How to use the New CAPF 104

How to use the
New CAPF 104
CAPF 104 “Family”
ƒ CAPF 104
ƒ CAPF 104
ƒ CAPF 104A
ƒ CAPF 104B
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.2
CAPF 104
CAPF 104
Parts 1 & 4
Parts 2 & 3
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.3
CAPF 104 Mission Flight Plan/Briefing Form
“Lifeblood” of CAP Air Operations
ƒ Used to release and document ALL air sorties
ƒ One per aircraft per air sortie
ƒ One engine start to one engine stop
ƒ Basic Form outlines the following information
ƒ CAP flight plan
ƒ Assignment information
ƒ Post-sortie debriefing
ƒ Accounting information
ƒ Parts 1-3 filled out prior to sortie, Part 4 after
ƒ Two copies—one for Air Branch and one for aircrew
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.4
CAPF 104 Part 1
Basic Aircrew Info
Who is on board
and what are their
ES qualifications?
Mission Info
How can we contact the aircrew if
necessary? (MUST include pilot or
crew member cell phone number!)
What aircraft is being
used and what are its
All red boxes should be filled out by
aircrew prior to sortie briefing.
Blue box entered by incident staff
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.5
CAPF 104 Part 2
Mission Flight Plan
Optional information to be
entered by incident staff
General sortie and required
communications information
Where are you going, what
are you doing and how are
you getting there?
What are the current and
forecast weather conditions?
Aircrews will enter this information
during the sortie briefing
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.6
CAPF 104 Part 3
Safety Info & Notes
Do you need to file
an FAA flight plan
and did you open it?
Was the ORM matrix completed
and is the risk appropriate?
(Approved by Incident Staff)
Any special safety or other
non-standard instructions?
Any other notes?
Aircrews will enter this information
during the sortie briefing
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.7
CAPF 104 Part 4
Debriefing Info
Sortie accounting – how much
time flown and what it cost?
What did you do, how did
you do it, and what
intelligence do you have?
What was the weather like
and do you have any other
information to pass to the
incident planners?
Was the sortie successful?
Aircrews will enter this information
during the sortie debriefing
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.8
CAPF 104 Notes
ATD = Engine START Time
(in Zulu)
ATA = Engine STOP Time
(in Zulu)
Provide total fuel and
cost info to the Incident
Staff as soon as possible.
If you do not refuel after
the current sortie, inform
the Incident Staff during
your debriefing.
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.9
CAPF 104 Notes
CAPF 104, Pt I
Flight Release on a CAPF 104 will
ONLY be given by a qualified
member of the Incident Staff
(AOBD, OSC or IC).
A “regular” FRO CAN NOT
provide flight release on a
supervised mission (one in which
an IC has been appointed).
CAPF 104, Pt IV
The pilot MUST receive a mission
flight release in person or via
“phone” (to include telephone or
ALL CAPF 104 flights WILL be
debriefed and the results entered
on the form(s).
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.10
CAPF 104
Other considerations
ƒ Ensure full debriefing, including map of any
sightings/points of interest
ƒ Include any factors that impacted sortie
ƒ If “inbound” or “outbound”, indicate on form top
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.11
CAPF 104
Other considerations (cont.)
ƒ ETE (Estimated Time Enroute) is estimate for total
sortie, not just enroute to grid
ƒ Record flying time in hours and tenths (Hobbs)
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.12
CAPF 104 (Cont.)
Two additional forms for special purposes
ƒ CAPF 104A: SAR Results Worksheet
ƒ Documents all SAR sortie results & deliverables
ƒ Initially filled out in pre-sortie brief
ƒ Completed during sortie & debriefed after
ƒ CAPF 104B: Reconnaissance Summary
ƒ Documents aerial photography sorties
ƒ Use to log each and every photograph taken
ƒ Copy will be provided to customer along with photos
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.13
CAPF 104A Pt 1
Mission number and date.
Who is reporting these
results (so we know who
to talk to if we have
additional questions)?
What area are you searching?
What do you THINK the search
area will look like?
Now how did it ACTUALLY look?
How well do you think you did
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.14
CAPF 104A Pt 1
Complete the RED sections
during your sortie brief/prior
to sortie release.
Complete the GREEN sections
after completing your search .
Enter these times during the
course of your sortie.
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.15
CAPF 104A Pt 2
This is your chance to tell us what
you saw and where it was.
What did you do and how did you
do it? And did something impact
your ability to search (if so, tell us
If you made a sighting (even if you
aren’t sure or it is unconfirmed),
give us the location (lat/long) here.
If possible, draw a map of what you
saw (with enough detail that we
can send another aircrew or a
ground team back to check it out.
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.16
CAPF 104B Pt 1
Who is reporting these
results (so we know who
to talk to if we have
additional questions)?
Mission number and date.
What does the customer want
photos of, what kind of photos
does the customer want, and
what other specific needs does
the customer have?
Provide AS MUCH detailed
information as possible.
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.17
CAPF 104B Pt 2-4
The CAPF 104B has three “sides”
dedicated to aerial photo
logging. Use additional forms if
You can use “shorthand” while
in the air to simplify the process
DEBRIEF (along with all photos
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.18
CAPF 104 Forms Notes
CAPF 104, Pt I
Enter the traditional “Sortie
Number” in the Tracking
Number block.
If this sortie is a part of a
Tasking Order, you can enter
that as well in the same block:
4/ATO 2
would be “Sortie 4, flown as a
part of ATO 2”
How to use the CAPF 104
Be sure you get the name of
the crew member reporting—if
someone has a question about
the sortie later, this is who to
talk to!
Visual 1.19
CAPF 104
How to use the CAPF 104
Visual 1.20