Document 177900

AAPSE & EPA Demonstration on
How to Access Information on the
The attached materials include copies of current (3/11/96) EPA Web Pages
Home Page
URL: http://www of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances
URL: http ://
Registration Elibibility Decisions (REDS)
These pages are followed by an alphabetical list of other sites on the World
Wide Web which contain infomation about pesticides, regulatory issues, and
the environment. This listing is not intended to be comprehensive, but should
serve as a brief overview of the breadth of information available.
Compiled by the Ofice of Pesticide Programs, EPA
for the
Association of American Pesticide Control Officials
Doubletree Hotel, Arlington, VA
March 11-13, 1996
US Environmental Protection Agency
About the EPA Public Access Server
What's New, What's Hot and Hiuhly Recommended
Search the EPA Server
Your Comments Are Welcome
About the Environmentai Protection Agencv
Ofices, Regions, and Laboratories
and Initiatives
EPA News and Events
Finding EPA Information-Libraries. Hotlines. Information Locators
Contracts, Grants, Environmental Financins, and Jobs
Rules. Reculations. and Le~islation
EPA Publications
Citizen Information
Environmental Test Methods and Guidelines
EPA Data Svstems and Software
Other Internet Resources
[ EPA Home Page 1 Comments I Search I Index ]
These pages are still under development. Items marked with a
are currently unavailable or limited in
content. We thank you for your patience during this reorganization.
The EPA WWW server is operated by Martin Marietta Technical Services under contract to the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency.
itttertter snvuort'cl c~t?ixmai~.rtvt~c.eva.~ov
Revised Oct 16, 1995
URL: ~ : l h m . e p r g o v l e ~ o m d b d e l M m l
Air and Radiation
Enforcement & Compliance Assurance
Prevention. Pesticides and Toxic Substances
Policv Planniny and Evaluation
Water [Graphic] [Testl
Solid Waste and Emerpencv Response
Administration and Resource Management
Information Resources Management
Research and Development
Inspector General
[ EPA Home Page I Comments I Search I Index 1
Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances
Reresistration Eligibilitv Decisions (REDS)
National Survev of Users of Pesticides Program Surcevs
Data Submitters List
FIFRA Section L 7( b) Pesticide Notitications
General Information On Applvine For Registration Of Pesticides In The 1Jnited States.
Pesticide Reylation (PR) Notices
Special Review
Restricted Use Products
0 Rainbow Reports
0 Annual Reports
Progress R e ~ o n s
Toxic Substances
Toxic Release Inventory
1993 Toxic Release Inventom
El 1993 - ARC (GIs) Coverages bv State
0 Phase 3
Inventory Update Rule
0 1994
Biotech. Science Advisory Committee
Minimum Pre-Market DatdStructure Activitv Relationships
Chemicals on Re~oningRules (CORR)
Chemicals In Proqess
Green Chemistrv Challenge Awards
New Chemicals Progam
8( E) Triage Chemical Studies Database
Cleaner Technolosies for a Safer Future
Protect Your Familv From Lead in Your Home
Chemicals in the Environment OPPT Chemical Fact Sheets
Chemicals in the Environment: Public Access Information
Pollution Prevention
J Pollution Prevention News
1 'of 2
Pollution Pre\.ention Director).
Rules, Regulations, and Legislation
r About OPPTS Rules, Regdations. and Lecrislation
Documents in the Daily Issue of the Federal Register
C1 Pesticides Environmental Sub-Set
O Toxics Environmental Sub-Set
2 Toxic Release Inventorv Environmental Sub-Set
5 OPPTS Regulations in the 1995 CFR Title 40 Pilot
5 Pesticides 40 CFR Parts 150- 189
C Toxics 40 CFR Pans 700-799
IJ Toxic Release Inventorv (TRI) 40 CFR Parts 500-299
[ €PA Home Page 1 Comments I Search 1 Index ]
Reregistration Eligibility Decisions (REDs)
Case 0047 Linuron
Case 0081 Metalarvl
Case 0 182 Bentazon
Case 0186 Owzalin
Case 0333 Difenzoauat
Case 0245 Fenbutatin-oxide (Vendex)
Case 0250 >levin~hos
Case 0266 Hexazinone
Case 0381 iMaleic Hvdrazide
Case 0382 Etheehon
Case 2355 Fosamine ammonium
Case 2380 Sodium and Zinc Salts of 2-Merca~tobenzothiazole
Case 2645 Terbuthvlazine
Case 3032 Bromohvdroxv-aceto~henone(BELAP)
Case 3045 Chloroxvlenol
Case 3052 Nuosept 145(r),
X Case 3056 (DBNPA) 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilo~ro~ionamide
I Case 3065 (DCDIC) Disodium cvanodithioimido-carbonate
1 Case 3083 Limonene
Z Case 3086 Sodium Cvanide
1 Case 3114 Piperalin
1 Case 4027 & 4098 &I-Cresol and Xvlenol
C Case 4076 Polvbutene
- Case 4098 Xvlenol (see case 4027)
- Case 4 112 (Z)-9-Tricosene
- All REDs ~ r i o to
r Julv 1994. Fact Sheets onlv (PDFPKZIP format).
To see the original Gopher references:
This page created o 8 / o 6 / 9 5 at 22 :31 by an automated conversion program.
URL: ht!p://www.epagov/REDs
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
-Access to the HazDat Database, a hazardous substance releasehealth effects database.
-Also allows a search of ToxFAQs, a series of sunimaries about hazardous substances that is
being developed by the ATSDR Division of Toxicology. Information about this series is
excerpted kom the ATSDR Toxicological Profiles and Public Health Statements.
1992 Agriculture Census
gopher:// 1/server/gopher/ag-census
Provides summary statistics for each state and county together with comparable data kom the
1987 census.
Agriculture (AgNIC) Network Information Center
A site designed to provide access to agriculturally-related information, subject area experts and
other resources. Current databases include the Agricola Subject Category Codes and an
Agricultural Conferences, Meetings, Seminars Calendar.
American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators (AAPSE)
Current contents include information about meetings, constitution, by-laws, work groups, and
other information and contacts.
American Chemical Society
Links to numerous departments and services within the ACSWeb.
American Crop Protection Association (ACPA)
This page conatins a Headline News section that offers news and access to news releases
(including EPA press releases) on current matters of concern to ACPA. A summary and status of
pertinent bills before Congress are aIso provided. The Special Events page offers information
about ACPA conferences and other activities. The Scientitic Information page provides access to
a variety of scientific and regulatory documents relative to the crop protection industry.
Arizona Cooperative Extension Pesticide Information and Training Office
Current contents include information on pests and pesticides, applicator training, and ACCES, a
monthly pesticide newsletter (URL:
Biological Control: A Guide to Natural Enemies in North America
Cornell University guide that provides photographs and descriptions of major biological control
agents of major insect, disease and weed pests in North America. The guide currently includes
pages on natural enemies of pest species. Each page contains photographs, descriptions of life
cycles and habits, and other information.
California EPA Department of Pesticide Regulation
DPR strategc plan, DPR News Releases, Consumer Fact Sheets, Current
publications, archive of departmental documents, DPR people locator, links to her pesticide
resources such as:
Californias Pesticide Laws
URL: (
html) and
California Dept of Agricultures Agriculture Export Program
URL: ( 8 1/aep)
Center for Environmental and Regulatory Information Systems (CERIS)
This is the home of the NPIRS, NAPIS and EXCERPT database projects at Purdue University in
the Entomology Department.
Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)
CAPS is a program of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant.
Health Inspection Service (APHIS). This page provides information on CAPS State projects,
Qs&& and meeting minutes.
Cerns WWW Virtual Library of Agriculture
An extensive list of links to agricultural sites, maintained by the Center for Integrated Pest
Management located at North Carolina State University as part of the national IPM network.
Code of Federal Regulations 1 Mcfi.html
Provided by the u.s.-~ouse of Representatives IntternetLaw Library.
EcoGopher at the University of Virginia
Links to numerous web sites dealing with environmental issues.
EcoNet- Toxics, Hazards & Wastes Page
Links to numerous web sites dealing with environmental issues.
EXTOXNET- Extension TOXicology NETwork
The EXTension TOXicolgy NETwork is an effort of the University of California Davis. Oregon
State University, Michigan State University and Cornell University. Some of the goals of
EXTOXNET are to stimulate dialog on toxicology issues, develop and make available
information relevant to toxicology and facilitate the exchange of toxicology related information in
electronic form. Includes discussion of toxicological issues of concern, toxicology newsletters,.
toxicology fact sheets, Pesticide Information Profiles (PIPs), and Toxicology fnformation Briefs
(TIBs). PIPs and TIBs offer pesticide and toxics information searchable by keyword.
Federal Information Exchange (FEDIX)
An information retrieval service of federal opportunities for educational and research
communities. Supported by federal agencies under a cooperative agreement with the Department
of Energy.
Fedworld Information Network
General information includes an FTP site with more than 10,000 files, including information on
business, health and safety, and the environment; a telnet site with information from over 50
agencies; government information location service (GILS); tax forms and instructions; abstracts of,
recent g o v m e n t reports, studies and information products; and a list of U.S. g o v m e n t
information servers, ftp, gopher, and tehet sites, organized by NTIS subject categories.
Florida Pesticide Information Progxam Newsletters (University of Florida)
Contents include issues of Chemicallv Speaking
and pesticide updates, pesticide
. . newsletter
registrations for special local needs, and w
e Trnewsletter and PAT
International Food Information Council (IFIC)
information fiom an educational foundation, targeting consumer audiences, on a broad range of
food issues.
The Label (Purdue Bniversity)
Issues of Purdue University Pesticide Programs ~ h & ~newsletter
in a Portable Document
Format (PDF). Requires installation of Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view the PDF
The Label Newsletter (University of Nebmska)]f/patthelabeVthelabel.htd
Issues of a newsletter which encourages sharing of pesticide-related information among extension
co-workers and their clientele. Also links to pesticide newsletters by other universities and
Labomtory for Pest Control Application Technology (Ohio State University)
http://sunl .oardc.otuo-state.edullpcat/
LPCAT is located in Wooster, Ohio, on the campus of the Ohio Agricultural Research and
Development Center (OARDC). Project reports includes: spray atomization and patternation,
drift and targeting, dose-transfer studies, worker exposure studies, pesticide risk benefit analysis,
and modelling.
Mann Libra y Gateway Catalog Fertilizers and Pesticides (Cornell University)
The catalog provides indexes to hundreds of databases in the life sciences. The fertilizer and
pesticide page provides links to information in agricultural chemical usage, ag-chemicals
handbook, cropping practices, fertilizer use data and other areas. The homepage address for the
library is
Mississippi Environment Newsletter (Mississippi State Univenity)
Issues of a newsletter providing resource information on pesticides and the environment.
National Agricultural Pest Information System (NAPS) 80/napis/
NAPIS provides plant pest survey data on a national scale in conjunction with the Cooperative
Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS). NAPIS contains data which describe the results of plant pest
surveys conducted throughout the United States. Emphasis is given to surveys for exotic pests
and pests which may impact export of U.S. agricultural products.
The National IPM Network North Carolina State University Component
The ~atio-nalIPM Network b a Uoiversity/Extension/Government/Industry
supported WWW system to provide urban and agricultural IPMinformation. The backbone of the
NIPM Network is four Web Servers located at host institutions serving each of the USDA defined
regions (Southern, Northeastern, North Central, and Western) m the US. Within each region,
participating institutions are providing state-specific or subject-specific information. However,
links are provided to other regions.
National Toxicology Program
The National Toxicology Program (NTP)coordinates toxicology research and testing activities
within the Department of Health and Human Services. Links on this page include access to
formulas, synonyms, physical data. toxicity, and health and safety information for over 2000
chemicals, mcludmg pesticides.
On-line Pesticide Newsletten and Periodicals
Provides links to 13 pesticide related newsletters and periodicals. The list includes Pesticide
Action North America (PANNA) Updates ( and IPMnet NEWS
OSHA Home Page,
Contents includes such topics as information about OSHA, Publications, Compliance Assistance,
Frequently Asked Questions, as well as links to other Safety & Health Internet Sites.
OSU Pesticide Reports (Oklahoma State University)
Provided through the Department of Entomology at Oklahoma State University, the page links to
recent (199516) issues of a newsletter concerning state ruld national pesticide news.
Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)
PANNA is a non-profit, non-govmental organization which advocates the use of alternatives
to chemical pesticides. Provides links to other online databases and resources.
Pesticide Education Resources (University of Nebraska)
Contents include newsletters, links to other sources of pesticide information, and an ontine
pesticide applicators training manual (URL:http://ianrwww.udedu:80/ianr/pat/pat.h~.
Pesticide Handling and Storage (Purdue University)
A tutorial developedhy the Agricultural Engineering Department at Purdue University. Focuses
on the point source contamination of groundwater by pesticides used on the farmstead and in the
prevention of such contamination through proper handling and storage practices.
Pesticide Poisoning Handbook (University of Florida)
In addition to general discussions of major classes of pesticides, there is an index to pesticide
poisoning by signs and symptoms and an index of chemicd and product names.
Southern Region Pesticide Coordinators Home Page
http://www.vtpp.ext .vt .edu~htmldocs/srpchome.
Designed to interface programs and to help coordinate internet and program resources for
pesticide safety educators fkom 13 states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Mississippi North Carolina. Oklahoma, South Carolina. Tennessee. Texas and
Thomas Legislative Information on the Internet
Current contents include full texts of all versions of House and Senate Bills searchable by
keyword(s) or bill number for the 103rd and 104th Congress, as well as the full text of the
Congressional Record for both of these Congressional sessions.
USDA Extension Service's Quickfhder
A page of links to CSREES programs and sevices ranging fkom Ag
Resources to Who's Who at CSREES.
ducat ion and Research
USDA National Agricultural Library (NAL)
The NAL home page includes link to general information, answers to your questions, how to
access the collection, how to access ISIS (NAL's online public catalog and journal article citation
database) and other internet sites.
USDA ARS/NRCS Pesticide Properties Database (PPD)
Pesticides are listed by common names of active ingredients. Each pesticide file lists the following
properties: CASRN, .molecularformula, molecular weight, physical state, boiling point, melting
point, decomposition point, heat of vaporization, rate constants (hydrolysis, photolysis), vapor
pressure. water solubility, organic solublny, Hemy's Law, OctanoVwater partitioning, acid
dissdciation, soil sorption, and, for various soil types, field dissipation and soil half' life (aerobic,
USDA Research Database
The USDA ResearcWatabase contains the information on ongoing and recently completed
projects sponsored or conducted pnmarrly %thin the USDA and state university research system.
Some 3000 project summaries (including results of field trials), progress reports, and recent
publications corning out of the research are maintained in the tile on an ongoing basis.
USFDAs Food Additives, Pesticides and Chemical Contaminants Page
http://vm.cfsan. f&. govl-lrd/foodadd. html
Recent FDA Pesticide Program Residue Monitoring Reports can be found here.
U.S.Fish & Wildlife Service Endangered Species Program
In addition to extensive information on programs and species. there are links
to "Frequently Asked Questions" and "What's New" categories..
U.S. Government Printing Office Document Access On-Line
U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. Senate
Washington State Pesticide Page (WAPP)
http:/ 80801-ramsay/#aen
Current contents include information on pesticide applicator training, state resource personnel,
agrichemical and environmental news, plastic pesticide container recycling, waste pesticide
disposal program, and links to other web sites.
Worldwide List of Government Servers .html
WWW Virtual Library of Entomology
Provides links to many entomology related sites.
Australian Department of the Environment
http:/Acaos. html
Provides general information on the Australian and Global Environment and links to associated
Australian agencies.
Food and Agricultural,Organizationof the United Nations
Provides general access to the Director-Generals7speeches, and information on FA0 activities,
events, and publications. The Home Page is available in English, French and Spanish.
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Provides general information on IFAD and IFAD conferences.
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Web Server based in Nairobi, Kenya
UNEP information including Environmental Current Events, other UN organizations. and UNEP
information exchange; also searches UNEP directories and databases.
USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service 8000/fas
This home page provides more than 3,000 fact sheets, commodity reports, publications, export
and import data files, regulations, charts, attache reports, trade show information and other
documents; an index of FAS personnel and contacts.
World Bank
Provides information about the World Bank's Publications, Research, CountryProject
Information, Sectoral Information, Inspection Panel, and Current Events.
World Health Organization
Provides iinks to WHO Headquarters Programmes, WHOs Regional offices, World Health
Report, WHOs Press Releases, Newsletters, Publications, access to the WHO Statistical
Information System (WHOSIS), Library, and E-mail directories.