Price: £500 Very Special Report … “How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide” How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide Contents Section 1 - Introduction…………………………………………. 11 Hello The Opportunities Are There Don’t Worry About Mistakes Read And Learn From Others. Follow The Success Formula The Importance Of Small Businesses The Problems Of A Small Business The Best Profit Improvement Ideas For Small Businesses Time Management Pareto’s Law Get A Good Product Section 2 - Your Strategy…………………………………….…. 22 Your Personal Objective Your Business Strategy Section 3 - Organising & Managing Your Business…………... 26 At McDonald’s Organisational Strategy Section 4 - Systemising Your Business………………………… 31 Putting The System In The Box Management Systems – Do Without Experienced Managers Section 5 - People Strategy…………………………………...… 34 It’s All About Motivation They Must Want To Play Your Game The Rules Of The Game Recruitment, Induction, Ongoing & Leavers Section 6 – Times Change……………………………………… 40 Section 7 – Marketing Strategy Overview…………………….. 42 Customer Dedication Adding Value The 2 Ways To Increase Profits Is it Sales or Marketing? The Power Of Leveraging Isn’t It Time To Start Generating Leads? Section 8 - Your Target Market……………………………….. 46 Section 9 - Unique Selling Proposition (USP)………………… 49 When It Absolutely, Positively, Has To Be There How To Find Your USP or UPB How To Write Your USP -2- How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide Section 10 -“Guaran-damn-tee it” With Risk Reversal……. 54 Remove The Risk Completely Are You Worried Customers Will Take Advantage? To Improve The Power Of Guarantees… Section 11 - Testimonials & Case Studies…………………… 58 Section 12 - Your Pricing Strategy…………………………... 61 What’s The Best Price? Value Pricing How To Raise Prices Discounting For Profit Section 13 - Get Your Fonts Right…………………………... 67 Serif Fonts Sans Serif Fonts Script Fonts Section 14 - Customer Satisfaction Is Of No Use…………… 69 Only Loyalty Matters How Customers Are Treated Being Friendly WOW Your Customers Angry Customers, Complaints & Policies Give Help Without The Expectation Of Return The Phone’s Ringing, Is Someone Going To Answer? Customer Visits To The Premises To Get Loyalty Business Is Great & We’re Looking For More Your Mission Statement Focus Groups Section 15 – More Preparation……………………………… 81 Your Business Name Geographic Location Company Image Colour & Shape Guide Your Logo Stationery Your Premises Displays Shop Window Ideas Sign Magic Posters Telephone Numbers Freepost & Business Reply -3- How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide Food & Drink Dress Strapline Vehicles Opening Hours Speed of Service Gift Certificates What Are The Competition Doing? Get Feedback Attitude Payment Methods Business Awards Charity Incentives Section 16 - Contact Management Database & Lists……… 90 Section 17 - Testing, Measuring & Budgeting……………... 94 Why Test? The Lifetime Value Of A Customer How To Test The Law Of Probability Section 18 - Lead Generation…………………………….... 100 Brand Marketing v Direct Marketing Using An Ad Agency One Step & Two Step Lead Generation Hard v Soft Offer Qualification Of Leads Written Lead Generation Tools & AICDA How To Write Powerful Headlines The Opening Words How To Write Body Copy Generate Interest Create Desire Building Credibility More Top Tips Call To Action Formatting Tricks Editing Gimmicks Be Ready For The Response Section 19 - How To Grow With Advertising…………… 128 Advertising Does Work How To Advertise In The Best Places Start With A Small Ad Negotiate The Ad Price Negotiate The Position Of Your Ad How To Write Your Ad -4- How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide How Frequently Should You Run The Ad? Classified Ads Directory Advertising Secrets To Get To The Front Of Your Directory Classification Optimizing The Size Of Your Directory Ad Layout Of Directory Ad Adding Pictures To Adverts Inserts Section 20 - Sales Letters - Sausage & Sizzle……….…….. 148 Sales Letter Work Salutation Rules Signing Off The P.S. More Top Letter Tips The Reply Device How To Get Your Envelope Opened Example Letter Layout Postcard Marketing Section 21 - Fax Advertising………………………………. 158 Selecting Your Fax Bureau Fax Format When To Send The Fax Section 22 - Internet Marketing…………………………... 164 How To Build Your Web Site Search Engine Optimisation More Web Marketing Ideas E-mail Marketing Getting Repeat Visitors Fantastic Web Resources Section 23 - Telephone Marketing & Selling……….……. 173 Telemarketing That Works Getting Ready To Call Beating The Gatekeeper Opening With Your Prospect Asking Questions Developing The Dialogue Asking For The Desired Action Literature Requests Follow Up Closing The Sale Section 24 – How To Write Press Releases…………….… 187 Press Releases That Work Format Of The Release Your Press Kit -5- How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide How Else To Make Sure It’s Published Now Leverage Example Press Release Layout Section 25 - Presentations and Seminars………………..… 193 Why Seminars Work Finding Your Audience Promoting Your Seminar Preparing The Seminar Equipment Tips Controlling The Nerves Your Introduction Development The End Follow Up Now Leverage Section 26 - Networking Magic……………………………. 205 Section 27 - How To Write Newsletters…………………... 208 Section 28 - Proven Referral Systems…………………….. 212 Section 29 - The Power Of Endorsement Marketing……. 215 Hosts & Beneficiaries The Start Up Business People The Endorsement Offer How To Operate The Endorsement Arrangement How Else To Use Endorsement Marketing Section 30 - How To Write Special Reports……………… 220 Section 31 - The Competition Busting Special Report…... 223 Section 32 - Tip Sheets…………………………………….. 225 Section 33 - Information Packs…………………………… 227 Section 34 – Brochures……………………………………. 229 Section 35 – Catalogues…………………………………… 230 Section 36 – Mad Marketing Ideas………………………. 231 Section 37 - How To Convert Your Leads Into Paying Customers……………………... 233 A Conversion System The Quality Of Your Lead Sales Conversion Letters -6- How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide Future Contact Letter More Information Letter Sowing The Seeds Letter Sales Conversion Letter The Buyers Remorse Letter The Sales Meeting The Preparation Stage Greeting The Prospect The Chit Chat Asking Questions Listening Now It’s Your Turn Overcome The Objections The Close The Follow Up – making 3109% more sales Section 38 - The Re-Selling System………………………… 255 Why Use Re-Selling Re-Selling Tools To Increase The Average Order Value Re-Selling Tools To Increase The Frequency Of Purchase Re-Selling Tools To Keep Your Customers Longer The Windows Of Opportunity Chart Section 39 – Finance: Managing The Money……………… 261 The Accounting System Management Information What If Questions Section 40 - Cost Controls & Expense Minimization……... 270 Section 41 - Using Barter To Reduce Costs……………….. 275 Section 42 - How To Make Sure You Get Paid……….…… 276 Section 43 - Minimizing Your Risks……………………….. 281 Section 44 - How To Raise Finance………………………... 283 How To Get Your Bank To Say “Yes” Small Firms Loan Guarantee Scheme Factoring Hire Purchase & Leasing Trade Credit Equity Finance Venture Capital Business Angels Grants Section 45 - Choosing Your Business Structure………….. 289 Limited Company -7- How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide Partnership Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Sole Trader Franchising Section 46 - How To Find A Product To Market……….….. 293 Recommended Reading & Information Sources………….. 296 -8- How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide -9- Copyright Notices No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any material, including photocopying or storing it by any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication, without the written permission of the copyright owner. The reader is authorised to use any of the information in this publication for his or her own use only. Applications for the copyright owner’s permission or further information should be addressed to the publisher. Legal Notices While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter given in this publication. The reader must accept full responsibility for determining the legality of any and all ideas adopted and enacted in his or her particular business, whether or not those ideas are suggested, either directly or indirectly in this product. No guarantees of profit can be given or any responsibility taken for your results. Every individual situation is different. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 10 - Once upon a time there was a shepherd looking after his sheep on the edge of a deserted road. Suddenly a brand new Jeep Cherokee screeches to a halt next to him. The driver, a young man dressed in a Brioni suit, Cerruti shoes, Ray-Ban glasses, and a YSL tie gets out and asks the shepherd: - “ If I guess how many sheep you do have, will you give me one of them? “ The shepherd looks at the young man, then looks at the sheep, which graze and says: - “All right”. The young man parks the car, connects the notebook and the mobile, enters a NASA site, scans the ground using his GPS, opens a database and 60 excel tables filled with algorithms, then prints a 150-page report on his hightech mini printer. He then turns to the shepherd and says: - “You have exactly 1586 sheep here.” The shepherd answers: - That's correct, you can have your sheep. The young man takes the sheep and puts it in the back of his jeep. The shepherd looks at him and asks: “If I guess your profession, will you return my sheep to me?” The young man answers: “Yes, why not.” The shepherd says: - You are an Accountant! “How did you know?” asks the young man. Very simple, answers the shepherd: “First you come here without being called. Second, you charge me, to tell me something I already knew. Third, you do not understand anything about what I do, because you took my dog! Let’s begin… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 11 - Section 1 Introduction “Will the people on the cheaper seats clap your hands? All the rest of you, if you’ll just rattle your jewellery” John Lennon 1940 –80: at the Royal Variety Performance, 4 November 1963 Hello And welcome to “How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide For Small Businesses.” This Special Report gives you lots of ideas you can start implementing immediately. Take a day out of your work schedule and set it aside to read this report in full. The contents of it could well make it one of the most important days if not the most important day, in your business and even personal life. It starts with setting the scene and progresses to more detailed assistance but it is important that it is read in full in the order laid out for you to get the most from it. It is specifically aimed at small businesses and based on proven ideas that work. The extent to which they work will largely depend on you. But You must take action, not just read what follows. There are broadly 3 types of people… Those that make things happen. Those that watch things happen. Those that wondered what happened. This report will only be of use to you if you make what is in it happen and apply the right methods to your particular small business. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 12 - A key principle throughout is the KISS principle – Keep It Simple Stupid, because it’s not complicated and a lot of it is staring you in the face and obvious but you just don’t do it. Take the story of the matchbox company. Matchboxes had two striking sides and the top executives were trying to devise ways of reducing the production cost of the matchbox by changing the size, materials, etc of the striking strips. It was only a junior employee who suggested having just one striking strip. It’s obvious, it’s staring you in the face and it’s simple. So let’s not complicate things unnecessarily. This Profit Maximizer Report is designed to help you learn what works before you spend tens of thousands of pounds and enormous amounts of time learning the lessons the hard way. Because it’s obvious, doesn’t mean we can see it and there’ll no doubt be many more obvious discoveries you will make for yourself with the right mindset. After all, Ice cream was invented in 2000BC but it took another 3900 years before the cone came along. It’s not large sums of money that are needed. Money of course, makes it easier but many successful business people would say “if all this was taken away from me tomorrow and I was left with no money, I could start over again and be a millionaire within 12 months”. What is it they know? This appears to be the only report of it’s kind in the UK today combining everything together that will make a business more profitable and much of it probably can’t be found in any text books. The Opportunities Are There There are lots of opportunities out there staring you in the face if you have the right mindset. You are in control of your business and investing in it can produce far greater returns than is possible through the stock market. Often, there is a first group of people that never saw the opportunity and the second who did and took action on it. They are people looking for the breakthroughs and the opportunities rather than the problems that exist. Think of these… Lewis Crandal sold his half share in Woolworth’s to Mr Woolworth for £1200. Dominoes Pizza took an old idea of home delivery and applied it to pizzas. Ray Croc a 51 year old salesman took over McDonalds from the McDonald brothers and completely revolutionised it. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 13 - Don’t Worry About Mistakes Everybody makes mistakes. Don’t listen to those who say you’ll learn from them. May be you will, may be you won’t. After all, Henry Ford went bankrupt twice before becoming a success. Don’t worry about making mistakes if you want to succeed in business. You need to decide for yourself if you can live with failure knowing you tried your best. Is that not better than not to have tried at all? Many successful entrepreneurs believe it’s better to have tried and failed than never have had the courage to try. You need to take action and get started. Sure, you don’t know everything but don’t wait forever planning or you’ll do nothing. If you don’t know about taxes, so what? There’s no tax to worry about until you start making some money anyway. And don’t beat a dead horse. Recognise when something is not going to work, cut your losses and move on. There’s no rule about you can only start one business in your lifetime. You have 365 new chances every year to accomplish your goals. Read And Learn From Others. The most successful people have an insatiable need to know more, rather than defending what they already know. Read books, magazines, learn from others and continue to move forward. Try to learn something new everyday. You can learn a lot from what other businesses are doing, especially those that are not in your industry. What ideas can you take from totally different types of businesses and apply them to yours. In sales, manufacturers tend to have used a field sales force, retailers use adverts and professional services use referrals but think how much more successful they could all be if they added methods from other businesses. Use the principle of duality by looking at other businesses. That’s what we’re doing in this report. Fed Ex copied the banks method of clearing cheques overnight to develop an overnight package delivery service. There was a double-glazing firm who offered free window installation if you signed up to have your windows fitted before the World Cup started and England happened to win. A firm of accountants copied the concept but applied it to accountancy services, adding the bonus that if Scotland won, it was free accountancy services for life – a totally risk free offer! In reality they placed a bet at the bookies to cover themselves and this was their How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 14 - marketing cost. This beat their conventional marketing offers many times over. So look and learn from others. Adapt and adopt what you read here as makes sense to you. Follow The Success Formula Believe you can. Create the right environment at home and at work. Enjoy yourself. Expose yourself to what’s new and keep learning. Plan what you’re going to do. Stick at it. Be willing to take risks. Take responsibility for your actions. Take action – follow Nike’s “just do it” slogan. If you don’t have any empathy for this type of approach, you will get far less out of this report. The Importance Of Small Businesses These are the statistics on small businesses in the UK provided by the Federation of Small Businesses… There are 3.95million small businesses in the UK. 97% of firms employ less than 20 people. 95% employ less than 5 people. Over 500,000 people start up their own business every year. Small firms employ more than 50 per cent of the private sector workforce. 12 million people work in small firms. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 15 - Small firms contribute more than 50 per cent of the GDP - about £500billion. 90 per cent of commercial innovations come from small firms. Small firms collect and pay Tax, NICs, VAT and other dues that help pay for public services. This shows just how important small businesses are and how much they contribute. A small business could be a… Sole trader electrician working by himself. Home based business. Limited Company with 38 employees. Most Government statistics seem to use 50 employees as a measure of when a small business develops into a medium size business and it’s probably fair to say that small businesses will get far more from this report as it’s based on the ideas that work specifically for small businesses. Clearly from the above there are variations within what is a small business and it’s important to take the ideas from this report that are right for your particular small business. Every idea isn’t necessarily relevant to every single business, so as you go along try to think of how each idea can apply to your business. The Problems Of A Small Business Lots of people dream of having their own small business. Why work for someone else when there is less job security and they are expecting more and more work from you? However it is overlooked that to run a successful business, especially in the early years you need… Motivation Focus Capacity to work hard Self –reliance Support of your family A skill or a good product. Starting your own business takes determination, perseverance and selfdiscipline. Beware if you are starting for negative reasons, perhaps just because you dislike your boss or you like drinking in pubs and so thought it How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 16 - would be great to run a pub. Running your own business is a big step. Take time to consider and plan. It’s not playing golf when you want and taking holidays when you want. There can be a lot of admin and red tape to deal with. The customer becomes your boss and they pay your wages. It requires a different mindset and that’s what you’re going to need as you go through this report. Of all the tens of thousands of people who still start a business of some sort… By the end of the first year, 40% will have failed. Within 3 years, 56% will have failed. Within 5 years, 76% will have failed. Of those who go past 5 years, there’s no guarantee they will survive the next 5 years. So what are the common problems suffered by small businesses… The owners work too hard and for too many hours. Personal objectives of the owners such as hobbies and spending time with their family end up low down on the list of priorities. The owners spend too much time doing the day-to-day technical work rather than planning and managing the business. The owners don’t know where their business is going. The owners don’t understand that in order for a business to have a good sale value it must work without them. Many owners get frustrated and simply give up and go back to being an employee. The rewards don’t match the effort. They often face common problems in managing their business… No consistency in delivery of their product. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 17 - Can’t depend on their employees to get it right. They focus on people rather than systems, which creates problems when the people leave. Systems that are in place are not documented but in the head of the person who leaves. The owner ends up doing everything. Employees are not as diligent as the owners. The owner spends too much time filled up with other people’s problems and administration. The owner always has to supervise and guide employees. They have no idea how they compare with other similar businesses and competitors with respect to financial performance or non-financial areas such as human recourses, production, marketing, etc. They therefore don’t know where there are areas for improvement. With regards to marketing these are common problems for small businesses… It’s done ad hoc rather than in a systematised way. They don’t know what works. They don’t fully understand why their customers buy. They don’t know who their most profitable customers are. They don’t measure their marketing results against costs. They take on customers they later regret dealing with. Bad debt problems. Then there are the dreaded financial problems… Relying on short-term overdrafts to try to support long-term growth. Over relying on the bank due to over trading. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 18 - No system for projecting income and expenditure. No system for measuring key financial indicators against their plan. Accounts are not useful to the business. Accounts are not produced quickly enough. The Fundamental Cause Of Small Business Problems Michael Gerber in his book the E-Myth shows us the obvious that just isn’t seen by so many. The myth is that entrepreneurs start businesses – it isn’t true. The beginning of all these problems is the very fact that often the business isn’t started by an entrepreneur, but by a technician who has an entrepreneurial moment, perhaps caused by a bad day at work, a lousy boss, a thought you’re doing most of the work but only get paid a pittance, etc. Whatever, the reason it’s then likely that the decorator starts a decorating business, a barber a barber shop, a mechanic a garage and so forth. All very good at what they do technically, but what do they do know about running a business? Yes, very little. And the technical work of a business is very different to running a business that does technical work. The technician sets about the business but for it to work he needs to be the technician doing the technical work, the manager organising everything and the entrepreneur with the vision to take the business forward. However he has a tendency towards the technical work as this is where he feels most comfortable. To start with this may be okay but as the business grows a little it becomes harder to juggle all the balls. May be that being a barber, you just want to cut hair but it’s not that simple with just you to run the business and you have conflicts with the part of you that wants to manage and the part of you that wants to take the business forward. All you’ve done is swap one job for another, only now you’re working twice as hard with extra responsibilities. If you just want to cut hair, it’s far simpler to get a job doing it. Eventually you can’t cope and you get some help, may be someone to manage the appointments, deal with suppliers, write up the books, etc. However, one day they go ill or leave or they don’t do it as well as you anyway or the next person doesn’t and you end up trying to do more yourself. However, if you’re going to grow this isn’t sustainable so most businesses either get very small again, give up or go for broke and then fail. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 19 - Employees will probably never do the job as well as you. They don’t have the same attention to detail, skills, flare or enthusiasm for the job as you. And in reality, they probably never will. So we have to find another way. However, some businesses are successful and do work without their owners. They are successful in marketing and increasing sales, they can manage the growth and they manage the money successfully. They are doing things that the rest aren’t. That’s what you’re going to find out by reading on. The Best Profit Improvement Ideas For Small Businesses Are… 1. LOW COST – or even free. We’re going to look at how to ensure we only spend money that is going to produce a return and can be measured. Many of the ideas won’t cost you much other than time. 2. QUICK & EASY– by using this report, it will make it far easier to & quicker to introduce proven profit improvement techniques to your business. 3. PROVEN– as already said, we’re looking at proven methods. Time Management With the average 40-year-old man having just 180,000 waking hours left to live, it’s important to make the best use of them. As a lot of this report will also require time input from you to implement it makes sense to start by listing the top time management tips for you to apply… Prioritise your workload. Write a priority action list at the end of each day, ready for tomorrow. See the job through – don’t start, put it down and come back to it as it wastes time getting started again. Delegate wherever possible. Especially unimportant jobs. Hold efficient meetings. Consider if they are needed at all? Holding meetings standing up or on the phone will shorten them and avoid wasted chitchat. Say “NO” if you’re not the right person to ask. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 20 - Put time aside when colleagues know you’re not to be interrupted each day. Don’t do everything to perfection. Being 100% perfect takes twice as long as 90% perfection, which is often good enough. Use call logging sheets, not scraps of paper, to record phone calls. Distinguish between urgent and non-urgent interruptions. Something that is important isn’t always urgent. Pareto’s Law This is the law that suggests things like 80% of your sales come from 20% of your customers? Or the 20% of customers who give you 80% of your grief. Pareto’s Law can help to identify the 20% that most of your effort should be concentrated on. You may not even need the other 80% at all. Perhaps the same is true of many of other things – 80% of your sales come from 20% of your sales force or perhaps 80% of your employee problems are caused by 20% of your employees. Always look to see with everything if the extra 20% you get is worth the 80% of input. It can be a very useful law for identifying where you can make the biggest changes in your business. Get A Good Product Before looking at everything that follows, let’s understand that you must have a good idea, product or service to start with. Everything else that follows cannot turn a bad product into a fantastic business success, unless the product is changed. The business opportunity must be viable. The product must be good and you must have researched that there is a demand or likely demand for what you are offering. The importance of this cannot be over emphasised. You can maybe sell a bad product to people once, but they won’t come back for more. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 21 - Certainly, don’t be in too much of a hurry to promote until you get good. Otherwise, you’ll just speed up the rate at which the world finds out you’re no good. The word product is used, but everything equally applies to service businesses. Similarly you’ll find the word customer used a lot, but this is interchangeable for the word client. If you don’t have a product, there are some ideas at the end of the report to show you how to find one to base a business on. Are you ready to get going? Let’s go… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 22 - Section 2 Your Strategy “One of the symptoms of approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one’s work is terribly important, and that to take a holiday would bring all kinds of disaster” Bertrand Russell 1872 – 1970: Conquest Of Happiness (1930) Your Personal Objective There are two people left on earth, you and your business -remembering a company is a separate legal entity in law! One of you must die to save the planet. Who would you choose? That’s right, it’s you! You are the most important person, not your business. Therefore, before we even begin to look at your business, we need to take a look at you personally. Only by establishing what you personally want to achieve as an individual can you then set about your business. If your business doesn’t meet your personal objectives you’ve not really succeeded. Your business may be a success, made lots of money, have many stores, etc but if that doesn’t deliver what you personally want from life, what’s the point? You’ve now really made a loss rather than a profit from your life. Start by imagining your own funeral and what you would like to say to all your friends, colleagues and acquaintances about your life, once it’s too late to now do anything about it. What would you like your life story to be? What would you like to have achieved? What would you like your life to have been like? What battles would you like to have won? How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 23 - What moral values would you like to have lived up to? Only when you answer these types of questions can you move onto your business and develop that to fulfil your personal objectives. It may be that you stop there. If a business isn’t going to be the thing that helped you fulfil your life’s ambitions. Better to sort this out up front, than waste precious time going down the wrong road. Particularly with businesses owned by more than one person, it’s important that each individual owners’ personal objectives can be met by the same business. For example, do you know when your partner wants to exit the business and does this work for your business strategy. If individual goals can’t be met by the same business, it’s time to think again. You need an open and honest discussion of each other’s personal goals to identify any problem areas at this stage and to then identify a business strategy to deliver those goals for all. It’s important the business serves the owner, so personal goals must come first. Here are some questions to answer personally to get you going… Are you happy with what you do in the business? If not, how would you like to change what you do? Do you have a planned retirement date and exit routes and what are they? Do you spend enough time away from the business? Is there anything you would particularly like to do, success trappings you would like or experiences to have over the next 5 years? What don’t you want in your life? What do you want out of life? Where do you want to live? What are the most important things for you and what gets in the way? What income do you want in each of the next 5 years? How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 24 - Your Business Strategy Once you have a clear idea of your personal objectives, you can start developing your business strategy that will meet them. For example, you know how much money you need to make to meet your life goals so your business has to deliver this. Your strategic plan for the business should aim to set a target for what your business will look like in 5 years time or when it is complete. This can cover profits, type of business, business size, value, products, market position, unique selling points, etc. It is your vision of what it will look like. You do firstly have to decide if the business you are in or are looking at is capable of delivering what you are pursuing. If it’s not an opportunity worth pursuing, it doesn’t matter how much you plan it, it won’t deliver what you want. Your business strategy should be based on your standards and values if it is to tie in with your life plan. Without this plan of where you are aiming to get to, it makes it far harder to get there. By having goals, it makes it easier to determine if what you are doing is moving you towards that goal or not and you can plan to put everything in place to get there. It enables you to identify the key challenges that need to be overcome if you are to reach your goal. Once you know the challenges, the cause and the real effect of not meeting them, you can identify the most fundamental challenges and then establish how to overcome them. Here are the kind of things to consider in the strategic objective for your business of what your business will look like in 5 years time and when it is complete… What type of business will you have? What products and services do you offer? How large is the business with reference to turnover, gross profit, costs and net profit? What will the growth be over the period with regards to sales, new products, new markets, and number of employees? What will be your market position? What reporting systems will you use? How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide How will your employees be trained? What geographic markets will you supply? - 25 - What will be unique about the business and what will be your unique selling points with regards to distinctive products, marketing, operations and customer service. How much is your business worth now and on completion? Research on goal setting has proven the following helps people achieve their goals… It’s better to set your goals high rather than low. Write down your goals. People who write down their goals are far more likely to reach them. There is a saying, “if you don’t write something down, it doesn’t exist”. You can keep refining you goals and reviewing them as you go along. Things do change. Goals should be SMART goals to achieve the best results. This stands for: Specific – how much, for whom, for what, etc Measurable Achievable Relevant Time framed – by when For example, having a goal to get rich is not a smart goal. However a goal of “to have £100,000 in the bank in 5 years time” could be a smart goal. It’s far easier to put the specific steps in place to achieve this type of goal. Goals such as “to be the best at what you do” or “to love what you do” tend to lead to people being more successful than “to make lots of money” goals. The money does come but it is a result of having more meaningful goals in the first place. Now we know where we’re going, we have to get there… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 26 - Section 3 Organising And Managing Your Business “A place for everything and everything in its place” Mrs Beeton 1836 – 65: Book Of Household Management (1861) At McDonald’s… Wouldn’t it be great if your small business… Worked without you. Only if your business can work without you will it have any great capital or sale value. Delivered its product or service consistently time and time again to the customer. The employees did it the same way every time, the best way. If we’re going to learn from the small businesses that successfully do this, let’s take a look at the most successful small business in the world, McDonalds. Even if you don’t like what McDonald’s sell, there is no denying it is a hugely successful business. At McDonald’s… The owners don’t work in the business flipping burgers. You know when you go you’re going to get the same consistent burger every time, with the same customer experience every single time, which is why people go there. They give the customer exactly what they are expecting every single time, there is no disappointment and so the customers return. Similarly, if you went to a printer and got a great print job done the first time but the next time there were a few mistakes, you’d be far less inclined to return again. How comes it was perfect one time and not How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 27 - another? That doesn’t happen at McDonalds. What’s more, they manage to do it at thousands of their restaurants all over the planet. The burgers are the best tasting burgers made the same way every single time. They’ve found their best formula and they use it consistently, only changing it when they find an even better formula. And that is true for every part of the McDonalds experience from the food, to the greeting, to the cleanliness, to the kids packs, etc. Everything works and is done the same way until they find a better way to do it. It doesn’t matter who does a task, they always follow a system, so that it’s then done the same way every single time and the customer gets the same experience every time they go back. When one-person leaves and another joins, how comes it still gets done exactly the same way. Although McDonald’s is a seemingly low quality product, it is an extremely high quality business which customers value and have great loyalty to. McDonald’s has the entrepreneurs with the vision to move the business forward, the managers who manage the units and the technicians who work in the units and they all work together in harmony. Of course, it’s because they have an organisational strategy, a management strategy and a system for everything they do. It is the ultimate systematized business that runs just like clockwork. Just because your business isn’t McDonalds doesn’t mean you can’t learn from them. It is what is known as a Business Format Franchise. This is the type of franchise operated throughout the world by many other businesses and it’s no surprise that franchises are far more likely to succeed than any other start up business. When a McDonalds franchise is taken, the franchisee gets far more than a brand name. They get a whole way of doing things that work and not until they have learnt the way things are done, do they get the keys to the door. Just because you are not going to franchise your business doesn’t mean you can’t learn from how they make everything inside the business consistently happen. If that happened just inside your one business unit, without you working in it, wouldn’t your business be a great place to go to work, or not work if you so chose. When Ray Croc took the McDonald brothers burger business in 1954 and set about figuring out how he could make it work, he set about working on the business and not in the business. The business became the product to him, not the burgers and it was the business he worked on. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 28 - The key is to work ON, not IN the business. If you are a one-man business, not wanting to grow, this perhaps isn’t true to the same extent, although certain things can still be learnt from it about ensuring you deliver consistency to your customers. A one-man operation may not really have a business; they have a job, possibly a well paid one, with customers as their boss. This doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with the one-man operation. The world is reliant on many one-man operations, it’s just that some of these principles apply less to them. For every other small business that wants to develop, you’ll only do so if you get to work on your business and stop working in it. As an extreme, you can imagine that you are going to make another 1000 just like it. What would you have to do to achieve this? You would have to completely systematize your business. An analogy that can help with the understanding of working on, rather than in your business, is a game of monopoly. If you are the hat in the game, you are simply a piece in the game and you don’t make the decisions, you can’t influence the game at all. However, by being a player in the game and being able to see the whole board, you can start to put strategies into place that will have far more of an influence. You are now working on the game rather than being in it. It’s exactly the same for your business, you can have far more effect by working on it. Before we get carried away, a word of warning. Some small businesses have tried to systematize their business and got so carried away with it that they spent all their time doing just that and failed almost before they got going. Some people believe the E-Myth book sets a standard that most people cannot hope to meet. Common sense is the operative word and the E-Myth is a must read book for every entrepreneur. You have to operate and generate enough income to put food on the table, pay the mortgage, etc. This has to be the first priority. After that, look to work on the systems for your business that will … Give consistency to everyone – your customers, suppliers, and employees. Be operated by people with the lowest possible skill level. This enables you to find staff when you need them at the lowest possible price. You don’t want systems that can be operated by only high quality people, because when that person leaves, you will have trouble getting a replacement. Sure, you say McDonalds is not like your business. So let’s take a far more complicated business such as a firm of solicitors. If a firm of solicitors was to employ only the brightest legal brains it would be extremely difficult to consistently offer their level of legal knowledge, as How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 29 - it becomes very difficult to find a replacement should they leave, be ill, etc. However, if they were to develop services that could be provided by anyone with an average legal brain, they would be able to grow and leverage the business far more. Enable you to eventually not work in the business at all. Even if you just focus on the most critical things you do in your business and systematize these, your business will be far better for it. So what you need is a systems dependant rather than a people dependant business. The systems run the business and the people run the systems. You can’t do without people, but the more you systematize, the less dependant you become on people. Organisational Strategy If you are going to develop a business that is not people dependant, you need to have an organisational chart that starts not with peoples names on it but with the positions that need filling. It helps to draw an organisation chart based on what you want your business to look like rather than how it is at present. The positions on the chart should relate to employee functions (managing director, sales director, accounts, etc) rather than named people. This ensures it’s the system that you’re concentrating on. Once you’ve decided the functions you need in each box, then you can allocate people to fit those functions. Let’s say there are three owners of the business but there is only one position for managing director. Instead of having 3 people all trying to be the managing director that creates conflict, duplication of resources and nobody knowing what their responsibilities are, you agree who is likely to be best suited to that position and put them into it. The other two, take other How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 30 - positions. They still all own the business equally but now they are starting to organise the business far more effectively. To start with, you may be the only one in the business. That doesn’t matter – just put your name in each box. As the business grows you move out of some boxes and get other people to move into the box. However, in the box will be a system for them to follow so that they do it the same as you. Now you’re starting to build a business that works. Look at each position in the chart and outline what is expected of each position. In the most profitable businesses, people know what is expected of them. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 31 - Section 4 Systemising Your Business “The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at once” Samuel Smiles 1912 – 1904: Self Help (1859) Putting The System In The Box Each box on the organisational chart needs a system. In reality, there will be many systems that go into one box. A system needs… Creation – the starting point is the development of a system that will allow you to overcome what needs doing, provide what the customer wants and do it in the best possible way. So you need to create a system. Measurement – once you’ve created a system you can only know if it is the best system by measuring the results of the system, so you must measure how the system performs. Consistent Implementation – the system must be implemented so that it is done the same way every time. For example, if you have a sales hotline number for prospects to call, you would create a way of answering the phone and dealing with the enquiries. You would then measure how successful this was in comparison to other ways of answering the phone. Once you have measured and found the best way, you then consistently implement this system until you find a system that is better. You only know if the new system is better by measuring it. You’ll need systems for a whole lot more as well such as to cover… Generating Leads Converting leads Measuring customer satisfaction Processing orders, invoices, payments, management information Production Measuring performance Employee development How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 32 - And many more. When one employee leaves, if the system is properly documented, it’s a lot easier for someone else to take over the system A system can’t be in someone’s head, otherwise when they’re ill or leave, you have no system and your business is people dependant. In designing a system it helps to specify the result you want and draw the system in a flow chart as well as documenting it. The flow chart helps to ensure you don’t miss out any stages. The full logical process to design a system is as follows… Name the system Specify the result Draw the systems with boxes and arrows Allocate responsibility for the system Set a deadline to implement it Identify the time/resources needed to implement it Document the system Operating manuals are a very effective way of documenting the systems. Really, everything in your business is a system, albeit different types of systems… Hard Systems – such as your signs, your computer, etc. Changing a sign, computer, etc can improve the performance. Soft Systems – the way you do things, such as a selling system. Information systems – that provide the information against which you can benchmark in order to compare and adopt best practice. For example, if you know 80% of your sales come from 20% of your people, you want to try to replicate the system that they are following. Management Systems – Do Without Experienced Managers You don’t necessarily want experienced managers. An experienced manager will come in with their own ideas and ways of doing things. If you let them manage using their methods, this is management by abdication. What you want is a management system that says, this is the way managers manage here. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 33 - You use the same checklists, etc to manage and control that then produces the same result every time and that consistent result gives a marketing result. You will need management information systems to help monitor how you are doing against the plan. As well as financial measurements such as % of jobs finished on time there will be non-financial areas you will want to measure, such as customer satisfaction or employee morale. You could for example get employees to put a score out of 10 on their timesheets each week to record how happy they are at work. Even if it’s not a financial item, you need to find a way to measure it if you are to know what you are doing improves it. As they say, “you can’t manage, what you can’t measure” Here are examples of items you may want to measure and benchmarks in your management information system… Financial Benchmarks Non- Financial Benchmarks Bank Stock & Work In Progress Debtors Cash Collected % of jobs completed on time % of unproductive time % net profit on each job Sales Net Profit Average job turnaround time No. of unstarted jobs Customers won & lost Staff turnover % time absent/sick % deadlines missed Average Fee Number of referrals % of leads converted Net profit per profit centre Actual income/expenses v budget Customer Satisfaction Quality of work Staff Morale Staff Image Business Image Understanding of the business Strategy New product ideas Life/work balance Training effectiveness Use of IT in our work Now we have developed systems, we need to have a people strategy that will work in running those systems… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 34 - Section 5 People Strategy “It’s true hard work never killed anybody, but I figured why take the chance?” Ronald Reagan 1911- :Interview, Guardian 31 March 1987 It’s All About Motivation 68% of businesses have no employees to which this section is not particularly applicable. Of the remainder, 27% have 1-9 employees and 5% have more than 10 employees. However, if you are going to grow, you’re going to need people, whether you have a systems dependent business or not. Sir John Harvey Jones said he never found a company that used more than 50% of the potential of its people. You can create a system that your employees are capable of following but only if the employees are motivated to do so, will they actually do so. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. The systems stuff sounds like it may not be all that inspiring to your employees. There’s a bit of the rebel in everyone that doesn’t like to follow the rules and procedures. So how do you create an environment in which the employees want to follow the rules and are motivated to achieve their full potential? People work harder when they are motivated. Just imagine the impact you can make if you change the attitude of your employees from “I have to go to work “ to “I get to go to work”. You don’t want people whose spirit dies as they enter the office door. People’s basic needs have to be met first which comes from the cash you pay them. In the event you provide benefits ensure the staff know the value of those benefits and find out if they really want them. However, there is far more to motivation than cash. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 35 - They Must Want To Play Your Game It’s not really employees but people who want to play your game that you need. To this end, we’ll refer to employees as team members rather than employees. To get them to want to play your game… They must understand the game. They need to understand the purpose of the game. They must understand the standards and values on which your game is based. Unless they can relate to and share those values, they won’t buy into your game and be committed to it. They must believe the game is worthwhile; that what they are doing is important and worthwhile. If they wash the dishes, they must understand why it is important, where it fits in and even how it makes the world a better place. You need employees who work with you rather than for you. They must want to work together as a team to be far more powerful than working as individuals. People naturally work together when motivated, so take advantage of it. To do this the team players must all have shared values and purpose, not just be aware of what they are. You must develop trust with your team. You can only do this by telling the truth, the whole truth. You must respect what others do, their thoughts, feelings, needs and dreams. You can be a boss without being bossy. They must understand the ideas behind the work as well as understanding the work itself. So if you haven’t created and thought through those values in determining your strategy it’s now going to be difficult to communicate those to your team. Examples of your values could be… The customer may not always be right but you must make him think he is. The most important thing is to do the best you possibly can at all times. If this is so, you don’t sack someone just because they aren’t as good as others. If you did, you’d lose the values on which everything is based. Values stand up in bad as well as good times. You should continually test what you are doing in order to improve. How you act will play a large part in how your ideas, beliefs and standards are communicated. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 36 - Sometimes existing staff won’t buy into your game and the only way to change is to change the person. Getting rid of a good individual can be necessary if they aren’t a team player and detract from the performance of the whole team. The Rules Of The Game All games have rules and boundaries that all the players must know. The following would be sensible rules for your business game… The game must be fun from time to time – you need fun to help keep the team motivated. People have to be capable of playing the game. Only give work to people that they can do or they will become de-motivated. Don’t set unrealistic targets. The game should be challenging, so don’t set targets too low but they must be achievable. People want to do a fair days work for a fair days pay, otherwise they lose a sense of value and it becomes demeaning. The game needs playing in the right environment. A nicer working environment will improve motivation. Only play a game that you are willing to play yourself. If you expect your team to play by different standards and values to you, they won’t buy into your game. Your business ends up being a reflection of you. If you’re greedy, you’ll end up with employees who are greedy, if you’re disorganised your business will be disorganised, etc. Let the employees have some autonomy and authority to play the game their own way with rules to keep them in check. It’s a bit like being independent contractors or thinking like an entrepreneurs but this must only be within set guidelines. They can suggest improvements to systems and these suggestions should be measured against the present systems. The goals must be set with the team, the manager setting the critical goals and the team the rest. They should have ownership and be rewarded directly related to their achievements. . This could be as follows: Sales staff – a % of sales – monthly or quarterly Admin staff – a profit share – needs to be quarterly or 6 monthly Retail staff – a % of sales – monthly or quarterly How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 37 - Design staff – a % of the fee paid by the client once the client has paid. Commission schemes are ideally best linked to profit rather than sales The managers can work on the game rules but let the employees do the work. The managers can decide who plays what position by matching work to ability but the players move the ball. Give employees responsibility for their own work. You really want them to make a commitment as well as take responsibility but that may take a bit longer to come. It’s bit like egg & bacon, the hen took on some responsibility but the pig made a commitment. The game must never end. If it ends there is no way of continually moving forward. However, there does need to be victories along the way to keep the team motivated. Cheer people, have contests, monthly awards, tell people they are good at their work. It’s just like a football match, the crowd cheers progress down the pitch, which often leads to a goal that records the score. But don’t congratulate if it’s not true. If you can’t congratulate, you need to encourage. Look for positives, not negatives. Never change the ethics of the game as the whole game is built around this. However tactics can be changed to keep the team motivated. The values have to hold up in tough times, not just be feel good slogans. Keep reminding the team of the game. Recruitment, Induction, Ongoing & Leavers The following ideas are proven ways of getting employees motivated to that follow the above principles… Recruitment You need to get the right people throughout your organisation, which starts with your recruitment strategy… Ensure your idea, values and history of the business is explained to applicants. Ensure the attributes required of the team member are fully communicated to them. The more you have systematized your business, the less technical skills they will already need. In fact, less experience How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 38 - will often be an advantage as they are more likely to then do it your way. An efficient way of doing this is through a group meeting with the applicants. You then progress with those still interested with a one to one meeting. In the meeting, discuss their reactions and feelings about your ideas and standards. Ask why do they think they are superbly appropriate for the role? Induction The induction process should cover the following areas if the new team player is to fully understand the purpose of their position… A review of the bosses ideas and values. A summary of the entire system for the business. How everything fits together. This is a summary, not a detailed working knowledge of everything. Have a tour of the whole business. Give the opportunity for the new team player to ask questions and answer them. Go though their position statement with them. It should form part of their contract of employment and their appraisal structure. Position statements are used to help employees know what is expected of them. They are more than just job descriptions. They… Highlight the overall result/objective required by that employee. Specify the work they are accountable for. List the specific quality standards relevant to that position by which they are measured. List all the general behavioural standards for which everyone in the business is responsible. Make it clear to whom they report and who reports to them. They create commitment and accountability for each employee. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 39 - Issue an operations manual and review the manual, especially the areas relevant to their position. The manual should include the strategic objective and the organisational strategy that the team player should be familiar with. Complete the necessary paperwork. Ongoing Regular business development meetings with the team to produce a sense of togetherness, addressing their concerns, identifying new opportunities, keeping everyone focused and giving permission for everyone to speak openly and frankly about the business. They could be held monthly on a departmental basis for 1- 1½ hours. Individual Appraisals – focus on promoting employees growth by working together, look at performance review, work issues, personal issues, admin issues. Find out what they do & don’t want in the job, what gets in their way of achieving objectives and how things can be improved. Ability for everyone to speak openly. Performance related pay schemes. Staff suggestion schemes - Have a Learning Zone where all staff make 1 written idea each week to share with everyone else. As well as having a suggestion box for customers, have one for your staff. Let them put a score on their timesheet out of 10 for how happy they were at work this week and monitor their happiness. Staff training. Staff surveys. Employee magazine. Let everyone know how the business is performing overall. Leavers Hold exit interviews to find out how you can improve employee motivation in the future. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 40 - Section 6 Times Change “Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life. The only completely consistent people are the dead” Aldous Hexley 1894 - 1963: Do That You Will (1929) Being willing to change can be one of the great barriers to creating and sustaining a successful business. People ask “What’s New?” not “What’s Old?” If you or your business doesn’t change with the times it can get left behind. Many people don’t like change even though they may know it is necessary. You don’t always have to change and you need to establish the right time to change. Should you change and start to be nice to someone you don’t like. Probably not, there’s no rule that says you have to be nice to people you don’t like. It’s your right and you should be happy and comfortable with it. To make changes that help you it helps to ask a paradigm-shifting question. Ask yourself “What would I like to do in my business that would fundamentally change the way my business works?” Once you know this you can then set about figuring out how to do it but you need to concentrate on what you want first. To accept, deal with and be more comfortable with change the following thoughts can help… Ask yourself “What would I do, if I weren’t afraid?” Not being afraid can help you feel good. Remember that courage isn’t the absence of fear. It’s feeling the fear and doing it anyway. Change happens. Anticipate change - You should look at your present situation often to know what you’re doing is getting old. Noticing small changes early helps you to adapt to bigger changes to come. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 41 - Adapt to change quickly. Going in a new direction can help you find what you want. It helps to imagine yourself enjoying the results of the change. The quicker you let go of the old, the sooner you’ll find the new thing you want. It is better to search for new solutions than to remain with a solution that doesn’t work. Old beliefs do not lead you to new solutions. Move with the change and enjoy it. But be ready to change again and again. Here are some things to do to get you in the mood for change… Put your other sock on first in the morning. Change your breakfast. Eat with your fork in the other hand. Then start a change list and put deadlines on it. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 42 - Section 7 Marketing Strategy Overview “The consumer isn’t a moron; she is your wife” David Ogilvy: Confessions Of An Advertising Man (1963) Customer Dedication Successful businesses all have an understanding of their customers needs or rather perceived needs and a total dedication to their customers. Their marketing strategy is built around the customer – “what must the business be for the customer to choose us?” Everything they do is focused on the customer and they are continuously improving how they do it. In order to do this they need to understand the demographics (who they are) and the psychographics (why they buy) of their customers. Only then can you build your business to serve them. Adding Value Customers buy perceived value which is the difference between the perceived benefits and the price. The more you increase the difference the more value that is added to the customer. Again, the benefits are unlimited but there’s only so low the price can go. Explaining that a pair of shoes are made of leather, why they are more comfortable, shock absorbing, will last, etc will make their perceived value higher than the same shoes that are not so described. The 2 Ways To Increase Profits There are only 2 ways to increase profits. Either you increase sales or you reduce costs. It’s that simple! However, the amount you can reduce costs by is limited but the amount you can increase sales by is unlimited. So there is far more potential in increasing sales. We will start with exploring the sales side a bit more. There are only 3 ways to generate more sales… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 43 - Increase the number of customers. Increase the value of each transaction. Increase the frequency of sale to each customer. More importantly, if you do all 3 together, you can achieve far higher growth. For example, lets look at the following scenario… You presently have 100 customers. The average transaction value is £100 for a product that costs you £30 to produce. The average frequency of purchase by a customer is 10 times a year. Fixed overheads are £20,000 Therefore the annual profit is presently as follows: Sales 100 x £100 x 10 100,000 Cost of Sales 100 x £30 x 10 30,000 Gross Profit 70,000 Fixed Overheads 20,000 Net Profit 50,000 If we now increase all three sales generators by 10%, we get the following results. Sales 110 x £110 x 11 133,100 Cost of Sales 110 x £30 x 11 36,300 Gross Profit 96,800 Fixed Overheads 20,000 Net Profit 76,800 So profits have now risen by £26,800, a 53.6% increase as result of improving all 3 generators by just 10%. This shows the power of working on all 3 areas at the same time to achieve maximum results. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 44 - The marketing tools you can use to get growth in all three of these areas can be categorised in the following areas. Lead Generation – of quality leads. Lead Conversion into sales. Re-selling to existing customers. An overriding factor in all these is outstanding customer service, particularly in re-selling to existing customers. Increasing your number of customers is a factor of both how many you gain and how many you don’t lose. Remember never to sacrifice profit for growth. There is the saying “turnover is for vanity, profit is for sanity”. Is it Sales or Marketing? Very simply, marketing is the methods used to generate quality new leads and sales is the system of converting those leads into paying customers. The Power Of Leveraging If you can measure the result of a marketing activity it gives you enormous power. A very simple example would be if you send 1,000 sales letters out and that produces you 5 new customers which makes a profit, you should do more of it, a lot more. You know that if you want 50 new customers, you simply need send 10,000 letters. Leveraging is about taking something small and using it to create something a lot larger. Often it is using a small sample and extrapolating the results of it. The larger your sample, the more sure you can be of the result. The more you test, the more confidently you can predict this result. Many small businesses don’t use the power of a sample to expand, often because they don’t have a systematized business that can cope with the extra volume, which again demonstrates the importance of systems. Your business becomes far more effective by first maximising what you do have and finding the best proven way of achieving a result and then simply multiplying that result. This is true of numerous things in your business whether it be number of cold calls made, sales letters sent, salesmen employed, referrals requested, etc. Almost anything can be leveraged upwards if you get a sample size that How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 45 - you can rely on that you can confidently predict will occur if you increase the sample size. The later section on testing will cover how you can use samples to predict an outcome based on probabilities. Isn’t It Time To Start Generating Leads? Not yet! Before we even start looking at how to use all the lead generation tools like sales letters, adverts, fax broadcasts, web sites, telemarketing, etc, we need to put in place all the things that are going to multiply the effects of your lead generation tools many times over and blow your competition away. Everything that follows before we get to lead generation is all about preparation and cannot be overlooked. It will make using the lead generation tools easy. So let’s start preparing to market… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 46 - Section 8 Your Target Market “But screw your courage to the sticking place, And we’ll not fail” William Shakespeare 1564 – 1616: Macbeth (1606) If you try selling to the wrong people, you’ll fail. That’s how important it is to get your target market right. You need a list of prospects that are right for your product or service. Send your sales letter to the wrong list and it’s doomed, advertise in the wrong magazine and it won’t work, no matter how good the advert or sales letter is. Your target market could be geographic or demographic (age, sex, business type, etc). So first you have to identify who your target market is. In doing this, don’t try to be all things to all people. It just doesn’t work. For example, a horse dealer who deals in dressage horses and targets their marketing at dressage horse people will be more successful in approaching them than a general horse dealer. They could also deal in eventing horses but would need to approach that market in a different way. The more defined the target market is, the more successful you are likely to be with them. By doing this you can focus on the needs of your target market. The overall target database becomes smaller but within that target market the chances of success increase dramatically. These target markets are also known as niches and marketing to them is what you need to do. Don’t market to people who are unlikely to buy from you. Most small businesses take any customers they come across which is one of the biggest mistakes a small business can make. Think about your own business and what your target market should be. It doesn’t have to be certain business sizes. It could be by location, industry type, size, number of children they have, household income, etc. The more specifically you define your niche, the more you can concentrate on their needs and so the more likely you are to be successful with them. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 47 - You can have more than one niche but the more you speak to each niche differently, the more successful you’ll be with each. You’ll need to know how you can reach them. What do they read, where do they live, where do they work, where do they shop, what clubs do they belong to, can you get a list of them from a list broker, etc. To help you identify the best niches for you look for… Who are your best & worst customers and what their characteristics are - attitude to staff, price sensitive, age, location, business type, etc. What you offer and your areas of expertise. What’s unique about you? Look also for gaps in the market place – yellow pages can be a good source for doing this. What are your competitors doing? Consider your market position and where you want to be in your market… High Quality Low Price High Price Low Quality Talk to people from potential target markets and do research on them to find out if there’s likely to be a demand for your business from them. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 48 - You should end up with the key characteristics for typical customers in your target market. If your target market is limited by geography, you should try to work it to death and decimate it. For example, a florist or restaurant could mail frequently to everyone in the area, the owner can knock on doors to personally introduce themselves, they can throw a party for everyone in the neighbourhood, send holiday greetings, make charity efforts, etc. You can also make offers that are targeted. For example, a travel agent may have a questionnaire for customers to fill in about their holiday preferences. They are then send marketing material that ties in with their preferences. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 49 - Section 9 Unique Selling Proposition (USP) “We even sell a pair of earrings for under £1, which is cheaper than a prawn sandwich from Marks & Spencers. But I have to say the earrings probably won’t last as long. Gerald Ratner: speech to the Institute Of Directors, Albert Hall 23 April 1991 When It Absolutely, Positively, Has To Be There You need a USP or a UPB (unique perceived benefit). Theoretically a UPB is more customer focused, but either way, you need one. You need to give your customers a reason to choose you ahead of the competition and your USP is a great way of doing this. This is what a USP should do… It’s the one thing that really differentiates you from your competition. It helps give you the WOW factor that makes your customers stand up and take notice. It makes your prospects think I must have this product or service. The reason it’s perceived is that is doesn’t have to be unique to you but must be perceived as such to your prospect. All your competitors may do the same thing but if they don’t tell anyone about it and you do, you’re unique in the minds of your customers. Very few small businesses do this and if you do, it will give you the edge. It will be the cornerstone of all your marketing efforts. Here are some great USP examples… Fed Ex – when it absolutely, positively, has to be there. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 50 - Dominoes Pizza – red hot pizza delivered to your door in less than 30 minutes or its free. Avis Car Rentals – we’re number two, we try harder. Polo mints – the mint with the hole. Often, you find your doing them anyway but just aren’t telling your customers. How To Find Your USP or UPB Your USP must convey a benefit Let’s first make sure you understand the difference between features and benefits… Features ABS Brakes Benefit Stopping on ice won’t kill you Accountant- accounts in 30 days or you don’t pay You will never get a late filing penalty and have your accounts ready to help raise finance whenever you need them Mobile Phone You can make calls wherever you are A dog Never be lonely Now look at all the features of your product or service and write down all the benefits that go with those features. Areas to consider, especially compared to your competition are… Product/Service Quality – cost, build, image. Delivery of product – speed, efficiency & quality. Employees – friendly, happy & efficient. Billing – prompt, fair, easily understood. Complaints – speed, effectiveness of resolution. Customer – satisfaction & loyalty. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 51 - The best benefit could be the basis of your USP. Keep this list as you can make use of all the other benefits in later marketing tools. Other ways to develop your USP… Think of why should your customers choose your business product/service as against every other competitive option available to them. This is the essence of a USP. What do you offer that your customers can’t get for themselves. What keeps them awake at night, what are they afraid of, what are their angers and frustrations & how can you solve them. What would customers love from your business. Do your customers have a bias in how they make decisions, such as engineers may be analytical, so having a USP that compliments this may be beneficial. Are you unique because of something you have done such as written a book, invented a product, etc so you could be the basis of your USP. If you offer an intangible service, it can be harder because customers can’t see or feel the service. You need to try and make it more tangible. This can be by turning a service into a product with a name such as an accountant having “The Super Tax Saving System”. Apart from a name, you can make it look tangible using graphics to design a book or box cover for it, such as on the front of this report. You can then use the name on adverts, stationery, signature lines on email, etc to help promote it as a product to make it more tangible to potential customers. Other accountants could be offering the same service but they don’t make it clear to their prospects. Once you’ve got a product you can use this as the basis of your USP. Packaging your service can also make it easier for customers to see the benefits and so be less price resistant as customers can now no longer directly compare what you do with your competitors. You can package services by writing down everything you do for a customer with a specific service, giving it a USP, give it a name and draw it in a flow diagram. Have you got a trademark? If your product is trademarked then that is unique and you can build this into your USP. It costs to get a trademark for your name but it can be worth it as it adds credibility. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 52 - Write every idea down, no matter how crazy it seems. Once you’ve written down the above, think about the possibilities that are there are for you. Now get rid of the unrealistic ones, those you dislike, those that your competitors are already using and see what you have left. What do you like best? This may be your USP that you are going to use as the star of your business. You must be able to deliver on your USP throughout your organisation. If you fail to live up to it, it won’t work for you. How To Write Your USP You want to write your USP in a way that excites people in one or two clear sentences. Think of lots of different ways of getting your message across and write them down, bounce ideas off of other people, take a break and come back and think some more. Here are some guidelines… Keep it short Make it vague but back it up with specifics when expanding upon on it. Make sure there is a positive image Convey impact and emotion. Here are some words that may help you in writing your USP… Because we care Add value We care You can count on us Proven results Proven time and time again Technology Systems Risk On time Predictable Your Way The way you want it Control Number one Create Make it happen How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 53 - Special Revolution Smart It Works Excellence Right Answer You always get Help Now choose the one that really appeals to you and work on it some more. Ask friends and colleagues what they think. You can always improve on it later but get a USP now and start using it. Now you’ve got it make sure everyone knows about it, publicise it on all your marketing materials. If what you offer is service based rather than based on price, ensure your USP reflects this. Your USP can’t appeal to everyone. You could of course develop businesses with different USP’s that effectively compete against each other. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 54 - Section 10 “Guaran-damn-tee it” With Risk Reversal “Promise, large promise, is the soul of an advertisement” Samuel Johnson 1709 – 84: The Idler 20 January 1759 Remove The Risk Completely Every time a customer buys from you they are taking a risk. If you reduce or eliminate those risks, it makes it far easier for them to do business with you and your sales will soon grow dramatically. If you’re good at what you do, offer good products, etc there shouldn’t be any problem in guaranteeing what you sell. As we covered right at the beginning, it’s critical that you or your product is good. If you don’t have a good product or service or you get lots of complaints about it, you need to solve that problem before you start using risk reversal. Here is an example of risk reversal from a horse dealing business… A couple wanted to purchase a pony for their daughter. They went to one dealer who said if the pony she chose wasn’t right, she could bring it back and exchange it for another. The price of the pony was £1000. This is commonplace amongst horse dealers and is their idea of risk reversal. The customer is still locked into having to get another pony from that dealer. Compare this to what a horse dealer who really understands the full extent of risk reversal… The dealer says “it’s important your daughter is happy with her pony in every way. Please take the pony, let your daughter look after it and try it out for two weeks. I’ll provide you with the hay to last during this period. If your daughter is happy with it, pay me for it then. If not, I’ll come and collect it, and tidy out your stable”. This dealer knows the pony is a good pony, there is a trial period and there’s nothing to pay until completely happy. The dealer also understands that once the daughter gets the pony home, she’s going to fall in love with it. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 55 - Even if the price was more at £1250, which one do you think the parents would choose to buy from? That’s the power of great risk reversal. Proper risk reversal gives you the competitive advantage to outsell your competitors many times over. Another example of fantastic risk reversal is a publication that offers to give a refund and buy you a subscription to a competitor’s publication if you are dissatisfied with them. It’s fair to say that the publisher has a good product and are very successful at what they do. Their product may be similar to competitors but by providing such a guarantee they are completely differentiating themselves from those competitors. The additional benefit of offering such guarantees is that is makes people think you must be good, or you wouldn’t offer them. To find your guarantee(s), look at what your customers want to hear, that no one else dares to make and then fulfil it better than any of your competitors. Think about what your clients get and want from your service, how they would suffer if they didn’t have it, what common objections, or irritations they may have about your industry. Then work out how you can guarantee this for them. Common objections are cost and they won’t get the result they are expecting. Also look at what guarantees your competitors are offering. Often they aren’t but if they are, just figure out how you can make your guarantees even better. A few other examples of guarantees… Try us for 3 months and if you’re not completely happy, there’s nothing to pay – no questions asked. You only pay for the new clients we get for you, however much it costs us to get them Taxi to your door in 15 minutes or the ride’s free If your accounts aren’t ready in 21 days, there’s nothing to pay. TGI Fridays guaranteed that if your food wasn’t on the table in 10 minutes, you don’t pay. If you’re not completely satisfied with the product, return it at any time in the next 30 days and you’re money back. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 56 - The more you offer, the more meaningful the guarantee. For example, with the last guarantee it would mean more if the customer didn’t have to pay until the 30 days were up and you paid the return carriage. How far you go or is sensible will vary from business to business and what you are selling but the further you go, the more impact it has. Guarantees make customers feel comfortable doing business with you and make it easy for them to do business with you. To add credibility to your guarantee it helps to explain why you are offering it. You’ll see this in the following example guarantee you could apply to most service businesses… “First Year Full Refund Guarantee -if at any time in the first 365 days of our relationship you are not happy with my work, you can cancel our arrangement and you’ll have 100% of any fees you’ve paid REFUNDED without question. This is offered because our services are intangible and it’s all very well me saying I can help you, but until you’ve experienced my service I appreciate you may have doubts and I understand that. You shouldn’t shoulder the risk if I don’t meet your expectations. I believe I am good at what I do with proactive advice. Your year’s trial gives you plenty of time to judge for yourself. Thereafter, you always have the right to cancel our arrangement at any time.” Are You Worried Customers Will Take Advantage? You can’t guarantee that you’ll never get a customer take advantage but what has been proven time and time again is that if you offer a good product or service the additional sales from offering proper risk reversal will outweigh any downside many times over. Powerful risk reversal can increase sales by 300% and the attrition rate will rarely exceed 5%. The vast majority of people buy for perfectly good reasons. They want a good product, not to take advantage of your guarantees. To Improve The Power Of Guarantees… Write the guarantees positively, such as the following camera example… “if you don’t think it’s the sharpest picture ever…” and not How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 57 - “if you think it’s a poor quality picture…” Look for guarantees that can be measured and be specific. You can improve the impact when writing the guarantee by saying it twice… “Receive a full 100% refund of every penny you paid” Call it a Free Trial Offer – return it in 90 days or your money back. Try not to put any conditions on your guarantee or it will take away from the power of it. The longer the time period the guarantee relates to, the more powerful it is. Offer better than risk free guarantees. Acknowledge the value of people’s time and faith by offering an extra reward on top of their money back. So take your guarantees and write them to WOW your customers. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 58 - Section 11 Testimonials & Case Studies “What I tell you three times is true” Lewis Carroll 1832 – 98 The Hunting of the Snark (1876) If your prospects don’t believe you, you won’t make the sale. This is where the power of testimonials comes in. It’s praise from your existing customers, the media, other experts or even a celebrity. They are extremely powerful. The testimonials you collect can be used… In most lead generation tools such as sales letters and adverts. In your reception area on display or in a folder. As a way of overcoming objections to specific points in sales meetings. So how do you get testimonials? You ask your customers for them, particularly at the time they are most likely to be positive about your service or product which is when they have just experienced using it. Tell them it would really be doing you a favour and most will oblige if they are happy. Write them for the client. It’s best if you get the client to tell you a few things in their own words about using you and then write it for them. They may just arrive in the post. People just say them on the phone or in a meeting so just ask if you can quote them on what they said. Competitions – offer a prize to your customers for the best letter of “why I use…” in 30 words or less. Feedback forms – with open-ended questions. Offer a free gift in exchange for testimonials. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 59 - Any testimonial is better than none but these are the golden rules of increasing their effectiveness… Get different testimonials to cover different aspects of your product or service. One testimonial can cover more than one aspect of your affairs. Identify the person giving the testimonial. This could be their name, company, location, etc. To add extra power give the telephone number or email address of the person giving the testimonial. In reality the people giving these details won’t be contacted very often, just giving them is what gives the proof they are real. Get permission to use the testimonial. Try to make them specific. It saved me £480 is better than it saved me lots. It’s more credible. Ensure they say positive things about your business. “Put quotation marks around your testimonials” Get testimonials from male & female customers. A photo of the person giving the testimonial would make it even more powerful. The before and after photos of weight watchers are extremely powerful when added to a testimonial. Use as many testimonials as possible. You can get testimonials other than on paper. Think how powerful a video testimonial of one of your customers running in your reception area or shop may be. Or perhaps they could speak at a seminar you’re giving. There are a few types of businesses where testimonials are harder to use. For example in a legal practice client affairs are more confidential and it’s not always appropriate for others to know what legal advice they are receiving. They may still be able to say something along the following lines… “Although client affairs are confidential, I do have many clients who have said they would be happy for potential new clients to speak with them. If you would like to speak to some existing clients, let me know what you’re looking for from the service and I’ll put you in touch with a few clients who have received this.” How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 60 - Case Studies Case studies are a form of expanded testimonial. Providing specific and detailed real life case studies is another way to help overcome the doubters. In an ideal world you’ll have a case study for every benefit you offer. Give the case study a title or headline, then outline the problem, give the background information; explain how the problem was solved and the result obtained. You should go into detail and be as specific as possible. The best format for a case study is an editorial style just like newspapers use and you’ll learn more about this style later. It involves having a headline in bold at the top of the page, using two or more columns, keeping sentences short, indent and vary your paragraph lengths. Add a testimonial from the customer concerned. Always add your contact details to each page. You can then just print them out yourself direct from your PC as needed. They are a more powerful form of testimonial you can use in all the places you use testimonials. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 61 - Section 12 Your Pricing Strategy “For I don’t care too much for money, For Money Can’t Buy Me Love” John Lennon & Paul McCartney: Can’t Buy Me Love (1964 song) What’s The Best Price? The more you can differentiate your products or services from others the wider the range of possible prices you may be able to charge as the customer has little to compare what you are offering against. If you can differentiate what you are offering, a higher price may work better. People automatically value high priced items more than low priced items and some people just wouldn’t buy a low priced item on the belief it is also low quality. The perceived value to the customer must be greater than the price or they won’t buy. Your price will not ultimately be determined by you but by what your prospects are prepared to pay. You can only find this out by testing different prices. You will have always have a minimum price below which it doesn’t make sense to sell your product or service. You’ve got your overheads to cover and the minimum amount you need to earn to cover your personal living costs. To test for the optimum price you need to test some price points. If you can differentiate what you do, look at raising prices by 25% or 50%. If you can’t differentiate what you sell from your competitors, small increases are likely to be more relevant. Then record the results. You also need to test to see if price decreases make you more profit. It has been proven in studies that the price sensitive points work such as £99 rather than £100, although it has also been shown more recently that many people now read £99 as £100 and that you actually need to change a 9 to a 7 with many people for it to have an impact. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 62 - Make sure you measure the impact of price movements on profit and not on sales levels. Let’s look at an example for a company selling widgets… Sales (1000 widgets at £100 each) Cost of sales (1000 widgets at £70 each) 100,000 (70,000) Gross Profit 30,000 Fixed overheads 25,000 Profit 5,000 The company wants to know if is going to better off by reducing prices by 10% or increasing them by 10%. The only way to find out is to test. After testing, they find out … Option 1 of reducing prices by 10% results in a 20% increase in quantity sold And Option 2 of increasing prices by 10% results in a 20% fall in quantity sold. Which should they do? It’s tempting to go for option 1 with 20% more sales with only a price cut of 10% but lets look at what happens… Option 1 Sales 1200 × £90 Option 2 108,000 800 × £110 88,000 Cost of Sales 1200 × £70 84,000 Gross Profit 24,000 32,000 (25,000) (25,000) (1,000) 7,000 Fixed overheads Net Profit 800 × £70 56,000 Raising prices is better. In addition you have less work to do for more money. Every situation will vary depending on your profit margins, which is why it’s important to do the numbers. However, using discount pricing will generally mean you do have to significantly increase sales volumes to make more profit. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 63 - The following chart gives you an idea of the effect on your profitability by showing the quantity your sales would need to increase or decrease if you reduced or increased your prices. You can use this table as a guide to your pricing policy. If your present gross profit percentage is: 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% And your To increase your profit, your sales volume must increase by prices more than… fall by 2% 11% 9% 7% 6% 5% 5% 4% 4% 3% 4% 25% 19% 15% 13% 11% 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 43% 32% 25% 21% 18% 15% 14% 12% 11% 8% 67% 47% 36% 30% 25% 22% 19% 17% 15% 10% 100% 67% 50% 40% 33% 29% 25% 22% 20% 12% 150% 92% 67% 52% 43% 36% 32% 28% 25% 14% 233% 127% 88% 67% 54% 45% 39% 34% 30% 16% 400% 178% 114% 84% 67% 55% 47% 41% 36% 18% 900% 257% 150% 106% 82% 67% 56% 49% 43% 20% - 400% 200% 133% 100% 80% 67% 57% 50% 25% - 500% 250% 167% 125% 100% 83% 71% If your present gross profit percentage is: 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% And your prices To increase your profit, your sales volume must not rise reduce by more than.. by 2% 9% 7% 6% 5% 5% 4% 4% 4% 3% 4% 17% 14% 12% 10% 9% 8% 7% 7% 6% 6% 23% 19% 17% 15% 13% 12% 11% 10% 9% 8% 29% 24% 21% 19% 17% 15% 14% 13% 12% 10% 33% 19% 25% 22% 20% 18% 17% 15% 14% 12% 38% 32% 29% 26% 23% 21% 19% 18% 17% 14% 41% 36% 32% 29% 26% 24% 22% 20% 19% 16% 44% 39% 35% 31% 29% 26% 24% 23% 21% 18% 47% 42% 38% 34% 31% 29% 26% 25% 23% 20% 50% 44% 40% 36% 33% 31% 29% 27% 25% 25% 56% 50% 45% 42% 38% 36% 33% 31% 29% How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 64 - In the average UK Company, that makes a 5% net profit on its sales, a 1% price increase will increase the net profit percentage to 6% which is actually a 20% rise in profits from just a 1% sales increase. How many of your customers would leave if there was just a 1% price increase. Would you stop drinking your favourite drink down the pub if its price went up by just 1%? Value Pricing Using pricing systems such as cost plus a standard mark-up, will not maximize your profits. Pricing according to the perceived value the customer gets gives you the opportunity to charge higher mark-ups on some items. Before setting your prices give consideration to the following… Your customers’ characteristics such as age, sex, income, etc and try to determine their ability to pay you. Their psychological characteristic to determine what they are willing to pay and for what. Some are risk averse, require a high level of detail, have different concerns and expectations all of which have an effect. How price sensitive is the customer? How much work is needed? What are the risks of the work? Is it required urgently? Are you the only one who can deliver it for them? Who is the competition? Will the sale lead to more sales? How sophisticated is the customer? Do you like the customer? What do your competitors charge? When you are in a commodity business you can only sell on cheap price. However if you add value such as McDonald’s do with their Happy Meals & Toys, you differentiate your commodity from others. Allowing you to sell not at the cheapest price. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 65 - The following pricing strategies may also help… Avoid comparing apples with apples to make direct price comparison easy. Make a comparison with something else. For example. if selling a tape of a business seminar, you may sell it for £50 but normal business seminar tapes sell for £10. Therefore compare it with the actual cost of attending the seminar, say £100. Bulk = value, so when selling something like an apple, you could list every vitamin in it to increase its value. Or every chapter in a book, every song on a CD, etc. Discuss the price paid to develop the offer – the amount of time and money you have invested. Break the price into small amounts; say 3 monthly payments of £9 charged to your credit card rather than £27. Lottery tickets work on this basis as well at £1 per ticket rather than £52 per year. Too many low priced items are likely to encourage low priced purchases and any expensive items are disregarded. Consider the effect of prices in relation to each other. The effect of a low price may mean you sell more of one particular product but that product may then have more add-ons. Describe your price as an “investment”. On a menu, don’t line up prices directly underneath each other as it makes price comparison very easy and will lead to more of the lower priced items being chosen… Fish & Chips…………………………. £5.90 Steak & Kidney………………………. £6.40 Pizza………………………………….. £6.20 Burger & Chips………………………. £4.80 However, the ultimate way to determine your best price is to test. How To Raise Prices… Tell them in advance a number of times but make the actual increase less than they were anticipating. Put your prices up at the same time as the rest of your industry. Reduce prices of some items, especially those that are bought less. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 66 - Make price rises 6 monthly rather than annually to make them look smaller. Explain why the price has gone up. Let them know if it’s due to improvements. Change the discount structure completely, so they can’t compare it against the old. It helps to raise the prices of unusual items and not standard items. Repackage items when increasing prices to help disguise price increases. Discounting For Profit Get sales people to use discounts as a targeted tool, not offer them to everyone. Ensure discounts are monitored and controlled for each salesman with limits set. Strategic discounts such as 20% discount for sales above £1000 rather than 5% on all sales may work better as they would have bought anyway. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 67 - Section 13 Get Your Fonts RigHt “No man but a blockhead ever wrote, except for money” Samuel Johnson 1709 – 84: in James Boswell Life Of Johnson (1791) Getting the right font in your sales letters, adverts, reports, fax shots, etc can make all the difference and numerous studies have shown this. Serif Fonts For body copy, long headlines and subheadings use a serif font. A serif font is recognisable by the feet at the bottom of the letters. n These feet make it easier to read across passages of text. This body of this report is set in Times New Roman, which is a serif font. This and courier are probably the best serif fonts. Generally, in body copy or letters you should use size 11 to 13 fonts. The more elderly may be suited to a font size of up to 15. This body is set in size 12 although how big a font size is will vary from font to font. Sans Serif Fonts Use these for short headlines. These letters don’t have feet and the title heading above is set in Arial, which is a sans serif font. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 68 - Script Fonts Script fonts give an impression of personal handwriting that may be suitable in personal invitations or as the P.S. on a sales letter. You should choose one serif font and one sans serif and stick to these in everything you do to build consistency. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 69 - Section 14 Customer Satisfaction Is Of No Use “A man without a smiling face should not open a shop” Only Loyalty Matters The customer is the most important person in the world, right? Again, if there were two people left in the world and one has to die, you or the customer, who would it be? Now, we’re agreed you are the most important person in the world. The problem is that the customer thinks they are and that’s why you have to treat them that way if your business is to be successful. Would you believe that if your customers are satisfied, you’re in trouble? That’s right, you read it correctly… Let’s say you have a 95% customer satisfaction rating. Sounds great, but what it means is that you have 5% going round telling everyone how awful you are. The other 95% felt ok about you so they may shop with you but they could shop anywhere – they don’t have any special loyalty to you. What’s more, a dissatisfied customer is 20 times more likely to tell someone. So if 95% of your customers are happy, you’ll have more negative than positive messages out in the market place. It’s loyalty you should be after, not just satisfaction. For example, the typical customer satisfaction question may ask “did you enjoy your stay?” or “were we friendly?” The only answers these give are ones of satisfaction, not designed to find out if the customer felt great and had a memorable experience. How about asking… “Describe the most memorable thing that took place during your last transaction” How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 70 - or having a large checkbox for them to tick if nothing memorable happened. Choose “How” & “Why” questions when doing customer surveys – “How will you recommend us?” and “Why would you recommend us?” When you get answers to these types of questions, you know you’ve created a truly memorable impression. Now you can find out if they are just satisfied or whether what you do creates loyalty to your business. When customer satisfaction surveys are carried out, the results must be used. How Customers Are Treated Here are typical examples of how most businesses treat their customers and why their customers will never be anything more than just satisfied… “We’ve done all we can…” “You’ll have to…” “That’s not my job…” “The person who deals with that is on holiday” “Our policy says…” “We’re out of stock, I don’t know when we’ll have some more” “What seems to be the problem” “Let me transfer you” “I’ll have to check if that’s OK” “Sorry, that offer ended yesterday” “Why didn’t you…” An insincere “Sorry about that” “You don’t have to be rude about it” “I’m just doing my job” And aren’t those computerised phone systems great for customer service, not! How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 71 - The list is endless. So many people seem to act like they’re doing the customer a favour. The best rule to follow is… If you wouldn’t like it done to you, don’t do it to someone else. Customers want help, not “hell”. They also want value, communication, a willing attitude, reliability, assurance, empathy and exceptional service. But all they get from most businesses is lousy service. Customer service is about your business soul, putting the customers needs first. For example a father buying a first bike for his son may be attracted to a great looking bike that isn’t the best for a beginner. Pointing them towards a cheaper bike more suited to a beginner will get you paid back many times over in the future. Try to be a problem solver, not a bringer of problems, add value and treat customers as friends. Decide what all your customers needs and frustrations are and develop your product or service to meet these. Think about why you stay loyal to certain suppliers. Customers are your pay cheque and they are the pay cheque for all your employees as well. Because every aspect of your business can translate into customer service, the reality is that every employee in an organisation should consider themselves in the customer service and sales business. Your kids and their kids eat because the customer buys. When a customer complaint gets the response “they don’t pay me enough to listen to this” and the customer is lost, you can probably multiply the annual sales volume from that customer by 20 to establish the real cost when you take account of their lifetime value and that of referrals. Standing in line and queuing is everywhere. Rather than just the typical “stand in line” or “who’s next” it doesn’t take much to say “I’ll be with you in just a second.” Being Friendly People want to deal with friendly people. The whole organisation set-up has to be friendly and the tone is set by the bosses. Friendliness has to come from the inside. Some useful tips to help with being friendly… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 72 - Let your staff have input as to how the business can be friendlier. Hire happy people & fire the grumpy ones – get double the benefit by letting them go to your competition. You can’t really manage anything you can’t measure, so measure friendliness. Ask for a rating from 1 to 10 for friendliness in customer surveys. Answer the phone as if it’s a friend you haven’t seen in years. Smile at people. WOW Your Customers Go the extra mile. What will make people talk about you, look forward to doing business with you and make them tell others about you. It’s the WOW factor and it helps to create loyalty. 50% of all business is word of mouth, that’s how important it is to have the WOW factor. The following are examples of the WOW factor at work… A dentist, who mainly deals with children, lowered the floor level of the receptionists’ area so they would be at the same height as the children. They put up huge photos of each dentist with a bit about them and their hobbies and then let the children choose their dentist. They also gave away a free bicycle to all children who followed a tooth healthcare programme of regularly brushing their teeth. Can you imagine the reaction when other kids asked, “Where did you get that new bike?” and the response was “from my dentist”. Where do you think all those other children wanted to go for their dentist? They also called patients the next day after treatment to see how they were. If you are a garage and it’s raining, do you escort your customers to their car with an umbrella? If you don’t have a spare part, do you call other garages for them and find out where they can get their car done and then give them directions to get their. When introducing a customer to another member of staff to look after, how about saying something like “Tom, I want you to take care of my special friend, Mr Smith” If a customer is making a choice of shoes at £60 but there is a pair at £40 that would be better for them, if you said “that choice of shoes is How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 73 - great, but not the best for your type of foot…”, you would gain a customer for life rather than just make a one off sale. When it’s getting close to closing time and a customer asks how late are you open, a wow reply would be “We’re open as late as you are here Sir”. Offer crayons to kids that are waiting and cappuccino and croissants to parents. Offer free use of your photocopier for up to 5 copies. It costs next to nothing and gets people coming into your business. Interact with your customers. In an aeroplane delay, having a contest to guess the collective age of the cabin crew can overcome a bad situation. Use the customer’s name. Even in a shop, you can see the name on the credit card, so use it. Nominate some of your business customers for business awards. The Royal Bank Of Scotland offer two cards for Transvestites – one with a picture of a man and one a woman. Give surprise thank you’s. For example if you are a car dealer and the second hand car that was part exchanged sold quicker than you expected, send a £50 bonus to the customer who supplied it. Who do you think they will buy their next car from? When in a store a customer is asked “can I help you?”, it’s not very inspiring and the response most times is “no thanks”. If instead you asked, “have you shopped here before?” you may get the response “no” in which case you can say “Great we have a special program for new customers”. If they say “yes”, you then say “Great we have a special program for returning customers” Angry Customers, Complaints & Policies Did you ever wonder why roses come in dozens when a lover is saying “sorry”? Well, research shows it takes 12 positive impressions to overcome a single negative one. Customers leave for the following reasons… There is no show of genuine interest. Poor response. Unavailable. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 74 - Hard to order from – long waits, no knowledge. Unfriendly people in the front line. Rude or poor debt collection practices. Over promising and under delivering. Inability to handle the customer’s problems. Being too pushy to do more business. Poor professional image. Poor excuses about “why you cant”. Penny pinching – charging for every incidental like photocopies & phone calls. Poor quality product. Poor service delivery. Poor training. From this list you can see that all staff are in the customer service business. If they are going to offer outstanding customer service they need to understand the principles of your business, not it’s policies. Policies tell you what you can’t do. Customers hate policies. An example is menus that have “No Substitution” written on them. So rather than saying “it’s not our policy………. to piss everyone off” try changing the words that are used to along the lines of “in order to be fair to everyone….” Look to write your policy in terms of things you can do as well as what you can’t. Customers want solutions, not excuses. Start with “yes, the best way to get that done is….” The only place where policies are acceptable are in a prison where there is a captive audience. And of all the angry customers… 91% who leave will never return. 96% won’t say why they left. 80% will do business with you again if you handle their problem correctly. It’s not who’s right or wrong that matters, but how you react to the problem. Don’t take complaints personally but do take them seriously. It turns “you against them” into “you with them”. The customers may simply be taking their own personal problems out on you. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 75 - When dealing with a complaint, the customer wants to know you are on their side, you care and are going to sort the problem, not defend your corner. Rather than just saying “sorry” how about starting with “Oh, that’s horrible”, said with empathy & feeling. You need to react, respond and recover. You must resolve the situation and let the customer know what you are doing about it. You should also recontact the customer afterwards to ensure everything has now been dealt with for them. For example, let’s say a wrong item was delivered and the customer calls to complain. React with “oh, that’s horrible” and then tell them what and when it will be done. Even better, continue with “You’ve qualified for our wrong delivery, customer bonus program. Here’s how it works…” Now you have the chance to turn a bad situation into a WOW situation. Here are examples of ways that a negative could be turned into a positive… A Hotel room not ready when a guest arrives – upgrade to a better room and a free breakfast. An item a customer has ordered is out of stock – call other stores to locate the item and have it delivered free to the customer. Plus a 15% discount on anything else bought today only. Now when the customer tells someone else about their experience, it will totally change how the story is told. Don’t say “On behalf of ….. I apologise” but just take responsibility and say “I apologise”. You could also add “Thank you for letting me know”. The customer isn’t interested in lame excuses but just in what you are going to do about it. Never blame someone else. If you take the phone call, you should take responsibility for the problem. Make sure the customer knows your name. In the event you can’t actually deal with the complaint but need someone else to, don’t just say “ I can’t help you, I’ll have to transfer you to a manager”. Say something like “the best way I can help you right now is…..” Here are some top tips for dealing with complaints… Understand what the complaint is. Have empathy. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 76 - Listen and ask questions – don’t interrupt. Agree if at all possible. Take notes and confirm everything back. Say you’ll handle it personally. Give the customer options. Respond immediately and as a matter of urgency. Try to find some common ground or rapport. Agree a solution and tell the customer what you plan to do and DO IT. Make a follow up call after it is resolved. Learn from it to try to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Ensure all disputes and complaints are recorded and the resolution of the complaints monitored at a senior level Whether you agree or not with the complaint, the customer’s perception is REALITY. You can’t win an argument with an angry customer. Give Help Without The Expectation Of Return Suppose a local business called an accountant to say, “I need an accountant to verify that a copy of my passport is an original copy, for a business bank account I need to open. How much do you charge?” The first accountant may say “it’s not our policy to do that for non clients” The second accountant may say “that will be £30” But the third accountant may say “it won’t take a moment of my time, in fact I’m out your way later this afternoon, why don’t I pop in and do it for you, no charge”. They then also take the interest to find out which bank they have chosen and advise them that another bank is presently offering 24 months free banking for new businesses and “if you want I’ll call the manager for you and make an introduction.” No accountant is guaranteed to get the business but we all know which one is most likely to when the business decide to appoint an accountant. And which accountant are they likely to recommend to others. Give first and you will be repaid many times over. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 77 - The Phone’s Ringing, Is Someone Going To Answer? First impressions count and this is often the first contact a prospect has with your business. Do you always answer the phone in the same way, so that you know how the customer will get the same experience each time. Avoid interrogations… “Who’s calling?” “Where are you calling from?” “What’s it concerning?” “Does he know you?” You wouldn’t do this if you knew it was a prospect, so don’t take the chance. Put people straight through, may be don’t even ask their name. Sure, you’ll take some sales calls but so what. The difference to both prospects and existing customers will be so positive. Your first words need to be friendly. All staff need to be trained in how to deal with queries, particularly the top 25 queries your business gets. The first few words make all the difference. How about using some of these… Great No problem That’s my favourite problem I think we can solve that I’m sure there’s a way I think I can help Yes Cool Can do Consider it done Rather than saying, “you’ll have to wait till next Thursday”, why not say “you’re in luck, we’ve got a slot available next Thursday. Same answer with different words can make all the difference to how it is perceived. You need the words, the tone and the intent. What sounds more real “Have a nice day” or “thanks for your business”? Whenever, you say something to a customer, think about how it would sound if you put the word “grandma” at the end… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 78 - “It’s not out policy, grandma” “That’s not my job, grandma” “We’re closed, grandma” If you wouldn’t say it to your grandma, don’t say it to your customers. Just think, if by changing the way you answered the phone, you generated just £100 more of sales per day, that’s £36,500 per year. Check your own voice mail to see how it sounds. Something like “I’m either on my phone or away from my desk” is hardly inspiring. Other telephone tips… Check calls are answered promptly. If the customer cannot be put straight through, make sure they are informed and not just left waiting. Have enough lines to avoid engaged signals. Ensure prospects put through to the right competent individual? Customer Visits To The Premises Is a map available for customers and is it provided? Are visitors acknowledged immediately and given priority attention and made to feel welcome? Are staff dressed suitably? Are refreshments offered and are they of the right standard? Are the premises always clean & tidy and display the appropriate image? Are the toilets clean & fully provisioned? To Get Loyalty Be unusual where usual is expected. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 79 - Get business for your customers. Give valuable information. Be proactive. Give service after the sale. e.g. product use advice. Give the best service ever. Friendly service. Answer the phone in a memorable way. Give customers something they will use every day and show to others. For example have a “Customer Of The Day” award printed on a coffee mug. Rather than just having one, why not have one for all the employees you have to give out each day for their customer of the day. The mug could even entitle the customer to special discounts to encourage extra purchases. Go beyond what is expected. Be your own customer or get a mystery shopper to do it for you once a month and see how it feels dealing with your own business. Call before and after hours and at lunchtime. Try asking for the MD and see if you get through. Try placing an order or call with a complaint. See how much of the loyalty factor there is in your business. Business Is Great & We’re Looking For More Whenever anyone asks, “how’s business?” that natural response is often “we’re busy” or “I’m busy”. Whilst this may sound like you’re doing well and successful, think of how it sounds to the customer. It sounds like you’re too busy for them, too busy to offer the service they need and certainly too busy to take on referrals. A better response, suggested by Chris Frederiksen a leader in the accountancymarketing field would be “Business is great and we’re looking for more”. Have a swear bucket for every time you use the “busy” word. Your Mission Statement Rather than having a mission statement along the lines of “To be the best” or “To be the leader in our field”, every mission statement should really have at it’s core… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 80 - “Treat every customer in such a meaningful way that when the transaction is complete, the customer tells someone else how great it was!” Focus Groups Focus Groups or Client Advisory Boards are a group of your customers who meet with the purpose of coming up with recommendations of what you could be doing to improve customer service. Who better to let you know what needs doing. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 81 - Section 15 More Preparation I have heard of a man who had a mind to sell his house, and therefore carried a piece of brick in his pocket, which he showed as a pattern to encourage purchasers. Jonathan Swift 1667 – 1745: The Drapier’s Letters (1724) Here is a whole list of other things you should consider and put in place before you commence marketing… Your Business Name The name of your business or service or product can have a dramatic effect, so give it proper consideration. You often find short names, plurals of names and initials work to good effect. Ask other people what they think of your name. Sole Traders and Partnerships can use their surname(s) as their business name or trade with a different name must they must include the proprietors or partners name on their business stationery. A Limited Company must register its name at Companies House and will only be able to use that name if there is not already a company registered with that name. It can trade under a different name but the official name of the company must appear on business stationery. Geographic Location If location is critical it is important to get this right first, before you start. In some instances location can be so critical that if you get it wrong, the business won’t work. Certain pubs & restaurants are good examples. For an inbound business such as shops, dentists and garages consider the travel time of customers, travel routes and competitors locations. For an outbound business such as plumbers, electrician and consultants consider the cost/time efficiencies of travelling to the customer. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 82 - Company Image The problem with image is it’s often not real. You need an image that is you so that it’s honest and credible. People will then trust you. Do this by asking other people how they see you. Once you know who you really are, make sure everything you do in the business reflects that. Your marketing materials should be consistent with the image you are trying to convey… Is the marketing material up to date and state of the art? Is the paper quality good? Does the logo portray the right image? Do the marketing materials reflect the USP? Do the marketing materials address common customer queries? Do the marketing materials reflect the image you want customers to receive? Colour & Shape Guide Just how far you take this guide is up to you. If nothing else it’s bit of light relief but colours and shapes can have an impact, so consider these when putting together your stationery and marketing materials. Shape & Colour Male/Female Preference Association Blue Male High Reliable, Intelligent Blue Female Low Depressing, Professional Black Male High Rich, Elegant, Reliable Black Female High Sensuous White Both Low Sterile Red Male Low Excitement Red Female High Warm Yellow Both Low Sunshine, Brightness Green Both Low Leisure Orange Both Low Good-Taste, Healthful Pink Male Low Calm, Relaxing Pink Female High Therapeutic Brown Male High High In Quality Brown Female High Rich, Warm Circle Male Low Feminine, Soft, Weak Circle Female High Tender, Loving, Warm Square Male High Solid, Predictable, Sure Square Female Low Brittle, Hard, Abrasive Triangle Male Low Mysterious, Powerful Triangle Female Low Forceful, Threatening How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 83 - Your Logo Your logo is not likely to be critical for a small business, as the type of marketing that is best for small businesses isn’t brand type marketing, as you will see. However, a logo doesn’t really cost much, so get one and put it on your marketing materials. Stick to a single logo with an easy to understand image. Make sure its appropriate, clear and then use it everywhere you can. Stationery You want some panache and pizzazz, right? Consider the paper, colour, logo, typeface, strapline and the layout. Do it professionally so you’re not seen as a fly by night outfit. Your business card has 2 sides, so use them both and have a selling message on them. Your Premises They should reflect what you are trying to portray with your décor and choice of furnishings. This doesn’t always mean you want them to look expensive, as you may not want people to think they are paying for your luxury premises. Use posters and blow-ups of adverts and press articles about you inside the building. Your premises need to be tidy both inside and out. An untidy premises infers an untidy disorganised business. How often do you see the team at McDonalds tidying up outside – they know it matters. Tax Inspectors are trained to interview people in rooms without any other files. What this does is create an impression they have all the time in the world to look into your affairs. Take a look at how tidy your premises look and whether it conveys the impression you want. The following are also all relevant to your premises… Is the temperature inviting? How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 84 - Is the smell right? Are all items in your store priced and is the price tag attractive? Are the goods well organised in an easy to find manner? Are the chairs comfortable? What are the toilets like? If your address isn’t the greatest, consider if renting a mailbox in a posh part of town would help. Sometimes you may want to make it look busy and more successful, especially if you are a new business. So you can park your cars in some customer spaces, have people ring the phone in the background when you’re in a meeting, etc. How about hiring some extra staff or even pretend customers when an important prospect is coming? Have reserved spaces for visitors so that they can always park. Displays Particularly relevant to stores and shops, all displays must convey a congruent deliberate message. Present goods in a logical and organised way. Help the customer with creative displays such as putting pictures of your latest fashions on dressing room walls. You can educate customers with something like a loop video. You should use every bit of wall space to promote, advertise and educate. Shop Window Ideas You don’t have to be a retail shop to have a shop window to promote yourself. It is an equally valid way of attracting customers for other types of business. Try to be original. One nice story is of a blacked out window with a small hole to look through which said above it “for men’s eyes only”. Can you imagine how many people looked through it? Inside were some power tools! Other original examples… Live mannequins. A big screen TV playing a video or PowerPoint presentation on a PC of what you have to offer. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 85 - Weird objects such as the world’s largest ball of barbed wire. And if you don’t have a window, you can always try renting window space from unoccupied premises where the landlord would be grateful of any income. Sign Magic Check that your signs make customers feel welcome. Avoid negative signs such as … Don’t Park Here No skateboarding No Credit No Refunds Use positive signs… Thank You For Your Business Valued Customers of ABC ARE Welcome to Park Here Welcome – instead of “Open” on your door. Add a “Thank You” to your signs, so rather than “No Smoking”, use “We appreciate your co-operation with not smoking, Thank You” Make them outstanding. Use big bold graphic signs that make people say “you’ve gotta see those signs”. Even use LED signs. Reflective paint will make them show up at night. Just putting a clock outside your building will make lots of people look at it. Do your signs outside the building encourage people to come in? Signage inside can be used to cross sell other products and services. Posters A passing motorist can only read 6 words and has 5 seconds in which to work. You need to use strong pure colours with no more than 3 elements in the design and silhouette them against a white background. Use the largest possible type. Pictures work. Telephone Numbers If you want a vanity number such as 0800 PINESHOP which translates to 0800 74637467, you can’t actually get a phone number with the 7 as the How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 86 - eighth (last) digit but you can use it anyway as the exchange just ignores any digits after the seventh digit. A FREEPHONE 0800 number is not expensive and will pay for itself many times over. The number simply sits on top of your normal phone number and calls are diverted to it. You then pay for the cost of the call. It is a must for using in lead generation marketing and you can use it for general customer use as well. They also allow you to move around the country and take your number with you. It allows you to appear more than just a local business. The cost is now very low. For example for £109 per year you can presently get 360 free minutes per month and then pay 2.8p per minute thereafter at and there are no set up costs. Alternatives are 0845 numbers where the caller just pays the cost of a local call and some of these are available at no cost to you. Why not use an 0800 number for your fax machine as well and use it as a Freefax number. Freepost & Business Reply Freepost Handwritten is where the customer adds the word Freepost before your name and then doesn’t pay for the postage, you do. It only sends post by 2nd Class mail. It doesn’t have to be pre-printed. Freepost Name is an abbreviation such as just having to use Freepost ABC Ltd and it will get to you. It allows you to abbreviate your address in adverts. It only works by 1st Class mail and costs slightly more than 1st class mail. Business Reply has 1st class & 2nd Class Options and you have to have preprinted envelopes or reply cards so can’t be used in adverts but can in direct mail campaigns. Mailsort – is a discount service of up to 30% for pre-sorted mail >4000 letters. Full details of all these are on the Royal Mail website Food & Drink Do you offer customers food & drink? A bowl of Quality Street in reception or a mug of tea while the customer is waiting at the garage. Why not How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 87 - introduce the WOW factor and provide a menu of drinks available. Some firms have been known to have Champagne and beans on toast on the menu. It helps differentiate them and it gets talked about although rarely ordered! REFRESHMENT MENU TEA Breakfast – Earl Grey COFFEE Filter - Instant MINERAL WATER Sparkling - Still . SOFT DRINKS LAGER WINE Orange Juice – Coca Cola Alcoholic – Non Alcoholic White – Red CHAMPAGNE Dress How you and your staff dress will effect how you are perceived. Dress as appropriate for your business. Have you ever noticed how the Labour front bench are often dressed in blue suits and red ties. It’s no coincidence that studies have shown these colours to represent authority and passion. Strapline Create your business strapline. It’s a concise statement of your uniqueness, benefits and what you represent. It’s often part of your USP helps to identify you. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 88 - Great examples are “Just Do It” from Nike and “It’s the real thing” from Coca Cola. Vehicles These will have an impact on how your business is perceived. A builder with a nice clean tidy van is more likely to be perceived as a clean, tidy & responsible builder. Look to use your vehicles to advertise your business. Opening Hours The more your open the more business you can do. This is why we have 24hour supermarkets. Of course this may not suit you, but a 24-hour web site, faxline, answer machine and helpline could be promoted. Speed of Service More than ever people expect things done yesterday. We live in the microwave age. Use email & technology to speed up communication and do things when you say you are going to do them. Gift Certificates Let customers and prospects know they are available, especially around times like Christmas and Mothers Day. What Are The Competition Doing? Find out all about how they work and what they offer. Call them for their brochures, etc. Get Feedback You need feedback on an ongoing basis from your customers to find out what you’re doing well and not so that you can continually improve. This could be verbal or you could use feedback questionnaires. Attitude How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 89 - A positive can do attitude and enthusiasm can do wonders for your business. It’s catching and will come across to your staff and prospects. Smile, both when you meet people and when on the phone. It makes people feel good and breaks down barriers. If you smile, they’ll smile back at you. You need to develop a giving attitude. The more you give, the more will come back your way. Everything you do is customer focused. See the good in things and the opportunities when there’s an obstacle. Treat others as you would want to be treated. Encourage others, forgive others and never let a negative experience effect you for more than 5 minutes. Always have something nice and humorous to say. Payment Methods Taking credit cards just makes it easier for customers to do business with you. Do you have easy payment terms so customers can spread the cost? You should always be looking to lower the barriers of entry if you want to win new customers. Business Awards The main trick to winning business awards is to enter them. Very few businesses do, so if you make a good attempt you have an excellent chance of winning. It will then improve your credibility massively. Charity Incentives If you promote that £1 of every sale goes to a certain charity, this can improve response. If you donate anyway, why not use this method of raising the contribution. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 90 - Section 16 Contact Management Database & Lists “Accountants are the witch-doctors of the modern world and willing to turn their hands to any kind of magic” Lord Justice Harman 1894 –1970 A contact management database is extremely powerful. It will reduce your marketing workload enormously. Two of the off the shelf packages that you can tailor to your own use are ACT and Goldmine. They don’t cost much and you just can’t do direct marketing without this sort of package. Try the following web sites for more information… You need a database to record at least the basics… Name of individual Name of company Full address including postcode Telephone Number Fax Number Email address Source of the enquiry e.g. advert, sales letter, etc Date of first order Consider adding the following… Date of last order Frequency of ordering Monetary purchase history including date. Cumulative purchases in pounds Product lines purchased. Credit history & credit score. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 91 - For individuals… Age Gender, Marital status Family data. Education Income Occupation. For businesses… Business activity Turnover No of employees You will probably want to record other details depending on your business. For example… A restaurant could record the birthdays and anniversaries of its customers to know when to send a promotion item to them. An insurance company could record the renewal date of insurance for prospects. A dentist might record customers hobbies so he know what to talk to them about to relax them. The database package you use must allow you to at least do the following… Search for contacts and groups of data. Group contacts together such as everyone in MK19 postcode or everyone with a birthday this week. Set reminders for the next action to be taken. Make notes on the contact record. Create standard letters that can be merged into the contacts. This allows mass mailshots or just one letter at a time that use the standard letter as a base that is tailored for that prospect if necessary. Can check for duplication of names in the database. Such a database is extremely powerful. The contact management database is the centre of your direct marketing system. Anyone serious about using direct marketing must have one. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 92 - Lists Of Names Media Guides (see more in the advertising section later) provide lists of lists or you can use a list broker… Magazine subscription lists or trade association lists are normally good, as they are kept up to date. When considering a list, here is some information you would want to know before deciding to purchase the list… How recently was the list updated? It needs to be at least once a year. How frequently do they buy? How much did they spend? How big is the list? If it’s large, test a small portion first. Cost per 1000 names & minimum order. What selections are available – the more the better. How much has the list been used? What is the source of the list? When did they last buy? What did they buy? Are they mail order buyers? These are normally good lists. Were the sales for cash, credit and what type of credit? Were they buyers or enquirers? Does the list have their full name and title? You can build up your own lists by using questionnaires with perhaps free sample to get names. Developing you database helps you to contact those most likely to respond to your offers. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 93 - You may be able to rent your own names out. Around £75 per 1000 is about the going rate. You should seed it with trap names that come back to you so that you know what is being sent out and let it be known that it is seeded. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 94 - Section 17 Testing, Measuring & Budgeting “Someone told me that each equation I included in the book would halve the sales” Stephen Hawking: A Brief History Of Time (1988) Why Test? As a small business, unless you test, measure and budget, you risk losing money you can’t afford to. By testing you have the power to go to levels your competitors can only dream of. A good place to start your budget is to look at what you can afford to lose. This budget we are then going to spend wisely as you’ll see over the coming sections of the report. However, once you know what works and what doesn’t, you just continue doing what works repeatedly until it stops making a profit for you. The marketing tools that work, you keep and improve upon. Some will make more than others but the key is to use every one that is profitable, even if you get fed up with it. Obviously to know what works you have to record the results of your different marketing tools. Unless you do this, you’ll never know for sure how profitable each one is. The Lifetime Value Of A Customer To know how profitable your marketing is, you need to know the lifetime value of your customers. This is the average profit you earn from a customer over their lifetime. Take a mechanics garage as an example. If the average new customer brings their car in three times a year and spends £200 each time and half of this is profit, this makes the annual value of that customer £200 x 3 x ½ = £300. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 95 - If we know that on average we are going to be able to sell additional items to the average customer once a year of an MOT and Pre Winter Check Up with profits of £50 this makes the annual value now £350. But the average customer also introduces one other customer to your garage once a year that is also worth £350 to you over a year. Therefore the annual value of the first new customer is really £700. More than that, you know a new customer stays with you on average for 5 years, so this makes the lifetime value of the customer £3500. By knowing the lifetime value you are in a far better position than your competitors. If you now know the true value of the average new customer is £3500, not the original £75 profit on the first sale, how much are you prepared to pay for a new customer? You’re likely to be prepared to pay a lot more than your competitors who don’t understand lifetime values. Being able to spend more puts you at a competitive advantage. But only if you know the lifetime value can you work out how much you would be prepared to spend. You now have the ability to increase your cost of getting the customer to a level where you make it irresistible for your prospects to say no. This could include buying them with a free initial service, spending more on your advertising, etc. What’s more your competitors will think you are crazy because they don’t understand lifetime values. A great example of this is buy 5 CD’s for £5 to get you hooked in as a customer, which is a loss leader offer. The basic idea is to breakeven on the first sale and then break the bank. If a new customer costs the garage £110 to get, they should do a lot more of that marketing activity because it is very profitable but their competitors may think they’re making a loss and they would have made the mistake of stopping this profitable activity. Keep on doing it until it no longer makes a profit. Naturally, you need to watch the cashflow because it takes the lifetime of the client to generate this profit but if you’re sensible, can you see how much more opportunity recognising the lifetime value of a customer gives you. How To Test You should accept nothing as true about what works best until it has been objectively and scientifically tested. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 96 - Apparently, Henry Ford, America’s first billionaire always went to lunch with a new recruit before employing them. If they put salt on the food before trying it, it was an indication they would implement a plan before testing it and they wouldn’t get hired. You must have a system for recording where your leads came from. One advert can outpull another by more than tenfold, so you’ve got to record results if you are going to know what works. If the prospect contacts you by phone or in person, never forget to ask “where did you hear about us?” Often, a prospect may make contact using reply forms, coupons, etc. It is important you put a code on all your reply devices so that you know where the lead came from. That’s why you’ll often see ads that say reply to “Dept…” so they can measure the response by changing the department name. You could also use different fictitious names or different phone numbers for prospects to call. Make sure you have some kind of basic enquiry sheet to record the details you need from every lead and the action you need to take next. You then need to monitor if the lead turned into a paying customer and the income generated. This is another reason why you have a contact management database. Whilst leads matter, it’s more important to know the value of sales made. 2 sales from 3 leads is better than 1 sale from 10 leads. It will also help to monitor the quality of the leads. Now that you’re going to test, it helps to appreciate you can only change one variable at a time in your testing if it is going to be a meaningful test. Examples of what you could test include… Your list of prospects The sales person Your list of fax numbers The Magazine Your headline The body copy Frequency of your ad Your Price Your Guarantee If advertising or sending sales letters it’s recommend you test the publication or the list first as if your target market is wrong, it will never work. After that test the headline next. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 97 - If you change more than variable, you won’t know which one made the difference, so only test one at a time and only change meaningful variables. Either that or change the whole advert. For example, if making a half price type offer, you could test the effect that different offers make. Take a product that normally sells for £22, the variations could be… Save 50% 50% off Save £11 Half Price Buy One, Get One Free Two for £22. The “buy one, get one free” offer is often the most successful but you’ll never know in your own situation without testing. Once you’ve got a lead generation tool that works, keep testing against it so that you are continually improving. This becomes your control tool. Other ways to test… Split Run Tests are where you run exactly the same size ad in the same place at the same time in the same publication but one ad goes to half the readership and the other ad to the other half. This allows you to very effectively test one variable at a time, such as a change of headline. Not all publications offer this but some do – just ask. Regional Testing – national publications often allow you to put an ad in that only goes to one region. It therefore costs less and allows you to test on a smaller basis before going national. You can widen the area once you know the regional results. The same applies for sales lists, although in this case you just buy a small part of the list to test first. These are the minimum requirements of what you should measure for every marketing tool you use… Total cost of the marketing tool (include your time or employees time in this calculation) Total number of leads generated Response rate Conversion rate into paying customers How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 98 - Gross income generated Net profit generated Total lifetime value You need to be interested in more than the leads generated. The final test is how much money do you make from the marketing? Sometimes, it’s not quite so easy. Perhaps a retail shop, gets a press release article in the local paper. May be the only way they can measure the impact is to compare against the previous days sales. Of course, there are times when you can’t test properly because it may be a one off ad or your budget may be very limited. In those situations, you have to learn from others. You can also learn by ringing up following a direct mail campaign and enquiring why they didn’t reply. The Law Of Probability When you undertake a marketing activity that produces a result it would be great to know that if you repeated it, the same result would occur or if you did twice the amount, you would get twice the return and so on. Of course, there is no certainty. Nevertheless, the larger the sample size of the first test, the more confidently you can predict the results of additional marketing activities based on the probability of the result. The following table on the next page shows how to be 95% sure that additional mailings will produce a result within certain boundaries… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 99 - Probability Chart of Results of Test Mailings If the size of the test mailing is And the return on the test mailing is Then 95 chances out of 100, the return on the identical mailing to the whole list will be between If the size of the test mailing is And the return on the test mailing is Then 95 chances out of 100, the return on the identical mailing to the whole list will be between 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 10% 20% 0 & 2.99% 0 & 4.80% 0 & 6.41% .08% & 7.92% .64% & 9.36% 4% & 16.00% 12% & 28.00% 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 10% 20% 0 & 2.26% .23% & 3.77% .84% & 5.16% 1.52% & 6.48% 2.24% & 7.76% 6.20% & 13.80% 14.94% & 25.00% 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 10% 20% .11% & 1.89% .75% & 3.25% 1.48% & 4.52% 2.25% & 5.75% 3.05% & 6.95% 7.32% & 12.68% 16.42% & 23.58% 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 10% 20% .37% & 1.63% 1.12% & 2.88% 1.92% & 4.08% 2.76% & 5.24% 3.62% & 6.38% 8.10% & 11.90% 17.48% & 22.52% 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 10% 20% .55% & 1.45% 1.37% & 2.63% 2.24% & 3.76% 3.12% & 4.88% 4.03% & 5.97% 8.66% & 11.34% 18.21% & 21.70% 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 10% 20% .72% & 1.28% 1.60% & 2.40% 2.52% & 3.48% 3.45% & 4.55% 4.38% & 5.62% 9.15% & 10.85% 18.87% & 21.13% 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 10% 20% .80% & 1.20% 1.72% & 2.28% 2.66% & 3.34% 3.12% & 4.39% 4.56% & 5.44% 9.40% & 10.60% 19.20% & 20.80% 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 10% 20% .94 & 1.06% 1.91% & 2.09% 2.89% & 3.11% 3.88% & 4.12% 4.86% & 5.14% 9.81% & 10.19% 19.75% & 20.25% How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 100 - Section 18 Lead Generation “Those who prefer their English sloppy have only themselves to thank if the advertisement writer uses his mastery of vocabulary and syntax to mislead their weak minds” Dorothy L. Sayers 1893 – 1957: Spectator 19 November 1937 Here’s a corny saying… “He who whispers down a well About the goods he has to sell Will never make as many dollars As he who climbs a tree and hollas!” It might be corny, but if you want to gain new customers, you have to let them know about you and the more the better. Brand Marketing v Direct Marketing The type of marketing that works best for small businesses is direct marketing, not brand marketing. As a small business you need to make every penny you spend on marketing count. To do this you need to be able to monitor the results of your marketing activities so that you can test and change them to optimise the results you achieve. You can’t do that with brand marketing. We want results and we need to know what the results of the marketing are. Direct Marketing is results driven. Many small businesses don’t use advertising, perhaps they’ve never tried because it seems expensive or perhaps they’ve tried and it didn’t work. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 101 - Well, advertising that doesn’t work is expensive. Despite this, thousands of small businesses do continue to use advertising that just doesn’t work or doesn’t work anywhere near as well as it could. They may have designed the ads themselves or got an ad agency to do the ad but they still don’t work. This is because they are all taking the wrong approach. They are based on brand or institutionalised advertising and brand advertising just doesn’t work for small businesses. They promote the name of the business or product but there are now so many brands out there, it costs a fortune to create a brand and that just isn’t appropriate for small businesses. The last thing the customer cares about is your business name. He wants to know what you can do to benefit him. Brand advertising is characterised by the name of the business as the headline at the top of the ad, a big logo, list of services, not much copy and nothing to make you get out of your chair to call now. You don’t need a fantastic looking ad created by ad agencies for them to work. A great designer ad may win an award, but its sales you want to win. That’s why you should primarily consider direct marketing. Forget any ad agencies designing a great looking advert for you to raise awareness of your business. You can’t accurately monitor the results from it. You don’t need it and you’ll see why. Direct marketing can create some brand awareness but that just happens to be an additional benefit, it’s not the main purpose of what you are doing. Some products may need brand advertising, such as cars where the manufacture typically carries out brand advertising but the local dealer must then use direct marketing on top. Direct marketing builds a continuous relationship with the customer. It asks people to do something. It could be to request immediate sales, a request for information, a request for a demonstration or meeting, a visit to a retail establishment, etc. There are lots of direct marketing methods you can use to generate leads, the best ones which we will look at in more detail are probably… Directory Advertising – in the likes of Yellow Pages. Print Advertising – in magazines Classified Advertising Sales letters Fax Broadcasting Postcards How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 102 - Internet Marketing Telemarketing Press Releases Newsletters (especially e-newsletters) Seminars Networking Referral Systems Endorsement Marketing Other lead generation tools you can test include… Inserts Flyers Postcards Radio Advertising TV Commercials Hospitality Events Take One Boxes –placed in strategic positions Contest Entry Boxes Trade Shows Audio & videotapes– they have a higher perceived value than junk mail. You can’t skim them. Can be good for unfamiliar products Sponsorship Door to door selling Posters – especially in door to door areas You don’t have to do them all, but the more you do, the more results you’ll get. Some can be outsourced, telemarketing being a prime example that is often outsourced. Using An Ad Agency After reading this report, you shouldn’t need to use an agency. An additional downside of using an agency is that they need to fully learn and understand the product or service you are offering first and it’s unlikely they will ever understand it as well as you. So have confidence, you can do it yourself. What you say (the content) is more important than how you say it (the form). One Step & Two Step Lead Generation One-step advertising is when you ask for the sale direct from your marketing tool. It’s where you perhaps ask them to ring to place their order How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 103 - and the sale is made immediately. It would be great if this worked but unless you are selling a very low value product, it tends not to work very well. What is often needed is two-step advertising that generates leads in the first stage rather than sales. This leads to the sales and more of them. This is even more important with small ads where you don’t have room to explain everything the purchaser needs to know. Two step advertising involves a first step of offering something in your ad, sales letter or whatever lead generation tool you are using, before the sale is made in the second step. Examples include… Free Sample Product Free Special Report Free Booklet Free Information Pack Brochure Catalogue Tip Sheets Free Initial Consultation Free Demonstration For example, a free painters kit with all sorts of painting information could be provided as a first step lead in advance of house paints or a home decorating service. Sample products work well for food items. This way there is no commitment initially so the response will be far higher, and if you’ve targeted the right people, you’ll then make far more sales. It is of course harder for some products than others to use the two-step method. For example, headache remedies are often needed immediately and there is only a narrow market that is interested at any one time. Wherever practical, look to use two step marketing in preference to one step. With direct response marketing you need an offer. The offer is what the customer gets when they respond to the lead generation tool. Hard v Soft Offer Hard offers need the prospect to personally interact with you such as… Free No Obligation Appointment Free Consultation How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 104 - Free Demonstration, Free Trial Order Now but send no money Extra discount for volume Surprise gift with your order The problem with hard offers is that they put a barrier in the way because of the personal interaction that is required, which means extra commitment. Soft offers are easier for the prospect to accept, as there is less commitment. Soft offer examples are offers of Free Special Reports, Information Kits, Free Newsletters, Free Brochure, etc. If there is a soft offer of something for free, never say a salesman will call afterwards or it almost turns it into a hard offer. You should try to make two or three offers rather than just the one with a hard and a soft offer but always have a soft offer wherever possible. Even though the offer is FREE, it will help to put a deadline on it and link a benefit to it. With businesses, it’s worth noting that a bonus offer to Secretaries can be a clincher. Make sure your offer is clear, easy to understand, unique and irresistible. Back the offer up with your guarantee. You need to make the offer irresistible. For example, a free Pony Ride for the kids could be an irresistible offer for a store. Qualification Of Leads The more you tighten the qualification, the higher the quality each response is likely to be. How much you do this will depend on your own circumstances. For example, if there is a small payment required for someone to get your Special Report on “How To Make Your Garden Look Good In Winter” by a landscape gardener, any responses are likely to be more valuable leads than if the report was free. However there will normally be far fewer responses. Alternatively, you could ask them to send a stamped addressed envelope. If selling a book, you could charge a small amount to get excerpts of a book. These types of qualifications helps avoid the coupon clipper type people who’ll just take anything that’s free, whatever it is. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 105 - A free hidden offer within an advert as opposed to using say a coupon that stands out would improve the quality of responses. However, the ads that bring in the most enquiries, tend to lead to the most sales. Daniel Starch of Starch Reports came to this conclusion decades ago in his analysis of 165 firms over a period of 12 years. Written Lead Generation Tools & AICDA What follows is aimed particularly at all the written lead generation tools, especially sales letters, adverts and fax broadcasts, although the principles can be applied across all direct marketing tools. Whatever lead generation tools you use follow these guidelines… Enthusiasm must come through in every letter, advert, phone call, meeting, etc. They require time commitment. Do them on a continuous systematised basis otherwise they will stop and you’ll struggle to get going again. Consider appointing a marketing co-ordinator to organise everything. Use a lead generation planner and have a marketing action plan. Look to keep changing what you offer. McDonalds constantly have something new every couple of weeks. Look to create new products and services. You can always tie into trends and news stories, to holiday seasons and other fads. For example, a Dentist could offer free Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to child patients. AICDA - is the process of sale and is the process a lead generation tool should follow… Attract the attention of the reader – the headline is used for this. Interest the reader in what you are saying. Opening words will be crucial to this. Credibility – you must build credibility in what you are saying. It must be believable. Desire – the copy needs to build desire in the prospect for your offer. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 106 - Action – you want the prospect to take action so there must be a call to action, telling the prospect what to do next. We will look at each of these areas in more detail. How To Write Powerful Headlines The headline is crucial to the success of your ad. It’s what makes the reader start reading the ad or sales letter. The headline must get the reader to read the next sentence. A good headline gets attention, selects an audience, delivers your message and gets the prospect to start reading. In advertising a good headline can make the difference of 10 to 1 in sales. You get just 1 to 4 seconds to grab someone’s attention. With advertising awards, the judges read the body copy, but in real life, your copy may never get read if the headline isn’t good enough. It then won’t matter how brilliant your copy is. Spend most of your money and effort on the headline. The headline should never be the name of your business or service. Picked at random are the headlines from a pest control page of a yellow pages directory… Forward Environmental Services Pest Control 1ST Active Pest Control Buzz Environmental Services JMC Pest Control DSD Contracting PPM It’s the same with 99% of ads that are placed. Even better, in the same Yellow Pages, the section of Marketing & Advertising Consultants, the people who should really know how to create great headlines, had these headlines for the display ads in that category… AWR Marketing Services Brand Script Consulting Ltd Big Fish Wanted Fisher Creative Thinksmartmarketing. If they can’t get it right, its no wonder most small businesses can’t. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 107 - Your Headline must stand alone without the body copy. Avoid blind headlines. If it was the only line in a classified ad with the words “Call Now For More Information” would it work? Read it to other people and see if they know what you are trying to sell. If you are selling a remedy for bladder weakness, it’s clearly going to help to get that in the headline. Examples of other hopeless headlines include… “Men May Not Admit It, But….” “Look To The Sea” They give you no idea what it is about. The following are all examples of proven headline templates you can use in headlines. They may be clichés and shopworn, but they work… They Didn’t Think I Could….., But I Did “They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano. But When I Started To Play” – Headline for a home study course by the U.S. School of music. How………. Made Me……….. “How A Simple Idea Made Me Plant Manager Of The Year” Are You………? “Are You Smarter Than Your Boss?” How I………. “How I Earn My Living In 4 Hours A Day” How To………. “How To Start A Backyard Garden” “For Busy Doctors: How To Educate New Patients In Half The Time” If You Are…. You Can… “If You Are A Non Drinker, You Can Save 20% On Life Assurance” Secrets Of… “Secrets OF Four Champion Golfers” Thousands (hundreds, millions) Now…… Even Though They….. “138000 Members Of Your Profession Now Receive A Check From Us Every Month Even Though They Once Through This Letter In The Bin” Warning:…….. “Warning: Read This Before You Talk To Any Other Solicitor” Give Me… And I’ll How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 108 - “Give Me 1 Hour A Day And I’ll Have You Speaking French Like “Pierre” In one Month” …..Ways To… “17 Ways To Slash Your Equipment Maintenance Costs” …. Right? WRONG “When Someone Dies Their Possessions Automatically Go To Their Next Of Kin, Right? WRONG” – Help The Aged headline Do You… “Do You Make These Mistakes In English” outpulled by 300% a similar headline of “Are You Afraid Of Making Mistakes in English?” It’s likely that the use of the word “these” implied there would be some free information to follow. The following are all proven words to use in headlines… Your …. Skin Will Look & Feel Smoother Than It Ever Has In Just 7 Days. Incredible… New Engine Does 97 Miles Per Gallon Powerful... New PC Works Faster Than Any Other System Why… Your Feet Hurt Which… Of These 5 Skin Troubles Would You Like To End Who Else… Has Hair That Won’t Stay Combed. Wanted… A Few Good Men (U.S. Marine Recruitment) This… Is The Quietest Dishwasher In the UK Because… Your Cats Quality Of Life Is Important To You If… You Think The Ultimate Speaker System Would HAVE a Subwoofer, You’re Half Right Advice… To Brides Suddenly You Discover Exciting Only Secrets Now How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide Introducing Results Here Quick Yes Guaranteed Instantly Amazing Sensational Remarkable Revolutionary Startling Miracle Reveals Magic Breakthrough Facts Offer Easy Money Proven New Challenge Free – Always works well. Winning Announcing The Thing About… Compare Bargain Hurry Last Chance Emotional words like… Darling Love Fear Proud Friend Baby And these are the words to use if you want your headline to die… Buy Failure Bad Sell Loss Difficult - 109 - How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 110 - Order Cost Death Decision These are the top 3 most successful types of headlines in this order Promise a benefit for reading on. e.g. Retire at 55. When you are really struggling to come up with a headline use the trusted favourite “Free Booklet Offers… benefit, benefit, benefit” News Headlines such as… Discovered – How To Correct Short Sight In Under An Hour Introducing….. Four New Ways To Say I Love You Every Day (Cat food headline) Announcing … A Great New Car Words that have an announcement quality… Finally… Thank You For… Presenting… Today’s… Good Bye… Just Published… Just Arrived… Important Development… Improvement… New… Method Of Keeping Your Personal Finances. Now… On Home Video At Last… A Toothbrush Guaranteed For 6 Months Just Invented… It’s Here… Just Off The Press… Put a date in the headline – Beginning June 5th… or You Can Speak French by October 5th. Here’s… The Larger Computer Desk You’ve Been Waiting For Curiosity Headlines such as… “ How A Strange Accident Saved Me From Baldness”. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 111 - “We could have bought you a lottery ticket!” (Accountants headline because running a business is a bit like playing the lottery) “Never make the same mistake once” You can mix them up, for example these headlines mix curiosity and benefit… “How A Fool Stunt Made Me A Star Salesman” “How I Improved My Memory In One Evening” – it’s always better when it sounds quick and easy. Just don’t stress it to the extent that it is unbelievable. “I Gambled A Postage Stamp And Won £27406 In 2 Years” – the postage stamp is for the letter to send for the information. Note how the specific figure makes it sound more believable. Other ways to increase the power of your headline… Select your audience by mentioning your target group such as estate agents or homeowners in the headline helps increase response as these people instantly know the ad is for them. Don’t try to be smart or funny, just keep it clear. For example “Women! Read This Summery Summary”. Avoid puns, literary allusions and other obscurities. People don’t stop to decipher it when an average paper has 350 headlines to scan. Being specific helps. For example, save £92 a week, rather than save money. Avoid negative headlines such as “Our Salt Contains No Arsenic”. It can lead to an impression that it might. Don’t do anything that will exclude a group, such as men or women if it is for both. Create interest. For example, a security company used the headline “How To Steal Your Boss Blind”. The following types of headlines create interest… Headlines that lead to a story are interesting - “How I Became Popular Overnight”. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 112 - Warning the reader to delay buying can create interest, as it is the opposite of conventional advertising. For example, “Don’t Buy Car Insurance Until You’ve Read These Facts” Or “Don’t Call Us If You’re Happy With…” You could offer the reader a test – “Can You Pass The Memory Test?” Ask A Question – “Did You Know You Can Give Your Cat Perfect Nutrition?” Headlines than put price in the headline can help. For example… “Would You Spend £5 To Feel Like A Million?” “It’s True, Genuine Kidskin Leather Shoes, Only £29.95” ”Less Than Half Price… Stainless Steel Kitchen Sets” “Order Now, Pay Next Year” “Free To Brides…£2 To Anyone Else” Testimonial style headlines such as “I Was Going Broke – So I Started Reading The Wall Street Journal”. The story should be told in the first person. The other headline that will never go out of fashion is of course “SEX”. You then open with “Now, that we have your attention…” How to format your headline in the ad, sales letter, fax broadcast, etc… The Headline always goes at the top. “Put the headline in speech marks”. Should be at least 4 points larger than the body copy Use a serif font for short headlines and a sans serif for long headlines. However if the ad is a print ad amongst editorial look to copy the headline font of the magazine. Long headlines generally work better than short if you have the space. The headline should be in bold. Centre the headline. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 113 - Make Sure You Capitalise The First Letter Of Each Word In The Headline, Just Like This. Avoid using just capitals as they are harder to read. The headline can go on more than one line. Never end the headline with a full stop as it stops the reader dead in their tracks. You wan them to flow onto reading the first line. That is the objective of the headline – to get the reader to read to read the next line. You can break up the grey tone of a long headline by CAPITALISING an important word or putting it in larger type. For example “AT LAST, A Hair Spray Made For Dry Hair” is wrong. The correct way to do it is “At Last, A Hair Spray Made For DRY HAIR” The headline is so important that you should write lots of them before choosing the best one. The top copywriters wouldn’t think twice about writing out a hundred headlines to create that one fantastic headline. If you are wary of making definitive promises in headlines because of any legal repercussions, you can play with the wording. For example try “To A Ten Thousand Pound Employee Who Would Like To Be Making £25,000”. Using the word “like” takes away any guarantee that this will happen, and just infers it will happen. The Opening Words Your opening words are the hardest part to write and they are critical. Their purpose is to get the reader to read the next sentence, the objective of that being to read the next sentence and so forth. The first sentence and paragraph both need to be short otherwise the reader will lose interest. You are best by ending the first paragraph at the end of the first sentence. Try not to go over 11 words. The opening words will normally expand on the headline. Ways to open… Announce the main benefit and then expand upon it. When you are really stuck, the following are two easy ways you can always apply… 1. If you want (big benefit) read on because I’ve got good news… For example, “If you want to reduce your tax bill read on because I’ve got good news.” How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 114 - 2. Are you (your prospects biggest problem that you solve)? Do you (next biggest problem that you solve)? If so read on because I’ve got good news. For example, “Are you annoyed at the amount of tax you pay. Do you never know how much your accountant will charge? If so read on because I’ve got good news. Make an invitation. Start with the offer. Give some news. Address the reader as one of you, for example “As an old age pensioner…” Flatter the reader – “the American Express Card is not for everyone” Surprise or shock the reader – “This Afternoon I Buried My Husband" –for life assurance. If you start with statements of fact it creates believability for what is to come later. It could be about materials, workmanship, reputation, facilities, locations, employees, data, client names, etc. A useful trick if you are having trouble starting is to just write anything and then delete the first one or two sentences and go from there. To warm up, it helps to just start writing anything and write fast. Write too much and then edit. If you want some truly great openings try the book “Sales Letters That Sizzle” by Herschell Gordon Lewis”. There are many great openings in there, some of which are included below that may help you get going… Why have I enclosed this free… Two years from now will you… If you’re like me… At last! Imagine… Have you ever wished… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 115 - Did you know… This letter is going to be short and to the point. I’ll get straight to the point. I know you’re busy so I’ll get straight to the point. The best… just got better. Remember when… Which would you rather be… What if… Congratulations!… I’ve got good news… and I’ve got bad news. The good news is… I’ve enclosed… Now you can… Wouldn’t it be great if… How would you like to… Here’s the deal… I’m going to make your day… When was the last time you… The word is out!… It’s not a secret anymore… I just couldn’t wait to write to you… It’s been a while since… I won’t waste your time… Thank you… I bet I can guess the question you’re about to ask yourself: Why do I need another… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 116 - How To Write Body Copy For most products and services, the more you tell, the more you sell. Long copy invariably outsells short copy. You are writing for the buyer, not the non-buyer. For example, with adverts, research shows that readership falls off rapidly up to 50 words of copy but very little between 50 and 500 words which is when the people interested in buying are reading. So tell them everything they would want to know. If using long copy you must be able to keep the customer interested. If you can’t do this, short copy may well do better. Short copy is also more suited to simple products that can be explained in a short letter. If someone who is buying would need 16 pages to fully explain the product or service to them, use them. If only 1 page is needed, use that. The rest of the body copy needs to generate stacks of interest and desire so that the prospect is forced to take action. It must be written from the readers viewpoint, not yours. You must write with enthusiasm. Tell the truth but make it fascinating. It’s harder with dull products but there is always something you can do given a bit of thought. For example, promoting a disinfectant could involve the story of the Black Death. A hand lotion could be based around a headline of “She Sat Out Every Dance, Ashamed Of Her Chapped Hands” Have the objective of what you are trying to achieve written at the top of the page to help you write only for that objective. The objective could be to get an immediate order or to get an appointment. If the next stage is to get an appointment this is what you need to focus on, not the order. Some ways to Generate Interest… 1. Expand on the most important benefit of your offer. These should be the benefits particular to what you are trying to get the prospect to respond to, such as the Free Special Report. 2. Focus on a specific problem and generate anger, fear, guilt, etc followed by your solution. 3. Use comparisons such as two ladies both 16 stone a year ago and both went on the same diet but one is now 11 stone and the other still 16 stone. What made the difference? How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 117 - 4. Get your USP message across. 5. Give free information first before getting to the sales talk. You can create interest even in a boring product. For example, one manufacturer had a sales letter based on “69 Things You Can Do After Work When You’re Absolutely Free Of Worry About Whether Or Not Your Part Will Arrive Tomorrow”. There was one paragraph about the part and then everything else about what they can get up to after work. It was a great success. Ways to Create Desire… After the interest has been generated you then need to convey the benefits of your product or service by telling the prospect exactly what your product or service will do for them and mean to them and what they are missing out on. Also add other benefits of your product or service putting them in bullet point format can help being left aligned and ragged right justification. If avoiding pain, rather than a gain, such as tax savings or security systems, tell them the problem, agitate it to stir up their emotion, make it seem larger than life, then provide the solution. You can increase desire by saying only some people can qualify, such as with a gold credit card. Putting an obstacle in the way that has to be overcome to be accepted can increase desire. Another example could be, you’ll only be accepted onto the home study course once you’ve read all the introductory materials. Limited number available – if your response is received after our supply is exhausted, it will not be accepted and your cheque will be returned to you. If our phone lines are busy when you call, please be patient and keep trying. We have added extra customer service people to handle everybody’s calls as rapidly as possible. Appeal to their ego – for example “what excuse do you make when asked for your web site address and you haven’t got one” How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 118 - Building Credibility Having credibility helps prospects to believe what you are saying and makes it far easier to get them to take action. One-step sales in particular require extra credibility. Here are ways to build credibility… Use testimonials, case studies. Get endorsements from other credible people or businesses. Say how long you’ve been trading, qualifications, awards won, number of customers, etc. Specific facts and figures build credibility. Avoid generalities. For example, “ ….burns up to79% more calories than ordinary treadmills”. Try to quantity the benefits in pound notes if possible. You must give facts. As David Ogilvy said “the consumer isn’t a moron, she is your wife” and “Don’t write an advertisement you wouldn’t want your own family to read”. If you lie, you’ll be found out. Be honest. If there are any downsides, addressing them will help. For example “the house does however need the tender care of a family with imagination”. Address the flaws and why people won’t respond openly. Consider the objections, concerns and doubts your reader may have that you need to overcome and put them in order of importance. Perhaps it sounds too good to be true. Every product or service has some disadvantages, nothing’s perfect and everyone knows that. For example, a restaurant with a homely feel may produce great home cooked food but not have the greatest wines in the world. Let them know that if they want fine dining it’s not the place for them but if the want wholesome home cooked food and a choice of a bottomless house red or white wine, yours is the place to come. If the information to be sent is of a personal nature, make it clear that it will be sent in a plain envelope. Here is some brilliant copy for you written by Dan Kennedy that addresses why people won’t respond… “As attractive as this product/service/offer is, our marketing experts tell us that only about X% of the people receiving it will respond. Although How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 119 - that’s okay with us from a business standpoint, it still bothers me personally. You see, I know how much the owners/users of our product/service/offer benefit from it. I read their letters; I talk to them on the phone; I see them personally when they visit us; and hundreds/thousands/millions each year tell me that “(strong brief customer quote)”. Because of this, I just hate the thought of someone not getting our product/service/offer because of some error or omission in our explanation. That’s why I held a special brainstorming session with a group of our people just to try and figure out why you might say “no” to our free trial offer. After several hours, our group could think of only three possible reasons. Here they are:” In a letter, a page of FAQ’s and answers can be used well as an alternative method of dealing with objections. Avoid poetic copy that is unbelievable. For professional services credibility is vital and a free consultation is often an essential offer so they can feel the quality first. If a product is technical, give the specifications. Demonstrate the return on their investment such as saving £150 on labour costs from buying a £30 machine give a 500% return. You can exaggerate the return on investment and then say… “and even if I’m only half right, you’ll still pocket over…” If you are making an unbelievable offer, give reasons why. For example if you are offering 100 haircuts at £2 each by a professional stylist, explain it is because you want the customers to see how good the stylist is so that they’ll come back again paying the full price. If there is a big discount give the reasons why such as a slow month, special factory incentive, etc If offering a Special Report of Booklet, you can use the technique of listing the table contents to describe what’s in it… How To.…. Page 1 How To….. Page 3 Give Guarantees and explain why you offer them. Here are some example copy words to use in connection with guarantees… “Satisfaction guaranteed” “No-questions asked, 100% money-back guarantee anytime within sixty days if my product fails to perform exactly as promised.” How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 120 - “No questions asked,100%money-back, ninety day guarantee if you can’t honestly state that your face looks more youthful and radiant, and that your skin has better colour and elasticity. If you don’t enjoy results that good or better within the first ninety days of using our product, we don’t deserve to keep your money. You have every right to ask for a full, no-questions-asked, on-the-spot 100% refund anytime you decide. And if you decide you want a refund, there’ll be no questions asked and no hard feelings whatsoever on our part.” Again, use the name of your target group such as estate agents. This will give the impression you specialise in them. Never forget if you have two clients of a type it makes you a specialist, three makes you an expert and four an authority! More Top Tips… You need to sell a particular product, not for example TV’s in general as you may just be helping your competitors. If there is a price, it should come after all the benefits. Never write to entertain but to sell. Avoid trying to be clever and humorous which probably only works when done brilliantly in 1% of cases. Copy giving helpful advice, such as “how to remove stains” when promoting a stain removal product can help. It generally helps to avoid analogies. People prefer rewards to threats. For example, life assurance is better promoted by talking about the money that is paid out, than the death. Make sure it is clear who you are and what you do. Don’t waffle, just get to the point. Ensure you include your contact details. Forget the English teachers. Write as you talk in conversational English. It has a natural enthusiasm that is infectious. A bit like a 10year-old child telling you what they’ve been up to. Use the present tense, second person – “you feel well dressed in a Brown Brothers Suit” and not “a man will feel well dressed…”. Use “it does” and not “can” or “could” How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 121 - Use “you” & “your”, not “I” & “me”. For example it shouldn’t be “I’m going to send “you” and should be “you will receive”. Try to use “you” three times for every once “I” is used. Use the language of your prospects – if they are uneducated, use those words. Unless you are talking to a specific group that you know talks in a different way and everyone understands, avoid jargon. Use a simple style of writing with simple words. People talk and think with one or two syllable Anglo Saxon words, not Latin. Remember the KISS principle – Keep It Simple Stupid and ask your 10 year old to point out any words they don’t understand. Always look to replace weak phrases with more powerful shorter phrases. Examples… Miss out on An additional element At this time Female personnel Conclude discussions Deposit waste material Terminate momentarily Please find enclosed miss something else now women end talks put rubbish stop soon I enclose Always look to use powerful positive words such as in headlines and avoid negative words as in headlines. Use short words. Examples… Emolument Complimentary Affection Expectation Sanguinary Transportation Servicing Purchase Cash Free Love Hope Bloody Car Helping Buy Call To Action You must have a call to action to get the prospect to respond NOW. This must be related to your primary objective such as to call for your Special Report. Do this by Summarising the main benefits. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 122 - Restating your guarantee. Add urgency by limited availability, special price for fast response, etc – but be honest and believable. A handwritten or rubber stamped deadline can help. Providing a bonus available by a deadline. Offer a discount for an early response. Offer more than one method of responding – by phone, fax, post, email, etc. Different prospects prefer to respond in different ways. Tell them exactly what to do and what will happen when they do respond. Make sure you include your contact details, particularly those related to the call to action. If there are alternatives, make it clear. Try offering the prospect the opportunity to call a free recorded message at any time rather than you in person. This can increase response rates because it again means less commitment and people can also call whenever they are reading it, at whatever time of day or night. This alone has been proven to dramatically increase response rates. To do this, install a separate phone line with a Freephone number and record an answer machine message thanking them for calling, telling them who you are, what the offer is and the details for them to leave including how they heard about the offer. Here are some words to use in your call to action that you can use and adapt for your own situation… To emphasise “No Obligation” “No obligation.” “Send me without obligation.” “I understand that this does not obligate me.” “I am under no obligation, now or ever.” “I understand this book is mine to keep, and sending for it does not obligate me in any way.” How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 123 - “No salesman will call.” Calls To Action Copy… “Fill in the coupon today and mail it for your free copy of a 32-page information booklet and chart, which supply additional information you should have. All will be sent postage paid.” “Send no money; we will bill you later. Merely send me your name and address and we will send you “How To Reduce” at the special low price. If at the end of ten days you are not completely satisfied – if you do not lose weight rapidly and easily – then simply tell me so on the invoice and you will owe nothing. WRITE TODAY.” “Supply is limited.” “For a short time only.” “Post coupon today.” “Act now - offer expires 5th June.” “Rush your name for free booklet.” “Get free book by sending coupon NOW.” “Yes, it is possible.” “Why not give me a call; let’s arrange a meeting where I can personally explain the different “standard opportunities” and then “brainstorm” with you about the best way for your business to participate. There’s no obligation, of course, and certainly no pressure, but, together, we may just figure out the perfect situation for your business.” “Thank you for your consideration.” “Call Now” “Call Right Now” “What do you think the (service or product name) is worth? £500, £1000, £2000, £5000 or more? Not even close. You can order the (service or product name) today for just £X+ vat. Should I charge more? Probably. I intend to. But at the moment in my new customer drive I’m offering you the chance to buy the (service or product name) at this very reasonable price, complete with the guarantee. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 124 - One thing’s for sure, the (service or product name) won’t ever be offered at a lower price.” For use in reply forms and coupons, etc… “Yes!! I agree! Your proposition is irresistible and your product appears superior. Also, your bonuses are so darned attractive it’s hard to refuse. But your 100% money-back guarantee, keep-all-thebonuses, better-than-risk-free proposition is the real reason I’m replying.” “I will take you up on the exact guarantee and try the product or service, but only for the next sixty days. If it doesn’t perform or if I don’t benefit just as you promised, I will send it back and expect a full and immediate refund. And I’ll get to keep all those desirable bonuses for my trouble. On that basis only, here is my order.” “Your case is indeed compelling. I don’t know if your product is for me but I want to learn more. So send me the kit or have a representative call and answer my questions. Better yet, do both. But only on the condition that I am under absolutely no obligation and no risk whatsoever.” Formatting Tricks The body copy font should be your usual serif font or if a print ad you can use the body copy font used by the magazine in its editorial. The font size should be between 8 & 12. Going small is OK in ads, because your ad is designed specifically for the prospects that will be interested, no one else. Ignore what the rep tells you. The headline draws them in and if they’re interested, they'll read it. Indent the start of each paragraph like this. Vary the lengths of the sentences and paragraphs to make it look interesting. Don’t worry about breaking up paragraphs. As we said, it’s not an English lesson. Sentences to be no longer than two lines and paragraphs no longer than 7 lines. Words in a list can use bold more often. Avoid using the exclamation mark too much! Different font sizes can make it appear more interesting. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 125 - Use transitions… to keep the prospect reading Here are some typical examples… Let me explain… What’s more… And that’s not all… In short… Or even better… So remember… Let’s take a look… And… What we know for sure… Try to not to finish any page with a full stop, but finish mid sentence or use transitions… It helps to get the reader to move onto the next page and avoids putting a barrier in their way. Use some formatting tricks such as using bold underline italics and/or CAPITALS for certain keywords. Don’t over use them otherwise they will lose their effect away from your key words. A little sprinkle will do nicely. Setting key paragraphs in boldface or italic can break up long copy. Use boxes with light shading for extra emphasis of important points such as your guarantee. Use bold more often in bullet lists. Use different types of bullet points and numbers. Use lines of asterisks to break up important sections. ********** Use subheadings to break up sections with longer copy in both letters and ads. Again Ensure The First Letter Of Each Word Is Capitalised Like How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 126 - This and the subheading is in bold. On a full-page advert, you should use 3 or more subheadings and get them to tell a brief story on their own. For letters, text must be left aligned and ragged at the right hand edge as in this report. Examples of a lot of this formatting will appear in each section of the different types of lead generation tools. Editing Now go back over it to edit it. You are editing to advance, clarify and strengthen the sales message, not to shorten. For example you can change “we have many imitators but no one who matches…” to “our many imitators can’t match…” Replace weak words and phrases. Avoid unnecessary adjectives such as exciting, fantastic, etc. Remove any unnecessary words You can often remove anything before and including the word “that”. You can often remove the word “which”. Check you have short paragraphs and sentences. Check spelling and grammar. Look to remove any unnecessary copy. If you are ever not sure about a block of copy, the best rule is to delete it. Then leave it alone For a few days or a week if possible and then go back to it to re-read it and improve it. The break does help but often you may not have time in the real world. You can even show it to others for their opinion although it’s best to show them more than one version without telling them which you prefer so you get a more honest opinion about the one you prefer. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 127 - Gimmicks Relevant gimmicks can work well when used with lead generation tools. For example, enclosing an unsigned cheque for £50, which you’ll sign after meeting with the prospect for half an hour if they don’t feel the meeting was beneficial to them. Look for the more interesting ones that will get talked about such as stress balls that would be better than a calendar. Try for some ideas. Other examples… Sending a letter with a teabag and the message “have a cup of tea on me while you read this letter” Sending a cheque payable to your store. Fortune cookies. Your own label wine. Be Ready For The Response You must ensure you are ready to handle the response from your lead generation before placing the ad, sending the sales letter, etc. Most response comes immediately and then there is a trickle effect. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 128 - Section 19 How To Grow Your Small Business With Advertising “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, and the trouble is I don’t know which half “ Viscount Leverhulme 1851-1925: in D.Ogilvy Confessions Of An Advertising Man. Advertising Does Work David Ogilvy in “Confessions Of An Advertising Man” writes … “the difference between one advertisement and another, when measured in terms of sales, can be as much as fifteen to one” John Caples, another advertising genius said… “I’ve seen one advertisement sell 19 – 1/2 times as much as another” That’s how important it is to get your advertising right. Now your going to find out what does work. Again, so few small businesses know or use it. Follow everything you’ve already learnt in writing lead generation copy but now you’re going to learn the extra secrets that will work for all forms of advertising including… Directory Advertising such as Yellow Pages. Print or Display Advertising – in magazines, etc. Classified Advertising – often seen at the back of publications. Don’t dismiss it because it seems cheap & nasty – it can be a very successful form of marketing. If you want to see the best ads, look at the mail order ads in national daily newspapers. The very best ads hardly look like normal ads at all. This is the most competitive area and so the ads have to be outstanding. They are solely judged on the results they pull. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 129 - What’s more, it doesn’t take any special sales skills to write them once you know the system to follow. You should use direct response advertising that asks for a direct response from your customers where you can measure how successful the advert is. You must at the very minimum know how many leads that ad generates and how many sales you make from those leads, to know how profitable the ad is. Brand advertising won’t do this. As a small business you just can’t afford to run ads that don’t cover your costs. You need ads that will bring a serious return on your investment. You can use the same principles for advertising when running recruitment ads, not just ads for your product or service. You’re going to enjoy this… It’s not the only way that works but it’s a proven system that will work for you better than anything you’ve ever tried before and it’s specifically for small businesses with small budgets. It absolutely maximizes your chances. Don’t listen to anything the advertising reps tell you. They’re in the game for themselves, not you. This is what they’ll tell you… You need to run your add about 6 times before it starts to get the best results. Rubbish. If it doesn’t work the first time, it never will. In fact response is only likely to fall. You need to run large ads for them to work. Again rubbish. You’ll see how small ads can produce stunning results. If a small ad doesn’t work a larger ad wont either. If you want to try to disprove this theory it will cost you a lot of money. Only place a larger ad once you know a smaller ad works. How To Advertise In The Best Places This is crucial. If you don’t advertise to the right people your ad wont work, end of story. Advertise to the right people and your ad will work to some extent but the rest of the rules will determine the size of your success. The publications to advertise in are those that your prospects read. It could be newspapers, local magazines, trade magazines, association newsletters, etc. Of course you should already have identified who your own target prospects are likely to be. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 130 - Two ways to find out what they read… 1. Ask them. 2. Get a media guide. You can buy these or they are stocked at many libraries for reference. They cost a couple of hundred pounds if you want to buy them so using the library may be sensible…. Benn’s Media Guide The UK volume has over 10,870 listings of media sources by including broadcasters as well as newspapers and publications with advertising rates in the 2005 edition. It is split into main subject groups with hundreds of sub classifications. Address Telephone E-mail Web Individual contact names Distribution Frequency Circulation Editorial profile Readership profile Willings Press Guide BRAD – British Rates & Data The media guide lists all the publications in print that you ever likely to need. Within the media guides they are classified in different ways but you’ll get lots of information about publications you never knew existed that may be just right for your target audience. You’ll get important information such as the publishers contact details, the circulation, frequency details, how large it is, if its free or not, the price, content details, a guide to who reads it (invaluable), content details, and advertising rates. Now you can pick out those publications you think are likely to be most suitable. That is those aimed at your prospects. This could be by trade type or consumer type that cover the geographic area you want. Some publications are regional and some national. A national publication may still be suitable even if you sell locally as the publication may have different runs that enable your advert to only go in certain geographic areas How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 131 - or it may work anyway because your prospect in particular reads that publication. In that case you’ll just need to make it clear the geographic area you cover. Once you’ve found those publications that seem likely candidates, contact them and ask them to send their media pack. The media pack provides more details about the publication including a copy of it. This copy is normally provided free to potential advertisers even if it is a publication that is charged for. Look at the publication to check it still fits what your looking for and look at the more detailed information provided about readership. If necessary, call them to ask more details about the readership, as the target market is crucial. You can see from the publication who else is advertising in it. If your competitors are, don’t worry. It shows it may well be the right target audience and what your going to do will beat anything they are trying. With classified advertising there are categories so you can see if there is a category to fit your product or service. Don’t worry if not, they will always start one for you. Prices of ads are normally either based on page sizes, such as an eighth, quarter, half or full page or per single column centimetre (scc). If based on scc, this is the width of one column that is 1 cm deep. This is common with classified advertising and the number of columns on a page will vary between publications. For example, if the scc rate is £10 and your ad is 2 columns wide by 6 cm deep, it would cost 2 x 6 x £10 = £120. You are probably best by starting with a list of the publications you think are going to be suitable to advertise in. You then need to decide which is likely to be best. You won’t know for sure which will be best but you have to start somewhere. To help you deicide this on a logical basis follow a scoring system along the following lines for each publication… Aspect Who Reads It? Your target market exclusively Mainly your target market and others Some of your target market and others Circulation Figures 2 points for each 50,000 up to 300,000 and then 1 point for each additional 100,000 up to 1,000,000. Points Given 35 25 15 How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide How Many Competitors Advertise In It? 0-2 3-6 More than 6 5 2 1 The publication is charged for 5 The publication comes out at least weekly 5 The publication comes out monthly 3 - 132 - Start With A Small Ad Large ads will generally work better than small ads but if they don’t work small, they won’t work large. This means you should start small and only get bigger when you know they work. To minimize your risk, only move up one size at a time. Easy to explain products will work better with small ads as will products with a limited market such as false teeth. So what size should you start with… For Print Advertising – 1/8 of a page. This is often the smallest size and any smaller probably won’t allow you to get across the message you need to. Classified Adverts can be a lot smaller. Yellow Pages ads don’t want to be smaller than a quarter column ad. This is the most popular size promoted by yellow pages and often has extra discounts. Negotiate The Ad Price The media pack will have provided you with the rate card price for the ads. This is just the rate card price and it’s often very negotiable, but only if you do negotiate. You can possibly get more than half off of the price, which makes a massive difference to the return on your advertising. Don’t forget, the publication wants you as a customer and they need you as much if not more than you need them, so you’re in the driving seat. It can help to negotiate on the basis of logic. Therefore you need to explain to the sales rep how you do your advertising. This means explaining you run direct response ads only where you track exactly the response and sales How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 133 - resulting from the advert. Then you know that it is worthwhile running repeat ads. Let them know that based on your financial data and from your likely response rates, the advertising is just too expensive. This is a bit of a white lie as when using what your about to learn, response rates will be excellent. With the point got across that you are asking for a discount on a logical basis rather than just because you want one, you are more likely to be offered one. Some publications just wont do discounts but the majority will if you ask properly. If you have to, agree to 3 insertions to get your discount. If it doesn’t work, don’t do any more ads and you will be billed for the difference, which is only fair. Other publications work by giving you the entire discount off of the third advert. Now you know the real price of your ad revisit your list of publications that you have ranked. It can help to work out the cost per thousand of circulation (cpm). For example, if the cost of the ad is £400 and the circulation is 100,000 then the cost per thousand is 400 divided by 10 = £4. This can now change how you perceive the publications, as this is a better indication of the true cost of an advert rather than the actual price. An advert the same size can be more expensive in one publication on basic price, but when looked at as cost per thousand, it’s cheaper. It can also be used in negotiating with the reps. Now you can work out how many sales you need to make a profit from the ad to check this is realistic before going ahead. Decide which publication looks best and look to advertise in that one. Don’t go doing more than the one at present. Making money with advertising is all about small tests and then when they do work, to leverage this by doing more. If it doesn’t work, try amending the ad or using another publication but only try one at a time. When it does work, put it into other publications as well, one at a time. Play safe and don’t over commit until you know it works. And don’t forget remnant space… This is space that the publisher hasn’t sold that needs to be filled at the last minute. Remnant space is sold very cheaply. Here are 3 things to try: Let them know you are willing to take any remnant space and you will be offered it at very reduced prices. Make sure your artwork is ready to go. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 134 - Provide your artwork before any remnant space is offered to get you to the top of the remnant space list. Give them authority to bill you or charge your credit card for a set amount (perhaps only 20% of the full rate price) whenever they want to run your ad until you say otherwise. Send them a cheque for 20% of the ad price to cash whenever they want to run your ad. Negotiate The Position Of Your Ad Positioning is part of your negotiation with the ad rep and this is what you want to be confirmed in writing. Don’t just rely on verbal agreements as they have a funny way of not always happening. We are talking primarily about print advertising here. This is what you want… A right hand page The earlier in the publication the better and definitely in the first third. An outside edge for the ad as will become evident soon. Higher up on a page is also better. Try to get the ad away from other ads and near editorial content. It also helps if you can advertise near related feature articles. Financial products will do well in the financial pages and household products will do well in the women’s pages. The front page is the best and the back page is also good. Being next to other pages that a lot of people read and keep is good such as the TV pages. How To Write Your Ad Just follow all the rules of lead generation copy already covered but the following is particularly relevant to advertising. The easiest way to write an ad is to start writing an ad without thinking about its size, even if you are going to end up with a small ad. Don’t be limited or worry about size at this point, as this will come later. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 135 - You Need A Headline that follows the rules discussed earlier on headlines. If you are running a small ad, see if you can come up with a one, two or three word headline that is meaningful. For example… “Itchy Scalp?” “Burn Fat Faster” For larger ads you should have a pre-headline that leads the prospect into the headline. How to format the pre-headline… It goes above the headline. It should be your serif font or the font used by the magazine in a print ad. It should be slightly larger than the body copy font but smaller than the headline, in bold and italicised. Capitalise The First Letter Of Each Word Again. It should be left aligned. Here’s an example… Free Special Report For Gardeners Reveals… “How To Make Your Garden Look Great In Winter” T he first letter of the first line of your ad should be larger than the other letters. It’s called a drop cap. This alone can increase readership of an ad by 13%. Because you’ve used a drop cap you don’t need to indent the first paragraph. For larger ads, split the text up into columns, just like you get in newspaper editorials. Try to avoid going over 40 characters in a column. For print ads and directory ads your columns should be justified, but with classified ads the text should be aligned left and ragged right. You can get more into the ad by reducing the gap between paragraphs to 2 points. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 136 - A great alternative call to action for use in an advert is a Coupon, especially in print advertising. A coupon will probably at least double your response. These are the rules to follow for coupons… It must have a code in it that allows you to track which publication the coupon came from. For example. Accountancy Magazine March 2005 Edition could be AM0305. It should be in the bottom right hand corner of the ad. Put dashed lines around it. Leave enough space for the prospect to fill in their details. Add your name & contact details onto it. We haven’t even bothered about your name at all so far. Remember we aren’t doing brand advertising. Your name doesn’t even need to be in the main bit of the add as your phone number can just be there should they need it after the coupon is cut out. If you put your details, just put them along the bottom of the ad in a small font. Put a box in the coupon so the prospect can tick it. Involvement like this is proven to help the psychological process of buying. Have a large 0800 Freephone number. If you’ve got space put a really tiny copy of the free brochure, video, etc in the coupon with FREE printed alongside. If the add is small and you don’t have room for a coupon, you can say “tear out this ad and send with your name and address to …” Putting a value on the coupon can help. Retail stores can use coupons, the customer having to bring the coupon with them. It could for example be a 2 for 1 coupon. The coupon should have an expiry date or possibly be for 1 day only to generate immediate response or it could be on a first come first served basis. Colour There are three main options for colour… Black & white. Spot colour – one colour (either set by the publication or any you want) in addition to black. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 137 - Full colour – whatever colours you want Colour does increase response but normally not enough to justify the extra cost. But the only way to be sure is to test your ad, but always start with black & white to play safe. Here is an example layout for a full-page ad. It’s the layout more than the content, which is fictitious that you are looking at… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 138 - Free Special Report For Driving Instructors Reveals… “How To Pay Less TAX & Avoid Tax Investigations” D 1. The top 10 items that the Tax Inspector looks for in your accounts in deciding to investigate. 2. How to stop an Investigation before it even starts. 3. The secrets of beating the Tax Inspector at their own game. 4. The 3 Tax Keys to consider before your financial year starts. 5. How To Implement the top 21 tax saving ideas. 6. Five ways to reduce your tax bill in your first year of trading. 7. How To Get An Accountant who can do this for you. Your fuel cost as a percentage of you sales is a critical element. But if the percentage doesn’t look right, you need to know what to do about it. 8. And much much more. Dead mileage patterns, higher fuel consumption rates, variable fuel costs, average mileage per lesson, cancellation rates, private mileage, etc all need addressing. Either call our FREEPHONE number on 0800 1234 567 or complete the coupon and post it back to me at the address below. The report is also available as a download on our web site at id you know that Driving Instructors are one of the Inland Revenue’s top targets? If you want to pay less tax whilst avoiding the attention of the Tax Inspector, read on because I have good news… You’re cash based business is just what the Tax Inspector loves. To help avoid Taxman problems we review your accounts to look for the items we know attract their attention. My FREE Special Report shows you how to do this. What The Taxman Looks At You’re a small Driving Instructor so there’s not much you really do to reduce your tax bills, right? WRONG. There are over 21 ways in which Driving Instructors can reduce the amount of tax they pay. What’s more they are all Free, Legal, Quick and Easy to use. So you can do it and here’s the proof… “Thanks to your approach to tax for Driving Instructors, our tax bill has now dropped by £1428 this year.” David Smith Smith’s School Of Motoring Peterborough FREE Report Shows You How To Do It The Free Report For Driving Instructors will show you… Act Now To Get Your Free Copy Only 100 Copies Available Yes Please! Send Me Your Free Special Report. You’ll show me exactly how to reduce my tax bill and avoid having a Tax Investigation. I understand this does not obligate me in any way and I can keep it without any cost. Name: ………………………...……. Address: ……………………. ………………………………… E-mail: ………………………………. Tel: …………………………… Send To: ABC Accountants Freepost WX1234 London Rd, Peterborough. PE1 2HG Tel: 08000 1234 567 DI0305 How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 139 - Now we need to cut this ad down to size, lets say to an 1/8 page ad or even smaller for classifieds. Start by putting a border around the ad at least 2mm thick. To make it smaller, keep the most important elements from your fullsize ad… The pre headline for small print ads but not classifieds or directories. The main headline – keep this large and the rest of the ad can be smaller. Don’t worry about using small font sizes. The body copy type font can go as small as point 6. If the headline grabs attention, they’ll read the ad. The headline can take up to a third or half of the ad if necessary. The first sentence. The call to action. The business name, address & phone number. Then add any of the following you can fit in… Bulleted points Coupon Testimonials or anything else that gives you credibility. Any other body copy. Then add any connecting words that are needed to make the add flow. This may be needed because you’ve cut the larger ad down to size. Here are some examples of smaller ads. Here is a smaller ad example…. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 140 - Free Special Report For Driving Instructors Reveals… “How To Pay Less TAX & Avoid Tax Investigations” D id you know that Driving Instructors are one of the Inland Revenue’s top targets? If you want to pay less tax whilst avoiding the attention of the Tax Inspector, read on because I have good news… My FREE Special Report shows you how to do this. It’s full of Free, Legal, Quick and Easy ideas with over 21 proven ways to reduce your tax bill. Act Now To Get Your Free Copy. Only 100 Copies Available. Call our FREEPHONE number on 0800 1234 567. ABC Accountants Freepost WX1234 London Rd, Peterborough. PE1 2HG Make sure you get a proof of the ad. How Frequently Should You Run The Ad? Apart from moving into other publications one at a time, you will want to repeat it again in the same publication. These are the recommended frequency times… Daily Publications – No more than once a week. Weekly Publications – Every 2 to 4 weeks. Monthly Publications – Every month or every other month. Again you need to test to find what works best for your ad. Often the first ad will get the best response. The summer months are generally not as good months to advertise in as people are out and about more rather than inside reading magazines and newspapers. Gift products do best in October to December. Non gift products do well in January to March. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 141 - If you can predict the weather, rainy days increase coupon response. Sunday papers tend to out pull daily papers by around 40% but do cost more. When To Stop Running The Ad It’s obvious but many people don’t do it because they don’t monitor the results. So stop as soon as it stops being profitable. You can either try another ad or leave it a few months and try the ad again. The best advice is probably to test other ads as only by testing can you continually improve. You can always run the original ad again in a few months. Classified Ads There are some extra rules to apply for classified ads as follows… The headline can be a bit smaller, even just 2 points bigger than the body copy, but no smaller. “The Headline Should Be In A Reverse Copy Like This As With Cluttered Ads It Makes It Easier For It To Stand Out” You won’t have space for a coupon so you’ll need to put your name somewhere else although your address isn’t crucial. The name should go at the bottom of the ad and again be reversed out in a box using small capitals and centred. It should have a border around it to help it stand out. If you raise the headline a bit as follows it will make it stand out even further. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 142 - “The Headline Should Be In A Reverse Copy Like This As With Cluttered Ads It Makes It Easier For It To Stand Out” Start with a drop cap and keep the text left aligned with a ragged right edge as shown here. Don’t forget some formatting tricks like underline or bold or CAPITALS for important words. The headline needs to be reversed out as does your name at the bottom. Notice how both the headline is laid out and the name at the bottom is in small capitals. ABC LTD Directory Advertising In the UK the most important directory is Yellow Pages and this is the main directory to concentrate on. Directory advertising is different… A higher proportion of people who open them up are more likely to maker an immediate purchase as they are specifically looking for a product or service. They are already interested in your product or service. So you don’t need to convince them that they need the product or service but that they need to choose you to provide it. This means they need information so the more copy the better so long as it remains readable. Studies have shown that the average consumer looks at 5.3 ads in a directory. You therefore need to grab attention and give them a reason to choose you. Don’t forget all your competitors’ are in the same place and this is where competition is strongest. Research has also shown that you are wasting your money if you place an ad smaller than a ¼ column. This is why yellow pages promote this size ad over all others. You can’t get enough detail in a smaller ad, so don’t use them. With yellow pages and most directory advertising they allow you to spread the cost of the payment over 10 or 12 months. Because the advert goes in for a year it is harder to test and you need to make sure you’ve got the best ad possible and spend more time getting it right and planning it. Never let the directory people design the ad for you. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 143 - They may call more than one supplier from the directory and your job is to make sure they call you whether it is just one supplier they are calling or five. You need the best advert, not the second best. Your ad needs to have one main objective and be focused on this and this only. It could be to get the prospect to call, to get them to come into your shop but whatever it is, focus on that only. That way you get the result you want. As they are already interested in your service this is a time where it is more appropriate to go straight to a hard offer such as a free consultation rather than a soft offer like a free special report. Secrets To Get To The Front Of Your Directory Classification Look at how many people are in your category and what size ads they are placing. If there isn’t a category for you it may indicate that directory advertising isn’t going to be right for your industry but someone has to be first and you could test it with a ¼ column ad, no bigger. You need to be near or at the front of your directory listing, even more important for sections running over several pages. You therefore need to know how you get to the front. With yellow pages it’s based on the first letter of your business name. The computer of course recognizes that A comes before B, etc. However, in the past the computer has recognised that numbers come before letters and that dots... come before numbers. So in some sections of the Yellow Pages that are very competitive such as insurance you will notice that all names seem to be preceded by dots and numbers in a small font to help them get to the front. But the rules have now changed. No doubt the Yellow Pages people thought this might start to get out of hand, so now Yellow Pages reps tell have changed the rules. The computer no longer recognises dots or numbers and so if you use them at the beginning of your name, you will apparently end up at the back! So what can you now do to get to the front. We suggest the following approach may well win... 1. Put some A's before your name. 2. So that they don't stand out quite so much you can put them in lower case - aaa 3. To avoid aaazebbedy & co where your name gets a bit lost, you can still make use of dots by using aaa........zebbedy & co. The aaa's get How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 144 - you to the front so long as the dots don't precede them. 4. The Yellow Pages reps sometimes ask for evidence of the name in the form of a letterhead, so ensure you have aaa's on the letterhead you send to them. The people at yellow pages will never tell you all about this but you can’t afford not to take advantage of this knowledge. For other directories, just ask the reps how the directory is ordered to know what you have to do to get to the front. Or use a service name There's no need to have the listing under your company name. You are allowed to go in under a service name, so you could have a service name beginning with aaa's rather than your business name such as AAA Gardening Hotline Optimizing The Size Of Your Directory Ad Apart from being at the front, you need a good size ad to stand out from the others in your category. You obviously don’t want to hear that because the larger the ad, the more it costs. However, if you are going to have the largest ad in your category altogether, there is no need to go any bigger than one size above the next largest ad. You can also be more practical than this and keep your costs down by just being the largest ad in your category on your page and the opposite page. Now that you’ve applied the technique to get to the front, you know where you are going to be in your category. The problem is you don’t know where your category is going to start next year, so to play safe, look at all the ads in the first 2 pages of your directory as wherever you start it won’t go over 2 pages to cover your page and the opposite page. Now all you need to do is make your advert one size bigger than the biggest on these pages, which may not be so big. If this is still outside your budget, you’ll have to go down in size to meet your budget but it’s worth investigating first. The nearer your ad is to being the biggest the better. Don’t worry if you can’t be the biggest, you ad is still going to be very successful as a good small ad will still beat a poor big one. Layout Of Directory Ad Follow all the usual rules for ad design but the following apply just for directory ads… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 145 - “The Headline Should Be In A Reverse Copy In A Box Like This As With Cluttered Ads It Makes It Easier For It To Stand Out” You don’t use coupons with directory ads. Put your contact details – name, address, phone no, fax, email, web etc, at the bottom of the ad. Double column width ads should split the text into two columns. The text should be justified so it isn’t ragged right. With colour it helps but isn’t usually worth the extra cost. Using the white knockout ads (where the writing is still black but the background is white) are cheaper than colour ads and can be more effective. Because you’ve designed the ad resist any attempt from yellow pages for you to pay an artwork charge. It’s probably best to forget about your own logo as people aren’t interested in it and you can often need the space. However a trade association logo that people know can help with credibility. The Yellow Pages directories cover geographic areas that can be quite wide. If you can service the whole area it helps to appear local. If you’re a shop there’s probably not a lot you can do about this but if you provide a service you can help your cause … Let them know you’ll go to them. Get different phone lines from BT with different numbers and then have them all directed to your main office number. In the ad, you can therefore put Area 1 Tel 012345678, Area 2 Tel 87654321, etc. And drop your address Yellow Pages no longer insist on having your address or phone number in the advert. This means if you are based in one locality you can appeal to a far wider audience by for example dropping your address from the advert and use 0845 or 0800 Phone Numbers in your advert instead for different areas. Here’s an example yellow pages advert of double quarter column width layout… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 146 - “The Headline Should Be In A Reverse Copy In A Box Like This As With Cluttered Ads It Makes It Easier For It To Stand Out” Start with a drop cap You don’t use coupons with directory ads. Put Don’t forget some formatting tricks like your contact details – name, address, phone no, fax, email, web etc, at the bottom of the ad. Double column width ads should split the text into two columns. The text should be justified like this. With colour it helps but isn’t usually worth the cost. Using the white knockout ads is effective. …ABC underline or bold or CAPITALS for important words. Three dots before the name helps to get to the front your section. Go for a hard offer as they are already looking to buy. Address, which is compulsory with Yellow Pages goes at the bottom of the ad 0800 1234567 Adding Pictures To Adverts Whilst in small ads you may struggle for space, using pictures in adverts can help your cause. It gets the reader to enquire what the ad is about and read the copy. It’s attention grabbing, like a headline. A picture can tell a thousand words. Here are the rules to remember when using pictures… 1. The substance of the picture is more important than the form. If you can take a picture, you’re on your way. 2. Research shows photographs sell more than drawings. Probably because they are reality rather than fantasy. 3. Before and after photos can easily outsell a thousand words. 4. Pictures that show and tell the key benefits work well. 5. Photos with a “what’s the difference” caption are effective. 6. Pictures of people work better than say, a picture of the factory or the product by itself. 7. When showing the product, show it in use. 8. You can even add pictures of people to their testimonials. 9. Good people pictures include famous people, people in odd costumes, people in odd situations. 10. Other pictures that work – romantic pictures, animals, catastrophe pictures such as road accidents, pictures of rewards that relate to the How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 147 - product. 11. Interestingly, research shows photos of men attract men readers and women attract women readers. 12. Pictures of brides and babies also attract women. 13. Don’t show an enlarged close up of the human face. 14. Something odd in the picture will always attract attention. 15. When using people, it is better if they are looking at you. 16. If using illustrations, keep them simple. 17. Never use a photograph without putting a caption underneath it. People read the caption under a picture more than they read the body copy, so make it a great caption. 18. Cartoons are an effective illustrative device. 19. Imitate the newspapers, which you’ll see means never putting your headline above the picture. Put it under or to the side. Putting it on top, reduces attention value by 19%. 20. Don’t use a picture that doesn’t add to the advert. 21. One large picture is better than lots of small ones. 22. You can test different pictures in split runs. Inserts Inserts in publications, allow you to use both sides. They cost a bit more but they do generally bring more responses. You can normally insert them by postcode areas to hit your target market. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 148 - Section 20 Sales Letters: Sausage & Sizzle “A woman seldom writes her mind but in the postscript” Richard Steele 1672 – 1729: The Spectator 31 May 1711 Sales Letters Work Customers respond to letters more than any other piece of paper. Everyone likes to receive a letter. They can be used for testing and have many purposes. It probably only costs 60p a letter to cover the stamp and stationery, not much to communicate with a targeted prospect. However, many small businesses have tried sales letters and then stopped because they didn’t work. Direct mail should produce between a 0.5 to 3% response, although if sent to existing customers should be a lot higher. The reason they didn’t work is not because sales letters don’t work but because the wrong sales letter was sent. You only need to look at the mass of sales letters sent out by large businesses to know they must work if written correctly. Done correctly, a good sales letter will massively out perform a poor one. Changing a flyer into a 1 page A4 sales letter has been shown to improve response by 10 times. The prime objective of a good sales letter is to get the reader to act NOW. It needs a direct response. Start by following the proven stages for all written lead generation tools. Now we’ll look at some matters specific to letters. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 149 - Salutation Rules Start by getting the name & address spelt correctly. If possible print the full name and address on the letter and the envelope. However, there are times for huge mailings on a tight time budget where this isn’t practical. If you have the details its very easy to personalise letters with current technology so that it is Dear Mr Smith. If you don’t have the name just write to your target audience like… “To the girl who wants to look beautiful” “To the busy Estate Agent” “To the concerned parents at No 52” “To the person who must increase sales”. Avoid “Dear Sir/Madam” and “Dear Mr/Mrs”. “Dear Reader” is always safe or perhaps “Dear Colleague” for business people. Use only the surname unless you have already spoken with them and the first name is appropriate. When sending to businesses, especially larger businesses write to the position rather than the name as they often change. Using “Hello Mr Smith” or “Good Morning Mr Smith” is OK. You could start with “Dear Friend” and then open with something like… “I say Dear Friend because six years ago, I was where you are now…” Signing Off Finish with “best wishes”, “kind regards”, “yours sincerely” but never “yours faithfully”. Sign in blue ink with a legible signature whenever it is practical to do so. Put your full name and don’t leave any confusion over your sex. The P.S. Always add a P.S. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 150 - The P.S. is the most read part of a letter because we always look to see who it is from. It has been proven that the P.S. is read more carefully than the rest of the letter. Here are the rules for a good P.S… Make it short and to the point. End it with thank you. Don’t put anything from your opening paragraph in the P.S. as this is what they will read next. The P.S. can contain any of the following… A repeat of the USP. A repeat of the guarantee A call to act now. A message to say “if the letter is not of interest, could you pass it someone who it you think it may be of benefit to”. It can add more value or an unexpected bonus. A reminder of an important point. More Top Letter Tips Follow the usual headline rules with the only other point to note being that the headline can go above or below the salutation or in what is known as a Johnson Box, in between two lines of ******** ***************** Headline Goes Here ***************** Letters to business owners should generally be on superior quality paper and envelopes. Use good quality white paper. Consumers prefer bright colours, pictures and involvement devices to be included such as rub off cards. Avoid graphics in the letter, to make sure it looks like a letter. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 151 - Use all the formatting tricks to make it easier and more interesting to read. Try to not to finish any page with a full stop, but finish mid sentence or use transitions… You can use simulated handwriting in the margins. Coloured highlighting, like a yellow highlight pen over a key sentence helps grab attention. Include a reply device. Business Reply cards that don’t require any postage are good. Fold the letter so the copy is facing out when the letter is opened. Make sure the headline is the first thing that is seen when it is opened. Try to leave plenty of white space to make it easy to read. One trick is to reduce it in size by 5-10% on your photocopier. You should mail the letter to yourself first to see what it looks like after going through the post. You can use a series of letters, perhaps sending one out every 3 to 4 weeks. In each one, mention “In my last letter of…. I mentioned” and now go on to add some additional benefits. After sending a few letters, if there is no response, let them know in the final letter that it is the final mailing and give them the option to stay on your mailing list. Perhaps have a “just curious” box for them to tick. You certainly need a campaign of letters following a request for information such as a brochure. The letters should get progressively harder selling. Make a phone call after the 4th or 5th letter, if not before. Put a date on the letter. Use your own personal style. Letters look better when printed on a laser printer. The Reply Device The reply device with your letter is crucial to the success of the sales letter. Ideally it should contain all the important parts of your sales letter again…. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 152 - The headline. The offer. The USP. Other benefits. The deadline. The Guarantee. The call to action Here’s what else to do with reply devices… 1. Give it a good title. “Special Sign Up Opportunity” sounds more interesting than “Order Form”. 2. Offer different ways of replying. 3. Use graphics such as an envelope graphic if you want the reply posted to you. 4. Give them something to tick to create involvement and make it easy to reply. 5. Give them different offers to reply to, both hard & soft. 6. Don’t ask for more information than you need. 7. You can possibly have their name & address already filled in on the order form. 8. Ensure your contact details are on it in case it gets separated from the letter. 9. Write “Thank You” on the reply device. 10. Printing it on different coloured paper such as yellow helps. 11. Don’t add anything that isn’t contained in your sales letter, except possibly an extra incentive. 12. Provide the payment options -for immediate purchases only. How To Get Your Envelope Opened Envelopes don’t always get opened. Some are thrown straight in the bin if they look like a sales letter. If you can’t get your letter opened, it doesn’t matter what’s in it. To get it opened you need to make it look personalised. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 153 - So follow these rules whenever you want to get your mail opened… Use Plain Envelopes (avoid window envelopes). Try different size envelopes with different colours or textures to make them look personal. Have the name & not just the address on the envelope. Handwrite the name & address in blue ink. If you are doing a mass mailing and it isn’t practical you are better off using a laser printer to print direct onto the envelopes rather than using labels. Use real stamps rather than a franking. In fact if you use more than one stamp, this works even better. You can even break down your first class stamp into small denominations to do this. First class mail is more likely to be opened. If you write “Personal” on the envelope there had better be something personal enclosed. Otherwise, you’ll just lose credibility, so don’t do it. If in a mass mailing, it’s not going to be practical to make the envelope not look like a sales letter, then you can try putting a teaser message on the front of the envelope to generate interest to get it opened. Only by testing will you know which works best for you. Examples are… “ Inside You’ll Find The Secrets The Taxman Doesn’t Want You To Know” “Free Offer inside” “Limited Time Offer” “Please Open Immediately” “New Pricing Enclosed” How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 154 - Here is an example layout of a letter and reply device. The content is a bit haphazard but it’s the overall impression of interest you are trying to create. Date Name Address The HEADLINE Can Go Here Or It Can Go Below The Salutation. It Can Go On More Than One Line And Should Be Centred. Dear xxxxxxx Keep your first sentence short and use it as your first paragraph. Use Sub Headings To Break Up Sections For most products and services, the more you tell, the more you sell. Long copy invariably outsells short copy. You are writing for the buyer, not the non-buyer. So tell them everything they would want to know. If using long copy you must be able to keep the customer interested. If you can’t do this, short copy may well do better. Short copy is also more suited to simple products that can be explained in a short letter. If someone who is buying would need 16 pages to fully explain the product or service to the, use them. If only 1 page is needed, use that. Bullet points help to generate interest… 1. Expand on the most important benefit of your offer. These should be the benefits particular to what you are trying to get the prospect to respond to, such as the Free Special Report. 2. Focus on a specific problem and generate anger, fear, guilt, etc followed by your solution. 3. Get your USP message across. Another Subheading Forget the English teachers. Write as you talk in conversational English. It has a natural enthusiasm that is infectious. A bit like a 10-yearold child telling you what they’ve been up to. The body copy font should be your usual serif font. The font size should be between 11 & 13. Indent the start of each paragraph like this. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 155 - Sentences to be no longer than two lines and paragraphs no longer than 7 lines. Words in a list can use bold more often. To keep the prospect reading, try to not to finish any page with a full stop, but finish mid sentence or use transitions… It helps to get the reader to move onto the next page and avoids putting a barrier in their way. Use some formatting tricks such as using bold underline italics and/or CAPITALS for certain keywords. Don’t over use them otherwise they will lose their effect away from your key words. A little sprinkle will do nicely. Setting key paragraphs in boldface or italic can break up long copy. Use boxes with light shading for extra emphasis of important points such as your guarantee. Use different types of bullet points and numbers. Use lines of asterisks to break up important sections. ********** Text must be left aligned and ragged at the right hand edge. Use the present tense, second person – “you feel well dressed in a Brown Brothers Suit” and not “a man will feel well dressed…”. Use “it does” and not “can” or “could” You Need A Call To Action You must have a call to action to get the prospect to respond NOW. This must be related to your primary objective such as to call for your Special Report. Best Wishes John Smith P.S. The postscript is the most read part of a letter because we always look to see whom it is from. It has been proven that the P.S. is read more carefully than the rest of the letter. It can be in a script font. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 156 - Priority Sign Up Form “What Every Driving Instructor Ought To Know About How To Pay Less Tax And Avoid Tax Investigations!” Please either: Post to: FREEPOST ABC 22 London Road, London SW1 4EA Fax this sheet to: FREEFAX 0800 7654321 or Call me: John Smith on FREEPHONE 0800 123 4567 Please quote Ref CFCADI7 Thank You! Remember, when you request the Sign Up Pack to use us as your accountants before 31st March, you’ll get the following … 1. The FREE ADI Select Special Report on “What Every Driving Instructor Ought To Know About How To Pay Less Tax And Avoid Tax Investigations.” 2. The ADI Select simple to use Driving Instructors Accounts System 3. The ADI Select Mini Report on results driven “Profit Maximisation for Driving Instructors”. YES. I want to sign up for just £27 per month. Send me your Sign Up Pack. I understand that in the unlikely event I decide not to proceed, I can keep everything you’ve sent me without any obligation. Please send no money now. NOT YET. Please send me The Special Tax Reports so I can get a feel for how good your advice is and an Information Pack. I understand both of these are completely without obligation. PLEASE CALL ME to discuss my circumstances and how you work in more detail. Full Name: Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms…………………………….….. Driving School Name:………………………………………… Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………. ……………………………………………………………………..………………..……….Postcode……….. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 157 - Postcard Marketing Postcards can be effective for marketing as you don’t have to get the letter open. Here are some rules to follow… Avoid putting any vital information in the postal franking area of the top right hand corner. Use the space on both sides for your messages. Bright coloured postcards grab attention. If they call about that bright lime green postcard, you know its working! Apply the usual headline rules, offer & call to action. Give your company’s return address so any undeliverable addresses can be removed from your database. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 158 - Section 21 Fax Advertising “And once sent out, a word takes wing beyond recall” Horace 65 – 8 BC: Epistles Fax advertising is used for business-to-business marketing. As always, the right list is crucial. If you are going to use a fax bureau they will be able to help you find a list to meet your niche. Selecting Your Fax Bureau Using a fax bureau is far easier than doing it yourself and is not particularly expensive and is far cheaper than sending direct mail through the post with each one only costing a few pence. Follow these rules for using fax bureau… You need to know they have a good list so find out… 1. How can you select fax numbers from their list – by geographic area, business type, employee numbers, turnover, etc? This is crucial to only sending faxes to your niche market. 2. How many fax numbers do they have? 3. How often is their data cleansed, checked and updated? 4. Do they check their list against that of the Fax Preference Service and how often. It is illegal to send faxes to those numbers that are registered with the fax preference service so you need to ensure compliance with this. You can find our more about the Fax Preference Service at 5. Where anyone asks you to remove their fax number from your list after they receive the fax, will the fax bureau do this? You don’t want a fax going to those people again if you use the same bureau again. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 159 - 6. Can you add your own list of fax numbers to that of the bureau? What feedback do you get such as when were the faxes sent, how many were sent and how many were received. It’s unlikely that much more than 80% will be received. What’s the cost and is it for faxes sent or received. This is normally related to volume of faxes sent and whether they are sent at peak (9am to 6pm weekdays) or off peak times. Don’t forget to negotiate. What’s the minimum order? If it is say 2000 names but your list is only going to comprise 1000 names, find out if you can send to the 1000 names now and then again in a few weeks to avoid not hitting the minimum order level. If you type “fax broadcast” or “fax bureau” into your Internet search engine, many will come up. Fax Format Two proven formats for sending direct response faxes are either… An editorial type fax that looks more like a newspaper article as with the advertising we looked at earlier. or A personal fax that looks just like normal fax correspondence. Use the personal style fax for your existing customers or for prospects where you haven’t got a lot to say. Use the editorial styles fax to prospects where you have a lot to say that wouldn’t otherwise fit easily onto one page or where you want to use a fax back coupon. You follow all the usual rules for lead generation writing and format but the following particularly apply to faxes… Editorial Format Follow the usual headline layout and also have a pre-headline as with larger ads. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 160 - Do not personalise it. There is no fax header section as with personal faxes. Use 2-point size font between paragraphs. It should start with a drop cap. Split it into 3 columns and break the paragraphs up with sub headings. Justify the columns. Look to add a fax back coupon. This doesn’t work with the personal style because a fax coupon breaks the feeling of it being a personal fax. However, as with print ads they are great for editorial style faxes. Follow the exact same rules for the format of the coupon as with print ads and put it in the bottom right hand corner. So the editorial fax looks just like the full-page print ad shown earlier, except that it would cover 3 columns on a full A4 page. Personal Format This needs to look just like a normal fax you use in personal correspondence. Put the headline in the “subject” or “re” section of the fax. Type the headline but no bigger than a size 13 font. Again Capitalise The First Letter Of Each Word but there is no need for speech marks, bold or underline and keep the headline to one line only. Personal faxes going to customers must be personalised with their name but if going to prospects this isn’t normally worth the cost so you can just put something like Dear Business Owner, Dear Friend, etc. The personal fax will have the usual fax header section that is completed for Date, To, From, No of Pages, and Subject. Use a half line to full line between paragraphs. The text should be left aligned and ragged right. Indent the start of each paragraph. With the personal fax, as you don’t have a coupon, put your contact details at the bottom of the fax and the code so that you can identify the fax beneath that. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 161 - The personal fax should also finish with your name and signature and have a P.S. For both types of faxes, the body copy font must be a serif font and between size 10& 12. After editing it needs to fit onto one page. It is also sensible to write on the bottom of all faxes something like… “if you wish to be removed from our fax list, please fax your request to (insert fax number)” Remember your editorial fax looks like the full page print ad we did earlier but with 3 columns on an A4 page. An example of a personal fax layout follows on the next page… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 162 - Fax Message To: Date: From: No Of Pages: 1 Subject: Your Headline Goes Here --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear xxxxxxx Keep your first sentence short and use it as your first paragraph. Use Sub Headings To Break Up Sections The body copy font should be your usual serif font. The font size should be between 11 & 13. Indent the start of each paragraph like this except the first paragraph where you have used the drop cap. Sentences to be no longer than two lines and paragraphs no longer than 7 lines. Another Subheading Use some formatting tricks such as using bold underline italics and/or CAPITALS for certain keywords. Don’t over use them otherwise they will lose their effect away from your key words. A little sprinkle will do nicely. Use the present tense, second person – “you feel well dressed in a Brown Brothers Suit” and not “a man will feel well dressed…”. Use “it does” and not “can” or “could”. You Need A Call To Action You must have a call to action to get the prospect to respond NOW. This must be related to your primary objective such as to call for your Special Report. Best Wishes John Smith John Smith P.S. The postscript is the most read part of a letter because we always look to see whom it is from. It has been proven that the P.S. is read more carefully than the rest of the letter. Put Your Company Name & Contact Details Here If you wish to be removed from our fax list, please fax your request to (insert fax number) How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 163 - When To Send The Fax The best time to send out your fax is normally Monday to Friday between 11am to 3 pm. Ask your fax bureau if they can do this. If they can’t do it, ask them not to send it until they can and you’ll find that usually works. Off peak is cheaper but apart from rare occasions, you’ll get far better value by paying a bit more and sending at these times. Don’t forget to test and don’t send one fax to your entire list to start with. Don’t send to any more than 2000 on your first fax and then test this against a different fax for another 2000 names from the list, but only change one variable at a time. Alternatively, if your list is only small, send one fax one week and then another to the same list a few weeks later to test the difference. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 164 - Section 22 Internet Marketing “Progress Involves Risk. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on the first” Direct marketing basics apply on the net just as they do everywhere else. How To Build Your Web Site The vast majority of Internet sites do it all wrong. To start with you must get one. They’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year so don’t ignore them. The Internet is continually growing and more people are starting to buy online. The growth rates continue to be phenomenal. They can work for businesses selling locally as well as nationally. As an online shop they are excellent as they can be changed whenever needed – it’s not so easy with a 10,000-product catalogue. What is more important is more and more people are turning to the Internet for research purposes. If you don’t have a site, your prospects are not going to be able to research you. They help to build credibility. They help bridge the gap between small and large businesses, as it’s not that hard to build a great looking and functional web site at very reasonable costs. Follows these guidelines in building your site… Avoid using the company name or logo as the headline. 95% of sites do this. Your headline on the first page should follow the usual headline rules. You don’t want a nice pretty site with no substance to it. Don’t worry about having an ugly site if the content is fantastic. Good design does of course help the prospect to start looking at the site but spend more time and money on content than on beautiful design. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 165 - Don’t focus on you – all about your history, how long you’ve been going etc. The focus needs to be on the customer with “you” & “your” rather than “we” & “I”. Make sure your contact details are easy to find. Put them on every page with various options and lots of links to email you. You need lots of e-mail links to you in the site. Your site must have a call to action. You must make it clear what you want the prospect to do next. You must promote your site. Although it’s an Internet site, you can use conventional promotional means to publicise the site. Put the site address on everything you produce. If the pages take too long to download, they’ll be off somewhere else. The front page should be no more than 20KB and other pages less than 50KB. Use JPEG images which load faster. You must try to capture the prospects email address. It’s easy to get by offering something for free such as your special report. You can then keep in touch easily. Ignore the techies telling you what your web site should look like. Use them for technical input but use direct marketing methods for the content. If you are offering a service, don’t give away the whole answer on the web site. Avoid building your site just for PR purposes. You need it to generate direct responses as with all your other marketing activities. Using an e-tip of the week or e-newsletter is an extremely effective way of developing a relationship with prospects and customers and its FREE to do. They do everything a traditional newsletter or tip sheet does at no cost. The design of a web site is more than the graphics. It’s about how they are constructed. You need to know the site objective before you build it. Focus on what the site is trying to achieve. If not pages become unrelated and the user becomes confused and goes elsewhere. Keep the design simple. You can use web sites to assist with customer service. For example, guidance on how to use a product or troubleshooting problems. This could save an enormous amount of time spent on dealing with these How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 166 - problems on the phone. How much you invest in web development should be tempered by how much your target market is to be found on the web. However, the web is rapidly expanding and can open up new markets for you. Choose a domain name that people can guess if they are trying to locate your web site. Avoid having a dash – as it makes this harder. Using your company name rather than incorporating what you do such as “printers” will make it easier for people to find you. The site needs to be interesting to keep people there. It helps to have interaction with the visitors such as letting them contribute, bulletin boards where they can ask questions and let others answer. Ask for feedback on your site. Consider translating your site into other languages if you have a worldwide audience, although English is the main language of the net. If you have different target markets you should look to have a different web site for each rather than a generic site. To trade online you need a shop front and a means of accepting payment online. A shop front can be provided either by a server based subscription service for which you pay a set up fee and a monthly subscription fee or a PC based store using an out of the box store builder on your local PC. A good place to start is with direct marketing’s oldest retailers. What does a good catalogue do? It introduces with a personal message in the form of a letter. It points you to the best deals and new offers. It keeps everything plain and simple, using pared-down, clear language. And it asks frequently for the order. Search Engine Optimisation Search engine optimisation is one way of helping drive traffic to your site although don’t rely on it as the only way. Every search engine has slightly different rules for what will get you to the top. It is sensible to concern yourself only with the major search engines and learn the rules for these only. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 167 - Search engine optimisation is a massive subject in its own right that is constantly changing and the following covers the very basics. Use of the right keywords in your site is crucial to getting to the top. Here are the places where your search engine keywords should appear… Keyword META TAGS Description META TAGS Domain Name Page Title - keep this to 5 to 10 words – Google only recognises the first 66 characters. Page Text – try to match keywords in the title Alt Tags on images. Hypertext links. Between the “no frames” of framed sites. Getting this right on the first page of your site is especially important.. Finding your best keywords… To find the best keywords for your site, try these resources… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 168 - Google Adwords, that’s the advertising program you see on the Google search engine will provide keyword suggestions on Google. Keywords should contain phrases as well as just words. Put them in lowercase and avoid words like “a” which search engines just ignore. Always use the plural of words, such as “horses” rather than “horse”. Avoid putting large graphics at the top of your web pages, as search engines can’t read them. A nice trick… If you do a search on words that people may use when searching for your type of business, go to those who come to the top of the search engine. If you then click on VIEW & SOURCE you will see all the HTML source code for the page. Within that code you will see all the meta tags and keywords that help get them to the top of the search engines, so look to use these words. The Importance Of Links The more links you have from other sites to your site, the higher up you are likely to appear in search engines. This is becoming more important. Have a “Link To Us” button on your web site to encourage this. For more help on getting to the top of search engines visit More Web Marketing Ideas It’s excellent as a tool for researching your competition. Subscribe to your competitors e-mail lists to keep track of what they’re doing. Join discussion groups and discussion e-mail lists relevant to your business where your prospects are likely to be. They are normally free to join. When doing this always be informative rather than blatantly advertise. Before sending your own email or message, you must know the netiquette used. It helps to watch first and definitely read the FAQ’s about the group or list. You could even start your own discussion list but it does involve a fair amount of time input to administer. To enter discussions related to your business you can search for relevant Usenet groups at How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 169 - Banner ads - You can join Microsoft’s link Exchange for banner ads to get your banner to appear on thousands of sites, although there is less control over where it appears… nerads/detail.mspx Pay on a CPM (cost per thousand) or CPC (cost per click) basis for banner ads. The only real ones to concentrate on are Google Adwords and Overture. You can get free banner creation tools at Have a “Tell A Friend” Button on the site so that visitors can let friends know about your site. If you want a script for this go to Have freebies such as e-books that friends can pass onto each other with your details on. Use virtual postcards that friends can send to each other and they come to your site to read them. Internet Press Releases can be sent to online publications. These can include links to you and e-mail links. Affiliate Marketing is all the rage on the net. Very simply it involves endorsing products on other sites and when your visitors click through to their site and buy, you earn a commission. So you can earn a fortune without having to do anything yourself! Don’t believe all the hype. To get it to work you must have or create a site that attracts a lot of visitors in the first place. If you can do this, affiliate marketing is a sensible thing to add on to your site. Of course, you can use it the other way round as well and set up affiliate programs whereby you pay a commission to those who send customers to you. E-mail Marketing Top tips for e-mail marketing… 1. Your web site should have a privacy policy, informing users how you intend to use e-mail addresses than you collect. This will make them feel more comfortable in providing their e-mail address. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 170 - 2. E-mail marketing is far more effective when it is permission based and targeted. Not the e-mail lists of 3 million e-mail addresses offered all over the Internet. 3. If an e-mail is requested then length is not an issue but if it is sent unrequested, try to keep it short with a link to your web site to do the rest of the selling job. 4. Plain text e-mails tend to work best as bells and whistles may confuse when received the other end. How it appears to you may not be how it appears the other end. Always send one to your self first. 5. Use BCC so that no-one knows the details of everyone else who is on your list. However, lots of BCC will look like spam to an ISP and may never get through. Therefore once your list gets to a certain size it will be far more sensible to use list software. You can either purchase your own software or your ISP may provide a listserv program. The most popular program is probably listserv available at 6. List software will allow… Tracking of the e-mails. You will be able to personalise it with the persons name in it. And will have a spam checker to check what you are going to send won’t be rejected by ISP’S as spam. You can get free list software programs although they always involve some advertisements inserted into the bottom of the listserv messages. offer a free service. 7. A sales e-mail should follow the process of lead generation tools although should normally be shorter and avoid having an ad headline in the subject section, as it will probably just be deleted from an inbox without being read. 8. Always offer the option to get off of the list. 9. They can be used by ordinary businesses, not just high tech businesses. For example a heating & cooling repairs business could send e-mails covering the following topics… Prepare For Winter Info Insulating And Energy Efficiency Tips Long Term Weather Forecasts How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 171 - Special Offers – perhaps a seasonal check up maintenance plan. New product information. And when someone sends you an e-mail you should respond within 24 hours. People aren’t as patient when it comes to waiting for e-mail replies. Always put your URL in e-mail signatures. Autoresponders can be used to reply to e-mails or forms submitted on your web site which allow automatic responses to standard requests, such as a request for your Special Report. They also allow… Responses to be personalised with the person’s name. Automatic delivery of a series of emails so that an e-mail campaign continues automatically and is personalised to the prospect who has made an initial request. Tracking of responses. Getting Repeat Visitors If your web site never changes it’s hard to get visitors to come back. Here are proven ways to get people to come back to your site… 1. Have a “What’s New” page and get their permission to email them to let them know when it changes. 2. Give away FREE Stuff that changes often. 3. Have coupons and discounts on the site that change weekly. 4. Have special promotions. 5. Have a calendar of events that is updated. 6. Have contests and competitions on the site that make people return for the result and to enter more competitions. 7. Have a tip of the day on the site. 8. Use a “Bookmark Me Now” button to add you into their favourites. To make your bookmark standout, read an article at 9. Have games on your site. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 172 - Fantastic Web Resources Ade’s Web Masters Portal – this has loads of advice on all the software out there to help with web sites. Word Tracker – a site that gives you an insight into what people look for in search engines compared to your own site. You enter some keywords and they’ll tell you how often people search for them and how many competing sites use those words. It’s free. Clickz - All sorts of helpful advice and data about Internet marketing. Web Position Gold – this is a software product designed to get your web site to the top of the search engine results. There is a free trial download at Pop Up Generator – can be used to generate pop ups to remind visitors to take action. Use it carefully to avoid irritation. E-cover generator - If you want to make your Special Reports look better or sell e-books online, there is a great little piece of software that lets you produce great looking covers in minutes. It’s simple and no design skills are needed. You can produce books and two or three sided boxes. The Logo Creator - To create great logos in minutes. E-Book Generator -To get your book into pdf format Alternatively get Adobe Acrobat at Dreamweaver – software to create web pages. Fireworks – the companion to dreamweaver to produce web images, fancy pull down menus, etc. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 173 - Section 23 Telephone Marketing & Selling “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears” William Shakespeare 1564 – 1616 Julius Caesar (1599) Telemarketing That Works Telemarketing is a two-stage process normally attempting to get an appointment with the prospect first whereas teleselling is a one-stage process of making the sale on the phone. The reasons for doing it are simple… Response rates to telemarketing of 5 to 50% are possible, far better than direct mail of 0.5-3% or the 0.1% response of print advertising. You get the prospects undivided attention. You get feedback with immediate responses. You only need a telephone to do it. The impact of sales letters is substantially enhanced if they are followed up by telephone after the mail-out. It can increase direct mail response by 500-1000%. The best time to follow up is about 1 week after the direct mail is sent out. The phone can also be used to get referrals, for repeat business, reorders, to upgrade, for customer service, for surveys, etc. However, you do hear the “No’s” as well as the “Yes’s” and it can be demoralising if not done properly. You will get some people who are rude or who just hang up on you. You have to not take this rejection personally and accept that some people just don’t like getting sales calls. You’ll also go through bad spells where you just seem to be getting nowhere. However you feel about it, there’s no denying that if you do it, you’ll get results. The more you call the more sales you make. Every rejection you get is one step closer to success. That’s why some telesales How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 174 - centres will have £10 notes strapped to the telephone to remind everyone that every time they pick up the phone, they are earning money. Try to get away from the feeling and acting like a slick telemarketer to that of a being a friendly advisor offering a customer service. The calling doesn’t have to be done by the person who wrote the letter and can be an assistant but you’ll get better results from someone who enjoys calling and will enthusiastically “smile & dial”. In terms of costs, you should probably be looking for products or services where you can allocate around a third of the sale price to the telemarketer, a third to other expenses and a third to you. The price of what you are selling therefore has to be high enough to justify this. You can outsource the telemarketing to a specialist agency although it is unlikely they will ever know the product as well as you or have the same enthusiasm for it that you do. If you do it yourself, you then hear any feedback directly yourself. Any leads should be followed up promptly by phone, as this is the time when interest is at a maximum. Getting Ready To Call As always you need the right list to be calling from – get this wrong and you’ll be wasting your time. Have a reason to call, such as following up a sales letter. You need the right equipment and space to work in. Many telemarketers prefer to use headsets. By having a database software package such as Goldmine, you’ll be able to dial through the PC by clicking a button rather than having to dial every number. You may need to get another phone line, so you don’t tie up the incoming lines. Don’t let people interrupt you. Put up a “Do not disturb sign” if necessary. Avoid background noise. Don’t ever do it with children in the background, TV blaring, etc. Dress as you feel comfortable. Have a glass of water to hand. Scripts – they are easier to test but they make you sound like a robot. Avoid prepared scripts and use a simple, flexible friendly approach. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 175 - Guidelines and notes are far better to follow. Have a plan – how many calls are you going to make and what results are you aiming to get. Don’t do it for more than 1 hour without a break and not more than 4 to 5 hours in a day. Pick a good time to call – when your prospect is most likely to be in and least busy. Organise your calls – do new calls and follow up calls in bunches. Beating The Gatekeeper Ways to get past the gatekeeper… Call when they’re not there. For example 7-9am, lunchtime and 5-7pm. Use Answer/Ask –answer their question and then ask a question before they can ask another filtering question. Use the words “Would you tell him…” whenever a question is asked. For example, when asked who’s calling, respond with “Would you tell him you have John Smith holding, please?” The natural response is to do it rather than say “No, I won’t tell him” If you get “And who are you with Mr Jones”, just respond with “Would you tell him my company is ABC, please?” and continue like that with whatever is asked. Treat them right and get them to like you. Then they’ll go out of their way to help you. Learn their name and put it in the database as well as any other info you build up on them. When asked “What’s it concerning?” try to reply with something broad so that the secretary can’t say it’s not something their boss would be interested in. If the secretary says “he wouldn’t be interested” try to find out why. Try using the words “Just suppose….” As a way of overcoming any objection to you being put through – “Just suppose I could reduce his print costs by 50%” – this isn’t really for the secretary to decide on. If possible use “I’m calling on the suggestion of one of his business associates” if you can justify this. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 176 - If told your prospect is in a meeting and do you want to leave your name and number, try to avoid doing this. If they call back you may not recall why you called them or it may be inconvenient. Say something like “I’d like to but I’m going out shortly. When do you think he’ll be free?” You’ll get a response such as “10.30”. Then say “Gee, I’ll be out by then. When should I try him again?” Always end with a question. Never ask to have your prospect call you. Voicemail – if you are put through to your prospect’s voicemail, leave a message saying who you are and you will call tomorrow. Then when you get the question “is he expecting your call?” you can honestly say “yes”. If you get voicemail again, don’t leave another message Identify yourself - Give your name and the name of your company. When giving your company name, if it’s long or hard to get across, consider abbreviating it for the purposes of the phone call if necessary. Announce yourself – “Hello, I’d like to talk to Bob Jones. This is…” State whom you are calling first and then give your name as this helps the receptionist to direct the call and remember your name. Give the reason for your call. Using the word “IDEAS” can help. If Perhaps you have some ideas you want to discuss with him regarding his printing. Only great minds have ideas! Identify the decision maker -“who in you company handles widget purchasing?” Ask the receptionist if it is Miss, Mrs or Ms. If you don’t know use “Ms”. Whatever you do, don’t make a big deal of it. Ask for pronunciation of difficult names. Get to the most senior decision maker – even if it means subsequently getting moved down to a lower person as you now have their endorsement to do it this way. Opening With Your Prospect Your opening statement needs to be kept to no more than 30 seconds. Work on your delivery – warm and friendly, not too soft or too loud, not too fast or too slow. You need to be clear & enthusiastic. Don’t apologise for your call in the opening statement. Your attitude is crucial. Prospects pick up on your voice tone. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 177 - Repeat identifying yourself and the reason for your call with the decision maker. Give the reason why the prospect should be interested in what you’ve got to say. Using the words “our customers tell us…” can help here. Don’t use first names to begin with unless the prospect uses their first name and then use it. Two alternative approaches are the Benefit Script Statement and the Prospect Need – Quantification Script Example Benefit Script Statement You: “Mr Jones?” Prospect: “Yes, how can I help you” You: “Mr Jones, my name is ….. and I’m a printing specialist with SpeedPrint. Have you heard of us? Prospect: “I don’t think so” You: “We specialise in helping companies like yours producing quality printing at a significantly lower production and printing cost than they are now. Mr Jones, if I could show you how XYZ can maintain its high quality and cut costs by 25% would you be interested in taking a look. Prospect: “Well, how do you do that?” You: “But first I need to know a few things? Do you mind if I ask as few questions?” Note the following… The word specialist or expert steers you away from being a salesman. Asking “have you heard of us?”, avoid you going on in a monotone voice and breaks it up. The danger with the benefit script statement is that it may come across as sales like and you may pick on the wrong benefit for the prospect. You have to have an offer with specific benefits for the prospect backed up by guarantees. An alternative opening line using a benefit script statement is… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 178 - “Mr Smith, my special reason for calling on you today is to show you an idea that our customers tell us…… (details of benefit). Or “Have you seen the remarkable new things that are being done…”. It asks for the response “what new things?” Example Prospect Need – Quantification Script You: “Mr Jones?” Prospect: “Yes, how can I help you?” You: “Mr Jones, my name is ….. and I’m a printing specialist with SpeedPrint. Mr Smith, are you still the manager at XYZ?” Prospect: “Yes I am” You: “Are you the person responsible for buying printing for your company?” Prospect: “Yes” You: “May I ask you a question?” Prospect: “Yes” You: “Then let me ask you what would it take for SpeedPrint to do printing for your firm?” Prospect: “Cost is important but we’re mainly concerned with quality and reliability” You can then talk about quality and reliability. This script also qualified the prospect to make sure you’re speaking to the decision maker. If not ask “can you tell me who that would be?”. When you get through to them, say “I got your name from Mr Jones”. If you can’t meet the need, it’s better to say so. Try both approaches and see what works best for you. Other opening tips… Feel the prospect – if they sound hostile, perhaps because you’ve interrupted something they were doing, you‘re better off moving on and How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 179 - trying another time, than pushing them further. If they seem pressed for time, ask when would be a good time to call back and do it then. If you push on, they will not really be listening to you or be in the frame of mind to buy today. It can always help to ask for the prospects time to begin with. If they are neutral, don’t be too informal, just professional. If they sound interested, slow down and be relaxed and friendly so that you can have a real conversation. Refer to their trade to infer you are interested in their particular type of business. Let it be known that you really want their business. Enquiry follow up script This is for when the prospect has already made an enquiry, such as requesting an information pack and you are now following up with a phone call… You: Good Morning, is Mr Jones there, please? Prospect: This is Mr Jones speaking. You: Mr Jones, this is John Smith at SpeedPrint. I’m calling as a courtesy follow-up to the recent note you sent asking for information on our printing services. I’d love to tell you about our service and how we might be of help to your company. Is this a good time to talk? Prospect: Sure, why don’t you go ahead. You: Before I do, Mr Jones, please tell me just a little bit about printing services at your company right now, and what in particular prompted you to inquire about our service? Prospect: Well, for the last few months we’ve not been that happy with the printing we’ve had done. There’s been a couple of mistakes and it’s taking too long for us to function as we want to as well as prices seem to be going up. You: Mr Jones, I’m sure we can sort your printing out and get it to you when you need it at a budget that will suit. But may I make a suggestion at this point? Prospect: Sure How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 180 - You: I think I’d be doing you a much greater service if I could drop by at a convenient time to you and analyse your needs in a bit more detail. That would give me an opportunity to show you a couple of things about SpeedPrint that are a little difficult to describe over the phone. Does that sound reasonable? Prospect: How much time would it take? You: No more than 30 minutes. I could be out there later today, if you like or perhaps I could drop by tomorrow – whatever fits comfortably into your schedule. Prospect: All right, why don’t you come by at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon? Asking Questions You need to ask questions to identify needs. You don’t want there to be an endless list of questions and there needs to be dialogue back and forth. If someone said, “Why should we buy from you?” the correct response is really along the lines of “May be you shouldn’t. Tell me what you’re looking for.” This shows you are interested and care about the prospect. That’s what questions do, particularly open questions. Here are a few examples of open questions to get you going… “Tell me a bit about your current situation” “What are you looking to accomplish with…?” “What do you consider important…?” There are a lot more examples of open questions you can use in the later section on holding a sales conversion meeting where a similar approach is necessary. Begin with broad questions and then build on the answers with feedback. Don’t ask manipulative questions that insult the prospect’s intelligence such as “would you like to make more profit?” Show you’re listening to responses with any of the following… “I understand” repeat back “so what you’re saying is…” “yes, so would you be interested…” How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 181 - “tell me more” You can use close questions to gather facts, to start a conversation as they are easier to answer, to clarify a point, to confirm agreement and to break up open questions … “ When does your insurance need renewing?” “ Are you currently using the services of a…?” Developing The Dialogue People buy from people they like. So be friendly, polite, natural, nonadversarial, listen, show interest and help them. Be positive, use friendly phrases and smile. Don’t use techniques and be sincere. The more you do it, the more comfortable you will feel. Even if you are rejected, still be friendly as you never know when their circumstances may change. Don’t force a rapport but if you’re a people person it’s likely to work well for you. If there is some common ground, let them know it. For example, if you hear children in the background, you could ask how old the children are. They may mention last night’s football. If so, talk enthusiastically about it. Be careful of how you ask “WHY?”. It can sound accusing or disapproving. Alternatives to use are… “Could you elaborate on that?” “What do you have in mind?” “Obviously you have a good reason. Do you mind telling me what it is?” “Do you mind telling me why?” Be Direct Don’t misrepresent yourself. Always be truthful and honest but present yourself in the most favourable light. It can even work to be totally up front and say something like “let’s not kid ourselves, I’m calling to sell you How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 182 - something. But, it’s good for you and if you give me 4 minutes I’ll tell you why and prove it” Get to the point – don’t let them think you are a slick telemarketer. The Paraphrase When you identify needs, paraphrase it back in your own words to bring in unexpressed feelings and meanings without mentioning your product or service by name. Use the words… “What I hear you saying is….” “It sounds as if…” Get agreement by following that with… “Is that what you mean?” or saying “Wouldn’t you say…” For example if someone said “I tried to read that book, couldn’t keep my mind on it and fell asleep”, the paraphrase could be “it sounds like the book was boring, right?” The Competition If the prospect appears indifferent to their existing supplier, perhaps satisfied but no more, try to find out more. Ask “what do you like most?”, “why is that important?” and “what do you like least?” Use “just suppose…” Other Dialogue Tips… Be conversational. Give advice, don’t just sell. When you talk, produce ideas, information and educate. Be interested in them. Think of the customer, not yourself. Change your tone according to their reactions. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 183 - Be able to fax them testimonials if they want them. Avoid the patronising type comment such as “Do you object to making a profit?” Name Magic - use people’s names whenever you can. Try a preference sell, would you like A or B – “No” is not a natural answer. A good way to avoid sounding like it’s just your opinion is to use the words “our clients tell us….” Accentuating the negative can work – wasting money, customer complaints, avoiding looking bad, missing out on profits, wasting time, fear, etc. Timing can be an essential element of telemarketing, so try to find out about their buying habits. If they are not interested now, when are they likely to be buying again. Put the details in contact management software and make sure you schedule a call back for the right time and do it. Speak naturally – avoid mumbling, raised voice and eating. When stressing the benefits, stress the most important first. Speak naturally and don’t overdo it with a benefit for every statement you make. Don’t accuse the prospect of having a problem. Keep the focus on your objective, which is normally to get an appointment. Don’t ever argue. Asking For The Desired Action When trying to gain an appointment, the sooner you can arrange it for the better. Always confirm the date, time, place and names and confirm it in writing. Try the following lines when trying to gain an appointment… “Mr Prospect, I wouldn’t begin to tell you that you need what I have. That is for you to decide. But I guarantee you will get enough profitable ideas from our meeting to make it well worth your investment of just thirty minutes. Can we do that?” How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 184 - “is tomorrow morning convenient or would you prefer the afternoon?” Objections Objections are great! If you don’t hear them you can’t deal with them. To get objections ask “how does that sound –good, bad or terrible?” Then follow up with “what’s bad about it?” If there are common objections that come up all the time on the phone, try to over come them in your opening statement. Try to narrow objections down and question them tactfully. Try using FEEL, FELT & FOUND to overcome objections along the lines of “I know how you feel, many of our customers felt the same, but what they found was…” However, this is seen as a well worn sales technique by many so try saying it in a different way such as “It doesn’t come as a surprise, many of our customers said the same, but what they realised was…” Again the section on holding a sales conversion meeting has a lot more tips and ways of overcoming objections. Literature Requests People are generally either interested on they’re not. Before agreeing to a literature request that is often used to just get you off the phone, say something like… “Just so I don’t waste your time, would you mind telling me the situation here?” Or “is it something you’d be interested in?” Follow Up You should view your follow up system of following up on leads and calling back people who said to call again in a couple of months, etc not as sales, but as a customer service system. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 185 - There is no need to be a pest. Just let the prospect dictate when they want you to call them back. Use common sense but do persevere, especially for good qualified prospects. When asked if the prospect is expecting your call, always say “yes”. You can use “we haven’t spoken in a while and I wanted to check in and see if anything has changed.” Or “I was wondering if you are still planning to buy this type of product” If the prospect is friendly and receptive, match this enthusiasm back but don’t exceed it. If you are not certain if they are ready to take action say “what do you want to happen next?” Only push gently. If the prospect is now cool or neutral it doesn’t mean they are not interested. You may just be interrupting their activity of the moment or there may something personal on their mind. Ask “am I catching you at a bad time?” or “I understand you’re busy. Do you have 3 minutes now?” If there is a negative reception, also ask “am I catching you at a bad time?” If they aren’t interested now, try to find out why. Sometimes the objections can be overcome. If told they are looking at other suppliers, get a timeframe and ask if you can call back before they make a decision. Use the words “will you do me a favour? Before you make a final selection, let’s talk briefly whether it’s us or not” If you are blocked by the receptionist when following up, it doesn’t mean the prospect is deliberately avoiding you. You can try sending a fax to the prospect with a few options on it for them to tick and fax back to you … I’ve just been very busy. Try me on… Now is not the right time. Try me on… I’m no longer interested because… An alternative is to ask the receptionist if she can help. Let the receptionist know that he was interested in your services but you haven’t been able to get through to speak to him and if he’s not interested you don’t want to keep bothering him. Ask if she could find out if he’s still interested and if so when would be a good time to call. Then arrange a time in a couple of days when you’ll call the receptionist back. If you still get an excuse then, leave it another 3 months. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 186 - Your database system should record notes such as if the prospect went on holiday so that you can refer to this to help build rapport. Tuesdays to Thursday are the best follow up days for business products and services. Mornings are also better than afternoons. Closing The Sale If you want the business, it helps to ask for it or at least ask for whatever the next stage is. The following methods will help to get a sale… Invest time with the prospect. Act as if you’ve already got the business through your tone, mannerism and words. For example “when shall we get started?” Use an incremental close. For example, “you’d like your accounts completed within 21 days?” Response is “yes” “You’ll reconcile your bank account?” Response is “yes” You continue asking questions in an incremental way to parts of the deal until the whole deal is covered with “yes’s”. When you make a sale, you need to then act fast. The section on holding a sales conversion meeting has more ideas on closing a sale. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 187 - Section 24 How To Write Press Releases “When a dog bites a man, that is not news, because it happens so often. But if a man bites a dog, that is news” John B. Bogart 1848 –1921: In F.M. O’Brien Story Of The (New York) Sun (1918) Press Releases That Work Press Releases are great because they’re free, they are more credible and believable than advertising and they can have more impact. And if you follow the rules, small businesses can use them just as effectively as larger businesses. The media, especially the local media need stories from you to survive. The only downsides are it takes a little bit of time, you can’t guarantee when or if the article will appear and sometimes your contact details won’t be on the story or the story will be re written by the editor in a condensed format. As with all marketing, target your releases on the publications that reach your niche market. If you are trying to sell as opposed to just raise awareness, you need to try to get your contact details in the release. Media can cover radio and TV especially locally as well as publications. To find the right publications you need to find whom the right media are just as you did when deciding where to advertise, so media guides again come in handy with all the details about the market the publication is aimed at and the contact details. Those that you are interested in writing in, you can call and ask for the Media Pack in order to get a free copy of the publication to see what type of article may work best. You can then also write in the style of the publication. You will need a hook, an interesting story to tell. Good newsworthy items are timely such as… Something new about your business. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 188 - Something that will tie in with other current news stories – Accountants press releases around budget time linked to saving tax are an example or April Fools for a mechanic on how not to get fooled by a cowboy garage. Something different about your business. Free seminar being offered. New partner or staff member joining. An event such as open house or reception open to the public. Awards received by staff or owners or the firm. Involvement with a local charity. Special research conducted by the firm or anything related to trends. Someone receiving special training. A story that solves a problem. Sponsorship your business is doing. Controversial stories – love, sex, money, fear, gender differences, health/weight, politics, etc are all good bases for stories. Being eccentric will help. You can also use tip sheets as the basis of a release– a list of tips relevant to the readers is informative. Free Reader Offers such as a Free Special Report would also be a great release. On Special Reports give some advice in the article to get a feel for the report. Avoid just writing blatant promotional material. Format Of The Release 1. Type on plain white paper preferably or you can use your letterhead. 2. Type “FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE” on the top. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 189 - 3. On the right-hand top side type “For Additional Information Call…” 4. Give your contact name, business name, address, phone no & email. An out of hours contact number will help as journalists often work unconventional hours. 5. Put a date on it. 6. Directly under the date type the release number, which can be the date, your products initials, plus T for trade publication or C for consumer publications. Do this even if you only ever do one press release. 7. Write a catchy headline and type it in capitals and centre it. Make sure it is centred on the type of readership such as “HOW PLUMBERS CAN DESIGN THEIR OWN WEB SITE”. 8. Write in the third person, news style. 9. Explain the facts in the opening paragraph -what or who it does or is and when, why & where it all happened. 10. Try to twist the news to how it affects your prospects and how you can help them. 11. Use quotes where appropriate – perhaps from your managing director, a customer or even a celebrity. 12. Be factual in your wording and avoid unnecessary elaboration. 13. Bring out the details in the next paragraph(s) and build belief. 14. Finish with telling the readers where they can find out more or buy but keep this bit short. No more than two sentences. 15. If you refer to others then give the editor the contact details he needs to double check the information with them. 16. Double-space the rest of the release, with wide margins of at least 1 inch. 17. Format should also have indented paragraphs, left aligned with ragged right text, font size 12. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 190 - 18. It should be well presented to add credibility to your story. 19. Include the important parts of the release in the beginning as editors cut from the bottom. 20. Try to stay within one page in length, and end with the marks # # # or *** centred on the page. 21. If it runs longer, type “MORE” on the bottom of the first page and continue with a new paragraph on a second sheet of paper. 22. Send it in plenty of time. You can put “FOR RELEASE MAY 2005” but the journalist may disregard this and will use it whenever they want. 23. If you are only sending the release to one publication, let them know with “For Immediate Release Exclusive To….” Proof read the release. Your Press Kit Send it with a press kit and a “Thanks for publishing our release” letter in one envelope to the editor. The press kit includes… A sharp 5” x 7” black and white photo of your product preferably in use or people (headshots). Don’t clip anything onto, or write on the photo. Identify the photo by writing what it is about, company name, address and phone number on a mailing label and then taping it to the photo. Don’t write on the back of the photo because they won’t be able to use these as the writing shows through. Send it on disk as well so that copy & paste can be used to make the editor’s job easy. A one-page summary of you or your business or both with the most important things you would want a reader to know about you – make it interesting and use the third person with full sentences. The same may be appropriate for the subject matter. You can also include but not compulsory… Other angles for stories. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 191 - Other subject matter such as other press releases you’ve had published or press coverage of you, your brochure, testimonials, etc. How Else To Make Sure It’s Published There’s no reason why you can’t send the same release to different publications but you’ll get the best results by slanting each one slightly differently depending on the readership. To improve your chances even further, call the editor before sending the release and let them know it’s coming. Just ask “are you the person I should be sending a press release to?” Send it with a short covering letter summarising your story addressed to the relevant editor and you can try to help your positioning by saying “it is for the column entitled….”. It can also help to say you enjoyed reading the magazine. If you get a follow up call, return it immediately as journalists are always on a deadline and will use another story if you don’t respond quickly. Immediately send further information by fax or email if requested. Ask when the piece may appear. When it is published, send the editor a thank you letter or call and say “thank you”. This will vastly improve the chances of your next release being published. If you don’t get published first time, don’t give up, just keep trying. An alternative to press releases could be trying to become a regular column writer. Now Leverage… Keep copies of the press releases and use them in your sales presentations and display in reception area. You can put them onto A4 sheets with the publication header pasted above. Later on, you can remove the date. Then have them printed, even in gloss for extra impact. Even if you don’t get printed you could still send a copy of the release to your prospects saying “this is a press release that’s just been sent out”. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 192 - Example layout of press release… FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For Additional Information Call: John Smith ABC Ltd Tel: 0800 1234567 Out Of Hours Tel: 0800 7654321 Email: [email protected] 22 London Rd, London SW6 4EY Date: 01/05/2005 010505PRT YOUR HEADLINE GOES HERE IN CAPITALS AND IS CENTRED There’s no reason why you can’t send the same release to different publications but you’ll get the best results by slanting each one slightly differently depending on the readership. To improve your chances even further, call the editor before sending the release and let them know it’s coming. Just ask, “Are you the person I should be sending a press release to?” Send it with a short covering letter summarising your story addressed to the relevant editor and you can try to help your positioning by saying “it is for the column entitled….”. It can also help to say you enjoyed reading the magazine. If you get a follow up call, return it immediately as journalists are always on a deadline and will use another story if you don’t respond quickly. Immediately send further information by fax or email if requested. Ask when the piece may appear. When it is published, send the editor a thank you letter or call and say “thank you. This will vastly improve the chances of your next release being published. If you don’t get published first time, don’t give up, just keep trying. ### How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 193 - Section 25 Presentations and Seminars “I do not object to people looking at their watches when I am speaking. But I strongly object when they start shaking them to make certain they are still going” Lord Birkett 1883 – 1962: In Observer 30 Oct 1960 Why Seminars Work Seminars can be a great way of attracting new customers. Inviting them to a seminar on an interesting and helpful subject… Can show you as an expert and builds credibility. Enables you to present your service or product to many people at one time. Enables you to meet prospects face to face where there is no commitment required from them. You can qualify prospects. Once you’ve put the work into developing a seminar, you can run the same one over and over again. Apart from the prospects in the room, they may also lead to referrals. However the downside is they require a lot of work to prepare. If they are done badly they will do you more harm than good and many people don’t like public speaking. Research shows that Public Speaking is the No 1 fear with people, compared to Death which is at No 6! How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 194 - But don’t underestimate your expertise. Just because it’s obvious and well known to you, it’s not to everyone else. Again you need to target the right audience (your niche) and it needs to be helpful and relevant to them. If it’s a subject you are passionate about this will show through at the seminar. Presentation skills are also needed for team briefings, training sessions, sales presentations and product launches. Seminars can also be used for existing customers to introduce new products and services. They all need careful preparation. Finding Your Audience Ways you may be able to find the right audience are as follows… Run your own seminar. If you charge a small fee for the seminar the prospect will be better and more likely to turn up once having booked a place. The seminar is likely to be perceived as having more value than a free seminar. Associations and other business groups or large companies are often on the look out for speakers to present to their members or employees. A joint seminar with another non-competing organisation can be a good idea where you have similar customer profiles. The seminar doesn’t always have to be directly to your prospects. It could be to people who would be good referral sources such as bank managers would be for accountants. Promoting Your Seminar A seminar can be promoted in most ways that you would promote your product or service directly such as Through direct mail with phone follow up. Fax broadcast. Press Release. Adverts. Apply all the usual methods and rules when using these mediums. All that has changed is that the offer is now the seminar. It helps to say “this is not like your usual free seminar” if it is free. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 195 - All presentations/seminars require preparation, an introduction, a development and an end. Preparing The Seminar Proper planning is needed. To start with you must know what your objective is from the seminar and focus on that. Here’s what to consider before the presentation… What’s the title of the presentation – make it catchy. It’s just like a headline so follow the rules for creating headlines. “How To…” headlines are often good for seminars. You should write a compelling description of the seminar to use in your marketing material for it. Also make it clear who is going to benefit most so that the right type of prospects attend. Ideally try to keep the seminar to less than 2 hours. Most presentations are too long and the message gets weakened. If it is 2 hours, have a break in the middle. Up to an hour would be good for seminars without a break. Breaks are a great opportunity to network and meet your prospects. You must make sure the seminar keeps to time. Practice will help do this but you can also have filler sections to put in or take out depending on time. Arrange the seminar for a time when your prospects are most likely to attend. Avoid business hours if possible. Breakfast, lunchtime and straight after work are good for business people. Research your audience – know how many, where they are from, what they expect, etc. You’ll need to think about and have a checklist for what you’ll need with you on the day… Directions to venue. Wallet. Business Cards. Water bottle. What equipment do you need? How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 196 - Have you got a spare bulb if using an overhead projector? Do you need spare fuses? Pens, pencils & paper for you and the audience. Do you need extension leads? Spare flip chart pad? Diary. Name cards for the audience. Name badges. Shoe polish & duster. Prizes for any competitions. Mirror and comb. Stop Watch or small clock where you can see it. Emergency contact numbers. Plain paper, Paper clips, rubber bands, safety pins, scissors, ruler, stapler. Needle and thread. Throat lozenges. List of attendees. Any handouts that you will use. Have an agenda to give out to everyone. You’ll need to have considered and arranged the following… Who is going to meet and greet? What time do you need to arrive? Arrive early. What are the sub topics? It helps to build your seminar into defined topic areas. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 197 - What will you wear and what colours? How will you make your entrance? Do you need a technician present for any of the equipment? What lighting do you want? Is there any information you need to send out prior to the presentation? What are the refreshments during and post presentation – these will be perceived as a reflection of you. Prepare answers to likely questions. Are you going to call the audience the day before or send a reminder? Check out the venue before you go or at least phone to find out about it… How large is the room? How far will you be from the audience? Will you need a mike? Lighting and air conditioning. How will any messages to you and the audience be delivered? Where are the toilets? Are there extension cables, screen, flip chart, etc. How many chairs & what layout do you want – theatre, boardroom, etc. Practice your presentation beforehand. The opening and closing in particular are very important. You should do this out loud and in front of the mirror. Even try a video camera or tape recorder. On the day… Check all equipment before you start. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 198 - Check clothing, shoes & hair. Eat beforehand. Go to the toilet beforehand. Set up room including display table. Check you don’t have lots in your pockets that bulge in odd places Pace yourself and have comfort breaks. You will need a plan of what you are going to say, not a full script as this sounds like you are reading it out and loses spontaneity but a thorough bullet point list will help. Equipment Tips Flip Chart Tips Best for smaller groups (up to 50) Use 3 coloured pens but avoid orange or yellow, as they are hard to read. Don’t use green. Write large. Miss every other page to avoid pens leaking through the paper. Stand in front when writing or get someone else to write. Don’t talk when you have your back to the audience and don’t worry about the silence. You can use pencil notes in the margins to help you if you want. You could even pencil in what you are going to put on the flip chart, as your audience won’t see the pencil marks. Use symbols like circles and triangles to keep the page interesting. Keep to no more than 8 lines per page. Use tabs to locate specific pages. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 199 - Overhead Projector Tips Use one idea per vu-foil with a maximum of 6 lines and 6 words per line. Use an 18 point font or larger. Clip art & cartoons will add appeal. Carry blank transparencies in case you need to explain something further. Focus the projector before you start. Turn it off when no longer needed. Other Aids To Consider Video Slides – apply the same rules as presenting with a projector. Sound Systems CD Rom PowerPoint – generally follow the rules for overhead projectors. With all aids, make sure they are legible and the background is not distracting. If you use technological aids, have a plan for what to do if they don’t work for any reason. Whatever you do, don’t panic. The audience will be on your side and want you to recover. Controlling The Nerves Nerves are natural and every public speaker gets them, no matter how experienced they are. Here are the top tips for controlling nerves… Visualise in your mind what you are going to do and go over it in detail many times so that on the day you know what to do. You can get the visualisation down to just a few minutes and a lot of professional athletes use this method. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 200 - Talk positively to yourself, telling yourself what a success you are going to make of it. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth fully. Start by counting to 4 as you breath out, then to five, then to six and so on up to ten if possible. Try to recall a pleasant experience. Remember the audience wants your knowledge so they will forgive any presentation flaws. The audience know public speaking can be nerve wracking and will be on your side. Never apologise for being nervous. Proper preparation. Get there in plenty of time. Walk around to use up nervous energy. Get good nights sleep the night before. Eat well beforehand and avoid caffeine. Fruit will give you energy. The more seminars you do, the less nervous you will be. Even then you’ll still probably be nervous for the first few minutes. Circulate and get to meet your audience beforehand. Press your thumb and middle finger together for three seconds and then let go. Your Introduction It can help to make a great impression by having someone else introduce you. Here it is helpful to give them a script so that they get introduce you as you want them to. However, don’t show off. It should not be too long and just explain why you are qualified to talk on the subject, what they are going to learn and of your special accomplishments. If giving handouts at the start, put them on the chairs before the audience arrive. It can help to leave handouts until the end as they can be distracting to the audience. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 201 - Let people know about toilets, breaks, smoking areas, when to ask questions, turn off mobiles and any seminar rules. You need a positive opening to get the seminar off onto the right track. Good openings can include… A relevant joke or story. A compelling question with a show of hands. Attention grabbing statistics or facts. A quote or challenging statement. State your objectives. Then move onto something like “Let’s start by looking at…” If it is a small group of say 10 or less, get the audience to introduce themselves as an icebreaker. Get your body language right – no hands in pockets or arms crossed and make sure you smile when first introduced. Don’t fiddle with pens, etc Your voice – don’t use a monotone, speak too fast, too slowly, too loud or too soft. Aim for 125 words per minute in an average conversation but always speak at a pace to suit the audience. You’ll find your pace increases the more stressed you are. Development This needs to be written down in bullet points but it helps if you’ve written it out fully first so that you know what you are going to say and haven’t missed anything. Using mind maps where you put the topic in the centre of a piece of paper and then write down any related points radiating out from the centre will help you to come up with ideas. Use at least an 18-point font for your notes with underline, bold symbols, etc for important points and words. Put time checks on the notes so that you can make sure you run to time. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 202 - Don’t overload your audience with information, you want them to contact you for more information and want more information. Summarise your main points as you go through. Take regular sips of water to help your voice. Project your personality and speak honestly about what you feel. Keep it interesting. You can use… Group Exercises. This could be breaking up into small group discussions or role-play or brainstorming sessions. Stories and anecdotes – make sure they are relevant to the topic. Personal stories in particular create interest and show you in a great light. Quotes – but not too many or too long. Jokes – particularly about yourself. Statistics. Comparisons and analogies. Case studies. Pause occasionally. Get the audience to fill in blank forms. Audience questions – ask them questions and ask if they have any questions. Install humour with packs of Smarties given out for smart questions or gobstoppers for those who talk too much. You could have prizes such as beauty treatment (bar of soap). To help build credibility, you can drop in names of important customers and show work you have done. Keep your integrity at all times. Avoid jargon that is not understood by your audience. Bringing along an existing customer to say how you have helped them would be extremely powerful. This is a live testimonial. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 203 - Asking Questions Asking questions helps to engage the audience. Use open questions and nominate someone to answer. Use names wherever possible. Listen carefully and clarify any response before replying. Make sure the whole audience have heard. If you get the audience starting to ask questions of their own accord it shows you have engaged them. Answering a question with a question is good way of getting the audience involved. If you don’t know the answer say so but let them know you’ll find out the answer. When answering a question look at the person who asked it 20% of the time and the audience 80% of the time. Attempt to look at everyone throughout the presentation but if the audience is too large choose a person mid-way on the left, someone in the middle and someone on the right to look at. The End End with a summary of your main points and a call to action. It should be related to your opening objectives. Always end on a happy point and thank the audience. If you have particularly enjoyed them let them know. The end of the seminar is when to make your sales pitch. Although the seminar is a tool to gain new clients, be careful not to over promote as this can turn prospects off. You have by now built credibility. Let them know you would like to work with them and explain what it is you are offering and what the next step is for them to do to become a customer. Make sure they there is a handout that describes what you offer with your contact details and a business card. Ensure all handouts are professional looking and are of benefit to the attendees. Put your contact details on all these. Encourage the audience to take an extra copy for their associates. Make sure you are around after the seminar to deal with any of your prospects questions. If there is a queue, make sure you keep it moving and don’t get stuck with one person. Have a diary handy so you can make appointments. Use feedback forms to evaluate the seminar. Then you can take action to improve the next one. The feedback form must provide for their name and How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 204 - contact details. You will need these especially if it wasn’t you arranging the seminar. Have a space to ask for the most important things they learnt and a box to tick to use any comments in testimonials. Other ways to catch the contact details… A prize draw of business cards at the end. Get a list from the seminar organiser. Collect the details on check in. Look to offer a free next step such as a free consultation, discount voucher for limited time, etc. Give out some promotional items with your name on. Follow Up Start by reading the feedback forms. Aim to contact all attendees after the seminar with a phone call – thank them for coming, ask them if they have any questions or make them a special offer. You can also send follow up sales letters, fax, etc. Ensure you keep in contact. Now Leverage… Why not make an audio or video of the seminar to send to other prospects. You could even sell it. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 205 - Section 26 Networking Magic “He (Bernard Shaw) hasn’t an enemy in the world and none of his friends like him” Oscar Wilde 1854 – 1900: In Bernard Shaw Sixteen Self Sketches (1949) Or “notworking” as it is known to some. The reason it doesn’t work for them is simply that they are not approaching it in the right way, not that it doesn’t work. Networking is all about giving and not selling. It’s not about selling and badgering friends, neighbours, colleagues, associates, etc. You need to build trust. It’s not necessarily about selling just to that person as they will have lots of other contacts that may be excellent referral sources. The more you give, the more you will receive back and you need to be prepared to give first. The type of giving we’re talking about costs nothing except time. It’s about building relationships so that both parties win out of it. Running around collecting loads of business cards and talking about yourself, trying to make a sale, is not the way to do it. These are the rules to follow… Join organisations, clubs and associations where your best prospects and referral sources are likely to be found. You could ask your best customers what groups they belong to and attend these. Try to join networks where your prospects are. For example, a caterer may be better off joining a network of professionals rather than of other caterers. You can also go to seminars or talks on the service you provide – lots of the people there will be prospects for you too. Have an effective introduction. When you are asked what you do, don’t just say “I’m an accountant, solicitor, estate agent, etc” but give the benefit of what you do, such as “I help businesses substantially reduce their tax bills using proven tax planning strategies”. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 206 - If it’s someone you’ve met before you might not remember their name and they may not remember yours. To put them at ease just say something like “Do you remember me, I’m John Smith from… I believe we met at…” Of course it helps if you can remember their name. You can help yourself here by listening carefully when people give you their name, looking at name tags, look at their business card again at the end of the day, and enter their details into your contact management database. It also helps to write down other details about them, perhaps just on the back of their business card. You want to get the conversation started so you need some icebreakers. Think of some you can use relevant to where you are. You want to try to use something that you can develop into a conversation. Examples are… “What did you think of the speech?” “Which of these meetings have you been to before?” “How did you start getting involved with…?” Perhaps you can have your own badge with a picture of your own book on it. That would give people something to get talking to you about. Develop the conversation by asking questions so that you listen rather than talk. They help build a relationship. There are many example questions in the later section on meeting a prospect. Just 2 or 3 open questions will suffice. A great networking question is “How can I know if someone I’m talking to is a good prospect for you?” If you find the answers are short, you can say “really, tell be a bit more”. Show you’re listening and avoid being confrontational or disagreeing strongly with anything that is being said. The key is to not look to make any kind of sale at the networking event but to see it as just the start of a relationship and to follow up after the event. You need to make the follow up giving so you can… Give referrals to them. Send a letter saying it was good to meet them. Thank them for anything. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 207 - If you see any articles about them, write and say “I enjoyed reading about you…” or “congratulations on…” Personal handwritten notes on pre-printed cards with your details on can be a very effective way of doing this. Send Christmas Cards, or even Birthday cards. Send anything that may be of interest to them. Let them know who would be a good prospect for you. Send them copies of any Free Special Reports or Tip Sheets that may be useful to them or people they could refer. Look to expand your network by putting your entire network contacts from the past and enter them into your database. These could be past & existing customers, personal contacts, association contacts, suppliers, etc. Then let them know who your best prospects are, your USP, your offer and what you would like them to do – refer. Look to improve your prospects and referral chances further by giving a talk yourself at an event. Any contacts you do make may move onto another company. If they do this, be sure to get the details and make contact there and with their replacement. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 208 - Section 27 How To Write Newsletters “Small Earthquake In Chile. Not Many Dead” Claud Cockburn 1904 – 81: winning entry for dullest headline competition at The Times; In Time Of Trouble (1956) Newsletters are great for many things including… Building your credibility. Keeping you in the minds of your prospects and customers. Getting prospects to spend more time reading them as they are not as sales like. Giving to customers and prospects without obligation. Adding value to what you offer. Getting referrals. Don’t ever use a standard industry prepared newsletter. Write your own and they will be far more effective. They are editorial in nature and when mixed with the focus being on the customer they are very effective. The focus must not be on you and your needs but that of your customers. They need to tell, not sell. That way they get read. The newsletter should fit in with your overall marketing strategy and you should decide what the objective of the newsletter is. It could be to build existing customer loyalty or to get new customers or a combination of several objectives. Either way, you need to know this first before you can write it. Then you write it to fulfil that objective. It could be monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly. Techniques to help get the newsletter read… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 209 - Make it look editorial like a newsletter, with a nameplate, columns, headlines, etc. Give it an interesting name such as “Monthly Tips For Helping Your Garden Grow” The various headlines need to grab attention, as these will be scanned first by the reader. Use fun graphics and photos. Cartoons can be used to get messages across. Here’s an accountants one… Use captions with pictures. Consider colour and paper texture. Make sure you have at least 3 articles starting on the first page so if the reader isn’t interested in one they can quickly move to another. Follow the layout you see in newspapers such as… Serif fonts with minimum size 10 Text left aligned and ragged right edge Indent the paragraphs Short sentences and paragraphs with varying lengths Use transitions… Column width between around 40 characters Don’t waffle. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 210 - Write personally (you, your & I) and in the present tense. Avoid jargon. Write how you would speak. Mix up the articles about you and those that are tips. Don’t make the articles too long. Information you can include in newsletters… Customer case studies Quizzes Quotes Tips How to use your services or products News about your business News about your industry Special offers Forthcoming events Customer questions and answers Customer surveys Your benefits Ways to respond to offers you are making. If making an offer have a reply device in the newsletter on the outside edge of a page. Follow the rules for reply devices. Separate inserts such as a sales letter, order form, special report, tip sheet, other company endorsements, etc. You can reduce the cost of the newsletter by providing advertising space but keep this limited. Also, look to put your own advert in the newsletter. Make sure your phone number and contact details are on it and easily findable. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 211 - Never charge for your newsletter. They can range from one page to eight pages but remember you have to fill the space continually so start small and see how you get on. You can do them yourself with a desktop publishing package. Send them to customers, prospects, employees, suppliers, media and other contacts. The most read parts and therefore where to put your most important messages… Front & back pages Top right of pages Right hand pages How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 212 - Section 28 Proven Referral Systems “If you want customers to talk about you, give them something to talk about” Just hoping your customers, contacts and friends will refer customer s to you is not enough. By putting in place proven referral systems you can massively improve referrals to you. To get your referral systems to work follow these guidelines… 1. Make sure you continually let your customers know of the benefits of using you and why it’s good for them. They are then more likely to refer. 2. As with all marketing, test different referral strategies to see which work best for you. 3. Always say thank you for the referral, even if you don’t get any business from it. 4. Give a reward for the referral. It doesn’t always have to be money. It could be a ticket for the theatre or a football match or even just a thank you letter. If you are not allowed by the ethical rules of your profession such as accountants are from paying money, you could make a donation to charity. If you know your customer well a gift associated with their hobby may have more meaning. 5. Be prepared to do something in advance of asking for a referral – give first. 6. Make sure all your staff know about your referral strategies and encourage them to refer. 7. If a referral doesn’t become a customer initially, keep in contact with them. 8. Let your customers know who would be good referral for you. Even type up the details of who is a good prospect. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 213 - 9. Think of who can refer these prospects to you. 10. Let your customers know that referrals keep down your advertising costs and time spent on that which in turn helps them. Don’t beg for referrals. Let your customers know you particularly want referrals from them, as they are your best clients. These are proven referral methods… When you receive a referral and are invoicing the referral, give them a small discount of say £30 and let them know you are also sending £30 to the introducer. They will now be primed to refer themselves. Not only will they earn out of it, but they know they will look good in the eyes of whoever they refer. Offer a free invite to a seminar if they bring a friend. Give your customers some cards with a free offer on. On them is space for the name of the customer and the referral. When the card is filled in and the referral buys, both the customer and the referral receive the free offer. Swop your list of dead of prospects with your competitor’s list of dead prospects. You could even write a letter endorsing each other’s services. Just ask “do you know anyone who could benefit from our service or product?” Say how much you would appreciate referrals. Give your business card to introducers and just tell them to write their initials on the card and for the customer to hand it in when buying to get a special discount. Run a cross promotion with another business that has similar customers to you. For example, a cinema gives a 20% off voucher to a restaurant. The cinema looks good and adds value to the transaction and the restaurant gets more business. Add a referral question to your questionnaires and surveys “Would you provide us with the names of 3 people who may benefit from our service” Ask for a referral whenever you gain or lose a customer. Use referral vouchers that offer a discount or something else. Give referrals to others first and they will be encouraged to give back. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 214 - Think of where other people benefit from what you do but aren’t the customer, such as a caterer at a christening. You agree with your customer that as part of your offer to them you’ll write to all the other guests and offer them a discount on any of their catering orders. When trying to obtain a new customer and there is a price objection, you could offer to reduce the price in exchange for a referral or an endorsement letter. Display a board in your reception area, with the names of customers who have referred work to you in order to encourage others to do so. Example Referral Thank You Letter … Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Thank you very much for your kind referral of me to…………… at ……………. I appreciate it. I don’t take referrals lightly, or for granted. A referral means that you thought enough of my skills to recommend me as a professional, and thought enough of me as a person to recommend me to a friend. I appreciate your trust – and assure you I will always act well within the framework of fairness and good taste, and will strive at all times to provide exceptional value. Thank you again for the privilege of your referral, the opportunity to be of service to your associate, and your trust. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 215 - Section 29 The Power Of Endorsement Marketing “Anyone who thinks customers aren’t important should try doing without them for 90 days” Hosts & Beneficiaries Endorsement Marketing is all about host-beneficiary relationships and capitalising on the strength of the relationship that other non-competing businesses and their customers. It relies on trust and honesty and you must be truthful to make them work. The idea is to use all the time, effort and money that others have spent in developing relationships with their customers. They are the host. Using this can cut your cost of attracting new customers to you, the beneficiary. It works by you getting another non-competing business to recommend you to their customers. Because of the trust already built up by the customer with this supplier it is a very powerful recommendation. It can change the response on a direct mailing from 0.5% to 2-10% Examples of other endorsement marketing include Visa & the Airlines, Disney & McDonalds. To think of who would make a good host consider the following… Who else sells to your customers before and after they buy from you? For example, with accountants it may well be a printer who supplies initial stationery before the customer looks for an accountant. A carpet cleaner could link with an estate agent. Who else benefits when you grow your business and who would you benefit from if their business grew? What businesses have similar customers to you? Going through the business categories at the back of the yellow pages is a simple way to do this. For example, you may sell high value items such as antiques and so How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 216 - interior designers or stockbrokers may also service your target market of more affluent people. Think if any of your own business customers fit into any of the above categories as they would probably be easier to set up endorsement relationships with, as they already know how good you are. The Start Up Business People A new start up business can be useful sources of new business so think of who is involved with businesses when they start up who may be able to refer to you… Bank Managers Printers Estate Agents Solicitors Insurance Brokers Accountants Any local colleges and business links offering business start up courses For personal consumers, local Estate Agents and Conveyancing Solicitors will be one of the first on the scene. You could at least give these people free special reports, discount vouchers, etc to hand out. It will add value to what they do and bring you new work. From the above, then decide which you think would be best to approach and get the details of the owner or most senior person in each and write to them with your endorsement offer. The Endorsement Offer You now need to decide what you’re offer is… What incentive are you offering? Figure out what you can realistically afford that is going to be attractive to the endorsement partner. By calculating your lifetime value you may appreciate you can offer more than you originally thought. Also, calculate how much this would save How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 217 - you compared to using other marketing activities. Typically 25% of the profit may be given to the endorsement partner but even if you give 99% away you may still be making more than you were without them. The endorsement partner may well want to be able to verify that their income is correctly calculated and paid. You may therefore want to give them the opportunity to control this by the enquiries being routed through the endorsement partner and even receive the money or have a separate joint bank account. A simple contract may also help and make sure any enquires that come directly to you are reported to your partner as soon as they arise. They may not want you to have access to their customer list so you could offer to let them send out the marketing material so that you never know whom it went to. You can warrant not making their names available to anyone else. You may offer an extra incentive to the customers just because they are a customer of the proposed endorsement partner. This is often critical in a good host-beneficiary relationship. It could be a larger guarantee rather than a price reduction and it should be presented as if the host has negotiated it. This will reflect well on the endorsement partner. It could be a discount, free report, free initial consultation, etc. Try to get a guarantee that if it works, the arrangement is automatically renewed and you have an exclusive agreement. However, if you are the host, you may not want this agreement. You can offer to repackage what you offer as the host wants. Try to give them options, perhaps a profit share or £x per customer or even a fixed fee. You can tell them to use it as a test to see how much market leverage they have with their customers. They can then set up other relationships and you’ll help them. In addition, if you are offering a service or product that is going to be beneficial to your partners customers, then this will also reflect well on your partner for pointing out the product or service and increase the lifetime value of their customers. The letter you write to the endorsement partner is just like sales letters so follow the format for them. It will of course mention… 1. You are non-competing. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 218 - 2. It increases their profits. 3. Costs them nothing. 4. You will produce and pay for all the marketing materials. 5. You fully guarantee your product or service and indemnify them. 6. It’s ongoing. 7. You must also tell them all about your product or service. 8. How they get paid. 9. The sales letter should contain the key phrase… “if my projections are correct, I expect to give you a cheque for £x six months from now”. Also add “and if it works out, this much every six months forever” Here is an example of how you might start a letter to a prospective host… “I am a highly respected landscaper in our community. I would very much like to forge a joint venture with you. The reason I’d like to do it is that I realise that you have spent an enormous amount of time, effort, emotion, energy, and expense building goodwill with your clients. Those clients – when they’re done transacting business with you – may have nothing else to bring you in the way of new business for many, many years. But there is a way – an ethical, valuable way – you could reclaim the time, effort, and expense that you invested in that relationship and do your client an incredible service.” After sending the letters you can follow them up with a phone call to improve response even further. How To Operate The Endorsement Arrangement Once you have your endorsement partner on board you need to write a sales letter they can send out to their customers. You can start with a small sample to test to see if it will work. It is either… 1. A letter from them on their letterhead, not you. Or How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide 2. - 219 - A letter from them endorsing you and a sales letter from you. If it is just from them, it needs to be a sales letter and must include the following… The relationship between your endorsement partner and you and the benefit of that. Your USP & other benefits. Your guarantees. The special offer for them – link it to a deadline. This letter must be agreed with the endorsement partner. It can be followed up with a phone call, further letters etc as you normally would. How Else To Use Endorsement Marketing 1. Endorsement marketing is a win-win situation for both parties. Therefore you should also think of all the other businesses whose products you could endorse for you to earn from. Possibly even do contra deals where it costs you both nothing to approach each other’s customers. 2. If you have competitors that offer premium services, they may only convert 1% of their leads because they are very expensive. The other 99% aren’t going to buy from them, but may from you. So when they can’t sell their own services, they sell you or just give you the leads. It can course work the other way around as well. 3. If your endorsement package works, why not sell the same direct mail package to similar businesses outside your geographic area. 4. If you don’t have a business at all, you could possibly still take advantage. You can become a middleman and arrange all these relationships. Approach one company and say you want to market their product by approaching other businesses and you want 25% of the profit. Then approach the host saying you want to bring extra products to them to sell and you want 25% of the profit. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 220 - Section 30 How To Write Special Reports “A man may write at any time if he will set himself doggedly to it” Samuel Jackson 1709-84: In James Boswell Life Of Johnson (1791) A FREE Special Report that you make available for your prospects is an extremely powerful lead generator. For many small businesses it is often the most powerful tool to help generate leads and they are even more powerful because so few small businesses use them. You could alternatively refer to it as a mini guide or a booklet. The Report is simply your guidelines or advice produced by you to help the reader. They are great because… It helps give you credibility as an expert. You can refer to yourself as the author in all sorts of other material. It shows you in a very giving way. The more you give, the more you’ll get back in the way of new customers. They generate prospects that are interested in your product or service. They can used in many ways: in ads, sales letters, fax broadcasts, as a give away on your web site, as a seminar hand out, as the centre of a press release article all about the FREE Special Report (ending with details of how to get it) and as giveaways to new and existing customers to impress them. Also give them to contacts that can refer to you. It is important that they are only given out where you get the prospects details in exchange as they are only the first stage in the sales conversion process. You may need to follow the prospect up and all you’ve done by giving out the Special Report so far is increase their interest. It can be anything from a few pages to a 100 pages. This report actually started out as a lot smaller Special Report. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 221 - The obvious downside is you need to put some time into creating them but once they are complete you can use then time and time again. So if you want to create one this is what you have to do… Choose your subject. It wants to be a subject that will interest and benefit your prospects that they would want to read about. It is important it is for the benefit of the prospect and will help them. Don’t worry about giving lots of information away so long as it doesn’t enable the prospect to totally do without you. Examples could be… Gardener – How to keep your garden looking good in winter. Accountant – 50 Ways to save tax Mechanic – How to look after your car Toy Shop – How to interest your children in educational games You get the idea and you could probably come up with several ideas for your business and have more than one special report. Give it a title. If you follow the headline rules for creating a headline you won’t go far wrong. Your front sheet can be printed on your letterhead and will need the title, your contact details and a copyright notice such as © Copyright XYZ & Co. You should also put a small price on the report to help the appearance of value such as £19.99 but still give it away for free. Don’t go over the top in the amount you put on it. You can add your logo to the front cover or even better you can great piece of software at that produces stunning book and box covers for you that you can add to the front page to make it look even more professional. This isn’t critical as it’s a report you are giving away for free but it can help make you appear even more of an expert. This is the software that created the picture on the front cover of this report in just a couple of minutes. Split your report into well-defined sections. Plan this at the beginning and it will make it easier to write. Write for your reader, not you, which means avoiding jargon. Write in a personal way, with lots of “you”, “your” and “I”. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 222 - Don’t forget how to use fonts & formatting tricks to make it more interesting and readable for the reader. Give it a contents page. Finish with where they can find out more information such as other books, internet sites, etc but make sure you let the prospect know all about how you can help them, including your USP & other benefits. When it’s finished it can be binded to improve presentation quality. If it is a very large report, think about putting it onto a CD in pdf format to send out in the post or that can be e-mailed. If you do this make sure you tell the prospect it is best to print it out for them to read. If you don’t want to write your own Special Report, you often find that manufactures provide information that you could use as an information booklet. For example. a roofer may be able to get a booklet on “How To Roof A House” from the supplier of roofing tiles. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 223 - Section 31 The Competition Busting Special Report People want their enemies dead – but I don’t; I say give them the gout, give them the stone! Lady Mary Worltey Montagu 1689 – 1762; quoted in letter from Horrace Walpole to Earl Of Harcourt, 17 Sept 1778 This is a special report all about how to choose whatever you are. For example it could be called… “How To Choose An Accountant That’s Right For You And Avoid All The Mistakes Most People Make” You can use it in the same way as other special reports but it’s even better because it is designed to get the prospect to choose you without even considering your competition. It should give useful and helpful advice and be written from an impartial perspective in order to build trust but it will be slanted towards you. In addition, your competition hasn’t been so helpful, so you are already ahead of the game. You should try to find out if any of your prospects are considering a competitor. If so, offer to send them the report. It creates a positive feeling towards you rather than the competition. If you’ve put in place lots of the points in this report, you will now look so impressive, your competition are just going to be blown away. Here’s how to structure the report… 1. Start with telling them why they should read the report and that by doing so they’ll be able to make a more informed choice. 2. Tell them what makes a successful partnership between a customer and your type of business. When doing this explain how you do this. 3. Tell them they need to make a list of 5 or 6 suppliers. Tell them where to look, such as yellow pages or wherever you market How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 224 - yourself and what to look for in the adverts (of course this will be biased towards you). To make it appear more impartial, you can also add some other marketing methods that you aren’t using. 4. Explain how best to make to contact with the suppliers. Again, whatever will suit you best. It could be by phone, letter, etc and to request further information. You’ll have a brilliant further information letter that will stand out far and above your competition when they do this. 5. Tell them to then choose 2 or 3 to meet with. In reality they may now only choose to meet with you. Tell them what to look for in the information that is sent out in deciding who to choose. 6. List the questions they should ask at the meeting. Again this will be tailored to you. 7. Discuss how your industry charges but try to emphasise that the cheapest is not always the best deal. 8. List the major problems people encounter when using suppliers from your industry and how to overcome them. 9. Finish with a summary of what makes a good supplier in your industry. Apply the same format as for other special reports. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 225 - Section 32 Tip Sheets “I always pass on good advice. It is the only thing to do with it. It is never of any use to oneself” Oscar Wilde 1854 – 1900: An Ideal Husband (1895) Tip sheets are again a method of demonstrating your expertise and building credibility as well as being a very giving exercise. They are a bit like a short special report on one subject with a list of tips. So you can follow the rules for special reports but they are only designed to be 1 to 2 pages in length. They are therefore abbreviated tips rather than full instructions. Because of this they are easier to produce. They are used by sending them regularly, say monthly to your prospects and customers. In addition you can use them as the basis of a press releases and seminar handouts. Again you need to choose your subject that is going to be beneficial for the reader and choose a title by following headline rules. Follow these guidelines for writing the tip sheet… Have just a couple of introductory paragraphs. List your tips and make them short. Bullet points are great for this. Putting your tipsheet into 2 or 3 columns on a page like a newsletter can make it appear more interesting. Write personally with “you”, “your” and “I”. Avoid jargon. Add your contact details. Add an offer at the end of the tip sheet. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide Print it on plain paper or your letterhead. - 226 - How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 227 - Section 33 Information Packs “Now, what I want is facts. Facts alone are wanted in life” Charles Dickens 1812 – 70: Hard Times (1854) An Information Pack or Kit (the same thing) will replace a brochure. It will be far cheaper and will work far better. Ideal for the small business. Information Packs can be used in a similar way to Special Reports asking prospects to call for a Free Information Pack about your product or service. They can also be used when people simply ask for further information about your business. An information pack is simply a sales letter with a reply device. So just follow all the rules for both of them, with the following being particularly relevant for information packs… The salutation should be Dear Mr Smith or Mrs Brown, etc. Whilst not perfect it is recommended if you don’t know whether it is Miss, Mrs or Ms that you use Ms. Don’t get too familiar with the first name at this stage in the process. Rather than starting with a headline, your opening sentence & paragraph should just be along the lines of “Thank you for requesting this information pack”. This straight way lets the reader know it is something they requested. The next paragraph needs to tell the prospect what your objective is. As always, it’s important to focus on just one objective. If the next stage is to get an appointment this is what you need to focus on, not the order. However because it is information that has already been requested, the prospect is already warmer and unless you are selling a very high value product or service, it may be best to go straight for the order in this instance. The information kit becomes a replacement of the sales person. So for example, you could say… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 228 - “I want to get to the point. The reason for giving you this information is to give you the confidence to order the (product or service name). You will see that it is fully guaranteed. To order please simply complete the enclosed order form or call the orderline on 0800………. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 229 - Section 34 Brochures Generally don’t do it. They cost more and actually make less of an impression than an Information Pack. There is really only a need for a brochure if your prospects really expect one. It’s hard to get that excited about them and it’s doubtful your prospects will be either. If you have to have one, make it more attractive by offering information and tips that are valuable to the reader. Follow these rules… Put a headline on the front cover. Every product within the brochure should have its own headline. The copy should be interesting, informative and educational. Use high quality photos and add a caption to each featuring a benefit. Use high quality print. Use your usual fonts. Always send it out with a covering letter. Include a tear out or separate order or appointment request form. Brochures allow more space for features but they must be followed with benefits. If you are stuck for money, an alternative to a brochure, is a Data Sheet often produced by manufacturers which just has added to it “Order From…” How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 230 - Section 35 Catalogues Catalogues will be more useful for product businesses but service businesses could also catalogue their services to make them more tangible. 1. Make them chatty, friendly and frank. They should be like a good salesman in a shop. 2. Try to make them different. They shouldn’t be impersonal as if produced by a computer. 3. They should always be sent with an introductory letter. 4. The order form should be obvious and attached to the catalogue. 5. The cover is a prime selling spot for selling your best items. 6. You can fit a lot onto one page if it is properly planned out. 7. Keep the catalogue in line with your usual style. 8. Use photographs. 9. Frequently show the “ways to pay”. 10. Always put prices next to the items. 11. Have relevant tips and information throughout. 12. Try using contest and sweepstakes to create interest within the catalogue. 13. Use good copy words. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 231 - Section 36 Mad Marketing Ideas “Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t” William Shakespeare 1564 – 1616: Hamlet (1601) Here are a few examples of some more off the wall, out of the box type thinking marketing ideas. Try to use them as a basis for your own ideas or as inspiration to come up with your own. Being unusual or eccentric will often pay dividends… A restaurant owner could get in a taxi, talks to the driver all about his restaurant and end up back at his restaurant without going anywhere. He gets the undivided attention of the Taxi Driver for just a few pounds. He can then offer him a free meal. Taxi drivers are an excellent source of referrals for restaurants. On a wine list, have humorous description such as “What To Drink When Lost In A Desert”. Hire assistants for the day to make your office look busy. Send your own label wine as gifts. Send a mini tape and a cassette player with your sales message on. When you use tapes or videos to send a sales message they can’t be skim read like sales letters and they have to listen to them in the order you’ve recorded them. Create your own holidays or special days and you can even enter them into Chases Calendar Of Events. Go to… Put signs advertising your business up in front of your house and ask all your friends if you can do the same. You can probably get away with doing this for a short period and end up with signs all around town. They should at least let people know what you do and have your phone number on. Ring all of the competitors in Yellow Pages looking for any phone lines that are now disconnected. Then ring BT and ask for the number to How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 232 - be allocated to you, which you then put on divert to your normal line. You’ll then pick up any prospects looking for your type of service. My Accountant Thinks I’m Crazy Sale This is a tongue in cheek sales letter that talks about your annoyance at your nagging, domineering, penny pinching, scrooge-ish accountant. How he bullies you, pushes you around and watches you like a hawk…but now he’s out of town on vacation for the week and you’re going to have some fun… with the wildest, most generous offers in the history of your business… We accept Burger King Coupons and give double value. Offer to take over certain segments of a business not fitting in with a competitors client profile such as small clients and vice versa. You don’t want trouble clients so look to lose them and even better if you can lose them to competitors! And A Final Few Ideas For Lead Generation… Always thank suppliers when they do a good job. Offer to accept trade ins to make people think they are getting value for their old items. For example, a health club selling memberships could accept old exercise equipment. Celebrity appearances – outlets in a shopping mall could club together. High value items such as a car, you can offer to buy back at market value. Let charities use your office for their meetings. Sell coupon book of services at a discount. Give all staff a business card. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 233 - Section 37 How To Convert Your Leads Into Paying Customers “Prescription without diagnosis is malpractice” A Conversion System So far we’ve looked at numerous ways of generating leads. However, there’s no point generating loads of leads if you don’t convert them into sales, so you need a system for doing this. You may be happy with the sales you make but think how many more sales you would make if you also had a proven conversion system in place. Your conversion system starts from the moment you get the first enquiry all the way through to becoming a customer and beyond. During the conversion, you need a system to keep in regular contact with the prospect. This is because your prospects interest must be raised to a certain level before they buy and the more you keep in contact, the higher their level of interest rises. Contact could be by a meeting, phone call, letter, fax, email, etc. There is a rule in sales that says on average you need 7 positive contacts before a buy occurs. This number may vary between business types but it’s true for all businesses that the more positive contact you have the more sales you will make. Normal marketing techniques completely overlook this basic point and if you have a system in place to deliver these contacts, you make it easy for yourself. As always you need to test your sales conversion system to improve it and you therefore need to know what your conversion rate is at present, such as 20% of sales leads turned into paying customers, before you can know if other ideas will improve it. The Quality Of Your Lead You need to know this so that you can decide the appropriate amount of resources to invest in converting the lead. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 234 - You determine the quality of the lead by asking qualifying questions… “Where did you hear about us? – Remember this is crucial to your testing.” Once asked a question, your prospect has been moved to a frame of mind ready to accept more questions. You need to know who is a good prospect for you so that you know the right questions to ask. All of these should be on an enquiry sheet. Examples of qualification questions include… “How many employees does your business have? (it gives you an indication of size and is less sensitive than asking for their sales figure)” “Are you a home owner or tenant?” “What is your position? – you want the person who makes the decision or is close to them.” “Who else has the prospect contacted regarding this product or service? The more, the less quality the prospect is unless those that have been contacted are your weakest competitors.” “When are you looking to make a decision?” “Were you recommended? If so, they are normally a better prospect. “Are they happy with their present provider?” “What is their address? Many small businesses only sell locally or if selling high value items, prospects from affluent areas are likely to be better.” The exact questions will depend on what you are selling and to whom but you get the idea. Remember, the only purpose of asking these questions is to qualify the prospect so if it doesn’t help do this, don’t ask. You could then give them a score of how good a prospect they are. If they are just not right for your product or service at all, be as helpful as you can be and thank them. A poor prospect may just be sent a future contact letter saying you’ll contact them again in a certain number of weeks or months. An average prospect may just be sent some further information to help move them up to become a good prospect. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 235 - A good prospect may be one you want a meeting with. If you can sell to them directly over the phone, by e-mail, on your web site or in your shop, qualification questions will be less relevant and you go straight to a selling meeting that is just taking place in some other form. Meetings take time and time is money so you may do without face-to-face meetings with… Simple products and services that can easily be explained over the phone or don’t require any customer discussion. You are going to be making a low value one off sale. When your prospect doesn’t want a meeting. Someone is already ready to buy. The prospect is too far away to be worth your while travelling. It’s normal in your industry for sales to be made without meetings. This is more so now with Internet & email development. The meeting doesn’t have to always be a formal sales meeting; it could be in a retail shop. A lot of what follows regarding a meeting could be applied to such situations as well, although it is based on the conventional sales meeting. If you get a meeting you need to send a “sowing the seeds letter” which not only confirms the meeting it also lets the prospect know what to expect in order to increase their interest. Sales Conversion Letters These are the letters you’ll be using in the sales conversion process… Future Contact letter More Information letter Sowing the seeds letter Sales Conversion Letter Buyers Remorse letter - for after you’ve made the sale. Follow these rules for every letter… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 236 - Start with saying thank you – people like to be thanked and it will make them think better of your business Name & address – check all spellings are correct. Personalise the letter. Don’t put “Dear Customer”. Using their name again during the letter can also help. Thank them again at the end of the letter. Sign in blue ink personally. Never PP your letters if at all possible. Send them out immediately – never wait longer than 24 hours before sending the letter out. Apply a few formatting tricks as usual to make them more interesting. Future Contact Letter This is the letter you send to your prospect who isn’t ready to buy or move to the next stage of the sales process yet. By doing this, you’ll appear friendly and polite, ready for when they are ready to buy. You just need to confirm when you’ll next be in contact. There is no need to include details of your USP at this point as the prospect isn’t in buying mode. Here’s an example letter… “Thank you for contacting us regarding (name of your product or service). As discussed, I will contact you again in 3months time. If you need any help or assistance before then, please call me on FreePhone 0800 1234567. Thanks again for your interest” More Information Letter This is simply your Information Pack we looked at earlier which is your sales letter with a reply device. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 237 - The purpose of this letter is to sell. Whatever you do, don’t send a brochure out on its own or with a simple letter saying something like “here’s the information you asked for” So this is a sales letter that must only focus on what the next stage of the sales process is. This is often to raise their interest to the level where they want a meeting. At the end of the letter, let the prospect know when you are going to call to check they’ve received the information. You need to keep in control of the process as much as possible so don’t leave it to the prospect to call you. Sowing The Seeds Letter This is the letter you send to your prospect to confirm the meeting you have with them and to increase their interest. Just by doing this, you’ll show how much ahead of the competition you are, as many don’t do it. This is what also to include in the letter… Confirm the meeting details – time, date & place. Introduce your main USP & other benefits but not too much – this is just a taste of them to raise interest. It will probably be 1 to 2 pages long. Here’s an example letter layout … “Thank you for calling me to do. It was good to talk with you about…. I confirm we’ll meet on Friday 4th June 3.00pm at your premises to discuss how we can help you. Before we meet, I thought it may be helpful to list a few of the benefits that our customers tell us they find… Now List The Benefits In Bullet Point Form with just one or two sentences on each and bit of bold formatting on important words. I think you’ll find the meeting very worth your while. It is of course totally without obligation and FREE. Thank you and I look forward to meeting you.” How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 238 - Sales Conversion Letter This is the letter you send after the meeting to the prospect if you haven’t yet got the business. Just by sending a letter you’ll be doing better than many but by sending the right kind of letter, you’ll be so much better than your competition. It’s designed to move them to be ready to buy. This is what also to include in the letter… Include your USP and other relevant benefits. Provide your guarantees and the reason why. Include testimonials. Introduce some fear and tell them what they’ll be missing out on if they don’t use you. Deal with any remaining objections and repeat the solution to any you still think may be worrying the prospect. Add a call to action. Let them know when you’ll be in contact again. Sign in blue ink personally and don’t PP it. Add a P.S. This letter could well be a few pages long and follows the same process as a sales letter you saw earlier but just tailored specifically for that customer after you’ve met them, now with just a one stage hard offer of the sale, adding your “thank you” at the beginning and end and definitely letting them know you’ll be calling them. It doesn’t need a headline. Don’t worry about it’s length. If your prospect is interested, they’ll read it. We are writing for those prospects that are interested, not those who aren’t. It can be sent by fax or email as well as in the post to increase speed of delivery and to hit them twice. If you don’t get the business now, you may at least have got yourself up to number 2 on the list for when things go wrong with their current supplier. The Buyers Remorse Letter How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 239 - After a sale is made, the buyer may have doubts about their choice. The doubts are clearly larger for high priced products and services but they exist to some extent for all. What you don’t want is the customer cancelling on you or coming back for a refund. The buyers remorse letter is a letter you send reassuring the customer they made the right choice. This helps avoid cancellations, creates a relationship that can turn into repeat sales, gives the opportunity for you to sell add ons at this time (e.g maintenance contract for the product) or to gain referrals. You may be able to use it to up sell the customer to a more expensive product or service specially offered to them at a discount for say 14 days as a result of their first purchase. This is what also to include in the letter… Repeat your USP & other benefits. If there’s another stage in their relationship with you, which is particularly relevant for service businesses, tell them what’s happening next. Tell them about additional products/ services. A good length would be a couple of pages. Here is an example format for the letter… “Thank you very much for choosing us to look after your affairs. We are all looking forward to working with you. I just wanted to summarise all of the benefits you will receive so that you can see what a good choice you’ve made… Now List The Benefits In Bullet Point Form with a bit more detail than was in the sowing the seeds letter on each and a bit of bold formatting on important words. If you have any queries at any time please call me personally on FreePhone 0800 1234567 Thank you again for your business and I look forward to seeing you again.” How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 240 - The Sales Meeting Many people hate sales meetings, appointments, demonstrations, consultations or whatever you want to call them. It produces images of the slimy salesman and who wants to be one of them? There can be a fear of lack of skill, poor self-image and the need for approval. Many expect a negative response, when in reality most responses are fairly neutral. It helps to think of the worst thing that can happen if you go into that meeting when you’re sitting outside in your car waiting to go in. They’re not going to beat you up and leave you for dead. Probably the very worst thing is you are told they are not interested and don’t want to see you. Of course if this happens it’s because you haven’t qualified the prospect properly in the first place. However, even if this happens think about where you are now. That’s right, your back in your car, just where you were before you went in. So it can’t really be that bad, can it? For most of us, we need to make the appointment more enjoyable and to do this it helps to focus on how you can help the prospect rather than on sales technique. Some people can sell on pure sales ability but they are a very rare species. Using a simple structured system that naturally helps the prospect get the most from their time with you will help. See yourself as an advisor in your own mind first. Remember, you know your product or service inside out, and whilst we often think our prospects do too, that’s just not so in the majority of cases. By the way, if you charge for an initial consultation or meeting, you are putting a major barrier in the way of getting new customers. Don’t forget their lifetime value we looked at earlier before you do this. You should only do this if you have enough customers already or are such an expert that customers are prepared to pay. If you get a really tough prospect that is verbally aggressive towards you, try to look at it as their problem and feel sorry for them. Bully’s act like that because they are insecure inside. However, they must buy goods and services. If they are really out of line, try saying “Mr Prospect, have I offended you in any way?” This helps to bring them back to reality. Think about who from your business should go. This may vary depending on the prospect that is being seen. Having the right attitude to the meeting is important so you don’t want someone who doesn’t want to do the meetings. Attitude is about having an enthusiasm for the process, being flexible, making the effort to fit in with and accommodate the customer’s needs. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 241 - The Preparation Stage Read the notes on your enquiry sheet. Get directions or map to where you are going. Do background research. For businesses this may for example include looking at their web site or sites in their industry to get a feel for their business. You can also do a search at Companies House to get more background information. Check you have any visual aids you use. Check you have business cards and any other promotional material. Check you have all the forms you need if you use these when taking on a new customer. Don’t be late. If you are stuck in traffic have the courtesy to ring ahead and let them know you’re running a bit late. This all counts towards the impression you will make. Consider the type of car you are going to arrive in. This makes an impression. Does it need to be a top of the range BMW or a sensible Mondeo? There is a mortgage broker who works from home with his wife who turns up in a £260,000 Rolls Royce. He’s very successful and it fits in with how he operates but it could be the death of you. So just think about what is right for the impression you are trying to make. If you have the wrong car, you can always park round the corner. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 242 - You should put together a standard pre-meeting planning checklist to ensure you don’t miss anything…. Pre Meeting Planning and Points to Consider Meeting with: Date: Confirm in writing time and place of meeting Review enquiry sheet Obtain directions to meeting ( is a useful site) Try to view website Obtain any background information for the trade Produce list of key questions to ask Print and take “For your Notes” sheets and hand to customer at meeting New Customer Forms Assemble Promotional Material to take to meeting. Choose from the following as appropriate:Information Pack Testimonials (copied from testimonials folder) Special Report Tip Sheets Newsletter Brochure Catalogue Business Card Press Releases How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 243 - Greeting The Prospect Before you meet the prospect, sometimes you’ll meet someone else first. Perhaps the receptionist or the wife and it’s important to create a positive impression with these people as well as they may have some input into the final decision. Always smile at the receptionist. First greetings are simple & obvious and yet they still don’t always get done… Firm hand shake. Make eye contact. Smile. Say something like “ Hi Bob, I’m John Smith from Widgets R Us. Thanks for tasking the time to meet with me” The Chit Chat This comes down to some judgement on your part with who you are meeting but it can help to try to talk with the prospect about something other than what you are there for. There are often clues around as to what the decision maker may be interested in such as something to indicate he likes a particular football team or often pictures of his children. A quick chat about these can help build rapport. This isn’t an essential stage but if it’s appropriate, use it. A useful tip for when meeting a husband and wife and wanting to know who the real decision maker is amongst them it to look at neither particularly and ask the question “where do you folks like to go on holiday?” Whoever answers will be the main decision maker 9 times out of 10. Asking Questions Please, please, please don’t start the meeting with a sales presentation. There is no way you can offer the right product or service to the prospect without understanding their needs. To do this you need information, which means you need your prospect to talk initially. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 244 - The only time this may not be correct is when selling a very high value item that requires two meetings and it may be more practical to start with an overview of what you can offer. To move the appointment into a questioning mode, it can help to clarify the purpose of the meeting. Something like… “What I’d like to do is find out how you might benefit from my product, so it would help if I can just find out a bit about what your needs are by asking a few questions. Is that ok?” Alternatively, just say, “May I ask a question?” Then you’re into questioning mode. This gets the prospect to talk and you to listen which helps the prospect to think you are interested in them and are a good listener. You are now in control. The questions you have will be specific to your product or service but you need to get all the vital information you need to be able to understand their needs. You need mainly open questions. They are those that lead to the prospect giving you detailed information as opposed to “yes/no” or very short one word answers. It is generally thought that questions beginning with Why, Who, What, Where, When, Which & How will do this but it is not always so. For example, “what’s the time?” is a closed question. Here are some ideas to get you going… What difficulties do you face at present with… What are your major concerns? How do you think I may be able to help you? What would you like to achieve? Nobody’s perfect, if there was one thing you would change about your existing suppler what would it be? This helps to open up your prospect. Tell me about your business What is your role in the business? Clearly you want to be speaking with the decision maker, although sometimes in larger businesses it is necessary to have a preliminary meeting with somebody else who advises the ultimate decision maker. How do you work at present? Is price your most important consideration? How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 245 - If money were no object, in an ideal world what would you like from a service like ours? This is a dream question, which takes away the barrier of price to try to find out what the client really wants. After all, may be it isn’t as costly as they think. Who else are you considering? What will you want to see a year from now to know that you’ve made the right decision about using our services? Where will your biggest challenges come from? How would I know someone I’m talking to is a good prospect for you? – this shows clear interest in their business. There are also those questions that are going to help you overcome any objections the prospect may have. If you think about it, you’ll come up with all the common objections to your product or service. The actual objections will vary for different businesses but the common ones include… Price. How can we be sure you can deliver on what you say? Do we really need this product? I can’t be bothered with the hassle of changing supplier? Once you know what your objections are likely to be, you can ask questions that either provide you with the information you need to overcome them or help to remove them in the first place. Take the price objection as an example. If you ask questions designed to identify the value of how much they would benefit from the product or service and this can be quantified in pound notes, and this is higher than the price, it then becomes easier to overcome price objections. Perhaps your product will save them one hour a day in labour costs, and at £5 an hour that equates to £1825 per year. If your product costs £400, this is a powerful way of overcoming the objection. Part of your preparation is having a list of questions ready. You probably want to have at least 10. You can adapt them as the meeting progresses. It’s also not a problem to have them written out if you need to as this will just show you are organised. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 246 - Listening As you ask the questions, the client will talk and it is important to listen. You have 2 ears and one mouth for a reason. Questions are more important than answers - in fact they are the answers. They enable you to keep just one step ahead of the prospect. Whilst listening, you want to show signs that you are indeed doing that. “Uh hah”, “yes”, “I understand”, etc will do the job or you can feed back highlights. Also, if your prospect gets off the point, don’t just interrupt but find a point to say something like “I understand but can you tell me…” If you don’t understand anything, it’s best to ask. It helps to take brief written notes as memory joggers for when you get back to the office or you speak to the prospect again in a few weeks time. Make sure you are listening, not thinking of the next question or some other idea you have. By having your questions written down this will help and if any ideas come to you, briefly jot them down so that you can keep your sole focus on understanding your prospect’s needs. Now It’s Your Turn It’s now time for you to present your solution to the prospect. By the way, you don’t know exactly what this is before the meeting and it is going to be tailored to this specific prospect. You can use aids such as a laptop or paper format presentations. These are effective but remember they need to be flexible so you don’t go over points that aren’t relevant to this prospect. Because you’ve prepared properly, you should know 99% of what you need to say automatically and know the answers to objections. If you get asked a question you don’t know the answer to you can only do your best. Worst case, say “that’s a good question, I’ll need to find out. I can call you with the answer just as soon as I get back to the office.” It’s not perfect but it’s better than “I don’t know” or lying. So these are the things to remember when it’s your turn… Keep the prospect involved, Use “you” and “your” a lot in the language you use. Avoid “I”, “Me”, “We”, “Us”. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide Don’t skip things. Make sure you get your full message across. Only mention the services and benefits that are relevant to that prospect. It is particularly important to concentrate on the benefits rather than the features of your product or service. Using the words “which means” can help move you from features to benefits. Provide testimonials or case studies that are relevant to the product or service the prospect wants. You should have these to hand. Also talk about how you’ve helped other clients in the same circumstances. Give away useful information to demonstrate you are an expert. Avoid the use of jargon. Be confident. - 247 - Don’t discuss the price until you fully understand the client’s needs and have explained the benefits. However, try to make sure price isn’t the very last thing discussed as if the prospect doesn’t like it, the meeting will end on a negative point and you won’t have as much time to overcome the price objection. It is normally better to provide a price face-to-face if at all possible as it provides the face-to-face opportunity to discuss it. Don’t waffle. Concentrate on what the prospect is going to get out of the deal. Try to avoid sitting on the fence if asked an opinion. There may not always be a definite right answer but using the words “if it were me…” can work. The “does your existing supplier…” theory can help. This is where you spot various areas where the existing supplier is probably not providing what you can. You then bring 3 or 4 of these points into play during your presentation but not one after another, “does you existing supplier provide next day delivery?” When you achieve 3 or 4 areas where the prospect has said “no” it helps to undermine the existing supplier without being seen to directly criticise them. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 248 - Overcome The Objections Objections aren’t people saying “no” but often a reason why they aren’t’ yet ready to say “yes” When dealing with objections… 1. Never enter into an argument. You may win the argument but you won’t win the customer. 2. Say “I understand what you’re saying but have you considered…” 3. Have a helpful and positive attitude. 4. Repeat back the objection to the prospect so they know you understand. 5. You’ll need to show the benefits outweigh the costs. 6. Use testimonials & case studies to overcome them. You need testimonials that cover all different objections. Some objections are real and some are more of a smokescreen objection when they simply don’t want to make a decision now. Smokescreen objections can always be overcome but some objections are so real that you wouldn’t be a good choice for the prospect. This could be because their needs fall outside what you really have to offer. If that’s the case, you’ll gain more by saying so and pointing the prospect in the right direction. They’ll remember and come back to you when they do need what you offer or will refer people to you. If you sell the wrong thing to them, they won’t buy from you again and people love to tell others about bad service far more than they do good service. The number one objection is price. It’s often tempting to say “Well OK, I’ll do it for £X” in order to make the sale”. This may be sensible if you desperately need the sale to make ends meet but in most cases the price objection is raised simply because the customer doesn’t see the value or they want to check there not paying over the top. Hopefully with everything you have already done, this objection will occur less but it will still occur. By sticking to your price, your prospect is more likely to see that they are fair. Other ways to overcome the price objection and stop it arising in the first place… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 249 - “I understand, I can’t really do it for any less but what is your budget?” Once you know this say you tell them what you can do for this amount. “ So is price the only thing you’re interested in?”. The prospect will then often explain other issues, giving you the chance to demonstrate what you offer that your competitors don’t. “ I understand but have you found when you’ve gone for the cheapest before, you’ve often been disappointed” “ I understand but I do get a lot of work putting right what has been done by cheaper suppliers.” Describe your price as an investment rather than a cost. If you can calculate the value of your product or service to them, you can show the return on their investment. Give them an estimate early on of say between £800 to £1200 that you’ll be able to confirm exactly once you understand their needs more. You could also say you are rarely the cheapest. If they say they are not going to be interested in these prices, find out what they are going to be prepared to pay and decide if you are going to be able to help them or not. Better to know early on if you are wasting each other’s time. Trade a price discount for a referral. “If we take X out of the package we could do it for…” “If you do... we could do it for £X” Good, Quick & Cheap – you can only have 2, which would you prefer? Other objections… Objection Possible Solutions Existing supplier has offered to reduce their price. Are you receiving a credit note for all previous overcharges? You can anticipate this by advising the prospect the existing supplier may do this when presented with your price. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 250 - I need to think about it. Is there anything in particular you are concerned about? Try to draw the real objection out. Agree a date & time to follow up. Our existing supplier is in the middle of doing some work for us at present so changing now would not be sensible. Consider the lifetime value of the customer and offer to take over any existing work and redo what needs doing to get to the same stage without charge. We don’t want to upset our existing supplier. How do I know your prices won’t go up substantially next year? Your prices are low. I’m not convinced of the quality. This is an emotional objection and hard to overcome as it is not based on logic. Play down the importance of changing, people change suppliers all the time, there is no need to tell them personally, etc. Offer them a guarantee. The reason are prices are low is that we systematise our business to make it easy to supply customers in a very efficient way. We pass these efficiency savings onto our customers. I need to discuss it with my partner. Try to meet with all decision makers in the first place wherever possible. Offer to meet the partner. Arrange a date & time to follow up. Your business is too small. People deal with people and it’s people who deliver the product/service. What matters is that the person who you will be dealing with, not the company size. If you get the wrong person from a large company, it’s no help. You get a more personal service tailored to your needs from a small business. I don’t want a business that works from home as a supplier. The business is the same but the overheads are lower which we pass onto our customers. We are available out of normal hours. We are forward thinking and with technology How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 251 - improvements we have moved from business premises to home as all you need is a phone line and a PC. My existing supplier is a friend. Possibly review your lead qualification as this is a very difficult objection and is based on emotion. Is the friend doing less than they should because of the friendship connection? We are looking to sell the business and so not a lot point in changing suppliers now. Keep in contact and be the first when the new business arrives. We’ll contact you if we want to change supplier. I’m too busy to deal with a change of supplier at the moment. Do you think you are likely to change? Is there anything that would make you change supplier now. When will be a good time to call back. Why not talk to them about systematising their business. Showing interest in their business in a giving way will be remembered. The Close There’s no point in doing all the work you’ve put in so far if you’re not prepared to close. Closing isn’t always getting an immediate sale. It could be… The person you are meeting can’t make the final decision today; perhaps they are not the final decision maker, so just agree on when you can call for a decision. The prospect still has other competitors to see, so again agree a timescale to call back. Ideally ask if you can speak before they make a final decision, giving you a chance to address any new issues that have arisen. It of course helps if you can arrange to go last. Closing is therefore getting agreement on moving to the next stage in the sales process, that’s all. Its purpose can also be to draw out the objections to allow you to deal with them before you get the “yes”. This is a closing system where it is possible to make the sale today… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 252 - “ Are there any more questions you would like to ask?” Deal with any and then move onto something like… “When would you like to go ahead?” or “would you like to proceed?” Note how one is presumptive and one not. If they ask for time to think about it, you should strongly consider doing just that rather than continuing to try to make the sale. You don’t want to offend your prospect and you’ll have a great follow up sales conversion letter still to come. However, do get their agreement to call them in a few days. Before you do this you will be sending your sales conversion letter within 24 hours. Other points to remember when closing… It helps to say nothing after you’ve asked for the business. The prospect has been asked a question and so will have to speak first. This may seem like ages but avoid starting to talk again and moving away from the close. Use either/or. Is Thursday or Friday best for you. Note there is no option for “no”. Whatever the next stage is, do it within 24 hours. This usually involves putting it in writing with your buyers remorse letter, getting the contract signed, the cheque etc. Even if you have a verbal agreement, make sure you send a buyers remorse letter. If you get the “yes” don’t forget to ask what else you can help them with or who else they know who could benefit from your service. Try the question “On a scale of 1 to 10 how interested are you with 10 being YES you want to proceed and 1 being a definite No”. If you get a 1 or 10 you know where you are but if you say get a 7, you then ask “What would I have to do to move you from a 7 to a 10”. The prospect then tells you exactly what you have to do to make the sale. If you can create some urgency for a decision this can help make the sale. Deadlines for magazine publishing are a good example. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 253 - If you’ve promised something, never under deliver on it. It’s always better to under promise and over deliver so your customer is never disappointed, only pleased. Be prepared for customers who want confirmation in writing before committing. For straightforward products and service you can use preprinted order confirmation forms that you take to the meeting with you. Take something. If the client says yes, by taking something away to work on, review, etc you can help avoid the client changing his mind. An accountant may for example, take away some books & records. If you make the sale following the close, you send your buyers remorse letter and if you don’t you send your sales conversion letter. The Follow Up – making 3109% more sales Despite all that you’ve done so far, you may still not have the business. The prospect may have decided “no” but its also quite possible they haven’t made their mind up or aren’t yet ready to buy. If this is the case, you need to start your follow up system. Follow up is keeping in contact with the prospect until they are ready to say “yes”. So few people do follow up correctly. Research suggests that 73% of prospects say “NO” at least 5 times before saying yes but 92% of businesses give up before the 5th “NO”. If you do the numbers, this means the 8% who go beyond the 5th contact make 3109% more sales than those who don’t. The following would all count as contacts and can be used as follow up methods… Call the prospect – as often as seems comfortable for your prospect. You must do this at least once, usually within a week of sending your sales conversion letter and then keep in contact as appropriate. Sending regular tip sheets – one a month. Sending special reports. Sending interesting and relevant articles you come across. Sending copies of your press releases. Sending newsletters. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide These all add value to your prospect. - 254 - How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 255 - Section 38 The Re-Selling System “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” Why Use Re-Selling It’s easy to see business growth as getting new customers but it’s often far easier to sell more to existing customers than it is to get new customers. Studies have shown it costs 8 times more to get new customers than it does to sell to existing ones. Your existing customers are a valuable asset who already trust you or they wouldn’t use you in the first place. And when done in conjunction with getting new customers, you have an awesome sales system. Re-Selling Has 3 Aspects… Increasing the average order value from each prospect. Increasing the frequency of purchase. Increasing the length of time the customer remains a customer. Let’s say your customers have an average order value of £100, they purchase twice a year and they stay with you for 5 years. Their lifetime value is £100 x 2 x 5 = £1000. If you could increase the average order value by 10%, get them to purchase one more time a year and stay with you for one extra year, this increases their lifetime value to £110 x 3 x 6 = £1980, nearly a 100% increase. If you do this to all your customers, you could grow your business by this amount without any new clients. That’s how important it is. This is why customers are assets, not problems. Try doing without them and see how you get on. The effect also only works if you work on all 3 aspects. They are so much more powerful when combined. This also excludes the effect of more How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 256 - referrals from regular happy clients who buy from you more often and stay longer. Research has also shown the following… 68% of customers want more information from companies they deal with. 60% of customers are more likely to buy from a business that stays in touch. 67% of customers move just due to indifference or lack of contact from their existing supplier. The average new business never hears from 96% of its dissatisfied clients and the average dissatisfied customer tells 9 to 20 other people about their dissatisfaction. These facts demonstrate how important re-selling is. Re-Selling Tools To Increase The Average Order Value 1. Increase your prices - see section on price setting for how to do this. 2. Get a referral with each order. 3. Package two or more products or services together to create a larger sale. 4. Up sell to a superior product or service. For example, a better computer than the one they were going to buy. 5. Cross sell an additional & complimentary product or service. For example… Shoe polish when a pair of shoes is sold, perhaps at half price. A “How To Play The Guitar” book with a guitar. Even when you buy online with Amazon, they’ll let you know what other people who bought your book, also bought and 30% of people buy another book. Always look at the end result the customer wants or ask the right questions to find out and how you can help achieve that. Someone who buys a guitar clearly wants to play it well. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 257 - 6. Special offers of the day - Viking always has special offers of the day to offer you as well. They say, “Would you like to hear about the special offers we’ve got today?” 7. Offering bulk quantities at a discount to encourage large purchases. You see this in all the supermarkets such as “3 for the price of 2” or McDonalds “Go Large” You can do this with anything, even cosmetic surgery – get your nose & face done and have your breasts done for free. Always focus on the increased total profit, not the lost profit. 8. Re-packaging your product or service so that it appears to be of higher quality. 9. Give customers different options with different combinations of your products package together. 10. Offer a deluxe version. 11. Consider adding delivery charges, insurance and installation fees that aren’t in the headline price. 12. Have minimum order sizes with surcharges below that. Many of the above can be done at the point of sale and can be assisted with point of sale materials. Re-Selling Tools To Increase The Frequency Of Purchase 1. Regular contact with your customers. Again, tip sheets, special reports, copy press releases, newsletters and phone calls all help. 2. What else do your customers buy that you don’t supply? Endorse other companies’ products in return for a share of the sales price. Think of what they do after they’ve bought from you. For example, a solicitor doing conveyancing work could introduce a moving service. 3. Offer price incentives to get them to buy more often. 4. Develop related products and services to sell to your customers. 5. Offer additional related items to the original purchase 30 days after the initial purchase. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 258 - 6. Offer automatic renewal options. For example, turn a one off lawn mowing request into a Summer package of having your grass cut once a week. Or sell on a “Till Further Notice” basis. 7. Consider selling under licence as opposed to outright sales. 8. Have pre-printed order forms for customers for the items they purchase most often. Re-Selling Tools To Keep Your Customers Longer 1. Always exceed your customers’ expectations and what your competitors are offering. 2. Get customer feedback to find out what your customers want and what their problems are. 3. Use incentive schemes. Supermarkets have taken the lead with reward points to help keep customers loyal. There’s no reason why small businesses can’t use this. 4. Make contact with your inactive customers. Many stop buying just because they haven’t heard from you. Even if you did something wrong, unless you contact them you’ll never find out what or be able to put it right. 5. When you do something for nothing for a customer let them know, for example put it on an invoice and say “no charge”. 6. Stay in regular touch. Use personal thank you notes and personalised mail. 7. Send postcards when you go on holiday. 8. Do things quickly for customers. 9. Send birthday or anniversary cards (all the dates are in your database, aren’t they?) Christmas cards are perhaps now a bit predictable. 10. Arrange customer competitions and special events. 11. Make special anniversary offers to your customers each anniversary after they first became a customer. 12. Have a “Gold Club” for customers who spend more than say £1000 per year with you. You can even combine this with other How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 259 - non-competing businesses. It could entitle them to a free lunch once a month, advance announcement of sales by 1st class mail, unadvertised specials, free gift-wrapping, birthday gift vouchers, etc. Viking have a Premier Hotline number for certain customers who get free delivery on all orders of whatever size that they seem to offer to most businesses once they’ve been with them a while and spend a certain amount. 13. If you are a tradesman such as an electrician, when doing the first job, put a sticker with your details on the fuse box so that they automatically call you when something goes wrong again. You don’t have to use every re-selling tool but you should choose some to implement. Just be careful with not bombarding customers all at once with everything. It should be phased in as appropriate. Reactivating Lost Clients 80% of customers leave for a reason that can be rectified. Even those who’ve have gone to a competitor. Re-contact them either by phone or letter and be truthful. Say they haven’t been buying from you for quite a while and you sense something is wrong. Make sure this conveys a genuine concern for their well-being. Ask… “is anything wrong?” “have we done something wrong? If so it wasn’t intentional. Is everything OK with your business, family, health, etc” You want to find out how you can fix it. Be sincere and give a personal apology for anything wrong. Ask if you can you fix the problem? Make them a special offer or is a free gift needed, perhaps a £20 coupon? If so, do it unconditionally. Don’t insist it’s done on the basis they buy from you again. Here’s some example wording… “…even if you only take advantage of our make-good offer but never do business with us again, it’s important to us that your last transaction with out company be a positive and satisfying experience. So please give us this chance to see that that happens for you.” How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 260 - This stops people holding a grudge, will stop them saying bad things about you and may earn you referrals as well. Whatever the feedback, act on it to prevent it happening with other customers. If the customer won’t return, still thank them for identifying weaknesses in your product. This can even sometimes have the effect of making a breakthrough and getting them back. The Windows Of Opportunity Chart This is a simple chart developed by Peter Thompson that uses a system to maximize your cross selling to clients. It helps to ensure all your customers know about what you sell and lets you know which products or services they’ve bought. Customer Name Mr A Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Product 4 Mr B Mr C Mr D In the top triangle you can tick it when you’ve told the customer about the product and in the bottom triangle tick it when the customer has bought that product. These Window of Opportunity charts can of course become massive and be broken down into sections. Unless you inform your customers of what you do, they’ll never purchase. You could even add other people’s products and a referrals column. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 261 - Section 39 Finance: Managing The Money “Few have heard of Fra Luca Pacioli, the inventor of double-entry book-keeping: but he has probably had much more influence on human life than has Dante or Michelangelo” Herbert J. Muller 1905 – Uses of the Past (1957) Many small business owners lack an understanding of how to manage the money in their business. The books can seem like a chore to do when you get a spare few minutes and you possibly have no understanding of the accounts that are produced for your business. If you can’t measure it, you can’t control it. This is why you need a system to deliver the figures you need to control your business. The Accounting System Your system should be developed with your accountant so that it provides information to you as well as for the Tax Authorities. It helps to write your books up regularly so it does not become too much of a daunting task. An accounting system should… 1. Collect data and organise it effectively. 2. Maintain the bank accounts. 3. Monitor sales and other income. 4. Monitor purchases for resale and overhead expenses. 5. Monitor amounts you take personally from the business, whether in the form of cash, cheque or goods in kind. 6. Monitor all amounts you put into the business from your personal sources. 7. Monitor purchases and sale of assets used in your business. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 262 - 8. Provide private proportions of mixed business and private expenses such as motor expenses 9. Monitor who owes you money and for how long? 10. Monitor who you owe money too and for how long? 11. Provide values of stock and work in progress at the year-end date. In addition in should have a system of checks and balances to ensure no sales are made without being paid and that you receive value for everything you spend. The Bare Minimum… Exactly what you need in your accounting system should be discussed with your accountant and the exact bookkeeping system will depend on the type of business but as a minimum it would normally include… 1. A Cash Book. 2. A Petty Cash Book. The receipts and payments should be analysed and many stationers will stock these books. For small businesses, analysing of receipts is normally easy, often having one column for sales and another column for any other receipts (such as money introduced by you, or interest received). There are more different types of expenses and you will need different columns for different types such as goods for resale, purchase of assets, personal drawings and overheads. The overheads will normally require analysis in different columns (e.g. motor expenses, rent, telephone, stationery). More complex businesses may also require the following… Sales Day Book – to record details of sales invoices raised when selling on credit. Sales Ledger – to keep track of what each customer owes you. Purchase Day Book – to record details of purchase invoices received when purchasing on credit. Purchase ledger – to keep track of what you owe to suppliers. Wages Book – showing gross pay and tax and national insurance deductions for employees. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 263 - Stock records, especially an end of year stock take. Nominal Ledger – the hub of a double entry bookkeeping system that brings together all of the accounting records and from which a profit and loss account and balance sheet can be produced. As well as the records, you need to keep your cheque stubs, paying in books, bank statements, invoices and VAT returns. To be more specific you need to consider the following about your accounting system… Generally Does the system produce reliable information? What do you like and dislike about the system? Is the information produced helpful in managing the business? What other information would you like that you don’t get at present? Do you use the principle of segregation of duties throughout the financial system to reduce the risks of fraud? For example, is the person who signs for deliveries or approves purchase invoices different to the person who writes out the cheques? Of course, if you’re the owner doing both, that’s OK from a fraud point of view. Are the accounting records kept up to date? Computerised Accounts Packages There are many products on the market suitable for small businesses. The more transactions you have, the more use a computerised system will be. An accountant will then be able to offer more business advice. However remember that Garbage In = Garbage Out. Among the front runners are… Sage TAS Books Quick Books. You need to consider… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 264 - Do you and any staff who use it know how to operate it? Is a hard copy kept of the audit trail in case of back up problems? Are there passwords or security procedures needed to access the package? Are proper back up procedures in place? What if it goes wrong? Are there any back-up plans? Sales Are credit checks done on new customers and references obtained? Are credit limits imposed, reviewed and a system in place to ensure compliance. Is there a system in place to ensure no transaction is not invoiced? Is there a system in place for raising invoices? Are all credit notes approved at a senior level? Are overdue debtors regularly reviewed and put on stop until the account brought up to date? Are the list of debtors reconciled regularly to the sales ledger control account and any differences appropriately dealt with? Are persistently slow payers identified and procedures put in place to deal with them. Are debts chased in accordance with a set system. Are disputes with debtors resolved quickly? Are statements and remittance advices sent to customers on a regular basis? Cash Receipts Does more than one person open the post? How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 265 - Are there segregation of duties between the cashier and the sales ledger function? Are there clear banking procedures? Is a bank reconciliation prepared on a regular basis? Purchases Are there procedures to ensure all purchase orders are approved? Are all purchase invoices checked and approved before payment? Is the purchase invoice checked to the delivery note and the purchase order? Is the list of purchase ledger balances regularly reviewed and reconciled to the purchase ledger control account? Is there a payment policy for suppliers? Is there more than one supplier for key goods and services to minimize any risks of over reliance? Is the market reviewed regularly to ensure the best prices are being obtained? Purchase Payments Are there adequate cheque signing procedures? Are there supporting documents for all payments? Are the supporting documents always seen by the cheque signatory? When more petty cash is needed is the petty cash book shown to the cheque signatory? Is there supporting evidence for petty cash payments? Wages & Salaries Is there evidence in support of time worked, piecework and calculations of gross pay? How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 266 - Are all changes to wages rates authorised by a director/principal? Are PAYE deductions correctly calculated and paid over promptly? Stock Is stock physically controlled and identifiable for stock counts? Are regular stock checks undertaken? Is there a system for identifying obsolete and damaged stock? Are stock levels controlled? Are goods received checked against delivery notes? Management Accounts The profit and loss account shows all the items of income and expenditure over a period to identify if you have made a profit. The balance sheet shows all the assets and liabilities of the business on the last day of the accounting period. Your profit and loss account and balance sheet are prepared at least annually for tax purposes but you may need more regular preparation for your own information in the form of management accounts or for the purposes of providing this information to lenders. Are they produced on a regular basis and when you need them? Do they include all the key performance indicators? Are there comparisons between actual & budget? Are variances between actual and budget explained? Is there a costing system that allows you to measure the profit on each job to ensure unprofitable jobs are not hidden by profitable jobs? How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 267 - Internal Controls As your business grows and develops you will need to put in place more controls to ensure all sales are recorded all amounts spent are for goods and services actually received. Management Information To manage the business you need to know your… Key performance indicators – what pieces of information are key to understanding how the business is performing. The key indicators will vary between businesses. Examples of key performance indicators… Gross Profit by product Profit and Loss Account Key Financial Ratios Current Ratio Acid Test Ratio Gearing Assets to Sales Debtor Days Creditor Days Net Profit % Return on capital % Return on assets % Operating Profit Your accounting systems should monitor more than just your money and these may well be part of your key performance indicators. For example… The number of customer complaints. Orders delivered on time. Conversion of sales leads to customers. Quality control rejections. Staff turnover. Breakeven point – at what level of sales do you breakeven and how does this work out on a weekly, monthly and annual basis. You should build into this the level of profit you need to live. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 268 - For a business selling products, the breakeven point is calculated as… Total Overheads Gross Profit Margin The overheads are all the costs of running the business such as motor expenses, rent, staff costs, etc. Gross Profit Margin is sales less costs of the actual product. If you sell for £100 and the product costs £70 this is a £30 gross margin which as a percentage of the sale price is 30%. This is different to the mark up %. The mark up is still £30 but it is a percentage of the purchase price, being 30/70 = 42.86%. For example if your overheads are £50,000 and the gross margin is 30% the breakeven level of sales needed is 50,000/0.3 = 166,666. For a service provider who doesn’t have products there is no gross margin to worry about. The service provider will know what level of overheads they need to cover and how much profit they need to make to live. If these two figures were £10,000 and £30,000 respectively, he knows his sales need to be £40,000 per year. From there he can work out his minimum hourly chargeout rate. For example, if he works for 47 weeks of the year and can work for 30 hours per week, this gives 1410 chargeable hours per year. The breakeven hourly rate is therefore 40000/1410 =£28.36 per hour. Remember those people running a service business cannot charge for every hour as they also spend time on admin, marketing, etc. The minimum charge out rate just to cover the cost of employing extra staff is calculated as… Gross Salary + Employers NI No of chargeable hours Projected operating budgets and cash flow forecasts. They need to be updated regularly. What If Questions Once you know all the above, you are in a powerful position to be able to ask “what if” questions about the business. You can now measure the impact on your key performance indicators, breakeven point and projections. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 269 - For example… What if you increased prices of certain products by 10% and the quantity sold fell by 10%? What if you could sell 2 more units a week at the existing prices by spending £1000 on marketing? What if your employees worked 2 more hours per week? What if your staff costs rise by 3%? What if you took on another employee? What if you raised your chargeout rates by 10%, how does that change your breakeven sales level or number of weeks you need to work? How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 270 - Section 40 Cost Controls & Expense Minimization “Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves” William Lowndes 1652 –1724: In Lord Chesterfield Letters To His Son (1774) Cutting costs will not necessarily improve profits if the quality of what you offer suffers. However a good financial information system will provide you with relevant information to help you make cost cutting decisions. The following are proven ways to control costs and reduce expenses… Sometimes, a high volume profitable business could make cost savings but the volume of their business actually hides that fact that there is room for further cost savings. You need to measure in detail, not globally in order to identify all areas you can save costs. It is sometimes necessary to spend money in order to save money in the long term. For example, investment in machinery or redundancy payments. Controls can help to reduce costs. For example, portion controls, stock controls, cash controls. Measuring the efficiency of individuals or departments can identify where there is room for improvement. Having budgets helps to identify when costs are out of control of something is going wrong. The best way to budget is not “what did we spend last year and add 5%” but by starting from zero and deciding what you should be spending in each area. The lowest price isn’t always the best price when quality suffers. Changing the sales mix, for example in a restaurant can reduce wastage of products with a limited lifespan. A limited menu will help sell more of those items. Consider joining a buying group in order to take advantage of consolidated buying power. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 271 - Review all your standing orders and direct debits. Unless these are reviewed on a periodic basis, some can continue that you no longer want. When making capital expenditure are all sources of finance considered including grants. Never sign up at the first meeting. Take time to consider however good the deal looks. Always ask for a free trial. Do research to make sure you buy the right product. Always read the small print on order forms. Try to reduce frequency of purchases. See if any items can be outsourced or a subcontractor used to save costs. Weigh up the costs and benefits of all items. Take advantage of free consultations from professional advisors. Offer to settle bills early in exchange for a discount when you buy. There are hundreds of grants available for businesses to offset against expenditure. Check you’re not missing any. Business Links are a good source of information on grants. Many government agencies offer free or low cost business advice when you are starting out. Are the advantages and disadvantages of buying outright, HP or leasing capital equipment reviewed before each decision? And For Some Specific Expenses… Labour costs can be controlled by controlling overtime with planning and scheduling, labour saving equipment and improved layouts (e.g. drive through windows). Improved employee retention reduces recruitment costs. Move employees onto yearly hour contracts to improve productivity. For example, rather than 48 weeks, 5 days a week, 7 hours a day, change the contract to 1680 hours a year. Then you can use staff more in busy How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 272 - periods rather than paying overtime. It gives staff blocks of time off and they don’t have to sit around doing nothing and being bored. Can any of your staff be moved onto a self-employed basis to save employers national insurance costs as well as holiday pay, sick pay and maternity pay costs? Phone costs – least cost routing can reduce phone bills by as much as 40%. A small business could do way with a separate fax line and use a fax to email facility whereby faxes appear in your email. Type “fax to email” into a search engine and many providers will come up. Advertising – send camera-ready artwork with a cheque for 20% of the rate card price and a letter authorizing them to cash the cheque and run the advert whenever they have space. Many publications have space left they need to fill and something is better than nothing. Consider an appeal against your rates assessment. Many are higher than they need be. Rents can be negotiated in times of property crashes. You could ask for a lower rent in exchange for a longer lease. Bank charges and interest payments reviewed for accuracy. There are software programs that will do this and consultants who offer a checking service? Leasing and interest costs should be reviewed regularly to see if better terms can be obtained. Bank Charges… Always negotiate the charges with your bank. Use BACS – charges will be cheaper than paying by cheque. Don’t have more accounts than you need. Most banks offer free banking for at least a year and maybe 18 months to small businesses. Have you considered a change of bank? Finally, the largest expense is often tax so use a great accountant who will slash your tax bills. Whilst fiscal responsibility is OK don’t waste all your time looking for the pennies on the ground. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 273 - Stock Controls The costs of holding stock are… 1. The money spent on it that is tied up and could be used elsewhere. 2. The risk of the stock reducing in value if it becomes obsolete or is perishable. 3. The risk of theft or damage. 4. The cost of storage. 5. Having to manage and organise it. Stock levels need to be minimized without running out of items so that you can’t supply what the customer needs. You therefore need a stock control system to get the balance right. The best stock level to hold is normally one that keeps the level of stock necessary to support your normal level of trade. By doing this you will be able to supply what your customers want most of the time without the stock costing you too much. The following tips will help with stock control… Produce sales forecasts so that you know what stock levels to hold to meet that demand. Speed up your production process as much as possible by developing good supplier relationships. If you never run out of stock, you’re probably holding too much. Form reciprocal relationships with non-geographically competing businesses to supply each other if you run out of stock. Monitor your re-order levels. Reduce duplication of stock holding that occurs with multiple stock holding locations. Try to keep stock in one place as much as possible. Try to buy stock on sale or return, which will allow you to hold more stock without any risk or cost. Having a preferred supplier may make this more possible. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 274 - Apply Pateto’s 80/20 law to stock – concentrate on the 20% of stock lines that probably make 80% of your sales. Only go for bulk discounts if they are beneficial after considering the cost of holding the extra stock. Regular stock takes on the same day each week can help to determine usage levels. Purchase Orders Controls Use purchase order systems to ensure all purchases are authorised, delivered and the correct amount invoiced. The system of purchase orders should cover… Who can place orders? The limits of the orders. Having pre-numbered purchase order sheets. Look to specify on the order “time is of the essence” so that delivery on time is contractual matter. Check the delivery. Check the invoice. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 275 - Section 41 Using Barter To Reduce Costs “Money speaks sense in a language all nations understand” Aphra Behn 1640 – 89: The Rover pt.2 (1681) Barter is the process of trading your products or services into products or services your business needs or wants. It can allow you to do things you couldn’t or wouldn’t otherwise do. For example, a plastic surgeon may charge £4000 for facelift but it only costs him £400. He could barter this against hard goods from another supplier. A lawyer could barter legal services against marketing services. A software supplier could exchange software that has a negligible cost to him for services or products that he really needs. The barter doesn’t always have to be for goods of equal value. For example, a car is a low margin product that is likely to buy more in value of higher margin items. Make a list of products/services you want and then propose a direct exchange with those suppliers. You can offer an unlimited time during which your product or service can be taken if they don’t want it now. Surplus goods are ideal as a barter tool. The other party may know someone they can sell them onto at retail value. Triangulation can be used to make better use of bartering. For example a restaurateur may want a car but the car dealer doesn’t want food. However a newspaper may use a restaurant to entertain sources, and the car dealer may want advertising space in the newspaper. You therefore set up a triangular arrangement. You could even start your own barter business acting as a middleman arranging all these deals. You could offer to take 15% in cash or 30% in barter credits for making the arrangement that are assignable that you sell on. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 276 - Section 41 How To Make Sure You Get Paid “You can’t make a profit out of customers who can’t or wont’ pay” Never forget that customers who can’t or won’t pay are no good to you. The exception that proves the rule is of course if that customer refers stacks of business to you. The very first thing to consider is do you want or need to supply on credit at all. Only 20% of businesses pay on time. Cash on delivery avoids the need for debtor controls. Perhaps you need to start offering credit card facilities to make this possible. That said, it is still necessary in many businesses to supply on credit if you want to maximize your sales. If you offer credit for sales, the starting point is to have pre-printed credit enquiry forms. They should collect the following details… Name and address of proprietor. Type of trade. Length of time in business. Banker’s name & address. Two trade references name and address. You must follow up the bank and trade references supplied. Let them know that amount of credit involved. It can often be a case of looking out for what is not said. For larger amounts of credit, you should also carry out a credit check or do a search at Companies House. Dun & Bradstreet can be a good source for credit checking. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 277 - To then ensure you get paid as soon as possible and have no problems, follow these types of proven procedures… Early settlement discounts rarely work and even slow payers start deducting them from their payments. Set a low credit limit to start with and the review it as necessary. Be careful of dealing with Ltd Companies. If there is lots of money at stake try to get a personal guarantee from the owners. Get the order in writing. Have written business terms. You must bring your terms & conditions to the customer’s attention before the contract is made. It will be the contract even if they are not signed if they are not rejected. Have a contract that covers the following… Price Payment Date Description of goods/services. Right to interest. Name & address of the seller and buyer. Status of seller and buyer such as Ltd Company, Sole Trader or Partnership. Date of the contract. Title and risk in the goods –the customer owns the goods as soon as a contract is made unless the contract has a reservation of title clause. Exclusion of liability clause – it must be reasonable to stand up in law. A contract can be verbal but there is nothing like having it in writing for evidence. Get proof of delivery or get the job signed off. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 278 - Get the invoice correct when you raise the invoice. A wrong invoice can be an excuse to delay payment. Put a stop to anyone over the credit limit you set them. Invoice as soon as you make the sale. It helps to find out your customer’s supplier payment policy. Raising an invoice 1 day earlier can mean you getting paid 30 days earlier if they only have a cheque run once a month. Ask for staged payments on larger jobs. If there is a dispute, try to agree a % of the invoice to be paid now. You need an accounting system that records your debtors that you review on a weekly basis and act quickly. Always send a statement out first. Some customers only pay on statements. Start with a phone call after the statement. If there is a problem, look into it. Remember that an estimate is just that but that a quote is actual. Chase debts around once every 10 days. For the obstructive debtor who you can’t get hold of, ask for a call back at a time agreed by his firm. If it doesn’t happen, move to a letter. Letters should be professional and polite but firm and getting firmer the more letters you send. This will help you with any court action taken. Some people only pay when they get a debt collection letter. If you are told the cheque is in the post and it doesn’t turn up, the force of the letter should increase. The approach you then take has to be decided on a customer-bycustomer basis. If the customer has no money, you need to consider if it is worth taking the case to court. You do have six years within which to take court action. If the customer makes you an offer for less than the full amount, you should write “without prejudice” on any reply when negotiating. This cannot then be used against you in court. If the customer can’t pay, you could negotiate a payment schedule. Get it agreed in writing and look to get post dated cheques or a standing How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 279 - order set up. Don’t threaten anything you won’t carry out as they will never take you seriously again. Keep a log of conversations had with the customer when chasing the debt. You can refer to these in subsequent conversations. It can help with large customers to let the user of your product or services within the company know you are having difficulty being paid. They may be completely unaware and can put pressure on the payment department to process payment. When taking court action against a partnership, all partners are joint and severally liable personally. This means they are all individually fully liable for the debt should the partnership or any one of them not pay. It makes sense to check out the debtor before proceeding with court action to know if they are likely to have the ability to pay when you get judgement. You can do this by using an enquiry agent who amongst other things can carry out a land registry search, land charges search, DVLA search, CCJ search and attachments of earnings orders against them. Always send a letter before action. Small claims of less than £5000 can be dealt with in the Small Claims Court, which are held in the local County Court. At the hearing it is important to be prepared. Have all necessary documents available and act professionally. When you obtain judgement, you still have to collect payment if it is not forthcoming. There are various methods to help with this although none are guaranteed to get you your money, especially if the debtor doesn’t have the funds to pay you… Enforcement by an enquiry agent, Court bailiffs of Sheriffs Attachment of Earnings for employees Charging orders on property owned by the debtor. Third party debt order. With individuals you can proceed to issue bankruptcy proceedings against them if they do not pay and with Limited Companies a Winding How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 280 - Up Order. However, these procedures do involve significant costs on your part that you may not recover if the debtor really can’t pay. Interest – since the Late Payment Of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, small firms have the legal right to charge interest to large firms who exceed their credit terms. Since November 2002, all firms are able to charge interest to any other firm. What If You Can’t Pay? It happens, often through no deliberate fault of your own. If you get into a position where you can’t pay, try to pay what you can when you can and keep in touch with your creditor. If you do this and they stick by you it can lead to an even more rewarding relationship for both parties when you recover. If you get into difficult times, look to cut back to get through and survive. Cut staff, cut your square footage, cut back on everything and negotiate with suppliers. Pay the suppliers you need most first. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 281 - Section 43 Minimizing Your Risks “I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice” Albert Einstein 1879 – 1955: letter to Max Born, 4 Dec 1926 Your business is always at risk from various angles. You need to try to minimize the risk of the following and have procedures and crisis plans in place to deal with them. This is a list of the most important risk aspects to consider… Reliance on key staff. Reliance on key customers. Reliance on key suppliers. Is there a partnership or shareholders agreement in place? Is there an IT strategy and does it cater for IT developments, viruses, system failures, back up procedures and Data Protection Registration? Is there insurance cover for an IT disaster? Do stock levels cater for peaks & troughs in demand? Do you need insurance for… . Public Liability Insurance - against claims from members of the public Are major business assets insured? Keyman insurance – against the death or absence of a key employee or director. Building Insurance – if you own the freehold. This should be for the rebuilding cost, not market value. Stock How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 282 - Business Interruption – to cover you for loss of profits if something happens and your business is interrupted through no fault of your own, such as a fire, theft, etc. Credit Insurance – against bad debts. Directors and officers insurance against any claims made personally against them for breach of duty. Employer’s Liability – this is compulsory if you have employees. Engineering Insurance – against mechanical and electrical breakdown of machinery. Fidelity Insurance – against employees’ theft or dishonesty. Fire Insurance – and other risks such as flood, storm damage, etc. Plate glass insurance – for shop fronts. Goods in transit insurance. Legal expenses cover – to cover legal fees in disputes. Product Liability – against claims arising from defective products. Professional Indemnity – against claims for negligence. Typically applies to many professions such as accountants, solicitors, architects, doctors, etc. Travel insurance – against business travel by you or your employees. Working from home. Permanent Health Insurance – to compensate you for loss of income if unable to work. You can approach an insurance broker to discuss what insurances are going to be applicable to your own situation and how much cover you require. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 283 - Section 44 How To Raise Finance “A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove you don’t need it” Bob Hope: in A. Harrington Life In The Crystal Palace (1959) Start Up Finance will be needed for… Premises Equipment Goodwill if purchasing an existing business Installation of utilities Legal and professional fees Stationery Advertising and publicity Insurance Stock for resale Wages of employees. Then as you expand, further finance may be necessary to support any of the above that may increase before you make the sales and get paid. Businesses that are profitable can go bust if they don’t have the appropriate finance arrangements in place to deal with expenses that need paying before their customers pay them. You may have cash flow difficulties caused perhaps caused by needing working capital for debtors and stock or seasonal business variations. You need to try to match the appropriate source of finance for what you are trying to achieve. Generally, long term finance for long-term investment and short-term finance for short term working capital requirements. How To Get Your Bank To Say “Yes” Banks are the major source of finance for small business in the UK. When applying for finance from you bank it helps if you follow these procedures… Always produce a business plan. The main areas that need to be covered in a business plan are… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 284 - o The management team background with details of qualifications and experience. o The type of business. o Previous trading history. o Details of the market in which you are going to trade. o Likely extent of the competition. o How you will market your business. o A cash flow forecast for at least the first 12 months that demonstrates you can meet the loan repayments and a project profit and loss account and balance sheet. o Your break-even point. o A SWOT analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. o Details of any expert advice you have sought. o How much you want to borrow and over how long. o Commitment from the borrower. o What other sources of finance you will be using. o Security being offered. o What savings, investments and other assets you have. Produce a 2-page summary of the plan. Ask for a 25% longer repayment than you need and 10-20% more money than you need. Send the plan to banks with an invitation to visit your premises. Prepare before meeting the bank manager. Think of the questions that are likely to concern him and have your answers prepared. Always negotiate the interest rate and terms after the offer has been made, not before. There is normally an arrangement fee of at least 1% for bank loans. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 285 - Offer a charge on assets rather than personal guarantees. Try to avoid personal guarantees but if you have to give them ensure they are limited to the amount of the loan. Do not agree to too much security – only agree to the bank’s maximum exposure to loss. Get the agreement in writing. It helps to keep a good relationship with your bank and you can do this by… 1. Keeping to agreements made – making payments on time, not going over your agreed overdraft limit, etc. 2. If you are going to go over the limit or default on payment, warn them in advance. 3. If there is bad news, let them know and let them know what you are doing to do to remedy the situation. 4. Supply them with any information they require on time. 5. Try to prepare the bank in advance for requests for additional finance. 6. Borrow for the right reasons. Overdrafts are normally reviewed annually. Bank Loans may be secured or unsecured. Secured loans are just like a mortgage with repossession of the secured property possible in the event of default. The property could be your home. The loan may be used for a totally different purpose to the property on which it is secured. The security may be a second charge on the property meaning that another lender has the first charge and the second lender only has the rights to any sale proceeds after the lender with the first charge. A lender with a second charge is therefore likely to charge a higher interest rate as would a lender of an unsecured loan. Mortgages are the usual way of financing the purchase of commercial property with the loan being secured against the property, giving the mortgage company the right to repossess the property in the event of you defaulting on mortgage repayments. They tend to be for 10 to 25 years in length. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 286 - Small Firms Loan Guarantee Scheme Where you have insufficient security to satisfy the bank to qualify for a bank loan, the Government have a scheme whereby they guarantee up to 85% of the loan up to £250,000 for businesses trading for over two years and 70% of up to £100,000 for other businesses. The lender makes the final decision. In return for the guarantee, a fee of between 0.5% and 1.5% per year is charged on top of the banks normal arrangement fees and interest. Loans are available for most business purposes although there are some exclusions. Factoring Factoring is offered by banks and finance houses. The factor buys the debts off of you, paying you a high percentage such as 80% up front and then the balance when the customer pays the debt in full. They of course charge a fee for this. They are likely to charge 2-3% over base and a service charge of between 0.5 – 3% of your turnover, making them a potentially very expensive source of finance. They can also provide other services such as… Taking over the sales ledger administration. Assessing credit risks. Exporting assistance. Invoice Discounting Credit protection – for a further fee the factor guarantees 100% protection against bad debts. This is known as “non recourse”. Factoring your debts can be a good source of finance for those businesses that really need the money to help them grow. Viewing them as a finance source of last resort is probably the best approach to take. Invoice Discounting is similar to factoring, but all that is supplied is the finance facility against the invoices. There is no involvement with the sales ledger administration and the customer does not know the invoices are being discounted. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 287 - Hire Purchase & Leasing With hire purchase you obtain the goods or equipment and make repayments (normally monthly) under a hire purchase agreement to cover the cost of the goods plus interest over a period of time. You own the goods or equipment once all payments have been made. The interest rate is often higher than for bank loans. Leasing – there are two types, purchase leases which are in essence just like hire purchase and operating leases. With operating leases you pay a rent for the use of an item and sometimes at the end of the lease there is an option to purchase the item or extend the lease with a reduced rental. Every lease is different and you need to look carefully at it. Leasing is available to higher risk cases that an unsecured loan may be because of the collateral of the equipment. Trade Credit Trade credit when you buy from other suppliers is generally an interest free form of finance unless the supplier is prepared to offer a discount for payment up front. It therefore makes sense to take advantage of it. However, always bear in mind good supplier relationships are important to the success of your business and paying them on time or even in advance will contribute to this. Equity Finance This is not a loan but the person providing the finance becomes a part owner in the business, who may or may not be involved in the running of the business. It is important to fully understand the terms of the arrangement with an equity partner. It could be by giving shares in your Limited Company or by a partnership arrangement. Venture Capital The British Venture Capital Association represents companies offering venture capital. Apart from finance, the venture capital firm provides strategic support to the business, often with a seat on the board. It is generally a higher risk type of investment where the Venture Capitalist is probably looking for a 300-500% return on their investment over a 4 to 5 year period. The amounts tend to be for over £100,000. Most investments take the form of equity capital. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 288 - Business Angels Business Angels are private individuals who invest on their own or sometimes as part of a syndicate for larger amounts. They rarely have a connection with the company before they invest but often have experience of its industry or sector. They look to invest both money and their business expertise. Business angels usually invest between £10,000 and £250,000 in an investment. Business angels invest across most industry sectors and stages of business development, but especially in early and expansion stage businesses. Most prefer to invest in companies within 100 miles of where they live or work. The National Business Angels Network which maintains a register of Business Angels can be found at: Grants The Department of Trade & Industry is often the best source to find out about grants that may be available to you. Grants are often available for… Assisted geographic areas. Exporting. Research and development activities. Training. Business start up support. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 289 - Section 45 Choosing Your Business Structure “The corporations cannot commit treason, nor be outlawed, nor excommunicate, for they have no souls.” Edward Coke 1552 –1634: Reports of Sir Edward Coke (1658) The following gives you an outline of the different business structures you can trade through. The tax effects of each are not covered in this particular report. Limited Company A limited company is a separate legal entity from its members. These are the basic facts… The business is owned by the limited company, not you. You are the shareholder who owns the business and with small businesses, the director who runs it. It must have at least one shareholder. It must also have at least one director and one company secretary but if there is only one person, they cannot be the same person. The shareholders do not have to be directors. Directors are employees of the company. The company pays corporation tax on its profits. They are governed by company law. Main Non Tax Advantages of using a Limited Company… How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 290 - 1. A Limited Company may appear more credible and substantial although in reality this is not necessarily the case. 2. The Liability of its shareholders is limited to the amount of the share capital issued and so offers protection to personal assets. In the event of company failure and not being able to pay its creditors, your personal assets are protected. However, banks, landlords and others when dealing with a Limited Company will often require personal guarantees. 3. A Limited Company has better borrowing potential as it can use current assets as security by creating a floating charge over its assets. 4. You can use shares to enable different people to have different shares of ownership that they can pass onto the next generation. 5. You can have different classes of shares with different rights, such as non-voting shares for someone who wants to invest some money into the company but doesn’t wish to take part in the management. Main Non Tax Disadvantages of using a Limited Company… 1. Your annual accounts have to be filed at Companies House and are available for public inspection as is other information about the company. 2. Directors are personally subject to regulations and can be fined or found guilty of a criminal offence for failing to comply. 3. A company is more complicated to wind up. 4. Generally involves higher accountancy fees as there is more for the accountant to deal with. Partnership A partnership is two or more people carrying on business together with a view to making profit. The partners are all joint and severally liable for partnership debts, although this does not apply to personal tax bills based on partnership profits. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 291 - It is advisable to have a partnership agreement to document the agreement between the partners. However, the partnership is often between husband and wife and there is no agreement. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) LLP’s are treated like a normal partnership for tax purposes but have the protection of Limited Liability. A LLP is a separate legal entity and can enter into contracts and deeds, sue and be sued. With normal partnerships every partner has to be party to certain documents and litigation. Floating charges can be granted over its assets in its own name, which normal partnerships can’t do. As with Limited Companies, there is public availability of accounts. Sole Trader This is the simplest form of business to start where you carry on business on your own account. You are liable to income tax and Class 4 National Insurance on your profits. You can employ people including your spouse for work done. Your business format is not set in stone forever and you can change between them. It is fairly simple for a sole trader to take on a partner and become a partnership and for a partnership to become a Limited Company. There are however more complications with changing from a Limited Company to a sole trader or partnership. Franchising With a franchise, you own the business (the franchisee) but the style and name of the business is dictated by another business (the franchisor). Franchises are normally run to a particular format and you have the advantage of using proven systems, support and training. It is in the interests of the franchisor for you to be successful. You do however, pay the franchisor for this, normally by means of an initial up front payment and an ongoing payment, typically a percentage of your sales. You can carry on the franchise as a sole trader, partnership or Limited Company. A good source of information is The British Franchise Association (BFA) How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 292 - It makes sense to check whether the franchise is a member of the BFA. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 293 - Section 46 How To Find A Product To Market “The biggest mistake is often the fear that you’ll make one” If you’re raring to get going but haven’t got a product to sell, here are some ideas that may help you to find it… Think of your hobbies and passions and see if there is anything associated with them. If you enjoy what you do you are far more likely to be successful. Also, what are you good at? Then think if there are any other products you could also market to the same audience. Try the Patent Office. Patents are good for up to 20 years. After that, the idea is up for grabs if it hasn’t been used. Sources of information are… Patents Database Inventor Groups Can’t wait 20 years – ask the patent holder if you can have a licence for the product. They are inventors, not sales people who have no interest in the marketing. You may well find they will be happy with 2-5% of the sales revenues. Something is better than nothing at all. Approach manufacturers and ask to market any products that they have that haven’t sold well. You’ll often get a very good price. Ask for special licensing and marketing rights. Get media kits and look at the adverts – does it give you any ideas for better products? Go to trade shows and see what is on offer. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 294 - If you see something on a shop shelf and you like the product, approach the manufacturer. The smaller the manufacturer, the more likely they are to want more outlets. How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 295 - Summary “Just Do It” Dr Denning & Borrowed By Nike How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 296 - Recommended Reading & Information Sources A lot of the inspiration and ideas for this report have been taken from the sources below… Must Read The E-Myth Revisited (Michael Gerber) Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got (Jay Abraham) All Power Marketing Strategy Products (Steve Hackney) Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless (Jeffrey Gitomer) Uncommon Marketing Techniques (Jeffrey Dobkin) The Ultimate Sales Letter (Dan S. Kennedy) Sales Letters That Sizzle: All the Hooks, Lines and Sinkers You'll Ever Need to Close Sales (Herschell Gordon Lewis) Tested Advertising Methods (John Caples) Confessions Of An Advertising Man (David Ogilvy) Gung Ho – How To Motivate People In Any Organisation (Ken Blanchard & Sheldon Bowles) Successful Cold Call Selling (Lee Boyan) Who Moved My Cheese (Dr Spencer Johnson) 101 Ways To Promote Your Web Site (Susan Sweeney) Should Read The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People (Stephen R Covey) How To Out-Sell Out-Market Out-Promote Out-Advertise Everyone Else You Compete Against (Paul Gorman) How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide - 297 - The Ultimate Marketing Plan (Dan S.Kennedy) How To Write Sales Letters That Sell (Drayton Bird) Commonsense Direct Marketing (David Ogilvy) Secrets Of Successful Telephone Selling (Robert W. Bly) High Five – Of The Magic Of Working Together (Ken Blanchard & Sheldon Bowles) Other Recommended Reading Off-The-Wall Marketing Ideas (Nancy Michaels & Debbie J Karpowicz) Direct & Database Marketing (The Institute Of Direct Marketing) The Complete Small Business Guide (Colin Barrow) Useful Web Sites Business Link Companies House Customs & Excise Department of Trade & Industry Health & Safety Executive Inland Revenue British Franchise Association Federation of Small Businesses (offers a free legal helpline as part of membership) Bizwise National Business Angels Network Working From Home Advertising Standards Authority British Venture Capital Association Direct Marketing Association Financial Services Authority Institute Of Chartered Accountants In England & Wales Princes Trust Shell Live Wire Benchmarking Index (compare your business against 23 performance indicators) Marketing Guild Small Business Sites How To Make More Profit – The Complete Guide www.ecommercetimes/small_business/index.shtml - 298 -
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