rfp -NPtu!l THE: ·WEEKLY ., NEWSPAPER oF SAINT : LOUis ·u. : HIGH- Volume 52, N~er 23 Friday, ·February 26, 1988 How toSucceed on stage this weekend · The Dauphin Players· are set.. to open the last ·of this year ' s productions, "How to Succeed in Business Without Really ':!-'rying. " The play wi~l run Fnday through Sunday 1n the Because SLUH auditoriUlll. this year ' s spring musical is exclusively a SLUHUrsuline production. the direction is being handled by both schools. SLUH' s Mr. Schulte and his ·Ursuline counterpart and wife Mrs. Schulte . are the play· s directors . Qr. Joe Koestner; who usu~lly has control of '· the whole musical spectrum. is partnered this year W1th Mr. Neil Frederiksen, who assumed the helm of the . singinq chorus . leavinq Koestner to See PLAY. paae 2 Bradlef named .Cashbah chainnan KMOX Radio Personality '·. · ·aruce Bradley will serve as ho~orary chairman of Cashbah ·sa. st. Louis University High School's ann~l dinner-auction. to be held Saturday, March 26-. . !n announcing Bradley's participation, SLUH President Fr. James Baker said. "Since . arriving in St . Louis a. couple of years ago, Bruce Bradley has becoae one of the .: area' s most popular and entertaining media personalities. As ·the first honorary chairman in the history -of · Cashbab. we are confident his participation will help . ensure tQe auction's success;'' Cashbah '88 will be held in · ~he · SLUH qyanasi~ beginning ·at 5:30 PM ~ on March 26. The cost is $60 per person . ~ WTO H . Q _ · ~ ~ SUCCEED tkr ·~ til /·f 1 BUSINESS /, I . \.I THQUT N• · · )EAl LY . ··~ . i\ l. · \\ · • ' r I .\ · · \ .._RYING I, Mock Trial team wins first case The SLUH Mock Trial teaa j ourneyed to the Civil Courts buildinq downtown last Friday for the first ~ound· of the Mock Trial competition of the Bar Association of . Me.t ropolitan St. Louis. Mock Trial is 'a nationwide c ompetition in whi!=h .. students posing .as lawyer~,' and witnesses try a case . aqainst another school . Actual 'justices cit the ·St. Louis circuit and' . f ederal courts preside and.' Pass .judgment on the . c~se. The j udge ' s ~ul ing, .however. has no . bearing on . wh9 . j~ins the contest . Two . ~ttorners give points to students based on t h.e ir perform<Jnces: . The cases used this yell.r :U'e ::'.ic-r.:iorial . c ases based on previ ous ~ctual ·::ises . This :.rear · :he·. -:~s.e concer::ts a sixth .. ..• ·;rra<;i.~r ~. ·::;;)tey Carte r;. who has been diagnosed_ as ~ .a carr i er .of See TRIAL. pap 2 Preparations !or Sash11 Marathon . '88 are . underway; See -story on this ge. SLUH prepares lath Bash ball Marathon tt's spring. 1988. What is the most iaportant international media ~vent taking place? The Hinter Olympics? The American presidential race? No, it's that world- renowned sports extravaganza that occurs annually in the St. Louis u. High qymnasiua : · the Thirteenth Bashballiad ·Bashball Marathon XIII. The marathon i s a timehonored tradition that can trace. its roots as far bacjt. as 1976. This charity ev~nt pits St . Louis U • .High students against one anot~er i n physical combat reminiscent of ancient times and gives them an excuse to stay out into the wee hours of. the night . . Bashball XIII will take place from 5:00 PM Friday, March 11 through the night and will conclude at 5:00 PM Saturday, March 12. · But the enthusiasm for the event has already crept into the far reaches of ~he U. High . . Each one hour slot o! p~ ay ing time can be. purchased .by .a team of up to sixteen . students,, -with the price ..depending . upon the time. Prime-time hours, 9:00 - PM to 5 A.M. will go .at ·ss per student plus a $ 10 deposit •. ·Times from 5-8 ·PM -Friday -and froa noon to 5 PM Saturday -.will cost $3 per student plus deposit • . The Qff ~ peak . hours, 5 AM to noon Saturday, •will be virt ually givena.way at: $2 per student plus· deposit·...The deposit ...goes to cover the up- keep of the qya. and will -be returned ·1! at leas.t two members of 't he. teaa .stay ··· to clean-up ~See~.. . . . 2 ' . - i - . ~ 2 .. i.• Trial L. tr t~ ~: k..... 2 ~ i-:- (continued trom page I) concentrate his effor ts on t:tie : orcnestra . This musical teamwork promises a stronq vocal · brigade to back up the princiPal in such numbers as "A 3ecretary is Not a Toy'' and "The Brotherhood of Man . " The choreography . is by · Marilyn Mur. and showcases a talent~d dan(;:ing ,chorus ··in -numbers like. ''The . Pirate Dance:·. and "Paris Oriqinal. " . · -The· shoY nar'r ates t he · story of young, asp~ring J. Pierrepont Finch iChris Lawyer >, a window washer with the World Wide .Wicket Company. Finch har.bor:s ·a yearning to be a big · business magnate, so . he climbs the co~Porate · ladder with the aid of . a-handbook. <appropriately titled . ~·How to Succeed. ·•. "l • Cheering on young · Finch on his quest for succelss is secretary Rosemary Pilkington <Tina Myers>. · . Finch cleverly tucks himself . under the favorable wing of company president · J . B. Biggley <Matt Mueller>. and , . without too much difficulty and With a little !tc•,7-to<Ainq', he soars · to the position · ·of Vice President in charge of advertis~nq. Finch devises the idea of··.a ·treasure · qive-away shoW ..which has hilarious , albeit disastrous, results. Adding their theatrical ta le nt~ ·to this musical are Nikki Kessle r, who · plays the voluptuous Hedy · L~ Rue; M&rk Gunn• as · the .antiquated but lovable Hr. Twimble: Ellen Voqt, who ._p ortays the headstrong and conf~dent Smitty; and ·nan . Schieber. ·as· the boot- · -. l icking · · BUd Frump. Mr. Biggley ·s ~ephew. _ 'F or many, . "How to Succeed" will be· thei r · last Dauphin ·..Players show. The majority of the seniors in the show have been i nvolved in drama for rour ·1ears a t SLUH , and wi ll, when as ked: hark back to those earl7 1ays of theatre. John Brockland , spotted f irst as a thespian in December, 1985, says, " It· s been .a lot of fun, . and I 've ·don& a lot of growing. ·~ Veteran ingenue Tina Meyers, a Dauphin Players. regular, remembers. "I never knew I could learn so much about· myself. " On a lighte r · side. Chris Lawyer . the headliner i n this show. says . "In· Carou.s e,l (Ursul ine ' 85] nob.o dy talked to me .•• and gee . you know. t hey still don·t . " The show opened last niqht with a dinner theatre perfor mance . It can be seen t onight, Saturday. and Sunday at 8:00 PM in t he Auditorium. Ticket s are $3 . 50 at the door or $3 . 00 outside the cafeteria at lunch or noon rec today. BOb Hall. J.r. Bash (continued from page 0 and run the ~ra tho n during the next hour . · The money raised by the marathon will be donated to agenci.es that aid _·teenagers in need. In past years, money ~s been 91ven to -groups such .a s Boys Hope. Over the 7ears , the marathon has · had such years that raised nearly $1.200, and hopes are -. h.igh for · Bashbal1 · XIII. . . For those not .familiar with the rules of the · que, a demonstration game .· will be held on Tuesday, March 8. Bashball, whose name is ~n ::1cronim . for "'Basketball As sociated with Soccer and· Hockey", can be played indoor o r outdoors and uses a _volleyball and ~all purpose, .P.-:E •.'' goa l s. The current qoals are t;hose used in the Phys. Ed. but the first goals were · wooden, constructed by Dauphin Player stage ··hands~ . · I n past year s the STUCO and the Prep News have met ' on the Bashball court to ·iron . out dis putes . · According to . Andy Cr a ig, STUCO Sports Co~is- · s ioner, _.".Th~s yea r·· s qame wil l · be just · like last year- we' l l win!• In an -attempt to rek:f,ndle another - tradition . the Bashball Committee formally · challenged a faculty team to a ··game· during the Marathon. ·sign- up·s . •.Jill begin · on Monday, February 29 , in Dr. ·Murphy: s office . Permission sliPs and rules will be avail.:ilile today i n the same place. Faculty members are still needed t o. monitor each hour of the Marathon. Jason Berne ~ lasses (continued from page I) ·:he AIDS •fi rus. and · •..Jho i s · a hemoDhiliac with a history of Hghting . She has been removed from · Lovejoy school district as a precautionary measure. Her father is petitioning the court to allow Corey to return to s chool. •Jn Fr i day , after three allniqht · c ram sessions , t he stu-· ·dent lawyers. Mark Gunn, Kevin Gunn. and Matt Gunn, and the three witnesses. Mike F l ynn,· Brian Roy, and John Hennelly, left homeroom tq do b~ttle against Fort Zumwalt . Upon · arrival. the SLUH group. struck up a conver~ation with the ZUIIIWa lt boys and girl, who said. "I hope we g,o OK . We've only been practicing a ·month and a · half • ·• Hhen told that the . Legalbills had only worked on the case for a week, they suddenly becaae suspicious and quietly confident. The team bad what it thought was a feasible case as the defendant, Lovejoy School District. They bad an uphill battle. though, because previous Lovejoy attorneys had won their case only 15% of the time . After t he trial. the Hon. Michael Hart ruled . a rare. favorable decision for the defending Legalbill s. There was still anticipation, though, as · to who won on points. ··we were plea~ed with the judge's decision. _yet what we really cared ab~u~ were our s cores from the evaluators, t' witness John ·Hennelly de~ clared. The team ··next ._.journeyed ·· t o t he . t op floor of the Mercantile building, . where : the ·Bar Association· has its .o ff ices; in order · t o find . out the s c o res. One evalua·t o r -h ad the 3core as 5 1 l/2 f or .ZUJIWalt a nd 49 112 for· SLUH. The other evaluator , however. gave the edge to the Leqalbills .by a score of 52 to 46, thus giving SLUH · the victory · !oi 112 to 97 11 2. The · maximum score possi ble is -120. '' Breaki ng 100 ·is considered great on your first ro~d," said Nancy Eschman, ~ coord1na tor of · scores for the Mock Trial. Out of approximately 40 teams, SLUH placed in t be top f i ve. ·Mike F lynn 3 News ------------------------------------~---~~----~---------------------------------- -! ·Calendar FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 26 Advisement Day Scheduie Dauphin Players Production at 8:00 PM: "How to. Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" · · . Varsity Swimming State Tournament at Columbia Hickman High School Pool in Columbia, MO, at 3:30 PM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Dauphin Players Production _ at 8:00 ·PH: "How to Succeed in . Business Wi~hout Really Trying" . · Varsity Swi~U~ing State Tournament at Columbia Hickman High School Pool in ·.=olum.bia. HO: Diving at 9:00 AM State Finals at 2:30 PH $UNDAY. FEBRU~~y 28 Qauphin Players - Production at 8:00 PHi ''How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" MONDAY. FEBRUARY 29 Varsity .Basketball Districts through 3/4 'fUESDAY, MARCH 1 Jesuit Collllllittee Meet-ing at 7:00 PM Mother-Son Banquet ·ticket deadline at 3:30 PH National Math Contest· _. .d~rin(] periods 1 and 2 WEDNESDAY, MARCH .2 ~en~or Ret~eat beC]ins THURSDAY, MARCH 3 Senior Retreat continues FRIDAY, MARCH 4 Senior Retr~at ends Ja.es Wessling_ Bner <The :~ ~ is public~tion - of a student St. Louis University High School. 4970 Oakland Ave. • St. Louis • MO . 63110: . Copyriqht . 1987 St. Louis University High School Prep News • . No material may ..be reprinted without permission from . the moderator. ) 8ophs to visit SLUHtohoJd mock prilnaries ..PA~is fftj.Ni9ht" SLUH will hold a presidential primary next Monday in honor of Missouri's first primary. The primary, sponsored .by the ~News, Will allow every willing student and teacher to vote tor one current presidential hopeful. There will be no write-ins, and only leqitimate contenders Will .be on the .ballots. The results ·o f this pr111Ary will .be published in next Friday ' s ff!. The Democrats on the .ballot will be: Gov. Michael Dukakis <MA> Rep. Richard Gephardt <HOl Sen. Albert Gore. Jr. <TN> Former Sen. Gary Hart (CO> Rev. Jesse Jackson Sen. Paul Simon <IL> The Republican contenders are: V.P. Georqe Bush Sen. Robert Dole <KS) Rep. Jack Kemp <NY> T. v . -Evangelist Pat Robertson Hark T. Gunn Lata callactias hilp charities 'l'be annual Lenten Mission Collections ~ a t last Hednesd:ay' s uu and · Will continue at the Wednesday litur-_ gies throughout Lent. Part of the money , collected . will · go to a medical mission tn Belize. The .mission · is·· staffed by volunteers, many of whom are from the St. Louis area, and especially froa St , Louis University. The money is needed tor aedical and other suppl'ies. The E"est of the money' collected will go to local · organizations to ·.be named later . . Ac.c ording to Religious Affairs Commissioner Carl Gentile, there ·are tentative plans to hold a mission ··week, perhaps the last week of Lent. Included in the activities will be a film festival slm1lar - td· the one. during Christmas· Food Drive, which will !eature 'short movies at noon rec for .the low price of · 25 cents. · John Barsanti _.SophOilores wil l qather at SLUH next Saturday, March 5, for ·· the Sophomore ·F orul Dinner Dance. · ' 'J!he doors will open a~ 7:15 , and the buffetstyle dinner with "everything from tacos to . sandwiches" will be served at 7:30 . The NewsBoys will provide the evening's entertainment. which will end, at least at SLUH, at 11 : 00. The dance's theme, "Paris by Night," was chosen by the class as a whole. Homeroom reps took suggestions from all the sophomores, who then voted for their favorite-. Sophomore class office_rs Matt Gunn and 'Tim Stal~y · are working with sophomore class moderator Mr ·. Suwalsky and with numerous committees to Plan the dance. · The sophomores will have little time to decorate the auditorium ·because the play sets from -this weekend must first be dismantled. However. tentative plans do include a 15 ' Eiffel Tower •. Hr. Suwalsky. excited about the dance. commented, "This is a good opportunity to have fun together. and it is the first organized activity since . their [the sophomores ' ] retreat. ·• Suwalsky hopes that "many people will come." Tickets will be en sale today through next week at $20 ' per · couple. Tim Henard 8tuJJ NmS EDITQR: Hark Essig SPORTS EDITOR .: Mike Downey AS*ISTNiT EDITORS: Beau Roy, · Bnan W&lsh · · · ., ~ ~: Tim Bergfeld, Tony Garino. ~ron . Schla!ly, Jim Wessling THESPIAN: HARPCORE: Mark Sexton H¥IDCOR£ QH ASSIGNMENT: Ed . W1.zeman REPORtERS: John Barsanti. Jason Berne, Paul BoZdech, . Bryan Bradley, Jef! Comming~, Mike Flynn, Jack Geist. Joe Gudiswitz, Kevin Gunn;. Hark Gunn, Bob Hall. PaUl KWiatkowski.. Matt McGuire. Joe Sant~ " TYPIST: Steve Missev ARTISTS: Angelo Directo, Brian . Gunn, Mark Gunn MODERATOR: Mr. James Raterman 4 Spo rts Isbell fourth at State Last year when Lance Isbell took fifth at the State Tourney· in Columbia, it · was the first time in ten jears that a SLUH Grappler wan in the Hearns Center. This year, Isbell became· the first SLUH wrestler ever to place twice in the State Tourney. 14 pounds heavier. he took fourth place in the 112 pound weight class. Early on Thursday , ~ance, his family, and Coach Murphy journeyed to Columbia for weigh-ins and a chance to sectle in before che matches 3tarted that evening. After schoo l . l l team aernbers and the t~o other Coaches (Mr. And-e rson -"lnd Mr. Suwalski l joined Isbell for his first · match. The first two rounds -w·e re hard. but Isbell fcuqht harder and advanced to the semifinals aqainst the Jim Brewer. The Truman Troll. as he is (aff ectionately?i know~. had no problems in defeatinq n~s first two opponents by pin. Lance went out looking for an upset victory. Things did not fare well as Lance fell to the eventual ·state champion. From there, Lance fell into ~ /~:J· r;t. ·~, ~ - '"'\ f the consolation bracket. Aftet winning a match, Isbell was intitled to wrestle . in the consolation championship . In that match. Ken Jacques was waiting. In a close match, Lance and Jacques battled to a 3-2 decision. with Jacques on top . In t h is manner, Lance Isbell finished his very respectable high school career with a fourth place finish i n the ll+ weigh class of the Miss ouri State Tournament . Bry~~ Bradley and Paul Boozdech Spibllills setting up for saasa Roll out the net ·and break out the knee pads. it'3 time for Volleyball to start again at SLUH. Tuesday March 8th, Super Tuesday, the Spikebills begin their 1988 campaign against the Dragons of St. Mary at 7:00 at SLUH •. At a aeetinq earlier thiS week, moderator/coach Kevin Moore sized up the situation. He ·f irst wants to establ'ish a Volleyball club consistina· of anybody who is interested in playing. The Volleyball - team will consist of ten players from the Volleyball club. If a player does not make the var3ity team~ he will be a member ·:Ji :he second or recreational team. Both squads ~ill meet ~wo or three times a week for play and practice. Although Volleyball is - not f'unded by the school. _the sport has received $225 fr.om Stuco. These funds were needed for updating the qym for the Spikebills to play home games : Equ ipment included a new net, On two ·antenni . a referee's platand tape fo r adjusting the court to regulation size : Fees tor being in the Volley- ' ball club consist of $5 for ne.~ volleyballs. An additional $20 is required for members of the Spikebills to pay for league play ~The Spikebills' season con- · sists of twa games versus the '· five teams in their conference: Hazelwood Wiest. Parltw&y South, Parkway Central, DeS~et and Ladue and one game versus the six teams out of conference: St. Mary, Oakville, Mehlville, Kirkwood. Vianney and Lutheran South for a total of sixteen games. the top two teams from each conference ~ill make the playoffs. All our invited to the practice and tryouts which will take place everyday next week in the qym. Even though volleyball is not a state sponsored sport. excitement is guaranteed for all. Anthony Garino form Riflebills tate gold This year . the Riflebills avenged their disappointing season of last year by going 7- 0 in indiVidual matches. ~~e team overcame its l ack of seniors and a change in coaching to gain an impressive array of medals and victories in Sectional matches. This year was a year of change. as the team lost a number of seniors from last season and gained a ne~ l eader. Sgt. Mike Brummett t ook over the traditional· ·,;-ole of Fr. Martin Hagan to coach t he squad. The Sarge emphasized mental preparation and the personal maintenance of the target . 22's. Sarge· taught from experience . as he was a Master 'G old Medalist on the u.s. Army Reserve Team. and serves as coach of the Army Reserve team. The '87- ' 88 Riflebill$ i mproved on last season ' s .500 record e:ven though only . .one upperclassman returned from last season. . Captain and senior Mike Labitzke l ed the squad. with strong support coming from j uni ors Dan Hen~oid, Erik Siebel-Spath, - ~d Paul Kwiatkowski ( among whom t~ere was some match experience from last vearl . The Riflebills were undef~ ated against.arch-rival CBC in the normal league matches " but lest to the Cadets last Sunqay at the 3-Position Sectionals . Yet the Cadets were ·a RQTC team. and thus in a different division. So the Jr. Bills won t~e qo!d med~l in the scholastic division. So•e of this year's highlights incl ude a come,..trom...· behind victo ry over CBC at CBC o~ January 18 . Th is match feat~red an incredible 384 performance by Captain Mike Labitzke aut of a POSSible 400 points in the . four-position match . Unquestionably the largest, most important high point this sea3on was the wi·n at the Sectional Match in Jan~ry at High land. Mike Labitzke won the gold medal as an i ndividual shooter. and Paul .. Kwiatzkowski won a ·gold ·as the highest junior shooter. · At the end of the season , Sergeant Brummett noted. ~Tt.is year's team did tremendously well compared to the teams of the - last few years and should do well next year due t o the r eturning r:.umhe r : of i uniors." Paul Kwia t kowski r Sports . . • . ·. • Mauer'• Men.Jtecln second. .nauoa The B&sketbills finished their season · with a disappointing l-2 ~~ek · &nd a 10-14 record. The week began When Mauer's Maniacs Yent to CBC to try to avenge the loss xhey suffered earlier in the season. Unfortunately~ victory would again escape the Jr. Bills · grasp. . ' The first half the Parquet warriors bounded out to a 3323 lead . The Basketbills "reached their potential" as Kevin Mc~aughlin scored ten of ·his game high twenty in the first quarter. Dan Kertz, Kevin Bauman. Pat McCool, and Sean Meara also chipped i n to give ~he Basketbills a 19 -16 lead after the first quarter. SLUH ' s Caqers carried their momentum through the second quarter to s tay on top at. the half. Kevin McLaughlin continued his scoring spree downing ·six more points. "Although he is not 100% he may be on his way, " one teammate was quoted ·a s saying. · · The Basketbills suffered their second straight third quarter 'letdown and allowed the Cadets to get back in the game. CBC turned up the tempo ··and the Bills failed to counter. CBC shortened SLUH ' s lead and eventually caught and tied SLUH in the fourth quarter . The Bills <who as Coach Mauer said "have a habit of finding a way to l ose ;") lost as they fell to CBC by the score of 61-60 • . · Coming off their lose to the unranked Cadets, .SLUH' s Cagers looked like they had little charice to the fifth ra~ked team in . the area. Belleville West. MWe knew they were beatable." mentioned Dan Kert:z:. and the teaa that 'had found a way to lose only the niqht before found themselves the victors in a match of ball control . with the Maroons . Kertz hooped eiqhteen and junior Pat McCool threw i n fourteen as the Basketbills fought their way by Belleville West . · The teams fought ev enly to a 12-12 tie · after the first quarter . Dan Kertz· popped his first six points while Seniors Mike Deimeke · and Kevin McLaughlin chipped in with two apiece to keep the Bills in pace with the Maroons. Both t eams played tight defe nse in t he f irst quarter and managed t o carry the def ense i nto the s e c ond quarter. w~ile beinq held to only seven points , SLUH managed to hold i ts opponent to a sparce ten to stav wtt~n striking distance during the second quarterSLUH entered the locker room at half losing 2219 and hoping to break their string of poor third quarters. . Kertz came out firing. nailing eight points • while the Biq Blue de fense held the Maroons t o only six. Outscoring their oppone nts 13 - 10 put the Bills on top by f our. but the game was far from over. As the Cagers took the floor t o begi n t he four th quarter , t he players must have thought t hey were in Chicago as the Wrigley Field crowd went nut·s . The ivy adourned walls of SLUH shook as the crowd sparked the Bills into keeping the ' gaze close and with five seconds left and the score tied. fans thought back to the night before where CBC drove the Bills into overtiae and beat; t:nea. Against Belleville history would not repeat itself . As the clock ticked down to three, Kevin Bauman launched the ball at the hoop in hopes .of delivering the Bills to victory. His hopes, and the shot, f ell short. but the Big Mac was there . Kevin McLaughUn put a !allaway jUlllp shot through the ring to give the Jr. Bills the usp.s et victory over Belleville Hest. Still rid~nq high . after their upset, the Cagers went north to combat the Spartans of Hazelwood East . In the circus-like atmosphere of the Hazelwood East gym the Basketbills never got on track. The Bills managed to hang close in the f irst period and kept within one of East . SLUH'·s played aggressive. but subpar . basketball coupled with Hazelwood's lack intensity kept the game close through the first half. SLUH outscored its opponent but a last second desparation shot gave East .a 19-17 lead at the half. Al t hough the .same tea. emerged after · the halt, the aggressive quality that ca~ r i ed them in the f irst half disappear.ed. The unorthodox styl e of the SP&rtans lulled the Bill· s defe~se 'i nto ·. a trance, and the Spartans began to score at will. The third quarte r saw Hazelwood East out score t he Bills 20-14 and take the lead for good . 5 McLau<Jhlin managed to "can" e ight. but East seemed to scor e every tiae down the court. . Taking a six point deficit into . the fourth quarter , the Basketbills shqwed their third pe.r sonality . Going down ·by as much as ten points, Mauer's Men scrapped their way back to within one point. Hazelwood East then called tiaeout. apd came back froa their brief talk to find the Jr . ' Bill defense seeainqly absent. The Spartans finished the g&ae in total control and took the victory by the score of 60-50.• The Bills now turn into the playoffs or · wb&t Coach Mauer calls "the reason you play the regular season. " The Basketbills kick off the second season at 6:00 aqainst Ritenour at O'Fallon Tech on Monday. If they win they· go on to play Vashon cfifth ra,nked in the nation! at 7:30 on Tuesday. · ''After Vash~~· · I don ' t know who we play. ·: said Dan Kertz. summing up their first three post season games. Jack Geist . ~~pll-.6 The enthusiasa and optiaisa of the B Grappleb ills led the team to a 4-0 record in dual meets at the beqinninq of the season, but the team then faltered. In the end, rookie coach Mr . Dave Suwalsky and his squad fell to a 6 -4 overall record in dual meets. Coach Suwalsky's rigorous opening practices proved advantageous f or the Jr . Bills a s they dominated Chaminade in the season opene? with a score of 64-12. · The team next claimed·· seventh a.t the Mehlville Tourna..: ment with Curt Miles taking first. Paul· Boyer se·cond, "and Chuck Sanderson fourth . ··The· squad continued its wi~~1ng ways by rolling over such t eams as McCluer. U. City , and ~r iory. · At the Vianney Tournament, the team took sixth with Mark Nischwitz, Kevin Kuhn, and Doug · J olterst placing firs t ,, second. and fourth. respectively . . The Jr. Bi lls l ooked strong. a t the Clayton-Classic Tourna-i ment, advancing seven wrest- lers into the "finals" round. At the tourney ' s end . Paul Boyer took first. Tim Curdt the silver, and Mark Murphy the bronze . J im Geerling. J. P. . See B WRESTLING. pqe 6 · 6 ..• .-....••.-. ,.. - • Hben I listened to those lonq speeches &bout ~the spirit of St . Louis U. tiigh" and ·t he constant ~eferences to ftthe SLUH co-unity," I often wondered where this collection of overused · sloq~s came fr011. 'This · .. coaUnityM and " spirit" only seeaed to exist in the realm of catch phrases. These words didn't mean much to me until the other night at what would be my final varsity hockey game of the year . . The playoff game between ·sLUH and Lafayette was ticking away • . and it was apparent that SLUH's season was over. The most unheral· ded part of sports, losing, turned out to be the greatest part of the time 1 spent playing hockey for SLUH, due to the fans that attended the game. At the end of the game when SLUH had lost. cheers came fr0111 the Lafayette section, but eventually the fans started to file out. Then~ when I was picking up my sticks to head into the locker room, the SLUH fans roared at a volume I had never heard. I just stood a.n d watched. The Lafeyette fans who were already leaving stopped and watched in awe as the SLUH .f ans continued to roar for what seelled to be forever. They didn 't get it. "Hhy would these people be cheering if . their teaa lost", they must have thought. How I have an idea where all this talk of " spirit" and "coamuni't y" coaes from. I suppose when one has exerted himself in athletics one tends to becoae eaotional, but it really was so.ethinq. I did get ay Sticka and finally heaclec! ·'towards the locker rooa just as I heard a coach from Lindbergh say, "boy, wouldn ' t it be soaethinq i f we had fans like tbatl" Hi th r4t9&rda, Matt McGuire Sport ~ Lafayette ends lcebills hopes The SLUH hockey tea.'s hopes faded last Thursday night as a ·s-2 loss to the Lafayette Lancers · ·ended the Icebills season. The game opened with two quick Lancer goals . and the Icebills found themselves in an early hole. From that point on , the game was a great deal more competitive . End to end action dominated the game until the buzzer rang for the end of the first period. The Lancets still ·led by a two goal margin. The Bills had their work cut out for them during the second period . Midway through the 3econd period the scrappy Jr. Bill squad cut the Laf eyette lead in half on a goa l · from junior sharpshooter Brian Driemeyer . The SLUH crowd chanted encouragement . Next. ·towards the end to the second period , Driemeyer struck once again .to tie the game at 2-2, sending the SLUH fans into a frenzy. As the second peri od ended the teams were even . It seemed as if the Bills were on t hei r way to a thrilling comeback , but the third period would prove to be different. The Lancers scored three quick ·goal s to take a 52 lead, rounding out the scoring. · Thus ended t he Billiken hockey season of 1988 . The team finished with one of · i ts best records in years, 12-a-l·. Matt McGuire DWRESTLING McDonough, Ron Taylor, and Joe Santos each claimed f ifth place honors. .The sophomores then took on Parkway North and CBC . Uritortunately they could not pull out the wins. The squad climbed back on track to defeat ' Country' Day and Webster Groves before '·falling by three points aga inst St . Clair. 33~36. · In what was called a ·· lowintensity effo rt, the B Hatbills then closed off their season With a loss t o the Vianney ·Gritfins. Joe Santos SWIMBILLS SHAVED .. ANDFEADY Af ter easily winning ~he All Catholic a eet last Friday night. the A~ills began the final preparations for State. The three months of rigorous practice began to taper off. and they were replaced by a plethora of premeet t radi tions . · The craziness started Monday· with the carbo load at the Rich and Charlie's Hall you can eat·· night. In .an attempt to receive the .right nutrition for State. sen iors Jay Struckhoff and Chris Ferrari each downed three orders of pasta. Senior Joe Gudiswitz, however. downed two more orders than his adversaries and won himself a free car wash in addition to a terrific meal . The Eat ·out was followed by t he "Polar Palace Barbecue." This cookout. celebrating the end of the swimmers ' regular season ,· took place over the heatinq ventS outside ,.the For est Park pool.. The spot, affectionately known as ·. a refuge from the pre-swimainq artie blasts , housed a feast of sOda , chips. dogs • and ~arshmallows, all cooked on the hibachi provided by Joe Gudi switz. Partaking. in the carnal celebration were fres~ Jeff Commings, sophomore . Dave Di~~arco, junior T-Bone Ted Baudendistel, Mike Kelley, and captains Jay Struckhoff and Chris Ferrari. Kelley summed up the spirit of t he event saying, "It just doesn't get any better than this . " . The preparations concluded with Thursday's videp, t~ped haircuts of the .formerly mangy-Q.aired swilllllers •. The, tops came off at Ernie' s Barber Shop. Both SLUH relay. squad · received uniform flat tops. and hope the intililid- ". ation factor aay help against . their opponen1;s . The final preparations cu1-·~ minate with the final shave" dcnm <of aost of the body>. ·. Last year Ted Baudendistel continued to bleed profusely · from . his shaving up until ·the swil!Uiling wara ups. No injuries··· resulted a t this years shav..:· ing. How al l that 's lett is f or · the aptly prepared swimaers to ·· reach .t heir expec tations at sta te and do SLUH proud. Whether or not they succeed will .be determined in Co lumbia tonight and tomorrow night . Joe Gudiswit z
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