// How to measure the impact of an online campaign within the total media mix? From the perspective of an online professional Author: Jarosław Kaczyński Warsaw 2010 October 2011 flue 01 // DON’T ASK, MEASURE EVERYTHING! flue 02 // Table of contents • Online measurement – the big picture • What can be measured online • Traffic measurement as the indicator for online and offline advertising • Campaign-dedicated tracking studies • Continuous tracking studies • Single-course panel flue 03 // Online measurement – the big picture • Clickthrough rate is still the most widely used indicator in display advertising measurement. • Still, clickthrough rate is related to only a small share of internet users. • It does not even provide information on all campaign-related online sales. • Clickthrough rate cannot determine the impact of online advertising on branding effect • Clickthrough rate is not comparable to any other media measurement indicators • Another solution is needed to estimate the impact of various marketing tactics on sales and to forecast the impact of future sets of tactics to optimize the advertising mix and promotional tactics with respect to sales revenue or profit. flue 04 // Internet measurement flue 05 DISPLAY CONVERSION TRAFFIC o number of impressions o number of „visible” advertisements o number of advertisements viewed o exposure time o click through rate o conversion rate o post-view conversion rate o post-click conversion rate o number of visits generated o number of pages viewed o length of visit o abandon rate INTERACTION SUBSCRIPTION MEDIA o interaction rate o interaction time o expansion rate o rate of videos viewed o rate of videos viewed in full o video viewing time o activity on social networks o number of subscriptions o requests for information, games, newsletters, etc. o subscription rate o recommendation rate o social networks, viral e-marketing campaigns o gross rating point (GRP) o memorized coverage o coverage rate o message repetition rate DISTRIBUTION ROI POST-TESTS o additional sales generated o revenue generated o lead conversion rate o impact on the frequency and volume of purchases o retail outlet traffic generated by the web o acquisition cost (offline vs. online) o ROI (revenue generated / advertising expenditure) o impact on awareness o impact on advertisement recall o impact on brand image o impact on purchase intentions o impact on recommendations Based on categorization by PwC for IAB France and the SRI | Measuring the effectiveness of online advertising // Points of comparison with the internet in the total media mix MEDIA TRAFFIC o gross rating point (GRP) o memorized coverage o coverage rate o message repetition rate o number of visits generated o number of pages viewed o length of visit o abandon rate DISTRIBUTION POST-TESTS o additional sales generated o revenue generated o lead conversion rate o impact on the frequency and volume of purchases o retail outlet traffic generated by the web o impact on awareness o impact on advertisement recall o impact on brand image o impact on purchase intentions o impact on recommendations flue 06 Based on categorization by PwC for IAB France and the SRI | Measuring the effectiveness of online advertising // Analysis of campaign’s direct effects What is it about? • Internet is not competitive when it comes to winning the branding campaigns’ budget – maybe because it is hardly comparable? • Reach is the only indicator available in all media channels • Comparing TV and internet GRP could be used • But maybe TIME could be also used as an additional indicator in comparison of these channels? flue 07 // Points of comparison with the internet in the total media mix MEDIA TRAFFIC o gross rating point (GRP) o memorized coverage o coverage rate o message repetition rate o number of visits generated o number of pages viewed o length of visit o abandon rate DISTRIBUTION POST-TESTS o additional sales generated o revenue generated o lead conversion rate o impact on the frequency and volume of purchases o retail outlet traffic generated by the web o impact on awareness o impact on advertisement recall o impact on brand image o impact on purchase intentions o impact on recommendations flue 08 Based on categorization by PwC for IAB France and the SRI | Measuring the effectiveness of online advertising // Google Insight for Search What is it about? • With its help we can identify which users are searching in search engines • We can search by time, area and categories • The data is normalized, no absolute values are shown. We can see their relation to other searches on a scale 0-100 What are the advantages? • We can analyze seasonality of different products and services • We can estimate the effect of ad campaigns on search activities, which are related to the reception of our ad campaigns • Provides relative and real-time results of awareness and interaction intent for the brand and products as the result of the campaign • Provides feedback about brand associations flue 09 //Analysis of unpaid search - Canespro introductory campaign 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 180 140 Million HUF 120 100 80 700 Internet Magazine Daily press Cable TV TV TV GRP30" 600 500 400 300 60 200 40 100 20 0 0 2010m1 2010m2 2010m3 2010m4 Source: Google Insight for Search, AGB Hungary, AdvantEdge, Kantar Media Intelligence flue 010 2010m5 2010m6 2010m7 GRP 30" 160 2010/07/23 2010/07/16 2010/07/09 2010/07/02 2010/06/25 2010/06/18 2010/06/11 2010/06/04 2010/05/28 2010/05/21 2010/05/14 2010/05/07 2010/04/30 2010/04/23 2010/04/16 2010/04/09 2010/04/02 2010/03/26 2010/03/19 2010/03/12 2010/03/05 2010/02/26 2010/02/19 2010/02/12 2010/02/05 2010/01/29 2010/01/22 2010/01/15 2010/01/08 canespro 2010/01/01 Normalized search volume Google search trends between January and December 2010 // Canespro introductory campaign 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2010/12/31 2010/12/17 2010/12/03 2010/11/19 2010/11/05 2010/10/22 2010/10/08 2010/09/24 2010/09/10 2010/08/27 2010/08/13 2010/07/30 2010/07/16 2010/07/02 2010/06/18 2010/06/04 2010/05/21 2010/05/07 2010/04/23 2010/04/09 2010/03/26 2010/03/12 2010/02/26 2010/02/12 2010/01/29 2010/01/15 canespro 2010/01/01 normalized search volume Google search trends between January and December 2010 350 1400 Internet 1200 Magazine 250 Cable TV 1000 200 TV 800 150 TV GRP30" 600 100 400 50 200 0 0 2010m1 2010m2 2010m3 2010m4 2010m5 2010m6 2010m7 Source: Google Insight for Search, AGB Hungary, AdvantEdge, Kantar Media Intelligence flue 011 2010m8 2010m9 2010m10 2010m11 2010m12 GRP 30" million HUF 300 // Useful web analytics What is it about? • Trends for website URL searches can be analyzed • It is possible to identify the origin of internet users on our website (post-click users, post-view users, others) • Such information can be compared to campaign hard data in any channels (TV, internet etc.) What are the advantages? • Comparing campaign hard data (e.g. reach of channels) to the site analytics we can evaluate indirectly the effectiveness of the campaign • Provides relative and real-time results of consumer awareness and interaction intent for your brand and products as the result of the campaign • Provides feedback about brand associations flue 013 // Estonian FMCG campaign – comparing online reach to actions flue 014 // Estonian FMCG campaign – comparing online reach to actions performed flue 015 // Analysis of website traffic source – coke.hu during World Cup campaign Among users (cookies) who entered 4% the coke.hu website during the analyzed period, there were: • 4% users (cookies) who entered the site after clicking on a creative (post-click users); • 68% displayed a creative but didn’t click on it, depite visiting the website (post-view users); 28% Post-click users (cookies) 28% users (cookies) who were • 68% users (cookies) who were not exposed to the campaign at all. Post-view users (cookies) Users (cookies) who did not have contact with the campaign 100% = 170 317 = the number of users (cookies) who visited coke.hu during the campaign. flue 016 Source: gemiusDirectEffect 11.05.2010 - 02.07.2010 // What was the campaign’s influence on the advertised website? Post-view users (cookies) were the most active group on the website coke.hu. They: 2.5. • made the most visits on average per user (cookie): • made the largest number of page views on average per user (cookie): • 16.8. spent the greatest amount of time on the website on average: 19 minutes and 43 seconds. Post-click users (cookies) 00:08:09 Post-view users (cookies) 00:19:43 Users (cookies) who didn't have contact with the campaign 00:12:55 Users (cookies) on the website 00:15:40 00:04:55 00:06:44 00:06:52 00:06:48 Average visit length 3,1 6,7 6,5 6,5 Average number of page views per user (cookie) 4,2 16,8 11,3 13,3 Average number of visits per user (cookie) 1,3 2,5 1,7 2,0 Average time spent on the website Average visit duration flue 017 Source: gemiusDirectEffect 11.05.2010 - 02.07.2010 // Points of comparison with the internet in the total media mix MEDIA TRAFFIC o gross rating point (GRP) o memorized coverage o coverage rate o message repetition rate o number of visits generated o number of pages viewed o length of visit o abandon rate DISTRIBUTION POST-TESTS o additional sales generated o revenue generated o lead conversion rate o impact on the frequency and volume of purchases o retail outlet traffic generated by the web o impact on awareness o impact on advertisement recall o impact on brand image o impact on purchase intentions o impact on recommendations flue 019 Based on categorization by PwC for IAB France and the SRI | Measuring the effectiveness of online advertising // Tracking studies focusing on specific internet campaigns What is it about? • Comparison of internet users’ answers on brand and ad awareness, ad recall, purchase intent etc. • Comparison of control-exposed groups • Comparison of pre-test – post-test groups • Other media channels’ results can be also compared based on declaration. What are the advantages? • We can estimate the effect of the total advertising campaign among internet users. • We can analyze the impact of online advertising campaign in the total media mix among internet users. • We can estimate the impact of online advertising compared to other channels understanding e.g.: the incremental reach of online flue 020 // How it works in Gemius The campaign effect for all media channels is determined based on the statistical significance of differences between the results for pretest and posttest research. The differences describe the effect of the whole campaign among internet users. Allows to describe fresh effect of online display campaign Pretest Allows to describe the effect of number of contacts with the online campaign Exposed1 Exposed2 Control1 Control2 Posttest Online and Offline advertising campaign The campaign effect for all media channels is determined based on the statistical significance of differences between the results for control and exposed research. The differences describe the effect of the internet campaign. flue 021 Impact of online in the total media mix = (Posttest-Pretest) – (Exposed-Control) // Zumi.pl case study • The study was conducted 16 August – 23 September 2010 in an experimental scheme with the use of CAWI method (pop-under ads displayed on vod.onet.pl and onet.pl). • The ad creative was in 2 formats (exactly the same ad in each format): o pre-roll, o mid-roll. • Based on data saved in cookie files the following groups were distinguished (each group received exactly the same questionnaire): • Control group – users (cookie), who did not have contact with the ad (N=200) • Exposed group – users (cookie), who had contact with the ad • pre-roll – (N=254) • mid-roll – (N=297) • pre-roll and mid-roll (mixed group) – (N=56) flue 022 • The structure of the samples was homogenised. // Campaign awareness The indicators below the diagonal have increased among the exposed group. 100% The campaign was very well noticed 80% Exposed (N=607) Aided awareness of the campaign 60% Unaided awareness of the campaign The results for the exposed group are merged from groups pre-roll, mid-roll and mixed. 40% Unaided awareness of the campaign (TOM) 20% 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% Control (N=200) flue 023 Base: all respondents 80% 100% // Campaign awareness * control (N=200) pre-roll (N=254) mid-roll (N=297) mixed (N=56) Aided ad awareness 41% 61% 51% 55% Unaided ad awareness 18% 30% 32% 46% Unaided ad awareness (TOM) 17% 29% 31% 46% 1 exposure (N=389) 2 exposures (N=117) 3 or more exposures (N=101) control (N=200) Aided ad awareness 41% 55% 54% 62% Unaided ad awareness 18% 30% 33% 43% Unaided ad awareness (TOM) 17% 29% 32% 42% flue 024 Base: all respondents Statistically different results are marked in green // Brand-related indices The indicators below the diagonal have increased among the exposed group. 100% Good recall of the campaign has also influenced increasing of the brand awareness The change in the brand usage is not statistically significant Aided brand awareness 80% Unaided brand awareness Exposed (N=607) Brand usage: last month 60% Unaided brand awareness (TOM) The results for the exposed group are merged from groups pre-roll, mid-roll and mixed. 40% Brand usage: Most frequently 20% 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% Control (N=200) flue 025 Base: all respondents 80% 100% // Brand-related indices * control (N=200) pre-roll (N=254) mid-roll (N=297) mixed (N=56) Aided brand awareness 74% 85% 80% 86% Unaided brand awareness 43% 51% 56% 61% Unaided brand awareness (TOM) 32% 36% 33% 44% 1 exposure (N=389) 2 exposures (N=117) 3 or more exposures (N=101) control (N=200) Aided brand awareness 74% 81% 83% 90% Unaided brand awareness 43% 52% 61% 57% Unaided brand awareness (TOM) 32% 33% 38% 42% flue 026 Base: all respondents In green are marked the statistically different results // flue 027 Source: The impact of YouTube in a cross media campaign: Cross media study on Gaz de France Dolcevita // flue 028 Source: The impact of YouTube in a cross media campaign: Cross media study on Gaz de France Dolcevita // flue 030 Source: The impact of YouTube in a cross media campaign: Cross media study on Gaz de France Dolcevita Kliknij by dodad text // flue 031 Source: The impact of YouTube in a cross media campaign: Cross media study on Gaz de France Dolcevita // Continuous tracking studies What is it about? • Continuous tracking studies are monitoring the brand’s performance including brand consideration, advertising awareness, advertising recall • Tracking can be done continuously (a few interviews every day) or it can be “pulsed,” with interviews conducted in waves • It can also provide simulations to find the optimal ROI What are the advantages? • It provides a result of the combined effect of media weight or spending level, the effectiveness of the media buy or targeting, and the quality of the advertising executions or creative. • It is possible to break down the drivers of new customers and allows to calculate the return on investment to each media channel. • With modelling optimal media mix can be identified and potential ROI simulated. flue 032 // Continuous tracking studies Best ROI Brand consideration Ad awereness Advertisement recall flue 033 TV 80% 77% 75% 73% 70% Internet 10% 13% 15% 17% 20% Print 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Other: … … … … … e.g.: price, sesionability etc. // Points of comparison with the internet in the total media mix MEDIA TRAFFIC o gross rating point (GRP) o memorized coverage o coverage rate o message repetition rate o number of visits generated o number of pages viewed o length of visit o abandon rate DISTRIBUTION POST-TESTS o additional sales generated o revenue generated o lead conversion rate o impact on the frequency and volume of purchases o retail outlet traffic generated by the web o impact on awareness o impact on advertisement recall o impact on brand image o impact on purchase intentions o impact on recommendations flue 034 Based on categorization by PwC for IAB France and the SRI | Measuring the effectiveness of online advertising // Understanding the drivers of sales 21% of conversions are driven by online flue 035 // Single source panel What is it about? • Single-source panel is the measurement of TV and other media/marketing exposure, and purchase behaviour, over time for the same individual or household • It provides the insights from individual consumers combining purchase information with measured media (TV and internet) surfing patterns What are the advantages? • Enables agencies and advertisers to optimize cross-media planning understanding the ROI from different channels and consumer surfing. behaviour on internet in combination with TV • Better understanding of interaction effects between media channels, quantification of cross media effects • Quantification of incremental reach of online campaigns on top of TV reach flue 036 // flue 041 // Contact: Name: Tamás Ács Position: Brand Evangelist E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: +36205433628 Skype: tamas.acs flue 042
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