Document 178032

Chataaugay Record, Wednesday, January 11,1995 - 7
Medically Speaking Column
Another Look at an Old Problem... Arthritis
Just became there are more birthday
candles appearing on your cake
doesn't mean that you're destined to
suffer from arthritis. Not everyone
will be afflicted, and we're not sure
why... it's speculated that it's some
body chemistry thing.
Baby boomers work out a lot;
they're out there jogging and jumping and pushing... doing lots of exercises mat put heavy loads of pressure on the joints. Steven Abramson, M.D., of New York University
Medical Center puts it this way.
"Due to mechanical forces of muscle contraction, each time we take a
step, we place five to 10 times our
body weight on die knee joint."
Suggestion: don't put off having
your spam injury evaluated medically, and make sure healing is complete before returningtoactivity.
jots, my Mends And my
. g j i a ata*aama*BttamBakBBantaaa*k awkaMt • • •
nr iwiiamoarra rna at
rnBB. -
ikyouandltaHhyou a) a
se Burial
iLMB—Tie »||nllj rflfce
guy and be kind to your joints by advancements in joint replacement,
most especially of the hip and knee.
losing a few pounds.
Another higher risk category is World-renowned orthopedic surthose people who, whether in iheir geon Dr. Chitranjan Ranawat, tells
leisure activities or on die job, stress us that some hip replacement paone joint over another by repetitivetients can be up and about with a
motion. Suggestion: if you have a walker the day after die operation
physicallyrepetitivejob try to take a and walking out of the hospital on
break as often as possible, and see crutches or with a cane in just seven
your doctor at the first sign of trou- days!
The future is bright for arthritis
sufferers with many new drugs at
Lots of different medications and different stages of development and
some pretty sophisticated surgery. FDA approval, as well as newer and
Scientists are now starting to ques- more advanced surgical techniques
tion d» use of the gold-standard ar- diat are being tried.
rivals anti-inflammation drag... as- If you live long enough you're
pirin. A study in die "New England likely to have osteoarthritis in some
Journal of Medicine" started up die joints, but if you want to know if
suspicion when researchers com- you have it for sure or are bodiered
pared die anti-inflammatory drug by the episodes of pain, swelling
ibuprofen with acetaminophen (Ty- and stiffness in die joints see your
lenol) and found mat most patients doctor. More dun ever before,
experience equalreductionin pain there's help available to alleviate die
pain and suffering of arthritis.
win bom medicines.
The most sensational breakHave a good week, and, as almroughs in die arthritis treatment ways, carps diem.
arena have been in die surgical
The author is a Rochesterrealm. Experts arereportingmajor based medical journalist
Thfety-eajht million people in
Canary Crjmaantity OnWfgp this country saffer ton osteoarthri- Another dung... we're too heavy.
"Being just 20 pounds overweight
That's atotof paia? The Centers
CoBageBook Sanaa it open
adding 100 exaa pounds of
for Disease Control predicts a great pressure on the weight-bearing
people to be suffering joints with every
». and Many from 10
torn mis degenerative joint disease Abcamson. Suggestion:
be aadded
ended horn begin die week in me futare ... maybe upwards of
60 miOioa. Why? Three reasons:
Book Store will be open people are heavier, we're more acly, Jan. 16,10 tun. to 4 p.m.; tive and we are living longer._ all
ty, Wednesday and Thursday, these causing greater long-term
, 18, and 19, from 10 aja. to wear and tear on the joints.
Arthritis experts tell us Oat as a
aad Friday, Ian. 20,torn10
NEW YORK — Before you hire national organizations. In most cas- all die information necessary to flo
gsonp, athletes are at increased risk.a ant preparertins.year, the New es, they are trained by diese osgani- your return, unorganized or missing
^ J * . 2 3 , - * c b o d i c e They ane lie now-anaous Helsinki York San* Society of CPAs sug- zations, and work only during tax files will result in more work for the
stndy tint looked at two groups of gests you begin your search as soon season. Commercial agents are not preparer and higher costs for you.
hating Tuesday, Jan. 24, the people: former athletes and non-ath- as poeriblr to allow sufficient time requiredtomeet a minimal level of IRS Penalties
letes. Guess which group had the to investigate and evaluate your op- education, or to pass an exam adstore wffl
All preparers must follow IRS
greatest amount of arthritis? You tions.
regulations and other rules in preministered by aregulatorybody.
amy begin deferring
Experience and Expertise
paring taxreturns.Failing to do so
Enrolled Agents
books agamat dwir grants by a lot. That's not die only thing
Select a preparer experienced
can cause preparers to incur hefty
two, Jan. 10. Local students are aae Rant uncovered. Greatest num- win any significant lax issues diat day examination given by die Inter- fines. Ultimately, however, you are
ber suffering and moat srthritis-re- also may affect yourreturn.For exaged to pasthaac dieir texts
nalrevenueService (IRS), or meet responsible for die accuracy of your
ample, arecendydivorced single fa- an IRS experience requirement. En- tax return.
avoid the rash.
who participated in
Mam^wwit « • uwMjr eMumm m /ttrdier will need a preparer who is rolled agents who are members of — IMmtf
fimmct -awiia* WMI dutribuml «r -rtifimi
knowledgeable about the tax ramifi- die National Association of Enrolled
stress on she joints, particularly the cations of divorce and how it affects
tdesly is beeowiag to the
agents or its state chapters also must
hips, knees aad ankles.
hisreturn.Similarly, if you sold a take at least 30 hours of tax classes For Sate: House Kits.
What is dUBcak fe to be
rental property at a loss, yon need a
die period tax preparer who can advise you each year.
showing up. how best-toreporttinttoes.An exiy public
perienced CPA can generally handle man are tax advisers, dwy are not
these tax iaaues. If yon choose a lets reonaed to pan exams or meet die
.-_-_ _ J
experienced preparer, nmke certain experiencereqoiremeotsof CPAs.
A R C NtJIlCEt what l» J u n E. AajMNK. Via unonrakjnodi
dnxawrvidaaJ can tan to store ex- In some antes, public accoantants
• of t n a j of tho Town of atewnont, County of
whocanad- are licensed, bat in omer states any• a a l a ^ f e aatUaaa, V n i l r l a a a a m a k A i BaMaahaajt MaaT tew
that one can claim das tide.
nan anan ev •unay TOfK. man) ounf njnonyoo n n V i
your re- Tea Attorneys
Uke CPAs, tax aaoraeys must
\ ItJilhwupjh May I I , 19M
19M front 10 A l l to 4 PM MooThe
meet continuing education requirewwa^ajn f^noay i t PJty noma.
»yea in selecting a tax meats aad are regulated by me states
from ma five types of in whichtinypractice. Most tax at9PECUL COLLECTION DAYS:
torneys do HWt specialize in tax re• 1P ArJ to 1 Pal • Oak H M H Fin Stolon
turn preparation, and are usually
9atJaji21<-10AMte1 P w - P a j r y C o n a t P r a l r n T r ^
more involved in tax planning and
•l«IVt.2Ml*10Atlto1 PM-awamVMToianHawy.GlllOI
nxyat: z x o warrnng, o sno o
CPAs must pan a saingent exam tax litigation.
Inaulation, vinyl aiding,
F t t 0 ChaVQOd: Fob. - 1 % MaV. • 2 %
which includes an entire section de- Keep m mind tint only CPAs, windona
and doom, ate.
voted to tax issues. Many CPAs also enrolled agents and tax attorneys
A p r . - 3 % aaay-4%
specialize m axes aad can handle can practice before me IRS and repPeraonol chacka, bonk rnonay Qfdara or drafta and
complicatod aw issues. In addition, resent youtinoughoutan IRS audit• w V n l w w a M a m S w I i
to nunmma niembership m die New
TAKIRJIVTHER NOTICE, that pumiont to tha provlFor turtnar hitoiiiwtioii plnaaa
YOK Sane Society of CPAs and the Fees
ma of maarflaa* * * m l e l l i a Tomm of anantont nml taa
oail to* tree:
American bnotate of Certified Pub- Some tax preparers work for
umainHha County Traaaurar of t » County of FranlrJn
lic Accoantants, two Important pro- fixed fees while others charge
tha latday of June, I M S .
CPAs must hourly nam. In eidwr case, make
O. N. Racine Inc.
education tare yon clarify how much or on
what basis ne preparer will charge
yoa to coaiptete your return. Since
These jnohirtuali workforlarge yon meat provide die preparer wkh
Money Management:
How to Choose a Tax Preparer