How to Build a Quality Improvement Program and Keep Your Sanity.

How to Build a Quality
Improvement Program
and Keep Your Sanity.
Come to the Eleventh Annual National Educational Forum
for Ambulatory Health Care
Las Vegas, NV
December 3-4, 2011
“Implementing these changes won’t be easy. We’re pretty set in doing things the wrong way.”
True, you didn’t necessarily sign up for this when you became a health care
professional, but developing a sound QI program is not as difficult as it seems.
Especially since we can help you use Quality Improvement (QI) techniques
to help your organization perform better, achieve better outcomes, and
enhance its reputation through our easy-to-follow methods.
“ Where do I start?
I have to develop a QI
So we hope you’ll join your colleagues and fellow ambulatory health care
professionals from across the country at the AAAHC Institute for Quality
Improvement Eleventh Annual National Educational Forum for Ambulatory
Health Care. We’ll dispel the mystery and make everything clear and
straightforward for you.
If you’re just beginning to develop a QI program, we can turn you into a QI ace.
Even if you have many years of experience in implementing QI activities, our
experts can help you rise to the level of superstar. In both cases, we’ll show
you how to use simple strategies and tools, including the AAAHC
“10 elements” of QI, to deliver immediate value, and strengthen the
overall operation of your ambulatory health care organization.
What you learn can be immediately
applied to help you:
• Identify practical and constructive study topics
• Use clinical benchmarks and other clinical performance data
• Increase productivity, patient satisfaction,
processes of care, or financial performance by using quality data
• Learn the AAAHC “10 elements” of QI and strengthen your organization’s QI programs overall
program overall, one of the best,
“ Excellent
most informative I have been to!
Kathi Gascho, RN, BSN
Director of Nursing, Camp Lowell Surgery Center
“Next, an example of the very same procedure when done correctly.”
A Program for Novice and Wizard alike
Just starting a QI program in your organization and looking for guidance? Or trying to
bring yours up a notch? This program works for both. You will assess your own level of know-how and then work in small groups with colleagues with similar practice
settings and experience. The groups are led by experienced QI faculty who can get you off and running or ratchet up the QI programs you already have in place.
Work groups are split into two levels
based on the following criteria:
Level 1: This level is for you if you have
only a basic understanding of how to
conduct QI activities and implement results.
It’s specifically designed for participants
interested in gaining more comfort with
QI and an understanding of benchmarking.
Level 2: More advanced professionals who are interested in trouble-shooting and exploring new QI concepts should
choose this level.
Level 1 work groups address issues such as:
• Understanding “system” and other confounding factors
• Choosing a good QI topic for your organization
• Understanding what benchmarking means and
how it can help you set performance goals
• Learning how to get the best information (data) you can
• Using the information you gather to make real, positive changes in your organization
Level 2 work groups explore more advanced
methodology and concepts such as:
• Increasing reliability and validity
• Exploring “statistical power” and “statistical significance”
A Distinguished Faculty
headed by Dr. Lorraine Jordan, PhD, CRNA
Dr. Jordan will provide an overview of national health care QI activities,
especially those related to ambulatory care. She will discuss key issues and terms and lay the groundwork for the work groups.
Our accomplished QI instructors will lead the work group sessions through the AAAHC “10 elements” of QI and work with you to develop problem-solving strategies that can produce an immediate impact in your organization.
Marshall Baker, MS, FACMPE, Physician Advisory Services, Inc.
Dianna Burns, CGRN, Fort Wayne Endoscopy Center
Karen Connolly, RN, KW Connolly & Associates, LLC
W. Pat Davey, MD, MBA, FACP, Dermatique
Ronald A. Gabel, MD
Margaret Haecherl, RN, CNOR, PHN, VA Northern California Health Care System
Debbie Jinks, RN, CPHQ, HCA
Lorraine Jordan, PhD, CRNA, American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Foundation
Kris Kilgore, RN, Surgical Care Center of Michigan
Jan Kleinhesselink, RN, CPHQ, Lincoln Surgical Hospital
Gayle C. Lowe, RN, BSM - HCA
Penni McKinley, RN, Thielen Student Health Center, ISU
Jimmie Starling
Marsha Wallander, RN, AAAHC
Innovations in Quality Improvement
Award Winners
The 2011 Bernard A. Kershner Innovations in Quality Improvement Program winners will receive their awards during the Forum. Award recipients will also present their studies to the
attendees – a wonderful opportunity for you to see the benefits of this program in action!
Primary Care – STD Assessment
Margaret Jacobs, MSN, RNC, ANP, Quality Improvement Chairperson, University Health Service, University of Michigan
Surgical/Procedural Care – Blood Sugar Study
Susan Theobald RN, Nurse Manager, James Stinneford, MD, Medical Director, Elgin Gastroenterology Endoscopy Center
Attend Both Programs and Save!
The National Educational Forum takes place directly following the AAAHC Achieving
Accreditation Seminar. Whether you’re applying for accreditation for the first time
or for re-accreditation, the AAAHC Achieving Accreditation program is an in-depth,
interactive program designed to lead you step-by-step through the accreditation
process. Attend both programs and save money! It’s a great opportunity to learn more about the accreditation process, in addition to QI activities.
Achieving Accreditation Dec. 2 - 3, 2011
The 2011 Achieving Accreditation program begins Friday with a review of AAAHC standards. In the
afternoon, experienced AAAHC surveyors lead small, practice-setting specific group discussions
focused on how the quality management and improvement standards are applied. On Saturday morning, December 3, the work groups review how to prepare for AAAHC surveys, and attendees will have the opportunity for personal consultation on AAAHC adjunct standards.
National Educational Forum for Ambulatory Health Care
Dec. 3 - 4, 2011
This program begins directly after Achieving Accreditation, so you can participate in both programs. It will provide you with the tools and techniques, including how to develop an activity using the AAAHC
“10 elements” of QI to assess and advance your organization’s quality improvement program, as well as reinforce quality improvement principles and methods. You can attend both programs at
a discounted rate!
For more information about the Achieving Accreditation program or the National Educational Forum, log on to, e-mail us at [email protected], or call 847/853-6060.
Both the Achieving Accreditation program and the National
Educational Forum will be held at the famed Bellagio Hotel where
you can explore all the exquisite offerings of a AAA Five Diamond
Award-winning resort. You’ll find additional hotel information at by clicking on Education Programs.
Las Vegas, NV
December 3-4, 2011
Phone: 888-987-6667
Special Rate: $179 single/double
Hotel reservation deadline:
November 10, 2011
When making your reservation, be sure to mention the Accreditation Association for
Ambulatory Health Care to receive the special room rate. The number of rooms available
at these rates may sell out prior to the reservation deadline. Once the block is sold out,
reservations will be accepted based on available space and rates.
Cancellations and Substitutions
There is a cancellation fee of $125 per registrant. If you find yourself unable to attend, you may send an alternate without penalty providing they notify AAAHC in writing prior to the first day of the program for which they are registered.
Americans with Disabilities Act
If you need any of the auxiliary aids or devices identified in the Americans with Disabilities Act to attend this program, call 847-853-6060.
Program Schedule
Saturday, December 3, 2011
1:00 – 1:15 p.m. Introduction and 2011 Innovations in Quality Improvement Award Presentation
Ronald A. Gabel, M.D., Chair, Board of Trustees
1:15 – 1:45 p.m. Quality Overview Lorraine Jordan, PhD, CRNA, Chair, Program Committee
AAAHC Institute for Quality Improvement
- National Perspective
- Key Issues and Terms
- Assessing Your Level of Expertise
1:45 – 2:45 p.m. Presentations by the Innovations in Quality Improvement Award Winners
2:45 – 3:15 p.m.Break
3:15 – 5:15 p.m.Work Groups: Tools and Techniques for Immediate Impact
5:15 – 6:30 p.m. Reception
Sunday, December 4, 2011
7:30 – 8:15 a.m. Continental Breakfast
8:15 – 11:30 a.m. Saturday Work Groups (continued) (Includes a 15-minute break)
CNE Credit
“Either this is the wrong chart or — let’s just hope this is the wrong chart.”
5.5. contact hours are awarded to participants who successfully complete all requirements of the program. This continuing nursing
education activity was approved by the Illinois Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing
Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
This educational program does not receive financial or in-kind contributuions that have been donated from commercial
interests to support nursing education.
enjoyable! Really reinforced previous conference. The facilitator
“ Very
made everyone comfortable and at ease. Class/session was very
engaging and interactive. Glad to have this opportunity.
Kaye Ringler, RN, BS, CNOR
RN Manager, Michigan Vascular Access Center
2011 Registration Form
Eleventh Annual
National Educational Forum for Ambulatory Health Care
December 3-4 2011 Las Vegas, Nevada
Please note: Space is limited. We recommend submitting your registration form at least 21 days prior to the program date.
Please indicate which meeting(s) you plan to attend:
AAAHC Institute National Educational Forum, December 3-4, 2011
oAAAHC Achieving Accreditation and AAAHC Institute National Educational Forum, December 2-4, 2011
Early Bird
Registration Fee By Nov. 10
Registration Fee
National Educational Forum
National Educational Forum + Achieving Accreditation
Name/ title/ E-mail first registrant (E-mail Required)
Fee for registrant
Name/ title/ E-mail second registrant (E-mail Required)
Fee for registrant
Please specify your work setting, e.g. ASC, office-based surgery practice, student health service, etc.
Please indicate your organization’s medical specialty e.g. primary care, endoscopy, or two highest volume procedures.
Organization name
Please indicate what you consider
to be your level of QI expertise:
Registrant 1: oLevel I (basic) oLevel II (advanced)
Registrant 2: oLevel I (basic) oLevel II (advanced)
Zip Code
I have enclosed check # _______________ or
money order in the amount of $ ___________ payable to:
AAAHC Institute • 5250 Old Orchard Road • Suite 200 • Skokie, IL 60077
Please charge my credit card in the amount of $ ______________
Please indicate your Practice Setting:
Primary Care
Student Health
Indian Health
Other _______
GI Care
Pain Management
Other ________
Card number
Please fax registration form
and payment information to
Security code
Expiration date
Cardholder name (Please Print)
Cardholder signature
I have read and accept the terms and conditions of the
AAAHC Institute as described in this registration form.
5250 Old Orchard Road, Ste. 250
Skokie, Illinois 60077
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 198
Evanston, IL
Intimidated by Quality Improvement?
We’ll help you become more comfortable with it.
Come to the Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas, December 3-4, 2011
Las Vegas, NV
December 3-4, 2011
Come to the Eleventh Annual National Educational Forum
for Ambulatory Health Care
Whether you’re a novice or an expert, we
can show you how to make your Quality
Improvement Program work better.