How to use the Convention Reader This Reader has been prepared by EUA for the participants of the 4th Convention of European higher education institutions. It contains a collection of documents aimed at providing useful information on the five themes identified by EUA as key issues for the Convention. The first part of the Reader includes the thematic papers that will be used as the basis for discussions in the working groups. These papers build on the expertise developed by EUA through its policy work. The second part of the Reader consists of a series of other texts intended as useful background information and analyses for the group discussions. We have included both information on EUA activities and policy documents and selected articles written for the Bologna Handbook which we hope will help participants gain a broader perspective of the issues under discussion in relation to each of the thematic areas. A supplementary bibliography with links to additional reference documents, the Trends V report, the Reader itself, speeches and presentations made at the Convention are available on the EUA Convention website: EUA Secretariat March 2007 1 2 Table of Contents Part I: EUA thematic working group papers • Theme 1 – Implementing Bologna and creating the EHEA 7 • Theme 2 – Policies for enhancing research and innovation 9 • Theme 3 – The responsibility of Europe’s universities in a global environment 13 • Theme 4 – Enhancing quality and creativity 15 • Theme 5 – Funding European universities: diversification, transparency and good governance 17 Part II: • • Background documents and policy papers Theme 1 • EUA’s contribution to the Bologna Process 2005 – 2007 21 • Convergence and diversity, by Sir Roderick Floud 23 • Summary of key research and innovation issues 37 • EUA policies on key research and innovation issues Theme 2 • Bologna Seminar on “Doctoral programmes for the European knowledge society” (Salzburg, 3-5 February 2005) Conclusions and recommendations 41 • Bologna Seminar on Doctoral Programmes (Nice, 7-9 December 2006) Final conclusions - Preparing recommendations for the London Communiqué “Matching ambition with responsibilities and resources” 43 • EUA 2006 Autumn Conference - Universities as catalysts in promoting regional innovation (Brno, Czech Republic, 19-21 October 2006) General Report 49 • EUA statement on FP7 Rules of Participation proposals for support rates and cost models 53 • EUA statement on the public consultation on the idea of establishing a European Institute of Technology (EIT) 55 • EUA policy position on the European Commission’s “Communication to the European Council on the European Institute of Technology (EIT)” 57 3 • • • Theme 3 • An international agenda for EUA 59 • Background document: towards an external strategy for the Bologna Process – a summary 63 • The external face of the Bologna Process: the European Higher Education Area in a global context, by Peter Scott 65 • Developing quality in the knowledge society: activities of the European University Association 83 • EUA policy position on quality 87 • European frameworks for quality, by Andrée Sursock 89 Theme 4 Theme 5 • EUA 2006 Spring conference – Funding strong universities: Diversification, student support and good governance (Hamburg, Germany, 30 March-1 April 2006) Conclusions 103 • University governance, leadership and management in a rapidly changing environment, by Luc E. Weber 107 4 Part I: EUA thematic working group papers • Theme 1 – Implementing Bologna and creating the EHEA 7 • Theme 2 – Policies for enhancing research and innovation 9 • Theme 3 – The responsibility of Europe’s universities in a global environment 13 • Theme 4 – Enhancing quality and creativity 15 • Theme 5 – Funding European universities: diversification, transparency and good governance 17 5 6 Theme 1 - Implementing Bologna and creating the EHEA 1. In 1999 the signing of the Bologna Declaration launched the most widespread and significant ongoing reform process in European higher education. At the time, few would have predicted that the aspiration to create a European Higher Education Area would become such a motor for change in national systems and higher education institutions. Yet the Trends V findings confirm that across the forty six countries of the Bologna area there is rarely a discussion about whether or not these reforms will be introduced, but rather a major focus on how the reforms are being implemented, and the impact that they are having. 2. It is increasingly clear that diverse demands on higher education institutions cannot be considered in separate and exclusive categories, as not only are teaching and research interdependent, but socially cohesive knowledge societies require excellence from higher education institutions in all aspects of their diverse missions – from developing democratic society, widening and increasing participation, fostering creativity and innovation, engaging in regional development, and competing on the global stage in research. At European level, this means that the Bologna, Lisbon and Copenhagen agendas are inter-connected, and need to be consciously considered as a whole. 3. The Trends reports have consistently raised questions about the nature of higher education reforms and the internal and external pressures that are driving them. Three key areas have emerged as major topics for the success and sustainability of the future European Higher Education Area, and these are addressed in the working groups. The principal expectation is to make use of the wealth of institutional experience to reach consensus on future priorities, as well as to clarify the framework conditions which are necessary for them to be realised. By identifying and prioritising these challenges, the groups will enable EUA to take a clear message to the Ministers in London on behalf of the higher education community. 4. Ministers will, after the London meeting, begin to consider the future of the Bologna process and will look to universities to express their views. One issue of increasing prominence is the role of universities in relation to lifelong learning. In some countries, part-time higher education and university engagement in continuing professional education and training is well established; in other countries, universities are primarily concerned with young full-time students engaged in initial study for the three Bologna cycles. Universities will need to consider whether and how to engage with employers and other stakeholders in lifelong learning and training or whether to leave this activity to other institutions. Group 1: Meeting the challenges of employability and involving stakeholders 5. While Trends V presents very clear evidence that the past few years have been characterised by major reform of degree structures and curricula, and that the concept of employability has been an important consideration in programme innovation, the findings also suggest that there is still much to be done to develop dialogue and fruitful relationships with employers and other stakeholders. In many countries, public sector employment structures have not been adapted to new qualifications, information in society about new degree structures is lacking, and employers are reluctant to trust the qualifications that have been developed ostensibly in their interest. There is also evidence that many universities still consider the main point of exit from higher education to the labour market to be the second cycle rather than the first, and that this may often be a position with considerable cultural roots. In addition, in many countries universities do not consider lifelong learning or part-time education to be part of their mission. They do not therefore connect with employers through the provision of continuing professional education or re-training for older employees. 7 Questions: • Should higher education institutions be further encouraged to ensure that their first cycle qualifications are relevant for the labour market? If so, how? • What action is needed to stimulate the labour market to accept Bologna qualifications? • How does the diversification of institutional roles and missions impact on this discussion? • What role should universities play in lifelong learning and continuing professional education and training? Group 2: Redesigning curricula: moving between cycles and mastering the Bologna tools (ECTS, DS, LOs) 6. Through the Glasgow Declaration in 2005, universities committed to increasing their efforts to develop student centred learning, to introduce learning outcomes in curricular design, and to implement ECTS. Trends V shows that there has been substantial progress made on these issues. Yet in some respects the positive impact expected from using these Bologna curriculum tools is not (yet) taking place. There seem to be few signs, for example, that Bologna implementation is currently having a substantial positive effect on student or staff mobility. Equally, although there are important counter-examples to be cited, there is generally little indication that increasing participation in higher education in many countries is being accompanied by increasing flexibility in learning paths, in increasing provision for lifelong learning or in catering to part-time students and adult learners. Finally the development of European and national qualification frameworks has clearly not yet had any major influence on institutions, possibly because of a failure to consult widely with institutions. Questions: • Why are the “tools” of the Bologna process not doing more to meet the goals that they are designed for? • Is there a need to question whether these tools are fit for purpose, or is the problem related not to the instruments themselves, but to how they are being used? • Are there other measures which should be taken to improve the impact of Bologna reforms? Group 3: Improving access and affordability in higher education in Europe 7. The Glasgow Declaration voiced a strong commitment from universities to give a higher priority to issues of student access and support, particularly with regard to widening opportunities for under-represented groups. While the Trends V report shows that institutions continue to mirror societal concern to address these issues, the findings also indicate that many institutions feel either unable or uninclined to do more at a time when public funding is retreating. The debates are also taking place in many national systems with little consideration for the cultural and socio-economic diversity across the European Higher Education Area. Discussion of the introduction of tuition fees for higher education is often insufficiently linked to consideration of the mechanisms for supporting students and ensuring that poorer students are not deterred from undertaking university education. Questions: • Are incentives needed to help institutions fulfil their societal responsibility towards students? • How should priorities in student support be decided? Should resources be equally distributed or targeted towards the neediest? • Do institutions have a particular responsibility to take action to widen access for underrepresented groups in higher education, and if so what actions should be taken (e.g. outreach to specific groups, improving links to the community, developing specific support systems etc.) 8 Theme 2 – Policies for enhancing research and innovation 1. Recent years have witnessed the research and innovation capacity of Europe’s universities, and its future potential, moving to “centre stage” in the European policy debate on how to enhance the competitiveness of Europe. The policy dialogue has placed great emphasis on the needs of modern knowledge-based economies/societies for more highly-skilled professionals and the achievement of greater innovative capacity through drawing more effectively upon the intellectual capital and research excellence of Europe’s universities. 2. Acknowledging this challenge the EUA, in its Glasgow Declaration “Strong Universities for Europe” (April 2005), stated that “Universities must exercise their own responsibilities for enhancing research and innovation through the optimal use of resources and the development of institutional research strategies. Their diverse profiles ensure that they are increasingly engaged in the research and innovation process, working with different partners at the regional, national, European and global level”. 3. Since then EUA has sought to bring evidence based input to the policy debate by: • Devoting two of its biannual conferences to research and innovation themes, namely “Research in European Universities: Strategies and Funding” (Uppsala, October 2005) and “Europe’s Universities as Catalysts in Regional Innovation” (Brno, October 2006). • fully engaging in the debate on the development of the EU 7th Research Framework Programme through three Working Groups on: (i) the setting-up of the European Research Council, (ii) future development of the Marie Curie and other Researcher Mobility Actions, and (iii) the FP7 Rules of Participation, with a focus on application and evaluation procedures and research cost support models. • Participating as an active stakeholder in the debate on the European Institute of Technology 4. EUA has furthermore sought to link its reporting responsibilities to the Bologna Ministers for the forthcoming London Summit on the reform of doctoral programmes with its overall research and innovation activities: through emphasising that doctoral training represents the third Bologna cycle, the formative stage of a research career and an instrument for widening employability outcomes for highly skilled professionals in the academic and non-academic sectors. 5. A further central focus of the recent research and innovation policy debate has been on the need to strengthen collaborative research between universities and industry/business enterprises. EUA’s contribution, together with partner European associations representing industry, research and technology organisations and university-based knowledge transfer offices, has been to develop, and promote and discuss a set of “guidelines” based on good practices in university/enterprise research collaboration entitled “Responsible Partnering”. 6. Improving for universities the conditions of externally-funded research, particularly concerning research contracts to be issued under the new FP7 eligible research model, has been a core concern for EUA over the past two years. The most critical issue has been to press the case with the European Institutions for the allocation of a significant “flat rate” payment for indirect research costs in the case of the many universities that are not yet able to identify fully their indirect eligible costs. This work contributes to the wider EUA policy goal of working with universities in moving towards operating on full cost accounting across the range of university mission activities. The goal of the group discussions is to provide input and critical feedback from members on these themes in order to guide and set priorities for EUA’s future work. 9 Group 1: Developing institutional strategies for research and innovation Questions: • How to develop a coherent university institutional strategy for research and innovation activities through EU FP7 project (including ERC grants) and network funding, national research funding programmes and private foundation support? What measures and incentive mechanisms are required to channel the research competitiveness of faculties/departments in raising external research funds towards enhancing the overall strategic research strategy of the university? • Given that the trend towards differentiated university strategic missions for research and innovation activities in areas of respective strength will intensify. Will increasingly competitive EU and national research funding schemes create tensions between the need for concentration of resources and strengthening of research intensive universities, and the need for consolidating research-based teaching across Europe’s universities as a prerequisite for promoting growth and employment across Europe? • In what ways will doctoral programme reform improve the prospects for research careers in Europe in academia as well as in other public research bodies and the private sectors? Based upon the results of the Nice Seminar - some of the key questions relate to the present varied funding arrangements and status of doctoral candidates and how these work for and against the development and attractiveness of research careers, and secondly to the role of organisational structures in the form of doctoral/research graduate schools in enhancing the quality of doctoral programmes and encouraging more young people to take up research careers. Group 2: Responsible partnering - university/enterprise collaboration Questions: • How to universities ensure that they benefit from more collaborative research with business and enterprise partners: • By being able to diversify funds for research and doctoral training, • By attracting more high level professionals with inter-sectoral skills and experience, • By developing a wider range of career opportunities for young researchers • By ensuring greater proximity with business as a driver for innovation (through science and business parks) • How do universities meet the challenges they face in order to achieve these benefits, in particular by changing the mind-set inside universities to ensure that: • University/enterprise collaborative research is treated as part of university excellence and rewarded accordingly • Investment is made in strategies that enhance professionalism, e.g. knowledge transfer and IPR expertise, research management training, fostering dialogue and exchange with potential business enterprise partners • There is sufficient provision of educational programmes promoting entrepreneurship, e.g. for young researchers as key to the change process • The necessary approach to working with enterprise partners and regional authorities/agencies is fostered, i.e. “triple helix” partnerships, through maximising opportunities from national research and innovation initiatives as well as EU Regional Structural and Social Funds. • Universities work with employers to provide continuing professional education and updating, as a form of knowledge transfer 10 Group 3: Moving towards the full costing of externally-funded university-based research (based upon EUA work in relation to elaborating support rates for the FP7 eligible research costs model) Questions: • The recent decision of the EU FP7 to adopt a single eligible research cost model will serve as a major driver and incentive to universities to improve their accounting systems to operate on full cost accounting models. How can universities respond effectively to this challenge in the 2007-13 timeframe? • What further initiatives could be taken by national and European bodies, including EUA, to assist universities in meeting this challenge? • What are the long-term implications for the European university-based research landscape of the move towards full cost support given the given the marked trend towards externallyfunded research constituting the core funding component of the university research mission. 11 12 Theme 3 - The responsibility of Europe’s universities in a global environment 1. In the global process of higher education internationalization European countries and institutions start out from different levels of expertise and experience and with different objectives. Most institutions cater in the first instance to local, national and European needs rather than responding to international demands. For most European universities the main priorities include promoting international research cooperation and support to capacity building and these goals also underpin their strategies in targeting foreign students and scholars. However, data gathered for the Trends V report shows that many universities intend to reach out to new partner regions, and expect to be able to attract considerably more non-European students than in the past. Although Europe stresses the importance of maintaining higher education as a public good, an economic rationale is gaining momentum in the sector, and for-profit ventures at home or abroad, though still contested, are becoming more frequent and increasingly accepted. 2. Opinions differ on growing entrepreneurship in higher education and how to respond to increasing competition at national, European and international level. Such developments are welcomed by some as drivers for innovation and reform while others are concerned that liberalization and commercialization may transform universities in enterprises which would trade knowledge and quality for the sake of profits, global expansion or sheer economic survival; others advocate a more nuanced perception believing that these challenges are more complex than the crude dichotomy between ‘market’ and state (Scott, EUA Bologna Handbook). In addition there is the specific European concern that these developments could curtail or even roll back the successful “Europeanization” process of higher education achieved over the last decade. 3. In the Glasgow Declaration EUA stated that “European integration must be accompanied by strengthened international cooperation based upon a community of interests”. The Bergen Communiqué (2005) reminds us that the Bologna process reforms aim not only at enhancing the transparency, effectiveness and convergence of higher education at institutional, national and European level, but also at increasing the international competitiveness of the European system of higher education and calls for the development of a Strategy for the External Dimension of the Bologna Process, “to ensure that the European higher education system acquires a world-wide degree of attraction”. 4. In the meantime the impact of the European reform agenda is becoming increasingly visible to partners worldwide and Europe is being viewed increasingly as a blueprint for educational reform, a model for regional convergence, a strategic ally and cooperation partner, and - along with other regions and countries – as a competitor on an international higher education market. 5. The European debate on internationalisation also needs to take into account international developments: for example the discussions on the GATS that have depicted scenarios of how the sector could develop when exposed to rigid liberalisation, or the fact that the number of universities in the developing world is growing rapidly. There is evidence of increased southsouth cooperation, but also competition, in higher education with emerging economies, in particular in Asia, expressing their determination to become knowledge-based economies and societies, and investing more heavily in their education sectors than is the case in Europe. Today only a few universities from Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong appear regularly alongside institutions from North America, Europe and Australia in the growing number of different international rankings being published. This is likely to change in the next few years. 6. In response to these different developments 2006 EUA launched its own Internationalisation Agenda which sets out the association’s priorities for developing exchange and cooperation with international partners, and for supporting its members in their own internationalisation efforts. EUA is also involved in the Bologna Process working group preparing a draft External Dimension Strategy for the Process in the coming years. The purpose of the discussions in Lisbon is twofold: to collect feedback from members on how EUA could best support them in their own internationalisation process in the future; and to take a clear message from the 13 higher education community to Ministers meeting in London on the sector’s priorities for the further development of an international strategy for the Bologna Process. Group 1: Enhancing internationalisation at institutional level: strategies and policies 7. This group will consider the internationalisation challenges facing universities and how they can respond to these demands in fulfilling their different missions of teaching, research and service to society, while taking account of existing national and European policies. The aim is to formulate proposals and recommendations: for universities on enhancing internationalization and international cooperation; for the EUA as to how to best serve its members in this area; and regarding the role of governments and any support measures required. Questions: • What do European universities consider to be the main strategic goals and concrete benefits of internationalisation? • What consequences does increased internationalisation have for the elaboration of institutional missions, for the development of strategic partnerships and cooperation agendas? How can institutions enhance their international engagement and yet ensure a balance in relation to local and national priorities? Is international cooperation to outweigh cooperation at national and European level? • What is the impact of increased internationalisation on institutional governance and management? • How can institutions prevent internationalization developing only as a reaction to external pressures, incentives and a search for market opportunities and increased income, at a time of stagnating funding for higher education? Group 2: European higher education in a global context: balancing competition, cooperation and solidarity 8. Already the European Union promotes international development and joint European action through international research funding and a number of specific ‘external’ policies and programmes that facilitate development cooperation, mobility, and information exchange with international partners in specific regions. It is now a priority for the Bologna process to develop an international strategy for the European Higher Education Area and this will be the subject of discussion in London. The objective of this group is to discuss what European institutions would expect from such an “External Dimension” of the Bologna Process and how it should relate to their own institutional missions and priorities. Questions: • Considering institutional needs and the overall character and the main action lines of the Bologna Process, what should be key goals and actions under the “External Dimension”, for example to facilitate mobility and ensure recognition, to strengthen cooperation based on partnership, to enhance the attractiveness of Europe’s universities etc.? How to ensure a balance between cooperation and competition? • How to ensure that the growing importance of international engagement of individual countries and institutions do not detract from the coherence of the European Higher Education Area as it develops? • How should universities and EUA be involved in supporting and promoting the Bologna Process “External Dimension” strategy once in place. 14 Theme 4 - Enhancing quality and creativity 1. The Bologna Process and the Lisbon Objectives have placed higher education institutions (HEIs) centre stage at the regional, national and European level. Governance reforms are now in place in many European countries and this movement is likely to continue. Current trends indicate that the management of institutions is moving away from ministries to a leadership that is centred in institutions. Similarly, accountability demands are shifting from an emphasis on external QA processes to the current emphasis on internal quality culture. These two sets of changes should result in institutions that are autonomous, accountable and creative, provided a certain number of conditions are met. 2. The working groups will discuss ways in which institutions can respond to the demands being placed upon them to contribute to social and economic development and to be accountable to society. The discussion will seek to answer the key questions of how appropriate governance structures, leadership roles and quality assurance can promote a strong higher education sector that would contribute to the construction of Europe. Group 1: Promoting a quality culture and enhancing creativity in higher education institutions 3. The Quality Culture Project, which was initiated by EUA in 2002, has had the positive impact of increasing the capacity of universities to meet the accountability needs and the heightened demands that higher education delivers more, with greater levels of quality and fewer resources. Many institutions have appointed quality officers, created quality units, and developed and implemented internal quality processes such as programme evaluations, students’ evaluations, etc. 4. The QA community has taken note of these processes, which have now been enshrined in the European Standards and Guidelines adopted by ministers in Bergen (May 2005). Many QA agencies are now discussing how to adapt their evaluation or accreditation procedures in order to adjust to the institutions taking over the organisation of the internal review of their activities and programme. 5. Now that the initial steps toward a quality culture have been taken, the major challenge is ensure that the internal processes do not become, in time, too bureaucratic. This is important in order to ensure that the academic community continues to endorse these processes and takes responsibilities for them. To this end, and in order to ensure that academic values remain central to internal quality, EUA developed a follow-up project focused on creativity in higher education. The aim of this project is to highlight the need to ensure that internal and external quality processes take into account the goal of developing creative institutions. Questions: 6. The working group is invited to discuss the pre-conditions for ensuring that internal quality processes supports the development of creativity in Higher Education Institutions. • What are the pre-conditions for developing creative institutions in terms of the expression of a shared culture, structures (e.g., faculties/departments)? • What would be the optimal internal distribution of responsibilities, including leadership roles that would support the creativity and quality agenda? • How to ensure transparency and common standards without yielding to a purely formal and bureaucratic quality approach and how to empower the academic community to develop its own quality goals, initiatives and measures? • How to ensure that internal programme or faculty evaluations promote interdisciplinarity and creativity in research and teaching? Should the evaluation of decision-making structures and processes be included in the internal evaluations in order to further creativity? 15 Group 2: External accountability 7. The shift in the governance of Higher Education Institutions away from ministries to a leadership centred in the institution and the stress on the economic and social contribution of Higher Education Institutions to society mean that there is a need to ensure links to society and external accountability. The working group is invited to reflect on two types of external accountability: • How to involve external stakeholders in the decision-making structure and process in order to ensure that governing boards are effective in grasping the institutional mission and culture and understanding the scope of their role; how to engage employers in curricular reforms and promote the “Bologna degrees” and to work with the private sector to meet local social and economic needs, etc. • How can external QA procedures meet the combined needs of developing the HEI and responding to accountability demands? The focus of discussion will be on two levels: the national and the European: On the national level, • The stress on internal quality and the increased commitment of Higher Education Institutions to play their full role in this area necessarily mean a shift in external accountability procedures. If programmes evaluations are organised internally, should they also be evaluated externally? • With the increased differentiation of the higher education sector, should external accountability be based on specific standards or take into account specific institutional missions? • What should be the role of national rectors’ conferences in negotiating with national authorities and QA agencies the scope of internal and external evaluation? • What should be the respective roles of universities and professional associations or governmental bodies in determining training and continuing professional development in professional fields such as medicine, accountancy, engineering and others? On the European level, the ministers adopted in Bergen the “European standards and guidelines for quality assurance in higher education” (ESGs) and charged ENQA, ESIB, EUA and EURASHE with the task of exploring the notion of the European register for QA agencies. Discussions have been underway and will result in a report that will be sent to the ministerial meeting in London (2007). The key aspects of this proposal will include that the register will list only agencies that comply substantially with the ESGs. • How do we ensure that these decisions are fair and robust and, particularly, what should be the role of students and Higher Education Institutions in this process? 16 Theme 5 - Funding European universities: diversification, transparency and good governance 1. Developing funding strategies and sustainable revenues for universities lies at the heart of the different European higher education reform agendas and is crucial to meeting the shared political goal of strengthening Europe’s higher education institutions. This requires institutions not only to increase and diversify funding streams but also to improve their governance and leadership. 2. In the 2005 Glasgow Declaration EUA addressed the question of funding universities for the first time, pointing out that Europe’s universities “are not sufficiently funded and cannot be expected to compete with other systems without comparable levels of funding. At present, EU countries spend on universities about half of the proportion of their GDP compared to the United States. While Europe’s Lisbon goals are ambitious, public funding for research and higher education is stagnating at best. ” The US spends twice as much as the average European country because government expenditure is matched by private funding through tuition fees, gifts from alumni and contract and other income from private industry.. For this reason, the emphasis is also placed upon the importance of encouraging universities to step up efforts to diversify their funding streams and to explore combined public/private funding models. 3. The Declaration goes on to state that “this will be achieved by self-confident institutions able to determine their own development and to contribute to social, cultural and economic wellbeing at regional, national, European and global level,” and that “universities are committed to improving their governing structures and leadership competence so as to increase their efficiency and innovative capacity and to achieve their multiple missions.” This is an area where EUA already offers a range of activities to members that are geared at increasing their capacity to change and adapt to their evolving environment. These activities include the Institutional Evaluation Programme and workshops and seminars. The growing uptake of these activities demonstrates the commitment of higher education institutions to strengthen and improve their leadership and management. 4. Following the Glasgow Convention EUA committed itself to launching an evidenced-based discussion on the funding of universities by working with its members to develop full economic cost models in the interests of transparency and accountability. In the context of a broader debate on strengthening the institutional governance and professional management EUA also undertook to explore the particular challenges facing universities in managing diversified funding streams, and in ensuring transparency and sustainability. 5. The EUA Spring Conference 2006 focused on “Funding Strong Universities: diversification, student support and good governance” exploring a broad range of different ways in which institutions can diversify their income streams, from considering the impact of tuition fees, through increasing revenue from externally funded research projects or continuing education, to developing expertise in launching targeted fundraising campaigns. In parallel the association launched a pilot study of institutional funding patterns that aims at facilitating cross border comparisons. This work, based on 8 pilot institutions, has highlighted: the extremely diverse funding patterns from country to country, the diversity in the levels of funding received from different funding sources from institution to institutions, and the great difficulties, in many cases, in defining the university as a financial entity. It has also raised questions about the extent of autonomy universities have in spending funds allocated. Over the coming year the institutions participating in the study will move to look at the feasibility of introducing a full economic costing approach to funding European higher education and research. 6. The goals of the discussion in Lisbon are: to explore further the different possibilities of revenue generation open to universities and – on the basis of the initial findings of the pilot study – to consider the extent to which universities are able to develop long term financial strategies (group 1); and to examine the challenges for good governance, and specifically for institutional leaders, of bringing about the change processes inside institutions that are required for developing and managing increasingly diversified funding systems (group 2) . 17 Group 1: Developing diversified funding strategies and income streams and ensuring transparency General Questions: • What are the sources of university income? (public/private, national/international) and how autonomous is the university in spending the allocated funding? • What are the elements that define the university as an economic & financial entity? (legal status, degree of autonomy, ownership of property, balance sheet, profit and loss account etc.) • What is the role of full economic costing? (increased revenue to the institution, directly incurred costs flow to the project, other costs to the institution, strategic use of increased resources, pricing issues) At European level: • Can agreement be reached on a common framework reflecting institutional funding streams, thus allowing comparisons between different institutional situations across Europe be reached? • Should Europe-wide indicators in relation to institutional funding be developed? • What is the feasibility of introducing a full economic costing approach to HE across Europe (based upon the TRAC model & experience in the UK)? • What are the long-term implications for the European university-based research landscape of the move towards full cost support given the given the marked trend towards externallyfunded research constituting the core funding component of the university research mission. Group 2: The challenges for institutional governance and leadership of managing increasingly diversified funding streams The working group in Lisbon will discuss how institutional change can be set in motion with a particular focus on the challenges posed by introduction and management of diversified funding streams. General Questions: • What are some of the ways to set in motion an institutional change process? What is the role of the institutional leadership? How to persuade the academic heartland of the need for change? How to address resistance to change and the incapacity of some to accept the ambiguities that are part of a change process? How to identify and work with “change champions”? • What is the role and place of a strategic vision in the change process and how to develop it and implement it? • How to implement a change process? Specifically, should the change process start with changing decision-making processes and structures or should it focus on changing attitudes and culture and, specifically, in encouraging the academic heartland to let go of the past? • What are some of the external preconditions that favour or hinder a change process? What is the optimal relationship between the State and higher education institutions? How can working in regional, national or international higher education networks help the change process? Specific Questions: • How can transparency of budget allocations and reporting systems be enhanced? • What role does the development of steering capacity play, by aligning academic and financial responsibilities at all levels? • What are the benefits of gaining a precise understanding of the true costs and cost drivers in teaching, research management and administration? • How can funding be made sustainable? • What is the specific role of institutional leaders? 18 Part II: • • Background documents and policy papers Theme 1 • EUA’s contribution to the Bologna Process 2005 – 2007 21 • Convergence and diversity, by Sir Roderick Floud 23 • Summary of key research and innovation issues 37 • EUA policies on key research and innovation issues Theme 2 • Bologna Seminar on “Doctoral programmes for the European knowledge society” (Salzburg, 3-5 February 2005) Conclusions and recommendations 41 • Bologna Seminar on Doctoral Programmes (Nice, 7-9 December 2006) Final conclusions - Preparing recommendations for the London Communiqué “Matching ambition with responsibilities and resources” 43 • EUA 2006 Autumn Conference - Universities as catalysts in promoting regional innovation (Brno, Czech Republic, 19-21 October 2006) General Report 49 • EUA statement on FP7 Rules of Participation proposals for support rates and cost models 53 • EUA statement on the public consultation on the idea of establishing a European Institute of Technology (EIT) 55 • EUA policy position on the European Commission’s “Communication to the European Council on the European Institute of Technology (EIT)” 57 19 Part II: • • • Continued Theme 3 • An international agenda for EUA 59 • Background document: towards an external strategy for the Bologna Process – a summary 63 • The external face of the Bologna Process: the European Higher Education Area in a global context, by Peter Scott 65 • Developing quality in the knowledge society: activities of the European University Association 83 • EUA policy position on quality 87 • European frameworks for quality, by Andrée Sursock 89 Theme 4 Theme 5 • EUA 2006 Spring conference – Funding strong universities: Diversification, student support and good governance (Hamburg, Germany, 30 March-1 April 2006) Conclusions 103 • University governance, leadership and management in a rapidly changing environment, by Luc E. Weber 107 20 Theme 1 EUA’s contribution to the Bologna Process 2005-2007 1. The Glasgow Declaration, adopted in April 2005, sets the framework and priorities for universities’ contribution to the Bologna Process 2005 – 2007, emphasising that as we move towards 2010, the Bologna reforms necessarily refocus more and more on implementation in higher education institutions, and underlining universities’ willingness to accept their responsibility in driving forward the implementation process. The Lisbon Convention gives universities the opportunity to discuss developments since the Glasgow Convention. 2. The Trends V Report that will be presented in plenary session on the opening day of the Convention analyses the present state of implementation of the Bologna Process and reports on the main challenges faced by institutions. A summary of the main results will be made available on the EUA website before the Convention begins as a basis for discussion. Trend V is conceived of as a necessary complement to the governmental stocktaking exercise, and thus constitutes one of EUA’s main contributions to the Process. For the first time it has been possible to underpin the analysis through the use of comparable data as over 900 institutions provided answers to the same questions asked in 2002. The data analysis has been supplemented by information gathered through site visits and the incorporation of views expressed in numerous focus-group discussions. 3. EUA’s Bologna Handbook, published together with Raabe Academic Publishers, represents a further major contribution of the association to the Bologna Process. The Handbook seeks to offer academics and administrators at all levels a practically-oriented and flexible tool for understanding, introducing and implementing all aspects of the Bologna Process. The first edition of this reference publication, that includes four annual updates, appeared in mid 2006. 4. In support of the implementation of the process in institutions EUA, in cooperation with Eurashe, ESIB, the Tuning Project and the EAIE, coordinates the work of national Bologna Promoters across Europe. This work is carried out on behalf of the European Commission as part of the ‘Information Project on Higher Education reform’ and involves the organisation of training seminars and the preparation of relevant materials and case studies. While the EC funded project only includes Socrates countries EUA has taken the initiative to support the introduction of, and involve in this project, Bologna Promoters from all Bologna countries. 5. As a further demonstration of EUA’s support to the more recent Bologna countries and specifically as a continuation of ongoing work with universities in South Eastern Europe, a conference on higher education and research in the Western Balkans was organised in Vienna from 1-3 March 2006, the results of this meeting were later presented to European Ministers of Higher Education. In late 2006, a Bologna seminar was also organised In Tibilisi for the benefit of Georgian universities. 6. EUA also contributes to the work on specific Bologna action lines. Substantial energy has been put into participating actively in the different Bologna working groups on: the social dimension, data on mobility of staff and students, the qualifications framework follow-up, the external dimension and stocktaking. 7. In the field of Quality Assurance, EUA continued its cooperation with the E4 partners in elaborating the conditions for the establishment of a European Register of Quality Agencies as well as taking the lead in launching the first of a series of E4 annual Quality Fora. The first European Quality Forum took place in Munich, in November 2006. EUA has also continued its project work with members on this key topic, looking in particular at enhancing creativity in universities and continuing its work on joint degrees through the 21 publication in 2006 of European guidelines for ensuring the internal and external quality of joint degrees. These questions will be discussed under Theme 4 of the Convention. 8. In relation to doctoral programmes EUA has, as requested by Ministers in the Bergen Communiqué, prepared a follow-up report on doctoral programmes, taking forward the basic principles elaborated by the association in 2005. This work has been carried out with the support of the Austrian and French authorities and also involved ESIB and EURODOC. Activities have included the organisation of a series of seminars and of a major conference in Nice in December 2006 as well as the carrying out a major survey on the funding of doctoral programmes and candidates across all Bologna countries that will be made available as a separate publication. This activity is closely linked to other EUA actions in this area, in particular in relation to career development and employability prospects for young scientists both inside and outside academia. These issues will be debated principally as part of the discussions under Theme 2 of the Convention. 9. The principal goal of the discussions at the Lisbon Convention will be to drawn together these different elements in order to agree on university priorities for the development of the Bologna process in the coming years. The outcomes of the various working group discussions will feed into the Lisbon Declaration, to be adopted formally by the EUA Council in April 2007, and presented to Bologna Process Ministers of Education meeting in London in May. Brussels, 23 February 2007 22 Theme 1 Understanding Bologna in context A 1.2-1 The changing roles of higher education in society Creating a European Higher Education Area Convergence and Diversity Sir Roderick Floud Abstract The article discusses the historical diversification of European higher education, and the rationale for introducing a certain amount of convergence between national systems, in order to encourage mutual understanding and trust. It argues that European higher education institutions will increasingly, as a result of the Bologna process, see themselves as part of a larger whole, while neither ceasing to compete nor to define their missions ever more precisely. While converging to create a European Higher Education Area, universities are likely to continue in their efforts to diversify. Content Page 1. Introduction 2 2. Diversity 4 3. Convergence, harmonisation or further diversity; the Bologna process 8 4. Conclusion 13 BH 1 00 06 07 1 23 A 1.2-1 Understanding Bologna in context Creating a European Higher Education Area 1. The changing roles of higher education in society Introduction Higher education is a confusing world. Even those who have long worked within it still find it difficult to explain how it works, how it is funded, how its institutions are governed and managed, how its students can make the best of the opportunities that a university education gives.1 The university system of a single country, the United Kingdom, is thought to offer over 50,000 bachelor degrees and over 20,000 master degrees; no one knows how many degree courses are offered in the 45 countries of Europe which now subscribe to the Bologna process. Nor are there more than a handful of people who could reliably describe the characteristics of the higher education systems of a majority of those countries. Almost half of all young people experience university education Yet higher education is also an important world. Student numbers have expanded very greatly in recent years and, in many countries, close to half of all young people will soon experience a university education. Many of the universities in which they will study are themselves the largest employer in their town or city and employers as a whole know that, in the future, they need most of their workforces to have the skills and competences which graduates acquire. Those graduates are unlikely to cease their studies on securing a bachelor degree; instead, they will turn to their own or another university to help them, throughout their lives, to secure additional education, training and professional competence, perhaps through a master degree, perhaps through a PhD or, at the least, through short courses of professional up-dating. Meanwhile other forms of knowledge transfer will make industry and commerce increasingly reliant on research and innovation carried out in universities and thus by academics and researchers. Finally, universities are important foundations of civil and democratic society. Universities and the State must work in partnership For all these reasons, higher education is a proper concern of government. Academics and political commentators sometimes call for universities to be freed from the control of the State. In reality – even in the private universities of the United States which are sometimes called in aid of such rhetoric – almost all universities rely on governments for funds for research and for student support; the number of truly “private” universities is tiny. Moreover, even if there were more, the State would retain an interest in them because their “output” of educated and qualified students, and reliable knowledge, is vital to the functioning of every society in the world. Universities must therefore learn to live – hopefully in the form of partnership rather than con- 1 In this chapter, the word “university” is used to describe every higher education institution engaged in teaching and research. 2 BH 1 00 06 07 24 Theme 1 Understanding Bologna in context A 1.2-1 The changing roles of higher education in society Creating a European Higher Education Area frontation – with States and governments and to seek a relationship which is efficient and of mutual benefit.2 As it develops, the Bologna process represents the working out of the consequences of these new relationships between the universities, civil society and governments. The relationships are new because of one central change – sometimes described by the ugly word “massification” – from a university system for the elite to a system for the many. When university systems were small, catering mainly for the upper and middle classes of society, and when there was little movement of students from one university to another – either during a course or to take a second degree – universities could rely on there being a shared body of knowledge. However eccentric and confusing the systems and practices of a particular university might be, it mattered little because everyone who had studied there could understand them and everyone else took their excellence on trust. A degree from Athens, Bologna, Cracow, Heidelberg, Oxford or Paris spoke for itself. When university systems were small, their excellence was taken on trust But the old forms of trust, appropriate to an elite system, are insufficient when confronted with millions of students, hundreds of thousands of courses, thousands of universities and with the demands of millions of employers. At the very least, therefore, the Bologna process seeks to achieve sufficient common practice in degree structures, sufficient good practice in quality assurance, to ensure that a degree or diploma, granted in one European country, has meaning in another country and can be trusted as a certificate of the worth of the student who has gained it. A “mass” system requires common practices and structures The Bologna process, therefore, seeks to organise the higher education systems of Europe so that they can be understood and trusted. This task is not at all easy, mainly because of the complexity of the different national systems and their different histories. But another, important reason is that an important objective of the process is to maintain, indeed to celebrate, diversity. 2 Issues of the growth of state regulation rather than control and of the decline in trust in professionals such as university teachers and researchers are considered in Floud 2005. BH 1 00 06 07 3 25 A 1.2-1 Understanding Bologna in context Creating a European Higher Education Area 2. The changing roles of higher education in society Diversity Despite its diversity, Europe has always been interlinked There is little point in arguing about which area of the world is the most diverse, but there can be no doubt that European languages, nations and regions have a complex and rich heritage, of which the citizens of European countries are proud. Every nation has its own heroes, sometimes mythical but more often drawn from politics, war or literature. But what is notable about any list of the great men and women of European countries is the extent to which they have been explicitly and implicitly linked, and each moulded, by their exposure to the art, literature, history and language of other European nations, from the influence of classical Greece on imperial Rome and down through history. The Renaissance of the classical tradition, the rationalism of the Enlightenment, the Romantic movement, were all European phenomena, but given form and strength by their interpretation and reinterpretation in different languages and cultures and in the light of different national histories. Diversity has been a source of strengths and divisions Europe therefore has a long history of the maintenance of cultural diversity within an overall intellectual framework. That diversity has normally been a source of strength, permitting and indeed encouraging the exploration of the human spirit together with innovation in ideas, policies and technologies. On other occasions, of course, it has been a source of division, of bitter debate and even of violent conflict. Examples abound: the persecution of the Cathars in medieval Provence; the work of the Inquisition; the persecution of Catholics in Protestant England; the religious wars of the seventeenth century; the antisemitism which runs like a cancer through European society, from medieval times to the Holocaust; the Balkan conflicts of the 1990s. As all these examples show, diversity allied to intolerance is inherently dangerous; but understanding and tolerance of diversity can, on the other hand, breed some of the most glorious works of literature and music. European universities have a common ancestry… Diversity within the world of higher education has milder consequences, though academic disputes can be vitriolic. But higher education in Europe has developed by many diverse routes and has resulted in a system which now contains many different types of institutions. The typical form of the medieval European university was collegiate, still typified by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, combining residential accommodation for staff and students with learning by lectures and through library study at the feet of a master. This model was well attuned to a restricted syllabus and to the service initially of the clergy and then of a small range of other learned professions. It persisted, in that guise, until the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. 4 BH 1 00 06 07 26 Theme 1 Understanding Bologna in context A 1.2-1 The changing roles of higher education in society Creating a European Higher Education Area At that time, however, a number of intellectual and political influences led to the emergence of a more diverse group of institutions. Particularly in Great Britain, institutions began to adapt themselves to the world of the industrial revolution and to the concept of “useful knowledge”; the foundation of University College London on an intellectual basis which was explicitly non-religious was an extreme example, but other Scottish and English institutions began to develop teaching in subjects such as science, outside the traditional syllabi. By the end of the nineteenth century, such institutions were being deliberately designed to meet the needs of local industry. … but have evolved in different ways A similar dissatisfaction with the traditional university model was expressed in many other European countries and led, as in Britain, to the foundation of various types of vocational and technical institutions. It was this challenge to the old universities which led to the highly influential work of Wilhelm von Humboldt, typified by the foundation of the University of Berlin in 1810. As Lay (2004: 47-48) puts it: “… the function of the higher learning was radically redefined. Under these reforms, the university was reinvented as the central pillar in nothing less than an intellectual effort for national rejuvenation. The universities would become the repositories of the national spirit and a vehicle for national pride.” An important aspect of the Humboldtian university was the emphasis on the link between higher education and research, in which student and teacher would engage in partnership in a search for knowledge. To facilitate this, academic freedom, for both staff and students, became a tenet of the university system. The Humboldtian university A further institutional development, of considerable significance, was the French institution of the grandes ecoles. These schools for the elite differed radically from the Humboldtian or the Anglo-Saxon universities; they were above all teaching institutions, in which research played little or no part, and their objective was to develop a cadre to staff the ruling class of France, based on the concept of a meritocracy. The development of such teaching institutions required the establishment of an alternative system of research, outside both the grandes ecoles and the traditional universities. In the twentieth century, many countries in east and central Europe – rejecting the Humboldtian model – based research outside teaching institutions, typically in research institutes under the control of Academies of Science. Meanwhile in many countries the technological training needs of new industrial societies were met by the foundation of Polytechnics or Fachhochschulen, dedicated to serving local and regional industries. In some countries research and teaching in scientific and technological subjects became the preserve of technical universities, leaving the older disciplines to the traditional universities. The grande école BH 1 00 06 07 5 27 A 1.2-1 Understanding Bologna in context Creating a European Higher Education Area The changing roles of higher education in society Different institutional models During the nineteenth century, these different institutional models developed in diverse ways, both within Europe and in the wider world influenced – and sometimes ruled – by European nations. Universities came to differ in the lengths of their courses – from the English bachelor degree of three years through the Scottish master degree of four years to the master or diploma degrees of six years or more in some continental European countries. Even more extreme differences arose in the duration and nature of doctor degrees, sometimes seen as exclusively designed to train future academics, sometimes intended to lead to professional careers outside academe. Some systems were selective, with a restricted number of students admitted on the basis of a competitive entrance test; others were open to all who had successfully completed high-school education, with no control by the university on the overall numbers or on their distribution across the courses that were offered. Systems of examination were equally varied, from three hour written examinations to ten minute oral examinations. In some systems, the vast majority of students who entered were expected to graduate; in others, the majority of students was excluded after intermediate examinations or they themselves withdrew after shorter or often longer periods. Evolving models None of the models of universities were set in stone. In England, for example, universities which had been established – often as “university colleges” of the University of London – to serve the needs of a major city, developed over time into “civic universities” with a much wider mission for research and teaching. Successive waves of reform and growth saw the foundation in the 1960s of “plateglass universities” on green-field sites away from major population centres, seeking to imitate in new ways the collegiate residential experience of Oxford and Cambridge. In the late 1980s the Polytechnics, which had hitherto been the responsibility of local government, were funded by a national body and took on many of the characteristics of autonomous universities, a fact recognised when they changed their names to become the “new universities” of 1993. Finally, in 2005, a further set of new universities were created, distinguished from their predecessors only by the fact that they did not offer doctor degrees.3 Diversity is a result and a cause of innovation, enterprise and achievement As with the cultural development of Europe as a whole, the diversity of university systems and structures has been both a result and a cause of innovation, enterprise and intellectual and cultural achievement. Even though the language of mission statements is relatively recent, universities have for years pursued different objectives, if only because of their different locations and the different capacities and interests of their staff and students. This was despite the fact that, in many 3 It is important to note that, although these institutions are sometimes called “teaching universities”, many of their staff engage in research despite not awarding doctorates. 6 BH 1 00 06 07 28 Theme 1 Understanding Bologna in context A 1.2-1 The changing roles of higher education in society Creating a European Higher Education Area countries, universities were controlled – to a greater or lesser degree – by national or regional governments, who sought to impose a degree of uniformity or conformity to a common pattern and to maintain distinctions, for example between universities and polytechnics, which were always subverted in practice. Perhaps inevitably, difference led to hierarchy, with some universities being seen as superior to others. This was perhaps because those universities were able to offer better terms and conditions to their staff, so that in the ferociously competitive world of academe they attracted the most productive and prestigious teachers and researchers; success then begets success, as people strive to join those universities and measure their own success against that objective. Differences have led to hierarchies There is nothing wrong with such hierarchy and the competition which it engenders; it occurs in all walks of life and stimulates achievement and innovation. It is unfortunate, however, that in the university world – both in Europe and worldwide – prestige has come to be associated almost exclusively with success in research and academic publication, much less with good teaching or knowledge transfer. At the extreme, which can already be seen in some of the great research universities of the United States and the United Kingdom, this leads to a neglect of bachelor-level teaching by some leading scholars. Research hierarchy is also taken to extremes, with success measured in many disciplines by publication in a short list of leading academic journals. There is, to sum up, enormous diversity in and among European universities, in terms of structures, courses, syllabi, staff and student interests, and relationships to the locality, region, nation or world. Noone knows how many different courses are offered in Europe’s universities, but the number and diversity is certainly bewildering. Even specialists in a particular subject find it difficult to answer the question: which university offers the best course in that subject? “League tables” in newspapers seek to answer another question: what is the best university? Such rankings are highly subjective and based on a particular model of a university. Nevertheless, they do reflect a search for information and for a means of structuring a diverse and complex world. BH 1 00 06 07 The diversity is bewildering 7 29 A 1.2-1 Understanding Bologna in context Creating a European Higher Education Area 3. The changing roles of higher education in society Convergence, harmonisation or further diversity; the Bologna process Small cohorts of mostly male students Despite the dynamism and diversity of university structures, the systems developed in Europe before the last quarter of the twentieth century shared one common and crucial characteristic. They were the preserve of a small proportion of the population, typically less than 20 % of a cohort of young people or rather, of young men. What has distinguished the most recent period – still not much more than thirty years – from the centuries of earlier development is the growth in student numbers and in the proportions of young people attending university and, closely allied to that, the growth in the number of women among the student body. Now, throughout Europe, it is typical for around 40 % of a cohort of young people to attend university and the majority of them are women. Although progress has been slower in integrating some ethnic minorities and people from unskilled and disadvantaged backgrounds into the university system, it is as a whole now undoubtedly a mass rather than an elite system Large cohorts with a majority of women students It is this change which, above all, has made it necessary to seek for common features within, or at least a map of, the amazingly diverse and complex European university system. When universities were the preserve of elites – as they were until very recently – and most of their students were drawn from similar socio-economic backgrounds, there was within those elites a substantial amount of shared – if sometimes unspoken – knowledge.4 Students and their families knew – or at least thought they knew – which were the “best” universities, the universities which would offer a gateway to the most prestigious careers. Now that there are hundreds of universities in many countries, catering to millions of students, this shared knowledge is no longer available, particularly when – as increasingly happens – students wish to study in countries other than their own. Meanwhile, national bureaucracies, faced with the increasing cost of higher education, naturally also demand to know what they are getting for their money and are not satisfied, as they might have been in the past, with the answer that academics know what they are doing and can be trusted to do it well. There could have been – and indeed there could still be – a demand for radical simplification. At the extreme, this could take the form of requiring a common European syllabus for each academic subject, taught and assessed in the same way in every country and therefore with common outcomes available to every student and every employer. There could be requirements – in the interests of equity between academic subjects – that every bachelor degree should be the 4 A marvellous fictional depiction of the transmission of such knowledge can be found in a play by Alan Bennett, “The History Boys”, soon to be a film. 8 BH 1 00 06 07 30 Theme 1 Understanding Bologna in context A 1.2-1 The changing roles of higher education in society Creating a European Higher Education Area product of a specified number of hours of tuition. It could be required that successful completion of a bachelor degree in one university or one country would give an automatic right of entry to a master course in another university or another country. Universities might be required to specify exactly their focus and mission and to maintain that focus without deviation over time. The Bologna process is none of these. It seeks, perhaps as an alternative to demands for such radical simplification, to encourage all the countries of Europe to move towards a set of minimum common methods of organising university study, which will together facilitate the public understanding of the university system and of the students who have benefited from it. The different national systems – as they existed in 1999 at the start of the process – were so diverse that Bologna has undoubtedly encouraged a degree of convergence, but its minimum requirements are actually few in number. Bologna avoids radical simplification What does adherence to the Bologna process actually require? At a minimum, all signatories have agreed to adopt the “three cycle” model of bachelor, master and doctor degrees.5 They have agreed to describe those degrees in documents known as “diploma supplements” and by means of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), which together give information about the course that has been studied. They have agreed to develop frameworks of qualifications which show the relationship of one qualification to another. They have agreed to develop and implement a set of common standards for the quality assurance agencies which, in each country and in relation to the national characteristics of each system, give assurance of the quality of education to students, employers and governments. These changes and requirements have to be in place by 20106 and Trends IV: European Universities implementing Bologna (EUA 2005) suggested that good progress is being made towards that objective. Bologna requires adherence to a set of common methods This is very far from the imposition of a common system, although it clearly encourages or requires some convergence towards a common model, some harmonisation. But it obviously does not amount to homogenisation – there remains enormous scope for countries, or individual universities to maintain or adapt their systems to fit these minimum requirements. To take the most obvious example, bachelor degrees vary from three to four years in length, master degrees vary from one to two years and there is no agreement as yet on the length or organisation of doctor degrees. A common model does not mean homogenisation 5 The initial agreement was to a “two-cycle” bachelor and master degree; doctor degrees were formally added at the Berlin ministerial conference in 2003. 6 Diploma supplements are required by 2005, but this requirement has not been fulfilled in a number of countries. BH 1 00 06 07 9 31 A 1.2-1 Understanding Bologna in context Creating a European Higher Education Area Some Bologna actions remain loosely defined The changing roles of higher education in society Discussions of the Bologna process have recently widened, with the introduction of a greater emphasis on the “external dimension” and on the “social dimension” of the European Higher Education Area. Neither term has been satisfactorily defined. But the “external dimension” appears to imply the translation of the main features of the EHEA – three-cycles, ECTS and quality assurance – into higher education systems in other parts of the world. This would, in principle, facilitate greater cooperation with those systems and easier mobility for students between them. The “social dimension” is variously defined; it is sometimes taken to mean that countries should agree to “portability” of grants and loans, so that students can use their national system of financial support while they study in another country. More broadly, the term seems to mean that governments and universities should make sure that the Bologna reforms do not inhibit efforts to widen access to higher education from disadvantaged groups. Neither the “external” nor the “social” dimension of Bologna seems likely to lead to a convergence of national systems. There are, however, two current trends in European higher education which may, in the long run, affect the diversity or homogeneity of the system; neither are strictly the product of the Bologna reforms, but they are sometimes blamed on Bologna and they certainly deserve attention. Rethinking course curricula within the Bologna process The first trend is concerned with the nature of the curricula of courses. In many European countries, the Bologna process required that the existing single-cycle course, leading to a master or diploma degree, should be replaced by a bachelor and master qualification within the two-cycle model. The process by which this change should take place was not specified in the Bologna agreements, nor normally in the legislative processes which followed in many countries. Practice naturally varied; in some cases, an existing five year course was simply divided up into a bachelor course of three years, a master of two years, with little or no change to the curriculum; this was sometimes based on the assumption that almost every serious student would wish to progress from bachelor to master and therefore the division between them did not need to be rethought. Even worse, there were a few examples where attempts were made to force the entire content of a fiveyear programme into a three-year bachelor course. Moving to a studentcentred approach In many cases, however, the requirement to design the new bachelor and master programmes has been seized as an opportunity to reconsider the nature and objectives of the curriculum. In addition, although the requirement for shorter bachelor courses initially focussed attention on the time to be taken to secure such a degree, attention soon turned to the learning outcomes to be expected from a student, the skills, competences and knowledge that he or she should have obtained by undertaking the course. This was a radical departure for some university systems, where courses had been described by the 10 BH 1 00 06 07 32 Theme 1 Understanding Bologna in context A 1.2-1 The changing roles of higher education in society Creating a European Higher Education Area number of hours spent in lectures or classes, rather than by what was learnt. It has sometimes been described as a movement from a teachercentred to a student-centred approach. Such a change did not imply anything about the content of the curriculum. Curriculum content was, however, the subject of a trans-European project, officially separate from Bologna, though holding many implications for it, called Tuning Educational Structures in Europe (generally known as the Tuning project).7 Experts in a range of academic disciplines were brought together to explore whether the syllabus in those disciplines could be described through a set of learning outcomes which would be common across Europe. Naturally the exact content of the syllabus, in a subject such as history, would continue to reflect national experiences, but the skills and competences might – it was argued – have much greater commonality across the continent. Much to the surprise of many academics, this proved to be the case and the Tuning project has been a valuable input into curriculum redesign in a number of countries. It holds out the prospect of the gradual development of common European curricula, through the decision of academics and their professional groupings, rather than by any central fiat. Exploring common curricular components Much more contentious, because of the wide-ranging implications for the whole university and the whole system, has been the discussion of convergence or increased diversity in the mission and activities of universities. This discussion, which has occurred or is occurring in every European country, is difficult to describe or characterise because it has so many different strands. As was argued in the first section of this chapter, the European higher education system has evolved in innumerable ways, with the result that the system – if it can even be called that – is very diverse. This situation, and the increased attention to it which the Bologna process has brought, provokes – at the extreme – one of two reactions. The first reaction is to argue that the diversity of types and missions reflects a sad and undesirable departure from what might be called the Platonic ideal of a university. This ideal, which borrows elements both from the collegiate universities of medieval times and from the Humboldtian restatement of the early nineteenth century, incorporates ideas of a partnership between student and teacher, academic freedom for both and the union of teaching and research. It is based also on a notion of university autonomy in which the university commands its own resources and can deploy them as it wishes. Proponents of this view Diversity of mission and activities? 7 For full information on Tuning, please visit /TuningProject/index.htm BH 1 00 06 07 11 33 A 1.2-1 Understanding Bologna in context Creating a European Higher Education Area The changing roles of higher education in society accept that there will be institutions – such as polytechnics – which are engaged in higher education but which cannot be described in these ideal terms; they are valuable and excellent in their way but they are not universities. Common purposes but different profiles? At the other extreme is the view that all higher education institutions are engaged in a common purpose, encompassing teaching, research and knowledge transfer, but that each specialises according to its own history, inheritance and current situation. The distinctiveness of institutions can be reflected in their names – polytechnic, college, technical university, classical university – but otherwise such collective names have little utility and every institution should be classified as a university or as a higher education institution, whichever generic name is chosen for the whole system. Institutions can also be grouped, as in the Carnegie Classification which is used in the United States, but those groupings are for information; they (in theory) carry no normative significance nor do they embody a hierarchy. These issues may seem to be arcane, a matter only for those few academics who are concerned with the administration of higher education rather than with a traditional academic discipline. But in fact they have serious political implications, which have grown stronger as the systems have become larger, and those political implications are reflected in funding decisions and in the quality of education which can be provided. Diversification leading to hierarchy In recent years, politicians across Europe have increasingly advocated a greater diversification of the system on the grounds that each university cannot do everything, that the public purse is not limitless and that it is inevitable and indeed desirable that funds should be concentrated where they will bring the greatest return. In practice, this has meant the concentration of funds for research on fewer and fewer institutions. The most extreme results have been seen in the United Kingdom, where funding decisions based on successive Research Assessment Exercises have led to the situation that 75 % of research funding (from the Higher Education Funding Council for England) is given to 25 (out of 120) universities, while some other universities receive little or nothing. It is argued that teaching-led universities, as they are sometimes called, should concentrate their efforts on teaching and knowledge transfer, but the funds for such purposes are normally more constrained and lower than those for research. To add insult to injury, concentration somehow still allows the research-led universities to secure larger funds, sometimes for teaching but also for knowledge transfer. Diversification does not, therefore, lead to total differentiation but to hierarchy. Other countries are showing signs of following, for example in Germany where it is intended to create a number of “world-class” research universities following a competition among existing universities. 12 BH 1 00 06 07 34 Theme 1 Understanding Bologna in context A 1.2-1 The changing roles of higher education in society Creating a European Higher Education Area Meanwhile, in a number of countries the polytechnics or fachhochschulen are arguing, to the dismay of the classical universities, that now that both types of institution are providing bachelor and master degrees, funding should be at least equalised and, going further, the polytechnics should be eligible for research funding. There is no sign, in other words, that a situation of stability – so desired by many academics - will soon exist in European higher education. Convergence will proceed, well short of harmonisation or homogenisation, but it will be accompanied by increasing diversity within a larger and larger university system. 4. Conclusion It is clear that the Bologna process, for all the attention that has been lavished on it since 1999, does not by any means encompass the full range of issues and changes at the moment affecting European higher education. Indeed, many changes which are loosely attributed – often by aggrieved university teachers – to Bologna have only tangential or even looser relationships to it. In particular, the diversity of European higher education institutions and the systems in which they operate has been affected only marginally by Bologna. Far more important, in many ways, have been the growth in student numbers, the failure in most countries to fund those numbers at earlier levels and the transition from an elite to a mass system. Bologna can be seen more as a response to these changes than a cause of them. Bologna as a response At the same time, Bologna was inspired by some noble aims, to improve the public understanding and attractiveness of European higher education, to enhance mobility of students among the European nations and to fit Europe’s students to take their place effectively as citizens and employees in the world of the twenty-first century. To all except the most convinced Euro-sceptics, those are desirable ends. To those with a sense of history, they recall the origins of the university system in medieval Europe, the age of the “wandering scholars”, one of the greatest of whom, Erasmus, has given his name to the student mobility programme of the European Union. Prediction is a dangerous art. There have been far more wrong than right predictions. But it seems likely that European higher education institutions – called universities or not – will increasingly, and as a result of the Bologna process, see themselves as part of a larger whole. They will not cease to compete, nor to define their missions ever more precisely, so that diversity will continue and will even be increasingly systematised. But at the same time they will converge to create a European Higher Education Area – based on academic freedom and BH 1 00 06 07 Increased convergence with increased diversity 13 35 A 1.2-1 Understanding Bologna in context Creating a European Higher Education Area The changing roles of higher education in society autonomy, on student-centred learning and on the link between teaching and research, which will continue the development of institutions which have been changing for 800 years. Bibliography [1] Floud, Roderick 2005 “Government and higher education: the approach to regulation” in Weber and Bergan (eds.) 2005, pp. 125-162 [2] Lay, Stephen 2004 The Interpretation of the Magna Charta Universitatum and its Principles (Bologna, Italy: Bononia University Press) [3] Reichert, Sybille and Tauch, Christian 2005 Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna (Brussels: EUA) [4] Weber, Luc and Bergan, Sjur (eds) 2005 The public responsibility for higher education and research (Strasbourg, France: Council of Europe) Resources [1] European University Association ( [2] Bologna Process website ( Biography: Professor Sir Roderick Floud is President Emeritus of London Metropolitan University and a VicePresident of the European University Association. He was President of Universities UK from 20012003. He is an economic historian and a Fellow of the British Academy. He was knighted in 2005 for services to higher education. 14 BH 1 00 06 07 36 Theme 2 Summary of key research and innovation issues As background reading material in preparation for Lisbon Plenary and Working Group Sessions on the Research and Innovation Theme, an overview of key documentation from both internal EUA and external sources is provided below reflecting the range of activities undertaken by EUA in 2005 and 2006. Key summary documents are attached as Annexes to this chapter of the Reader together with footnotes providing web-links to the cited relevant reports. Doctoral programme reform The EUA Report “Doctoral Programmes for the European Knowledge Society”1 provides an overview of good practices on structure and organisation of doctoral programmes, supervision, monitoring and assessment, mobility, and joint doctoral programmes. The project report includes the Salzburg Conference (February 2005) “Ten Basic Principles” (Annex I) which have provided the guiding framework for the development of EUA activities on “Third Cycle” of the Bologna Process. These activities culminated in the December 2006 Nice Conference on European Doctoral Programmes (Annex II) whose recommendations are integrated within the EUA report being prepared for the London Ministerial Conference in May 2007: Draft Report submitted to BFUG for Comments (6 March 2007)2. The EUA report places emphasis upon the central importance of doctoral programme reform and its appropriate financing as a core instrument in widening the employability of highly skilled professionals in the academic and non-academic sectors. In relation to European policy developments that have contributed to the debate on doctoral programme reform, attention is drawn particularly to two documents: “The Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for their Recruitment as a driving force for enhancing career prospects”3 and the report of the European Presidency Conference “A Researcher’s Labour Market: Europe – a pole for attraction”4. This latter EU conference was held in Vienna (Austria) on 1-2 June 2006 with EUA as a partner organisation. Following-up on these activities, EUA is conducting in 2007 a new project entitled “From Innovative Doctoral Training to Enhanced Career Opportunities” (DOC-CAREERS)5. It has been conceived as a ground-breaking project to explore the relations between doctoral training programmes and the career development and employability prospects for doctoral candidates in non-academic sectors. The project examines the need to incorporate demands from a highly diversified labour market directly into the planning of doctoral programme structures and focuses on both inter-sectorial and a cross-border mobility. 1 “Doctoral Programmes for the European Knowledge Society”, EUA publications 2005. 11292 78878120 .pdf 2 Doctoral Programmes in the Bologna Process Process (2006-2007). 3 "The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers", European Commission, EUR 21620, 2005. duct.1151581826171.pdf 4 “A researcher’s labour market: Europe – a pole for attraction” Conference Report, 2006. 5 DOC-CAREERS project (2006-2007). 37 Developing Institutional Strategies Initially presented at the EUA Uppsala Conference on “Research in European Universities: Strategies and Funding” (October 2005), the EUA published subsequently in 2006 its report “Research Strategy Development and Management at European Universities”6. The report stressed the importance of a supportive national and regional context and the institutional self-awareness of existing organisational culture as key factors to devise successful strategic plans for research and innovation management. The strategic role of universities in fostering regional innovation has been a new area of work for EUA since 2006. In taking up this theme the EUA objective has been to bring the voice and experience of the universities into the debate on the future development of regional policy, particularly given the new emphasis being placed on investment in science, technology and innovation. Two documents have been prepared which reflect EUA’s work in 2006 that are valuable to the Lisbon debate on developing institutional strategies – firstly the General Report arising from EUA 2006 Autumn Conference, in Brno, Czech Republic, on “Universities as Catalysts in Regional Innovation” (Annex III) and secondly the EUA study “The Rise of Knowledge Regions: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges for Universities”7. This latter publication has the aim of enhancing the understanding of the current role of universities and the future potential of universities in regional knowledge development. The report also includes a review on the most recent literature in the field. A particularly important element of this study has been a series of interviews with professionals involved in university-industry-government cooperation schemes to foster regional innovation. An important external publication in this area is the major academic study undertaken by OECD "Supporting the contribution of higher education institutions to regional development"8 in 9 European Regions (a presentation on which was also given at the EUA Brno Conference). The EU Conference Report on “Regions for Economic Change”9 held on 12-13 June 2006, to which EUA contributed, also provides a valuable reference document on the current debate on reform of EU regional policy towards meeting the revised “Lisbon Objectives” on growth and jobs. University/Enterprise Collaboration A further central focus in the recent research and innovation policy debate has been on the need to strengthen collaborative research between universities and industry/business enterprises. EUA was a partner contributor to the “Responsible Partnering”10 guidelines and to the organization of the two validation workshops (November 2005 and May 2006) that were held with industry partners. The Responsible Partnering Guidelines were re-launched in 2006 together with other key stakeholders in the university-industry collaboration area: EIRMA, EARTO and ProTon and presented at the European Business Summit held in Brussels in March 2006. The Responsible Partnering initiative has received strong support from the major 6 “Research Strategy Development and Management at European Universities”, EUA publications 2006. 7 “The Rise of Knowledge Regions: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges for Universities”, EUA publications 2006. 8 "Supporting the contribution of higher education institutions to regional development", OECD/IMHE Study, 2005-2006.,2340,en_2649_201185_34406608_1_1_1_1,00.html 9 “Regions for Economic Change” Conference Proceedings, 2006. 10 “Responsible Partnering: Joining Forces in a World of Open Innovation”, EUA/EIRMA/EARTO/ProTon, 2005. 38 Theme 2 European policy report "Creating an Innovative Europe"11 elaborated by the Aho Group (2006). EUA work in following-up “Responsible Partnering” is focusing on promoting good practices and shared experience of university/enterprise collaboration in doctoral research/training (DOC-CAREERS) and regional cooperation in research and innovation between universities, industry/enterprise and government agencies (i.e; “triple helix” partnerships as demonstrated at the EUA Brno Conference). Towards the Full-Costing of Externally-funded University Research During 2005/2006, the EUA concentrated its efforts on pressing the case with the European Institutions for the allocation of a significant “flat rate” payment for indirect research costs in FP7 contracts to those many universities that were not yet able to identify fully their indirect research costs under the proposed FP7 eligible research costs model. The “EUA Statement on FP7 Rules of Participation proposals for Support Rates and Cost Models” (Annex IV) endorsed by the EUA Council in March 2006 proposed an indirect research costs “flat rate” of 60% of total direct costs. EUA, through several workshops and presentations to policy-makers and European parliamentarians, continued to press this viewpoint throughout the deliberations on the “Rules of Participation” together with other interested parties. The final position agreed on the FP7 Rules of participation allowed for a flat rate for indirect costs of 60% for the first 3 years of FP7 (2007-2009) with no less than 40% for the remaining years (2010-2013). Lisbon discussions will include practical examples of universities’ preparations for working on the basis of the FP7 eligible costs model as a step towards full-costing of externally-funded research. Linkage will be established with Lisbon Theme 5 on Governance and Financing which takes a broader perspective towards full-cost accounting across the university mission as a whole. European Research Council (ERC) The European University Association has supported strongly the proposal to establish a European Research Council (ERC) as a major innovative research funding instrument within the EU Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7) which has been widely welcomed by Europe’s universities. Since the 2005 Glasgow Convention, EUA has been involved extensively in the consultations over the creation of the ERC, particularly with respect to the establishment and work of the ERC Scientific Council. EUA was invited by the ERC Identification Committee to provide input on the profiles and criteria to govern the selection of the membership of the ERC Scientific Council and, together with other European organizations, to propose nominations of potential members of the Scientific Council. Since the establishment of the ERC Scientific Council the EUA, through its Research Working Group, has engaged in a regular dialogue with the President of the ERC Scientific Council, Professor Fotis Kafatos. EUA has commented on the various “Strategy Notes” issued by the ERC Scientific Council as it has developed its operating procedures on the eligibility of grant applicants, application and evaluation processes, peer review panels and funding instruments. As a result of this valuable dialogue, Professor Kafatos has accepted the EUA’s invitation to address the Lisbon Convention on his vision of the future work of the ERC in FP7 and beyond. The Lisbon Convention Plenary Session will provide an early opportunity for EUA members to question Professor Kafatos about the impact of ERC funding on Europe’s universities over the 11 "Creating an Innovative Europe" Aho Group Report, 2006. 39 next decades. As background reading for the debate, the ERC Work Programme12 provides information on the new “ERC Starting Grants for Independent Young Investigators” and importantly addresses the role of host institutions in ERC grant applications. European Institute of Technology (EIT) In early 2005 the President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, put forward the proposal to establish a European Institute of Technology (EIT). The European Commission launched subsequently a wide public consultation with potential stakeholders from across higher education and research institutions, governments and industry/enterprises in autumn 2005. EUA participated in this public consultation through an extensive process of seeking the views of its membership, debating the proposal in Council meetings and eventually issuing “position papers” on its views. Three position papers were published by EUA over the period November 2005 to July 2006 as the European Commission’s proposal for an EIT has evolved (Annex V). EUA position papers have reflected the situation that the EIT proposal has met with a wide range of diverse opinions amongst the EUA membership with no clear dominant view. EUA position papers have sought clarification of key points of the EIT proposal where there were ambiguities and uncertainties so that consensus-building might be achieved. These key points have related essentially to the need for (i) universities as institutions to be seen as the recognized partners within the proposed EIT Knowledge Communities, not university departments/faculties which risked the fragmentation of universities, (ii) the EIT should not be a single institution but a range of networked collaborations across Europe, (iii) “fresh money” would be required beyond that allocated in Category 1A and FP7 funding, (iv) and finally, most importantly, degrees awarded within the proposed EIT Knowledge Communities should be those of the university partner/s, and not of the EIT itself. EUA has participated in the four “European Stakeholder” meetings that have been convened by the European Commission as the proposal has been adapted and refined in response to comments and feedback received – the most recent being held on 15th January 2007. In relation to the EUA’s above four core point, the first two have been met but the latter two points remain to be resolved. The present state-of-play is that the European Commission has presented a “Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council establishing the European Institute of Technology”13 which is currently being considered by the European Parliament and the European Council (Member States). Further viewpoints and input from the EUA have been requested from the European Commission which will be discussed at the EUA Council meeting in Lisbon prior to the Convention. EU President Barosso’s closing address to the Lisbon Convention, if the timetable allows, may also offer EUA members the opportunity to debate this issue with him. 12 European Research Council Work Programme, 2006. 13 Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and the Council establishing the European Institute of Technology, COM(2006) 604 final, 18.10.2006. 40 Theme 2 Bologna Seminar on “Doctoral programmes for the European knowledge society” (Salzburg, 3-5 February 2005) Conclusions and recommendations 1. Ministers meeting in Berlin in September 2003 added an Action Line to the Bologna process entitled “European Higher Education Area and European Research Area – two pillars of the knowledge based society” that underlines the key role of doctoral programmes and research training in this context. “Conscious of the need to promote closer links between the EHEA and the ERA in a Europe of Knowledge, and of the importance of research as an integral part of higher education across Europe, Ministers consider it necessary to go beyond the present focus on two main cycles of higher education to include the doctoral level as the third cycle in the Bologna Process. They emphasise the importance of research and research training and the promotion of interdisciplinarity in maintaining and improving the quality of higher education and in enhancing the competitiveness of European higher education more generally. Ministers call for increased mobility at the doctoral and postdoctoral levels and encourage the institutions concerned to increase their cooperation in doctoral studies and the training of young researchers.” 2. Research training and research career development - and the need to increase the number of highly qualified graduates and well trained researchers – are also becoming increasingly important in the debate on strengthening Europe’s research capacity and in the discussions on FP7. 3. In order to raise awareness of the issues and provide a solid basis for the discussions the EUA launched in 2004 a Socrates funded Doctoral Programmes Project to analyse key issues related to structure and organisation, financing, quality and innovative practice in doctoral programmes. 49 Universities from 25 countries are involved in this project that demonstrates the commitment of the universities and their desire to contribute directly to the wider policy debate on this important issue. 4. Aware of the importance of this topic for both governments and universities and bearing in mind that research training forms a core mission of universities across Europe, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European University Association have taken the initiative to organise a ‘Bologna Seminar’ in Salzburg on doctoral programmes in order to reach a set of conclusions, identify key challenges and make recommendations for action to be undertaken (in the period 2005-2007). 5. The enormous interest in and presence at the Seminar of the academic community further demonstrates the ownership felt by universities across the continent for the organisation of doctoral programmes and research training. 6. Furthermore, participants welcomed the initiative of the European Commission to draft a ‘European Charter for Researchers’/Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers’. 7. From the discussions in Salzburg a consensus emerged on a set of ten basic principles as follows: i. The core component of doctoral training is the advancement of knowledge through original research. At the same time it is recognised that doctoral training must increasingly meet the needs of an employment market that is wider than academia. ii. Embedding in institutional strategies and policies: universities as institutions need to assume responsibility for ensuring that the doctoral programmes and research training they offer are designed to meet new challenges and include appropriate professional career development opportunities. 41 iii. The importance of diversity: the rich diversity of doctoral programmes in Europe including joint doctorates - is a strength which has to be underpinned by quality and sound practice. iv. Doctoral candidates as early stage researchers: should be recognized as professionals – with commensurate rights - who make a key contribution to the creation of new knowledge. v. The crucial role of supervision and assessment: in respect of individual doctoral candidates, arrangements for supervision and assessment should be based on a transparent contractual framework of shared responsibilities between doctoral candidates, supervisors and the institution (and where appropriate including other partners). vi. Achieving critical mass: Doctoral programmes should seek to achieve critical mass and should draw on different types of innovative practice being introduced in universities across Europe, bearing in mind that different solutions may be appropriate to different contexts and in particular across larger and smaller European countries. These range from graduate schools in major universities to international, national and regional collaboration between universities. vii. Duration: doctoral programmes should operate within an appropriate time duration (three to four years full-time as a rule). viii. The promotion of innovative structures: to meet the challenge of interdisciplinary training and the development of transferable skills ix. Increasing mobility: Doctoral programmes should seek to offer geographical as well as interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility and international collaboration within an integrated framework of cooperation between universities and other partners. x. Ensuring appropriate funding: the development of quality doctoral programmes and the successful completion by doctoral candidates requires appropriate and sustainable funding. Recommendations Participants recommend to the BFUG: • That the ten principles outlined above provide the basis for the further work of the BFUG and thus feed into the drafting of the Bergen Communiqué • That the Ministers in Bergen then call on EUA through its members to prepare a report under the responsibility of the BFUG on the further development of these principles to be presented to Ministers in 2007. February 2005 42 Theme 2 Bologna Seminar on Doctoral Programmes (Nice, 7-9 December 2006) – Final conclusions - Preparing recommendations for the London Communiqué “Matching ambition with responsibilities and resources” I Introduction 1. Starting Point-The Bergen Communiqué: Ministers meeting in Bergen in May 2005 recognised that in order to improve the synergies between the higher education sector and other research sectors and between the EHEA and the European Research Area “doctoral level qualifications need to be fully aligned with the EHEA overarching framework for qualifications using the outcomes-based approach. The core component of doctoral training is the advancement of knowledge through original research. Considering the need for structured doctoral programmes and the need for transparent supervision and assessment, we note that the normal workload of the third cycle in most countries would correspond to 3-4 years full time. We urge universities to ensure that their doctoral programmes promote interdisciplinary training and the development of transferable skills, thus meeting the needs of the wider employment market. We need to achieve an overall increase in the numbers of doctoral candidates taking up research careers within the EHEA. We consider participants in third cycle programmes both as students and as early stage researchers. 2. Mandate: The European University Association, together with other interested partners, is asked to prepare a report under the responsibility of the Follow-up Group on the further development of the basic principles for doctoral programmes, to be presented to Ministers in 2007. 3. • • • • Methodology: Steering Committee: EUA, Austria, France, ESIB, EURODOC Terms of Reference endorsed by the BFUG Design of a specific “inner circle” of events, & also taking account of an “outer circle” of other events & analyses Consolidation of the work at the Nice Bologna Seminar followed by the preparation of a draft report for the BFUG in early 2007 II Taking action to follow up the basic principles adopted in Salzburg The Bergen Communiqué took account of the 10 basic principles adopted in Salzburg. The further development of these ten basic principles requires action and commitment from all the partners in the (Bologna) Process: governments, institutions, and their staff in partnership with doctoral candidates and other early stage researchers. II.1. Setting the scene In formulating the conclusions and recommendations that follow participants underlined the importance of the uniqueness of the doctoral cycle that provides training by and for research and is focused on the advancement of knowledge through original research. Participants furthermore reiterated the crucial role of the doctoral cycle in contributing to meeting Europe’s research goals and in linking the European Higher Education and Research Areas. 1.1.While doctoral programmes are unique they should not be considered in isolation but in relation to the implementation of the three Bologna cycles as a whole: a research component, and the development of transferable skills, need to be adequately included and developed throughout the cycles. 1.2.A range of innovative doctorate programmes are emerging to respond to the changing demands of a fast-evolving labour market. Employability of doctoral researchers both 43 within and outside academic institutions, as well as individual and societal needs for lifelong education and training, have acted as a catalyst to the development of new programmes, including professional doctorates, more industrial collaboration and increased European and international cooperation. 1.3.Doctoral programmes are a key component of European higher education in a global context; questions of internationalisation and mobility, and the establishment of joint degrees at doctoral level, are central to institutional strategic development. 1.4.Greater attention is needed to the social dimension of the third cycle. Equity is a major concern. Equality of access to, and ability to succeed in, the third cycle must be a consideration, whether inequality derives from gender, ethnicity, financial situation or other circumstances. 1.5.Doctoral programmes are also crucial for fostering innovation and creativity in society, and it is vital to invest both in high quality disciplinary research and in inter-disciplinary and intersectoral programmes. 1.6.The need for greater and targeted investment in the third cycle is clear, and should be addressed as a matter of urgency. It should not be forgotten, however, that this also implies investment in the first two cycles. It is important, in particular, to ensure that second cycle (master) degrees are not only driven by market demand given the integral link between the second and the third cycle. II. 2. The role of higher education institutions Higher education institutions fully accept their responsibility to develop and deliver high quality doctoral programmes. This requires autonomous institutions able to develop strategies and policies in line with their own missions and goals and create the necessary framework conditions at institutional level that enable critical mass. 2.1 Providing structure and organisation Accepting responsibility for the provision of high quality doctoral programmes involves introducing the appropriate structures within institutions. Organisational structures chosen must demonstrate added value for the institution, in particular in seeking to: • counteract the isolation of the early stage researcher, from other disciplines, or from the larger peer group, or the larger scientific community. • establish transparency of expectations, quality and assessment standards (supervision etc.), • create synergies regarding transferable skills development (at institutional or at interinstitutional level) Different solutions may be appropriate to different contexts and the choice of structure is a matter for each institution, based upon the specific institutional aims which these structures are supposed to meet. Recent developments and an analysis of practice across Europe points to the emergence of two main models of high quality, internationally oriented and networked doctoral/research/graduate schools as organisational structures: • structures including master & doctoral candidates & providing crosscutting administrative, training and development support, or, 44 Theme 2 • structures including doctoral candidates only, around a research theme or a crossdisciplinary area & possibly including several institutions. 2.2 Developing attractive research career perspectives for early stage researchers It is similarly the role of higher education institutions to take responsibility for: • Promoting attractive research careers and career perspectives for doctoral researchers in collaboration with partners outside academia, thus promoting the development of clear career paths inside and outside academia and between academia and other sectors of employment • Creating attractive conditions for research, in accordance with the provisions of the European Researchers’ Charter & the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers • Concentrating funding to create more effective PhD training Post-doctoral researchers European higher education institutions need to pay attention not only to the career development of doctoral researchers but also to the strategic need to make research careers attractive for post-doctoral researchers and to facilitate their career development. Clear academic career structures and a variety of career perspectives in academia as well as in industry, commerce and the public sector are needed, both for individuals and for Europe to compete on the global stage, taking account of the recommendations made under 4.1. 2.3 Ensuring access and admission In a fast-changing environment, it is essential to maintain flexibility in admissions to doctoral programmes, and full institutional autonomy: diversity of institutional missions and context, and the growing importance of lifelong learning, mean that there are good reasons for different entry requirements in institutions and programmes provided fairness, transparency and objectivity is ensured; The Bologna commitment that the second cycle gives access (= right to be considered for admission) to the third cycle should be maintained, but access to the third cycle should not be restricted to this route. 2.4 Enhancing the internationalisation of doctoral programmes Mobility is an integral part of doctoral education at many universities. Higher education institutions should support enhanced mobility at doctoral level within the framework of interinstitutional collaboration as an element of their broader international strategy. Institutions, but especially public authorities, need to address legal, administrative and social obstacles, for example concerning visas, work permits and social security issues. Both international and transsectoral and interdisciplinary mobility should be recognised as bringing added value for the career development of doctoral researchers and other early stage researchers. Joint doctorate degrees, European doctorates and co-tutelle arrangements should be further developed and considered as an important instrument of international inter-institutional cooperation. 45 II. 3. Improving the quality of doctoral programmes 3.1 Diversifying doctoral programmes A number of diverse routes to the doctorate have been developed in Europe in recent years. These recent developments include doctorates tailored towards specific professions (socalled “professional” doctorates), joint doctorates and the European doctorate, and a variety of university-industry collaboration based doctorates. All awards described as Doctorates should (no matter what their type or form) be based on a core of processes and outcomes. Original research has to remain the main component of all doctorates. There should be no doctorate without original research. Core processes and outcomes should include the completion of an individual thesis (based upon an original contribution to knowledge or original application of knowledge) that passes evaluation by an expert university committee with external representation. Professional Doctorates So-called “professional” doctorates are doctorates that focus on embedding research in a reflective manner into another professional practice. They must meet the same core standards as ‘traditional’ doctorates in order to ensure the same high level of quality. It may be appropriate to consider using different titles to distinguish between this type of professional doctorates and PhDs. In order to ensure a broad discussion on this topic it will be important to ensure the dissemination of information on the rapidly growing number of professional doctorates – particularly in the UK but also in other countries - across the entire European higher education sector. 3.2 Supervision, monitoring & assessment The importance of supervision, monitoring and assessment, as outlined in the Salzburg principles, must continue to be stressed, and universities encouraged and supported in the development and dissemination of good practices in the management of research degrees. Arrangements need to be based upon a transparent contractual framework of shared responsibilities between candidates, supervisors and the institution, and, where appropriate other partners, as indicated in the Salzburg recommendations. Attention should be paid in particular to ensuring: multiple supervision, the continuous professional skills development of academic staff and performance reviews of supervisors. Multiple supervision should be encouraged, also at international level, through tutoring and co-tutoring by academic supervisors in different European countries. Assessment of the thesis should be done by an expert university committee with external representation. The impact of the supervisor on the outcome of the process should be limited. This does not preclude participation of the supervisor in the examining body, especially when this is a large body or when the thesis defence is public. 3.3 Transferable skills development Transferable skills development, which should already be an integral part of first and second cycle study programmes, is also important in the third cycle, and should be developed in the context of overarching institutional support structures at doctoral level. The main goal should be to recognise and raise awareness among doctoral candidates of the skills they acquire through research, thus improving their employment prospects both in academia and on the broader labour market. Ensuring that adequate funding is devoted to transferable skills 46 Theme 2 development is crucial. It is likewise important to ensure that reference to transferable skills development is included in institutional quality assessment procedures. II. 4. Public responsibility 4.1 Status and conditions of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers Universities and public authorities in Europe share a collective responsibility to address the status and conditions of doctoral and post doctoral researchers. Doctoral candidates are early stage researchers who are vital to Europe’s development and, as stated in the Salzburg principles, should have all commensurate rights. Appropriate status and working conditions should also be recognised as essential for post doctoral researchers for whom clear academic structures and a variety of career perspectives are also needed. Post-doctoral researchers should be recognised as professionals with a key role in developing the European knowledge society, as underlined in the European Researchers’ Charter and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. This implies that: • The duration of the post doctoral phase without a clear career perspective should be limited to five years. • They should be eligible to apply for national and international grant schemes to fund their research. • Initiatives like the Independent Researcher grant scheme of the ERC should be encouraged. • If the number of researchers is to rise and be covered by appropriate salaries, governments should invest more in research and social infrastructure for researchers in order to make the European Research Area more attractive. 4.2 Funding1 Ensuring appropriate and sustainable funding of doctoral programmes and doctoral th candidates as well as higher education institutions and their infrastructure is the 10 and final Salzburg principle, and quite simply needs to be implemented, given the crucial role of doctoral education and training as the key formative stage of a research career in both academia and non-academic sectors of employment and that because the attractiveness of a future career in research is determined largely at the doctoral stage. Hence the importance of ensuring status and financial support of the doctoral candidate, and of offering adequate incentives. On the basis of the provisional analysis of the questionnaires received from BFUG members it is recommended that: • Funding for doctoral candidates should be stable, covering the full period of the doctoral programme, and provide sufficient means to live and work in decent conditions. • Funding should be sufficiently attractive to encourage suitably-qualified candidates from lower income groups, as well as sufficiently flexible to support the needs of part time students over a longer period of study. 1 This section is based upon the provisional analysis of the questionnaires received from BFUG members. The final results will be incorporated into EUA’s report to the BFUG and will feed into the specific recommendations for action that will be made. 47 • There is an urgent need for greater consultation and coordination at the national level between government ministries, research councils and other funding agencies (including European Institutions) on doctoral programme financing and career development. Nice, 9 December 2006 Final recommendations, 6 January 2007, taking account of the feedback received from participants. 48 Theme 2 EUA 2006 Autumn Conference – Universities as catalysts in promoting regional innovation (Brno, Czech Republic, 19-21 October 2006) General Report The role of universities in regional innovation is a new topic focus for EUA. In tackling this field, EUA seeks to build upon a key statement on “Excellence in Research and Innovation” within the Glasgow Declaration, 3rd EUA Convention of European Higher Education Institutions (April 2005): “Universities must exercise their own responsibilities for enhancing research and innovation through the optimal use of resources and the development of institutional research strategies. Their diverse profiles ensure that they are increasingly engaged in the research and innovation process, working with different partners at the regional, national, European and global level”. After debating strategies and funding of research in European Universities (EUA Autumn 2005 Conference, Uppsala), and on how to improve institutional governance and funding to secure their own future (EUA Spring 2006 Conference, Hamburg), the convening of the Brno Conference on Universities and Regional Innovation was seen as the next important strategic event before the 4th Convention in Lisbon (2007) where EUA members would consider how universities’ missions were developing in the international context, linking regional, national and global activities. The general objective of the Brno Conference was to provide a “showcase” of university good practices in working at the regional level. In addition, EUA viewed the Brno Conference as an important initiative in bringing the voice and experience of the universities into the debate on the future development of regional policy, particularly given the new emphasis being placed on science and technology investment. The conference was hosted by the six universities based in Brno because this was an excellent example of a European region where strategic cooperation between universities, regional authorities and business enterprises in research and innovation was being developed productively. Taking account of the above context, the objectives of the Brno Conference were: • Enable exchange of good practice drawn from different regional examples including exchange of experience between different public and private partners; • Identify instruments and actions universities themselves can adopt and implement to enhance their contribution to regional development; • Develop strategies for ensuring both local/regional focus and global outreach as components of institutional mission; • Clarify the role of European policies and actions in promoting universities as key partners in regional development. Identify synergies between the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) activities and actions co-financed by the European Structural Funds and the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP). The conference was attended by 286 delegates. Presentations were given by 39 professionals deeply involved in regional innovation activities from 20 different countries. Amongst them, 22 were from the academic world, 7 were practitioners from regional authorities and industry, 7 were knowledge transfer body professionals and 3 represented the European Commission Directorate-Generals: DG Research, DG Regional Policy and DG Enterprise and Industry. A total of 19 case studies were presented for analysis showing good practices in partnership across university-industry-government. The Conference addressed the roles of universities as key drivers of innovation in their regions, and considered the main factors in developing innovation in knowledge-based regions and the further potential support offered by European Union policies. As a particular 49 feature of the Brno Conference, a new EUA study, “The Rise of Knowledge Regions”, conducted by Reichert Consulting, was presented in a Round Table Session with representatives from academia, ESIB, industry and DG Research. This report is now being edited for publication shortly. In the Opening Ceremony, EU Commissioner for Research Janez Potocnick emphasized the benefits of partnership between university and businesses and the key role of universities in producing knowledge and a skilled workforce. He encouraged universities to take a coherent institutional approach in their research activities and maximize opportunities for linking up FP7 project and network funding with the new policy framework for the European Structural Funds, which contribute to the Lisbon objectives. Discussions in Plenary and Work Group sessions showed clearly the increasing importance of the local and regional dimension of university activities. Sessions illustrated well that the regional dimension encompasses all aspects of the university mission in education and training, research and innovation, and in civil society. The inherent connection between the national, European and global framework of the work of universities was also demonstrated. Work Groups identified the following key factors in their themes: Specific instruments and actions for regional innovation: • Clarity of institutional mission based on regional audit of strengths and weaknesses • Create adequate internal structures and management systems, particularly developing career opportunities • Work with other actors at regional level • Promote the ‘science and society’ dimension • Promote the international dimension • Seek to complement neighbouring Higher Education Institutions Regional clustering of networks of universities: • Building mutual trust and confidence is a crucial precondition for partnership. • Clusters should be built based on concrete objectives and clear responsibilities of every partner. • University regional clusters and networks are an important “bottom-up” instrument for fostering regional innovation. • The creation of a critical mass, of manageable size, with a single voice in the region allows achieving objectives which would be impossible to reach individually. Regional policy initiatives involving universities as stakeholders: • Interconnection with all the actors (government, university-research centres, industry and enterprises). 50 Theme 2 • Political support to undertake major actions for innovation in a region (attracting world class work force, attracting investment, etc.). • Projects need to address also societal needs. • Use of EU Structural Funds where applicable. Professional skill development for knowledge-based regions: • Bologna reforms used to further promote first cycle degrees relevant to the labour market. • For entrepreneurship to be fostered effective, it should be an integral part of the university institutional strategies. • Careers guidance services for students should be more developed and contribute to raise awareness of opportunities for business start-up, encourage entrepreneurial behaviour of graduates. In summary, the Conference highlighted both current good practices and new opportunities for universities to maximize synergies between regional, national and European policy initiatives. It identified also the new EU policy linkage between the 7th FP, the European Structural Funds and actions relating to Innovation and Enterprise. The challenge was now with universities to take up these opportunities in strengthening their regional capacity in research and innovation. EUA will be working with its university membership to achieve these goals. 51 52 Theme 2 EUA Statement on FP7 Rules of Participation proposals for support rates and cost models The European University Association (EUA) approaches this issue from the starting position of its Glasgow Declaration resulting from the Third Convention of Higher Education Institutions (April 2005) which identified the conditions for sustaining Europe’s Universities as “Strong Universities for a Strong Europe”. On funding needs for strong institutions, it states that: “Universities are working to diversify their funding streams. They are committed to exploring combined public/private funding models and to launching a structural and evidence-based discussion within EUA and its stakeholders. They will develop full economic cost models and call on Governments to allocate funds accordingly”. Universities recognise, therefore, their responsibility to address fully the definition and content of “full economic research costs” in relation to the differing circumstances at the national and regional level governing the financial support for university infrastructure and running costs, and to develop their accounting systems accordingly. For its part, the European Commission should also recognize that it has a key role to play in building-up university research infrastructure (both through direct and indirect research costs funding) to enable them to participate fully in achieving the European Research Area. EUA has welcomed, therefore, the European Commission’s commitment to the principle of the reimbursement of both direct and indirect eligible research costs in its proposal for the FP7 Rules of Participation. EU Research Framework Programmes remain a central and important source of external research funding for universities that has had a major positive impact in fostering collaborative research across universities, research institutions, business enterprises, non-government organizations, user groups and other societal stakeholders. EUA has welcomed the opportunity, therefore, to be involved in the “Sounding Board” established by the European Commission Research Directorate which has been concerned to bring forward proposals for the “Simplification” of application, evaluation and contract procedures and the rules of participation. EUA has supported the many improvements that have been proposed to these procedures that seek to reduce administrative burdens on universities and SMEs. On the issue of project costs re-imbursement, however, EUA has indicated through the submissions of its views to the “Sounding Board” that the proposed elimination of the cost reporting models used under FP6 would cause concern for many universities who had adjusted their accounting practices to those models and were used to them. In particular, those many universities that presently opt for the “additional costs model” hold serious reservations that the level of research cost re-imbursement to be offered under the proposals for FP7 Rules of Participation will not match that achieved under FP6. EUA believes that there is a strong case for a “transition phase” in which universities have sufficient time to develop further their accounting systems to be able to operate fully within the proposed FP7 eligible research costs model. The most critical issue will be the level of the flat rate for indirect research costs re-imbursement in the case of those universities that are not yet able to identify fully such costs. Without such a transition period, there is a real danger that university participation will decline in FP7. The “transition phase” should take the following preferred form: - the fixing of the flat rate payment (on research and development activities for public bodies and higher education institutions) for indirect research costs at 60% of total direct costs. 53 Such a transition phase should be offered as an incentive to universities to develop their accounting systems to be able to operate on full eligible cost principles by the end of FP7. EUA is willing to present working models based on FP project experience from several EU countries to demonstrate that the above proposal would ensure an equitable and fair transition phase for universities while at the same time providing them with incentives to identify their full costs. EUA welcomes further dialogue on this issue and, in doing so, is concerned particularly to foster the enhanced participation in FP7 of EU New Member States universities who have not had extensive experience of FP cost re-imbursement models and whose local conditions in terms of employment regulations and indirect research costs support differ from Western European EU States. EUA, 30 March 2006 54 Theme 2 EUA statement on the public consultation on the idea of establishing a European Institute of Technology (EIT) The present statement reflects views expressed through an open consultation with the EUA membership (34 National Rectors’ Conferences, and over 700 individual universities in 46 countries) and discussions at the EUA Council meeting held at the University of Uppsala, Sweden on 20th October 2005. It takes account also of statements issued by individual National Rectors’ Conferences and hence provides a composite viewpoint on behalf of the EUA membership. For this reason, it has been issued as a statement rather than through the completion of the EIT public consultation questionnaire. The European University Association (EUA) welcomes the public consultation on the European Commission’s new proposal for an EIT and the EUA wishes to place its views in the context of the overall debate on future European RTD policy and expenditure, in particular the Seventh Research Framework Programme, FP7, (2007- 2013), on which EUA has been actively involved as a “stakeholder” on behalf of the university sector. The EUA has publicly stated its strong support for the European Commission’s proposed FP7 and budget, and this viewpoint was further endorsed at the recent Uppsala Conference on “Research in Europe’s Universities: Strategies and Funding” in a dialogue with prominent contributors from the European Commission, European Parliament, national research funding agencies and private foundations. The EUA wishes to state clearly its view, therefore, that any future development of the case for the establishment of an EIT must be built upon the following two core conditions: 1. The establishment of a European Research Council, with an annual budget of about €1.5 billion as proposed in the European Commission’s FP7 plans, must be the first priority, particularly given the substantial investment of time, energy and expertise being put into its development from many quarters, and the broad consensus achieved on its goals and objectives in creating the ERA as a globally competitive research and innovation environment. 2. The potential future creation of an EIT must be built, therefore, with “fresh money”, preferably with matching contributions from public and private funding sources. On the assumption that the above two conditions were met, the introduction of an EIT into the European RTD landscape could have a positive growth effect rather than that of negative substitution. Furthermore, maximum added-value could be achieved through establishing an EIT as a competitive “programme-driven” initiative operating through collaborating institutions to whom an EIT “excellence/quality label” would be awarded on the basis of clearly defined and independently developed criteria. An EIT initiative should allow, therefore, for the involvement of a large number of universities on a competitive basis. Excellence can be best reached through such competition, followed by outcome-based evaluations of these EIT programme investments. The adoption of the US model of establishing an EIT as a single institution would not be appropriate in the European context where many world class RTD institutions already exist across EU member states. Such EIT “programme-driven” collaborations should integrate teaching, research and knowledge transfer functions. The term “knowledge transfer” rather than “technology transfer” (the latter term is used in the EIT public consultation questionnaire) is emphasised here because an innovative EIT should encompass the diversity of research expertise that is needed to strengthen European competitiveness across the full range of business/economic activities in a knowledge society. The specific mission of EIT collaborating institutions (universities, research institutions and businesses) should be to offer new dynamic 55 environments for young researchers at doctoral and postdoctoral level to work within major project teams to both open new career opportunities and provide needed expert skills in competitive labour markets. There are still many important details relating to the EIT that will need to be clearly articulated before progressing further. In its future elaboration of the case for a European Institute of Technology, the European Commission will need to explain the relationship and added-value of an EIT not only with the new European Research Council, but also with other relevant instruments of FP7, most particularly European Technology Platforms/Initiatives, and to demonstrate how the new “simplification” procedures within the FP7 rules of participation would be applied. It would also be both important and valuable to define clearly how the EIT initiative would relate to the future activities of the Joint Research Centres (JRCs) and the scope for synergy between them. In addition, the issue of the potential linkage between an EIT initiative and the new Innovation and Competitiveness Programme remains to be addressed. Finally, the EUA would wish to reiterate a common observation that the idea of launching a European Institute of Technology is not proving to be a European issue on which any true consensus can be found in the present climate of considerable uncertainty over European Union level commitments to RTD investment. The European Commission needs to be aware of the risk of raising high expectations through introducing new ideas which may be promising and attractive to EU Member States and then have such ideas flounder through inadequate funding. In particular, New Member States, with their reservoirs of young talented researchers, see the potential of an EIT initiative to act as a catalyst to strengthen their RTD capacity. Brussels, 15 November 2005 56 Theme 2 EUA policy position on the European Commission’s “Communication to the European Council on the European Institute of Technology (EIT)” The European University Association: Underlines the importance of the rationale presented for the establishment of the EIT, namely the need to help create a better environment in Europe for maximizing the benefits from public and private investment in research and development. Supports the overall objective set of creating a new space for creativity in research and training in Europe that is uninhibited by restrictive national regulations and administrative barriers and hence able to achieve greater potential in terms of fostering public private partnerships, entrepreneurship and innovation. Believes that the proposed legal construction for the “knowledge communities”, as presently defined, is the wrong mechanism for reaching the goals behind the creation of the EIT: knowledge communities of university departments, faculties and laboratories rather than universities as institutions – together with companies and research institutions, and established as separate legal entities will not achieve the synergetic effects intended but rather contribute to the institutional and intellectual fragmentation of Europe’s universities at a time when strong, autonomous and accountable institutions are crucial if universities are to play their role as the “locus where education, research and innovation meet”. Considers that universities’ legitimate interests as Europe’s core institutions in the “Knowledge Triangle” must be brought into the centre of the further development of the concept, and that it is the responsibility of universities to engage firmly in the further debate on the EIT that in a relatively short period has become a major EU policy priority. EUA undertakes: • • to reiterate the preconditions already set out in its earlier submission to the EIT public consultation: • establishment of the European Research Council with an annual budget of €1.5 billion • securing fresh money outside of Category 1A, preferably with matching contributions from public and private funding sources to investigate solutions that: • • • • • strengthen existing institutions and avoid fragmentation of Europe’s universities including in relation to the granting of degree awarding powers demonstrate added value in relation to proposed FP7 instruments and hence clarify where the “substantial core public funding” is coming from in relation to “other competitive Community funding sources” ensure that relevant national experiences of business enterprise collaboration are taken into account explore alternative, innovative and European approaches to achieving the overall objectives identified in the EIT proposal if the legal and financial problems involved with the current EU Communication cannot be resolved to engage actively in the further EU discussions of the EIT Communication on behalf of its university membership. 57 Recommends in parallel that the EC Communication on the Universities - under discussion since the Hampton Court summit and addressing the key issues important for maximising the potential of universities and reinforcing their position - is presented to the European Council in the near future and urges maximum synergy between this process and further work on the EIT, as a further means of reinforcing the position of Europe’s universities rather than increasing the risk of fragmentation. Adopted by the EUA Council (Hamburg, 30 March 2006) 58 Theme 3 An International Agenda for EUA I. Introduction EUA´s role in promoting the external dimension of the Bologna Process, and whether and to what extent the association should enhance its international activities, have been addressed briefly in the Action Plan 2006/7 and set out in more detail in a paper prepared by Pierre de Maret and discussed by the Board in January 2006. The importance of the international dimension of EUA’s work is also addressed in the vision and strategy document adopted by the General Assembly in Hamburg (March 2006). The present paper draws on these documents and discussions in proposing a strategy and concrete activities for the period 2007 to 2009 in the context of the development of the European Higher Education Area. The document does not seek to develop a strategy and/or actions in relation to international research cooperation. II. Rationale EUA needs an internationalisation strategy: • • • • • In view of the internationalisation process affecting universities all around the globe, and thus also European universities; to be able to contribute to the success and recognition of European higher education worldwide; to enhance its own international competence in order to maintain its ability to continue providing expertise and support to members; to follow up on the objectives set out in the vision and strategy document and on commitments made in the Action Plan 2006/7 to present European HE developments and achievements to international partners; to ensure that the perspective of universities is sufficiently taken into account in the development of the ‘External Dimension’ of the Bologna Process that will be discussed by Ministers in London in 2007. EUA will seek to engage in a dialogue on higher education policy development with partner organizations in countries whose universities are not members of the association. Following the pattern of its intra European activities, EUA’s international engagement aims at establishing an interactive relation between higher education policy initiatives and concrete cooperation activities which should contribute to better understanding and more productive, long-term exchange and cooperation for the benefit of all parties and stakeholders involved. III. Principles and priority activities As part of its responsibilities towards members and in line with its own mission and ethical values1 EUA will: 1. Promote dialogue, exchange and cooperation with partners based on the principle of equal partnership, and considered as an opportunity for mutual learning for the benefit of all. 2. Offer partner organizations, i.e. university associations and university networks, in other parts of the world the opportunity to engage in a dialogue on the changing role of the university in society. Where relevant, EUA will join forces with European and international 1 Cf Glasgow Declaration:“Inter-institutional cooperation has been the hallmark of Europe’s universities and is increasingly important in a globalised and competitive environment. Universities acknowledge that European integration must be accompanied by strengthened international cooperation based on a community of interests. 59 organizations to facilitate debate on the international dimension of higher education between major stakeholder and donor institutions. 3. Will gradually internationalize some of its ongoing activities, e.g. EUA conferences, seminars and workshops, and the Institutional Evaluation Programme, and beside targeted invitations and increased international promotion of EUA events will make a particular effort to secure funding for participants from less well developed countries. 4. Will also pursue, on a case by case basis, clearly defined joint initiatives and projects with selected international partners. Activities will focus on higher education policy issues and institutional development, where EUA has acquired a European, and also an international reputation. Joint projects will tackle issues such as quality improvement, degree structures and governance and autonomy that are of interest for universities both inside and outside Europe. Where appropriate, EUA may also contribute to the capacity building of partner organizations, drawing on existing efforts to support the development of rectors’ associations in some European countries. 5. Will build upon the success of the Transatlantic Dialogue and other initiatives with NorthAmerican partners suggests as a model to be explored with partners elsewhere in the world, notably in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Mediterranean Region, while being aware that different countries and regions may require different approaches. Regional Dialogue Groups will be created to prepare the ground for more significant activities. These may be organised during EUA conferences or at interregional events which would offer existing partners the opportunity to meet and further develop their cooperation, thus triggering new and better targeted initiatives. 6. Seek to make the most of existing collective knowledge and experience of its collective national Rectors’ Conference members in this process as a means of generating the indispensable basis for a policy dialogue with partners, and of developing strong arguments for more political and financial support in the debate with governments and the EU Commission. Joint discussions and information exchange on this topic could also contribute to strengthening, collectively, the international outreach and activities of national Rectors Conferences. IV. Specific Actions for the period 2006-2009 The following activities are suggested for the period 2007-2009: 1. Further development of existing exchange and cooperation with North American partners, in particular the continuation of the Transatlantic Dialogue on the basis of a careful assessment of the outcomes of recent meetings and their interest for both parties. 2. Facilitation of “Regional Dialogue Meetings” with partners in other regions (Africa, Asia, Latin America) as a service to our own members and to enhance international participation in EUA annual conferences. A proposal along these lines has recently been submitted for funding to the Erasmus Mundus programme. Should the project be accepted, the 2007 Lisbon Convention would serve as an opportunity for announcing this initiative, and for first planning and networking meetings. If the funding application is not successful EUA will nevertheless continue with the external promotion of Bologna Process and seek to ensure an increased participation of extra-European partners in EUA Conferences.. 3. EUA has committed itself to following up the recently adopted EUA/CUIB Asturias Declaration in a prompt and concerted manner with its partners. A Dialogue Group or Cooperation Platform for Latin-America should be established this year and an activity agenda defined taking account of the rationale and principles set out in the Declaration. 60 Theme 3 4. EUA’s Institutional Evaluation Programme has in the past already successfully assessed institutions in other continents. These activities were not only beneficial to the institutions involved but also enhanced the international expertise of the team members and strengthened the Programme’s, and EUA’s international recognition. These activities should be continued and cautiously expanded. The Steering Committee already has one international member and the programme already uses, upon request, international experts on the expert panels. 5. Internationalization activities necessarily have an information component and generate specific information needs. The EUA Newsletter will step up its reporting on international developments and issues of importance for specific regions. EUA’s key international partners will be included in the association’s data base and mailing lists, and the EUA website, currently under revision, will include an enlarged area for international activities and events. V. Resourcing increased internationalisation EUA’s international engagement seeks to enhance its intra-European activities, and should in no way compromise their quality or volume. Nor is the intention to create a separate ‘international department’ within EUA, but rather to ensure that in future the international dimension is taken into account in the association’s different areas of activity, both at policy level and in developing services to members. However, any major increase in international engagement will require additional human and financial resources. The European Commission invests considerably in higher education cooperation with different parts of the world and is thus an important donor. The present compartmentalization of EC funding in different DGs, geographical eligibility regions, programmes and programme actions is a major obstacle to launching cooperation initiatives with external partners. The EUA will therefore approach the respective Commissioners in this regard. Ideally, a fund for international higher education could be envisaged with a steering committee consisting of Government agencies and stakeholder organizations. An additional source for funding could be private foundations. It will be a priority for EUA to enter into a dialogue with major players in this area. Adopted by Council on 30 June 2006 61 62 Theme 3 Background document: towards an external strategy for the Bologna Process – a summary 1. The Sorbonne Joint Declaration on Harmonisation of the Architecture of the European Higher Education System (1998), signed by the Ministers of France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom, suggests a common frame of reference, aimed at improving external recognition and facilitating student mobility as well as employability, and suggests that “most countries, not only within Europe, have become fully conscious of the need to foster such evolution”. … International recognition of the first cycle degree as an appropriate level of qualification is important for the success of this endeavour, in which we wish to make our higher education schemes clear to all. … The international recognition and attractive potential of our systems are directly related to their external and internal readabilities. … A system, in which two main cycles, undergraduate and graduate, should be recognized for international comparison and equivalence, seems to emerge.” 2. In the Bologna Declaration on the European space for higher education (1999), Ministers from 23 European countries confirmed that “We must in particular look at the objective of increasing the international competitiveness of the European system of higher education. The vitality and efficiency of any civilisation can be measured by the appeal that its culture has for other countries. We need to ensure that the European higher education system acquires a world-wide degree of attraction equal to our extraordinary cultural and scientific traditions. 3. The Bologna Action lines (easily readable and comparable degrees, two cycles, system of credits, mobility, promotion of European cooperation in QA, promotion of European Dimensions in higher education) are mentioned as being of primary relevance in order to establish the European area of higher education and to promote the European system of higher education world-wide. 4. Both Declarations clearly demonstrate that the Bologna Process since its very beginning, besides promoting reform of national higher education systems, and convergence at European level, was also considered as being important in an international context and meant to have an ‘external dimension’. 5. The Bergen Communiqué (2005) confirmed and further elaborated this approach by including a section entitled “The attractiveness of the EHEA and cooperation with other parts of the world”: “The EHEA must be open and should be attractive to other parts of the world. Our contribution to achieving education for all should be based on the principle of sustainable development and be in accordance with the ongoing international work on developing guidelines for quality provision of cross-border higher education. We reiterate that in international academic cooperation, academic values should prevail. We see the EHEA as a partner of higher education systems in other regions of the world, stimulating balanced student and staff exchange and cooperation between higher education institutions. We underline the importance of intercultural understanding and respect. We look forward to enhancing the understanding of the Bologna Process in other continents by sharing our experiences of reform processes with neighbouring regions. We stress the need for dialogue on issues of mutual interest. We see the need to identify partner regions and intensify the exchange of ideas and experiences with those regions. We ask the Follow-up Group to elaborate and agree on a strategy for the external dimension. 6. In 2006 the Bologna Follow-up Group established a Working Group that has been asked to elaborate a Strategy for the External Dimension of the Bologna Process. EUA is a member of this working group. A background report has been prepared by Professor Pavel Zgaga ( and the conclusions of the group will feed into the preparation of the London Ministerial Meeting in May 2007. 63 7. The working group has found, and this is analysed in Professor Zgaga’s report, that in the past five years Bologna has already gained a significant degree of international attention and response. This is understood as an indicator that the relevance of European reforms is not limited to Europe and the Europeans. In addition, Bologna and the emerging EHEA are seen to contribute to facilitating cooperation between European institutions and partners worldwide, to attracting international students and scholars and to stimulating a worldwide interest in the European reform model. In some places this has resulted in debates on the adoption of Bologna or Bologna-like reforms as part of domestic higher education reform processes or in considering further regional convergence processes in other parts of the world. The Bologna Process has also stimulated considerable discussion between European and international partners about the mutual recognition of qualifications. 8. For all these reasons the time is right for Europe to take advantage of this momentum and to respond to this global interest by formulating a strategy which takes both competitiveness and cooperation into account. Moreover, it is clear that the internal and external dimensions of Bologna are closely interlinked, in other words building an external or international strategy can only succeed if the internal reform process in Europe continues to move forward. It is the implementation of the various structural reforms that are part of the Bologna Process, and the creation of a European Higher Education Area with certain common features shared by national systems of higher education across the continent, that is the key to enhancing Europe’s attractiveness as a partner worldwide. 9. The Bologna working group has based its work on a set of guiding principles and core values that already underpin the statements made in the Bergen Communiqué. These emphasise the importance of Europe’s heritage, academic values and achievements as its higher education systems seek to adapt to the challenges of the 21st century, also in a global context. The working group concludes that to build a coherent international strategy for the European Higher Education Area action is needed at European, national and institutional level in relation to following five core policy areas: i) Improving information on the EHEA to ensure that all relevant stakeholders outside Europe know enough about the key elements of the Process. This should also include ways of monitoring the international perception and assessment of higher education reform in Europe; ii) Promoting European Higher Education to enhance its world-wide attractiveness and competitiveness, with a particular emphasis on reducing barriers to study and research in Europe and improving the legal and social framework conditions for international scholars and students wishing to come to Europe; iii) Strengthening cooperation based on partnership, covering highly developed, emerging and developing countries alike, and bearing in mind that cooperation with institutions of higher education in developing countries has been and must remain an especially important task for the EHEA in order to build capacity in higher education; iv) Intensifying policy dialogue on key elements of reform at all levels in order to exchange new ideas and share good practice; v) Furthering the recognition of qualifications; action should be taken to promote the recognition of European qualifications in other parts of the world and vice versa, notably by promoting understanding of European developments, and the use and compatibility of key European tools in other parts of the world, and by strengthening cooperation between the ENIC and NARIC Networks and similar networks in other regions. Brussels, February 2007 64 Theme 3 Understanding Bologna in context The external dimension A 4.1-1 Relating Bologna to other world regions: the external dimension The External face of the Bologna Process: The European Higher Education Area in a global context Peter Scott Abstract This article argues that the global relevance of the Bologna process continues to grow as the process develops. The article is divided into three main sections: an overview of global challenges which the external projection of European higher education is designed to address; the responses of higher education at European, national and institutional levels; and the Europe-based programmes, i.e. national, inter-governmental and EU, which comprise Europe’s particular response – whether formally included in the Bologna process or not. Content Page 1. Introduction 2 2. Global challenges 4 3. Responses to globalisation 7 4. The European response 10 5. Conclusion 16 BH 1 00 06 07 1 65 A 4.1-1 Understanding Bologna in context Relating Bologna to other world regions: the external dimension 1. The external dimension Introduction Bologna: a three-layered process The Bologna process has been from the start an inside-outside process – or, more accurately, a three-layered process. The three layers correspond to the major drivers of the process. The first layer is national, because a substantial motive for Governments engaging in the Bologna process has been to promote national reform agendas. These agendas have varied. In some of the original members of the European Union in western and southern Europe the major goal has been to make their higher education systems more flexible and responsive. The autonomy (but, at the same time, the accountability) of universities have been increased in order to allow them to operate in more entrepreneurial and cost-effective ways. The national layer The Bologna process has offered a convenient means of legitimation by appearing to place these national reforms in a wider context. In the case of more recent EU members from central and eastern Europe the goal has been not only to reform their higher education systems, which had become exceptionally rigid during the Communist era, but also to re-connect them to the European mainstream. Again the Bologna process offered a convenient vehicle for promoting both goals. The European layer The second layer is European. Although Bologna has remained an inter-governmental process, the European Commission and other European institutions (such as the European University Association) have become increasingly important players. One reason for this is practical. The Commission has become a key enabler and implementer of the Bologna process because it has been able to fund elements of the various Bologna action lines, which overlap and build on preexisting Commission-sponsored programmes such as Erasmus, Socrates and Tempus. But the main reason is that the Bologna process has always been part of the wider European project – in several ways. Bologna facilitates a European labour market 1. By making different European higher education systems (and, in particular, course structures and qualifications) more compatible, the working of the free labour market within the EU has been facilitated. This is particularly so in the case of the market for highly skilled professional workers, even if overall labour mobility within the EU has remained limited. This free labour market was one of the founding principles of the original European Economic Community; Bologna strengthens the links to science and technology 2. In a post-industrial ‘knowledge society’, the universities, like all knowledge-intensive organisations, now play a key role in the generation of wealth. As a result, the links between higher education reform, science, technology and innovation policies and economic performance have become more crucial to the success of the European project. This helps to explain why at the 2003 Berlin intergovernmental meeting, third-cycle (or doctoral) studies were added 2 BH 1 00 06 07 66 Theme 3 Understanding Bologna in context The external dimension A 4.1-1 Relating Bologna to other world regions: the external dimension to the Bologna action lines and the synergies between the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the European Research Area (ERA) were emphasised; 3. The Bologna process has an important contribution to make to the better functioning of a European polity (and the development of more cohesive European public opinion, in which university graduates are especially significant as key opinion-formers), and of a flourishing civil society rooted in the historical and cultural values of Europe. Bologna promotes European civil society The third layer is global (Muche 2005). Two organisational characteristics of the Bologna process emphasise its global significance. First, as has already been said, it is an inter-governmental process. Although suspicions about the effectiveness of the Commission in the late 1990s played some role in its initial exclusion, the direct engagement of States also implied that the Bologna process was not conceived of solely within the context of the development of the European Union – or of other European institutions. Secondly, the signatory States are, and never have, been coterminous with the member states of the European Union. Its precursor, the Sorbonne Declaration, was signed by only four – France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. At each successive Bologna ministerial meeting the number of signatories has increased – but even at Bologna several non-EU members were already signatories. Recently several Latin American governments have expressed the wish to engage with the Bologna process. The European Higher Education Area, which was established following the Bologna Declaration, already shows signs of transcending even the most expansive definitions of the geographical boundaries of Europe. The global layer However, there are two more substantive senses in which Bologna is designed to have a global rather than simply European or national impact. 1. The first is that it has led to the creation of a European Higher Education Area which was conceived of from the start not simply as an ‘internal zone’ within which various forms of cooperation and harmonisation could take place, but also as an ‘external bloc’ which would enhance the attractiveness of European universities and compete with other emerging blocs and the higher education super-power, the United States. A number of Bologna action lines were chosen for that reason. For example, a two-cycle course structure (bachelors and masters stages) was chosen as the European standard, not because it was the most common (in practice, before Bologna the two-cycle pattern was confined to the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands and some but not all Scandinavian countries), but because it was the nearest approximation to an international standard – heavily influenced by the United States. BH 1 00 06 07 Bologna action lines chosen to enhance external attractiveness 3 67 A 4.1-1 Understanding Bologna in context Relating Bologna to other world regions: the external dimension The external dimension This has led to some confusion because the UK two-cycle structure, the most prominent indigenous European example, is actually very different from the US structure. Or, to take another example, the development of a stronger ‘quality culture’ is also partly designed to improve the marketability of European higher education outside Europe. The creation of the Erasmus Mundus programme is directly linked to establishing a stronger global presence; Increasing links between Bologna process and Lisbon agenda 2. The second is the developing links between the Bologna process and the Lisbon Declaration agreed by Heads of Government which states that Europe will aim to become the most advanced knowledge-based economic region in the world by 2010. Apart from increased investment in research and development, a number of Europe-wide initiatives have been taken to help achieve this goal. However, this increase is not easily achieved because, although public investment in Research and Development in Europe matches or even exceeds that in the United States, there continues to be a substantial deficit in terms of private investment. These initiatives include the creation of a parallel European Research Area, the establishment of a European Research Council and proposals to establish a European Institute of Technology. Although none of these initiatives is formally part of the Bologna process, they comprise a suite of national, inter-governmental and European Union programmes that are designed to project European higher education onto the global plane – in terms of international education, scientific exchanges and research. The focus of this article is on this third layer of the Bologna process – the global. It is divided into three sections: (i) a global challenge which the external projection of European higher education is designed to address; (ii) the responses of higher education (at various levels – regional blocs such as the EHEA, national systems and individual institutions); and (iii) the Europe-based programmes, i.e. national, inter-governmental and EU, which comprise Europe’s particular response – whether formally included in the Bologna process or not. 2. The “knowledge society” and globalisation Global challenges Two key ideas are prominent in nearly every account of contemporary society. The first is that it is a ‘knowledge society’, in other words a society in which knowledge itself has become a (perhaps the) primary economic resource while retaining its more traditional forms as scientific and cultural capital. However the nature of this knowledge is not always specified – expert skills and advanced technologies (science) or simply the technical manipulation of data-sets (bar-codes)? The 4 BH 1 00 06 07 68 Theme 3 Understanding Bologna in context The external dimension A 4.1-1 Relating Bologna to other world regions: the external dimension second key idea is globalisation, in other words the malleability of time and space as a result of the revolution in information and communication technologies, the dominance of global brands and images, world-wide divisions-of-labour and trans-continental flows of people (whether as tourists, migrants – or students). But, once again, globalisation is an under-specified phenomenon. Is its economic impact more significant than its cultural potential? Are its physical aspects more significant than its virtual manifestations? A third idea is derived from the first two. The combination of a ‘knowledge society’ and globalisation has undermined the (relatively) stable geo-political structures of the 20th century – East (Communist) and West (Capitalist), North (rich) and South (poor) – and replaced them with more complex and less stable patterns in the 21st century – shifting regional blocs (North America, South and East Asia and – of course – Europe); the juxtaposition of ‘hot spots’ (economically dynamic and culturally sophisticated) and ‘cold spots’ (backward and excluded) within countries and regions; and the spread of multicultural multi-ethnic societies (South comes to North). It is in this context that the global projection of European higher education is taking place. Complex and shifting geo-political structures There are three dimensions of globalisation that are particularly relevant to the efforts of regional blocs, such as the EHEA (and the ERA), to compete more successfully: 1. The first is student mobility. Estimates of the scale of student mobility are difficult to make because of problems of definition [see below]. But the most reliable figures suggest that more than two million students are mobile in the sense that they undertake all, or part, of their studies outside their countries of origin. Estimates of future mobility are even more difficult to make. Recently these estimates have been reduced from the very high totals and spectacular growth rates produced by IDP Australia in the late 1990s. But there seems little doubt that the total number of mobile students will continue to grow, although there are likely to be important changes in the pattern of student mobility. However, it is worth noting that domestic student growth rates still exceed those for international students in most countries. There are three main forms of mobility: Student mobility a Intra-European mobility, typically for limited periods, mainly through the Erasmus and Socrates programmes [and similar forms of mobility within other regional blocs – and also subregional forms of mobility such as the Nord Plus programme in the Nordic countries] (Kelo, Teichler and Wächter 2006); BH 1 00 06 07 5 69 A 4.1-1 Understanding Bologna in context Relating Bologna to other world regions: the external dimension The external dimension b Short-term mobility, often between developed countries, such as the ‘Junior Year Abroad’ programmes run by many American colleges and universities; New “importing” and “exporting” countries c The recruitment of international students, traditionally from developing countries by universities in developed countries. Several of these forms of student mobility are rapidly evolving. For example, the South-North ‘post-imperial’ patterns of international student recruitment are being challenged by new patterns as ‘exporting’ countries aspire to become ‘importing’ countries, a predictable response to the dynamics of the ‘knowledge society’ and more flexible forms of mobility, often with ‘virtual’ elements are becoming more common. Another important normative shift is from regarding student mobility in the context an ‘international community of scholars’, often with a strong development agenda, to the idea of a ‘global market in international education’ (as of other knowledge products). Academic migration 2. The second is academic migration which can be seen as an extended form of student mobility (in particular among PhD students and postdoctoral researchers). This is a well established historical phenomenon. In the first half of the 20th century there was largescale academic emigration from Europe, notably Germany, to the United States (although during the same period the European colonial powers, in particular France and Britain benefited from largescale academic immigration). In the past two decades south and east Asia have become the major sources of academic migrants, although China aspires to become a significant academic importer. Until 2001 the most popular destination was the United States where key parts of the university research system (and hightechnology industry) remain dependent on the import of highly skilled scientific workers. Europe also has benefited substantially. However, important shifts are under way. The competition for academic talent is increasing as the number of potential ‘importers’ continues to grow. The strengthening of a global knowledge-driven economy inevitably produces a sharpening of competition for scientists. But the reshaping of time-space and the erosion of geopolitical structures as a result of globalisation have also encouraged a counter-trend – towards the wider spatial distribution of research and innovation (which is analogous to the development of worldwide divisions of labour). There is no longer the same need to collect researchers together in Cambridge (whether in England or Massachusetts). Networks, alliances and partnerships 3. The third is the emergence of networks, alliances and partnerships. These may be highly fluid but nevertheless have great creative potential. They take many forms. One is global coalitions of élite universities which transcend their affiliations to regional blocs (and, therefore, may undermine efforts to develop a more cohesive 6 BH 1 00 06 07 70 Theme 3 Understanding Bologna in context The external dimension A 4.1-1 Relating Bologna to other world regions: the external dimension EHEA). These coalitions can be seen as a (weak?) response to the emergence of multi-national knowledge-based companies, whether in mass media or pharmaceuticals. Another form is institutional partnerships – in teaching (perhaps by developing course structures that allow students to progress from their countries of origin to host countries, so-called two-plus-two programmes, or by one institution out-sourcing or franchising its programmes to another); or in research (where such partnerships can facilitate and give organisational support to widely distributed research teams). But these various forms tend to have two things in common. The first is a tendency to de-institutionalisation because these networks tend to be fluid and contingent; the second is a dependence on virtual communication – or, more accurately, a tendency to combine the virtual and the actual (or physical) in novel ways. Both reflect characteristics of the ‘knowledge society’ and of globalisation. These are the global challenges facing European higher education. They are more complex than the crude dichotomy between ‘market’ and ‘state’ which is sometimes deployed (and is used to promote a series of higher education policies, ranging from charging all students tuition fees, through the aggressive recruitment of international students, to the commercialisation of research). It is important to emphasise that the new environment created by the ‘knowledge society’ and globalisation is not inherently less congenial to the projection of European higher education, or the promotion of the EHEA as part of the Bologna process, than it is to the projection of other systems – including the American. 3. Responses to globalisation There have been two major responses to the challenges, and perceived threats, posed by globalisation. The first has been characterised by resistance to these threats; and the second by a desire to embrace, even to exploit, the opportunities. The most visible threat appears to come from the proposed extension of GATS – the WTO-led General Agreement on Trade in Services – to cover higher education (Knight 2002). Four leading international associations of universities, including the European University Association, have expressed their shared concerns about the impact of GATS (Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada et al 2001). However, the extension of GATS to include ‘services’ in higher education would not be a straightforward process with easily predictable effects. Four separate modes of higher education are potentially covered by GATS: BH 1 00 06 07 Resistance to threats 7 71 A 4.1-1 Understanding Bologna in context Relating Bologna to other world regions: the external dimension The four modes potentially covered by GATS The external dimension 1. Cross-border supply. The most obvious example is distance education, although course validation and quality assurance by foreign institutions are also covered. But this presupposes a simple model of a university in one country supplying distance education in another. If the supplier has local providers – or is itself a multinational entity – the position is more complicated. 2. Consumption abroad. This appears to cover the most familiar form of internationalisation – international students who are studying abroad. But, once again, the development of strategic partnerships between in-country and out-of-country institutions to provide joint courses leads to complex arrangements that cannot be easily be reduced to GATS-derived categories. 3. Commercial presence. This covers the establishment of branch campuses by foreign universities – and may also include the franchising of courses to in-country institutions (although these might be described as cross-border supply). However, in practice, most branch campuses are joint ventures between foreign institutions and in-country organisations. 4. The ‘presence of natural persons’. This covers the most traditional form of internationalisation – the presence of teachers or researchers working abroad. It is the reverse of (2.). However, this category includes a wide range of activities – from ‘academic tourism’ through programmatic exchanges to long-term (or permanent) emigration/immigration. Each of these activities has very different implications within the framework of GATS. Raised issues These four modes raise very different issues. In some modes (or, more accurately, in some activities potentially included in these modes) there may be few objections to adopting a free-market approach; in others there are likely to be serious objections. For example, few Governments are likely to be willing to extend the same financial subsidies to what are, in essence, foreign institutions and/or commercial organisations as they do to their own universities. There is also a particular concern in developing countries which want to protect their institutions and their skill bases, against unregulated asset-stripping and talent-stripping. One possible effect of the wholesale adoption of a GATS regime could be that public institutions in developing countries are crowded out of profitable markets, for example business schools, and be left with the more expensive subjects such as engineering or medicine. Concerns about including higher education in GATS A number of concerns have been expressed about the inclusion of higher education within the GATS framework. The first is an ideological objection – that, in principle, higher education is not, or should be treated simply as a tradable commodity. It is argued that universities are not only highly significant institutions in terms of expressing 8 BH 1 00 06 07 72 Theme 3 Understanding Bologna in context The external dimension A 4.1-1 Relating Bologna to other world regions: the external dimension national cultures and traditions, they are also key sources of investment in social and community development as well as being engines of individual and democratic entitlement. The second concern is closely related to the first – that the language, concepts and values of economic liberalisation, such as is used by the WTO and GATS, are antithetical to those of higher education. A third concern – an example of the problems with language – is the ambiguity of GATS. For example, can higher education be included among the ‘services provided in the exercise of governmental authority’ that are provided on a noncommercial basis and are not in competition with services from other providers? This may have become more difficult to defend because many universities are now hybrid institutions embracing both traditional and more entrepreneurial elements. Finally, there are concerns that the dynamics of trade liberalisation encourage Governments to offer trade-offs – and access to higher education ‘markets’ could become one of these trade-offs (especially because negotiations are being handled by non-Education Ministries, higher education leaders are not being properly consulted in many countries and the longer-term unintended consequences of liberalisation in higher education are poorly understood). In contrast, the second response to globalisation has been to seize the opportunities created – and, in particular, to promote two distinct but linked agendas. Seizing the opportunities 1. The first has been to strengthen domestic efforts to reform higher education. This has a number of aspects, some negative and positive. Among the former are the challenges posed by the retreat from high-taxation welfare-state politics. The impact of globalisation has also sometimes been used to justify quasi-market reforms within national higher education systems – such as the introduction of tuition fees (and other ‘user payments’) and the promotion of a more pronounced management culture and stronger executive authority within universities. Among the latter, more positive aspects, has been the reduction of state and other forms of bureaucratic regulation – on the grounds that, in the academic domain as well as the economic sphere, such regulation is no longer desirable, or even possible, under conditions of globalisation. Strengthening domestic reform efforts 2. The second agenda has been to promote universities as powerful assets in the struggle for competitive advantage within a global knowledge society. As a result universities are urged to engage in a range of new activities such as technology transfer and continuing professional development. They are also regarded as key institutions through which local communities and regional (and even national) economies access global knowledge. More controversially perhaps, the impact of globalisation has been used to justify the differentiation of institutional missions – in particular, the need to concentrate high-quality research within a limited range of univer- Universities as competitive advantages BH 1 00 06 07 9 73 A 4.1-1 Understanding Bologna in context Relating Bologna to other world regions: the external dimension The external dimension sities (on the pattern of American research universities). At the same time, mass access to higher education, once justified in terms of civic and democratic participation, is now being redefined in terms of evolving skills agendas. 4. The European response Four main forms of response The European response to these challenges, and the global projection of European higher education, have taken four main forms: the indirect impact of the Bologna process on the flexibility and adaptability of European universities; those elements within the process that are directly relevant to the wider internationalisation of European systems; the extension of the Bologna process beyond the frontiers of Europe; and the role played by Bologna in a wider suite of policy initiatives designed to enhance the global competitiveness of Europe. Indirect effects of Bologna on a university’s international profile The importance of the first, the indirect effects of the Bologna process on the international profile of European universities, can be demonstrated by the suspicions that one of its tacit goals was to nudge European higher education closer to the ‘market’. Although these suspicions have abated as the various Bologna action-lines have been implemented, they still exist – as the Trends IV report revealed (Reichert and Tauch 2005). There remain fears that the adoption of Bologna is a prelude to the introduction of tuition fees, greater competition between institutions and other ‘market’ policies. These fears are probably not justified in the sense that Bologna is clearly not a deliberate conspiracy (although some Governments have used Bologna to accelerate and legitimate national reforms). But it has had a significant impact in three different ways. Three significant forms of impact 1. First, Bologna has been a succes d’éstime because there can be no doubt it has raised the global profile of European higher education. Not only has it been carefully monitored by Europe’s main ‘competitors’ (the United States, Australia and Canada), it has also made European universities (especially non-UK universities) much more visible in key markets such as China; 2. Secondly, Bologna has given European higher education valuable experience of implementing reforms – and a scale that, for example, American and Australian systems have not experienced. That experience alone has almost certainly increased the adaptability and resilience of European universities which has important implications for their global competitiveness. In addition, of course, many of the Bologna reforms have the direct effect of increasing that global competitiveness [see below]; 10 BH 1 00 06 07 74 Theme 3 Understanding Bologna in context The external dimension A 4.1-1 Relating Bologna to other world regions: the external dimension 3. Thirdly, the Bologna process has acted as a catalyst for new thinking in European higher education – not only (or even especially) on the various Bologna action-lines but also on much wider issues not formally part of that process. Although perhaps a coincidence, Bologna has come at a time when all higher education systems are facing profound change as a result not simply of the erosion/maturation of welfare states and rise of free-market globalisation (and other well recognised – and partially discounted? – phenomena) but also of more fundamental structural and cultural changes such as demography, individualisation and desocialisation. Mass higher education was a distinctively American response to 20th century agendas, which acquired wider significance and applicability; Europe – thanks to Bologna – may have been given the opportunity to evolve responses to these 21st century agendas, which may have the same global reach. The second form taken by Europe’s response to global challenges, and global projection of European higher education, is the direct relevance of the Bologna action-lines. These perhaps can be best summarised as a table [see below]. This table lists the major European objectives with the action-lines – and also gives an indication of their wider global significance (Bologna Declaration 1999, Prague Communiqué 2001, Berlin Communiqué 2003, Bergen Communiqué 2005). This indicates that many of the action-lines are at least as significant for the wider projection of European universities as they are for the internal harmonisation of European higher education systems. Some of the actionlines – for example, the promotion of the EHEA – are primarily externally focused. But even apparently inwardly-focused action-lines, such as the promotion of cooperation in quality assurance through the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), have important implications for European universities’ ability to compete more effectively in a global environment. BH 1 00 06 07 The global significance of Bologna action lines 11 75 A 4.1-1 Understanding Bologna in context Relating Bologna to other world regions: the external dimension Table A 4.1-1-1 The external dimension Bologna action-lines Action-lines European goals Global significance Easily readable and comparable diplomas / degrees (+ diploma supplements) Facilitates exchange European qualifications compatible with global ‘standard’ Two-cycle degree structure (i.e. Bachelors / Masters) Promotes intra-European mobility BOLOGNA 1999 Improves working of labour market for highly-skilled European courses conform to global ‘standard’ Encourages curriculum reforms European credit system (based in ECTS) Promotes mobility Student mobility (e.g. Socrates, Erasmus, Tempus) Increases mobility within Europe Encourages curriculum reform & more flexible delivery Cooperation in quality assurance Increases public confidence (via ENQA) Promotes exchanges/partnerships Improves quality Establishing a European Higher Education Area (EHEA) ECTS similar to other credit systems – so promotes partnerships between European and other HEIs Strengthens ‘internal market’ in student mobility – so stimulates wider mobility/international education Increases global confidence in European standards Enables more international comparisons to be made Encourages solidarity among European HEIs Develops European HE ‘brand’ Enlarges scope of Bologna process from traditional HE institutions Extends scope/definition of Europe HE to make it more compatible with other postsecondary/tertiary systems PRAGUE 2001 Lifelong Learning Engages other educational organisations Involves business and other community/cultural organisations Involvement of HE institutions and students (via EUA, EURASHE and ESIB) Widens support base for Bologna process from member states and European Commission – to include HE & student organisations Strengthens European HE institutions/organisations – enabling them to establish better dialogue with wider world Engages key stake-holders in process, i.e. students 12 BH 1 00 06 07 76 Theme 3 Understanding Bologna in context The external dimension A 4.1-1 Relating Bologna to other world regions: the external dimension Action-lines European goals Global significance Promoting EHEA (via Erasmus Mundus) Strengthens/extends mobility Complements/strengthens international student recruitment by European HEIs Promotes Bologna ‘brand' Raises European HE’s profile BERLIN 2003 Doctoral studies included in Bologna process Extends scope of European harmonisation into third-cycle Synergy between EHEA and European Research Area (ERA) Links Bologna process and Lisbon Declaration Enhances quality/global competitiveness of European PhDs and research BERGEN 2005 Renewed emphasis on links between HE and research – and on importance of research for social/economic development Social dimension (widening access) Underlines links between Bologna and Lisbon agendas Strengthens competitiveness of European HE Highlights distinctiveness of European HE, i.e. less marketdriven? Emphasises need for EHEA to be open – but academic values should prevail EHEA and the wider world The third form taken by Europe’s response to global challenges is that the Bologna process is no longer confined to Europe in a geographical sense. It has already been argued that one of the unintended consequences of Bologna has been to raise the profile of European higher education because of world-wide interest in the reform of European systems. But there are three others ways in which the Bologna process is no longer contained within the frontiers of Europe: Extending Bologna beyond Europe 1. The first is that there are now 45 signatories compared with the original 29 signatories of the Bologna Declaration in 1999 and with only four signatories of the Sorbonne Declaration the year before. Part of the reason for the number of additional signatories is that the dissolution of the former Soviet Union, the break-up of Yugoslavia and the division of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia has increased the potential number of participating states within Europe. But part of the reason is also the extension of the Bologna process to new members, the largest and most significant of which are the Russian Federation and Turkey. As a result the EHEA now extends to the borders of Iran and Iraq and across Eurasia to the Pacific; An expanded EHEA BH 1 00 06 07 13 77 A 4.1-1 Understanding Bologna in context Relating Bologna to other world regions: the external dimension The external dimension Extra-European alignment to Bologna 2. The second is that some countries outside Europe are planning to align their higher education systems within the Bologna model. In some cases – for example, some Francophone and Anglophone countries in Africa – this is the result of their close links with European countries engaged in the Bologna process, which have encouraged them to conform. In other cases – for example, in Latin America – the motive appears to have been to stimulate reform of higher education (but also, perhaps, because Europe after Bologna may represent an alternative model to the United States). This ‘penumbra’ influence of the Bologna process is likely to increase; Erasmus Mundus – globalising Bologna 3. The third is the development of the Erasmus Mundus programme, which clearly demonstrates Europe’s desire to stimulate wider student mobility and to encourage international education – as a whole rather than through the uncoordinated (and competitive?) efforts of individual European countries. The programme not only provides scholarships to third-country students to take specially designed Masters’ courses (offered jointly by at least three universities in three different European countries); it also seeks to build partnerships with third-country higher education institutions and to enhance the attractiveness of European higher education. Although numbers are small – 808 Erasmus Mundus students and 133 scholars – the significance of this programme is likely to grow (quantitatively as well as symbolically). The deliberate aim is to offer a global programme – with a distinctively European flavour. Bologna as part of wider European competitiveness The fourth form taken by Europe’s response to the global challenges facing higher education, and the global projection of European universities, is a shift from a standalone Bologna process that was inwardly focused on national reform agendas and harmonisation at the European level, to the integration of Bologna action-lines with other Europe-wide initiatives, notably in research and innovation, with avowedly global ambitions. Although the ERA is not yet as well developed as the EHEA (and some associated projects, in particular the proposal to establish a European Institute of Technology, remain controversial), the synergies between the two have been emphasised in both the Berlin and Bergen communiqués. The ERA is promoting a number of activities that overlap some of the Bologna action-lines. For example, the ERA’s responsibilities for bench-marking and for mobility and training cannot be developed in isolation from the wider Bologna responsibilities for quality assurance and for doctoral programmes. Bologna and the European Research Area This link between the EHEA and the ERA is important because the original emphasis on harmonising course structures, qualifications and quality assurance regimes encouraged some of the most researchintensive European universities to regard the Bologna process as a secondary activity; the de facto incorporation of research in a wider Bologna-Lisbon EHEA-ERA process has highlighted the potential 14 BH 1 00 06 07 78 Theme 3 Understanding Bologna in context The external dimension A 4.1-1 Relating Bologna to other world regions: the external dimension benefits of the European dimension in building global research strengths. This could have two effects. The first is to act as a counterweight to global coalitions of world-class research universities, such as Universitas 21. The second is that within these global coalitions European universities may be encouraged to act more as a bloc. The clearer articulation of Bologna with other European programmes (and also some member-state initiatives) appears to having two results: 1. The existence of the EHEA has raised the profile of European universities in the international education market – and, therefore, has provided an effective marketing tool (Huisman and van der Wende 2004, Huisman and van der Wende 2005). Although there has been some reluctance in some of the larger member states (notably the United Kingdom) to see other European countries as partners rather than competitors, Europe’s overall performance has improved. It is gaining market-share while the United States (perhaps only a temporary post 9/11 effect) and Australia (the effect of overselling – perhaps also a temporary phenomenon) have lost marketshare. There is some evidence that, as a result of the higher global profile produced by Bologna, some aspects of what European higher education has to offer are now being regarded as assets – a more politically acceptable environment for some international students, experience of studying in more than one country, even studying in a multi-lingual environment; Bologna raises the international profile of European universities 2. The distinctiveness of European higher education has also been highlighted by the establishment of the EHEA. Some elements of that distinctiveness are attractive to the global community – for example, the public character of most European systems and the emphasis on the social dimension. Others may be less immediately attractive – for example, the clearer distinction between universities (and academic/scientific education) and other higher education institutions (with a much stronger professional and vocational orientation). But the academic character of many European universities may be seen as an indicator of quality. Although its effect is difficult to specify, the Bologna process has encouraged the reform of European systems (and increased the flexibility of European universities) while also highlighting these important and enduring characteristics. Bologna highlights distinctive European features BH 1 00 06 07 15 79 A 4.1-1 Understanding Bologna in context Relating Bologna to other world regions: the external dimension 5. The external dimension Conclusion From the start the Bologna process was not simply an intra-European project. A major goal was to enhance the attraction, and so international competitiveness, of European higher education. The international dimension of the Bologna process has been progressively strengthened in two ways. The first is that within the process itself, in the journey from Bologna to Prague, from Prague to Berlin and from Berlin to Bergen (and next from Bergen to London in 2007), new action-lines have been added that are more deliberately designed to enhance the profile, reputation and competitiveness of European universities. At the same time, greater emphasis has also been placed on the synergies between the Bologna process and the Lisbon agenda. The second is that the EHEA (and ERA) is now conceived of in relation (collaborative or competitive) to other emerging higher education and research blocs. The shape of higher education is no longer exclusively patterned by the textures of different national systems and universities; instead new affiliations are developing at regional, ‘area’ and global levels. The Bologna process, in its broadest sense, is one of the most significant. References [1] Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC), American Council on Education (ACE), European University Association (EUA) and Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) (2001): Joint Declaration on Higher Education and the General Agreement on Trade in Services. Geneva, September 2001 [2] Bologna Declaration (1999): The European Higher Education Area: Joint Declaration of the European Ministers of Education. Bologna: June 19, 1999 [3] Bergen Communiqué (2005): The European Higher Education Area – Achieving the Goals: Communiqué of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education. Bergen: May 19-20, 2005 [4] Berlin Communiqué (2003): Realising the European Higher Education Area: Communiqué of the Conference of Ministers responsible for Higher Education. Berlin: September 19, 2003 [5] Huisman, Jeroen and Marijk van der Wende eds. (2004): On Cooperation and Competition. National and European Policies for the Internationalisation of Higher Education. Bonn: Lemmens [6] Huisman, Jeroen and Marijk van der Wende eds. (2005): On Cooperation and Competition II. Institutional Responses to Internationalisation, Europeanisation and Globalisation. Bonn: Lemmens 16 BH 1 00 06 07 80 Theme 3 Understanding Bologna in context The external dimension A 4.1-1 Relating Bologna to other world regions: the external dimension [7] Kelo, Maria, Ulrich Teichler and Bernd Wächter eds. (2006): EURODATA – Student mobility in European higher education. Bonn: Lemmens [8] Muche, Franziska ed. (2005): Opening up to the Wider World. The External Dimension of the Bologna Process. Bonn: Lemmens [9] Knight, Jane (2002) Trade in Higher Education Services: The Implications of GATS, London; The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education ( [10] Prague Communiqué (2001): Towards the European Higher Education Area: Communiqué of the Meeting of European Ministers in Charge of Higher Education. Prague: May 19, 2001 [11] Reichert, Sybille and Christian Tauch (2005): Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna. Brussels: European University Association ( Biography: Professor Peter Scott is Vice-Chancellor of Kingston University in London and was former Pro-Vice Chancellor and Professor of Education at the University of Leeds and Editor of 'The Times Higher Education Supplement' (1976-92). He is the President of the Academic Cooperation Association, the Brussels-based organisation that promotes international education, and a member of the board of the Higher Education Funding Council for England, the agency which distributes funding to universities and colleges in England. His most recent book (co-authored with Helga Nowotny and Michael Gibbons) is 'Re-Thinking Science: Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertainty' which has been translated into French and German. BH 1 00 06 07 17 81 82 Theme 4 Developing quality in the knowledge society: activities of the European University Association 1. Introduction QA processes developed during the industrial era in order to ensure the quality of manufactured products. Although QA methodologies in higher education have been adapted to the sector’s specific needs, they have nevertheless remained somewhat anchored in the industrial age. When they examine educational or research products in a linear way, they fail to capture the transactional nature of education and research. The current emphasis on developing QA standards reflects this industrial approach. With the emergence of the knowledge society, it may be opportune to question the philosophical underpinnings of current QA methodologies. If knowledge creation and dissemination are more fundamentally processes inscribed in relationships rather than products, what kinds of QA procedures are needed to foster higher levels of knowledge? 2. The policy context The combined requirements of creating a European knowledge society and promoting the Bologna process constitute central challenges for Europe. In both cases, quality is seen as essential to achieve these objectives. A consensus has emerged among all key policy actors – including higher education institutions – on the role that these institutions can and should play in these processes. This aspiration implies vesting greater responsibilities in higher education institutions and should translate into improved strategic leadership and management, in part through the development of an institutional quality culture. It is in this way that higher education institutions will justify and expand their autonomy and increase their credibility. Thus, the challenge for higher education institutions is to take the lead in order to ensure that academic rather than bureaucratic principles and values are respected and the processes correctly implemented. 3. Enhancing internal quality: EUA’s Quality Culture Project It is clear that all higher education institutions, however good their teaching and research activities, experience challenges that are shared across Europe. These challenges require robust internal decision-making processes and a quality culture. The EUA Quality Culture Project, funded by the Socrates Programme, is one of the responses that the association devised to increase the capacity of universities to meet the accountability needs and the heightened demands upon higher education to deliver more, with greater levels of quality, despite diminishing resources. The choice of title – “Quality Culture” – was deliberate. When speaking of quality, it is easy to revert back to such managerial concepts as quality control, quality mechanisms, quality management, etc. These concepts, however, are not neutral. They convey a technocratic and top-down approach that will only backfire in academic settings. By definition, academics are successful “knowledge professionals” who are committed to excellence and dislike being managed. Therefore, the term “culture” was chosen to convey a connotation of quality as a shared value and a collective responsibility for all members of an institution, including students and administrative staff. Quality culture signals the need to ensure a grass-root adhesion, to develop a compact within the academic community through effective community building, as well as a change in values, attitude and behaviour within an institution. It points to the importance of the rectoral team in creating appropriate conditions for the academic community to deliver quality provision and to the attention that must be paid to developing an agreed institutional profile, the identification to the institution of all of its members, and clearly defined and agreed objectives and strategies to meet them. 83 4. Enhancing institutional strategic adaptability: the EUA Institutional Evaluation Programme The Institutional Evaluation Programme has been in operation for 12 years and has evaluated about 150 institutions in 36 countries, mostly in Europe but also in Latin America and South Africa. The evaluation examines the institution’s capacity to adapt to a changing environment, its ability to develop and implement a strategic plan and the robustness of its internal quality arrangements. The evaluations are characterised by a context-sensitive approach and avoid recourse to universal criteria. The evaluations are conducted by European teams of senior university leaders (rectors and vice rectors). The major benefits that universities have derived from this programme are an increased capacity for strategic thinking and internal quality culture – two essential attributes to deal with the conflicting policy demands facing higher education, such as wider and broader access, achieving excellence in research and teaching, serving the local and regional community, implementing Bologna reforms and dealing with shrinking financial resources. 5. Creativity as an essential consideration for quality assurance: the EUA Creativity Project The emphasis on creativity and innovation in higher education point to the importance of adopting a “knowledge society” approach to academia, based on an understanding that quality in higher education is essentially a reflection of the quality of relationships – between students and teachers, among researchers, and between higher education institutions and their external stakeholders – and that the role of HEIs leadership is to ensure that all the preconditions are met within the institution to enhance these relationships. In order to promote this notion, EUA launched in 2006 the Creativity Project, with funding from the Socrates Programme. The aims of this project were to raise awareness of the need to set the right conditions for enhancing creativity and to develop recommendations linked to internal and external quality assurance processes. Quality mechanisms set boundaries and indicate what is appreciated and valued in higher education and what is not. They reflect value systems, which have to be monitored to ensure that they mirror the institution’s ethical and strategic choices. While quality processes have the potential to enhance creativity and innovation by assisting institutions in learning about themselves and others in learning about the institution, they can also have highly detrimental effects if they stress conformity over risk-taking, be oriented towards the past rather than the future and develop into burdensome bureaucracies. Project partners encouraged HEIs to explore the concept of a learning organisation – i.e. organisations in which all members seek to reach common goals through collective and individual learning and knowledge expansion – in their approaches to governance and management. However, as important as structural elements are, they must be complemented with ethical and cultural concerns in order to create an institutional milieu favourable to creativity. The institutional leadership should embrace its overall responsibility and balance top-down management with delegating specific decisions to staff and students as appropriate to ensure wide ownership for change processes within the university community. 6. Promoting the development of a European dimension for quality assurance: EUA’s involvement in the “E4” European discussions about the development of a European dimension for quality assurance started in September 2001 and are ongoing. The “E4 group”, which gathers representatives from ENQA, ESIB, EUA and EURASHE, has developed the text on “European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area”, which was adopted by ministers in Bergen. These Standards and Guidelines should not be taken as a compliance list but as principles for the internal and external quality processes. The E4 is currently discussing the possibility of developing a register of QA agencies operating in Europe. Inclusion in the register would be based on an external review of the agencies. 84 Theme 4 The register would enable institutions to select a QA agency, if this is possible within their national legal framework. This possibility has been enshrined in a European Parliament and Council Recommendation agreed in 2006. 7. The QA Forum: A shared understanding of quality The fundamental role that institutions play in quality was acknowledged in the Berlin and Bergen Communiqués. This acknowledgement should not be interpreted narrowly as leading to a division of labour: with the QA community in charge of external accountability and HEIS of internal quality. On the contrary, it should be based on a partnership between the HE and QA communities – both at national and European level – based on a commitment to promote vibrant academic community. It is for this purpose that, at the initiative of EUA, the “E4” group co-organised the first European QA Forum in November 2006, hosted by the Technical University in Munich, to discuss internal quality processes in the light of the Bergen Communiqué. The next Forum will be hosted by the University La Sapienza in Rome on 15 – 17 November 2007. It is anticipated that this event will become an annual one and follow closely European policy developments. 85 86 Theme 4 EUA policy position on quality 1. Background Since its creation, EUA has been very active in the field of quality, both in contributing to policy development at European level and to the development of quality cultures in universities through projects and other types of activities. The following outlines the position that EUA adopted since its foundation in 2001. 2. Starting points EUA’s work in the quality assurance area has been carried out while taking into consideration a number of requirements. First, because of its European scope, EUA has been intensely aware of the diversity of the higher education sector – diversity of institutional missions and profiles, legal frameworks, etc. This implies that it is difficult to come to a one dimensional definition of quality for the purposes of quality assurance. Quality is contextual: its definition must take into account the specific institution and the national context of which it is part. Second, Europe has the legitimate ambition to strengthen its higher education institutions, which are seen as central to the development of European society. If the goal is to ensure the vitality and creativity of research and education, this aspiration has a wide range of implications, particularly on institutional governance and quality assurance. Third, EUA’s concrete experience in quality, through the Quality Culture Project and the Institutional Evaluation Programme, has shown the inextricable link between institutional autonomy and accountability: the greater the institutional autonomy, the more robust are the internal quality processes and vice versa. 3. EUA’s position on quality EUA’s position has been endorsed repeatedly by its members through the three bi- annual conventions held so far (Salamanca in 2001, Graz in 2003 and Glasgow in 2005). 3.1 Internal quality processes must be characterised by the following principles: • Promote shared values and attitudes about quality rather than simply managerial processes and ensure that the internal evaluation processes develop professional attitudes and competence thus fostering creativity and innovation. • Be fit for their purposes. While there is no single way to set up these processes, the cycles and scope of internal evaluations should be linked in a pragmatic and cost-effective way and attention should be paid to the global picture that emerges through the internal evaluation of the different activities. • The role of leadership consists in communicating the need for these processes, framing them in consultation with the campus community – students, alumni, academic and administrative staff – and using their results in the strategic cycle. • Ensure central data collection and analysis to measure institutional performance. • Quality units are now standard in many institutions. It is important to ensure their appropriate leadership and staffing in order to avoid over-bureaucratisation. 87 • The link between autonomy and internal quality is fundamental: the greater the institutional autonomy, the more robust are the internal quality processes. In this context, the national conferences of rectors must play an important role in negotiating with the national authorities and QA agencies the scope of the internal and external evaluations and of institutional autonomy. 3.2 The principles for external QA processes that should avoid undue bureaucratic processes include: • Seek a balance between autonomy and accountability by promoting institutional audits based on an evaluation of internal quality processes • A fitness for purpose approach, culturally adapted to countries and institutions • An improvement orientation that stresses the self-evaluation phase and confidentiality of parts of the process 4. European Discussions EUA has been an active contributor to the European quality debate since the Prague meeting in 2001, which marked the creation of the E4 Group (ENQA, ESIB, EUA and EURASHE). This group sent to the Bergen ministerial meeting the text entitled “European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance”. In the Bergen Communiqué, the Ministers asked ENQA together with EUA, EURASHE and ESIB to prepare a report exploring the practicalities of the European Register of QA agencies. The EUA proposals are as follows: • The Register should be an unbiased, objective and reliable information tool about the quality of quality assurance agencies. • The Register should be exclusive, that is, restricted to applicants that comply substantially with the criteria based on the European Standards and Guidelines. • The Register Committee would use the results of the ENQA or nationally organised reviews of QA agencies, presuming they meet certain criteria (objective, unbiased, all partners in the evaluation teams) and provide all the necessary information. If information is missing, the Register Committee would reserve the right to ask for additional information. • The Register Committee should include all major stakeholders (institutions, students, agencies, governments) because only a system of checks and balances would ensure trust and transparency. • The operational cost and the secretariat supporting the Register will be light and minimal. In conclusion, EUA supports the Register because it will be a reliable and useful information tool for the higher education institutions, provided it is managed in partnership with the higher education sector and other stakeholders. 88 Theme 4 Introducing Bologna objectives and tools European frameworks for quality B 4.3-1 Improving quality European Frameworks for Quality Andrée Sursock Abstract This paper examines the articulation between the Bologna process and the Lisbon objectives. It argues, based on the experience of the European University Association in the field of quality, that in order to bring coherence to the objectives of the two policies, external quality assurance must examine the capacity of higher education institutions to change and the robustness of their internal quality arrangements. Content Page 1. Bologna and quality: a brief historical account 2 2. Articulating Bologna and Lisbon with the quality debate 2 3. European challenges: Is convergence the only way? 4 3.1 3.2 3.3 The convergence of quality assurance procedures The convergence of standards for higher education Limitations of evaluation in higher education 4 5 6 4. The challenge for higher education institutions 8 5. The challenge for QA agencies: grasping the quality of relationships 10 6. The challenges for all actors: developing trust and legitimacy 11 7. Conclusion 12 BH 1 00 06 07 1 89 B 4.3-1 Introducing Bologna objectives and tools Improving quality European frameworks for quality 1. Quality as a key factor for success Bologna and quality: a brief historical account Quality was slow to emerge as a key factor for the success of the Bologna process and received only cursory mention in the original Bologna Declaration. However, as ministers met every two years to take stock of progress and define mid-term objectives (Prague in 2001, Berlin in 2003 and Bergen in 2005), the issue of quality kept growing in importance, until it rose to the fore of the ministerial agenda and became the first policy objective of the Berlin Communiqué. The Berlin Communiqué recognised the role of HEIs in promoting quality (this constitutes the first official acknowledgement in the context of the Bologna process) and invited the QA and higher education communities to develop an agreed set of standards, procedures and guidelines on quality assurance and to explore the possibility of a “peer-review” of QA agencies. This work was carried out by a group that includes representatives from ENQA, ESIB, EUA and EURASHE. The group agreed to send to the ministers in Bergen a document that detailed two sets of standards and guidelines for quality assurance: one that applies to higher education institutions and one to QA agencies. The text proposed further exploration of the possibility of setting up a European Register for QA agencies.1 Broad policy context The purpose of this paper is not to summarise or analyse this official document but rather to set it in its broader policy context, to examine specifically what impact the Lisbon objectives should have on the quality debate that is taking place as part of the Bologna process, and to draw some conclusions on how this document should be used. 2. Articulating Bologna and Lisbon with the quality debate The combined requirements of creating a European knowledge society (Lisbon objectives) and promoting the Bologna convergence process constitute central challenges for Europe. Both require that European higher education meet conflicting needs and pressures. These include: globalisation in a post-industrial world and the associated demands for greater access to higher education; a heightened need for European co1 Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area, Bergen, May 2005, /00-Main_doc/050221_ENQA_report.pdf 2 BH 1 00 06 07 90 Theme 4 Introducing Bologna objectives and tools European frameworks for quality B 4.3-1 Improving quality operation in a context of greater international competition; and an increased tension among the different missions of universities – research, teaching and service to society. The Lisbon agenda has linked up with the Bologna process in several ways. It reinforces the need to examine doctoral education and young researchers’ careers. It gives greater emphasis to students’ employability. It has led to the somewhat uncomfortable co-existence of two agendas: increasing social cohesion (i.e., the social dimension of the Bologna process, which includes looking at access, student support, etc.); and increasing competition in order to meet the Lisbon objectives. The conflation of the two agendas holds the danger of looking narrowly at education and research as tools to achieve economic goals: this can constitute a missed opportunity for redefining them for the 21st century. Lisbon and Bologna: links and tensions To complete this broad-brush picture, while higher education is now seen as central to achieve the Lisbon objectives, the sector is experiencing diminishing or stagnating state support even though the cost of both education and research is rising and institutional autonomy (including the autonomy to raise own funds) is still constrained in many European countries. Challenges… The challenge at European level, whether concerning the quality debate or other key Bologna issues, is to create a European research and education area that combines diversity across – and within – forty five countries while adhering to unifying principles and values. … at European level The challenge for higher education institutions is to take on a lead role for this convergence in order to ensure that academic (rather than bureaucratic) principles and values are respected and the process is correctly implemented. … for institutions The challenge for QA agencies is to locate their national procedures within an understanding of the new higher education landscape and the ambitious European policy objectives that have been set for it. … for QA agencies The challenge for all actors – institutions, students, agencies and governments – is to grasp the need to define efficiently and reasonably the scope and role that they each need to play in order to meet the Bologna and Lisbon objectives. BH 1 00 06 07 3 91 B 4.3-1 Introducing Bologna objectives and tools Improving quality European frameworks for quality 3. European challenges: is convergence the only way? 3.1 The convergence of quality assurance procedures The Bologna process started out with the need to develop a common European architecture for degree structures in order to improve transparency and understanding of higher education qualifications, institutions and systems across national borders. The Lisbon agenda aspired to making Europe the most competitive knowledge economy in the world. Different policy goals Once discussions started, it appeared that – as far as quality policy is concerned – the Bologna and Lisbon objectives could be seen as contradictory. Some discussions about how to realise the Lisbon agenda have concluded that increased research concentration is needed and that this, in turn, would lead to greater institutional diversity and that innovation and creativity would be important preconditions for achieving the objectives. In contrast, some of the discussions about Bologna seem to indicate that greater convergence – beyond a common architecture of degrees and the use of certain tools such as the diploma supplement and ECTS – is the way to achieve trust and transparency. Can both policy goals be reconciled through an appropriate QA framework? Diverse QA procedures At the moment, Europe is characterised by a range of quality assurance procedures, which can be categorised along a few key contrasting lines: • Evaluation as “fitness for purpose” or accreditation against agreed standards • Focus on institution or programmes • Focus on outcomes, processes or inputs As such, this range of diversity is not exceptional and should not be seen as a major impediment for QA Agency A to accept the results of QA Agency B. Nevertheless, European discussions have shown that some actors believe that the only way to achieve mobility is to ensure a similarity in approaches. Is this type of convergence feasible or desirable? Is QA convergence essential? The assumption underlying the “convergence approach” is that trust in and transparency of higher education can be gained only if the QA agencies examine very carefully how they differ in terms of their methodology and procedures and make these converge. These differ- 4 BH 1 00 06 07 92 Theme 4 Introducing Bologna objectives and tools European frameworks for quality B 4.3-1 Improving quality ences, however, tend to be very minute among ENQA members: the fact, for instance, that some might use representatives of the economic sector on their panels and others do not. The important point, however, is that all ENQA members are required to abide by the same principles in order to ensure their independence and objectivity and to provide evidence-based judgements. Moreover, it is would be a hopeless task to invite all QA agencies to converge their procedures completely because these are set up to respond to national objectives, which vary a great deal across the European continent. 3.2 The convergence of standards for higher education In parallel, a “convergence approach” is also advocated by some actors who wish to see a shared set of standards applied to higher education. Applying a shared set of standards Given the multiple and contradictory pressures faced by higher education, however, it is important to articulate the Bologna Process with the Lisbon objectives. In this perspective, it is difficult to see how a broad use of “standards” that would be applied to higher education institutions would allow Europe to reach the objectives of becoming the most competitive knowledge society in the world. This ambitious objective requires a diverse and innovative HE sector across the continent as the current national debates show (e.g., France, Germany, Ireland, UK). In risking stifling diversity and innovation in the sector, standards would constitute a threat to reaching the Lisbon objectives. Standards risk stifling diversity and innovation The European University Association (EUA) has evaluated close to 150 universities in 36 different countries as part of its Institutional Evaluation Programme.2 This eleven-year experience that is unmatched anywhere in Europe and the world, combined with the outcomes of the EUA’s Quality Culture project3, which involved 134 institutions, points to the fact that it is impossible to reach agreement on very specific quality standards when dealing with a diversity of institutions across a whole continent. 2 For more information on the Institutional Evaluation programme, cf. 3 The Quality Culture Project reports are available on eua/en/projects_quality.jspx BH 1 00 06 07 5 93 B 4.3-1 Introducing Bologna objectives and tools Improving quality Searching for standards and quality European frameworks for quality We could search for a set of standards which could assure the quality of all but we must be cognisant of the limitations of this exercise. Standards can stifle diversity and innovation and convey a false positivist assurance that we know what quality is and how to identify it. While we do recognise quality – intuitively – each of us does so in a different way, rooted as we are in our specific circumstances. Indeed, since antiquity, philosophers have admitted that the search for truth is difficult. This has been echoed by anthropologists who have discussed at length the subjective limitation of their fieldwork methodology. What we see is what we believe we see, says the philosopher; what we see is determined by who we are, says the anthropologist. Therefore, we must admit that the search for quality will require a certain degree of humility and error, lest we stand accused of flirting with the danger of “abolishing the distinction between wishful thinking and accuracy”.4 As the Cambridge philosopher Simon Blackburn noted: “Truth is the kind of error without which a certain species of life could not live”.5 Two main conditions It is possible, however, to agree on a range of standards as long as two main conditions are met: • Define standards as principles or reference points, i.e., as guides that require local interpretation and adaptation. • See any set of standards (or principles) as an evolutionary framework that requires adaptation to a changing environment. In other words, standards are guides for today – not necessarily for tomorrow. Thus, the “European Standards and Guidelines” agreed in Bergen should not be seen as a prescriptive framework but as a living document that requires interpretation and further development. 3.3 Limitations of evaluation in higher education It is all the more important to keep in mind the limitations of standards because higher education institutions are characterised by a diffused and devolved power structure, complex and somewhat ambiguous goals, and outcomes that are difficult to measure or quantify. 4 Truth: A Guide for the Perplexed, Simon Blackburn, Allen Lane, 2005. 5 Ibid. 6 BH 1 00 06 07 94 Theme 4 Introducing Bologna objectives and tools European frameworks for quality B 4.3-1 Improving quality The exhaustive research conducted by Ernest T. Pascarella and Patrick T. Terenzini on how higher education affects students concludes that a vast range of factors influence learning 6: Learning is influenced by a vast range of factors “The research consistently shows that learning is bound neither by time nor by place, that it occurs continuously in a variety of locations, often unpredictably, and that it is maximised when both the activities and outcomes have meaning for the learner. Finally, learning is not a solitary activity, but is more likely to be relational and social, taking place when students engage in a task with others…” This confirms the astute observation of Martin Trow, distinguished professor of education at the University of California, who noted that “The real and substantial effects of the experience of higher education extend over the whole lifetime of graduates, and are inextricably entwined with other forces and experiences beyond the walls and the reach of universities” (Trow 1996). Martin Trow recommends that evaluations focus on the capacity for higher education institutions to change: “How an institution responds to change points to deep-seated qualities of the unit which must also show up in its research and teaching” (Trow 1994).7 Evaluations should focus on capacity to change These observations suggest that: • Evaluation approaches that are based on standards, quantitative methods, sets of criteria, or checklists will not improve quality meaningfully and may not even control it significantly because they will not capture the complexity of the educational enterprise. • Autonomy is a precondition for a capacity to respond to change. Thus, university autonomy requires that each institution decides on its standards in the context of its mission and goals as the following graph illustrates8: 6 Pascarella E.T and PT Terenzini, 2005, How College Affects Students – Volume 2: A Third Decade of Research, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. 7 Trow Martin, 1994, “Academic reviews and the culture of excellence, 1994, reprinted in Quality Management in Higher Education Institutions, Lemma Publisher, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1999. Trow, Martin, 1996, “Trust, Markets and Accountability in Higher Education: A Comprehensive Perspective”, in th SRHE, The 30 Anniversary seminars. 8 Frans van Vught, presentation at the EUA Seminar on the QA lines of the Berlin Communiqué, University of Zurich, 26 February 2004. BH 1 00 06 07 7 95 B 4.3-1 Introducing Bologna objectives and tools Improving quality Fig. B 4.3-1-1 European frameworks for quality University autonomy: mission and goals 4. Roles and responsibilities The challenge for higher education institutions The combined requirements of creating a European knowledge society and promoting the Bologna process constitute central challenges for Europe. In both cases, quality is seen as essential to achieve these objectives. A consensus has emerged among all key policy actors – including higher education institutions – on the role that these institutions can and should play in these processes. This aspiration implies vesting greater responsibilities in higher education institutions and should translate into improved strategic leadership and management, in part through the development of an internal quality culture. It is in this way that higher education institutions will justify and expand their autonomy and increase their credibility. Thus, the challenge for higher education institutions is to take the lead in order to ensure that academic rather than bureaucratic principles and values are respected and the processes are correctly implemented. 8 BH 1 00 06 07 96 Theme 4 Introducing Bologna objectives and tools European frameworks for quality B 4.3-1 Improving quality In this context, how can an institution develop and embed a quality culture? What are the lessons learned in the EUA’s Quality Culture Project? The project formed networks that included about 134 institutions from over 36 countries and drew the following conclusions9: Lessons learned In terms of culture, it is important to promote shared values and attitudes – rather than simply managerial processes. This implies building a university community by strengthening the staff’s identification with the institution and introducing staff development schemes in order to ensure that internal quality processes are an opportunity to improve rather than punish. Shared values and attitudes There is no single way of developing internal quality processes: the specific internal and external environments of each institution must be taken into account. Each institution should organise its internal review to fit its own objectives and be coherent with its own academic and organisational values. At the same time, each must balance these against national external accountability requirements. In terms of processes, there should be no bureaucratic, uniform or mechanistic internal quality processes but processes adapted to specific activities. The cycles and scope of internal evaluations should be linked, in a pragmatic and cost-effective way, to the strategic and the external evaluation cycles of each institution. Attention should be paid to the global picture that emerges through the internal evaluation of the different components, and the internal processes must promote creativity and innovation. Processes adapted to specific activities In terms of actors, it is important to engage students and alumni, academic and administrative staff. The role of leadership consists in communicating the need for these processes, framing them in consultation with the campus community, and using their results in the strategic cycle. In terms of data, institutions must ensure central data collection and analysis to measure institutional performance. In terms of structure, quality units are now standard in many institutions. It is important to rotate their leadership and ensure their academic staffing to avoid over-bureaucratisation. 9 EUA, Quality Culture Project reports (2004, 2005, 2006) http://www.eua. be/eua/en/projects_quality.jspx BH 1 00 06 07 9 97 B 4.3-1 Introducing Bologna objectives and tools Improving quality Quality and autonomy are linked European frameworks for quality In terms of inter-institutional co-operation, it is important to emphasise the fundamental link between autonomy and internal quality. The EUA Trends IV report10 confirmed the findings of the Quality Culture Project: the greater the institutional autonomy, the more robust are the internal quality processes. Therefore, national conferences of rectors must play an important role in negotiating with national authorities and QA agencies the scope of internal and external evaluation processes and of institutional autonomy. 5. The challenge for QA agencies: grasping the quality of relationships QA methodologies still anchored in the industrial age QA processes developed during the industrial era in order to ensure the quality of manufactured products. Although QA methodologies in higher education have been adapted to the sector’s specific needs, they have nevertheless remained somewhat anchored in the industrial age. When they examine educational or research products in a linear way, they fail to capture the transactional nature of education and research. The current emphasis on developing QA standards reflects this industrial approach. In other words, with the emergence of the knowledge society, it may be opportune to question the philosophical underpinnings of current QA methodologies. If knowledge creation and dissemination are processes more fundamentally inscribed in relationships rather than products, what kinds of QA procedures are needed to foster higher levels of knowledge? Quality in HE is essentially about relationships The answer lies in grasping the need to adopt a “knowledge society” approach to evaluating higher education, based on an understanding that higher education quality is essentially a reflection of the quality of relationships – between students and teachers, among students and among researchers – and that the role of higher education leaders is to ensure that all the preconditions are met within the institution to enhance these relationships. In this context, David Dill notes that “We speak easily and often about higher education as a public rather than private good. But our efforts to improve education within the university often adopt teaching as a private activity.” He adds that “the benefits from teaching are best understood not as a good provided privately and separately by indi- 10 EUA, Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna, by Sybille Reichert and Christian Tauch, (2005) /TrendsIV_FINAL.1117012084971.pdf 10 BH 1 00 06 07 98 Theme 4 Introducing Bologna objectives and tools European frameworks for quality B 4.3-1 Improving quality vidual teachers, but as a communal or collective good.” This can only be done through effective “communities of learning”.11 In terms of QA processes, this means adhering to the following requirements: QA process requirements • To focus external quality assurance procedures on the institutions’ capacity to build a community of learning. • To examine the institutions’ capacity to change and adapt to a changing environment through an evaluation of its decisionmaking processes, internal quality culture and organisational structures and assessing how these support academic vitality, innovation and a strategic vision. Instead of being focused on the past, as most QA processes do, an examination of the capacity to change, allows institutions to be forward looking and more flexible. It is in this way that we can promote and ensure quality across Europe. Assess capacity to change • To assess an institution in the context of its strategic goals and specific profile rather than apply mechanically the same set of standards to any and all institutions. This would ensure that we promote diversity and innovative practices: both are fundamental to the success of students and of European society as a whole. Assess in context 6. The challenges for all actors: developing trust and legitimacy We return now to the issue of convergence of QA practices that was alluded to in Section 3.1. A recent ENQA study – the Quality Convergence Study (QCS)12 – explored the possibilities for convergence of national QA systems through the adoption of a common set of goals and reference points. Six national QA agencies took part in the study: France, Hungary, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and the UK. The main conclusion reached by this study was that the diversity of national QA procedures is linked to national priorities and that instead of looking for convergence we must look for ways to increase trust. The study suggests that: European QA diversity based on national priorities 11 Dill David, Are Public Research Universities Effective Communities of Learning?: The Collective Action Dilemma of Assuring Academic Standards, 2005, 12 Quality Convergence Study, F. Crozier, B. Curvale and F. Hénard, 2005, ENQA, BH 1 00 06 07 11 99 B 4.3-1 Introducing Bologna objectives and tools Improving quality European frameworks for quality “In order to function effectively, higher education systems require all actors to have confidence in the way the processes within that system are carried out. The complexity of such systems means that confidence cannot rely solely on a complete knowledge and understanding of them. Crucially the QCS project demonstrated that, beyond the formal means for guaranteeing quality or a level of quality, it is up to those who are involved in the systems to provide means of providing confidence.” All actors must agree on procedures This is a very important conclusion and an essential precondition for the legitimacy of quality assurance processes: all actors within a system must agree that the procedures are sound and do achieve the intended outcomes. A second implication that can be derived – albeit indirectly – from this study is that trust cannot be mediated solely by QA or accreditation procedures. They also rely on the direct knowledge and trust that an institution has of its potential partners’ own internal quality processes. Internal quality: the basis for partnerships The role and responsibility of higher education institutions in this process becomes crucial. Internal quality processes must be thought of as important not only for public accountability purposes or as contributions to strengthen a given institution but also as a basis for establishing partnerships with other institutions. In addition, as in the case of external quality processes, the internal processes must also gain the support of multiple actors within a national system, including the support of the QA agencies. Thus, solutions that rely on one single type of actors using similar instruments or standards or signing agreements will not lead us very far because they will not address the basic issue of increasing the legitimacy of one set of actors in the eyes of another set of actors. 7. Conclusion There are two final observations that need to be made regarding the current status of the Bologna process: Absolute convergence is not possible – Whether we are talking of a long-term vision or, more narrowly, of instruments, we should not forget that Bologna includes now 45 widely differing countries. Therefore, the risk of failure in creating the European Higher Education Area is great. We must refocus our thinking and set transparency (rather than commonality) as our primary goal. In this respect, we must remember that the Lisbon Recognition Convention speaks of comparability rather than similarity. All the discussions that led to the Lisbon Convention examined the possibility of commonality and equivalency: these were dropped because they would have undermined any future agreement. 12 BH 1 00 06 07 100 Theme 4 Introducing Bologna objectives and tools European frameworks for quality – B 4.3-1 Improving quality The focus on instruments such as QA, qualifications frameworks, learning outcomes, employability, etc. may lead us to overlook the need to develop a broader vision for our higher education systems and focus on the principles and the values upon which they must be based. HE vision must be based on principles and values At the European level, these values can be summarised in two principles as far as QA instruments are concerned: – be forward looking, – respect the diversity of institutional missions. This will ensure that we promote a diversified higher education system that addresses multiple needs: different types of research, service to society in widely different environments, and access to the greater number of students. Quality assurance systems need to be flexible and embrace this diversity in order to ensure that higher education serves effectively society. It is in this light that the document adopted in Bergen on standards and guidelines should be understood: it is a living document, open to interpretation along the two vectors of time and space. Diversified HE systems addressing multiple needs In order to press forward this agenda, EUA has launched in 2006 the Creativity in Higher Education Project. This project aims to identify a range of conditions, success factors and good practices that enhance the creativity and innovative potential of higher education institutions. EUA creativity project The project is targeted at higher education institutions and their external stakeholders, i.e., academic and administrative staff, the senior leadership, students, industry, employers, the local community and governmental authorities. The project is also targeted at quality assurance agencies, few of which take into consideration explicitly the creativity potential of HEIs. The project should help to identify how quality assurance can contribute to raising the creativity and innovation level in Europe.13 The starting point of this project is that Europe’s universities can contribute to the construction of European society by strengthening their capacity for creativity and innovation. This can be achieved through optimal governance, structures and decision-making processes; cooperation with stakeholders; students’ involvement; a strong link between research and education; appropriate public policy and a culture of risk taking. 13 Project results will be available in March 2007. BH 1 00 06 07 13 101 B 4.3-1 Introducing Bologna objectives and tools Improving quality European frameworks for quality References [1] Blackburn Simon, Truth: A Guide for the Perplexed, Allen Lane, 2005 [2] Crozier Fiona, B. Curvale and F. Hénard, Quality Convergence Study, 2005, ENQA, [3] Dill David, Are public research universities effective communities of learning?: the collective action dilemma of assuring academic standards, 2005, [4] ENQA, Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area, Bergen, May 2005, 00-Main_doc/050221_ENQA_report.pdf [5] EUA, Quality Culture Project reports (2004, 2005, 2006) [6] EUA, Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna, by Sybille Reichert and Christian Tauch, (2005) [7] Pascarella E.T and PT Terenzini, 2005, How College Affects Students – Volume 2: A Third Decade of Research, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. [8] Trow Martin, 1994, “Academic reviews and the culture of excellence, 1994, reprinted in Quality Management in Higher Education Institutions, Lemma Publisher, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1999. [9] Trow Martin, 1996, “Trust, Markets and Accountability in Higher Education: A Comprehensive Perspective”, in SRHE, The 30th Anniversary seminars. All internet sources were last consulted on 1 March 2006. Biography: Dr. Andrée Sursock is Deputy Secretary General of the European University Association. Contact: [email protected] 14 BH 1 00 06 07 102 Theme 5 EUA 2006 Spring Conference – Funding Strong Universities: Diversification, Student Support and Good Governance (Hamburg, Germany, 30 March-1 April 2006) Conclusions 1. Introduction The 2006 Hamburg Conference sought to follow up on the statements in the Glasgow Declaration underlining that “adequate and sustainable funding is a prerequisite for securing universities’ future, and with it their capacity for promoting cultural, social and technological innovation”. While it is crucial that the state continues to maintain, and indeed should increase core funding to universities, the evident need for additional investment in higher education all over Europe means that institutions will increasingly need to draw upon a variety of private sources of funding to cover their costs. The challenge will be to search for an equitable mix and balance between public and private sources, and to ensure that universities are capable of coping with the implications for governance and management of this new situation. The goal of the Conference was to address the multiple aspects of this topic, offer insights into emerging models and examples of good practice both in terms of the introduction of new funding streams and the ways in which these impact on the governance and management structures of universities. In plenary sessions, working groups and round tables, participants addressed a range of different issues, including the impact of tuition fees, the importance of fundraising and building alumni relations, and different types of revenue generating activities as well as the impact of such developments on institutional governance and management. 2. Diversifying funding 2.1 Tuition fees Debate on the pros and cons of the introduction of tuition fees is taking place in many European countries, and policies and practices differ widely. Participants concluded that the funding gap cannot be bridged in a sustainable manner by tuition fees alone, underlining the complexity of the issue with its multiple cultural, social and economic dimensions and the close links to specific national tax and social security systems. There was a consensus that for this reason it makes no sense to attempt to make general recommendations that would be applicable for all European countries; what is needed is rather an open discussion of different national approaches to student fees and the linked issue of student support systems. Such discussions need to take account of different national contexts and of how national discussions and decisions impact on the developing European higher education and research areas. Attention also needs to be paid to the extent to which different models help to achieve societal goals such as broadening access, and also to whether the additional revenue generated benefits institutions directly. Considering the impact of fees at different levels of study is also important, as problems of access at one level have a ‘knock-on’ effect on access at other levels. The question of differentiated tuition fees for different disciplines was also addressed, attention being drawn to possible distortions in student choice that might raise long-term issues for society in terms of the composition and skills profiles of the workforce. Finally, concerns were raised about the possible impact of tuition fees on our understanding of the concept of public responsibility for higher education and in “transforming” students into customers, with its consequences on institutional culture. 103 2.2 Fundraising In contrast to the United States, where philanthropy and giving to universities is a well established fact, there is no such tradition in Europe, in spite of the major contribution universities make to fulfilling important societal goals. Participants felt strongly that it would be important to create the necessary conditions in Europe by removing existing legal barriers, in particular through the introduction of more favourable tax regulations. Existing legislation has a dissuasive effect on potential donors, and is, moreover, different from country to country: thus making national legislation more “donation friendly” was identified as being a major priority. Generating additional funds through philanthropy should not, however, be viewed as an alternative to sustainable public funding but rather a complementary source of revenue useful for enhancing institutional profile. The importance of developing long-term institutional fundraising strategies was also underlined, fundraising being a much more complex process than just asking for money. Such strategies require investments being made in professional fundraising staff, support structures (IT/data base, offices, marketing etc.) as well as in communication and training, and require the support of the whole university community. Fundraising should be done for carefully selected projects and not to cover budget gaps or overhead costs. This requires promoting a culture of fundraising within the institution which in turn underpins the development of a more coherent institutional policy. 2.3 Alumni relations Fostering relations with alumni can provide the university with a powerful network reaching into many layers of society and with a wide geographical scope. Regular small donations from alumni can be more effective than big once-off donations. However, fundraising is only one aspect of relations with alumni and should not to be seen as compensating for lost revenue but instead as a way of enabling the institution to expand its activities and diversify its revenue. As with fundraising, building alumni relations requires an institutional strategy and investment, including strong support from the university leadership. It is also a long term activity that begins before students arrive at the university and that follows their lives after they leave, for example through services provided by the university, such as class reunions, career advice and information products. 2.4 Revenue generating activities 2.4.1. Professional continuous education Additional institutional revenue can also be generated by providing services in the area of professional continuous education. Opportunities for entrepreneurship and revenue generating continuous education require identifying market possibilities that exist in a specific institutional context, and should aim at a holistic approach, combining research, teaching and continuous education activities. Participants underlined the need to achieve a balance between bottom-up activities and top-down management, to ensure proper quality assurance arrangements for such programmes, and of establish clear staff priorities in terms of time spent on their own research and teaching activities and on revenue generating activities for the institution. 2.4.2. Commercialising innovation Businesses increasingly need to develop an “efficient knowledge market” and externalize their research. One of the best ways to do this is to develop collaborative research with universities and public research centres. The main reason for the increasing success of collaborative research is that universities have an immense potential for making available research results that may have commercial applications. 104 Theme 5 For universities this form of collaboration means new opportunities for sustainable revenue activities. However, this requires a change of mindset for universities that need to foster a culture of entrepreneurship and to be able assume new functions: to invest in building efficient knowledge transfer, provide training in research knowledge transfer and test new business models in the form of spin-outs. This requires convincing researchers of the benefits of addressing the possible commercial exploitation of their inventions, improving communication between researchers, technology transfer offices, governments and business and developing full cost models that foster transparent collaboration. Specific “Responsible Partnering” guidelines for such collaboration have been produced jointly by EUA together with stakeholders from industry, public research centres and research transfer offices (Proton Europe, EARMA and EARTO respectively). 3. Managing diversified funding – Challenges for institutional governance The diversification of funding sources has major consequences for the way universities are governed. Furthermore, these changes are taking place at a time when the relationship between the state and the university is also changing rapidly with universities becoming more autonomous but also more accountable. This is particularly important in relation to the management of public and third party funds. Improvements are needed and procedures must be streamlined to enhance cost efficiency and improve accountability both within the university and towards external stakeholders and donors. Case studies presented during the conference concluded that an important first step involves moving towards an assessment of the full costs and cost drivers for teaching, research and administration. In addition, simple budget allocation models need to be put in place to increase the transparency of budget allocation decisions within institutions. The importance of basing institutional governance on the concept of shared responsibility was emphasised as was the need to develop ‘steering capacity’ by aligning academic and financial responsibilities as far as possible at all levels of the university. One model presented was to ensure that the central university management team includes the Presidency and the Deans thus increasing the potential for balancing the various and often contradicting interests within the institution, and enabling the President/Rector to focus on core tasks in strategic governance and representation. There was a consensus that all changes processes should be anchored in a strong university culture, take account of the overall institutional mission and the university’s broader social role and responsibilities. 4. Conclusions The Hamburg conference allowed EUA members to address for the first time the very diverse elements involved in seeking to achieve sustainable funding streams for universities in a rapidly changing environment. This is a debate that is taking place all over Europe. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all- model’ and universities will have to be creative and responsive to adapt to these challenges. Having a clear institutional strategy and mission is essential, both for attracting additional funding from donors, alumni or industry as well as for adapting internal university governance systems to cope with new funding sources and the changing relationship between the state and the university. EUA will take this issue forward in the years to come through projects with its members and further debate, in particular at the March 2007 Convention of Higher Education Institutions in Lisbon. Brussels, April 2006 105 106 Theme 5 Understanding Bologna in context A 2.2-1 Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy Enhancing autonomy and responsibility University governance, leadership and management in a rapidly changing environment Luc E. Weber Abstract Globalisation, scientific and technological processes and, in Europe, the Bologna process are creating an increasingly competitive environment for universities. As a consequence, the traditionally decentralised change process at the level of academic staff and departments does not allow higher education institutions to adapt fast enough or, preferably, to lead this change. The rapidly changing environment of today and tomorrow requires that universities also need to develop a capacity for change at the institutional level; otherwise they will loose their unique status. This challenge implies a system of governance and a leadership both geared towards change, together with the development of the necessary management tools to support such change. Content Page 1. Introduction 2 1.1 1.2 1.3 An increasingly rapidly changing environment Transformation in European higher education The challenge for European universities 2 3 3 2. The responsibilities of public authorities for Higher education and research 4 2.1 The public responsibility for higher education and research 4 3. The responsibilities of higher education and research 6 4. The governance and leadership of higher education institutions 7 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 The limits of the traditional system of governance Towards a system of governance geared towards institutional change Lessons from the economic theory of federalism A suggested role for the different stakeholders The necessary conditions for success in a more centralized system The organisational structure 7 9 9 10 13 14 5. The necessary management tools to support good governance 15 5.1 5.2 Governance and management The most important management tools to support good governance 15 16 6. Conclusions 18 BH 1 00 06 07 1 107 A 2.2-1 Understanding Bologna in context Enhancing autonomy and responsibility 1. Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy Introduction 1.1 An increasingly rapidly changing environment Increasingly rapid change Organisations - private, public and voluntary not for profit – are being challenged all over the world by an increasingly rapidly changing environment. This is also true for schools, tertiary education institutions and universities. The consequences are serious, even threatening: those institutions which do not adapt fast enough – or better, lead this change – risk losing their importance and eventually disappearing. If this is recognized in companies, non-profit organisations and even in public entities, why shouldn’t it be also true for universities? Competition and cooperation The reasons have been widely recognized. They are due to two phenomena: globalization, as well as scientific and technological progress. Probably, the most striking aspect of these is the accession of China and India to among the great economic powers. As Thomas Friedman (2005) cleverly put it: “The World is Flat”. The consequences can be summarized in two key words: increasing competition for people and organisations and – although it might appear as a paradox – an increasing need for cooperation in order to take up the challenge of competition. Investing in the knowledge society Europe, where the first industrial revolution took place, is particularly challenged. Its high standards of living could even be threatened for two interlinked reasons: its rapidly aging population will hamper its economic dynamism. Moreover, the comparatively generous welfare state which Europe was able to develop thanks to its economic domination until the Second World War and rapid reconstruction afterwards may well be unsustainable, all the more since it is characterised by too much waste. The recognition of these threats is at the origin of the European Union’s 2000 Lisbon Agenda, which aims to foster research and competitiveness. They are also clearly taken seriously by a few countries, in particular those which were for long among the less developed ones, like Finland and Ireland. Moreover, this European malaise is also at the origin of the 1998-1999 Sorbonne-Bologna process which aims to make from the European diversity the catalyst of its development. In brief, Europe has become conscious that its most promising response to the challenge of increasing competition is to invest heavily in the knowledge society. 2 BH 1 00 06 07 108 Theme 5 Understanding Bologna in context A 2.2-1 Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy Enhancing autonomy and responsibility 1.2 Transformation in European higher education European higher education institutions and universities must simultaneously take up the globalisation challenge, which is a source of increasing competition, as well as the challenge of transformation through the Bologna process, in order to respond to this competition. Moreover, the Bologna process has two distinct phases; first, the transformation phase with the implementation of the reforms involved; second, the long term impact of establishing both the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the European Research Area (ERA), as well as of some national specific policies. The increased transparency of the European Higher Education system and the new research and funding policies will seriously reinforce the climate of competition between institutions. And this is happening in a time of increasing competition between traditional institutions, the emergence of new types of institutions, continued increases in participation rates, increasing demands on higher education institutions, increasing costs of research and teaching, and increasing difficulties for the public authorities to allocate the public funds which would be required, in particular due to other priority obligations (see also Newman et al, 2004). The challenge for universities 1.3 The challenge for European universities This rapidly and profoundly changing environment both worldwide and in Europe is seriously challenging national higher education and research systems, as well as each individual institution, to change not only in order to adapt, but also to contribute to the change. As the European University Association (2005), echoed by the President of the European Commission, Barroso (2005), put it: “Europe needs strong universities” in order for the continent itself to be strong. This is a challenge both for the public authorities, who should ensure a favourable environment for the development of institutions, and for institutions to be well governed, led and managed. Europe need strong universities Keeping in mind the pressure and necessity for change, this article will successively consider: • the implications for the responsibility of public authorities for higher education and research, • the responsibilities of higher education institutions, • the governance and leadership of higher education institutions, and finally • the management of higher education institutions. BH 1 00 06 07 3 109 A 2.2-1 Understanding Bologna in context Enhancing autonomy and responsibility 2. Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy The responsibilities of public authorities for Higher education and research 2.1 The public responsibility for higher education and research Higher education as a public responsibility Since the Sorbonne Declaration (1998), the Ministers of education, as co-signatories of the successive declarations or communiqués, have been stressing that higher education is a public responsibility. This is quite reasonable as it has been well established that higher education produces not only a very high private return on investments for individuals, but also a high collective one. This public responsibility for higher education and research is justified by efficiency and equity reasons. First, the market is not fully efficient, due to the external benefits accruing to those who have not benefited from higher education, to insufficient information, as well as to its incapacity to take into account the social benefits of education to the whole community and the guarantee of quality education across the board. Second, the market cannot guarantee a fair distribution of higher education opportunities (Bergan, 2005 and Weber, 2005). Responsibility of public authorities The draft recommendations elaborated by the steering committee for higher education and research of the Council of Europe1 state that “The responsibility of public authorities for higher education and research should be nuanced and defined relative to specific areas. It is broadly recommended that public authorities have: • exclusive responsibility for the framework within which higher education and research is conducted; • leading responsibility for ensuring all citizens have effective equal opportunities to higher education as well as ensuring that basic research remains a public good; • substantial responsibility for financing higher education and research, the provision of higher education and research, as well as for stimulating and facilitating financing and provision by other sources within the framework developed by public authorities.” University autonomy These recommendations state further that: “In the choice of instruments for exercising their responsibilities, public authorities should respect the principle of institutional autonomy and acknowledge that funding, motivating and stimulating the development of higher educa- 1 As approved by the Bureau on 30-31 January 2006 and to be submitted to the committee of Ministers of the Council. 4 BH 1 00 06 07 110 Theme 5 Understanding Bologna in context A 2.2-1 Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy Enhancing autonomy and responsibility tion and research is as important a part of public responsibility as the exercise of regulation and control”. Why is institutional autonomy so important? For at least two reasons (Weber, 2006): First, history demonstrates that each time the ruling powers restricted the autonomy of universities, a period of intellectual and social stagnation or decadence quickly emerged. Society needs universities to develop new knowledge and to examine societal and scientific questions freely, with a high level of scholarship and the most appropriate scientific methods. This is the essential long term responsibility of universities towards society. Second, recent rankings of research universities show that the best universities are very autonomous institutions and that the few exceptions to this observation, which are to be found in particular in Russia or China, can be explained by the fact that they are generously funded and benefit from an internal decision making process which allows them to fix priorities. Autonomous universities are superior because they can be proactive and entrepreneurial: too much and/or often bad regulation, as well as too many short term and often cyclical outside pressures or incentives, kill initiative and are therefore the source of more regulation and political micro-management which further weaken the institution. There is clearly a great danger of a vicious circle! Obviously, autonomy should be secured not only towards the State, but also towards the private economy and established religions or any other spiritual movements. The scope of “real” autonomy is broad. It covers: Advantages of autonomous universities Scope of autonomy • the internal organisation, the decision making processes and the selection of leaders, • the study programmes, although the structure of degrees and the qualifications framework should be regulated by the state, • the choice of academic and non-academic staff and their financial compensation, • the choice of non-state-allocated financial resources, in particular student fees, as well as of how to spend its resources, • the choice of students, provided that national objectives concerning equal access and opportunity are met. It would be self-destructive to follow the argument that governments should stop funding independent institutions, considering the high collective return on investment of higher education and research. It is also wrong to consider the financing of higher education as a consumer expense. BH 1 00 06 07 High returns on investment 5 111 A 2.2-1 Understanding Bologna in context Enhancing autonomy and responsibility The corollary of university autonomy Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy On the other hand, respecting the autonomy of institutions does not mean that governments should not have a higher education and research policy. Certainly not! Governments must also fix priorities and implement them through appropriate funding and allocation policies. However, changing priorities should be done over time and at a high level of aggregation, in order to avoid adverse impacts on institutions which could be seen as equivalent to direct intervention. Furthermore, it is recommended that government and universities agree on missions and funding levels by way of contract. Finally, public authorities should promote the quality of the system and of each institution, through a quality assurance framework where universities are both the key players and the owners of the framework. 3. The responsibilities of higher education and research The combination of increased competition, increased pressure from public authorities, private firms and public opinion, and the difficulty of receiving the financial support from the public authorities to match the cost of these additional demands, is pushing universities to examine how to improve their efficiency and obtain new sources of funding. This is certainly positive, but these attempts “to do more with less” and to find alternative sources of funding – as is increasingly required – have limits. Universities are increasingly threatened in the pursuit of their fundamental missions, i.e. developing new knowledge and educating students. Responsive vs. responsible universities Public authorities, public opinion and each institution must all be well aware that universities today are inevitably pushed towards a conflict between two equally important objectives. However, these objectives cannot be equally and simultaneously satisfied without adequate funding (Grin, Harayama and Weber, 2000, Weber, 2002, pp. 62-64). On one hand, “universities are expected to be responsive to the shortterm needs of the economy, the state and their main stakeholders, the students. This means that universities should respond to what society demands at any one time”. “On the other hand, while responding to society’s need and demands, universities must also assume a crucial responsibility towards society. Universities are one of the oldest surviving institutions, clearly older than modern states. Moreover, they remain practically the only institutions able to secure and transmit the cultural heritage of a society, to create new knowledge and to have the professional competences and the right status to analyse social problems independently, scientifically and critically. The great difference between being responsive and being responsible lies in the fact that, in the first case, universities should be receptive to what society expect from them; in the second case, they should have the ambition to guide 6 BH 1 00 06 07 112 Theme 5 Understanding Bologna in context A 2.2-1 Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy Enhancing autonomy and responsibility reflection and policy-making in society”. While universities excel at making new discoveries in all disciplines …, they must also scrutinize systematically the trends that might affect soon or later the well-being of populations and, if necessary, raise criticism, issue alarm signal and make recommendations…”. These two responsibilities can obviously be contradictory in the short term, as the pressures of both the market and politics require universities to respond to immediate needs or to political opinions which are too often purely utilitarian, reflecting short term, or even partisan needs. Therefore, it is crucial that universities have the freedom and the strengths to pursue their search for knowledge away from undue pressure, political or financial. But the reality for them is that they are “situated at the centre of forces between the necessity to be responsive to the short term needs of their stakeholders and to be responsible for the long term interest of the society they are serving…” (Weber, 2002, p. 64). Short term and long term perspectives This tension between responsiveness and responsibility is continuously reinforced by the accelerating changing environment. Hence, meeting the challenges of permanent change, and engineering the corresponding changes, both demand ongoing articulation between the requirements of responsiveness and responsibility. 4. The governance and leadership of higher education institutions 4.1 The limits of the traditional system of governance The challenge for universities to become strong institutions and their quest for substantial autonomy have important implications, the most delicate one probably being the need to deserve the hopes and trust put in them. This means, among other things, that they should be accountable to the public authorities on which they depend, and by extension to the public at large, and to their private sponsors and stakeholders. This implies in particular that they should be well governed, led and managed. The greater the autonomy, the more this is crucial. The traditional process of change Adapting to the fast changing environment and even leading the change is a difficult challenge for universities. The experienced observer of university decision making knows that there is continuous disagreement about whether universities are changing fast enough or not. Indeed, universities do adapt on a permanent basis to the changing environment, thanks to the inherent capacity to adapt of its academic staff, who have been selected on the basis of their capacity con- BH 1 00 06 07 7 113 A 2.2-1 Understanding Bologna in context Enhancing autonomy and responsibility Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy stantly to renew their knowledge and to innovate. Moreover, universities have a good opportunity to innovate through the process of recruiting new members of academic staff. Not adapting fast enough However, this comparatively high potential of a university to respond to the new demands and opportunities still does not guarantee that they are adapting as fast as they could and should. Furthermore, there is an increasing feeling among university leaders and observers that universities and the university system are not adapting fast enough in order to make sure they deliver what is necessary, in order to best serve the long term needs of society. Indeed, each institution, as well as the system, is bound to be good if the new entering students are well prepared, the staff, the facilities and the equipments are good, and funding is generous…. However, today’s challenges require being better, even for a good institution, and this is obviously even more true for mediocre ones. In the vast majority of European universities, decision making is strongly characterised by systems where the counter-powers are nearly as strong as the decision making bodies, and where the numbers of bodies to be consulted is greater than it should be, and where these bodies are characterised by unclear and often somehow overlapping competences. In other words, decision processes are obscure and unlikely to produce clear and significant decisions. Governance can be defined as the set of bod- Decision making and counter-powers ies and functions, their respective competences and the procedures by which they interact to make decisions at the level of and within the institution. This non-transparent and partly redundant decision process was and is still justified by the important fact that in no other human organisation is there such a high concentration of intelligence and scholarship at the basis of the Leadership is the aptitude of the university heads at different levels of responsibility, rehierarchical pyramid, if we accept the use of spectively president or chair of the (administrathat word so unfamiliar to university discourse tive) board or senate, if any, rector/president or in defining the different layers of academic rectorate/presidency, deans or deanship, dileaders (in particular rector/president, deans, rector or head of school, department, institute or heads of departments, professors, researchers, research centre to fulfil their role by promoting advanced students). For centuries, higher edustrategic thinking, engaging dialogue – which cation institutions did well by counting on an implies in particular consulting, listening and extremely decentralized decision making syscommunicating, but also providing input of extem and an often redundant network of compertise and vision – and by making decisions mittees and decision bodies to adapt to the and making sure these are implemented. changing environment. Today, the alarm signs are very present, in particular, the strong domination of the United States in matter of Nobel prizes over the last thirty years and the impressive domination of American universities in rankings of research universities. 8 BH 1 00 06 07 114 Theme 5 Understanding Bologna in context A 2.2-1 Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy Enhancing autonomy and responsibility 4.2 Towards a system of governance geared towards institutional change The question facing each institution is whether the traditional system of shared governance, which is traditionally very decentralized and democratic, allows universities to implement the significant changes imposed by the changing environment. It is eminently difficult to respond to that question; however, as an observer of the system, one can fear that if it was probably possible in the past, it is no longer the case today. In addition to the complexity, duration and sometimes paralysis of the decision making processes, the main actors – who too often refuse to recognize that they would benefit from it in the long run – often act more as agents slowing down the process than promoting it. University professors and other leading researchers most often prefer the status quo if they are not sure what benefit will result from the change, are more faithful to their discipline than to their institution, have no real vision for their institution, and are easily demotivated. In other words, the institution’s human assets tend also to become its most conservative element. Preferring the status quo In an institution where most of the competence is at the bottom of the hierarchy, this very fact raises the serious question of the right degree of (de)centralisation. At first sight, there is no one solution which is obviously better than any other. It appears on the contrary that the optimal solution very much depends on the personalities who occupy the key positions; it varies therefore from one combination of personalities to the other. Whatever the rationale on paper of a solution, its effectiveness depends greatly on the persons occupying the key positions in the organisational chart. People are more important than structures! People are important! 4.3 Lessons from the economic theory of federalism In order to decide about the optimal degree of decentralisation, it may be useful, at least in understanding what is at stake, to borrow some inspiration from the economic theory of federalism, as this attempts to identify which decision should be made at which level of government (Weber, 2001). We learn from this theory that, basically, decisions should be taken at a level as near as possible to those who will be affected (positively or negatively) by the decision. This rule is better known as the subsidiarity principle, which states that decisions should be made at the lowest level possible. This parallelism established between decision makers and those directly affected by the decision needs to allow, however, for three exceptions: BH 1 00 06 07 The subsidiarity principle 9 115 A 2.2-1 Understanding Bologna in context Enhancing autonomy and responsibility Three exceptions Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy • The existence of externalities, i.e. effects which can result even if those taking the decision avoid or try to avoid it having an impact, negative or positive, on a broader circle of people. This is typically the case when e.g. a weak university department damages the reputation of the whole university, or when the high quality of a department has a positive impact on the visibility of the whole institution. • The existence of potential economies of scale, which would allow the institution to improve its output and/or decrease its input, by engaging in collaboration with other subdivisions or external organisations or even by merging. One obvious example is the development of open-courseware or of a digital library. • The need for equals to be treated equally. This requires the centralisation of the rule making and implementation processes, in order to ensure that everyone is treated equally. Less emphasis on equal treatment would permit a lighter, more decentralized system. Decisions at the lowest level possible We can infer from these very basic principles that decisions should be normally be taken at the lowest decision level possible, as long as this is not in contradiction with the above three exceptions, that is as long as there are no wide ranging externalities, no potential economies of scale, and that it does not produce unacceptable inequalities of treatment. In other words, given the high levels of professional competence at faculty and academic staff levels, and the great potential enthusiasm at the level of students, universities should – more than any other organisation – give plenty of freedom to these stakeholders. This is the best way to promote their creativity and to secure their commitment to the institution. However, such a strongly decentralized decision process would neglect the other aspects of a good decision structure, which all plead for a more centralized or hierarchical decision process (Weber, 2001). These lessons drawn from the economic theory of federalism show that the ideal system of governance – if any – must allow for an adequate combination of decentralized and centralized decision making, the latter being replaceable by strongly coordinated decisions making processes. 4.4 A suggested role for the different stakeholders Stakeholders’ roles in a modern university Let us now look schematically at the different potential decision makers and examine which decisions they should be responsible for (Weber, 2001). These broad principles should be adapted to the local situation, in particular to the organisational structure (e.g., a traditional system with faculties and departments, a flatter organisation with only 10 BH 1 00 06 07 116 Theme 5 Understanding Bologna in context A 2.2-1 Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy Enhancing autonomy and responsibility one layer of faculties or schools with no further subdivision underneath, or a matrix system). • Students should be in a position to define their education and to evaluate the quality of the education provided to them, as well as to participate in and contribute to improving the social aspects of their student life. Students • The academic staff, in particular university professors, who constitute the key human assets of a university, should benefit from a working environment which favours their creativity and their commitment towards their students. They should also have ample opportunities to express their views about the future development of their discipline and to propose the creation of new study programmes and research areas. However, they should not have a final say about strategic issues, as this would introduce a strong bias in favour of the status quo. However, if a professor receives financial support for an activity that is no longer a priority, he or she should be left free to work on it. Academic staff • The responsibilities of groups of academic staff at department or faculty level are equivalent to those of individual academics, and entail more or less the same restrictions. It is obvious that a group of academics belonging to the same discipline is tempted to act as a cartel, particularly inclined to defend their own interests without paying too much attention to the interests of the larger organisation. • Deans or head of faculties or schools: in most European universities, faculties or schools are the most important units, holding an intermediate position between the university and the departments or institutes. In many respects, they represent a compromise between respect for the subsidiarity principle and arguments in favour of stronger centralisation. It is good policy to attribute most decisions regarding teaching to faculties, and to involve them in the conception and implementation of policies. However, one can observe in many universities that deans are often too close to the members of his or her faculty to exercise effective authority and that, when together, they tend to collude against the leadership of the organisation, preventing any significant change. Due to their extremely delicate position between their faculty colleagues and the rector/president, and sometimes in opposition to their own views, deans and groups of deans are often the most conservative decision agents opposed to change. Deans • The rector/president and his or her team should obviously lead the institution and therefore make all strategic decisions. However, the preparation of the decisions and their implementation should be partly delegated to permanent or ad hoc committees. It is crucial Rector/President BH 1 00 06 07 11 117 A 2.2-1 Understanding Bologna in context Enhancing autonomy and responsibility Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy for the institution that the wealth of knowledge available is fully exploited to define strategies, policies and rules, thanks to intensive consultation of those who have the knowledge or are in the position effectively to understand all aspects of a question. However, once this large consultation has been undertaken and the different groups have had the opportunity to express their views, a decision must be made. And for all strategic questions, the setting of broad priorities, including the creation, suppression or merger of units, changing the organisational structure of the institution or the decision making process, collaboration with other universities or institutions, the final decision should be taken by the rector/president and/or his or her team, unless an administrative board has the competence to do this. It is important to stress also that this competence to decide must be accompanied by the power to apply and implement the decision. This is often a serious challenge, but a choice of means, in particular the use of incentives or disincentives, mainly financial, is preferable to the blunt use of rules and power. Let us add that if the rector/president is in a position to choose the other members of his or her team, this rectorate/presidency team is likely to lead the institution better thanks to the combination of personalities and competences. Senate • The Senate, defined as the assembly of academic staff, which may in fact be restricted to professors, as in many European universities, is obviously no longer in a position to make the sort of decisions it might have been some time ago. Administrative board • An administrative board is a decision making body, partly or totally internal to the university, composed of representatives of all stakeholders (students, academic and non academic staff). We have them in many European universities at university level, and in some cases also at faculty level. They should be given ample opportunity to comment and make proposals regarding university strategy, study programmes, student affairs and general welfare within the university. However, if on one hand this has the advantage of contributing to the production of consensus-based decisions in line with a model of shared governance, such a board is in general the other main obstacle to significant change within the institution. It is generally composed of representatives who are not all really interested in the future of the institution, but who have agreed to be elected in order to defend a position, which in most cases is already well established; they spend only a fraction of the time spent by the rector/president in preparing the decisions; finally, majority building in boards calls for strategic alliances, which may change from one decision to the other. Moreover the president of the administrative board plays generally an important role. There is more coherence if the rector/president or a faithful friend is him or herself in this position, but sometimes, board is led by someone else or, worse, someone who has been elected to lead the opposition. 12 BH 1 00 06 07 118 Theme 5 Understanding Bologna in context A 2.2-1 Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy Enhancing autonomy and responsibility • Contrary to the USA where these are the rule, external boards are few and far between in Europe. They are in principle composed exclusively of personalities from outside the institution. As the American experience shows, external boards can be very supportive to a rector/president engaged in a policy of change and in the strategic decision making process; but they can also be an nightmare for him or her if they have a high propensity for political micro-management. In such cases, they are very similar to the public authorities (executive or legislative) who operate in the cases of institutions with little autonomy. The choice of external board members is crucial: quality and experience, as opposed to political obedience, should be the only criteria. External boards • In many European countries, the public authorities play the role, more or less, of external boards in the US. Depending on the distribution of competences between the ministry in charge and the institution, the public authorities usually play a role in important decisions like the allocation of budgets, the approval of study programmes or the appointment of professors. However, there is a large degree of diversity between one system and another. It is this aspect which allows the formal, if not the effective, autonomy of an institution to be measured. Public authorities In summary, in order to respond to the heavy challenges raised by being pro-active and entrepreneurial, the university of today needs to have the governance mechanisms capable of making the right decisions and the authority to implement these decisions. Compared with the university of twenty years ago, this requires greater decision making power at the level of the rector/president and/or, if there is one, at the level of an external board. In other words, it is crucial to reduce the possibilities for blocking the decision making and implementation processes at the level of administrative boards or of deans. These possibilities are often reinforced by the multiplication of bodies and the interminable length of processes. 4.5 The necessary conditions for success in a more centralized system The concentration of more decision making power in the person of the rector/president and his or her team is likewise not without risk. This is what professors and deans will argue when complaining about the wrong decisions or the lack of decisions by the rector/president. This risk is real and must be taken seriously. But the fact that real decision making power is concentrated in a small number of persons, mainly at the top of the institution, is the norm in the private and political worlds. In both cases, clear mechanisms exist for controlling the leaders and for getting rid of them if they are not competent or take the wrong decisions. This is why, in the context of higher education insti- BH 1 00 06 07 And if the leader is not good enough? 13 119 A 2.2-1 Understanding Bologna in context Enhancing autonomy and responsibility Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy tutions, rectors/presidents must be appointed for a specific period, which should be renewable. It should also be possible not to renew their mandate at the end of a period, or to dismiss them during the course of the mandate. Such action should in principle be the responsibility of the same body which appointed him or her, in principle the administrative board or an external board. It is true that universities, more than any other institution, benefit from a spontaneous capacity for change and can be seriously affected by bad decisions imposed from the top; nevertheless, the challenges of today are too serious to trust the system of shared governance completely: this is too conservative and sometimes even incapable of making the decisions required by the changing environment. The challenge is to find a just balance between the two extremes. 4.6 The organisational structure Model of structural organisation Decision making in any given university depends not only on its different consultation and decision bodies, but also on its organisational structure. As seen above, we can identify three main models, each with variants: the traditional model with faculties and departments; a flatter type of organisation with only one level of subdivision (schools, departments or colleges); and the matrix system by which the institutions is organized according to its two main missions, research and teaching as well as learning, both of these benefiting from a decision making structure. The arguments for and against these different models are relatively well known. Three points regarding structures Today, three points should be taken seriously into account. First, it is important for a structure to be kept as simple as possible in order to facilitate consultation and rapid decision making. Second, the development and specialisation of science today imposes an increase in scale in order to guarantee the necessary critical mass. It is now not unusual to have 7-10 professors in disciplines which were well covered by two professors fifty years ago. Third, despite the increasing division of disciplines into micro-specializations, many discoveries are done today at the margins between two or three disciplines. Moreover, solutions to societal questions need the joint input of many disciplines. Although interdisciplinarity has been recognized as essential for a very long time, the traditional structures of universities, as well as the organisation of professional publications, are a serious obstacle to its development. This is why a number of universities across Europe are currently in a process of completely reengineering their organisational structure in order to promote interdisciplinarity, critical mass and capacity for change. 14 BH 1 00 06 07 120 Theme 5 Understanding Bologna in context A 2.2-1 Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy Enhancing autonomy and responsibility Profile of leader Another open question is the profile of the ideal institutional leader. Considering the size, budget and the necessity imposed by the environment to make significant decisions, some could believe that the best profile for a rector/president is that of a businessman, with experience in running a big firm. Apart from a few positive experiences, it is probably not the best solution, in particular because universities are extremely complex institutions, among others due to the quality of their human resources, the very special conditions of creativity at the frontiers of science, and the importance of the right communication methods in the teaching and research worlds. Therefore, the ideal leader remains someone who has gained a high reputation in science and/or as a teacher, and who is very familiar with the necessary conditions for innovation, creativity and teaching responsibility. However, if these high qualities were quite sufficient fifty years ago, when the rector/president would spend perhaps only one day a week in his or her office, they are no longer sufficient today. The complexity of the strategic decisions which have to be taken, the challenge of convincing the whole institution to join forces towards a specific aim as agreed by the majority, the complexity of legal regulations, and the sophistication of management tools Management should be understood as the use all require that the leader should have excelof suitable tools to prepare and implement decilent leadership and management aptitudes, sions and policies, as well as to monitor their whatever his or her academic discipline and efficiency and effectiveness. in addition to his or her academic qualities. Although these can to a certain extent be learned, not everybody has such skills. This is why the profile of the ideal rector/president should include competences which have more to do with the intrinsic personality of the candidate and his or her ability to build on the scientific qualities he or she has already developed. 5. The necessary management tools to support good governance 5.1 Governance and management Obviously, the responsive and responsible university of today needs a good governance system in order to be able to make the strategic and administrative decisions required by the fast changing environment and to secure the support of the academic and non academic communities for their implementation. However, this is not enough. In order to prepare and implement the decisions, as well as to monitor their effectiveness, institutions need to develop and utilize the information BH 1 00 06 07 15 121 A 2.2-1 Understanding Bologna in context Enhancing autonomy and responsibility Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy provided by various management tools. These instruments serve also to secure the transparency and accountability of the institution, internally and externally. This is not the place to describe these instruments in detail. This section will nevertheless briefly describe those which are indispensable for better governance. Those which have mainly an administrative character, like the administration of students and human resources, accounting, computer services, logistics, etc …, will not be described here, not because they are not important, but because their purpose is of an administrative nature and not necessarily to support a strategy of change. 5.2 The most important management tools to support good governance 6 main tools Any institution aware of the necessity to be pro-active and entrepreneurial in this period of rapidly changing environments should develop and use the following management tools: Strategic plan • A strategic plan is the best tool available to invite the whole institution to project itself into the future (around ten to fifteen years), examine different scenarios regarding the development of its environment and its response to these developments, and to select the most appropriate strategy. This strategic plan and scenario building exercise should as far as possible be “zero-based” to force the different units to justify their whole activity and not only the incremental developments they envisage. Financial plan • It is also very useful for institutions to establish a four-five year financial plan, and to revise this every one or two years. Experience shows that they are rarely applicable for more than two years, thus the necessity to update them on a regular basis. In addition to that, in order to facilitate internal budgetary negotiations and to inform subdivisions about what they can expect in the future, the financial plan helps the institution to extrapolate the additional costs linked to an investment (building, heavy equipment). However, the implementation of a financial plan should not prevent the institution from supporting good projects or opportunities which appeared once the plan has already been put together. This implies that the organisational leadership should have an important budgetary reserve (around 5 10 % of the total budget) at its disposal, which can be used, with the help of an ad hoc committee, in order to launch a very good project which appears to represent an opportunity. Quality culture • Any university, whatever its level, can improve. The surest strategy to improve is to develop a rigorous culture of quality within the institution. There are many ways to improve quality, but the most promising would appear to be a cyclical process of evaluation of all academic and administrative units, articulated around a self-evaluation report, a 16 BH 1 00 06 07 122 Theme 5 Understanding Bologna in context A 2.2-1 Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy Enhancing autonomy and responsibility peer review visit, and a serious follow-up mechanism (see the Irish model, Irish Universities Quality Board, 2006). • Universities are paradoxical: when scientific research is concerned, academics rigorously use data and statistical tools to reach scientific findings; but when budgetary decisions or the allocation of office space are at stake, this is often done in a subjective manner by academics in administrative positions, where negotiating skills become the most important factor. Universities should therefore place a high priority on collecting and analysing core sets of data in order to be able to make objective decisions based on facts and not only on impressions. This implies that universities should set up a small institutional research unit, composed of one or two statisticianeconomist-sociologists, to elaborate and maintain this core set of “dashboard” indicators, analysing them and undertaking other relevant internal studies. The costs of such an initiative would be well compensated by the improvement in decisions made. Core set of indicators • It is also a fact that accounting in most universities is restricted to the identification of the flow of expenditures and revenues in order to establish the yearly accounts. It is rare for university accounting to examine the efficiency or effectiveness of production, and to calculate the unit as well the full economic costs of different activities. Therefore, a well governed and well led university should develop a system of analytical accounting and develop a spirit of monitoring. However, the purpose of this should be to support the academic staff and not to sanction them. Analytical accounting • Finally, in a period of rapid change and significant decisions, the people concerned often react negatively because they are anxious for their present positions. Since they are not able to move to another function and because they do not really see the purpose of a proposed change, or the possible advantages for them and for the whole institution. This is why the leaders of the university should spend much more time than they do traditionally on communications and dialogue, both inside and outside the institution. In this period of over-information and increased insecurity, communication should become the main instrument of today’s university leader. Communications In concluding this section, it is necessary to remind university leaders and their heads of administration of the risks involved when developing decision making tools and improving the administration. One of these is the creation of heavy and rigid bureaucracy which then becomes a real burden for the academic staff, instead of making their inevitable administrative work as simple and productive as possible. Too many administrative tasks, coupled with rigid rules, are in the end frustrating and killing new initiatives, and encouraging subversive behaviour. Better administration doesn’t mean rigid bureaucracy BH 1 00 06 07 17 123 A 2.2-1 Understanding Bologna in context Enhancing autonomy and responsibility 6. The two key messages Governance, public responsibility and institutional autonomy Conclusions The purpose of this article was to offer an overview of governance, leadership and management of European universities in a period of rapid change. In view of the extreme diversity of the European higher education landscape, historically, institutionally and politically, the description was articulated around general characteristics which can be considered as more or less common to all institutions, whatever the country of localization. We trust however that any university leader who decided to read this article, in search of some inspiration, was well aware of this limitation and that he or she would therefore not find solutions readily applicable to his or her institution. However, they will have hopefully picked up the two main messages of this article: first, that the higher education and research sector is not immune to the disruption which is taking place in the world and which is still ahead of us; second, that to take up the challenge, universities can no longer count on a change process located solely at the level of individual departments and academics, but need to establish a governance, leadership and management system geared to change at the institutional level. Even if a lot of work remains to be done along the lines described above in planning an adequate solution for a specific institution in a specific environment, the purpose of this chapter would be reached if these messages have been understood and if many university leaders begin or continue to take action accordingly. Bibliographical references [1] Barroso, J. M. (2005): “Strong Universities for Europe”, Keynote speech pronounced at the European University Association convention in Glasgow [2] Bergan, S. (2005): “Higher education as a ‘public good and a public responsibility’: what does it mean?”, in (pp. 13-28) Weber and Bergan (eds), The Public responsibility for higher education and research, Council of Europe higher education series No2, Strasbourg [3] European University Association (EUA) (2005): “Strong universities for a Strong Europe”, Glasgow Declaration, Brussels, 14 April [4] Friedman, T. L. (2005): “The World is flat”. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York [5] Grin, F., Harayama, Y. & Weber, L. E. 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(2002): “Universities’ Responsiveness and Responsibilities in an Age of Heightened Competition” in (pp. 61-72) Hirsch & Weber (eds), As the Walls of Academia are Tumbling Down, Economica, Paris [11] Weber, L. E. (2005): “Nature and scope of the public responsibility for higher education and research?” in (pp. 13-28) Weber and Bergan (eds), The Public responsibility for higher education and research, Council of Europe higher education series No2, Strasbourg [12] Weber, L. E. (forthcoming 2006): “The challenges of globalization for university governance in Europe”, in Kohler & Huber (eds), [13] Council of Europe higher education series No4, Strasbourg Biography: Luc E. Weber, Professor of Economics and Rector Emeritus, University of Geneva, Switzerland; EUA Founding Board Member; Chair of the Steering Committee for Higher Education and Research at the Council of Europe Contact: [email protected] BH 1 00 06 07 19 125 126
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