How to fill customs declarations Table of Content INTRODUCTION HOW TO COMPLETE THE ETHIOPIAN CUSTOM DECLARATION GENERAL INFORMATION SEGMENT 1. Trade Operators 2. General Data 3. Transportation 4. Financial 5. Goods Description 6. Procedure 7. Additional Information 8. Duties and Taxes 9. Accounting 10. Transit (not functional) 11. Valuation Note 12. Others 13. Main changes due to the Improved system BRIEF NOTE: HOW TO FILL THE CUSTOMS DECLARATION MANUALLY CURRENCY CODE PREFERETIAL CODE CUSTOMS OFFICE CODE DECLARATION TYPE 1. EXPORT 2. IMPORT EXTENDED PROCEDURE CODES INCOTERM DELIVERY TERMS MODE OF TRANSPORT PACKAGE CODE TRANSIT AND DESCRIPTION WAREHOUSE BANK COUNTRY CODE _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction The Ethiopian Customs Authority signed an agreement with UNCTAD to improve the existing ASYCUDA system VER 2.7 with the new product called ASYCUDA ++ (A++) in September /2003. The A++ software is designed to satisfy the growing number of the users and to improve some of the shortcomings of the old version .The new product has several utilities among them DTI and Selectivity are the most popular. DTI (Direct Trader Input ) in short means a mechanism to send Declaration information electronically to the Customs Server and registering it on a customs system as a means of lodging a customs declaration. Selectivity in short means that a method of selecting transactions that you are of more risk and interest for close examination while allowing compliant ones to flow uninterrupted. Six years have passed since the first ASYCUDA 2.7 pilot site was launched for live operations .It is obvious that Customs and the trading community have been benefited from the existing system compared to the manual operations. However, as the world technology is growing and changing every time , the old technologies lack some features .Therefore, UNCTAD has designed a new software called A++ to meet the changing Customs requirements . This has led to changes in the correct form and procedures.> The aim of the completion guide is to introduce a new form that will work with the new system and direct users on how to complete the Improved Customs Declaration. In Addition , the completion guide also contains lists of control tables of the system such as country code , currency code, Bank and branch code etc.. Therefore , Non- Automated stations can use this completion guide book to fill the revised customs declaration form manually. HOW TO COMPLETE THE ECUD (Ethiopian CUstom Declaration) The following is a brief guide for completing the Ethiopian Customs Declaration (ECuD). All goods Imported into or export�ed from Ethiopia must be declared to Customs with exception of some goods carried as passengers personal effect items or some post�al parcels exempted from duties by law (See Proclamation NO 60/89 Chap 3 Article 19). Details of exceptions could be ob�tained from Customs Authority. ( See Ministry of Revenue Directives (�58S k” 14/10/92) ) All information given in the customs Declaration must be signed for by the clearing Agent and He/She is responsible for all information declared on the Declaration. Therefore , the Declarant should be more concerned with a) The accuracy of the infor�mation given in the decla�ration; b) The observance of all the obligations necessary under the declared procedure. The form has to be filled using the ASYCUDA ++(MODBRK: Broker’s Module ) electronically and must be printed using the Local printer . However , Declarant should fill the form manually for Non-automated offices and Bureau DTI on a pre-printed Declaration form.(See the Annex ….) The form must be signed before being presented to Customs. The software contains the basic elements of the Customs Declaration (i.e. Tariff, Country code , Extended Customs Procedure Code together with National Customs Procedure codes, Declarant Code , and Other relevant information. On top of this, Control Tables are supported with a special Function key called “ F8” . Local Check also plays an important role to ascertain the validity of the Declaration . Submitting Hard copy of the declaration : One original and ….. copies of the COMPLETED FORM together with the original attach docs must be submitted to the designated Customs Clearance Offices . (copy document may acceptable according to the CPC declared ) GENERAL INFORMATION SEGMENT According to the ASYCUDA ++ UNCTAD Declaration lay out the Declaration has 11 sections (quadrants) NAMELY 1. Trade Operators 2. General Data 3. Transportation 4. Financial 5. Goods Description 6. Procedure 7. Additional Information 8. Duties and Taxes 9. Accounting 10. Transit (not functional) 11. Valuation Note 12. Others 13. Main changes due to the Improved system Each Section has its own elements . In this booklet , we will focus on the very important quadrants 1. Trade Operators Quadrant A. Declaration Type: EX(Export) a. (Box no 2) Exporter /Consignor (Mandatory) Enter the License No.(TIN) in the box provided or press “F8” to see the list full name & address of The Exporter will be displayed automatically or for Occasional Exporters press Enter key on No: field and write the Occasional Exporter Name and Address on the Next field b. (Box No 8) Importer /Consignee : (Optional ) Leave the No: blank Write the full name and address of Consignee on the space provided in the next filed. B. Declaration Type : IM (Import) A. (Box No 2) Exporter /Consignor (Optional ) Leave the No . blank Write the full name & address of The Exporter on the space provided in the next field B. (Box No 8) Importer/Consignee(Mandatory) Enter the License No( TIN) in the box provided or press “F8” to see the list full name/ address of the Importer will be displayed automatically for Occasional Importers press Enter key on NO: field and write the Occasional Importer Name and Address on the Next filed C. ( Box 14)Declarant Code (Mandatory) Enter the Declarant Code in the box provided or press “F8” to see the list full name & address of The Agent will be displayed automatically 2. General Data Quadrant a. (Box No 1): Declaration (system generated ) The type of the declaration should be chosen prior to any thing . to select the type of the declaration , the Agent should run MODBRK. Function , Declaration ,Creation from the menu. Then, Choose the type of declaration from the control table .(See Annex for type of declaration table) Clearance office :The office code appears by default when you login to ASYCUDA server Manifest No. (Optional ) Enter the manifest number which is given by the manifest section of the concerned Customs clearance office. The manifest No is the registration reference No. generated from the system after the manifest information is captured and validated. Example 1 : Manifest Ref No . = 2004 1 i.e 2004 is the year of registration and press space bar then ,write 1 which is the Manifest Reg.No. generated from the system. Example 2 : Manifest No can be the combination of voyage No and Date of Departure. i.e.ET830 is the voyage No and 04/01/2004 is date of departure. Therefore, The manifest No will be ET830 space 04/01/2004. Registration No: This number is generated from the system when the declaration is registered and accepted by the server. Assessment No: This number is generated from the system when the registered declaration is Assessed . Receipt No : is produced by the cashier when the payment is completed b. (Box No 3) Pages (system generated ) Total Number of pages of the declaration will appear by default in this box. For example , If one item is declared the page box shows 1/1, If two items are declared this page shows 1 / 2 and the continuation sheet shows 2/2 etc. c. (Box No 4 ) List (Prohibited ) Leave blank d. (Box No 5)Total Items (system generated ) Total No of Items declared on that particular declaration will be displayed. Declarant can declare up to 999 items on a single declaration. However , declarant must group the items which are classified under the same HS –CODES . e. (Box No 6 )Total Packages (Mandatory ) Write the Total Packages of the goods declared. f. (Box No 7) Declarant Reference No ( Mandatory ) Declarant should write their own Operation or file reference No. Note: This filed is very important to know the declaration status from the main server and it is the basic reference No to communicate with the Customs server. g. ( Box 9) Tax Payer Identification No(TPIN) ( Optional ) This box is dedicated for Traders who have Tax Identification No(TPIN). Press “F8” key to see the list ( Not functional ) see BOX 8 h. ( Box No 10)Country of Consignments ( Mandatory) Enter the code for the country from which the goods were initially dispatched. This is not necessarily the country of origin of the goods .It is always identified by the fact that a commercial transaction has taken place in connection with the goods. (Press “ F8” key to see the Country codes) i. Box 11 , 12 , 13,15,16) ( Prohibited) Not functional . j. ( Box No 17) Country of Destination(Mandatory for export declaration)Enter the code for the country to which the goods are to be finally exported . 3. Transportation quadrant a. ( Box No 19) container Flag (Optional) user has two option to key in “0” if not containerized “1” if Containerized b. ( Box No 18 ) Nationality of Transport(Mandatory) Enter the code of the country and the name of the transporter in box 18 in which the ship/aircraft/ is registered. If overland, enter the code of the country where the vehicle is coming from. c. (Box No 25) Mode of Transport (Mandatory) Enter the code of the mode of transport ( Press “F8” to check the list ) d. (Box No 26) Mode of Transport At border( Optional ) Leave Blank e. ( Box No 27 ) Port of Loading (Optional) Enter the code for the port of Loading of the goods Example: AEDXB for Goods which are loaded at DUBAI port (See the list of Ports Available by pressing “F8” key ) f. (Box No 29) Office of Entry /Exit ( Mandatory) Enter the Code of the Customs frontier office where the goods first entered or last to leave the country . g. (Box No 30) Transit Shed code ( Optional) Enter the code for Transit Shed . This is a code given by the manifest section to when the goods are located at the Customs Premises. Press “F8’ to see the transit shed codes 4. Financial Quadrant a. (Box No 20 ) Delivery Terms(Mandatory): Enter the Terms of Delivery according to the International Chamber of Commerce Terms (INCOTERM) (Press “F8” key see the list) b. ( Box No 22) Currency & Total Invoice Amount (Mandatory) Enter the currency code and the Total amount of the Invoice respectively . c. ( Box No 23) Rate of Exchange (system generated) The Current exchange rate is automatically appears when the currency code and the invoice amount is entered in box 22. d. (Box No 24) Nature of Transaction (Prohibited) write the invoice details the value of Freight , insurance and other cost in their appropriate box respectively. e. (Box No 28) Bank Code( Optional ) Enter the Code of the Authorized Bank that issued the Bank application (Bank permit No) or press ‘F8’ to see the list of bank codes or refer the attached table. Example : code CBE is for Commercial Bank ,Code BOL is for BOLE BRANCH) Enter the Code of the Terms of Payment : With Bank Permit(Bank application) ……………“1” With out Bank application (Franco-Valuta)……...”0” Enter the Branch Code of the Authorized Bank Example BOL BOLE BRANCH Enter the Bank Permit No and date of issue Example : CBEBOL01000012004 Where CBEBOL is the branch code 01 is the type of permit 00001 is the permit Number and 2004 is year of issue . ITEM LEVEL SEGEMENT 5. Goods Description Quadrant Box No 31) Marks and Numbers –Container Nos.(Mandatory ) Enter the marks and Numbers of the package, if they exist Enter the container numbers, if they exist Enter the number and the code for the type of Package On the description field Write the Commercial/Trade Description of the goods Example : If you input tariff code 8521.1000 in box No. 33 the tariff description from the system displays in box 31 << video recording or reproducing apparatus, with or with out video tuner , magnetic taper-type >> . Then, on the third field you can write the following : << JVC video recorder , Model kv-X21, Multi system>> 6. Procedure Quadrant a. (Box No 32 ) Item No.(system generated ) Appears by default. b. (Box No 33) Commodity Code(HS) (Mandatory) Enter the Full National Tariff Number (8 –digits ) code relevant to the Commercial Description of the Goods( Press “F8” function key to see the tariff Table). The description of the tariff will appear on the left side of the screen in box 31. c. (Box No 34) Country of Origin(Mandatory) Enter the country of Origin code ( use “F8” function key) d. (Box No 35)Gross Weight(Mandatory) Enter the Gross Weight of the goods in kg, e. (Box No 36) Preference (Optional) Enter the Preferential code designated by customs for tax relief (Press “F8” to see the list) f. (Box No 37) Customs Procedure Code(Mandatory) The Customs Procedure Code consists of 7 Numeric Characters the first four characters of the CPC code (e.g. 4000) is called Extended Procedure Code(EPC) and The second 3 characters of the CPC code (000-999) are called Additional Procedure codes (APC) or National Procedures Codes( NPC). These codes are different from one item to another, according to the exemptions applied to the goods imported or exported. Example : Extended Procedure Code for Direct Import is 4000 National Procedure code for Direct Import is 000 Then, The customs procedure code for direct Import will be 4000 000 The customs Procedure code for Diplomatic goods will be 4000 415 g. (Box No 38): Net Weight(Mandatory) Enter the Net Weight of the goods in kg. h. (Box No 39): Quota(Prohibited) Leave Blank i. (Box No 40): Way Bill(Optional) Enter the Bill of Lading ( way bill for sea transport ), Sommaire (way bill for train transport), Postal Advice(way bill for postal service), Vehicle Manifest(way bill for road transport), or Airway bill (way bill for Air transport) reference number Example : Bill of Lading No. …..C2001 Air Way Bill No………071/1111/1212 j. (Box No 41): Supplementary units(Optional) Generally, the Standard quantity specified against each item in the tariff is kilogram(kg) . When a further unit of measure is shown against the commodity code (e.g. number, pair or litre, etc.) for the item in the tariff, enter the supplementary or additional quantity in box(41). Example : Look at the following table which shows the supplementary quantity Hs-code Description Standard Supp.unit Remark qty(kg) 85281290 Color Tv-set kg Unit 64011900 Water proof Foot wear kg Pair 22083000 Whisky kg liter 57011000 Carpets and other floor covering kg Square meter Write the total number of tv-set declared Write the total number pair of Footwear Declared Write the total liters of whisky declared write the total square meters of the carpet declared Taking the above example in to account, some of the tariff numbers require not only the weight but also needs supplementary unit of measurement. Therefore, the weight in Kg’s. must be entered in Box (35 and 38) and supplementary units in Box (41). When the standard quantity is only Kg (in most cases) the supplementary quantity box will not be Activated. 7. Additional Information Quadrant (Box No 44a) License (Prohibited) Leave blank (Box No 44b)Additional Information (Optional) Write any Additional Information on the space Provided REVENUE INFORMATION SEGEMENT 8. Duties and Taxes quadrant (Box No 47) Duty and Tax(Prohibited) This box is used for showing tax code , base value , rate and payable amount with mode of payment . Grand Total Duties /Taxes & Charges(Prohibited) This box shows the Grand Total Duties/Taxes and other charges automatically. 9. Accounting Quadrant (Box No 48) Account No. (Optional) Enter the number of the Importer’s or Declarant Prepayment or Account Secret Code when using the Account Holder or Prepayment Facility. (Box No 49) WHS Code and Period (Optional) Enter the WHS Code and the Period (normally 90 days) if the goods are unloaded in Private Bonded WHS . This field also is shed with heavy line to show that the box is appears once in the system at the first item level but not repeated at each item level 10. Transit ( Not Functional) 11. Valuation Quadrant a. Valuation quadrant is divided in to two parts Total Invoice Value Item Invoice Value Total Invoice Value fields contains the following: - Total Fob price Curr code - Total Freight Amount Curr code - Total Insurance Amount Curr code - Total Other cost Amount Curr code b. Valuation Note (mandatory) First box : Leave it as it is (system generation of the invoice value ) Second box : Enter the Total amount of the Freight value and the currency code (ETB) Third box : Enter the Total amount of the Insurance value in BIRR & the currency code (ETB) Fourth box : Enter the total amount of the other cost value and the currency code (ETB) Fifth box : Leave blank Item Invoice Value contains the following: - Item Fob Value - Item Freight Amount - Item Insurance Amount - Item Other cost Amount Note : The apportion of freight , insurance and other cost is based on the Total FOB value. Valuation Note ( Item 1) Enter the amount of the Item one invoice value . Result: The freight ,Insurance and the other cost value will be displayed automatically on the screen because the apportion of freight, insurance and other cost is based on the Total FOB VALUE . x = (Item Invoice Value / Total FOB Value) * Y Y is a Variable that represents Freight or Insurance or Other Cost Value . X is an apportioned value of Freight or Insurance or other cost The distribution continues until the last item is entered . Warning : If the total item FOB value is less or greater than from the Total fob amount declared in box 22 an error message will appear at the bottom of the screen .Therefore, you must re-check the item fob value again. c. (Box No 42 ) Item Value(Prohibited ) Item Invoice price of a Particular commodity is systematically generated when you are working on Valuation Note. (Box No 42a) Freight (Optional ) See the above for item freight calculation (Box No 42b) Insurance (Optional ) See the above for item insurance calculation (Box No 42c) other Cost (Optional ) See the above for item other cost calculation d. (Box No 43) Valuation Method(optional ) Enter the method of the Valuation used to assess the customs Duty and Tax ( See The Attached valuation method list ) or Press “F8” e. (Box No 45) Adjustment (Optional) Default Value 1 f. (Box No 46) Item Duty paying Value (system generated) The Item duty paying Value is generated by the system after completing the first item Valuation note fields. 12. Others (Box No 50) Declaration Authentication This is a Location to sign for by the declarant for all information entered in the declaration form. (Box No 51) For Office Use (Box No 52) Reverse of Ethiopia Customs Declaration 13. Main changes due to the Improved system In the previous version the way bill No was on general segment level but in the new version the way Bill No is in the item segment .(box 40) In the previous version the Preceding document reference No was on general segment but now it will be at item level .(box 40) In the previous version the WHS code and period was on general segment but in the new version it comes under summary level. (box 49) The Declarant Ref. No has got an important place in the new version .It is one of the primary key No and helps to retrieve data from the system. (box 7) The Bank and Branch code with Bank permit No has got a field in the declaration so as to meet the requirements of the National Bank of Ethiopia.(box 28) It is possible to write the commercial description of the goods in box 31 Importer/Exporter code ,office code ,Declaration reg No ,Declaration date and Declarant’s Ref are repeated on top of each continuation page Duty and Taxes for items are shown at the bottom of the continuation sheet including the total tax payable by each type of taxes. The Freight , Insurance and Other cost value can be apportioned by the system based on the total FOB value or Gross weight . (box 42a.42b,42c) Brief Note : How to fill the Customs Declaration Manually. The Next table explains the procedure to fill the customs Declaration manually. Box Field Description Description of the fields No 1 Declaration Type Model of the Declaration (IM = Import or EX = Export Additional Information See Declaration type table for each extended procedure code Customs Office code Write the Customs clearance office code where the Refer Clearance office goods are to be cleared or where the Customs table formalities are finalized Manifest Write the manifest Registration No (If available) Registration No: Assessment No: 2 Receipt No: Exporter /consignor 3 4 5 6 7 Pages List Total Items Total Packages Declarant Reference No 8 Importer/ consignor 9 TIN Write the full name and address of Exporter ( including the license code if available) Write the total Number of pages declared Prohibited Write the total Number of Items declared Write the total Number of packages Write the Operation or file reference No. of Declaration Enter the full name and address of Importer (including the license code if available) Write the Tax Identification Number Importer/Exp of the the code 10 Country of consignments 11 12 13 14 15 16 Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Declarant/Agent Prohibited Prohibited 17 Country of Destination 18 19 Nationality of Transport Container 20 Terms of Delivery 21 22 blank Currency and Total Invoice Write the currency and the total amount of the invoice amount respectively Rate of Exchange Write the exchange rate of the currency shown on the invoice Invoice details Write the lump sum of the Freight , Insurance and other cost value respectively Mode of Transport Write the mode of the transport code Prohibited Port of loading Write the port of loading Bank code Write the bank and branch code , terms of delivery and the Bank permit No respectively 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Enter the code for the country from where the goods See the country code table were dispatched. Write the Declarant name , address and code Enter the code for the country to which the goods are to See the country code be finally exported . Write the Flag and the Identity of the transport Insert “0” if not containerized “1” if Containerized Enter the Terms of Delivery according to the See the Terms of Delivery table International Chamber of Commerce Terms (INCOTERM) Office of Entry /Exit Transit shed code Marks and Numbers Write the office of Entry or Exit code Write shed code for goods located in the transit shed Write the mark and numbers of the item declared Package and number Write the number declared See the currency code table Check the weekly exchange rate. See the mode of transport table Check the way bill See the bank code table See the terms of payment table See office code table See the shed code table and package code for the item See package code table Write the commercial or trade description of the goods 32 33 34 35 36 37 Description of goods Item No Commodity code Country of origin Gross Weight Preference Customs Procedure Code 38 39 40 Net weight Quota Way bill/Previous Doc 41 42 Supplementary units Item value a)Freight b)Insurance c)Other cost Write the item no Write the commodity code of the item Write the country of origin code for that particular item Write the gross weight in kg Write the preference code Write the Customs procedure code . the code is composed of 7 numeric character .extended procedure code 4 numeric and Additional Procedure code 3 digits Write the net weight in kg Prohibited Write the way bill reference No and (previous Doc when necessary). See the detail explanation given in page 10 Insert the Item value shown in your invoice See the Tariff book See country code table See the preference code table See the Extended Procedure code and Additional code table Use the apportion method to get the freight , insurance Refer page 10 for the method of and other cost apportion 43 44 45 46 47 Valuation Method Additional Information Adj. Item Duty Paying Duty and Tax details Write the valuation method used for each item See the valuation method table Write any additional information (like crf No ) Default value 1 Write the CIF value Tax type Write the tax type code 01,03,04,15 See tax type code Base value Write the CIF value Rate Write The rate of duty , excise, VAT and with-holding tax as per CPC and tariff code Amount Write the amount of tax payable Write the lump sum of duty , excise , vat and with-hold tax payable on the first line and other charges on the second line 48 49 50 51 Grand Total Duties/Taxes Account Number WHS CODE /period Declaration Authentication For Office use If the No of items more than one write the total duty ,excise , vat and With-holding tax payable on the first continuation sheet only. Available for prepayment and Account holder system Write the warehouse code and the period Signature and stamp of the Declarant Prohibited CURRENCY CODE AED = United Arab Emirates Dirham AUD = Australian Dollar CAD = Canadian Dollar CHF = Swiss Franc DJF = Djibouti Franc DKK = Danish kroner ETB = Ethiopian Birr EUR = Euro (European Union) GBP = United kingdom Pound KES = Kenyan Shilling JPY = Japanese Yen SAR = Saudi riyal USD = United States Dollar UAP = COMESA Dollar XAF = CFA Franc PREFERETIAL CODE COMESA Preference for COMESA member count. ET_DJ01 Ethio-Djibouti preference ET_SD01 Ethio-Sudan preference CUSTOMS OFFICE CODE AAA - A.A AIR PORT CUSTOMS AAHQ OFFICE CODE AAL - A.A LAGARE CUSTOMS OFFICE AAP - A.A. PARCEL POST CUSTOMS AAST - A.A. HQ/ STATISTICS DEPARTMENT See the warehouse code table ALA - ALAMATA CUSTOMS OFFICE BAH - BAHIRDAR CUSTOMS OFFICE COM - COMBOLCHA CUSTOMS OFFICE DDA - D.D AIRPORT CUSTOMS DDL - D.D LA GARE CUSTOMS OFFICE DEW - DEWELE CUSTOMS OFFICE DJI - DJIBOUTI GAL - GALAFI CUSTOMS OFFICE GIZ -; GIZEN CUSTOMS OFFICE GON - GONDER CUSTOMS OFFICE HUM - HUMERA JIJ - JIJIGA KUM - KUMRUK MEK - MEKELE MET - METEMA MOY - MOYALE NAZ - NAZARETH CUSTOMS OFFICE RAM - RAMA TWECH - TOGOWECHALE ZAL - ZALA ANBESSA DECLARATION TYPE EXPORT EX 1 Exportation EX 2 Temporary Export EX 3 Re-export EX 8 Transit to export EX 9 Other export procedures IMPORT IM 4 Entry for home use IM 5 Temporary Importation IM 6 Re-importation IM 7 Entry for warehousing IM 8 Import Transit IM 9 Other import procedures EXTENDED PROCEDURE CODES 1000 - Direct permanent export 1040 - Exportation After entry for home use 2100 - Temporary Export for return in unaltered state. 2200 - Temporary Export for outward processing. 3051 - Re-export after temporary import 3052 - Re-export after customs inward processing procedure 4000 - Direct entry for home use 4051 - Entry for home use after TI and return in unaltered state. 4052 - Entry for home use after TI for inward processing 4071- Entry for home use after customs warehousing procedure 4100 - Direct Importation under 2ND SCHEDULE procedure 4152 - Entry for home after temporary importation for inward processing (2nd) 4171 - Entry for home after Warehousing under 2nd Schedule 4200 - direct importation under 2-2 schedule 4252 - Entry for home use after temporary importation for INWARD proces.(2_2) 4271 - Entry for home use after warehousing (2-2 Sch) 5100 - Temporary import for return in unaltered state. 5200 - Temporary import for customs inward processing procedure 6010 - Re-import after direct export 6021 - Reimport after TE for return in an unaltered state 6022 - Reimport after TE for customs outward processing 7100 - Direct entry for customs warehousing procedure 8000 - Through Transit 8100 - Inward transit 8200 - Outward transit 8300 - Inland transit INCOTERM DELIVERY TERMS CFR - Cost and Freight CIF - Cost , Insurance and freight CIP - Carriage and insurance paid CPT - Carriage paid to DDP- Deliver duty paid DDU - Deliver duty unpaid EXW - Ex-factory or warehouse FOB - Free on Board MODE OF TRANSPORT 1 -> MARINE TRANSPORT 2 -> RAIL TRANSPORT 3 -> ROAD TRANSPORT 4 -> AIR TRANSPORT 5 -> MAIL TRANSPORT 61 -> MULTIMODE SEA RAIL TRANSPORT 62 -> MULTIMODE SEA ROAD TRANSPORT 64 -> MULTIMODE AIR ROAD 7 -> FIX TRANSPORT(PIPELINE) 9 -> UNKNOWN PACKAGE CODE DESCRIPTION 00 BA UNPACKED OR LOOSE PACKED BARREL BE BUNDLE BG BK BAG BULK BL BALE BO BX BOTTLE BOX BZ BARS IN BUNDEL CA CAN CASE CASE CL COIL CR CT CRATE CARTON CY CYLINDER DR JC DRUM JERICAN MX MATCH BOX PA PACKET PC PARCEL PO SA POUCH SACK SU SUITCASE TN VA TIN VAT TRANSIT AND DESCRIPTION SHED1 AAA TRANSIT SHED 1 SHED2 - AAA- TRANSIT SHED 2 SHED3 - AAA -TRANSIT SHED 3 SHED4 - AAA -TRANSIT SHED 4 SHED5 - AAA -TRANSIT SHED 5 SHED6 - AAA -TRANSIT SHED 6 SHED7 - AAA -TRANSIT SHED 7(PAX) SHED8 - AAA -TRANSIT SHED 8 SHED9 - AAA -TRANSIT SHED 9 SHED10 - AAA -TRANSIT SHED10 WAREHOUSE Code A.M.C.E Description A.M.C.E ALFAR Al farag plc ETTE Ethipian tourist traiding Enterp. HAGBES Hagbes pvt MOENCO Moenco BANK CodeAIB - Description AWASH INTERNATIONAL BANK S.C. BOA - BANK OF ABISSNIA S.C. CBB CBE - CONSTRACTION & BUSSNES BANK COMMERCIAL BANK OF ETHIOPIA DBE - DEVELOPMENT BANK OF ETHIOPIA DSB NBE - DASHEN BANK S.C. NATIONAL BANK OF ETHIOPIA NIB - NIB INTERNATIONAL BANK S. C. UNB - UNITED BANK S.C. WGB - WEGAGEN BANK S. C. COUNTRY CODE Code--description AD- Andorra AE -United Arab Emirates AF -Afghanistan AG -Antigua and Barbuda AI -Anguilla AL -Albania AM -Armenia AN -Netherlands Antilles AO -Angola AQ -Antarctica AR -Argentina AS -American Samoa AT -Austria AU -Australia AW -Aruba AZ -Azerbaijan BA -Bosnia and Herzegovina BB -Barbados BD -Bangladesh BE -Belgium BF -Burkina Faso BG -Bulgaria BH -Bahrain BI -Burundi BJ -Benin BM -Bermuda BN -Brunei Darussalam BO -Bolivia BR -Brazil BS -Bahamas BT -Bhutan BV -Bouvet Island BW -Botswana BY -Belarus BZ -Belize CA -Canada CC -Cocos (Keeling) Islands CF -Central African Republic CG -Congo CH -Switzerland CI -Cote d'Ivoire CK -Cook Islands CL -Chile CM -Cameroon CN -China CO -Colombia CR -Costa Rica CU -Cuba CV -Cape Verde CX -Christmas Island[Australia] CY -Cyprus CZ -Czech Republic Code--description LB -Lebanon LC -Saint Lucia LI -Liechtenstein LK -Sri Lanka LR -Liberia LS -Lesotho LT -Lithuania LU -Luxembourg LV -Latvia LY -Libyan Arab Jamahiriya MA -Morocco MC -Monaco MD -Republic of Moldova MG -Madagascar MH -Marshall Islands MI -Midway Islands MK -The former Yugoslav Rep. Macedonia ML -Mali MM -Myanmar MN -Mongolia MO -Macau MP -Northern Mariana Islands MQ -Martinique MR -Mauritania MS -Montserrat MT -Malta MU -Mauritius MV -Maldives MW -Malawi MX -Mexico MY -Malaysia MZ -Mozambique NA -Namibia NC -New Caledonia NE -Niger NF -Norfolk Island NG -Nigeria NI -Nicaragua NL -Netherlands NO -Norway NP -Nepal NR -Nauru NU -Niue NZ -New Zealand OM -Oman PA -Panama PE -Peru PF -French Polynesia PG -Papua New Guinea PH -Philippines PK -Pakistan PL -Poland DE -Germany PM -Saint Pierre and Miquelon DJ -Djibouti PN -Pitcairn DK -Denmark PR -Puerto Rico DM -Dominica PT -Portugal DO -Dominican Republic PW -Palau DZ -Algeria PY -Paraguay EC -Ecuador QA -Qatar EE -Estonia RE -Reunion EG -Egypt RO -Romania EH -Western Sahara RU -Russian Federation ER -Eritrea RW -Rwanda ES -Spain SA -Saudi Arabia ET -Ethiopia SB -Solomon Islands FI -Finland SC -Seychelles FJ -Fiji SD -Sudan FK -Falkland Islands (Malvinas) SE -Sweden FM -"Micronesia, Federated States of" SG -Singapore FO -Faeroe Islands SH -Saint Helena FR -France SI -Slovenia GA -Gabon SJ -Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands GB -United Kingdom SK -Slovakia GD -Grenada SL -Sierra Leone GE -Georgia SM -San Marino GF -French Guiana SN -Senegal GH -Ghana SO -Somalia GI -Gibraltar SR -Suriname GL -Greenland ST -Sao Tome and Principe GM -Gambia SV -El Salvador GN -Guinea SY -Syrian Arab Republic GP -Guadeloupe SZ -Swaziland GQ -Equatorial Guinea TC -Turks and Caicos Islands GR -Greece TD -Chad GT -Guatemala TF -French Southern Territories GU -Guam TG -Togo GW -Guinea-Bissau TH -Thailand GY -Guyana TJ -Tajikistan HK -Hong Kong TK -Tokelau HN -Honduras TM -Turkmenistan HR -Croatia TN -Tunisia HT -Haiti TO -Tonga HU -Hungary TP -East Timor ID -Indonesia TR -Turkey IE -Ireland TT -Trinidad and Tobago IL -Israel TV -Tuvalu IM -Isle of Man TW -"Taiwan, Province of China" IN -India TZ -United Republic of Tanzania IO -British Indian Ocean Territory UA -Ukraine IQ -Iraq UG -Uganda IR -"Iran, Islamic Republic of" US -United States IS -Iceland UY -Uruguay IT -Italy UZ -Uzbekistan JM -Jamaica VA -Holy See (Vatican) JO -Jordan VC -Saint Vincent and the Grenadines JP -Japan VE -Venezuela JT -Johnston Island VG -British Virgin Islands KE -Kenya VI -United States Virgin Islands KG -Kyrgyzstan VN -Viet Nam KH -Cambodia VU -Vanuatu KI -Kiribati WF -Wallis and Futuna Islands KM -Comoros WK -Wake Island KN -Saint Kitts and Nevis WS -Samoa KP -"Korea, Democratic People's Rep." of YE -Yemen KR -"Korea, Republic of" YU -Yugoslavia KW -Kuwait KY -Cayman Islands KZ -Kazakstan LA -Lao People's Democratic Republic ZA -South Africa ZM -Zambia ZR -Zaire ZW -Zimbabwe Copyright © 2007 ERCA
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