a cool environment. The 2003 European heatwave was described as having the highest death toll from a natural hazard in the region for 50 years: the Earth Policy Institute calculates that 52,000 people died as a result. The effect on France was particularly dramatic with around 15,000 deaths and a resulting political storm. In England, the excess deaths were around 2,000. But the high death toll did prompt research into the factors affecting mortality and morbidity from heat: l In France, a significant number of people who died were already in hospital or nursing homes; the ability of hospitals to provide cool areas may be important l Many who died were elderly, living alone but not in regular contact with health services. The over-95s and women were at higher risk l The heatwave saw extreme temperatures during the day – seven days of over 40C in some areas – but also unusually high night time temperatures and duration of heat. Air pollution – ozone – was also likely to have been a factor in the number of deaths l The effects of the heatwave were probably exacerbated by it coming at a time when many French people took holiday, so public services could have been less able to cope. While this August shutdown does not occur to the same extent in the UK, staff holidays could still affect capacity l Some groups who could be expected to suffer during a heatwave were much less affected, such as children and young babies l The number of deaths in cities was high, possibly because cities can become much hotter than surrounding rural areas. But social isolation in cities could also be more Hot topic: 52,000 people died from widespread the 2003 European heatwave In Birmingham, cool areas rather than rooms have had to be created. Professor MaryonDavis warns that a severe heatwave could lead to elective surgery being cancelled. Mr Wapling says mental health patients in the community could be brought into hospital in the event of a heatwave. Nursing and residential homes are likely to be important partners in preparation but Frank Ursell, chief executive of the Registered Nursing Homes Association, is unconvinced that PCTs are being proactive. He says preparedness may actually have declined over the past couple of years. He will be contacting his members and drawing their attention to the DH guidance, but points out that many homes do not belong to any association. No one doubts that a severe heatwave will stretch the NHS’s resources, just as winter flu does. PCTs will face an enormous task, potentially having a large number of high risk people to monitor, in some cases needing to make contact with them daily. This is likely to coincide with a time when many staff will have booked annual leave. Weekends will be a critical period when fewer staff will be on duty and GPs in particular may not be available. And getting staff, local authorities, nursing homes and voluntary bodies to realise how quickly they need to react once temperatures rise may be the final hurdle. l 18 June 2009 Health Service Journal 13 alamy, reuters Climate control: hospitals and care homes must ensure there are places for older people to cool down during this summer’s heatwave OPINION OPINION STEPHEN EAMES ON LARGE SCALE SOLUTIONS Writing this, I know there will be catcalls from many quarters because as a chief executive of a large acute organisation I will be regarded as self interested, self serving or at worst unreconstructed, but here goes. In the first year of the second greatest recession in a century, why do we continue to consider setting up new organisations to deliver community services, further crowding the space between hospital and community doctors? Last year’s operating framework encouraged vertical integration, provided it was in the best interests of patients and the taxpayer. This year, as the government struggles to cope with meltdown in the financial sector and global recession, the mantra is quality, innovation and productivity. If we are to save something like £15bn-£20bn from 2011 on, one thing we really must do is systematically address this hoary old chestnut. I know some people will say the last thing we should be doing at the moment is restructuring but that is exactly what the large corporations are doing in the face of tough economic conditions. So here is my “manifesto” for implementing vertical integration swiftly. ● The patient experience will be better because there will be greater capability to provide more single points of access and assessment. Incentives to improve co-ordination and communication between GPs and hospital doctors would be stronger so fewer patients would need to attend multiple venues for diagnostic tests, consultations and treatment. Better targeted use of specialist intervention, skilled practitioners and new 14 Health Service Journal 18 June 2009 technologies would mean that innovative schemes for treating patients at home or in communities would be more likely to come to fruition. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to integrate the activities of generalists and specialists in primary and secondary care around the patient rather than organisational need. ● Delivery of Darzi models of care will be swifter and easier because integrated urgent and emergency care services will ensure patients move along the right pathway first time, every time. Use of nurse practitioners and integrating GP out of hours and hospital services will save costs and the door will be open for delivering day surgery and diagnostic, outpatient and rehabilitation services in community based settings, reducing costs from unnecessary hospitalisation and inefficient outpatient departments. There will be greater momentum towards integrating community and hospital based specialty teams in dermatology, respiratory medicine, cardiology, rheumatology and diabetes services in community based facilities with no organisational boundaries to get in the way. ● Systems and performance will improve because of improved capability to eradicate delays in requesting tests and results reporting. Integrated governance systems will be easier to introduce without organisational boundaries. A single focus will also create the environment for more effective delivery of patient care pathways and protocols, and integrating business practices and systems will lead to better capacity planning and stronger performance management. ● Waste will be reduced and significant amounts of money will be saved because demand will be reduced in secondary care. There will also be less fragmentation of service provision and duplication of activities. Integrating community and hospital based staff will be easier to do, Swine flu Take the lead on planning 15 Feedback Readers’ letters 16 The recession is a once in a lifetime opportunity to integrate activities allowing for swifter development of workforce plans that enable more effective use of generic skills, rotation between different parts of the service and economies of scale. A single focus across the patient pathway will ensure that productivity improvements and reducing costs will be easier to introduce and have greater scope to deliver. Management costs and bureaucracy will be reduced. Performance on integrating services in the UK has been miserable. The new integrated care pilots are pointing the way but are too small scale and often lack ambition. In County Durham and Darlington we have one of the larger pilots. We are ceding control to those at the front line to deliver better, more cost effective services. Strong local commissioning is giving us a sense of direction by wielding the power inherent in the world class commissioning framework and using our combined spending power to deliver financial returns. We need to move forward quickly, adopting large scale models that make most sense in each health economy. We should not baulk at the idea of mergers; I don’t think the co-operation and competition panel would be too concerned if large scale change led to better patient care and more cost effective services. Whatever we do though, we should avoid setting up new organisations just to manage community services. How can this possibly represent value for money when there are already enough organisations on the pitch to deliver cost-effective vertically integrated services? You can believe I am taking advantage of the economic storm to peddle a predictable argument for radical action. I am prepared for my “manifesto” to be regarded like a bag of bananas left too long in the sun. I leave you with the words of Machiavelli: “Nothing is more difficult than to initiate a new order of things.” ● Stephen Eames is chief executive of County Durham and Darlington foundation trust. Opinion Philip dasilva on pandemic preparedness It’s still not too late to get ready In the uncertain wait to see what pattern the swine flu virus will take, the UK has a small window of opportunity to prepare. Plans must be integrated and ready for swift, flexible implementation depending on the numbers and location of confirmed cases. It is perhaps unusual to focus so much energy on flu as we blow the dust off heatwave plans and enjoy the summer months. However, as the World Health Organisation last week declared the first pandemic for 40 years and with more confirmed cases being identified daily by the Health Protection Agency, we need to prepare now for what may be a tough winter. It is therefore right for all NHS organisations to refresh their flu plans and gain assurance they are fully integrated into core business. Although the H1N1 virus that has been spreading is relatively mild, with few hospitalisations, the pandemic declaration must make this become a top priority for all boards: it is a key governance issue, not just a public health responsibility. This may require fine-tuning structures and, where necessary, enhancing support through, say, public health teams, to ensure the wider “winter planning” process is fully integrated. It is unacceptable for organisations to keep pandemic flu planning with public health departments while they prepare winter plans for the customary seasonal increase in activity. It is important that all NHS boards are assured now that their local plan is robust, integrated and can be implemented successfully. The good news is that we are approaching this challenge from a strong platform. Many people have been working tirelessly on preparing pandemic plans for several years, albeit built on the science and knowledge of the moment. The Department of Health has acted with clear leadership through the national director for pandemic influenza preparedness and this is now complemented with the secondment of a strategic health authority chief executive to support the implementation of pandemic plans across the NHS. The SHAs have responded and are working with their constituent organisations, including the Health Protection Agency, to co-ordinate a review of plans and encouraging frontline organisations to work collegiately with local ‘All NHS boards are required to assure themselves they have a plan and clear process to implementation’ stakeholders to prepare to implement plans as required. The lead for this implementation at a local level must come from the primary care trusts, in harmony with their NHS partners and wider stakeholders. PCTs should assure themselves that the local health and social care economy is well prepared to respond to the imminent increase in confirmed cases. Win confidence The NHS has worked through two previous pandemics, the Asian flu pandemic of 1957 – which coincidentally was when the number of beds in the NHS was at its peak – and 1968; but we are now planning for a pandemic with fewer NHS beds. While this subject is too often a political football, it does reflect the significant advances in technology and improvements in the efficiency of care and patterns of treatment, while also revealing that the NHS is operating more efficiently. But this requires plans to be robust and to use all available modes of intervention and flexible use of resources, avoiding all unnecessary hospitalisation of cases. It is also vital that as organisations move from planning to implementation, they retain the confidence of the public and the good reputation of the NHS through clear and timely communication. This, together with advances in medicine, particularly in vaccines and the advent of antivirals, offers us a real chance to plan to control the impact of any pandemic and minimise the morbidity and mortality of disease. But we will only achieve this if all NHS staff appreciate the important role they play. There is a social responsibility and professional duty on all staff to ensure they understand the actions required to contain and control the spread of the virus. This includes conveying good hygiene messages and intervening to minimise the effects of any pandemic. This will only be achieved if all staff, especially frontline clinicians, feel supported, and this is particularly important for the primary care teams, which will inevitably be facing the biggest challenge of all. This governance issue requires all NHS boards to act now and assure themselves they not only have a tested plan, but that there is a clear process to implementation. All NHS staff must respond to the threat of a pandemic and make themselves aware of their organisation’s plan and how to respond when it comes to implementation. Do not rely on the emergency planning officer or flu lead to do it – they may not be there. l Philip DaSilva is lead director of flu resilience preparedness, NHS East Midlands. 18 June 2009 Health Service Journal 15 CHRIS EDE Last week the WHO declared a flu pandemic. Preparedness must now become a top priority for boards rather than treating it as part of the annual winter planning routine Opinion INSIDE Volume 119 Number 6161 UK order line: 0844 848 8859 Overseas enquiry line: 01858 438847 Overseas order line: 01858 438804 [email protected] Editorial 020 7728 3774 Website sales 020 7728 3803 Recruitment advertising Phone 020 7728 3800 Fax 020 7728 3866 [email protected] For email: [email protected] Editor Richard Vize 020 7728 3774 Deputy editor Rebecca Evans 020 7728 3757 Deputy news editor Helen Crump 020 7728 3759 News reporters Sally Gainsbury 020 7728 3758 Charlotte Santry 020 7728 3760 Dave West 020 7728 3755 Acting features editor Ingrid Torjesen 020 7728 3746 Commissioning editor Rebecca Allmark 020 7728 3745 Production editor Andrew Snowball 020 7728 3753 Digital content manager Rachel Purkett 020 7728 3756 Group art editor Judy Skidmore 020 7728 3754 Editorial and display administrator David Brownsey-Joyce 020 7728 3774 DISPLAY SALES 020 7728 3733/3735 Group display advertising manager David Bell Sales manager Jason Winthrop Digital sales executive Patrick Kearns SPONSORSHIP 020 7728 3740 Group head Jennifer O'Hara Account manager Ethan Isaac, Ceyda Djemal Senior sales executives, Michael Richardson AWARDS SPONSORSHIP 020 7728 4594 Business development manager Liz Sanders RECRUITMENT SALES 020 7728 3800 Head of sales Mike Spray Online key account manager Caroline Williamson Team leader Kathaleen Burgess Sales executive Jay Stacey Online sales Jennifer Stewart, Katherine Berrocal Sales administration manager Juliet Theobald Sales and online administrators Lisa Singh, Natasha Bailey BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Development director Alexis Nolan 020 7728 3747 CONFERENCES 020 7728 5236 Executive producer Rebecca Davison Senior producer Sarah Morgan Producers Hannah Thomson, Elisabeth Law, Sarah Feurey Project Manager John Mercer PRODUCTION 020 7728 4115 Production manager Joanna Narain Production controller Matthew Lane Chief executive Simon Middelboe Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation and Periodical Publishers Association 119th year of publication. Published by Emap Inform, a part of Emap Ltd © 2009. No part of this publication may be reported, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means without permission. Distributed by Seymour. Some calls made to our advertising teams are recorded for training purposes. 16 Health Service Journal 18 June 2009 ‘Should the NHS emulate Disney? Can we learn from the giants?’ Ann Axford [email protected] Health Service Journal Greater London House Hampstead Road London NW1 7EJ Subscriptions UK enquiry line: 0844 848 8858 ALAMY TS Feedback EVEN Race to the front All for one Oh dear, oh dear. You quote a Monitor spokesman as saying that “Monitor did not expect to be involved in issues for which the Equality and Human Rights Commission had a remit unless persistent failures indicated fundamental governance failings and authorisation breaches” (news, page 9, 11 June). Monitor appears to have not read HSJ’s reports over many years that have repeatedly highlighted persistent and systematic failings across much of the sector on race equality. Those failings include an inability in some cases to even meet minimal legal compliance, never mind the “best practice” Monitor expects on other issues. It is not good enough for Monitor to imply that as long as trusts are doing the legal minimum, that is good enough for them. I was pleased to read the special report on long term conditions and self care (pages 27-31, 4 June). As chair of a mental health and learning disability trust, I am aware of the connectivity to the services we provide. The large majority of our service users are people with a long term condition and much of the care is self directed. Increasing emphasis on personalisation has been the norm for years. People with a mental condition or a learning disability need to be seen outside of those “boxes” imposed by traditional commissioning and, sometimes, provision of care. It is time to move away from a position of seemingly automatic separation of mental health from physical health to one which seeks to address all the needs of individuals, share learning across the sectors and thereby reduce health inequalities. Roger Kline, employment rights consultant Critical evidence Improved quality and outcomes while giving patients more control will require clinicians and managers to address a core issue: does the NHS always provide people with the right care at the right time and place? The answer is no. Supporting clinicians with evidence based tools can make their decisions more robust. This in turn will support care planning and resource use, providing evidence to tackle bottlenecks. It will also support commissioning by providing data about how existing resources are used and therefore how services might be better delivered or designed. Putting the patient at the centre of care can deliver significant savings. Reducing cost does not mean reducing care. Neil Spragg, vice president, McKesson A tender subject The competitive tendering process to choose an established ‘Monitor has not appears not to have read HSJ’s reports on failings on race equality’ partner for Bedfordshire and Luton Mental Health and Social Care Partnership trust was not “an act of governance Harakiri” by the trust board (leader, page 3, 28 May). The board decided on this process as an innovative way of ensuring that the trust could meet the deadline for achieving foundation trust status. The board asked the strategic health authority to work in partnership with it to ensure the transition was speedy, fair and transparent. At the start of the process, it was announced that the trust’s chair and non-executive directors would stand down once a partner had been chosen and the handover process had completed. It was never a situation where another organisation was being asked to take over a poor performing or unsustainable trust. It is important that these issues are clarified to help maintain the morale of staff and the confidence of service users during the transition process. Alison Davies, chair, Bedfordshire and Luton Mental Health and Social Care Partnership trust, and Stephen Dunn, director of strategy, NHS East of England Joyce Catterick, chair, South West Yorkshire Partnership foundation trust Critical evidence Your report fails to mention a vital component in the negotiating process – the independent pay review body (“Start NHS pay talks now, Steve Barnett urges”, HSJ online, 10 June). In his enthusiasm for “a quick fix”, Mr Barnett ignores the statutory role that the PRB plays in gathering evidence from all sides and coming to a considered view. People may forget that last year the PRB recommended a 2.75 per cent pay award for 2008-09 – but blatant ministerial pressure undermined its independence. Unite has always abided by what the PRB has recommended, whether we have liked the settlement or not. We suggest Mr Barnett shows a similar respect for the PRB – and not try to elbow it onto the sidelines. Karen Reay, national officer for health, Unite KEN JARROLD ON HOW TO WIN A JOB Can you see why someone was appointed to a job instead of you? 1993 this was a great help to me. I came to understand why Alan Langlands was appointed and to agree he was the stronger candidate. His distinguished record as chief executive also helped me in the years that followed. If the person appointed does not seem the better candidate that will be hard. I am glad I did not have to deal with that burden. I also learned another lesson. If you are not successful do not go for the job closest to the one you wanted. Step back and think again. It may be better to do something different. In 1993 I applied for, and was appointed, as director of human resources with the additional responsibility of deputising for Mr Langlands. Although I did this job to the best of my ability in my three years at national level and learned much, it was not the right job for me. My three point plan has always worked for me. Ken Jarrold is a director at Dearden Consulting. Idle talk saves lives Explore how debate helps shape health systems, says Elizabeth Benomran The Health Debate In this accessible text David Hunter explores some central contemporary debates about health systems and the influences of such discussion on their evolution. The book focuses on several themes which explore the funding and organisation of healthcare systems, examining in chapters one and three the elements contributing to private and public arrangements and reform initiatives. Chapter four presents an in-depth exploration of health as a marketstyle consumer good, discussing the implications of choice and competition. Other main themes consider how health systems prioritise or ration healthcare, the The Health Debate, David J balance between “health” and Hunter, Policy Press 2008 “healthcare” and the surrounding debate. This informative and insightful text covers the challenges facing health systems and presents a rationale of meeting such challenges. Hunter discusses all the interrelated factors, from politics and government agenda to NHS management and models of health. The Health Debate is part of a series of books published by Policy Press under the umbrella “Policy and politics in the 21st century”, which centre on contemporary policy issues ranging from education to pensions. This book is ideal for anyone with an interest in health policy, health systems development and the wider health agenda. The text is easy to read and well structured throughout, ensuring that it is a useful resource for all students of health, health professionals, policy makers and strategy developers. ● Elizabeth Benomran is a specialist in public health commissioning and health improvement at Stockton PCT. JOIN OUR MANAGEMENT REVIEWS Are you up to speed with the latest management EVEN INSIDE thinking? If you would like to review management journals or books for HSJ, email your suggestions to [email protected] TS A lesson we all have to learn is to cope with the disappointment of not getting a job we had wanted. I can still remember how I felt in December 1993 when the permanent secretary rang me at home to tell me that I had not been appointed as the chief executive of the NHS in England. I was honoured to be shortlisted and realised there was a strong field but even so I was very disappointed. It was a job I had wanted to do ever since it was created in 1983 following the Griffiths report. It took me a long time to come to terms with it. From this and other experiences I have learned to recover faster and more fully from disappointments. I follow a three point plan. First I remind myself the decision about who to appoint is the panel’s not mine. It is my responsibility to decide whether to apply. It is theirs to decide who to appoint and no agonising on my part will alter that. Second I make sure I have as few regrets as possible about preparation and performance. As a panel member I have been amazed by the lack of effective preparation of even some very experienced candidates. Interview preparation is hard work but very straightforward. I have learned to think of the interview as a one person show, to realise I will be the sole attraction on the stage for 45 minutes to an hour and not even the greatest actors would face such an ordeal without a script. It is possible to work out most of the questions you will be asked and to prepare answers in bullet point form. It is good to rehearse the three reasons for applying for the job, the four reasons you can do the job, the relevance of your previous experience, the main issues you think you will be tackling and your priorities in the first six months. If you do not get the job it is a great comfort to have as few regrets as possible and to know that you did your best. The third part of the plan may not be available to you. However, it is important to use it if it is. Think about the successful candidate and be as objective as you can. Can you see why they were appointed instead of you? In ONE MINUTE REVIEW 18 June 2009 Health Service Journal 17 RESOURCE CENTRE RESOURCE CENTRE Group bullying The ‘mob’ effect 18 Primary care Lean at work for PCTs 20 RESOURCE CENTRE BULLYING Mob rule and the enemies within The trend of staff picking on a colleague en masse is a tough one for the victim to cope with mentally – and tougher still for them to resolve. Graham Clews looks at what they can do In the US and in Europe outside of the UK, mobbing is a wellrecognised and established pattern of workplace bullying. It has been described as “an impassioned, collective campaign by co-workers to exclude, punish and humiliate a targeted worker”, with the aim of pushing the victim out of their organisation. Although less recognised in the UK, the problem is on the rise, and the NHS managers’ union Managers in Partnership has now produced guidance for employers and employees, following their handling of a number of mobbing cases. Its effects can be horrendous, with victims often reporting suicidal feelings, with their mental health taking years to recover. Staff who are mobbed often suffer a massive loss in selfesteem and confidence, and personal relationships outside the workplace can be harmed. Critical incident Mobbing often follows an established pattern beginning with a period of social isolation by colleagues. A whispering campaign can be orchestrated at the same time, before the staff member is subjected to petty harassment until they are 18 Health Service Journal 18 June 2009 provoked into a critical incident where a formal complaint is made. The victim will often end up leaving their employer, either through a settlement, secondment, resignation or dismissal, leaving the employer to bear the costs of recruiting a replacement. Victims may also institute legal claims against their employer, and if the organisation fails to address the problem it can develop a bad reputation, making it difficult to recruit and retain high quality staff. Behaving badly Claire Pullar, MiP’s national officer for Scotland and Northern Ireland, drew up the mobbing guidance and says the UK is one of the few countries not to recognise the concept. “It is a step on from bullying,” she says. “Bullying is recognised and help is there, but with mobbing the point of reference is altered if the majority of people are giving the same message. Sometimes the only people who the victim can turn to are people at home.” Ms Pullar says it can be very difficult to challenge a group of colleagues behaving badly. Her advice is to get evidence and take advice from a union officer before doing anything. The union may then speak confidentially to the target’s manager, or encourage even more senior managers to intervene. MiP has produced advice on how to prevent mobbing and what to do if you think you are a victim. How to prevent mobbing: ● Good induction for new employees ● Clear rules for staff behaviour, particularly with new colleagues ● Strong staff governance and clear policies to promote dignity and respect bULLYINg bY NUMbERS EVEN TS INSIDE PUBLICISE YOUR ORGANISATION’S IDEAS In the next few weeks we will be publishing articles on improving stroke care, community geriatricians, and equality and diversity. If you would like to highlight your organisation’s ideas and examples of best practice both in HSJ and at the online Resource Centre, email [email protected] ‘The point of reference is altered if the majority of people are giving the same message’ ● Management intervention at the first sign of mobbing, or any other form of bullying If you are the target: ● Contact an MiP officer and describe the behaviour you are experiencing. ● Keep a note of the date, events and actions you are subjected to. ● Check your employer’s relevant policies and procedures. ● Be clear about the outcome you want from an intervention, ie exit, formal grievance or mediation. ● FIND OUT MORE Managers in Partnership Agenda for Change Terms and Conditions handbook, section 32 SiteCollectionDocuments/afc_ service_handbook_aw_010708.pdf TUC guidance on bullying at work bullying.cfm University of Waterloo, Ontario, information about workplace mobbing in academia mobbing.htm Alan Harrison (not his real name) was working as a manager at a PCT service provider when a number of staff under his control took exception to his focus on their job performance issues. One member of staff in particular, whom Mr Harrison believes displayed psychopathic tendencies, corralled a number of their colleagues to level spurious grievances against him. Mr Harrison was spied on in his own home, his mental health began to suffer, and he was eventually suspended from work. One of the perils of mobbing is that it is easier for senior management to blame the victim, because they find it easier to disbelieve them than the large number of staff involved in the mobbing. Consequently, Mr Harrison suffered both downwards, from senior management, and upwards, mobbing. It was only the intervention of determined work by MiP, and a coincidental change in very senior staff at his PCT, that brought a fresh pair of eyes to the situation, and an independent inquiry was set up, which exonerated Mr Harrison of all the complaints made against him. “Mobbing gives rise to modernday witch trials,” says Mr Harrison. “In my case it was only a good union rep that had the sense to see what was going on that saved me.” 18 June 2009 Health Service Journal 19 CATHERINE HOLLICK, CHRIS EDE CASE STUDY: Two way mobbing resource centre efficiency Taking the waste out of primary care processes Training in lean techniques which have brought greater efficiency to secondary care settings is increasingly available to PCT staff, says Jennifer Taylor Having enjoyed success in secondary care through initiatives such as the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement’s Productive Ward, lean techniques are now making their way into primary care. Lean is about eliminating waste by taking out the steps in a process that do not add value. “You can use lean for any area,” says Tina Kenny, a GP in Milton Keynes and professional executive committee chair and medical director of Milton Keynes primary care trust, which ran a pilot of lean in five general practices. The first step was for practices to decide what change they wanted to make. An outside consultant was brought in, whose lean methodology skills were essential, says Dr Kenny, because that enabled staff to focus their efforts on cracking the problem rather than cracking the method. The biggest successes were seen in a practice that used lean techniques to improve access to their appointments system. The Lean Healthcare Academy offers open courses at its three regional centres in Stoke, Doncaster and Airedale. The academy also offers e-learning modules, and can provide training to PCTs through a virtual classroom setting, which includes a half day video conference with a lean facilitator. Full picture Training staff is important, says academy regional manager/ senior lean facilitator Abdul Ghani. “By not training people you are not giving them the full picture of what you are trying to achieve.” The academy is developing new projects with NHS Doncaster to look at using lean Reducing waits using lean techniques – Bolton PCT case study Bolton primary care trust provider services has used lean techniques to improve access. “Our commissioners had set a six week referral to treatment target for all community based services by December 2007, because we were an early adopter site,” says Elizabeth Bradbury, associate director for quality improvement and clinical systems improvement consultant at the PCT. In April 2007, 10 services were identified as the most likely to miss the target. Before any improvement work was started, the NHS Institute’s sustainability tool (for more information see the weblink at the end of the main article) was used to 20 Health Service Journal 18 June 2009 assess the teams’ ability to implement change and sustain it. Ms Bradbury says: “If there was an area that they were weak in, we would work on that, so that they were in a better sustainability position from the outset.” Over eight months, each service followed a standard process of lean improvement work. A team leader was identified to co-ordinate and plan, and a clinical lead chosen. Surveys and focus groups were used to find out what patients and professionals wanted. Data was collected on demand and capacity weekly, daily and sometimes hourly and process mapping was used to see which steps added value to patients and which did not. A “dream state” was identified, as if teams had a blank sheet to redesign the service end to end. Realistic action plans were then devised, which included improvements a team could make on its own, plus things that might take longer and need support. Facilitators introduced tools and techniques as required and helped teams measure improvement. Progress was reported daily to the team, weekly to management and monthly to the board. The PCT met the December 2007 early adopter 18 week target. Waiting times were cut from 20 weeks maximum to six weeks or less, with an average of four weeks by May 2008. 8 Number of weeks knocked off podiatry referral to treatment time by Bolton PCT provider services within two years 16 Weeks cut from continence referral to treatment in Bolton PCT provider services 13 PCTs working with NHS Institute to develop lean for community field based services EVEN TS TS ToP TiPs FoR lean ● Demonstrate improvements in one area before using lean on a second ● Ask patients and professionals what they want from a service. ● Measure and communicate improvements ● Get training for staff on how to use lean ● Use a consultant who is an expert on lean methodology ● Avoid lean jargon and talk about quality improvement instead HSJ’s conference on 23 June in London covers the essential aspects of achieving a robust brand and a strong reputation for your organisation More Best PrActice onLine INSIDE Resource Centre is online too. Log on to for practical advice from readers, and tell us about your own work as well lean ouTcoMes aT BolTon PcT PRoVideR seRVices (see case sTudy) Shows improved performance on waiting times in aggregate for children’s, adults’ and older people’s services 18 Children Adult Older People 16 Waiting time (weeks) EVEN INSIDE eXceLLence in nHs custoMer cAre 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 For more on the Milton Keynes project, contact Tina Kenny tina.kenny1@miltonkeynespct. Details of training available at the Lean Healthcare Academy www.leanhealthcareacademy. NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement sustainability tool sustainability_model/general/ welcome_to_sustainability.html Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan 07 07 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 Referral to treatment time reduced from 20 to four weeks in continence services Six week target 25 Waiting time (weeks) 20 15 10 5 0 Apr May Jun 07 07 07 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan 07 07 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 Referral to treatment time reduced from 12 to four weeks in podiatry 14 Six week target 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Apr May Jun 07 07 07 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan 07 07 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 Source: Bolton PCT Provider Services 18 June 2009 Health Service Journal 21 CATHERINE HOLLICK Find ouT MoRe Apr May Jun 07 07 07 Waiting time (weeks) techniques in practice based commissioning and general practice. And for field based community services – which involves district nurses, health visitors, physiotherapists and speech and language therapists – the NHS Institute is working with 13 PCTs across the country to develop a lean based product. It is set to be launched in October, with additional modules available in early 2010. The tool will deal with scenarios relevant to these staff, such as scheduling a week, the perfect visit and agreeing a care plan with a patient. Engaging frontline teams is crucial to the process, says Sean Manning, programme lead for productive community services at the NHS Institute. But he adds that it needs resourcing and leadership. “You have to have the organisational will and commitment behind this.” ● end of life care Most people say they would prefer to die at home but many do not as end of life care has traditionally been neglected. But it looks as if things are finally starting to change, says Daloni Carlisle Beginning of the end Stephen Collins I f this were a hard hitting news story, it would appear under a banner headline about people dying in hospital in pain when they would rather be at home surrounded by loved ones. It might quote Commons public accounts committee chair Edward Leigh, talking about last month’s committee report into end of life care and saying: “That health and social care providers have traditionally given a low priority to end of life care is shown by the lack of training in basic end of life care among frontline staff. It is appalling that people dying in hospital are not always being given the end of life care they deserve, including effective pain management and dignity and respect.” But this is not a news story and, once you scratch beneath the surface, a slightly more complex picture emerges. While no one is saying that end of life care is perfect or denying that people need more choice about where to die and better care when they do, senior clinicians working in end of life care contacted by HSJ immediately after the committee report’s publication were clear that things are changing for the better and this has been driven by the Department of Health’s 2008 end of life care strategy. Take this from Deborah Murphy, who is national lead nurse for the Liverpool care pathway and associate director of the Marie Curie Palliative Care Institute in Liverpool. “In my lifetime, I have never known a better time for absolutely transforming care of people at the end of life.” Or this from Edwin Pugh, who leads the clinical pathway group in NHS North East and is also a consultant in palliative care medicine at North Tees and Hartlepool foundation trust: “For the first time in my practice I can see the oil tanker changing direction and speeding up. The challenge is to keep it going irrespective of the politics of the next few years.” The general consensus is that end of life care is becoming a priority; that strategic 22 Health Service Journal 18 June 2009 health authorities are breathing down the necks of their primary care trusts to get moving on this and start commissioning new services; that PCTs are engaged and for the most part willing to spend new money allocated to them; and that acute trusts have started to address the quality of care they offer to patients, for example with pain management strategies. Key points Home truths per cent of people dying at home, but if you add in care homes, which many people regard as their home, what happens to the figures?” In some areas they go up to over 30 per cent of deaths. While some diseases are fairly predictable, such as cancer, and allow forward planning, others are not, he adds. “In my patch, 75 per cent of people with respiratory problems die in hospital. We have to be aware that some of them may have been admitted appropriately for acute 24 management but there are No one is downplaying how far there is still to go. As Professor Pugh says: “We are one year into what is a five to 10 year strategy.” He is keen to get behind some of the figures, which suggest most people would prefer to die at home (see box, right). “The reality is that most people do die in hospital, a proportion of which, if there was appropriate support in the community, would die elsewhere,” he says. For a start, says Professor Pugh, the definition of “home” needs to be clear. “The literature would say that you get 20 l End of life care is beginning to change for the better, but there is still a long way to go. l Since people will still die in hospital, high quality end of life care must become a generic rather than specialist skill. l A public dialogue is needed to challenge the taboo around death and dying for the benefit of those near the end of their lives. View from a primary care trust Norfolk PCT has worked closely with Norfolk county council to improve end of life care since 2005. Most recently, they jointly commissioned and delivered the Marie Curie Delivering Choice toolkit, looking at what was available now and what should be developed (see page 24). Some of the results have been very surprising, says assistant director of out of hospital care Wendy Hardicker. For example, it has highlighted a group of people who do not want to die at home: people aged 40-50 who are single or are single parents. “There is nobody at home to care for them,” she says. “The question is where do they want to die and how can we provide it? A nursing or care home alongside elderly people is not going to be right, nor is the acute hospital. It is going to take some thinking about.” It is not a huge group – 48 out of the 8,000 hospital deaths in Norfolk fell into this category in 2007 – but it is illustrative of how the end of life care strategy is helping commissioners to think differently. “We are starting to think about the provision of end of life care across the whole continuum now,” says Ms Hardicker. “Yes, we want to reduce the number of people dying in hospital, but we need to get away from the idea that this is at home. We also want to look at bereavement services.” The PCT is now looking at how to support high quality end of life care in care homes. This means looking not just at clinical care but at the bureaucracy that surrounds funding for care in the last six weeks of life. “We cannot have people saying they cannot afford to die at home,” says Ms Hardicker. The PCT also wants to explore how new technologies can help, such as providing a webcam so a patient at home can talk to a Macmillan nurse or palliative care consultant. End of life care facts l Half a million people die in England each year, of which 27 per cent are cancer patients l 60 per cent of people die in hospital l Most people, when asked, would prefer to die at home l Primary care trusts estimate they spent £245m on specialist palliative care in 2006-07 l The cost of providing health and social care to cancer patients in the 12 months before their death is estimated at £1.8bn l In July 2008, the DH published its end of life care strategy, which commits additional funding of £286m over two years and aims to increase the availability of services in the community and develop the skills of health and social care staff 22 undoubtedly a good number who could be supported better.” The challenge, he says, is to provide 24 hour support outside hospital. “Not telephone support, but practical nursing and pharmacy support, so that if it is 2am on a Sunday, someone can come out. When we analysed this in the North East, we found that providing out of hours support was the biggest thing that would enable us to support patient preferences.” It is beginning to happen in some areas. West Cumbria has achieved home death rates of 40 per cent by developing a hospice at home scheme, for example. Generic not specialist Providing these services is one thing; getting people out of hospital to use them is another. Ms Murphy outlines some of the complexities. “Suppose you have a patient diagnosed as being hours or days away from death. You need a discussion with carers and relatives about how quickly you can put services in place to get them home and what level of risk is involved in that. They could die in the ambulance. They may be readmitted to hospital. Is there an ambulance to take them? Can the GP do a visit?” The public accounts committee highlights a tool called the rapid discharge process, which Ms Murphy’s team has used 25 times in the past 11 months. Of these, 80 per cent died at home within 48 hours; the others improved and remained at home. No one was readmitted. “When it works well, it has the potential to get a patient from hospital to home within four hours of the decision being made,” says Ms Murphy. Given that people will still die in hospital, the other challenge is to take high quality end of life care out of the specialist arena. “We need specialists but this [end of life care] has to be a generic skill,” says Professor Pugh. “In my hospital last year, 9.6 per cent of bed days were taken up by people admitted to die. It is in every medical specialty. You cannot expect one specialist to get round all those patients. It has to be a generic skill supported by specialists and this is a big issue where we need training.” Here he is in agreement with the public accounts committee report, which highlighted a need to improve health and social care staff ’s skills. It wants PCTs and local authorities to commission hospices and voluntary groups to provide education for community and care home staff. The Care Quality Commission should provide assurance about the skills level of staff in health and social care organisations, as part of the new registration, inspection and monitoring regime, it says. The other big challenge is commissioning. The report is blunt: “Primary care trusts have limited understanding of the local demand for and the cost effectiveness of their commissioning of end of life care services,” it says. Mark Roland, clinical director for end of life care at NHS South Central and end of ‘PCTs have limited understanding of the local demand for end of life care services’ life lead for Hampshire PCT (the biggest PCT in the country), could not agree more. “Commissioners in PCTs tend to be junior people with a high turnover,” he says. “In only one of the nine PCTs here in this SHA are the commissioners the same as they were two years ago when we started developing our strategy.” Vested interests Now, these fairly junior managers are up against a tough job, he says. “It is a steep learning curve even beginning to understand what end of life care is. Where does it start, how does it relate to long term conditions, how does it relate to palliative care and hospices? There are plenty of clinicians in the field who are prepared to give conflicting answers. There are lots of vested interests and commissioners are in the middle of this.” Stockport PCT director of commissioning Nicola Baker, who is also NHS Alliance lead on end of life care, says Dr Roland paints a familiar picture – although one that is changing rapidly. “It is becoming a much bigger priority,” she says. “We are clearly getting a view that people do not want to die in hospital. They want choice.” Improving commissioning skills is no easy task. NHS South Central ran a summit in January 2008 with 120 clinicians and commissioners from nine PCTs. The result was a commissioning resource booklet. “It was fantastic,” says Dr Roland. “But only one of the commissioners is still in post and each new commissioner has to try to get up to speed.” The SHA’s next move is to employ an end of life care programme director. The Liverpool care pathway The Liverpool care pathway was developed in the 1990s to provide clinicians with a tool that would help them plan a care package for people who were diagnosed as close to death in hospital. It has now been taken up nationally and the Marie Curie Palliative Care Institute in Liverpool will produce the second national audit of end of life care later this year. Eighty per cent of eligible hospitals are involved and the results will capture evidence about quality of care, for example whether patients had access to the right medicines available at the right time, and allow trusts to benchmark their performance. The national audit will be followed by a new version of the care pathway that will include a balanced score card that could be used to develop key performance indicators for end of life care. Ms Murphy, who leads on the work, hopes the Care Quality Commission will consider building these into its new registration processes. Dr Roland is now working with PCTs to deliver results for the extra £286m funding that came with the government’s 2008 end of life care strategy. Some have made significant investment already, he says, but a few are faltering as the financial screws turn in the NHS. He wants a reduction in the number of hospital deaths of 3-6 per cent in the first year and reckons the central allocation to PCTs is about one third of what is needed to make alternative provision. “It is going to take a small investment to make a small change,” he says. “We hope we will be able to show that in a population of 250,000, by supporting two people a week to die at home according to their expressed preferences, will save £135,000 a year.” Underpinning this is a massive cultural shift, outlined by Professor Pugh. “I went to see a patient at home recently. She had a lovely bunch of flowers on the table and I complimented her on them. She said they were from a friend who had stopped visiting. She would rather have seen the friend. “If any of this is to work we have to start to challenge the taboo around death and dying. The real issue is how the public feel about them and how we incorporate things like dignity and spirituality into the care we provide.” l FIND OUT MORE Marie Curie Delivering Choice programme The Marie Curie end of care life programme Marie Curie Cancer Care developed its end of life programme, Delivering Choice, in 2004. It has been evaluated by the King’s Fund and endorsed by the Department of Health as the kind of approach that can be effective in reducing the number of deaths in hospital. The programme helps providers and commissioners develop 24 Health Service Journal 18 June 2009 services that enable people at the end of their life to die in their place of choice, most commonly at home. There are seven official sites across the UK and more are now using the model independently. Lincolnshire was one of the first on board. It started by creating a partnership of health, social care and voluntary organisations that analysed the barriers to choice and developed solutions. New services included discharge community link nurses, who liaise between hospital and community services, a rapid response team to provide out of hours cover, and a countywide palliative care co-ordination centre that books packages of care. By 2008, the programme had increased the proportion of home deaths from 19 per cent to 42 per cent for those who accessed the services. The evaluation was not able to show significant savings in acute care costs, but there was no extra cost in providing the community services. improving patient access 2008 winner: london nhs diagnostic service with croydon federation “Before putting ourselves forward for the HSJ Awards, we spent time as a team considering to what extent the Diagnostics in the Community project had moved existing services forward for our patients,” says family practitioner Agnelo Fernandes. “In the end what prompted us to enter were the barriers that we felt we had been able to break down as a result of our collaborative approach to delivering a faster service closer to home.” It was a decision the judging panel welcomed. They praised the service not only for the choice and benefits it offered patients but also for the scale of innovation behind the redesign, the rapid implementation and the strength of the evaluation and quality assurance. Added to this came significant acknowledgement of the GP leadership and partnership features driving the work. Getting ready for the presentation to the judges was also a team affair. Rather than a number of speakers each talking about their contribution to the process, the decision was made for just Dr Fernandes to make a presentation, while others made themselves available for questions. “One piece of advice we would definitely offer about this stage in the process is to keep it straightforward and honest,” says Dr Fernandes. “Don’t make the mistake of pushing the hard sell. It would be wrong thinking this is Dragons’ Den or The Apprentice. Better to talk openly about what worked and what didn’t, what you learned as you made progress and how you might do things differently next time around.” l What judges want l Improving patient access to diagnosis, treatment and care services l Implementing choice at the point of referral l Enhancing the patient experience l Improvement in clinical outcomes l Increasing public confidence l Tackling health inequalities by improving access for hard to reach groups building a world class workforce 2008 winner: nhs north west with the project deadline,” says NHS North West project director of its directive medical workforce development team Deborah Kendall. “We had reached the point of working on our final report for the year and were able to use that as a basis for theEVonline EN INSIDE application.” It was not to be the only TS The NHS North West entry focused on work five years in the planning to achieve 100 per cent compliance with the European working time directive by August 2008. This ambition was realised across the region, a full 12 months ahead of the rest of the UK. “The timing for submitting the awards entry fell quite nicely factor in their favour. The close knit team had been working together to a clear project plan for the past year, had developed strong internal communications mechanisms and were used to talking about the work to stakeholder and external audiences. “Three of us went down to London and put our presentation skills training to good effect,” says Dr Kendall. “I think we demonstrated clear outcomes supported by good illustrative overheads that we talked around rather than about with enthusiasm and energy.” “We were also able to bring in a good mix of reviews, not just from participating organisations in the North West but also from Lord Darzi, who had mentioned our project as an example of best practice.” l What judges want l Developing new strategic approaches to workforce planning l Demonstrating adaptability and innovation within workforce planning l Implementing a sustainable recruitment strategy l Establishing effective succession planning techniques to ensure workforce continuity l Embedding equality and diversity in workforce planning l Developing, promoting and demonstrating effective leadership l Successfully embedding the knowledge and skills framework l Developing a multidisciplinary workforce through training and enhanced skill mix Sponsored by For more information on how to enter visit 18 June 2009 Health Service Journal 25 awards news hsj awards 09 16th September 2009 Birmingham Endorsed by: Developing Primary & Community Healthcare Estates Expert speakers include: Embedding flexibility, sustainability and safety into planning and delivery to minimise cost and achieve quality care 5 reasons to attend: 1. Receive an essential update on the progress and future directions of primary and community healthcare estates development 2. Hear what impact the recession will have on primary healthcare estates development 3. Examine the pros and cons of all the key procurement routes 4. Explore the impact of the PCT split on primary and community healthcare estates development 5. Network and benchmark your facilities with colleagues from across the country Register now quoting HSJFP: To register: Jill Matthews Director – Primary Care and Community Services Strategy Primary Care – Commissioning and Systems Management, DH Kevin Oxley Former National Chairman HeFmA Director of Operations North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust James Latta Primary Care Strategic Assessment Manager Department of Health Dr David Pencheon Director NHS Sustainable Development Unit Caroline Rassell Chief Policy Officer Community Health Partnerships Produced by HSJ Healthcare estates fp.indd 1 16/6/09 15:58:41 HSJ_AMNIS_Advert_40x80_v2 27/5/09 09:12 C M Y 1 CM Page MY CY CMY K Transforming performance… …leading change Lean Training & Consulting Support Call now to discuss the benefits of raising your company’s profile in the HSJ Showcase CPC Commercial Services ‘Delivering quality and value’ z · Strategic Planning for Lean · Implementation Support · CPD Approved Lean Training Customised, flexible and high quality support for the modern health service. t: 0870 446 1002 Contact the Sales Team on : 020 7728 3735 z z z z z Procurement Consultancy & Training Commissioning support PR and Communication Services Marketing & Branding Management Bidding Management Recruitment Services or email [email protected] Email: [email protected] Tel: 0114 2264479 Instep expertise•value•delivery•partnership Public Sector Financial Management Consultancy •InterimFinancialManagement •FinancialReviews&Healthchecks •FinancialControl&Reporting •FinalAccounts •IFRSImplementation •BusinessCasePreparation •CommissioningFinance •StrategicFinancialPlanning •PCTProviderSeparation •CostingandSLRDevelopment For more information contact Dion Davies 0121 212 1597 [email protected] …with your needs Project Management Property Management l Performance Reviews l Workforce and HR l Healthcare Planning l Financial Management l Business Cases l Fire Safety l Interim Management l l YHCPC is hosted by the Yorkshire & Humber SHA Works in partnership with Yorkshire Forward [email protected] 0845 337 0101 SHOWCASE 01-001 - 80x80:Layout 1 26/01/2009 16:10 Page 1 Healthy & Efficient Leading providers of a comprehensive range of professional support services to the NHS, including: PSEC DELIVERS • Interim Managers • Consultancy Please call Kevin Gittins or Ian Rogerson on 01606 782049 and discuss your needs or email: [email protected] n Interim management n Business case preparation n World class commissioning n Final accounts n PCT provider development n Value for money ��������������������������� n Continuing healthcare ��� n Service line management �������� n IFRS For more information please contact: John Griffiths or David Milner on: 01246 278385 or visit ��� ��� ��� ��� ��������������������������� ����������� ��� advertise here call12:44 Jason Winthrop SalterToBaker 6/2/05 PM P on 0207 728 3735 SHOWCASE SALTER BAKER For comprehensive Healthcare Consultancy IODEM PROVIDING PERSONALISED TAILORED SUPPORT TO GIVE ROBUST CLINICAL GOVERNANCE • Benchmarking • Best Value • Business Case Preparation • Cost Reduction • Interim Managers • Market Testing • Risk Management • Supply Chain Reviews YOUR PARTNER ON THE ROAD TO FIRST CLASS COMMISSIONING Contact: Bob Salter or Mike Powell Tel: 01489 798282 Fax: 01489 798292 IODEM HEALTH PUT YOUR COMPANY IN THE SPOTLIGHT The HSJ Showcase puts your company in the spotlight. With a range of aff ordable options there is no better way to reach senior health service managers each and every week. CALL NOW TO DISCUSS THE BENEFITS OF RAISING YOUR COMPANY’S PROFILE IN THE HSJ SHOWCASE THE NEW CONCEPT IN CRISIS & DISPUTE RESOLUTION WWW.IODEMHEALTH.CO.UK 0870 242 2815 [email protected] Can you afford to miss out? Health Service Journal is the UK’s leading weekly magazine for healthcare managers. With all the latest news and opinion, as well as expert analysis, HSJ is at the cutting edge of developments in healthcare. Make sure you’re always ahead of the game. subscribe today l Get your first 6 issues for £6 l Free delivery direct to your door l Plus all the latest jobs Contact The Sales Team on 020 7728 3735 or email [email protected] 6 £6 issues for Visit or call 0844 848 8859 and quote code HTKY HSJ044b HSJ red purple 184x163 1 HSJ044b CONSULTING LTD 7/4/09 11:47:03 A guide to healthcare suppliers and consultancies. 7th July 2009 Hallam Street, London Reducing the NHS Carbon Footprint Printed on recycled paper Practical steps to develop an effective carbon reduction strategy and support a sustainable NHS Including expert contributions from: Dr David Pencheon Director NHS Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) David Wathey Head of Sustainable Development NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency (PASA) 5 reasons to attend: • Benefit from case studies on delivering carbon reduction in energy, transport and waste • Learn how leading trusts are developing local carbon reduction strategies • Hear updates from the Department of Health Sustainable Development Unit • Understand how to track the benefits of carbon management Anna Coote Commissioner for Health Sustainable Development Commission and Head of Social Policy New Economics Foundation Stephen Greep Chief Executive Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust • Network with your peers and discuss best practice Endorsed by: Produced by: REGISTER NOW: J923 Carbon FP (HSJ).indd 1 16/6/09 16:12:41 END GAME CALLY BANN [email protected] OFF DIARY It should be the best week of the year, what with Sir Seymour still away at his annual shoulder rub with the hoi polloi at the Chelsea Flower Show and the whole of the SHA away for a snuffle in the trough at Liverpool. A time to catch up on reading? A time to clear emails, to do lunch, to walk the talk and press the flesh? Not on your Nellie, not with vice chair Bunty Fotherington at the helm. What exactly she expects me to be saying in our dawn, midday and dusk briefing sessions I’m not Hard knight NHS and Department of Health bosses checking into their NHS Confederation conference accommodation should have taken note of its name – the Hard Day’s Night Hotel. It was a hard night indeed for one primary care trust chief forced to spend the evening with a furious knight of the realm ranting that he had been thrown off his GP’s list for moving one road outside of practice boundaries. Clearly, when it comes to family doctors, even a knighthood does not guarantee decent service. ● Heston Blumenthal is the latest celebrity chef to revamp hospital menus, and is working on more “exciting” meals for older people. But will the average granny be chomping at the bit to try snail porridge and bacon and egg ice cream, favourites at his world famous restaurant the Fat Duck? Surely it is a clever ploy to provoke a Jamie Oliver style backlash LOOKEY-LIKEY A junior manager reckons NHS South Central chief executive Jim Easton is “absolutely identical” to Hollywood actor Vince Vaughn, star of countless New York rom-coms and Dodgeball: a true underdog story. But Mr Easton’s bizarre ravings about the SHA assurance process suggest he is determined to remove any underdog image and would no doubt view being pelted with painful objects by NHS chief executive David Nicholson as a “fantastic opportunity” and “powerful challenge”. against “posh grub”, with patients demanding a return to cold potatoes and watery soup. ● Travel to the NHS Confederation conference from London was derailed by signalling faults. As the massed ranks of NHS management squeezed on to trains at Milton Keynes going anywhere apart from their destination – Liverpool – NHS Employers deputy director Alastair Henderson squeezed through carriages staring at anyone female. He was searching for conference chair Sarah Montague; being a radio presenter he had no idea what she looked liked. He eventually tracked her down over an hour later. “I’ve been walking up and down accosting various people. Almost got thrown off two or three times,” he explained to a bemused Ms Montague. ● It seems the DH's efforts to promote regional strategies are lost on NHS managers. Journalists in the press room at Confed overheard the following frantic message through an official’s earpiece: “The SHA meeting’s EMPTY. Can you get some people from next door to come along? There's plenty of food…” MALCOLM WILLETT, COLOURBOX “Eugh, that’s disgusting! It’s cold” NEXT WEEK Older people Community geriatricians can make a massive difference to posthospital recoveries, so why are they so thin on the ground? Stroke audit As well as a stroke unit it is essential to have enough staff trained in response techniques and partnerships for long term care Plans for the future With the recession an obstacle in the road to realising Darzi’s vision, HSJ asks where the next stage review is heading next ‘Her 15 minute soliloquy included remorse at the end of the doctors’ white coat’ exactly sure, but feedback from the presentation of NVQs to the domestic supervisors was clearly not what she had in mind. The lack of progress on the redecoration of the entire outpatients department between breakfast and lunch on Tuesday morning seemed to hit her hard, although not quite as hard as Wednesday’s no show of the replacement MRI scanner that she’d suggested on Tuesday night. The tour of the midwifery-led birthing unit did not help either. The insightful questions about where the doctors were, why the nurses weren’t wearing hats, why the patients weren’t in their beds and the political correctness gone mad of paternity leave demonstrating a shrewd reading of her audience. But even that paled compared with her 15 minute soliloquy at the League of Friends AGM that managed to combine remorse at the decline of the doctor’s white coat and how few of them wear a smart tie these days, joy at the advent of swine flu, and total ambivalence to a £1m donation to the cancer unit. Note to self: never let Bunty out alone. Second note to self: come back Sir Seymour, all is forgiven. 18 June 2009 Health Service Journal Advance warning, at your fingertips Predicts capacity shortfalls, RTT waiting lists, care pathways and the percentage treated, week by week up to three months ahead. New thinking from The Checklist Partnership 0870 241 6494 HSJ backpage0609_v3.indd 1 6/15/09 10:51:08 AM
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